Insects made from paper accordions. Origami insects diagram Origami insects diagrams

Origami fly - simple and interesting craft made of paper for children aged five years and older. Despite all the structural simplicity, you can get a rather naturalistic insect, especially if you additionally paint and make legs for the fly. If you paint the fly with black and yellow stripes, then you will get a working bee or an angry bumblebee. Then you can make a small panel “Bees in the meadow”. Glue the flowers onto the cardboard base, and then the bee flies.

In its classic form, the origami “Fly” model is also very cute, but, however, then the choice of paper becomes very important. Make a lot of colorful, bright flies with your children. If you are working with a group of children, then such a craft can be designed as a garland by attaching flies to a thread.

Stages of making an origami craft “Fly”

Fold the square diagonally. Get the basic shape of a triangle.

Let's lift two corners up.

Fold the corners of the top layer of paper down.

Bend the top triangle down. We bend only one, the top layer of paper.

Fold back the second layer of paper so that the lower triangle protrudes from under the upper one.

Fold the top right and left sides back. The origami fly is ready!

Origami fly. Paper craft for children from 5 years old.

Design option for origami craft “Fly”

The easiest way to make any origami craft beautiful and elegant is to take paper with a bright print. For example, Chinese washi paper.

This is what an origami fly looks like made from such paper. Real princess flies!

But if you don’t have any exotic paper on hand, it doesn’t matter! We make a model from plain paper and color it with felt-tip pens or colored pencils, as our imagination dictates.

Now you can make the eyes. Let's cut out two circles from paper, color them and glue them.

And so that our origami fly turns out just like a real one, we’ll make legs for it! To do this, take three thin strips of black or brown paper and glue them crosswise onto the fly's abdomen. You can cut such strips from paper painted on both sides. If you have single-sided paper, then make the strips twice as wide as finished legs and fold them lengthwise (you can even glue them together).

We turn the fly over, bend its legs - and you're done!

Origami "Fly". Paper craft with children from 5 years old

Irina Korchagina

Developed by:

Korchagina Irina Vladimirovna,

MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 85",


Purpose of the lesson:

Continue introducing children to origami;

To develop the ability to design a “ladybug” craft;

Continue to strengthen the ability to fold paper in different directions;

Improve fine motor skills hands;

Form logical and constructive thinking;

Develop memory and attention:

Promote the development of imagination;

Expand children's knowledge about the world around them;

Enlarge your vocabulary;

Instill a love for nature and careful attitude to her;


Picture with image ladybug,

Sample of crafts “Ladybug”,

Squares (side 14.5 cm) made of double-sided multi-colored red (orange, pink, yellow) paper,

Circles (diameter 0.5 - 0.7 mm) made of black paper,

Felt pens,

Glue - pencil, napkins, oilcloth.


V.: Hello, guys, today we have a design lesson. And what exactly we will do with you, you will find out by guessing the riddle.


Wears a red sundress

With black polka dots,

And puts it on your feet

As many as six boots!

What kind of beetle is chewing?

Are aphids clever under the leaf?

Everyone knows that

What is this (ladybug).

(children are shown a picture of a ladybug).

Q: Why do you think this bug was called “ladybug”? (answers are children's assumptions).

V.: They called it “God’s” because this small bright bug at first glance seems harmless. And “cow” because when it sees danger, it secretes a liquid similar to milk. But this “milk” is poisonous, it scares away animals trying to attack the bug.

Q: Tell me, does a ladybug belong to the category of herbivorous or predatory insects? (children's answers).

V.: In fact, this beautiful insect is a predator. But it is a useful predator because it eats aphids - plant pests. And that’s why people specially breed ladybugs on their farms and build houses for them in which they can comfortably spend the winter.

V.: Guys, what else do you know about ladybugs? (children's answers)

V.: Do you know that there are ladybugs different colors: red, pink, orange, yellow, white and even black. They are good performers because when they see danger, they can pretend to be dead. Monuments have also been erected in her honor. different countries: in the USA, in Japan, in South Korea, in the capital of Poland, in the French town of Millau and here in Volgograd.

V.: Guys, do you know how ladybugs reproduce? (children's answers)

V.: First, an adult ladybug lays eggs on the underside of a plant leaf, from which, after about a week, larvae emerge - small black worms, they are very voracious and eat not only the shell of their egg, but also the eggs of unhatched larvae. After some time, the larvae become immobile pupae, which after 10 days turn into a bug. The ladybug is a perennial insect, and the younger it is, the more black spots it has on its back.

V.: Before we start making a ladybug, I suggest you relax and play a little.

Physical education lesson “Ladybug”.


Walks along the path (children step on the spot)

At the ladybug

Quick legs (children start running in place)


She went to the right (children turn their heads to the right)

And there's a high

I found some grass (children raise their hands up)

In the thick grass

Walk hard (step, raising your legs high)

But ladybug

Took off easily (flapping their arms like wings)

Sat down on a blade of grass

I rested a little (children squat)

Chewed an aphid (pretend to chew)

And she flew away again (they wave their arms again)


Flew to the left (turn head to the left)

And ladybug

Sat down on the flower (they squat down again)

Floral scent

Inhaled sweetly (take a deep breath)

Folded the wings (hands at your sides)

And she fell asleep there soundly (put her hands under her head and close her eyes).

Game “Name as many insects as possible”.

Two children (optional) take turns naming one insect each. The winner is the one whose insect is the last one on this list. You can repeat this game several times with different children.

Game "Non-existent insect".

In turn, each child on the board or on a large sheet of paper draws one part of different insects (for example, we draw the body of a caterpillar, add the eyes of a dragonfly to it, the wings of a butterfly, on which we draw black circles from a ladybug, and so on) .


1) Make a basic “Triangle” shape.

2) Draw a line in the middle of the resulting triangle.

3) Lower the side corners to the bottom.

4) Turn the craft over and make a zipper fold on the top corner.

5) Turn over.

6) Glue black circles onto the “wings” (according to the child’s idea) and draw eyes on the “head” with a felt-tip pen.

Design of an exhibition of children's works.

Summary of the lesson.

V.: Guys, let's remember what insect our lesson was devoted to and what new things you learned about it. (children's answers).

The overwhelming majority of teachers and psychologists strongly recommend that parents engage in artistic creativity with your children. After all, children's creativity is a unique phenomenon, when a child makes something with his own hands, which contributes to his comprehensive development. intellectual development. Manual labor influences the mind, feelings, will of children, encourages them to express themselves in creativity.

For children different ages I like working with paper and creating my own unique masterpieces of art.
Origami - ancient art paper folding, originating in Japan, thanks to which children will learn to make crafts from paper. They will develop fine motor skills, learn to read simple diagrams, and will be able to make, one might say, any toy for themselves.

Below are the best origami patterns for children 6-7 years old!

Simple diagrams on how to make origami:

Required materials for origami:

  • Good paper, maybe even colored.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil.

Advice: If a child is doing origami for the first time, then choose only the easiest patterns, and only over time can you complicate the task.


Herringbone refers to simple paper folding patterns. All you need is paper, desire and skillful hands. The diagram below is simplified so that children can put together simple toys for themselves.

  • Take a square sheet and bend it along the floors to make 4 outlined identical parts.
  • Place the sheet in front of you so that it forms a diamond, and fold the right and left ends towards the middle.
  • Make a fold from the bottom of the craft.
  • Turn the craft over with the back side facing you.
  • Fold the edges at the top of the fold.
  • Fold the sides of the bottom to the middle, taking into account point 5.
  • Lift the edges of the corners on the fold and lay them up.
  • Bend the corner of the base up.
  • Turn the craft over.
  • Bend the craft forward slightly in the middle.

Your Christmas tree is ready, you can decorate it, dress it up, or use it for play or theater.

The best origami pattern for children - Herringbone


It will be easy to make a bird from a leaf. We suggest you make not a banal swan or a crane, but a real pelican. At the same time, it will be simple and fun, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

  • Fold the square sheet in half.
  • Turn it over and fold it in half again, dividing it into 4 parts.
  • Fold the sheet in half and leave it there, folding the top half in half.
  • Fold the right corner up.
  • Lift the bent part and straighten it.
  • Fold the top corner.
  • Fold in the bottom left corner.
  • Turn the craft over.
  • Fold the corner at the bottom.

All that remains is to finish drawing the pelican’s wing, and you can play with it.

Origami paper bird


A tulip is the simplest flower that can be made using origami patterns. A tulip will always work, the main thing is to choose a pattern so that a 6-year-old child can easily handle it. We offer you a tulip that folds in a short time and children like. So, instructions according to which you can fold a tulip.

  • Place a square sheet of paper in front of you so that it forms a diamond and fold it in half.
  • Fold each corner up towards the middle.
  • Fold the right corner first.
  • Fold the left corner.
  • Here your tulip is ready.

Origami video diagram for children - Tulip


The frog is an interesting toy for children 6-7 years old, as it can jump. If a child tries and collects a frog, it will delight him with its jumps.

  • Fold a square sheet of paper in half.
  • Turn it over and bend it again.
  • Bend the top part in half.
  • Fold the top diagonally in both directions.
  • Place the folded part so that a corner is formed at the top.
  • Now fold the bottom part up in the middle.
  • Fold the side parts to the middle.
  • Fold the bottom.
  • Fold the bottom corners.
  • Bend the paws out from the bottom corners.
  • Fold all visible corners up.
  • Turn the craft over.
  • Form a fold from the bottom.
  • Turn the frog over and press it with your finger. She will jump like a real frog that lives in a pond.

How to make a jumping frog from origami paper with your own hands

Origami for children 6-7 years old diagrams, photos, videos:


Origami insects are one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make origami insects, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of an origami insect was taken by one of our site users. This insect looks more like a spider, and to show its actual size, it was placed next to a coin. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of how to assemble an origami insect from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami insect will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami insect quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling origami insects for beginners may seem challenging task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami insects video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find a lot different videos about origami insects, in which the steps of assembling insects are clearly shown. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami insect.

If you decide to make an insect like a praying mantis out of paper, watch this video tutorial:

This origami master class will show you what insects you can also collect from paper:


Insects have a lot of ancient symbolic meanings. Different types insects are referred to in myths as different parts outer space, with its zones and images. Some insects represent the upper zone, the sky, and are associated with the upper part of the World Tree, with its branches and leaves. Others, with the middle part, a tree trunk and, accordingly, with the average earthly world. WITH the lower world and the lower part and roots of the tree are associated with another group of insects, often these are pests associated with evil deities, spirits, demons.