Is it beneficial to do yoga during pregnancy? Principles for constructing practice during pregnancy. Asanas for pregnant women Yoga classes in the last month of pregnancy yk

Pregnant women, especially during their first pregnancy, have a whole bunch of questions. One of them is physical activity, is it acceptable during this period and will yoga harm mommy?

The opinions of experts on this matter are as follows - yoga during this period will not only not cause harm, but will help you prepare well for childbirth, and will then ensure a quick restoration of the figure you had before childbirth.


Initially, we note that yoga during pregnancy is significantly different from exercises for the normal state. Exercises in the position involve the use of additional devices that can facilitate the asanas and are mainly aimed at:

  • be able to control your own emotions;
  • be able to ;
  • maintain excellent physical shape.

In turn, all of the above has a positive effect on the state of mind of the pregnant woman.

Even if a woman has previously had no experience at all in such activities, she will help you perform the exercises freely, it will not be difficult for her, so classes are allowed to start at any stage, but when performing it, you must take into account the trimester.


Before classes, you need to consult with your pregnancy doctor to see if you have any contraindications. If you identify them, tell the trainer about this and he will select exercises that will not harm the baby or you in any way.

Yoga classes are contraindicated while expecting a baby if:

  • presence of miscarriages in your history;
  • doctor's prohibition, which is justified by the threat of miscarriage or the poor condition of the mother.
  • polyhydramnios;
  • the presence of concomitant somatic diseases;
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • early, severe toxicosis, accompanied by weight loss;
  • presence of bleeding;
  • dizziness, tachycardia;
  • last week of gestation.

If these reasons exist, you should not endanger the health of both your own and your unprotected baby. Wait until the baby is born, after which you can practice.

Features of yoga for embroidery

For a better understanding of how yoga intended for “pregnant women” differs from regular yoga, it should be noted that this type of exercise originates from the Indian culture, where a complex of such practices is involved - physical and spiritual. All of them together are aimed at achieving balance and complete harmony with nature.

The baby's waiting state is the most appropriate moment. so that a woman dares to learn to perceive a new position for herself and at the same time be in harmony with herself.

The version of yoga for women in the position is lightweight; it completely excludes poses that could cause any harm; moreover, due to the correct poses, it gradually and very smoothly prepares the body for the upcoming birth.

In yoga, increased attention is paid to breathing; if it is correct, then the fetus fully develops and is saturated with oxygen. Each trimester of pregnancy has a special set of exercises.

An experienced and competent instructor will ask the woman about the following things before class:

  • did she have experience with yoga before pregnancy;
  • does it have any contraindications;
  • How is pregnancy progressing?

This is not curiosity, but important information for developing a program based on the state of health of the pregnancy and its level of preparedness.

Exercise regularly. Rare exercise may even contribute to the deterioration of the mother's condition, since the load in this case will be stressful.

For those who practice yoga, it should be noted that during the gestation period one should adhere to the following rules:

  • Exercising on a full stomach is not advisable; empty your bladder before exercising.
  • Breathing exercises are recommended to be performed in a sitting position on a chair.
  • It is recommended to use additional materials for asanas. This could be a bolster or a blanket.
  • Movements should be smooth, change position carefully. Sudden movements can have a bad effect on your condition.
  • Avoid asanas that cause pressure on the stomach or discomfort immediately. Poses that involve bending are also prohibited.
  • If during training the child becomes very active, then the activity should be stopped. When your child is active again during class, keep track of which poses are uncomfortable for him and do not perform them again.
  • If you feel very tired and tense, stop exercising. You shouldn’t overdo it; exercise should under no circumstances exhaust you.
  • Try to limit healing poses in the third trimester, or reduce the time spent in such poses. This is necessary because this position provokes kinking of the vena cava and the blood does not circulate so well, and this can affect the condition of the baby and the well-being of the mother.

In the early stages of pregnancy, yoga:

  • helps eliminate drowsiness;
  • helps reduce the manifestations of toxicosis (dizziness, headaches, nausea) and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • It perfectly helps eliminate fear, apathy and a feeling of some kind of weakness.

in addition, both the physical and emotional state will be stabilized. Indeed, during this period, the main emphasis becomes precisely on breathing, which is aimed at relaxation, at a gradual awareness of the current situation.

A woman studies:

  • relax, while receiving harmony;
  • mastering breathing techniques that will be needed during childbirth;
  • from the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman will be able to monitor her own weight;
  • will prepare your own body for labor by learning how to properly unload the muscles and spine, which will make it possible to get rid of the resulting fatigue.
  • He will learn to breathe correctly, and this will ensure good saturation of the whole body with oxygen, the child will be protected from hypoxia.

The best option is yoga-nibra. But if there are certain circumstances in the early stages of pregnancy, such activities may be prohibited, especially if you have not previously had any experience in yoga.

This period of pregnancy is considered active. All unpleasant symptoms and sensations have passed and during the normal course of the process it is recommended to move more, establish contact with the baby and accumulate energy and strength. During this period, it is necessary to initially take into account the baby’s sense of comfort and convenience. The exercises performed should only be beneficial and enjoyable. It is recommended to use special rollers, and partner support is also acceptable.

Attend classes regularly and keep in mind that they should not be long.

Third trimester and yoga

During this period, the main task is to master breathing and relaxation. The entire period is spent preparing for future childbirth and rest; due to a large tummy, certain asanas are excluded. To make the rest of the exercises easy to perform, use aids such as bolsters, blankets and pillows.

In the last trimester you need to exclude asanas:

  • which are performed in strong bends and twisting;
  • performed on the stomach while lying down;
  • some are upside down;
  • in a supine position.

Perform other exercises very smoothly. At this stage, standing positions will be most useful, as they help stabilize hormonal levels.

Correct execution of the exercise and regular exercise:

  • will provide increased elasticity of the muscles of the pelvic area;
  • eliminate many unpleasant symptoms - constipation, nervousness, tension in the lower back, poor circulation;
  • learn to have control over your own psycho-emotional background.

If it’s not very convenient for you to attend classes in groups, then you can watch video instructions, there are a lot of them.

Ten years ago there was no talk of doing yoga while expecting a baby. This was contraindicated. Today, almost no one has any doubt that it is only useful.

Yoga has become incredibly popular in recent decades. It occurs no less often than fitness. Many women enjoy such activities for their calming effect. They help tidy up muscles, tendons and joints, relax, and tune in to your own body, which is especially important during pregnancy. Let's look at how useful yoga is for pregnant women in the 1st trimester. Yoga exercises and poses for pregnant women in early pregnancy. Safety precautions.

About physical activity

The female body faces a serious test - childbirth. And it’s best to approach it prepared. Regular walks, swimming, light strength training, aerobic exercise - all this has a beneficial effect on your general condition. And yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, of course, if you approach it correctly.

Why is this necessary? Swimming helps develop the respiratory system, or at least stabilize it. In addition, water itself supports our body. Therefore, a woman in the pool somewhat unloads the spine, which reduces the back pain experienced.

The benefits of walking have already been mentioned many times; stopping separately does not make much sense. Weak strength loads increase endurance, which will definitely come in handy during childbirth. Aerobic exercise is essential for the cardiovascular system.

As for yoga during early pregnancy, with regular and proper practice it can prevent the occurrence of toxicosis, problems with varicose veins, and digestive problems. Exercises normalize a woman’s emotional state and also help her to more calmly survive the period of hormonal changes.

Psychological aspect

Yoga is not only a set of exercises, but also a philosophy. With a deep study of eastern currents, more and more controversial and dubious issues are discovered. But if you perceive this direction as a path to harmony with your own body and, more importantly, with yourself, then you should not abandon it.

Pregnancy is a period of dramatic changes, especially if conception was not planned. The woman is forced to reconsider all her plans for the next few years. Because literally every aspect changes, sometimes panic can even set in. I want something to remain stable and unchanged.

This is what yoga can be. You don’t need to give it up, you just need to consult with your gynecologist on how to exercise correctly. And if there are no contraindications, then simply go to the instructor, report your condition and transfer to the group for pregnant women. There they will select a special program for you, explain what you can do and what you cannot do and why. And at the same time they will constantly insure.

Constant and regular exercises will help a woman learn to breathe correctly. Moreover, you are allowed to wear them if you feel normal for the entire 9 months, right up to childbirth. It’s just that different asanas are selected for each period.

In a word, the answer to the question of whether you can do yoga in the first trimester is obvious. The main thing is to approach everything wisely.

Yoga and early pregnancy restrictions

Contraindications were discussed a little higher. And they really are. This:

As you can see, the list is quite clear and understandable. In addition, if a pregnant woman has any chronic diseases (whether aggravated or threatening to worsen), then before any exercise she should consult a doctor, just in case.

Doctors are unlikely to completely ban anything, especially considering that physical inactivity is also undesirable and even dangerous. But a good specialist can give valuable recommendations on how exactly to practice and will pay attention to certain points.

Prohibited asanas for pregnant women in the first trimester: what not to do?

To begin with, experts unanimously say that you cannot immediately apply heavy loads. Especially if you haven't done yoga before. Or if you took a significant break. The latter is even more dangerous, because unlike complete beginners, a woman may think that she understands everything, everything is in order.

You should not experiment at home. Instructors should be there not only to show mistakes in performing asanas, but also to support, including simply physically, if a woman feels ill.

In addition, it is more convenient to exercise in specialized gyms; there is free space for this, and safety belts (especially relevant in later stages with a large belly, but you should get used to them in advance). And, of course, the pregnant women themselves, helping each other with advice.

Instructors also prohibit exercising on a full stomach. They recommend waiting at least 1.5 or 2 hours after eating. Moreover, light snacks also count. Experts also advise moving smoothly and gradually, taking your time and not getting nervous if your usual asanas no longer work out. This will pass, unlike injuries that can be sustained.

Under no circumstances should you put any pressure on your stomach. Therefore, any twisting exercises in yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester (and not only) are prohibited. You cannot sharply lean forward, jump, or make a bridge. But, oddly enough, standing on your head is possible, however, if you have an experienced instructor next to you who will back you up.

Twisting and pressure on the stomach are prohibited!

Asanas with twisting, even small ones, are prohibited. In any case, they imply pressure on the uterus, but why would a pregnant woman do this? In general, instructors do not recommend even the easiest options with the corresponding effect. If the program previously began with similar exercises, then it is either redone or simply switched to recommended asanas for pregnant women.

By the way, keep in mind that pressure on the abdomen can come from different directions. That is, not only from the side, but also from above, as well as from below. In this connection, doctors advise when practicing yoga to carefully listen to your own body. If any movements make you feel bad, especially if it hurts, then the workout should be interrupted immediately. Vigorous yoga is not the best choice for an expectant mother.

What is desirable?

A good option for pregnant women are asanas in a lying or sitting position. They help improve breathing, which is especially useful for women's well-being in the last trimester. In general, it is worth learning to breathe in different ways. Many mothers said that this particular skill turned out to be one of the most useful later. It helped me concentrate during childbirth and significantly eased the pain.

Many people praise the side stretch. If you have time to do it before the belly becomes very large, then even with a large child it will be much easier to walk. And, by the way, the likelihood of the appearance of unsightly stretch marks decreases.

Let's talk about racks

As for the different stands, they are really useful, even on the head. But there is one point: this option is suitable for those who have mastered this exercise for a long time, feel their body perfectly, there are no problems or even the likelihood of problems with balance. Otherwise, such experiments should be abandoned. The fact is that when a woman is carrying a child, her balance changes dramatically and quite dramatically. She often feels clumsy even with normal movements. And here you need to perform an exercise that is difficult and for athletic people! What is the probability of falling?

In short, any stance that involves sharp turns or playing with balance is undesirable. A woman may feel dizzy, she may fall and hit herself. And the instructor is simply technically unable to be there all the time during training, of course, if these are not individual lessons. Therefore, it is advisable to abandon such experiments.

In general, yoga is not even one movement, but a whole direction. And within its framework there are divisions, some are better suited for pregnant women, others are worse. So, the instructors themselves ask you to pay attention to Kundalini yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, and if it is suitable, then you can practice it at least until the birth of the child.

This direction got its name because of the importance of harmony between spirit and body and the unlocking of potential. Appropriate exercises help a woman escape from nervous and sad thoughts and fears. Instead, the pregnant woman dives inside herself and begins to listen better to her own body.

Iyengar yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

Iyengar yoga is named after its founder, who decided to rely on special breathing exercises. This practice is extremely useful for women, it helps not to panic during childbirth, and facilitates overall well-being. Everything happens quite smoothly, so loads will not become a serious problem.

In addition, this direction allows the use of supports. Soft, safe, made exclusively from natural materials are specially selected for expectant mothers. But in general, the option itself is quite worthy of attention.

Aqua yoga

Another rather interesting trend that is suitable for healthy women who want to keep themselves in shape. As you can guess from the name, this involves performing exercises directly in the water.

Not a bad solution, if only because the woman’s stomach is supported. As a result, ladies often feel noticeable relief. But the risk of injury is noticeably reduced. Women get less tired, but the main muscle group is perfectly worked out. So pregnant women need not be afraid of an ugly figure after childbirth: with regular exercise, the muscles will not disappear.

Yoga on the ball

Fitball is universal; it helps to keep literally all the muscles of the body in tone. At the same time, this option makes it possible to develop flexibility well. And the ball itself softly springs at the right moments, supporting the stomach.

Women are sometimes afraid of this option for fear of falling. In reality, the ball has a small diameter and bends gently under the weight of the body. So from this point of view the risks are minimal. Well, besides, classes are held in special rooms with very soft floors, so nothing bad should happen from falling from a small height.

Recommended yoga complex in the 1st trimester - assanas in the early stages

The following yoga poses (asanas) are most beneficial for the woman’s body and fetus in the first trimester:

Allows you to strengthen the muscles, primarily the abdominal cavity, which will prevent the appearance of stretch marks at a later stage of pregnancy. This asana also helps get rid of sudden fatigue, increases blood flow to the brain structures and normalizes the production of necessary hormones.

It should be done this way:

  1. Get on all fours, leaning on the floor with your hands and knees (take the shape of a “table”). Next, inhale and carefully lift your right leg, keeping it horizontal. Extend your entire left arm forward, straightening your fingers, and then exhale.
  2. Maintain this position for some time (up to 3-6 phases of inhalation and exhalation).
  3. When exiting the pose, you need to slowly exhale the air and return to the original “table” position. Next, repeat the same pose, but with the left leg and, accordingly, with the right arm. The total number of paired repetition cycles can be increased to three.

Promotes the disappearance of attacks of nausea and thus minimizes the manifestations of toxicosis. Also, in this position, the thigh muscles are worked out and painful pulling sensations in the uterus are eliminated.

The asana is performed as follows:

  1. Take a position on all fours, with your hips over your knees and your shoulders over your wrists. Then you need to stretch forward while straightening your arms completely. The toes should be tucked inward.
  2. While inhaling deeply, slowly pull your buttocks back, almost sitting down on your heels. Continue to extend your arms.
  3. Lower your forehead as far down as possible - onto a mat or pad. Press your palms to the floor and stretch with your arms, and pull your hips towards your heels.
  4. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, to exit it, slowly lower your pelvis onto your heels.

Quickly promotes relaxation and relief from nausea, improves the condition of the uterus. Performed in the following order:

  1. Lie on your back, raise your legs and grab your feet with your hands. Pull your knees towards your armpits.
  2. Stretch your heels up towards the ceiling, continuing to support your feet with your hands.
  3. Stay in this position for a minute, then slowly lower your feet onto the mat to exit.

Works the lateral muscles of the body, relieves pain caused by an enlarged uterus. Saturates with oxygen and fills with the necessary energy. The procedure for it is as follows:

  1. Kneel down, pull your right leg to the side (i.e. to the right), press your foot firmly to the floor. The body should not be turned - you need to look forward.
  2. Raise your left arm above your head and bend it towards your right leg. The right leg should simultaneously be lowered onto the outer side of the right thigh, moving it as low as possible.
  3. Remain motionless in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Then, while inhaling, you need to rise, straightening your left arm, and take a vertical position. Repeat all movements, only on the other side.

Designed to stretch the thigh muscles and develop the hip joints. Suitable specifically for the first trimester, since at a later stage it is not at all advisable for a woman to lie on her back. Done this way:

  1. Lie on your back, carefully lift your right leg. Bend your left knee and turn to the side. With your right hand, grasp your big toe firmly on your right foot. In this case, the other (left) hand should be on the left thigh.
  2. Stretch your right leg further to the side, while breathing deeply.
  3. Hold this pose for several breathing cycles. Repeat the same movements, but for the other side of the body.

Useful for the hip flexor muscles, promotes blood circulation in the chest, as well as in the stomach area. The procedure for this pose is as follows:

Helps eliminate pain in the uterus and back, and relieve the urge to nausea or vomiting. Performed in this order:

  1. Get on your knees, rest your palms firmly on the floor.
  2. Make sure your knees and palms are shoulder-width apart. In this position, slowly bend your back and hold for 10 seconds. Breathing should be even at this time.
  3. Round your back, rest a little and perform a few more (3-5 repetitions).

About relaxation

It is important to be able to properly tune in to training. Relaxation helps with this. You can sit cross-legged, trying to achieve a comfortable position. After which you need to calm down, start breathing slowly and deeply. Reach out to your body, feel every part of it. And try to relax.

Such exercises are suitable not only for starting a workout, but also for finishing it calmly. And don't get too tired! If after 5 asanas you feel tired, then you need to take a break. Or stop studying altogether. It’s better to return to the exercises tomorrow, but do them regularly, than to perform feats and then take several days to recover.

Yoga for pregnant women is a good option to keep yourself in good shape. Just remember to use moderation. And, of course, the need to consult a doctor.

The following yoga poses (asanas) are most beneficial for the woman’s body and fetus in the first trimester:

Allows you to strengthen the muscles, primarily the abdominal cavity, which will prevent the appearance of stretch marks at a later stage of pregnancy. This asana also helps get rid of sudden fatigue, increases blood flow to the brain structures and normalizes the production of necessary hormones.

It should be done this way:

  1. Get on all fours, leaning on the floor with your hands and knees (take the shape of a “table”). Next, inhale and carefully lift your right leg, keeping it horizontal. Extend your entire left arm forward, straightening your fingers, and then exhale.
  2. Maintain this position for some time (up to 3-6 phases of inhalation and exhalation).
  3. When exiting the pose, you need to slowly exhale the air and return to the original “table” position. Next, repeat the same pose, but with the left leg and, accordingly, with the right arm. The total number of paired repetition cycles can be increased to three.

Promotes the disappearance of attacks of nausea and thus minimizes the manifestations of toxicosis. Also, in this position, the thigh muscles are worked out and painful pulling sensations in the uterus are eliminated.

The asana is performed as follows:

  1. Take a position on all fours, with your hips over your knees and your shoulders over your wrists. Then you need to stretch forward while straightening your arms completely. The toes should be tucked inward.
  2. While inhaling deeply, slowly pull your buttocks back, almost sitting down on your heels. Continue to extend your arms.
  3. Lower your forehead as far down as possible - onto a mat or pad. Press your palms to the floor and stretch with your arms, and pull your hips towards your heels.
  4. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, to exit it, slowly lower your pelvis onto your heels.

Quickly promotes relaxation and relief from nausea, improves the condition of the uterus. Performed in the following order:

  1. Lie on your back, raise your legs and grab your feet with your hands. Pull the deer towards the armpits.
  2. Stretch your heels up towards the ceiling, continuing to support your feet with your hands.
  3. Stay in this position for a minute, then slowly lower your feet onto the mat to exit.

Works the lateral muscles of the body, relieves pain caused by an enlarged uterus. Saturates with oxygen and fills with the necessary energy. The procedure for it is as follows:

  1. Kneel down, pull your right leg to the side (i.e. to the right), press your foot firmly to the floor. The body should not be turned - you need to look forward.
  2. Raise your left arm above your head and bend it towards your right leg. The right leg should simultaneously be lowered onto the outer side of the right thigh, moving it as low as possible.
  3. Remain motionless in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Then, while inhaling, you need to rise, straightening your left arm, and take a vertical position. Repeat all movements, only on the other side.

Designed to stretch the thigh muscles and develop the hip joints. Suitable specifically for the first trimester, since at a later stage it is not at all advisable for a woman to lie on her back. Done this way:

  1. Lie on your back, carefully lift your right leg. Bend your left knee and turn to the side. With your right hand, grasp your big toe firmly on your right foot. In this case, the other (left) hand should be on the left thigh.
  2. Stretch your right leg further to the side, while breathing deeply.
  3. Hold this pose for several breathing cycles. Repeat the same movements, but for the other side of the body.

Useful for the hip flexor muscles, promotes blood circulation in the chest, as well as in the stomach area. The procedure for this pose is as follows:

  1. Lie on your side, while resting your head comfortably with your left hand. Next, bend your knees and grab the ankle of your right leg with your right hand.
  2. Press down on the foot with the palm of your hand to further stretch the muscles of the shoulder and hip. The output voltage should be increased.
  3. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds, then lower your leg. Repeat, but for the other side of the body.

Helps eliminate pain in the uterus and back, and relieve the urge to nausea or vomiting. Performed in this order:

  1. Get on your knees, rest your palms firmly on the floor.
  2. Make sure your knees and palms are shoulder-width apart. In this position, slowly bend your back and hold for 10 seconds. Breathing should be even at this time.
  3. Round your back, rest a little and perform a few more (3-5 repetitions).

Today, there is enough reason to assert that in cases where a man and a woman fail to conceive and give birth to a child over a long period of time, the main reason for this, with a 30-40 percent frequency of cases, lies in female infertility. Performing yoga helps eliminate physiological causes, helps overcome psychological problems and improves hormonal levels in a woman’s body.

Yoga when planning pregnancy is useful primarily because one of its fundamental principles is the practice of exercises aimed at mastering special techniques to achieve relaxation. It is no secret that a woman, in an effort to realize her function of motherhood, due to long visits to doctors, conducting various kinds of diagnostic measures and tests, is in a stressful state. It happens that such a desire turns into a real idea fix, but you also need to be able to relax. It is during this period that yoga could not be more appropriate.

Besides the fact that thanks to it, a woman planning a child is able to find peace of mind. Performing special exercises - poses (asanas) and pranayana - breathing practices provide gentle stimulation of the secretory glands and internal organs, including the female reproductive system.

In addition to yoga classes in general groups, a specially developed technique for women, which is called “yoga for conception” or “hormonal yoga,” can promote conception. It should be noted, however, that it should not be considered as a full-fledged alternative and a reason for refusing hormonal procedures if necessary.

The author of yoga for conception belongs to the Brazilian psychologist Dina Rodriguez. The three pillars on which this practice stands are: a set of movements characteristic of techniques of various yoga directions; a special system of breathing exercises; disclosure and strengthening by a woman of the energy potential of her body. The above combination of principles allows us to classify this type of yoga as a type of gymnastics that is quite dynamic, and at the same time accessible to beginners, even those who do not have the proper experience. The beneficial effect of it is to stimulate and optimize the processes of hormonal secretion, activate metabolism and improve blood circulation in the body.

Yoga when planning pregnancy, as one can conclude, brings with it considerable benefits for the physical condition of the female body. It is a factor that helps a woman who wants to become a mother overcome various psychological blocks. After all, the practice of yoga helps to overcome stress, which is precisely the reason for which hormonal imbalances often occur that can interfere with conception.

Contraindications to yoga during pregnancy

There are still contraindications to yoga during pregnancy, despite the fact that this type of physical exercise seems preferable to other more active sports during this period.

In particular, if a woman, before she became pregnant, did not have sport as one of the main components of her lifestyle, it is necessary to introduce yoga gradually, taking all possible precautions. This is especially relevant for the first trimester of gestation, when the organs that are of vital importance begin to form.

It is unacceptable for a pregnant woman to join a group that practices “traditional” yoga for everyone. The set of yoga classes for pregnant women does not contain a number of asanas that could be potentially dangerous for women in this condition. For example, postures with excessive bending back, lying on the stomach, adopting a closed twisted position, etc. are excluded.

Yoga is contraindicated for those pregnant women who have been diagnosed with polyhydramnios; there is an increased likelihood that a miscarriage may occur.

If the uterus has increased tone, it is permissible to start exercising in no other way than having previously consulted a doctor.

A medical consultation should also certainly precede the start of visiting yoga studios if there is an excess production of any particular hormone.

Various diseases present in the chronic stage and high blood pressure make many asanas unacceptable.

Yoga classes should be stopped when no more than 3 to 2 weeks remain before the expected date of delivery. This, however, is not a categorical strict requirement, and everything depends on the general well-being and state of health of the pregnant woman at this time.

A woman's meal before she starts exercising should occur no later than 3-4 hours before.

If, when performing a certain asana, any discomfort is observed, this should call for the need to immediately get out of it.

So, as is clear from everything we have discussed, there are some contraindications to yoga during pregnancy. Therefore, in order for such activities to be fully beneficial for the expectant mother and baby, and to eliminate the risk of any negative consequences, consultation with a medical specialist is required. Especially if you decide to practice asanas on your own, at home.

Yoga in early pregnancy

If, based on the results of a consultation with a doctor, no categorical contraindications or any other obstacles are identified, the expectant mother can enroll in a special class where yoga classes in the early stages of pregnancy are conducted with an instructor who has the necessary knowledge and experience in working with pregnant women. If it is not possible to practice yoga in such special groups, attending a regular women's yoga class is permitted. In this case, the woman is required to inform the coach that she is “in a position.”

In classical yoga practice, no significant restrictions are made in connection with early pregnancy. Most of the asanas are considered safe to perform, with the exception of those in which it is necessary to strain the muscles of the abdomen and back in its lower part. As is typical for the Boat Pose - Paripurna Navasana, or in the Seated Forward Bend Pose - Paschimottanasana, etc.

Inverted asanas are included in the number of acceptable ones during classes solely on the basis that their implementation was mastered by the woman before pregnancy occurred. Despite the fact that they, and first of all, Headstand - Salamba Shirshasana, are very useful when planning conception and during pregnancy itself, it would hardly be a wise decision to start learning them during this period.

To prevent the fertilized egg from moving from the uterus, yoga classes should exclude jumping and transitions.

Thus, yoga in the early stages of pregnancy offers the opportunity for a woman to begin classes according to a specially adapted program while still in the first month. If you have any health problems or complications, you must first visit a medical specialist to consult with him about the possibility of carrying out such physical activity.

Yoga in the first trimester of pregnancy

Yoga in the first trimester of pregnancy is one of the simple and useful ways to cope with many negative manifestations of the symptom complex, the occurrence of which is accompanied by the early stages of pregnancy. Decreased appetite, or, conversely, insatiable hunger, indigestion, attacks of nausea, aching in the lower back, swelling of the legs. And this is against the background of a sudden sharp change in the psycho-emotional state of a woman, increased sensitivity, a state of general loss of strength, and excessive fatigue. The reason for all of the above is a change in hormonal balance and restructuring of almost the entire body, its organ systems in order to provide the necessary conditions for the development of new life in it.

Therefore, it is completely natural that the life of a pregnant woman moves to a slightly different level, with more measured rhythms, and it is necessary to treat your body with great attention, to help it perform this new function for it, especially if it is the first pregnancy. The expectant mother needs to concentrate, focus on her inner world.

The practice of yoga with simple, restorative poses can be a wonderful assistant in this matter.

There are a number of features that distinguish yoga classes for pregnant women during the first trimester. In particular, only during this period it is allowed to perform asanas in which you may need to lie on your stomach. They do not pose any threat to the child until he has become large enough in the process of intrauterine development. Later, as the fetus grows, such asanas become unacceptable. If minimal discomfort occurs, they should be discarded. Asanas in a supine position, according to many medical specialists, should be stopped as soon as the second trimester of pregnancy begins. An alternative to their implementation can be asanas performed in the first trimester on the left side. For greater comfort and to provide support for the body, they resort to the use of bolsters and rolled blankets.

Yoga in the first trimester of pregnancy, subject to the necessary rules and principles of practice at this stage of pregnancy, will provide a positive result both for women who are already quite experienced and for those who are taking their first steps in this health practice.

Yoga poses during pregnancy

Yoga poses during pregnancy that can be performed include the following.

Warrior II Pose or Virbhadrasana II helps strengthen the legs, gives them flexibility and helps relieve cramps in the muscles of the thighs and calves. It also makes the back muscles more flexible and has a tonic effect on the organs in the abdominal cavity.

Performing the Pigeon asana or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I leads to a significant improvement in blood circulation in the woman’s genitourinary system, and in addition, it improves the activity of the endocrine glands: thyroid and parathyroid, pancreas, ovaries. Through regular practice of this asana, the flexibility of the spine develops.

Trikonasana - Triangle pose ensures better blood flow in the head, trains stretching of the back muscles in the lower part, promotes muscle stretching and relaxation of the arms and legs, shoulders, and back. When performed, the calf and thigh muscles are stretched. By practicing Triangle asana, it becomes possible to get rid of lower back pain and increase the flexibility of the back. The beneficial effect also lies in improving appetite, promoting the digestive process, and in addition, this pose prevents constipation.

When pregnant women perform Ardha Chandrasana, the Crescent pose, the entire leg muscles and lateral muscles of the body are involved in this process, the lower back and abdominals are also involved. As a result, the tendons in the popliteal region and ligaments in the groin are stretched, and coordination of movements is improved. Thanks to this asana, digestion is also improved and it also helps neutralize stress.

When a woman takes Baddha Konasana (Bhadrasana) - Bound Angle Pose, as a result, the activity of the internal organs in the peritoneal cavity is stimulated. There is a tonic effect on the kidneys, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves. Pregnant women who practice this asana may experience depression, reduce anxiety, and help reduce fatigue. It is recommended to regularly perform Bhadrasana until the onset of labor, as this may be a factor facilitating the birth process.

When late pregnancy occurs, performing the Cat – Cow Marjariasana – Bitilasana pose increases the elasticity of the spinal muscles. Helps reduce the load of the uterus with the fetus inside on the spinal column. As the moment of birth approaches, it helps the baby to turn over into the correct position, that is, head down.

Yoga poses during pregnancy, offered to a woman during this period, can help establish hormonal balance, reduce the severity of negative phenomena developing in the body of the expectant mother, and significantly contribute to the fact that childbirth will occur naturally.

Recently, yoga has become a fashionable hobby among pregnant women. How useful this is for the expectant mother and baby, what exercises are indicated in preparation for childbirth - Irina CHUYKOVA, teacher of prasu yoga at the Yoga Plus studio, student of Valery Khandogina, told our correspondent about all this.

Irina, how did you get into yoga?

She started studying in 2000 in the group of Valery Aleksandrovich Khandogin ( Valery Khandogin is the chairman of the Novosibirsk Psychoanalytic Society, a member of the Association of Body-Oriented Psychotherapists of the Russian Federation. Conducts group classes in the bodily art of Hatha Yoga Asanas since 1997). At first I solved my health problems. Afterwards I became pregnant, but continued my studies because I saw no reason to complete them. On the contrary, I couldn’t imagine that it was possible to stop them; I needed them.

By the time I started my first pregnancy, I had four years of yoga experience. I built the lesson program with the help of my teacher, as well as guided by my own intuition and knowledge that I had already mastered at that time.

I returned to regular practice when my son was 3 months old. In 2007, 2 years after the birth of my first son, I felt that my experience could be useful to other expectant mothers and began teaching classes to pregnant women. During my second pregnancy, I continued to teach classes; it was very great to be in this amazing state again and “on the same page” with my girls.

What is yoga for pregnant women and does it have historical roots?

“Prasu” (emphasis on the first syllable) means “fertility” in Sanskrit. Prasu yoga has ancient roots in Indian tradition. According to legend, Shiva spoke about 8,400 thousand body positions - asanas, and only he knew them all. For a person, there is a limited set of positions that his body allows him to perform. Of course, there are even fewer exercises that can be done during pregnancy, but I can say from my own experience of practicing during pregnancy that I was very surprised and delighted by the large selection of opportunities for performing exercises. It turned out that you can always choose affordable and effective asanas and “work out” the whole body. And some breathing exercises are not only possible, but also necessary to be performed.

What are the benefits of yoga for pregnant women?

There is an opinion that a pregnant woman is a crystal vessel and should be covered with cotton wool and not disturbed for 9 months. It turns out that she is in a passive, almost motionless state for 9 months, and then childbirth occurs - quite a powerful physical activity. The result is weak labor, often caesarean section...

Therefore, without serious medical indications, a sedentary lifestyle should be avoided.

What exercises for pregnant women do you practice in your studio?

These are various breathing exercises. First, bending poses help open the chest, breathe deeply, and get enough oxygen. Next, we do breath-holding exercises to prepare both mother and baby for childbirth. When the first period occurs, contractions, the muscles of the uterus tense, blood flow in the placenta slows down, for the baby this is tantamount to holding his breath. Thus, breathing exercises cause a change in the oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio in the blood flowing to the child, change the conditions of his existence and, thereby, train his adaptive abilities before the upcoming process of birth.

But the main point that we work on in training is breathing during all stages of childbirth; for contractions - your own type of breathing and behavior, for pushing - your own. We'll look at how to breathe when the baby's head is erupting to avoid ruptures, and we'll look at how to push in practice. Of course, no one really pushes in class, but we outline how we will do it during childbirth.

Regular training allows you to train the body to act optimally in case of heavy loads: automatically turn on the right breathing, relax and tense the right muscles. During childbirth, all theoretical knowledge turns out to be “temporarily unavailable”; only what is remembered at the body level can be applied.

I always ask mothers to respond in some way after the birth of their baby: write or call. Some people find time for this, which makes me very happy. Some say: “I breathed like I did during training - it helped.” And this inspires me very much: it means that our studies were not in vain.

Strength exercises for the back muscles are very important; we practice the most effective, accessible and safe ones, alternating tension and relaxation. Back pain is one of the most common complaints of pregnant women, because the spine is the main load-bearing structure, the load on it, as well as on the muscles and ligaments of the back, increases significantly. Knowledge of relaxation methods can be useful during contractions, when tension from the abdomen “trailer” spreads to the back.

We also make sure to do exercises for the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor to make them stronger and increase elasticity. All this will definitely come in handy during childbirth and after it - so that during childbirth the pelvis opens well, and then, importantly, fits correctly, since this is also a fairly common problem that arises after childbirth.

What else is yoga useful for?

The mothers themselves talk about this well. From our own experience and their reviews, when practicing yoga, endurance increases, a feeling of calm and self-confidence appears, nausea and shortness of breath may decrease or completely disappear, vascular problems go away, for example, the feet stop burning. Women who practice yoga can reduce or eliminate abdominal and back pain.

There were cases when, after another training session, a baby who was lying incorrectly turned over into the correct cephalic presentation.

Can all pregnant women do yoga?

Of course, there are contraindications. You should first ask your gynecologist leading the pregnancy about whether it is worth it.

Absolute contraindications for classes in the general group are high blood pressure, placenta previa, isthmic-cervical insufficiency. But you can practice individually under the supervision of a specialist; in such cases, you just need to learn to relax. If you have any other chronic diseases, you should also consult your respective doctor.

From when can I study?

If a woman did something before pregnancy: swam, danced, ran, worked out on exercise machines, that is, she got used to the stress, then you can start practicing prasu yoga right away. I repeat once again - all our exercises are gentle. But if there were no such loads, and the woman is poorly trained, then it is better to start from the second trimester.

And one more piece of advice: if you went to workout, or just went shopping on the days when you usually had your period, you need to reduce the load. And so, everything is very individual: one pregnant woman should go shopping, and such problems will arise that she will have to rest, while another can easily withstand strong physical activity.

And here’s what you absolutely should not do: abdominal retraction exercises: uddiyanas and pumps. Such exercises greatly increase the pressure on the uterus, which can lead to placental abruption. Sometimes a woman who has just found out that she is pregnant thinks: “Nothing, I can still do everything” and continues to study according to the previous program. This is wrong.

I personally know one lady who pumped up her abs until 4 months of pregnancy. And everything proceeded absolutely normally, despite the fact that she was about 40 years old. But the fact is that she has already been actively involved in sports for several years. So, if the load is normal, then everything will be fine.

In our classes we try to strain the abs as little as possible. This does not mean that pregnant women should never strain it at all - small tensions in the abdominal muscles still occur when, for example, you climb stairs or get out of a chair or bed... But during pregnancy, special intense tension in the abdominal muscles is unnecessary.

And until when can you study?

Until the bitter end, if strength allows and there is desire.

For example, with my second son, on the day before his birth, I did two training sessions, came home, and five hours later I left for the maternity hospital.

I felt that the contractions were already underway, but I also knew that there was still some time left. I have girls who went to training until 38-40 weeks, and then called a day or two later: “I gave birth, I won’t come to the next training.”

If it becomes difficult, shortness of breath begins and it becomes completely unbearable, then there is no need to exercise. A woman in general is characterized by increased intuition, and a pregnant woman in particular, so you need to listen to yourself.

Do such activities cause increased uterine tone?

If after the lesson you feel that the tone of the uterus is maintained for an hour, this is already a reason to reconsider your training complex. Sometimes after training, tone may occur for a short time - this is not a big deal, but it should pass quickly. All pregnant women and those who have given birth know: if you have a full bladder, then this can cause tone, if you are nervous or scared - the same thing: this is the body’s reaction. The psychological factor definitely influences tone. But if you came, worked out, breathed, worked, relaxed your muscles, you can get rid of the tone.

Very often, in the early stages of pregnancy, an ultrasound is done to determine the presence of pregnancy and its duration, and they immediately determine that there is tone. The fact is that ultrasound scans at short notice are done in exactly the same way as for non-pregnant women. To make the uterus rise higher, they ask you to drink more water. But a full bladder causes uterine tone. This is how a false diagnosis turns out: increased tone and a frightened mother from the very beginning of pregnancy.

So it’s better to double-check whether there is tone, eliminating all of the above factors.

Can they future mothers study on your own?

I think you still need to consult with an experienced trainer. Who knows how a woman will do the exercises herself, and what if it’s wrong?

How do obstetricians-gynecologists feel about yoga?

Most often negatively, because they are playing it safe. After all, with any problem, the first question that arises is: “Who is the treating doctor?” So obstetricians and gynecologists tend to perceive the patient as a “crystal vase.” But, fortunately, not all. Some consultations have their own gymnastics courses, they are taught by the doctors of the residential complex itself. Recently I was told that in some maternity hospitals the staff tells you how to behave and breathe correctly during contractions. When I gave birth, this was not the case in my maternity hospital.

You have been doing yoga with pregnant women for seven years. Have you accumulated any observations during this time?

Yes, I can tell you about the “yozhik” children. Children, in principle, are all active, but the little “yogis” simply have inexhaustible energy. They also have a good vestibular apparatus.

During exercises, we change the position of the body: we bend over, rise, this actively trains the child’s vestibular apparatus. In the early stages, when the baby still has a lot of room for maneuver, when the mother tilts, the baby strives to maintain the previous position from which he was suddenly taken out and begins to make active movements to return to it. He gets individual exercises, movements with arms and legs.

In the later stages, when he is already cramped, we stand in certain positions so that the uterus stretches and so that he feels more spacious.

There are also observations of stretch marks - stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and thighs. It seems to me that those who do yoga do not have stretch marks on their stomachs. Probably because during the classes the skin of the abdomen was constantly stretched and compressed, resulting in a kind of massage. It’s a pity that this effect is not noticeable on the hips!

Interviewed by Olga Strykun

Nowadays, there is hardly a person who has not heard anything about yoga. But every second person has an incomplete understanding of it. Yoga should be understood not only as exercises and poses for meditation. It is also a philosophy that unites all the spiritual values ​​of our inner self into a single whole. People who have been practicing such activities for a long time can say with confidence that the benefits of yoga are multifaceted. It gives strength to the body, and peace and tranquility to the spirit. That is why, having originated in India, it gradually found its fans in all corners of the globe and among different people. This eastern direction is also very popular among expectant mothers. But is yoga beneficial during pregnancy? And isn’t it dangerous to do it while carrying a baby?

Is it possible to do yoga during pregnancy?

Yoga during pregnancy is useful, and you can do it throughout the entire period of bearing a child. However, here you need to take into account some nuances and limitations, making allowances for the “interesting” position of the expectant mother.

Of course, it is better to master the exercises in specialized groups under the close supervision of competent trainers. But homework is also not excluded. Provided that you first consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist. And also discuss with an experienced instructor which asanas you can perform and which are contraindicated during pregnancy.

A set of exercises for a pregnant woman is compiled individually. When developing it, the instructor must identify all the dangerous moments that need to be eliminated.

Yoga is a great way to achieve harmony with your own body and inner self before the baby arrives.

From when and for what period?

You can start practicing yoga according to a specially designed program from the first month of pregnancy. If you have practiced it before, be sure to transfer to a group for pregnant women. And this needs to be done as soon as possible in order to be under the constant supervision of instructors.

It has been proven that yoga classes in the last 2-3 weeks before the birth of the baby help the expectant mother approach childbirth in a good mood and well-being, ready to relieve the burden mentally and physically.

Who can't?

Yoga during pregnancy, while safe, still has some contraindications.

Some people need to be especially careful when performing exercises.

  • If a woman has not previously engaged in sports, then the load should be given gradually.
  • When polyhydramnios is diagnosed, the risk of miscarriage increases.
  • Pregnant women suffering from increased uterine tone are allowed to exercise only with the permission of a doctor.
  • In case of hypersecretion of any hormone, consultation with a gynecologist is also necessary.
  • Some asanas are undesirable for various chronic diseases.

Contraindications for yoga

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • bloody discharge;
  • gestosis;
  • hypertension;
  • arthritis;
  • varicose veins;
  • toxicosis with nausea or vomiting;
  • tachycardia.

In order for yoga classes to be beneficial and not cause complications during pregnancy, a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist must be completed before starting training. This especially applies to expectant mothers who decide to study at home on their own.

The benefits of yoga for an expectant mother

Yoga helps:

  • prepare as much as possible for future childbirth mentally and physically;
  • learn to breathe correctly, as well as control your body during contractions and pushing;
  • bring your psychological state back to normal and get rid of depression;
  • position the fetus in the correct position, thereby reducing the risk of miscarriage.

Yoga will teach expectant mothers to breathe correctly, which will greatly help during the birth process.

General terms and conditions

Regime and regularity are the main thing in any training. Unsteady loads will not lead to the desired result and will even have the opposite effect.

However, there are a few more rules that also need to be taken into account.

  • You cannot exercise with a full stomach or bladder.
  • At least 1.5–2 hours should pass after the last meal (light snacks do not count as meals).
  • During classes you need to pay special attention to your well-being.
  • Do not practice yoga on days when you would be menstruating.
  • You can't overexert yourself.
  • The stomach should always be in a relaxed state.
  • You only need to train in a good mood.
  • Try to avoid jumping and sudden body movements.
  • All exercises are performed slowly, smoothly, carefully.
  • Training with an experienced instructor is safer and more effective.

Yoga will bring a lot of pleasure, and most importantly, it will bring the desired result (you will feel this during childbirth) only if all the rules are followed. Otherwise, negative consequences and complications cannot be avoided.

During pregnancy, it is best to enroll in special yoga courses

  • The complex excludes poses that put pressure on the stomach. This includes asanas that involve intense twisting of the torso.
  • During pregnancy, poses such as Halasana, Shirshasana, bridge and half-bridge are not recommended.
  • In the second trimester, poses that are performed on the stomach are excluded. This removes unnecessary pressure on the abdominal area.
  • At later stages, it is advisable to avoid bending forward and backward (you can still do them in the first trimester).
  • Particular attention should be paid to asanas that help stimulate blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.
  • Sitting and lying poses are performed throughout pregnancy, as they develop the diaphragm, facilitating easier breathing and improving general condition.
  • In the third trimester, exercises on the back are not recommended, as they impair blood circulation and compress large vessels.
  • Starting from the second trimester, standing postures using support are recommended.
  • Throughout pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to do backbends while lying down.

Types of yoga suitable for pregnant women

Currently, there are many yoga methods and techniques, but only a few are suitable for pregnant women. Below are the most effective and safest ones for expectant mothers.


Kundalini– a symbolic name for human potential. Therefore, Kundalini yoga is a practice that reveals your capabilities. This technique is ideal for beginners because it does not require special skills or preparation. During the training process, you yourself choose the subsequent techniques.

The effect of the exercises is felt almost immediately, so there is no need to spend many years of your life learning yoga as an art. This technique is unique in its accessibility and results, such as clearing the mind and keeping the body toned.

Like any other technique, Kundalini includes postures, gestures, and certain breathing methods. It is an excellent technique from the point of view of spiritual development and moral strengthening.

Prana yoga

Prana yoga is a breathing technique based on three easy exercises.

  1. Rechaka – full breath.
  2. Puraka is a full deep breath.
  3. Kumbhaka is holding your breath for a while.

By learning to control your external breathing, you can feel inner peace and harmony. Prana yoga is a breathing technique. She teaches the skills of maintaining calm and self-control. And this will be very useful for the expectant mother during childbirth.

Aqua yoga for pregnant women is a special direction, specially developed by the writer F.B. Friedman. In addition to the positive effect on the general condition of the body, this technique helps to prepare as much as possible for childbirth and recovery after it.

Aqua yoga is the safest technique. The likelihood of injury is lowest here

In classes, a woman learns to feel and control her body. At the same time, without unnecessary stress, the main muscle groups are effectively worked out, which leads to a significant increase in their elasticity. During training, fatigue and tension are relieved, and the body can relax and quickly become toned.

In water, the risk of injury is minimized. In addition, aqua yoga classes are conducted in groups, which gives expectant mothers the opportunity to enjoy communication with other pregnant women and exchange experiences and impressions with them.

Instructors constantly monitor the progress of exercises and monitor the well-being of their students. And if necessary, they will always give advice and answer your questions.

Aqua yoga significantly fills the body with health, makes it fit, energetic and beautiful. And most importantly, it gently and unobtrusively prepares him for childbirth.

A set of exercises on the ball

The ball (fitball) not only brings variety to yoga classes. It perfectly supports the body at the right moments, springing, and thereby softening the impact.

Yoga on a ball is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age and size. With regular training on a fitball, your body's flexibility will increase significantly.

Specially designed exercises prepare expectant mothers for upcoming contractions, which can also be alleviated with the help of a ball, resting on it and relaxing.

Fitball helps the expectant mother relax not only during training, but also during childbirth

Yoga Iyengar

The type of Iyengar yoga was named after its founder. Iyengar, having extensive knowledge, created a special technique based on breathing techniques. The main difference between this type of yoga is the use of supports during exercises. Pregnant women can practice Iyengar yoga without fear.

Video tutorial on the use of Iyengar yoga

Training should always be preceded by meditation. Take the position of Sukhasana (Turkish style). Stay alone with your thoughts, throw away all the negativity, try to feel your future baby. This action will help you relax as much as possible and prepare your body for exercise.

You can stay in any position for exactly as long as provided by the developer of the complex. A time of 5-6 breathing cycles is optimal. At the same time, we should not forget about proper breathing - we do everything slowly and calmly.

Asana No. 1

Seated Wide Angle Pose - Upavistha Konasana

  1. First you need to sit comfortably on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you.
  2. Next, you should move them apart and clasp the corresponding feet with the fingers of your left and right hands.
  3. Arch your chest (diaphragm) and take several full breaths.

Wide angle pose is safe for expectant mothers

Asana No. 2

Head to Knee Pose - Janu Sirsasana

  1. Without changing the previous pose, bend either knee and place the corresponding foot on the inside of the opposite thigh.
  2. Straighten your back and lift your chest.
  3. Change legs and repeat this exercise.

When performing Jana Sirsasana, take your time, breathe slowly and deeply

Asana No. 3

Bound Angle Pose - Baddha Konasana

  1. Lean against the wall (or a special stand).
  2. Place a bolster underneath you.
  3. Adjust your knees so that they are no higher than your pelvis (you can use auxiliary straps).
  4. Try to relax in this position and think about something pleasant, while keeping your back straight. This is an excellent exercise for relaxation and meditation.

Asana Baddha Konasana perfectly relaxes the body

Asana No. 4

Standing Half Forward Bend - Ardha Uttanasana

  1. You should use a support that is no longer than the length of your legs.
  2. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Lean forward slowly. At the same time, your arms should be kept straight and extended in front of you, and the body should not fall below the pelvis when performing.

Asana Ardha Uttanasana perfectly develops flexibility

Asana No. 5

Wide Leg Pose - Prasarita Padottanasana

  1. Starting position - standing, feet a little more than a meter wide.
  2. The feet are parallel and close to the floor.
  3. Exercise Prasarita Padottanasana

    Asana No. 6

    Rest Pose - Shavasana

    1. Starting position - lying on your back. You can place a blanket under your back and neck.
    2. Relax, breathe smoothly, try to feel your baby as much as possible.

    Asana Shavasana will allow you to focus on your thoughts and feel your baby.

    Video “Yoga for pregnant women: exercises”

    Features of exercises depending on the period

    Depending on the stage of pregnancy, there are certain restrictions on performing certain exercises. This should not be forgotten. Then you will get the maximum benefit from the training and will not cause any harm to yourself or your unborn baby.

    First trimester

    During this period, the body is exposed to the greatest stress, because new life is just beginning to emerge in the mother’s body. Often a woman at the beginning of pregnancy suffers from toxicosis, she quickly gets tired and is susceptible to depression.

    Yoga in the early stages is especially important for the expectant mother. By choosing the right exercises for herself, she can learn to relax and lift her spirits. Moreover, in the first trimester there are no restrictions on asanas.

    Second trimester

    The time when the body has already adapted to a new state. Problems of toxicosis and irritability gradually fade into the background. The belly begins to grow noticeably, the expectant mother gains weight.

    Exercises are now limited to inverted poses only. Asanas performed while lying on the stomach should be completely avoided in the second trimester of pregnancy.

    Third trimester

    In the later stages, your main task is to prepare your body as much as possible for childbirth. In this case, you cannot use postures - lying on your stomach, or standing on your feet. Turning the body must also be avoided.

    In the third trimester, constant monitoring by a gynecologist is necessary. It is better to replace training at home with group training, and conduct it under the supervision of experienced instructors.

    Yoga classes are very beneficial for expectant mothers. They help improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles, help to calm down and find spiritual harmony. You just need to learn to feel, understand, love your body. You should also strictly follow all recommendations of instructors and doctors. Then you will be fully prepared for childbirth. This means you will give birth to your little one quickly and easily. Good luck to you and good mood!