Is it possible to wear gold and silver on one hand? Is it possible to wear gold and silver together: the effect of metals on the body

Very often we are faced with the need to combine jewelry. The simplest and most common example is when a spouse puts on additional jewelry when going to events. Then gold and silver can meet on one hand. The second common example is Orthodox baptism. It is believed that it is better to wear a silver cross, since the metal itself represents:

  • spiritual purity;
  • strength.

However, gold items of this kind are often worn. So what should we do? As you know, the pectoral cross cannot be removed, which means that the decoration is in this case can be combined with a cross, even on metals, in the same way as on one hand with a gold wedding ring. But let’s consider the methods of combination, and most importantly, the properties of metals from the very beginning and decide on the correct use of each. After all, it is impossible to combine two absolutely opposite metals in any other way. Silver and gold are too different in energy, composition and other indicators. Therefore, we get to know everyone better.


White noble metal, which has a high degree of strength, is the basis of many jewelry. Due to the lower cost of the metal, silver jewelry is used more often, but this does not mean that it is more popular.

Silver products are not only distinguished by the beauty of the white metal, they are also excellent from a hygiene point of view. It is believed that silver can kill a wide variety of bacteria. That is why, in rich houses, dishes were often made exclusively from silver or its alloy with other metals.

Not to mention the myths and legends regarding the effects of silver against evil spirits. Very often, even now, some silver jewelry carry a mystical load. However, everything depends not on metal or parallel worlds, but on the degree of one’s own faith.


Since ancient times, gold has been considered an indicator of wealth. Some nationalities always wore gold items to show their wealth. It must be said that not so long ago, the front row of gold teeth was considered an indicator of wealth. Naturally, these are all prejudices invented by people.

For example, the ancient Incas, one of the wisest civilizations, made various toys, clothing items, and others from gold. It was not given such great importance, although the properties of gold were understood and obvious even without laboratory research. The “solar metal” was also believed to ward off evil spirits. This quality was attributed to it because it does not rot and does not rust or corrode. The value of gold began to increase after the medieval period. Gold has brought a lot of misfortunes, although the metal again has nothing to do with it, the whole problem is the greed of the hunters for it.

However, to this day, gold is a more controversial and influential metal than silver. Although for the world of fashion and accessories it has long ceased to be too significant. A simple example is the famous Tiffany brand. Fashion designers use either white gold or metal alloys with silver as the basis for their work. Therefore, most products are created in white (metallic) color without any yellowish impurities.


So, at the beginning we talked about the so-called “forced” combination. That is, when there is already a certain metal on the hand or on the neck, when it is not a decoration, it rather serves as a certain symbolism or amulet. In this case, of course, you can combine two metals even on one hand. But it’s best for some things to be brighter, and some things to be the opposite. For example, if there is a thin wedding band on your hand gold ring, putting the same thickness on the second finger, only silver, without any additional elements, will be superfluous. Metals will simply begin to conflict over their “place in the sun.” As a result, it won’t be very beautiful, and the energy won’t become any more positive.

Another question is if you use a gold ring on one hand, for example, with a silver ring, especially with stones. Then the engagement ring can calmly fulfill its mission, indicating the status of the person, and the ring will already be a decoration. The same goes for a silver bracelet with a gold ring. If it is brighter, decorated with stones, indicates the decorative component of the image, and most importantly, matches the suit, then there will be no problem. But if you want a light, elegant, thin bracelet without unnecessary elements, with a gold wedding ring, this will simply be inappropriate.

Final answers

So, what conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said? You cannot use gold and silver jewelry at the same time, except in cases where one of the “decorations” is mandatory (pectoral cross or wedding ring). In this case, you need to combine very carefully. In all other cases, jewelry made of gold and silver should not be worn together.

Silver and gold have completely different effects on humans

Metal therapy is a relatively new, but already well-established direction in medicine. The famous University of Michigan scientist Norman Duke found that when metal comes into contact with human skin, an electric current is generated. With silver, the current flows to the metal, i.e. the energy comes from the human skin. With gold, the situation is the opposite: the current flows from the metal to the skin.

Regular wearing of gold jewelry helps to activate all processes in the human body, while silver, on the contrary, suppresses them. It turns out that silver and gold have absolutely opposite bioenergetic effects, so it is still better not to wear them at the same time.

Recent research conducted in New Zealand by Dr. Bill Henderson has shown that gold can have an antiseptic effect on microorganisms, so it is recommended to wear it on vacation in exotic countries, for infectious and skin diseases. Also, gold, along with platinum, has been used for many years in the treatment of cancer.

The beneficial properties of silver have been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, wine cups were made from silver. It was believed that this noble metal was capable of neutralizing many poisons. By the way, silver ions can disinfect more than 600 types of bacteria. It is known that washing and drinking silver water is very good for health.

It turns out that gold and silver are very strong metals that have energy that can have a powerful effect on the human body. Wearing gold and silver jewelry at the same time causes an energy imbalance in the body. It turns out that one metal sends impulses, and the second at the same time takes them into itself.

Aesthetic point of view

Gold and silver are metals that are completely opposite in style. It's similar to wearing a guipure dress with sneakers. It is very rare that these two metals look good in tandem.

Some people naively believe that silver is very similar to white gold, however, this is a misconception.

When is it still possible?

You are married and wear your gold wedding ring without taking it off. It turns out that you will no longer be able to wear the silver jewelry you like. However, this is not true. Wedding rings have a completely different energy. They are a kind of talisman and symbol of marriage, which truly have magical properties. Wedding ring cannot be classified as ordinary gold jewelry, so nothing can stop you from wearing a beautiful silver necklace without removing the jewelry that symbolizes marriage.

An alloy of silver and gold or products where silver jewelry has gold inserts creates a separate energy field that does not create strong contradictions between these two powerful metals.

Surely every owner of jewelry has faced the question: is it possible to wear her favorite silver ring with a gold pendant? Most women are accustomed to believing that these metals are blood enemies and absolutely cannot be combined, because they are different in properties, status, color and other parameters. So is it possible to wear gold and silver together? Let's find out!

Gold - the most popular metal on the planet. Absolutely everything is made from it, even refrigerators. By the way, you should not assume that it comes exclusively in yellow; the most obstinate fashionistas are offered white, red and even black gold to choose from. Its color is determined by the quantity and quality of impurities. Gold is not just a noble metal, but also a whole storehouse of unique and useful properties: it heals, disinfects, warms the body, improves mood, activates and has a wonderful effect on the nervous system. From an energetic point of view, gold is a conductor of solar energy into the world, representing warmth, joy and light. There is also a common belief that it is a masculine metal charged with the fire element.

Silver - a metal no less recognized in jewelry. Since it is found in nature much more often than gold, it is much cheaper, but is still very much loved by jewelers. Silver disinfects, strengthens the body, improves well-being, and normalizes blood pressure. One of the most famous and, alas, unpleasant properties of silver is that over time it can turn black. Silver is charged with the energy of the Moon, calms and represents purity and coldness.

So is it possible to wear silver and gold on the body?

Indeed, gold and silver are completely opposite to each other: heat and cold, activity and peace, the Sun and the Moon. Do not forget that gold is a more luxurious option, suitable for going out and for celebrations, and silver is more moderate and everyday.

However, in certain cases they can complement each other. The fashion for jewelry does not stand still and now designers confidently say: gold and silver are possible! However, some are still convinced that it is better to give preference to only one of the metals. But if you still decide to take a risk, then you should know that there are certain rules for the combination. First of all, the color of the metals - yellow and white - can become a stumbling block. It will be quite difficult to combine them in a way that looks good. But here the ingenuity of jewelers comes to the rescue, who figured out how to create gold of almost any color, for example, white. Quite often you can find similar combination silver and gold in jewelry. Combined jewelry is self-sufficient and does not require additional ones. So, for example, if you prefer a ring made of white gold and silver at the same time, you should free your fingers from other rings. Don’t doubt it, it will attract attention in itself and complement the image.

If you decide to combine gold and silver on your body as part of several pieces of jewelry, you should remember that

  • The most important thing is unity of style! When choosing jewelry from different materials, always make sure that they are made in the same aesthetics and look harmonious. For example, if these are chains, then let them be of the same weave and approximately the same thickness. Items in the same color will go well together, so, for example, wearing silver and white gold at the same time is not forbidden;
  • Don't forget about proportions. There is no need to combine jewelry in a one-to-one ratio. When wearing three bracelets, choose two silver and one gold, or vice versa;
  • You can very well combine gold-plated silver with gold, it’s trendy again;
  • When wearing a gold chain with a silver one, always make sure that the silver one is thinner and shorter;
  • Rings and rings made of different metals are recommended to be worn on different hands.

However, in 2019, unlike the past, where it was considered terrible bad taste to wear gold and silver together, everyone has the opportunity to combine jewelry in any way. And only as you like, and not as the rules dictate.

Why can't you wear silver and gold at the same time?

Despite what we said earlier, there are arguments that gold and silver should absolutely not be worn together.

For example, this combination is not recommended for those who are very susceptible to energy surges. Sometimes opposites attract, but the same cannot be said about gold and silver - they are charged differently and can conflict with each other, having different effects on the body. So, let’s say, gold gives its wearer energy and activates him, while silver, on the contrary, calms him down. One of the two materials can complement the wearer with some features, and when worn together they extinguish beneficial properties each other. Although there is room for discrepancies here: in the past, healers believed that the combination of gold and silver creates a field that promotes good health and relief from illnesses.

It is not recommended to wear silver and gold on one hand. In addition to energy, jewelry differs in its status: gold is much more expensive than silver and looks much more solemn, so it is unlikely that they will be able to harmoniously complement each other when worn on the fingers of one hand. However, as we wrote above, you can easily wear them on different hands! Wearing gold and silver rings on different hands is great option for those who are absolutely sure: I want to combine the “incompatible”.

Speaking about prohibitions, we cannot fail to mention that wearing a gold cross on silver chain also not accepted. In the original tradition, crosses were even worn on a string. A pectoral cross is not a decoration in the usual sense; it is a symbol of faith and therefore does not require any special design refinements or experiments in wearing.

In general, wearing gold and silver around the neck together was not customary for a long time. Even now, at a time when everyone and everything is possible, there is some kind of unspoken taboo on this. It is to a lesser extent determined by the properties of metals; it is rather simply a once-established opinion. It is very unlikely that you will see a combination of silver and gold chains in an evening formal look; rather, it will be a gold chain with an elegant pendant, because gold is an elegant and status metal.

Is it better to wear silver or gold?

To the question “What is better, in the final analysis, silver or gold?” there is a single and unconditional answer: it's better what you like! Some people prefer the calm shine of silver, some like the bright and luxurious shine of gold jewelry, others can’t decide and don’t want to choose - there are many opinions. Products made from precious metals should first of all bring you joy and pleasure, and only then correspond to trends and standards.

In Asia, it is believed that gold strengthens male strength. Despite this, men increasingly prefer silver jewelry.

It is better for a man to wear large jewelry and match it to his type. For example, for men of oriental appearance, with dark hair and dark skin, it is better to choose gold, since it has a warm undertone and will go well with the wearer. If you have the so-called “Aryan appearance” - light skin, blonde hair, light eyes, then silver will definitely suit you, because silver jewelry will perfectly complement the cold type.

When choosing jewelry, men need to pay attention to their size and appearance, because, for example, small and thin rings can get lost on a large one. male palm. Just like the fair sex, men can combine gold and silver, adhering to the same simple rules.

Women, like men, can choose any metal they like - gold, silver, platinum or even palladium. Jewelers offer a huge variety of jewelry for women: both made from one metal and combined. All you have to do is find yours!

Can gold and silver be stored together?

We all want our jewelry to please us for as long as possible and retain its beauty. appearance for many years. To do this, you must follow storage rules.

Since gold is a fairly soft metal, it needs to be stored separately from other metals, including silver, which can scratch it. Under no circumstances should you store jewelry and precious metals nearby. The place where your treasures will lie must, first of all, be dry, because metals do not like dampness. Silver, by the way, can be stored in a plastic bag. The main thing is to avoid moisture.

An excellent choice for storage can be a special box, divided inside into many sections and upholstered with soft fabric.
Do not forget, also, that gold and silver jewelry requires care, and therefore from time to time they need to be cleaned with special products.

Many people know that you can’t wear gold with silver. But there would be no fashion if it were impossible to break stereotypes. A real lady will be able to mix two metals in such a way that they will look elegant together. But when using gold and silver together, you should know some nuances. Let's try to figure it out.

A little history

Since ancient times, people have used the properties of noble metals for medicinal purposes. Those who suffered from headaches or blood pressure problems preferred to wear gold jewelry. Silver brought relief to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and work disorders nervous system. So is it possible to wear silver with gold? Scientists examined the properties of noble metals. It turned out that different materials have completely different effects on the human body. Silver calms, and gold fills with energy. The wrong combination of metals can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Even in ancient times, people were able to consider how various metals affect the development of certain diseases. Gold accelerates the development of the inflammatory process, while silver, on the contrary, slows it down.

Medical point of view

So is it possible to wear gold with silver? Modern doctors note that the combination of two noble metals is undesirable. Neglecting this advice can cause an imbalance even in the most healthy body. The person will be tormented by migraines, severe pressure surges, abdominal pain, sleep disturbances, etc.

What to do? Not to wear silver with gold at all? There is no need to go to extremes. Negative consequences waiting only for those who combine the two precious metal constantly. Is it okay to wear gold and silver together from time to time? Experts say that pampering yourself with rings made of different metals for several hours a day is not only possible, but also necessary. A surge of vigor and good mood will be provided. You should definitely remove silver and gold at night. During sleep, the body must rest from any influence.

What does ancient Eastern medicine say?

Ancient Eastern sages clearly distinguished between gold and silver. The yellow metal was attributed to Yang energy, and the white metal to Yin energy. This means that gold and silver belonged to opposite poles. Combining the two metals could lead to serious health problems. Is it possible to wear white gold with silver? If you believe the ancient Eastern theory, such a combination is possible in extreme cases. But you shouldn’t get carried away with jewelry that has different metal compositions. For the holiday, you can complement a white gold necklace with silver earrings. It is not advisable to wear jewelry in this combination for more than three hours a day.

Is it possible to wear gold with gilded silver? According to ancient Eastern medicine, this should not be done. Gold coated with silver is already harmful to the body. In terms of style, gold plated jewelry will look very attractive. But it's not worth the health problems that may arise later.

How to wear silver with gold?

You can find many young women who easily mix gold jewelry with silver jewelry. Stylists are sure that this should be done with caution. White gold together with yellow will look much more impressive. But it’s better not to include silver in the ensemble. However, there may be exceptions. For example, two thin chains made of different metals on one hand will look original. A woman will look elegant, regardless of age. It is very important that the chains are practically weightless. Volumetric bracelets made of silver and gold will look vulgar.

A gold chain around the neck can perfectly complement silver bracelet on the hand if the fairer sex is wearing a blouse with a bright print. This combination will look especially original in the summer. Is it possible to wear gold and silver to the office? It is worth considering that the appearance should be discreet. Therefore, a combination of diverse metals is not desirable.

Jewelry that combines elements of silver, gold and precious stones. But it is advisable to wear such products for a short time. It is worth considering the negative effects of various metals on the body.

How should you absolutely not mix precious metals?

A gold necklace with diamond inserts along with a silver necklace will look ridiculous on your neck. It is not advisable to combine too many jewelry together. The product should not take all the attention. The image should be formed in conjunction with wardrobe items. Under evening dress It will be enough to wear one small necklace with small diamonds.

Although mixing silver with gold today is fashion trend, there is no need to use all the decorations at once. You need to learn to feel your own style. The combination of accessories must be carefully thought out, and jewelry must be selected to match the wardrobe.

Let's sum it up

Is it possible to wear gold with silver? Only people with perfect health can afford rings and other jewelry made of various metals. But even in this case, it is advisable to wear jewelry no more than three hours a day. When wearing chains and bracelets made of silver and gold, you should carefully consider your look. The wrong combination will look funny and awkward.

Precious jewelry has always attracted people with its incredible brilliance and beauty. Silver and gold items are especially popular. There is an opinion that jewelry made from these metals cannot be worn together. This doesn't stop some people. Let's now try to justify this limitation and figure out what's what.


It has long been believed that silver and gold belong to different elements. White metal belongs to the Moon, and yellow metal belongs to the Sun. Each of them is endowed with its own properties celestial body and obeys him. Gold and silver have opposite effects on the human body. If white metal represents crystalline, calm, cold, then yellow is associated with joy, warmth, and light. Because of this, a conflict of elements may arise. Therefore, to establish harmony, it is believed that metals should be worn separately.

For a long time, people have noticed a pattern: luck left those who abused wearing two metals at the same time. This also affected the deterioration of health.

That is why, according to existing superstitions, you cannot wear silver and gold together.

Medical point of view

Those who practice metal therapy have their own point of view on this issue. The process of wearing precious jewelry releases energy. Each metal has a different effect. Gold has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and tones the body. Yellow metal can bring a person out of a state of depression and help with loss of strength. It is recommended to wear it to maintain immunity and improve memory.

It is not advisable to wear gold jewelry for people with aggressive behavior and unstable psyche. Silver will help improve vision and improve the functioning of the liver, spleen, and gall bladder. White metal is recommended to be worn for diseases of the digestive tract.

Possessing bactericidal properties, silver destroys microbes and protects against infectious diseases. Therefore, it is believed that metals can “conflict” with each other if they are worn at the same time. They will not have the desired effect. As for whether you can wear gold and silver healthy people on different hands, the answer is most likely in the affirmative.

It's not aesthetically pleasing

Most stylists consider the combination of gold and silver jewelry unacceptable. Especially if you wear a lot of jewelry at the same time.

This is considered bad manners and immediately catches your eye. And if they are also made of different metal alloys, then a strange impression is created. As if the owner did not have enough money for a gold set and she complemented it with silver jewelry.

Valid combination

  • An excess of precious jewelry is not allowed, otherwise you can look like a New Year's garland;
  • It is not advisable to wear massive jewelry;
  • It is better to choose sophisticated stylish accessories;
  • in the question of whether it is possible to wear gold and silver at the same time on one hand, you need to adhere to a sense of style.

Today, manufacturers have begun to produce jewelry that combines two metals. They look stylish and elegant. If you have doubts about the correct combination of jewelry, then you should give preference to one metal.