Mink oil has no equal in cosmetology. Mink oil: what is it and how to use it to care for shoes and leather Ointment with mink oil

Mink oil has amazing properties, which allows it to be actively used in cosmetology. It can slow down the aging process and relieve skin irritation. In addition, the product is often used to treat acne, which is especially important for teenagers.

Composition and method of extraction

Mink oil is extracted from subcutaneous fat minks. For this purpose, special processing is used, thanks to which the composition retains all useful qualities. It is believed that this product is similar to the composition of human tissue, which allows it to be safely used for cosmetic purposes.

Most often, American and European species of mink are used to produce mink oil, since their fat contains saturated fatty acids, glycerides and palmitoleic acid. The composition of these substances allows the product to penetrate deeply into tissues and fight various skin diseases.

Mink fat contains acids such as myristyl, linoleic, oleic and myristoleic. This allows the product to have a beneficial effect on the dermis. Fat is able to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and is completely safe for humans.

Even after several years of storage, mink oil retains its unique properties.

Benefits and harms

Mink oil contains a special type of saturated fatty acids, which allows it to have amazing emollient and penetrating properties. When it gets deep into the dermis, the product improves the quality of tissues, giving them softness and velvety. It protects the skin from sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, which is due to the high content of vitamin E in it.

Fat does not change its consistency and smell even after ten years. The product is used mainly for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of skin and hair. It is included in many creams and lotions that are designed to restore and nourish the skin and hair follicles.

Mink oil is necessary for regulating lipid metabolism of the skin, as it has the ability to penetrate deeply into tissues and affect internal processes. The product softens the skin and nourishes it.

Using mink oil, you can moisturize and tighten your facial skin, while improving its color. The composition allows you to smooth out fine wrinkles and protect tissues from lack of moisture, which visually rejuvenates the face. Thanks to these abilities, the oil slows down the aging process and preserves the youth of the dermis for a long time.

This product helps regenerate and heal damaged tissue. It can relieve skin from peeling and diaper rash, and will help scratches and small wounds heal in a short time.

Mink oil is necessary to protect the skin from the effects of cold wind. It is often used to reduce the consequences of bites from insects such as mosquitoes, bees and ants.

This product has excellent hair care properties. It prevents baldness and promotes accelerated growth hair. After using the fat, the scalp becomes soft and moisturized, and the hair takes on a vibrant appearance.

Mink oil in pure form cannot cause any harm, since it is absolutely natural remedy and does not cause an allergic reaction. Due to the absence of contraindications, the oil can be used even by children of different ages.

Indications for use

Mink oil has a huge number of unique properties, which makes it indispensable for some categories of people. It should be used by older people who want to get rid of fine wrinkles and tighten their skin.

In addition, fat is indicated for people suffering from pigmentation, dryness, irritation and flaking of the skin. The product can even relieve a person of skin rashes and itching caused by allergies.

For young children, the product is necessary for the treatment of prickly heat, as well as other skin inflammations. For teenagers, mink oil will be an indispensable assistant in the treatment of acne, pimples and psoriasis.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women can use the product to prevent or treat stretch marks. Among other things, fat is indicated for reducing scars, scars and burn marks.

During the cold season, mink oil can protect sensitive skin from frost, and on hot days it can repel sun rays and ultraviolet radiation from the skin.

Applying fat will help people with dry, damaged hair. It is effective in treating dandruff and baldness.

Mink oil can be used in two ways.

  1. In its purest form– Suitable for nourishing the skin of the face and neck. With its help you can get rid of skin ailments such as burns, cuts, acne and pigmentation.
  2. As part of other products– is a biological additive and is included in many creams, ointments, shampoos and even soaps. These products are suitable for improving skin and hair, as well as protecting a person from ultraviolet radiation and frost.

Cooking methods

Modern manufacturers of cosmetics offer many different products containing mink oil. Many people can make a cream based on this oil at home.

  • To prepare a hair loss mask, you need to take 30 g of heated mink oil and mix it with 30 g of honey, 25 g of glycerin, 25 ml of sea buckthorn oil and 5 ml of lavender extract. The composition is applied to the root area and left for 60 minutes, after which it is washed off in the usual way.
  • To make a product to nourish the skin around the eyes, you need to take a moisturizer and add 20 g of mink fat to it. This mixture must be used to treat the area around the eyes for at least two or three times per week.
  • To create a composition designed to eliminate peeling, you will need to take chicken egg, sour cream and flour. The yolk must be mixed with crushed shells, 40 g of sour cream and 40 g of flour. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, it remains to add 20 g of mink fat to the product. This composition should be lubricated on the damaged areas once a day until the problem is completely eliminated.

Mink oil has been used in cosmetology for a long time. It is valued for its ability to smooth out wrinkles, enhance regeneration, prevent aging, promote the healing of wounds and abrasions, and relieve irritation. It is also effective in the fight against teenage acne. The product easily penetrates deep into the skin and does not leave thick marks.

How is mink oil extracted?

It is of animal origin. It is obtained by processing the subcutaneous layer of mink. The product has softening properties due to the strange type of polyunsaturated thick acids and glycerides.

Its composition is close to the composition of human tissues. The oil is based on triglycerides of palmitoleic acid, which are not found in vegetable and many oils of animal origin; they stimulate lipid metabolism.

There are two types of mink: overseas and European.

Their breeding occupies a leading position in fur farming. But not only the fur of this animal is valuable. Mink needs this unique fat to prevent various diseases. As a result, the wounded animal recovers quickly and does not suffer from skin ailments.

What's the benefit?

The product has charming penetrating and softening properties. Getting deep, it makes the skin veil soft, velvety and tender. Fat provides sun protection and neutralizes the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The product is resistant to rancidity and can be stored for a long time. Even after several years it will not change color, smell, or lose its healing properties.

The main area of ​​its use is cosmetology. Fat is included in creams and other skin and hair care products. This component restores and maintains the protective barrier of the skin, nourishes and moisturizes.

The use of oil protects against moisture loss, softens the skin, makes it elastic and flexible.

Cosmetologists value creams and other products with mink oil, as they have expensive properties:

  • visibly smooth out wrinkles on any area of ​​the skin;
  • protect the skin veil from aging;
  • eliminate peeling, abrasions, diaper rash, cracks;
  • provide beneficial influence in the cold time of the day;
  • reduce itching and burning from insect bites.
  • nourish the scalp, restore hair structure, eliminate hair loss;
  • effectively fight dandruff.
  • protect from the effects of unfavorable external factors.

Indications for use

There are a number of factors that indicate that you need additional skin and hair care products:

  • freckles, age spots;
  • aging appearance;
  • dryness, redness, peeling;
  • prickly heat;
  • the presence of allergic reactions;
  • inflammation;
  • weak, damaged hair;
  • burns, scars;
  • increased susceptibility to wind and frost;
  • dandruff, hair loss.

How to use the miracle product?

You can use mink oil to treat hair and skin in its pure form or use products based on it. This product can be applied to the area around the eyes, face, lips, neck, and décolleté. In order to speed up the healing of wounds and abrasions, pure oil should be lubricated with damaged areas twice a day. In cold weather, apply it to exposed areas.

The product can be used as an additional component in the following:

  • creams;
  • means providing protection from bright rays;
  • soap;
  • hand creams;
  • shampoos, balms, conditioners;
  • ointments.

Recipes for home cooking

Women have a lot of products in their arsenal to take care of their appearance. But masks based on the fat of this valuable animal have special results.

They are very easy to prepare at home:

  • Mask against hair loss. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey, glycerin and sea buckthorn oil. Heat 1 tablespoon of mink fat a little and pour into the rest of the ingredients. Mix thoroughly, add 10 drops each of lavender and sage oil. The mask should be applied to the hair roots 1.5 hours before washing your hair.
  • For the skin around the eyes. Squeeze a little unscented cream onto your palm and add half a teaspoon of fat. Mix well and apply with patting movements.
  • For the face. To prepare the cream, melt 1 teaspoon of lanolin and honey over low heat. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add 2 tablespoons of almond oil, water, and fat. Stir the mixture until it cools down. A mini mixer will help you achieve the desired consistency.
  • For thick skin types. The zest of 2 lemons should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for several hours, and then strained. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice, mink oil, 2 tablespoons of cream. All components must be thoroughly mixed. The cream can be applied twice a day.
  • For skin that is flaking. You need to grind the shell of one egg, mix it with raw yolk, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and the same amount of wheat flour. Add a teaspoon of mink oil and apply to the skin once every few days for 15-20 minutes.

Mink oil has no contraindications. It can be used for all kinds of skin problems by people of all ages. The oil is non-irritating and does not cause allergic reactions.

Unrefined. Possibly containing/deposited sediment of fine particles (live sediment)

English title: Mink Fat

Latin name: Mustelae vision

Qualification: Animal fat in pure form and for mixing with other base and auxiliary oils.

Mink oil is obtained by processing the subcutaneous fat of valuable fur-bearing animals.

Mink is the only animal that does not have skin diseases. Mink oil is very close in its composition and structure to human sebum; it has an unusual type of polyunsaturated fatty acids and glycerides, which give it remarkable properties and high penetrating ability (distribution coefficient 3 times higher than most other oils). They easily penetrate the skin, making it soft, soft, restoring the hydrolipidic protective barrier. Mink oil has a level of absorption of UV rays higher than any other oils, due to which it is successfully used in sunscreens, even in the cold. Mink oil can be used in its pure form before going outside on a frosty day - this will prevent frostbite of the skin. It is absolutely safe, resistant to rancidity, and even after ten years of storage it retains the fresh smell of the product.

Mink oil has no allergens and its content is not limited by dermatological requirements. When applied to the skin of the face, it does not leave an oily sheen and is easily absorbed. Helps remove wrinkles, regenerate cells, softens and smoothes, improves complexion and elasticity of the skin, maintains its tone and moisturizes. Nourishes, vitaminizes, removes small complex wrinkles around the pelvis and lips. Most often used for dry, chapped, cracked skin, which is very important in winter. But it is also successfully used for oily and combination skin, due to the fact that it does not overload the skin and does not clog pores. Used for skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, allergies. Relieves itching, irritation, eliminates peeling and redness. Fights juvenile acne, helps with wounds, abrasions, ulcers. Heals cracks, abrasions, bedsores and diaper rash, eliminates scars and stretch marks. It is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity, tonsillitis, softens cough and helps cleanse the lungs of smokers.

Mink oil - perfectly cares for hair, nourishing it from roots to ends. Moisturizes, restores structure, adds shine, softness, velvety without weighing them down. Quickly restores dry and split ends. Promotes growth, prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff.

Ingredients: subcutaneous mink fat

Volume: 30 ml

Manufacturer: LABLABSyria, Homs

I purchased this product on the advice of a friend and have not regretted it yet. I've only been using it for 2 weeks, but I really like it. And now, in fact, I’ll tell you why.

I have problematic skin(oily T-zone and thin and sensitive skin on the sides of the face), I won’t say that it’s very critical, but it happens that pimples appear, and when it comes to pimples, I begin to squeeze them out with true zeal. Naturally, traces of these crimes remain.

I didn’t expect miracles from the product, I thought that either mink oil would simply moisturize and nourish the skin of my face (which was my goal, since I dried it out very much with Metrogyl (gel) and Korean moisturizing gel), or it would clog my pores, which I don’t want (I wasn’t particularly worried, since this wouldn’t be the first product that clogged my pores). It cost me 200 rubles for 50 mg. Shelf life is long - 2 years.

The manufacturer of the mink fat I purchased is the research and production company MelMur LLC (Sochi). Here's what she writes about him on her website:

Mink oil is an absolutely amazing product. Cause unusual properties in the content of specific fatty acids and glycerides, giving it remarkable softening properties and high penetrating ability. It contains 15-19% palmitoleic acid, which is not found in such quantities in any other cosmetic raw material. The total fatty acid content is about 75%, they penetrate the skin, making it pleasant to the touch and velvety. Among them are myristyl, myristoleic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic. Mink oil is absolutely safe and is widely used in luxury cosmetics. Has a specific smell.
Indications for use:
wrinkles, freckles, age spots, dry skin (eliminates peeling and irritation), allergic rashes, atopic dermatitis, prickly heat, various skin inflammations, eczema, psoriasis, stretch marks (prevention and treatment), elimination and prevention of burns, scars, curatosis, skin protection from frost and UV blocking -rays, prevention of hair loss, dry, split ends, dandruff, hair loss.

I was a little confused that the company is located in Sochi, what kind of minks could there be in Sochi?! There are no mink farms there. The production addresses are also not indicated. This means that either the fat is brought in, or it is not mink fat. I had and still have some doubts about this, however, it is worth noting that this product has passed the declaration of conformity (in other words, quality confirmation), that is, at least it is harmless to human health.

Mink oil, especially after opening, should be stored in the refrigerator and applied with massaging movements to problem areas of the skin 2-3 times a day (this information is written on the product itself). The consistency is similar to any other animal fat, except, perhaps, that it melts very quickly. As soon as you take a small piece of fat out of the jar, it immediately begins to melt and flow. Therefore, when applying mink oil to your face, do not take a large piece, preferably a small or medium one! It will melt and you will have enough to apply to the rest of your face. The smell is very pleasant, I would say that it is gentle and unusual (maybe I, of course, consider the smell of fat to be such :-)), but sometimes a subtle scent creeps in for me bad smell animal fat. Melted mink fat is an almost transparent and slightly dense liquid of a yellowish-flesh color. After application, the face, of course, shines, so I apply it at night, during the day (when I’m not going to go anywhere) or when getting ready for work (I remove it before applying makeup; for my face it was enough to simply wipe my face with a damp pad soaked in warm water ). It never burned or tightened the skin, I hit myself in the eye once, and there were no consequences other than a film.

After 2 weeks of use, I can note that my complexion has improved and become more even. The marks from my playful hands (spots from squeezed out pimples) became less obvious. Those pimples that I squeezed out not so long ago acquired a crust, after a while (when it almost goes away) I remove it and there is healthy skin underneath, although a slight darkening remains, but still not so strong. Externally, the skin began to look much better than before using fat (that is, hydration and nutrition are evident). Now single pimples appear, as before, but I almost don’t feel them (before they were very painful), they are not so red (only the head is red). I’m trying not to put pressure, but it still doesn’t work, even though I’m scratching myself! Regarding clogged pores: it seems to me that they clog at exactly the same speed as before using fat. Therefore, I periodically do scrubs or massage my face with a sponge. In general, so far I’m happy with mink oil and will continue to use it. If I change my mind about this product or try it in a new capacity for me, for example as a hair mask or for burns, I will add to my review :). Thank you for reading, I understand that there are too many letters in this review. I hope it will be useful to you!

Mink fat is a valuable product of animal origin. Used in cosmetology and medicine to treat skin diseases. Of course, it is not as popular in cosmetology as or hyaluronic acid, but no less effective. Its use has a positive effect on the condition and appearance skin.

In addition, its great advantage is the ability to prepare facial cosmetics at home. Moreover, the result is no worse than from expensive procedures and cosmetics.

Chemical composition of mink oil

Cosmetologists separate the fat obtained during the processing of mink skins from a number of other natural fats used in facial care. This is due to the specific chemical composition, which combines fatty acids, as well as the penetrating properties of the product. It greatly enhances the ability of substances to penetrate deep into the skin structure.

Mink oil contains more than 15% palmitoleic acid, which is also found in human subcutaneous fat. It is not contained in such a volume in any other natural component of cosmetic products. It stimulates the regeneration process, restores elasticity to the skin, and therefore is included in many cosmetic preparations intended for skin and hair care.

In total, mink fat contains approximately 75% fatty acids, including: linoleic, palmitic, oleic, maristilic, stearic and others.

Compared to other animal fats, mink has the highest level of ultraviolet absorption. When applied to the surface of the skin, it creates a thin, uniform layer.

The product is suitable for long-term storage; it retains its properties and aroma well.

Main Product Features

Cosmetics containing mink oil have many beneficial qualities for the skin:

  1. Restores the protective barrier.
  2. Softens the top layer of the skin.
  3. Maintains natural humidity levels.
  4. Nourishes with essential elements.
  5. Improves structure.
  6. Slows down natural aging.
  7. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, both age-related and facial.
  8. Evens out the skin texture.
  9. Heals damaged skin tissue.
  10. Protects from influence unfavorable factors external environment (ultraviolet, low temperatures).
  11. Relieves skin itching.

Cosmetics made from mink oil have many advantages over other drugs:

  • unlimited range of applications;
  • there are no greasy marks left behind;
  • completely absorbed into the skin;
  • have photoprotective qualities;
  • can be used in hair care.

Indications and methods of use

  • the appearance of the first age-related changes skin;
  • the presence of dermatological diseases (prickly heat, allergies, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and others);
  • negative influence of external factors;
  • strong pigmentation and freckles;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • the appearance of stretch marks;
  • pathological hair loss.

As an additional therapy, mink fat and oil are used to treat burns.

In its pure form, fat is used:

  • as an additional nutritional supplement for sensitive skin(apply once, in the evening);
  • to restore damaged skin tissue (apply as needed, several times a day);
  • to protect the skin from harmful influence environment (apply 30-40 minutes before going outside);
  • as a hair care product (rub into the scalp 1-2 times a day).

As an active additive, mink oil is added to ready-made cosmetics: creams, skin care products (including those intended for children), shampoos and rinses, hygiene products, cosmetic masks, body care products after sunbathing.


Mink oil is an affordable product, so there are a large number of pharmaceutical preparations that are inexpensive. Certainly, medicinal properties budget funds are not as pronounced as for drugs from the luxury category. But in terms of price-quality ratio, most of them remain at their best.

Choosing pharmaceutical product, it is necessary to focus on the composition, shelf life and medicinal properties.

  • Cosmetic Vaseline

Vaseline with the addition of mink fat, produced by the Photocosmetic company, moisturizes and protects the skin from the adverse effects of external factors, promotes lipid metabolism, and inhibits the aging process. This product is indispensable in every home medicine cabinet. Vaseline is absolutely safe and is recommended for use even by children.

  • Larkspur

Cream “Zhivokost” (trade mark “Zhivin”). In addition to mink fat, the drug contains extracts of such beneficial plants as mountain arnica, larkspur, marsh cinquefoil, cardamom and pepper. The cream-balm has many medicinal qualities: it regenerates the skin, restores joints and ligaments, promotes the resorption of bruises, and alleviates injuries and bruises.

  • Liquid soap

Children's liquid soap with chamomile from the Nevskaya Cosmetics brand. Recommended not only for children, but also for their parents. Suitable for use on any skin type, does not cause allergies or other unwanted side effects. The big advantage is the affordable price.

  • Tapir-100 lux

Cosmetic product "Tapir-100 lux", produced by the company "Mustela" - medicinal cosmetics according to original recipes, intended for the care of facial skin, neck and décolleté. Restores skin, relieves signs of fatigue and stress. The disadvantages of cosmetics are their high cost and the difficulty of purchasing them at retail.

  • Baarhad

Cream mask "Baarhad", products of the Siberian Health brand - effective cosmetic product from the “two in one” category for facial skin care. The product provides the skin with the necessary nutrition and hydration, eliminates fine wrinkles, and takes good care of the skin around the eyes.

Home Recipes

You can do it at home cosmetic procedures using mink oil and fat, the effect of which will be no worse than that of using expensive professional cosmetics.

  • Revitalizing mask

To rejuvenate the skin and restore its lipid balance, you can prepare a mask from one egg yolk, a tablespoon of mink fat and a teaspoon of heavy cream or sour cream.

All components of the future mask must be thoroughly mixed and soaked in a napkin prepared in advance from several layers of gauze. Apply it to your face. The procedure takes 30 minutes.

  • Anti-wrinkle

The combination of Vaseline and mink oil can eliminate fine wrinkles around the lips and in the corners of the eyes.

  • Sedative

IN winter time You can tidy up and soothe the delicate skin around the eyes with the following composition: cream for caring for the skin around the eyes (fragrance-free) and mink oil. The components are mixed in the same volume. The enriched cream is applied to the skin with light patting movements. There is no need to rinse it off, as it is completely absorbed.

  • Winter revitalizing mask

If your skin condition worsens as a result of winter weather, you can restore it by using an egg scrub mask.

To prepare it you need: a well-washed shell of one egg, one raw yolk, two tablespoons of sour cream, two tablespoons of wheat flour, a teaspoon of mink fat.

Peel the shell from the inner film and grind it into powder. Combine it with the rest of the ingredients.

Apply a scrub mask to the face for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure no more than twice a week.

  • Hydration and nutrition in winter

There is another recipe for a cream that provides complete nutrition and hydration of the skin during the winter months. It is prepared from: a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of lanolin, two tablespoons of water, the same amount of almond and mink oils.

If the honey is candied, you need to melt it in a water bath, combine it with melted lanolin, add water and oils. Stir the mixture until it cools. You can use a mixer (set to low speed).

The finished product is used as a regular nourishing cream.

  • Nutrition for oily skin

A mask made from the zest of one, half a tablespoon of lemon juice, half a tablespoon of mink oil, and a tablespoon of cream will help saturate the skin with the necessary elements.
Pour half a glass of boiling water over the lemon zest, leave for several hours, and strain. Add butter, lemon juice, cream. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

The finished cream can be used twice a day: morning and evening.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists recognize cosmetics containing mink oil as effective, efficient, and at the same time safe.

When choosing it, you need to focus on the needs of the skin, the medicinal properties of the drugs, and not on reviews collected on various forums.

Creams and masks prepared at home can significantly improve the condition of the skin. But before using them, it would not be superfluous to consult a dermatologist, since mink oil can hide the external manifestations and symptoms of internal pathology.

The beneficial effect of mink oil on the condition of the skin cannot be overestimated. And given its low cost, it has virtually no drawbacks. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, providing complete care. Cosmetics based on mink oil can be used for skin care both during the day and at night.