Hair mask with lemon for lightening. Lemon hair mask

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamins, beneficial amino acids, and unique compounds that are extremely beneficial for hair. It is widely used in cosmetology and medicine in the form of juice, extract, and oils. But you need to know how to use a lemon hair mask at home, especially if this mask is made by yourself.

What is used in lemon hair masks

  • Firstly, lemon juice should be freshly squeezed and natural, not store-bought.
  • Secondly, in addition to juice, you can also use zest.
  • Thirdly, if your hair is dyed, then before using the mask you need to test the composition on an inconspicuous small strand.

There can be many recipes for masks with lemon, so let’s look at masks that will help with the most common problems.

Mask for weakened hair

It will quickly help restore strength and elasticity to your hair. effective mask for hair lemon with the addition of honey and aloe juice. For 60 ml of aloe juice, take 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and liquid honey, 2 egg yolks. The components are mixed, applied to the hair along the entire length, you can comb the hair so that the mass is better distributed. Keep this mask for 20 minutes under the film, then wash off with warm water.

For dry, weakened hair

Lemon juice itself can dry out your hair. Therefore, for curls of this type, hair oils are also used to prevent overdrying. For 1 tablespoon of lemon juice you will need 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of water. The liquids are mixed, the composition is applied to the hair and left for half an hour.

For brittle hair

Since lemon can be very drying to your hair, use lemon in pure form Not for this type of hair. But an intensive lemon hair mask based on olive oil and citrus essential oil restores brittle strands well. For 30 ml of olive oil - 3 drops of lemon essential oil, the same amount of ylang-ylang essential oil. The composition is rubbed into the hair at the roots, then moistened with it over the entire length of the hair and kept for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off.

For hair loss

If your hair starts to fall out, you can strengthen your hair follicles with this mask. The zest of one lemon is cut and finely chopped, then the juice of the same lemon is squeezed into the zest, one beaten egg and 1 tablespoon of castor oil are added. Everything is mixed well and rubbed into the scalp. This is a lemon hair mask, reviews of which say that it should be used carefully: for dry hair, it is better to abstain altogether, and for oily and normal hair, do it 2 times a month.

For intensive hair growth

To make your hair grow faster, you can prepare a mask at home that will awaken the hair follicles and speed up hair growth. This mask is made using lemon and onion juices, as well as almond oil and honey. For 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice you will need: 1 tablespoon onion juice, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 tablespoon almond oil and 1 teaspoon shampoo. Everything is thoroughly beaten together, and then the composition, foaming, is applied to the hair along the entire length, covered with film and kept for 1 hour.

If your hair is dull

A natural lemon hair mask with kefir will help restore beautiful shine to your hair. Lemon juice is diluted with water in half, then the same amount of kefir is added, everything is mixed and applied to the hair for 30 minutes. You can use this remedy 1-2 times a week.

For dandruff

A mask of lemon juice, water and burdock oil will help you cope with dandruff. 2 tablespoons of juice are diluted with 2 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of oil are added and everything is mixed. Apply the mask to the scalp, trying to rub in. These lemon hair masks can be done 1-2 times a week. They keep them for half an hour. After use, rinse your hair well with herbal decoction.

For very oily hair

A tonic based on lemon juice will help solve the problem of increased sebum secretion and permanently greasy hair. It is prepared as follows: grind two lemons with zest, but without seeds, pour a glass of vodka over them, seal the mixture and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then filter, pour into a clean bottle and rub into the scalp before washing 2 times a week.

For volume

A simple hair mask with lemon and cognac will help make your hair strong from the roots. For 1 tablespoon of lemon juice you will need the same amount of cognac and an egg yolk. The mixture should be beaten well and applied to the hair roots once a week for half an hour.

From yellow tint

If your hair has acquired an unpleasant yellowish tone after dyeing, you can make a lightening mask. Mix 5 tablespoons of hair conditioner with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, add a pinch of cinnamon and distribute the mixture through your hair. Then put on a shower cap, wrap your hair with a towel and leave the mask on for 2 hours.

This is how you make a lemon hair mask; you won’t have any difficulties at home. Have you tried doing it yourself? Share your opinion on the forum or read reviews from our visitors.

Hair masks with lemon They are made quite simply; their composition, as a rule, includes lemon juice, honey, onion juice, herbal decoctions and other components.

Benefits of lemon for hair

Nourishes and moisturizes the scalp;
- helps with hair loss;
- improves appearance hair and gives it shine;
- eliminates dandruff.

Lemon hair rinse

The easiest way to improve your hair with lemon is to make a hair rinse with lemon juice. To do this, dilute the juice of one lemon in a liter of water, and rinse your hair with this mixture every time after washing. Many shampoos contain alkalis; lemon juice can neutralize them and make hair soft and manageable.

Anti-hair loss decoction with lemon juice

Lemon juice will help against this. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of dry burdock roots with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.

Strain and add half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the broth. Rub the resulting composition into the roots of the scalp before washing. This method will strengthen the hair roots, reduce itching and flaking, and stop hair loss. This decoction can also be used as a rinse after washing; first dilute the resulting composition with clean water or sage.

Masks for oily hair with lemon

Recipe 1. Mask with lemon and herbal decoction

For mix 1 tbsp. burdock roots and 1 tbsp calamus, pour 1 glass of boiling water over them and add 3-5 tbsp. lemon juice. Let the mixture steep for 7 hours, preferably in a warm place. After the composition has infused, rub it warm into the hair roots every time before washing (preferably 2-3 times a week). The remaining mixture can be diluted with water and rinsed after washing.

Recipe 2. Lemon mask with onion juice for thin hair

Onion juice;
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
- 1 tbsp. burdock oil;
- 2 tbsp. honey;
- yolk;
- 1 tbsp. shampoo (optional, for better application).

If you have oily hair and at the same time weakened, sparse and damaged(for example after dyeing or perm), then a wrap with lemon juice will help “revive” them; for this, mix the juice of 1 onion with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of burdock oil, 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of shampoo.

Beat all ingredients into foam using a mixer. After washing, apply the resulting mass onto wet hair and rub into the scalp. Cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel. Leave for 2 hours and then rinse with water.

Helpful tip: in order for the hair to remain clean longer, use shampoo for oily hair add a couple drops of lemon essential oil.

Recipe 3. Lemon + aloe

Another good recipe for oily and weakened hair: mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and honey with 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and add 1 yolk. Rub the resulting composition into the hair roots 30 minutes before washing. For the best effect, rinse your hair after washing with a decoction of St. John's wort.

Lemon juice masks for dry hair

Recipe 1. Mask with lemon and olive oil

Compresses made from lemon juice and olive oil will help. Mix equal proportions of lemon juice and olive oil, heat slightly and apply to the roots of the hair and distribute along the entire length. Wrap your head and leave for 30 minutes - 1 hour. If possible, leave the mask on overnight.

Recipe 2. Nourishing mask with oils and lemon juice

Mix peach oil (1 tbsp), castor oil (1 tbsp) and lemon juice (2 tsp) thoroughly and apply to hair. It is recommended to make this mask 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Masks for any hair type with lemon juice

Recipe 1.

For this recipe we will need the following herbs: nettle, St. John's wort, chamomile, burdock root (you can take other herbs). 1 tbsp. l. pour each of the herbs with vegetable oil (0.5 cup) and the juice of 1 lemon. Close tightly and leave to infuse for a week. After this time, strain the composition and apply to hair an hour before washing. Then rinse well.

Recipe 2.

The recipe is great for fighting dandruff. To do this, add the peels of 3 lemons to a liter of water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and rinse hair with product after washing.

Other useful recipes:

For baldness Vodka (100 grams) and lemon juice (3 tablespoons) will help. Mix the juice with vodka and leave for a week in a tightly closed container. Use the resulting product to wipe the balding areas of the head once a day.

Lemon hairspray: cut the lemon into thin slices and pour a glass of water. Place on the fire and cook until half of the liquid has evaporated. Then strain the broth and add a couple of drops of vodka or alcohol to it. To spray the product, use a spray bottle and apply to hair as regular varnish. This product will not only hold your hair in place, but will also make your hair healthier!

An attractive hairstyle is a sign of cleanliness and a guarantee of good health, both internal and external. As you know, fats and dirt intensively accumulate on the delicate scalp, which, if not taken care of in a timely manner, damage the hair, disrupt its structure and even provoke the occurrence of fungus. The widest range of shampoos, in most cases, do not contribute to healthy hair, so they need special care. A lemon mask can be a wonderful remedy. Even professional cosmetologists use lemon for hair with great effectiveness.


A little about the benefits of lemon

The active substances found in lemon have the properties to have a positive effect on metabolic processes, that occur under the skin. That’s why cosmetology adopted it. The substances mentioned, mostly organic acids, include:

  • citric, galacturonic and malic acids, tone the sebaceous glands, dry the skin a little, and prevent the appearance of fat;
  • pectin, has restorative and strengthening properties;
  • carotene, renews the cellular structure of the skin, quickly removing dead cells and regenerating damaged ones;
  • phytoncides and thiamine counteract dandruff and soothe the scalp;
  • vitamin C, useful everywhere, but in in this case it improves elastin synthesis.

These are just the most useful and active substances contained in lemon.

Getting into the scalp, with regular use, the lemon mask will make your hair bright, well-groomed and healthy.

The root structure will be strengthened, the ends will not split, and your hairstyle will become much more attractive. This is what a regular lemon can do! However, you still need to know how to prepare a healing remedy.

How to properly prepare a mask?

Anyone can prepare a healing mask to strengthen hair with lemon. It is recommended for absolutely everyone to use it, but it will bring more noticeable benefits to those whom nature has endowed with oily or unstable hair.

As a component of the mask, lemon is used in most cases in the form of finely chopped peels or juice. All the recipes are simple and won’t take you much time to prepare.

The most effective recipes

If you dry hair, then do the following. Olive oil should be heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees (approximately) and add freshly squeezed lemon juice to it. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and slowly rub the mixture into your hair. Then cover your head with either a towel or a bag and rest for several hours. It is recommended to perform the procedure several times. Even the driest hair will gain strength and moisture.

For oily hair, the recipe is a little different. Break one egg, separate the yolk from it and mix it with lemon juice, adding a couple of drops of aloe. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and rub into the mask. Cover your head and sit for half an hour. The result will appear after just a few uses.

In the event that you cannot accurately decide whether your hair is dry or oily, make universal mask. Dry the lemon peel, chop it and add it to the pre-beaten yolk with sour cream (take 60 grams of sour cream). Stir and apply the mixture to your scalp. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo without using a hairdryer afterwards. This lemon mask is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Durability, lightness and shine

Do you want to make your hair more persistent? You also can't do without lemon. Make a mixture in equal proportions: onion juice, burdock oil and lemon juice. Rub the mixture thoroughly into your scalp, being careful not to miss every root. The mask should be absorbed for two hours, then wash your hair. By regularly practicing this procedure, you will ensure the durability of your hairstyle and forget about damage.

Mask to improve shine. Thoroughly mix 100 grams of fresh honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice and rub the mixture thoroughly. It is recommended to keep the mask on for about 25 minutes. Honey nourishes the hair very well, and lemon juice removes fat deposits, resulting in shiny hair.

To do your hair lighter, mix 1:1 vodka and lemon juice. Rub the mixture in and wait until it dries. If you have light brown or brown hair, you will notice the effect after the first procedure.

What you need to strengthen!

  • In order to strengthen hair Stir lemon juice in plain water (proportion 1 to 4). Then add two tablespoons of flour to the mixture and mix again. Apply the mask and after 45 minutes wash your hair with shampoo. This mask helps strengthen the roots and scalp itself.
  • If you have a problem with hair loss, then use the following recipe. Pour over dried burdock leaves with hot water (300 ml) and let stand for 30 minutes. When the tincture has cooled, add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, rub in the mixture and rest for 1.5-2 hours. After a series of such procedures, the roots will be significantly strengthened.

Lemon hair mask, thanks to the huge content of essential vitamins and microelements, can restore strength, health and shine to your curls. Preparing a healing mixture does not require much time and money, but with regular procedures it can achieve amazing results.

Lemon can be used for all hair types. Use it in the form of freshly squeezed juice or as essential oil. Even a small amount of these ingredients can work wonders on your hair.

However, all citrus fruits are characterized by the content of large amounts of vitamin C and organic acids, which irritate the cells, depriving them of precious moisture. Therefore, when using lemon you need to know a few simple secrets.

  1. To prepare the mask, you cannot use concentrated lemon juice - it must be diluted with mineral (still) water in equal proportions.
  2. If there are injuries, unhealed wounds or other damage to the scalp, you should refrain from using such cosmetics.
  3. The composition of the mask must certainly contain substances that soften the aggressive effects of lemon.
  4. Be sure to consider the brightening effect that lemon cosmetics can have. The mixture can be applied to the roots and along the entire length of the strands. Hair should be dry.
  5. Using a plastic cap or a regular bag and a terry towel will help you achieve a greenhouse effect.
  6. One mask per week is enough, then a break for a month is necessary.

Benefits of lemon hair masks

  • Moisturize and nourish the scalp;
  • prevent hair loss;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • improve the appearance of curls, giving them a vibrant shine;
  • A hair mask with lemon will help solve the problem of oily hair.

Mask for dry hair

Let's heat it up olive oil, add the same amount of lemon juice and mix well. Rub the finished mixture into the strands, wrap and hold for one hour. This product helps to moisturize and restore even very dry, damaged curls.

For oily hair

Mix lemon and aloe juice well and add the yolk. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots for half an hour. The hair becomes shiny and the oiliness of the scalp is significantly reduced.

Universal mask

Grind the slightly dried lemon peel, add sour cream and yolk. Mix everything and apply to strands. Keep it for half an hour. This composition is suitable for all hair types - it perfectly nourishes and cleanses it.

For damaged hair

Take burdock oil, onion and lemon juice in equal proportions. Add yolk and honey, mix. Lubricate the strands, rubbing the mixture well into the roots. Keep for about two hours. This procedure significantly improves damaged curls and restores them after curling or dyeing.

For shine of curls

Mix lemon juice with liquid honey. Apply the mixture to the strands, comb them and hold for 20 minutes. Lemon juice removes particles of dirt and grease, and honey moisturizes and nourishes curls. The hair turns out shiny and incredibly silky.

To lighten strands

Mix lemon juice and vodka in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to the strands and let it dry. The effectiveness of lightening will directly depend on the structure and color of the hair. For example, on light brown hair the effect will be more pronounced.

Firming mask

Dilute lemon juice with water in a ratio of 5:1. Add a spoonful of flour and stir. Apply the mixture and leave for half an hour. This composition has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles and scalp, and restores the structure of the hair column.

For hair loss

Pour boiling water over a handful of dried burdock root and leave for 15 minutes. Add lemon juice to the cooled tincture. Apply to hair and leave for an hour and a half. Regular procedure stops hair loss, helps strengthen roots and prevents peeling.

For dandruff

About an hour before the start of the procedure, the hair needs to be prepared - lubricate the roots with heated vegetable oil. Mix lemon juice with apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:2. Rub the mixture into the roots and leave for 30 minutes.


All the described masks strengthen, dry, lighten curls and maintain their health. They are among the most popular cosmetics, thanks to ease of preparation and high efficiency.

With regular use, they will significantly improve weakened hair that is prone to oiliness and suffers from vitamin deficiency. A hair mask with lemon will be a great find for those who prefer natural rather than synthetic cosmetics.

Lemon is very famous for its beneficial properties for hair - it strengthens it, brightens it, refreshes it and cleans it. This is a real assistant in caring for strands that can be used by almost everyone. But to get the maximum effect from it, you should know how to do it correctly. Here you will find several popular mask recipes and recommendations for their preparation.

Masks with lemon are perfect for those with oily strands, as they dry out the scalp and cleanse excess sebum. However, those who want to preserve their hair color should not add it to such products - it has the ability to significantly lighten curls.

Lemon included natural masks very useful:

  • eliminates dandruff;
  • gives a mirror shine;
  • makes combing easier;
  • accelerates hair growth;
  • improves blood flow to the scalp;
  • nourishes hair;
  • enriches curls with vitamins.

Contraindications to the use of lemon masks

Prepare the mask according to the recipe, apply a drop of the mixture to your wrist or elbow. Redness and itching indicate an allergic reaction - the mixture should not be used.

Do not use lemon juice in the following cases:

  • allergies or individual intolerances;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • scalp wounds;
  • itching and irritation of the dermis.

Even in the absence of an allergic reaction, lemon juice should not be used undiluted.

Recipes for effective remedies

For masks, lemon is used in the form of juice, and store-bought is not suitable due to the presence of preservatives, so it is recommended to use freshly squeezed. The fruit should be firm and the peel should be bright yellow. Try to choose lemons with smooth skin. This means that it is freshly picked from a fruit-bearing tree and is much healthier.

For lightening with honey

Great option for those who want to very quickly lighten some part of the strands or all the curls without using chemical dyes that harm them.

The soft effect of the composition will make the strands lighter by several tones.

Preparation will not take much time:

  1. Pour liquid honey (150 g) into a glass. If it is hard or candied, melt it first.
  2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix with honey.
  3. Use your fingers to distribute the mixture over the entire length of your hair.
  4. If the ends are very dry, additionally lubricate them with any vegetable oil.
  5. Keep it on your head for 6-7 hours. Don't warm it up! This will reduce the brightening effect of the mask.

For brunettes, a lightening mask with honey and lemons is ineffective.

To restore weakened and damaged hair

The mask is perfect for those with dry, dehydrated, or colored hair. Cognac and honey will enhance the effect of the main ingredient - lemon.

Making a mask is very simple:

  1. Squeeze juice from lemon (1 tbsp).
  2. Homemade chicken egg Divide into yolk and white.
  3. Mix cognac (1 tsp), almond oil (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tsp), yolk.
  4. Apply the mixture to the roots with a brush, separating the strands by parting.
  5. Distribute along the length, insulate, keep on your head for 1 hour, rinse with water at room temperature using shampoo.

If you need to speed up the growth of strands, use the recipe from this video:

For dandruff

To treat and prevent seborrhea, rinse your hair with lemon water several times a week. In addition to eliminating dandruff, the oiliness of the scalp will decrease.

You need to prepare the mixture in advance:

  1. Wash the lemons (4 pcs.) thoroughly and cut into small slices.
  2. Pour a liter of water into the pan, add lemons.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes after boiling, strain the lemon water through cheesecloth.
  4. Rinse your hair after using shampoo and conditioner.
  5. The composition does not need to be washed off; let your hair dry naturally.

For brittle and split ends

This mask makes hair strong and shiny, seals damaged ends, and gives them a healthy look. The nutritional composition of 4 components saturates the strands with vitamins.

Cooking rules:

  1. Wash the lemon thoroughly, cut into small slices, blend with a blender until pureed, and rub through a sieve to ensure uniformity.
  2. Take a fresh, preferably homemade, chicken egg, separate the yolk from the white.
  3. Combine lemon puree (1 tbsp) with the yolk and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add liquid honey (30 g) and coconut oil (30 g).
  5. Apply the mixture with your fingers to the entire length of your hair, carefully working through the ends.
  6. Keep the composition warm for at least an hour, and preferably 3-4.

From falling out

According to reviews, the mask will help strengthen the hair follicles and accelerate blood flow to the scalp. For the best effect, carry out a course of 10 masks, 1-2 per week.

Production of the composition:

Apply the composition to dirty strands; for convenience, they can be pre-moistened. After this, put on a shower cap or plastic bag, wrap your head in a towel or wear a woolen hat. Keep warm for up to an hour, depending on recipe. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

Here are some more useful tips:

  • The effect of the brightening mask will be more noticeable if applied.
  • If your curls are split, add vegetable oil or sour cream to the composition.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon immediately before use.
  • Do not heat the mask; as the temperature rises, it loses some of its beneficial substances.