Mdou "pearl" granite

Svetlana Ivkova

Federal State Educational Standard as the main principle of preschool education considers the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive child's actions in various types activities. This document treats cognitive development as an educational field, the essence of which is revealed as follows way: development of curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development imagination and creativity activity, the formation of primary ideas about the world around us.

Leading activity of the child early age is a game. An integral part of the game becomes a toy, which is a traditional, necessary element of the educational process, acting as an object of fun for the child, entertainment, joy and at the same time it is the most important means of it comprehensive development . In this regard, an important role in the education and early childhood development we take away folk toy. Which is interesting to kids and matches their life experience, carries significant opportunities for cognitive and speech development.

Matryoshka, first of all, the favorite toy of children, and very useful toy. Has a large practical benefit. By using nesting dolls adults can teach a child to identify different sizes, compare objects by height, width, color and volume. All this helps to establish hand-eye coordination, develops The child has a correct perception of the world around him, his thinking.

To this end, work with the students of our group was carried out in the main educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Cognitive direction

For the purpose of inclusion children to Russian culture through acquaintance with objects of folk and applied art - matryoshka, development of sensory standards, development of fine motor skills, cognitive activity was carried out with children Job:

Looking at illustrations"Russians nesting dolls» , toys – nesting dolls.

We created a mini-museum in the group.

Made didactic games : "Collect matryoshka» , "Pick up matryoshka sarafan» , "House for nesting dolls» , "Big - small", “Decorate your sundress”, "Find a couple of matryoshka dolls» .

Games with elements - experimentation:

Games with dough "Modeled matryoshka» ,

Games with paints "Let's decorate matryoshka sarafan» ,

Games with cereals "Let's collect matryoshka» .

We'll collect for matryoshka beads

Construction games material: « Matryoshka dolls come to visit» , "House for nesting dolls» , "Ladder for big nesting dolls» , "Path for nesting dolls» , "Furniture for nesting dolls» etc.

Speech development

In ongoing games developed vocabulary children, focusing on words "big", "small", "smaller", "more", "open", "close".

Listened and together with the teacher told nursery rhymes and poems about nesting dolls.

We held games on development of fine motor skills: "Games with lids", « Finger Theater nesting dolls» , "Games with lacing - nesting dolls» .

Social - communicative development

Calling out children an emotionally positive attitude towards the toy, and nurturing a caring attitude and care for it held:

S.I. "Visiting nesting dolls» , "Give me something to drink matryoshka with tea» , "Let's put it down matryoshka to sleep» , "We'll invite dance matryoshka» , "Let's play hide and seek with matryoshka» , Round dance game "Loaf".

Artistic and aesthetic development

Theater show nesting dolls based on Russian folk tales "Chicken Ryaba", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip".

Musical entertainment"Visiting nesting dolls»

Russian show folk tales "Turnip", "Ryaba Chicken" manufactured in the form nesting dolls.

Made with my mother "Mitten Theater nesting dolls» .

They put a doll on your hand - matryoshka

Children's palms danced quickly

Darling matryoshka greets all guests

And he bows his head low.

Hid my dear behind my back matryoshka.

The little ones will play hide and seek with us

Sweetie closes her eyes matryoshka.

Little crumbs fall asleep quickly.

Physical development

Outdoor games: "We hide matryoshka» , "Run to matryoshka» , "We walked nesting dolls along the path» , « Matryoshka visiting the guys» ,

"Sounding Rattles", "U nesting dolls - warm palms» .

Physical education "Visiting nesting dolls»

Topic: Big - small. Matryoshka dolls

Demo material:

- a tape recorder with a recording of fun music;

— 2 trucks — large and small;

— several five-seater nesting dolls filled with various trinkets (keychains, beans, bottle caps, etc.);

- 4 houses cut out of cardboard (blue - large, green - smaller, yellow - even smaller, red - the smallest) with glued white doors of different sizes and doors of corresponding colors and sizes.


- wooden spoons;

- beautiful handkerchiefs;

— parts of a plastic construction set (blue and red), 2 buckets of the same colors are possible;

- red or blue plasticine balls, modeling board;

- nesting dolls cut out of red or blue cardboard.

Organizational moment

Meet the children, say hello to each child. Note what color clothes they are wearing.

Physical education lesson “Matryoshka”

Draw matryoshka dolls with the words of the poem.

We are funny nesting dolls,

Okay, okay. Children clap their hands.

We have boots on our feet. They jump up and down.

Okay, okay. They clap their hands.

In our colorful sundresses, They spin in place.

Okay, okay, They clap their hands.

We look alike, like sisters They touch the head.

Okay, okay. They clap their hands.

Musical game on wooden spoons

Develops a sense of rhythm and hand motor skills.

Children stand in a circle. Give the children wooden spoons. Show how to knock with spoons. Knock loudly, then quietly and then stop knocking altogether. Again loudly, then quietly and stop knocking completely. And so on several times.

Musical game “Matryoshkas are dancing”

Promotes the development of motor activity.

Give to children beautiful scarves. Play upbeat music and encourage them to dance with their scarves. As soon as the music turns off, the children freeze. Say a nursery rhyme.


Dance and dance,

Your legs are good.

Round dance "Matryoshka"

Helps create good mood, promotes the development of coordinated movements.

Start a round dance with words to the music with the matryoshka children.

We walk, we dance in a circle

Before all honest people.

Sit down, They sit down.

Got up They get up.

They showed themselves. We jumped, They jump.

They drowned They stomp.

We clapped our hands. They clap.

Didactic game "Matryoshka"

Teaches you how to open nesting dolls, compare them by size, line them up and put them back into each other.

Two trucks enter the room. On the larger car there are large matryoshka dolls, on the smaller one there are small dolls.

Educator. Look who came to us - big and small nesting dolls. Large matryoshka dolls are carried by a large car. Let's drop them off.

Children help neatly arrange the nesting dolls on the table. Then the small nesting dolls are unloaded. Invite the children to look inside the nesting dolls and see what they brought us. Children take a nesting doll, pour out the contents, and study it. Then they put the contents back inside the nesting dolls and close them.

Performance "Matryoshka"

Staging develops emotionality and fosters interest in toys.

Show the children a short performance. Play up the situation as if the biggest nesting dolls are mothers (take them away). They are looking for their daughters. Let the children help you find little nesting dolls and place them near their mothers. Leave only one family. Play with her. Mom takes her children for a walk - move them around the table one after another. The nesting dolls are dancing (dance with the nesting dolls). They dance in a round dance (spin the nesting dolls around the table in a round dance), etc.

Physical education lesson “Teach a matryoshka”

Develops voluntary attention and the ability to imitate the words of a poem.

Give each child a small matryoshka doll. Invite the children to teach them different movements: let the nesting dolls bounce (the child holds the matryoshka in his hand, raises it and lowers it), spin (the child spins the nesting doll in his hand), roll on the floor (rolls on the floor).

Didactic game “Big and small nesting dolls”

Teaches you to pay attention to the size of objects and understand the words “big - small”.

Two cars come to pick up the nesting dolls. Children help you place the nesting dolls. Large ones - for a large truck, small ones - for a small one. The nesting dolls go home.

Didactic game “Red - Blue”

Forms the ability to distinguish homogeneous objects by color (red and blue).

Educator. The nesting dolls went home. Large nesting dolls live in blue houses, and small ones live in red ones. Let's find blue and red construction kit parts for them, and then build houses.

Give the children 2 buckets (you can do without buckets) and construction kit parts - blue and red. Suggest placing them in 2 piles (or 2 buckets) depending on the color.

Construction from a plastic construction set “Houses for nesting dolls”

Teaches how to build walls like a house.

From two piles of blue and red construction toys, children build houses (walls) for nesting dolls. When the houses are finished, the nesting dolls appear again and the children resettle them: the big ones into blue houses, the little ones into red houses.

Didactic game “Match the doors to the houses”

Teaches you to distinguish objects by size and select parts of a certain size.

Place 4 in front of children colorful houses made of cardboard and invite them to choose the appropriate doors for each house. Then you can place the nesting dolls in these houses depending on their height.

Modeling “Decorating a matryoshka doll”

The task teaches how to operate with plasticine, develops fine motor skills fingers.

Children are given blue or red nesting dolls and plasticine balls of the same colors. Children decorate nesting dolls with plasticine balls.

Read the beginning of S. Marshak’s poem to the children.


Eight wooden dolls,

Chubby and ruddy,

In multi-colored sundresses

They live on our table -

Advise parents to answer “I” or point to themselves when the question is asked: “Who will drink the milk?” (“I” or points a finger at himself.)

Visiting the nesting doll.

Lesson in an early age group

Educator: L.A. Trifonova

Integration educational areas:

“Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic - aesthetic development»,

"Physical development".

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational and research.

Target: Introduce children to the most famous Russian toy - the nesting doll. Arouse interest in drawing.


  1. To intensify interest in Russian decorative arts and crafts.
  2. Learn to listen to an adult and answer questions.
  3. Strengthen the ability to paint with gouache paints; combine different shapes and lines; choose your own color scheme. Develop tactile sensations.


  1. Activate children's speech.
  2. Develop attention and memory.
  3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  4. Develop creativity and aesthetic feelings.

Educational :

  1. Cultivate friendly relations with each other.
  2. Develop children's social skills.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to visit the nesting doll.

(The children agree).

Children go to visit the nesting doll along the path.

We're walking, we're walking

Raise your legs higher.

So we walked, walked, walked

Here we are in the forest.

One, two, three, four we are in the forest,

And not in the apartment.

In a clearing in the forest there are Christmas trees, large and small.

Children tell stories (Christmas trees are big and small, green and prickly). A bunny with long ears sits behind a large Christmas tree.

He was scared of the kids. The teacher addresses the bunny:

“Bunny, bunny, come out and look at the kids!”

The bunny stopped trembling

Apparently he wants to play.

Educator: Kids, let's play with the bunny.

The bunny readily agrees.

Fizminutka " Gray bunny sitting » ( squat, move

The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears hands)

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

I need to warm my paws.

This is how you need to warm your little paws. (stand up, energetically

stroke with one hand

another, then vice versa).

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump (press hands to

This is how, this is how a bunny should jump. breasts (like paws) and jumping

on the spot.

Someone scared the bunny!

The bunny immediately ran away!

Little feet walking along the path

Big feet walked along the road.

The kids see the house. The teacher draws the children's attention to the house. ( invites the children to knock on the house). The matryoshka doll comes out - the teacher in Russian-folk sundress. ( Hello).

Educator: Guys, look who lives here? This is a matryoshka, let's say hello to the matryoshka. She can dance.

Matryoshka dances to a Russian folk melody, and everyone applauds her.

The teacher picks up a toy - a matryoshka doll - and addresses the children. Kids, look how beautiful toy, who is this? ( children's answers - matryoshka).

Look carefully what's on her head ( children's answers - handkerchief). That's right, well done!

Look, where are the nesting doll’s eyes, where is the nose, where is the mouth? ( Children show). Look what a beautiful sundress she has. Did you like the matryoshka doll? ( children's answers - liked it).

Educator: what a heavy nesting doll, he tries to open it, but it doesn’t open. ( He asks the guys to help, but the nesting doll does not open). Guys, let's ask the matryoshka doll together to open.

"Matryoshka, matryoshka, open up a little" ( The matryoshka opened).

Educator ( opens the nesting doll and is surprised): oh, here's another nesting doll. One is big and the other is small. (Asks the children to show where the big one is and where the small one is).

The teacher and the children admire the nesting dolls. Children play finger game.

Finger game:

We picked up a notebook

Let's start drawing.

I'll draw a napkin

I'll put it on the stool.

I'll draw a samovar

Steam is pouring out from under the lid.

(The teacher addresses the children) Guys, the nesting doll asked me what you have in your beautiful box. Do you want to watch? ( Yes).

Everyone comes to the table, the teacher opens the box, and there are a lot of templates - nesting dolls. Look, guys, nesting dolls are hidden here. Only they are very sad. They want them to have beautiful sundresses, like our nesting dolls. Let's help the matryoshka, guys. ? (Yes).

Children sit at tables and cotton swabs decorate sundresses. Colors of choice.

Educator: guys, now we have a whole round dance.

The children wear scarves, they also turn into nesting dolls and all together dance the dance “We are cheerful nesting dolls.” After the dance, the matryoshka gives balloons, says goodbye and leaves.

Educator(addresses the children). Let the paint dry and we will make an exhibition for parents in the group.

Ah, matryoshka-matryoshka
Good, don't tell me!
The kids love you very much
Play in our kindergarten.
Bright cheeks, handkerchief,
Flowers along the hem.
Having fun dancing
Bright bouquets!

Goal: to teach children to perform simple actions with objects: open and close matryoshka dolls, put in and take out objects. Enrich children's sensory experience when getting to know size. Introduce the concept of the words big and small.
Material. Matryoshka dolls: large double and one-piece small.
Progress of the lesson. The teacher shows the children a large nesting doll and notes that it is bright and elegant. Shakes: something rattles inside. He opens the lid and shows the second nesting doll, a small one. The children react happily.
Having closed the large nesting doll, the teacher places the toys nearby. Fixes attention on their size, one nesting doll is small, hides in the palm, and the other is large, you cannot hide it in the palm. Then he invites the children to show a small matryoshka doll.
Next, the teacher opens a large matryoshka doll, hides a small one in it and invites one of the children to cover it with the other half. Having tightly connected the nesting doll, the teacher rotates the upper and lower parts until the pattern matches.
After admiring the nesting doll once again, the teacher distributes individual material to the children. He offers to open a large nesting doll and take out a small one. If the baby cannot open the lid, the teacher helps.
By closing the large nesting doll and placing both nesting dolls side by side, the children show where the big and where the small toy is. Finally, one nesting doll again hides in another.
Topic 1 “Getting to know the matryoshka Masha”
Tasks: 1. Introduce the matryoshka doll
2.Develop emotional perception of the image
3.Introduce the material - the wood from which it is made
matryoshka doll (hard, does not wrinkle, cannot be broken, does not sink)
Forms and methods of work:
1.Game-based learning situations
2. Tactile examination of the toy
Game learning situation
"Matryoshkas visiting the guys"
Teacher (draws the children’s attention to the nesting dolls):
The pipe started playing
Spoons rattled
They came to visit us
Funny nesting dolls!
Guys, look what beautiful nesting dolls came to us!
Let's say hello to them
(Children greet matryoshka dolls)
The teacher picks up a matryoshka doll and hereinafter speaks for the toy
Hello babies
Beautiful kids!
We, the daring nesting dolls
In colorful sundresses
We, the painted dolls
We came to visit you
I really want to hug you, Matryoshka
But we are afraid, matryoshka
Wrinkle your sundress
Hug me tight
And look at my sundress
(Children take the nesting dolls in their hands and hug)
I'm made of wood
Wooden me
You can hug me
Can you knock on me?
(Children knock on matryoshka dolls)
And now my friends
I want to swim in the water!
Teacher (takes a bowl of water):
Well, matryoshka, look
Don't drown in the water
And the kids and I will also play
What toys drown
And which ones are not, we’ll find out!
(Children are lowered into the water paper boat, pebbles, rubber ball,
wooden pyramid rings, iron and plastic cars).
If the toy does not sink, it means it is light.
What toys have we drowned?
(Children answer)
That means they are heavy
We are now lowering our nesting doll into the water
Will he drown or not?
Now we'll find out
(The children, together with the teacher, conclude: the nesting doll does not sink, since it is wooden)
Then the teacher, from a small height, quietly drops the matryoshka doll on the floor.
Oh, they dropped the nesting doll
We broke Mashenka!
You won't break me - I'm wooden!
Wooden nesting dolls are on the shelves
They look at the children in bright sundresses
Multi-colored scarves on their heads
Flowers and berries - on a sundress
Wooden nesting dolls do not sink or break
When we hug them, their sundresses don’t wrinkle!
We really enjoyed playing with nesting dolls
We are waiting for you, nesting dolls, to visit again!
Topic 2 “Look at the nesting doll - not one, but three!” Tasks:
1. Encourage children to act independently with matryoshka dolls
(assemble and disassemble the nesting doll)
2.Develop attention; the ability to bring your actions to the end
Educator: (draws attention to the magic chest)
Guys, guess who came to visit us?
If you drop it, it won't break
In the palms - will not doubt
Doesn't sink in water
Who's in my chest?
(Children, with the help of a teacher, guess the riddle)
The teacher takes out a matryoshka doll, here and further he speaks for the doll
Well done guys
We solved the riddle!
Look at me
I didn't come to you alone!
(The teacher looks into the chest)
Teacher (shows the chest):
Look at the matryoshka for yourself
My chest is empty!
Listen now guys
My new riddle
Take me in your arms
Tap your palm!
(Children with a teacher tap their palms with a matryoshka doll)
Something is knocking in the nesting doll
Let's see
Who's sitting there?
You open me up
And get out the nesting dolls!
(Children open a nesting doll, take out another one, and so on)
In a big nesting doll, like in a house
Sisters live
These sisters are called nesting dolls
One is smaller than the other
They are sitting in a matryoshka doll
And they wait for the little ones to want to play with them!
Motor warm-up:
We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls
We walked along the path
Top - top - top, top - top - top
All the people are dancing with us!
We will spin and dance
How can we stop?
La - la - la, la - la - la
Kids are having fun!
We will all squat
Then show your legs!
Yes - yes - yes, yes - yes - yes
Fun game!
While we were dancing
Our dolls are bored
Let's take some matryoshka dolls
Let's start playing with them!
The game “Assemble and disassemble a nesting doll” is being played.
The teacher shows the silhouette of the sun
The sun looked through the window
The nesting dolls wanted to take a walk
Open the big matryoshka doll
Get out the little dolls
You open the painted
Lo and behold, there’s another one in it,
And it looks like a big one -
Beautiful beauty!

Children disassemble a matryoshka doll and build a path for it

The teacher shows the silhouette of a cloud with raindrops
The sun hid behind a cloud
The rain is dripping drip-drip
We need all the nesting dolls
Collect it into a big nesting doll!
(Children collect matryoshka dolls)
Well done matryoshka dolls
Played with us
Come visit us
We will be very happy!


Summary of open direct educational activitiesfor young children 2-3 years old

Subject:"Matryoshka's Birthday"

Target: introducing kids to the folk crafts of the Russian people - the matryoshka toy.

OO: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development,

speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.


    Introduce children to Russian folk crafts (matryoshka toy.)

    Enrich children's vocabulary with nouns (matryoshka, holiday, apron, gift, birthday, loaf); promote the use of learned words in independent speech. Continue to develop the ability to repeat simple phrases after the teacher.

    Develop fine motor skills.

    Fix the names of the colors.

    Cultivate accuracy and interest in working with plasticine.

    Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards toys and a desire to help them.

    Develop aesthetic perception by attracting children's attention to the beauty of surrounding objects (matryoshka toys).

    Generate interest in the activity, promote the emergence of a positive emotional response to works of art

(crafts - matryoshka)


    Box with a surprise.


    Cardboard nesting doll blanks according to the number of children.

    Plates with multi-colored peas made of plasticine.


    Crafts basket.

Preliminary work:

    telling a riddle about a matryoshka doll.

    looking at the nesting doll and playing with it.

    learning finger gymnastics “Fist”,

    physical education lessons “We are funny nesting dolls”,

    round dance game "Loaf".

    Modeling classes.

    Individual sculpting work.

Progress of the lesson:

The lesson takes place in group room, which is divided into 2 parts. In part 1, along the edge of the carpet, chairs are arranged in a semicircle according to the number of children. At a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from the children's chairs there is a low table for demonstration material. The group is divided into 2 parts by a double-sided easel.

In the 2nd part of the group there are tables for children productive activity. Arranged on the tables according to the number of children are: napkins for modeling, plates with colored plasticine peas prepared in advance. The teacher brings a surprise box to the group. In the box: a toy - a nesting doll, a train with blanks of cardboard nesting dolls according to the number of children, a plate with colored plasticine peas, a napkin for modeling. A teacher enters, dressed in a matryoshka costume - a “living” nesting doll.


I was going to the guys

I spent a long, long time dressing up.

I see our guys

They became more beautiful than everyone else in the world.

I am a cheerful Matryoshka.

Everyone was bored at the window.

I don’t want to be bored alone!

Can I dance with you?

Matryoshka: More than anything in the world, I love to dance the dance about nesting dolls.

Blow the pipes, beat the spoons,

Let the nesting dolls dance!

Children get up, approach the “live” Matryoshka, and dance with her the dance “We are the cheerful nesting dolls.”

We are funny nesting dolls, Children make a "spring"

Okay, okay, Clap your hands

We have boots on our feet. Alternately place your foot forward on your heel

Okay, okay. Clap your hands

We tied scarves Tilt their heads to the sides at

Okay, okay. Clap your hands

Our cheeks were flushed. Stroke cheeks with palms

Okay, okay. Clap your hands

In our colorful sundresses, Holding the hem of the dress with their hands (put hands on belt)

Okay, okay. Clap your hands

We look alike, like sisters They turn their faces to each other,smiling

Okay, okay. They clap their hands.

Matryoshka: Yes, well done kids, I felt so much fun, so good!

I was going to visit you and dressed up beautifully.

My sundress, bright, red.

Yellow handkerchief.

Apron with beautiful patterns.

The flowers on it are yellow and red.

Children look at the matryoshka outfit.

They pass, sit on chairs, Matryoshka sits down next to the children,shows the box.)

Matryoshka: Guys, there is a beautiful toy hidden in this box, try to guess which one.

Friends of different heights

Everyone looks alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy.


After the children guess the riddle, I take out the nesting doll, open it, and put all the nesting dolls in order on the table. I draw the children’s attention to their coloring.

Matryoshka: The matryoshka has a red scarf on its head. The nesting doll's sundress is long and decorated with red and yellow flowers. An apron is put on the sundress; it is also decorated with flowers.

I ask the children what color the patterns are drawn on the nesting dolls. I collect nesting dolls into one toy, accompanying the collection with a repetition of the riddle.

Matryoshka: The girlfriends are different in height, they all look alike (I run my hand from the smallest doll to the largest.)

They all sit next to each other (I put the nesting dolls into one toy.)

And only one toy (I show the children the assembled nesting doll.)

Matryoshka: This nesting doll will now live in our group, and we will play with it. For now, let's put it on the shelf.

I put the matryoshka doll on the shelf with toys.

Matryoshka: I will give you many new toys - little nesting dolls.

A train with cardboard blanks of nesting dolls drives in. Shows them to children.

Matryoshka: My toys - nesting dolls - are not so elegant.

Their aprons are white, they need to be decorated to make them beautiful. Children, let's decorate the aprons with little dolls? (Children's answers)

Matryoshka: Children have skillful, dexterous hands, show what our hands can do, they can make my toys beautiful

The teacher conducts finger gymnastics “Fist”.

Finger gymnastics"Cam"

The fist is like a bun, we will squeeze it once.

Clenching and unclenching fists

Knock, knock - I knock, I knock on a new house.

They put fists on fists and knock them together.

Saw, saw, drink quickly, we are building a house for the children. Using the edge of one palm, they “saw” along the edge of the other palm.

Matryoshka: And now it’s time to get down to business.

The teacher is conducting a demonstration.

And we will decorate like this: we hold the matryoshka doll with our left hand, and with our right hand we take one pea at a time and attach it to the apron so that it becomes beautiful and elegant. When your peas run out, you need to wipe your hands with a napkin, and from the toys we will make a fun round dance.

For productive activities, the teacher invites the children to go to the tables that are located on the other side of the easel. Ready sample The teacher moves it to the easel on the children's side.

The teacher places the children's work on an easel.

Matryoshka: Which skillful hands Our guys have such painted aprons. Now the new toys will be elegant. I like your gift.

Matryoshka: I see that all the guys tried hard! Everyone’s nesting dolls turned out very beautiful. Thank you, children!

Matryoshka: It's my girlfriends birthday. Guys, let's bake a loaf of bread, everyone stand in a circle.

The teacher and the children perform the “Loaf” round dance.

Matryoshka: Thank you, kids, for the dance, for the gifts, for “baking” the loaf! I really liked your place, but it’s time to go home, can I come to you again?

Children say goodbye to the nesting doll. Matryoshka leaves.