Homemade face mask for skin tightening - recipes with a salon effect. Calendula mask

Women notice obvious signs of skin aging after 30 years. And if the body is hidden under clothes, then the face, like a calling card, signals age, sometimes even adding a few extra years. Wrinkles on the forehead, crow's feet, nasolabial folds, double chin, blurry oval - these “decorations” give rise to many complexes. Lifting face masks at home can disguise imperfections.

Cosmetologists use the word “lifting” to mean a facelift. Such rejuvenation can be performed by various methods: surgical interventions, special cosmetics, salon procedures. At home, lifting masks allow you to tighten the dermis, of course, provided that all the components are correctly selected and the procedure itself is carried out correctly and regularly. This procedure has an immediate effect.

Lifting masks at home: main accents

Lifting masks contain products that provide a smoothing and at the same time tightening effect. It is thanks to them that wrinkles are eliminated, and blurred contours are significantly tightened. One more important feature lifting products is their ability to activate the production of collagen and elastin. Is it possible to do it at home and achieve a positive effect with express lifting?

If you regularly perform home face lifting using masks, you can achieve the following visible results.

  • Smoothing out wrinkles. The severity of even deep and problematic folds is significantly reduced. New wrinkles do not form.
  • Skin tightening. Gradually all the “bags” lose their expression. Jowls are tightened, the double chin is reduced, and sagging under the eyes disappears.
  • Relief leveling. The skin structure becomes smooth. Masks eliminate all bumps and unsightly rashes, strengthen tissues and make pores less noticeable.
  • Improved tone. The skin loses the patina of grayness and yellowness characteristic of old age. With the help of whitening components included in the mask, it is possible to get rid of even age spots.

When lifting is contraindicated

  • age less than 30 years;
  • various skin injuries: abrasions, scratches, wounds, ulcers;
  • vascular or skin diseases;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • plastic surgery, the statute of limitations for which has not reached six months.

Cosmetics, which have a lifting effect, always have a powerful effect. And the mature dermis reacts extremely sensitively to any external aggression. Therefore, when using lifting masks, it is important to strictly follow the five rules.

  1. Choosing a mask. Many recipes for lifting products have been developed. To choose the right effective mask option, it is necessary to take into account the type of epidermis, age, and stage of aging of the dermis. So, for dry skin, fatty dairy products and oils are recommended. For sebaceous dermis, drying ingredients such as clay and protein are more suitable.
  2. Production of the product. For active face lifting, it is recommended to use warm masks. Therefore, the finished mixture is often heated in a water bath. But when bringing the mixture to a comfortable temperature, it is necessary to take into account its composition. Cosmetic oils and honey are allowed to be heated to 40°C. But if the product contains eggs, it is recommended to limit the temperature to 35°C to prevent the product from curdling.
  3. Facial cleansing. Like any other mask, the lifting product is applied only to cleansed skin. Initially, the dermis can be steamed using herbal baths. It is recommended to add infusions or decoctions of well-known anti-aging plants to the water: aloe, yarrow, sea buckthorn, rose hips. It is advisable to clean the pores with a scrub before a facelift.
  4. Application of the product. Lifting masks are usually applied to the skin in two stages. Initially, a thin layer of the product is smeared on the face, moving along massage lines. The mixture is allowed to dry. Then the second layer is applied. Wait for it to dry again. The duration of one session is 20-25 minutes.
  5. Washing off the mask. To remove the product, use ordinary running water. If the mask has become completely dry on some areas of the skin, it is recommended to apply a warm compress soaked in water or milk for a couple of minutes. You shouldn’t rip such crusts off your face. This will lead to microtraumas. After the session, be sure to apply a moisturizing or softening cream to the epidermis.

If you want to rejuvenate your face, you should not forget about a sense of proportion. Cosmetologists advise using tightening masks no more than twice a week. And after a month of regular procedures, the composition of the lifting product needs to be changed.

Advice on how to select a recipe based on age. The most effective mask for your age

In order to choose the right product and not harm your dermis, it is important to take into account its condition. If signs of aging have just begun to appear on the face, then you need to use products with a slight tightening effect.

Cosmetologists advise when choosing a mask to take into account age characteristics epidermis.

  • After 30 years. The process of withering has just begun. Therefore, the main task of masks is to stop the aging process. Cosmetics should ensure the preservation of the elasticity of the dermis and its tone. Preference is given to masks containing decoctions of medicinal herbs, gelatin, fermented milk products, natural oils, and beekeeping products.
  • After 40 years. Skin aging is quite pronounced. The dermis becomes dry and dull. A double chin is forming. To increase muscle tone and strengthen skin tissue, lifting masks based on glycerin, gelatin, protein, starch, clay, and honey are recommended.
  • After 50 years. Skin aging is pronounced. The dermis is in dire need of lifting. But along with tightening, the epidermis needs nutrition and hydration. Mature skin becomes extremely sensitive, so aggressive tightening products are no longer relevant. At this age, lifting masks containing oatmeal, yolk, gelatin, vegetables, fruits, honey, vitamins, yeast, and fermented milk products will provide benefits.

9 options for hand-made tightening products

The main condition of the mask is the tightening effect. And additional components should solve side problems: deeply moisturize, whiten the skin or provide high-quality nutrition. Therefore, when choosing a product, do not forget to take into account its additional capabilities.

Ginger lifting

Peculiarities. This remedy can be safely classified as an instant tightening method. A pronounced result is observed even after the first procedure. Ginger nourishes the skin with beneficial minerals and tones it. A unique plant is able to fight sagging epidermis and give the skin a lasting tightening effect. A lifting mask made from ginger provides a number of beneficial properties for the face. It whitens the dermis, restores its elasticity, and maintains optimal hydrobalance in the tissues.


  • Ginger juice - one teaspoon.
  • A green apple is half a fruit.
  • Olive oil - one teaspoon.
  • Banana is half of the fruit.
  • Lemon juice - half a teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. The apple is grated.
  2. Ginger juice is poured into applesauce.
  3. Mash the banana with a fork. The resulting puree is added to the apple-ginger mixture.
  4. Add olive oil to the mask and then add lemon juice. The mixture is stirred.

Gelatin lift

Peculiarities. There is a statement that gelatin is the same as collagen. It makes the skin soft and velvety, whitens stains and fights wrinkles. And wheat germ essential oil is a rich source of vitamin E, which has strong anti-aging properties. Cosmetologists consider a mask with gelatin a valuable tool in the fight against aging skin.


  • Wheat germ oil - ten drops.
  • Gelatin - one tablespoon.
  • Grapes (preferably seedless) - ten berries.
  • Water - six tablespoons.

How to cook

  1. Gelatin is diluted in water and left to swell for about half an hour.
  2. The grapes are ground to a puree. Pay attention to the bones. It is recommended to remove them to avoid damaging the skin.
  3. The grape mixture is mixed with oil.
  4. Add grape-oil puree to the swollen gelatin and mix well.

Creamy egg mixture

Peculiarities. This mask is recommended for dry skin. Thanks to the combination of cream and yolk, it nourishes the tissues well, provides the necessary hydration and softens the dermis. This lifting saturates the epidermis with proteins, vitamins E, A, B.


  • Cream (30%) - one tablespoon.
  • One egg yolk.

How to cook

  1. Homemade cream warms up a little.
  2. To the warm dairy product add the egg and mix well.

Egg-honey mask with lemon

Peculiarities. Egg white Provides effective skin tightening. It will bring a pronounced smoothing effect and dry out the dermis. Lemon allows you to nourish tissues with essential vitamins and effectively lightens the skin, eliminating age spots and freckles. And honey is a recognized rejuvenation product.


  • Protein - one.
  • Honey - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Beat the whites with a mixer.
  2. Lemon juice and honey are added to the resulting foam.
  3. The mask is mixed.

This mask is suitable for oily, oily or combination skin types. If the dermis is excessively dry, then instead of white you need to take yolk.

Starch care

Peculiarities. A mask with starch provides the skin comprehensive care. It smooths out wrinkles, eliminates tightness, and brings nutrition and hydration to the dermis. Starch relieves inflammation, clears rashes and has a slight lightening effect.


  • Egg (you can take either white or yolk) - one.
  • Starch - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Using a mixer, beat the egg.
  2. While beating, starch is carefully added.

Honey-glycerin power

Peculiarities. Glycerin masks, as evidenced by reviews, have the ability to tighten and deeply moisturize the skin. They whiten unsightly stains and soften the skin. Glycerin, due to its ability to regulate water balance, smoothes out wrinkles well. His beneficial properties increase several times when the product is combined with honey.


  • Honey - one tablespoon.
  • Glycerin - two teaspoons.
  • Milk - five tablespoons.
  • Gelatin - one and a half teaspoons.

How to cook

  1. Initially, gelatin is diluted in milk. The mixture should swell within 12 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to fill it in the morning.
  2. In the evening, the gelatin mixture is slightly warmed up.
  3. Glycerin and honey are added to the melted product.
  4. Stir the mask thoroughly.

Effective face and neck lift

Peculiarities. Not only the face needs rejuvenating and tightening products. Collagen deficiency has a detrimental effect on the condition of the neck. The skin sags, loses its color and elasticity. Cosmetologists warn that the neck often reveals the true age of its owner. The following masks will help you take care of your skin.


  • One egg.
  • Lemon juice - one teaspoon.
  • Frankincense or patchouli oil - three drops.
  • Castor oil - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. The white is separated from the yolk.
  2. The egg white is whipped into foam. Lemon juice and incense oil (patchouli) are added to it. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. This mask is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with water.
  3. The yolk is combined in a separate container with castor oil. The resulting mask is applied to the neck, working well on the area of ​​the double chin and décolleté.
  4. Wash off the mixture after 15 minutes.

Effect of seaweed

Peculiarities. Laminaria - seaweed - have powerful lymphatic drainage, decongestant and rejuvenating properties. They provide high-quality lifting. Cosmetologists recommend using this mask when a quick tightening effect is required. The results will be noticeable after the first procedure.


  • Laminaria (powder) - two tablespoons.
  • Water - three tablespoons.
  • Milk (cream if desired) - one tablespoon.
  • Olive oil - one tablespoon.
  • Ginger (ground) - one tablespoon.

How to cook

  1. Seaweed is poured with water and infused for about half an hour.
  2. Ginger is crushed. The resulting pulp is combined with soaked kelp.
  3. Milk and olive oil are added to the mixture.

Clay cocktail

Peculiarities. The mask has a pronounced lifting effect. She nourishes the dermis, gives it useful vitamins, minerals. The cocktail mask will return freshness, firmness, and elasticity to the face. Cosmetologists recommend using this mask for women over 40 years of age.


  • Cabbage leaf (fresh) - one.
  • Egg white - one.
  • Cream (25-30%) - five tablespoons.
  • Red clay - one tablespoon.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.

How to cook

  1. The cabbage leaf is poured with hot cream and left for five to seven minutes. During this time it will soften.
  2. Soft cabbage leaves are crushed in a blender.
  3. Honey is added to the creamy cabbage mixture.
  4. Clay is introduced into the mask last. The mixture is stirred.

Cosmetologists advise a comprehensive approach to the process of rejuvenation and tightening of the dermis. Lifting face masks are recommended to be combined with massage. A nutritious diet enriched with vitamins will enhance the effectiveness of home treatments. A good mood Walking in the fresh air will give you an even complexion.

Reviews: “If done regularly, your face will look five years younger”

I would recommend paying attention to gelatin masks, they also have a very good lifting effect. They are easy to prepare: soak a tablespoon of gelatin for 40 minutes, then heat it in a water bath. You need enough water to cover the gelatin. You can add infusions of herbs, yeast, egg yolk with honey, sea mud, fruit and vegetable juices to the mask. Gelatin itself is good for the skin, it is collagen in pure form, and as part of the mask the benefits for the skin are double. The lifting effect is noticeable after the first mask, and if you do it regularly - 2-3 times a week, the skin condition will improve significantly. Also try kelp masks - dry sheets or powder. For a leaf mask, you need to soak the leaf in hot water for 20 minutes, cut it into ribbons and simply apply it to your face after washing for half an hour. You can make it from the powder or dilute it in 1 tbsp water. powder for 2 tbsp. water or add to a gelatin mask.

GreenTobacco, http://make-ups.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=793

I make a mask from protein with the addition of honey. I mix one protein with a teaspoon of honey. I apply it for 20 minutes. After such a mask, the skin becomes elastic. There is also a recipe with white clay. Mix the juice of one lemon with one teaspoon of honey and add one tablespoon of white clay.

Mila8, http://make-ups.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=793

I like the protein mask... only I apply it in three steps: apply, dry, apply again... etc. Just beat the egg white well, otherwise it will leak and you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it.

Tala Natalya, http://www.stranamam.ru/post/9190541/

I'll add my tightening method. This is for quick “reanimation”. We do the procedure lying down. Take yeast dough (you can buy it), coat your face with a not very thick layer, leaving gaps for the mouth, nose and eyes, stretching the dough to the collar area. We lie down for 20-30 minutes. wash off and apply your favorite cream. All. If you do such procedures once a week, your face will become 5 years younger.

Morning, http://www.vi-ta.ru/showthread.php?t=8934


Over the years, the human body's metabolism slows down, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, so it does not receive enough nutrients. As a result, muscles lose tone, elasticity and firmness, and age spots, wrinkles, sagging and sagging.

In order to stop this process and maintain youthful and healthy skin, you need to take care of it daily. Lifting face masks, which you can prepare yourself, will help compensate for the lack of collagen fibers.

Lifting masks

Face-lift masks prepared according to folk recipes cannot completely replace salon lifting procedures, but they will help to significantly slow down the aging process of the skin and rejuvenate it. Their use will allow women over 55 years of age to get rid of deep wrinkles, sagging and flaking skin.

It is important to remember that lifting masks are contraindicated for people suffering from vascular diseases, obesity, allergies to components, with skin damage and in the postoperative period. In such cases, the risk of developing serious complications increases.

The main advantage of folk remedies is that they contain exclusively natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on skin cells:

  • activate the production of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity;
  • reduce skin sagging;
  • correct the contour of the face;
  • smooth out wrinkles around the eyes and lips;
  • get rid of a double chin.

Effective recipes

There are many recipes for lifting masks that are easy to prepare yourself. It is important to consider that any folk remedies do not give immediate results and require regular use.

With protein and lemon juice

Egg white is an important component of any anti-aging masks. It has an immediate effect and is suitable for quick skin tightening. Recipe for making a mask:

  1. 1. Beat one egg white thoroughly.
  2. 2. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice.
  3. 3. Mix everything carefully, while making sure that no foam appears.

Apply to face and décolleté area. After drying, apply another layer. Repeat several times.

During the procedure, you must remain calm (take a horizontal position) and avoid any facial movements. Rinse off with cool water and added lemon juice. You can replace it with cucumber.

With gelatin

Edible gelatin is a source of collagen, necessary for skin health and turgor. When choosing suitable remedy You need to consider your skin type:

  • for oily people, add fruit and vegetable juices to the mask;
  • for dry - dairy products;
  • for combination - herbal decoctions.

It is equally important to prepare gelatin correctly: pour it with water in a ratio of 1:3 and leave to swell. Then you can add the remaining ingredients.

Classic recipe for a gelatin mask for sagging skin:

  1. 1. Take one teaspoon of gelatin, 1 tablespoon of milk, juice or vegetable decoction, 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal(for dry skin) and wheat flour (for oily skin).
  2. 2. Mix everything well.
  3. 3. Place in a water bath for 15 minutes.

During this time you need to steam and cleanse the skin. Apply the mask to the face, neck and décolleté. Wait until the composition dries and rinse it off with warm water.

You can add a little grape seed oil and vitamin E to the mask to enrich it with nutrients. This will provide the skin with adequate nutrition and neutralize free radicals. The flour separates dead cells, and the remaining components smooth and tighten the skin of the face.

Once prepared, this mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Another way to apply the mask: soak gauze in a warm solution, apply it to your face and leave for at least 20 minutes, then simply remove it. In this case, you can not wash off the product, but simply use any moisturizer.

With honey

This is a natural remedy that contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the skin and allows you to maintain the effect of the mask for a long time. You should not expect instant results, however, with regular use you can achieve significant rejuvenation and firmness of the skin. To prepare a tightening mask you need:

  1. 1. Melt one tablespoon of natural honey.
  2. 2. Beat the whites of one egg.
  3. 3. Add 1 tbsp to honey. l. wheat flour.
  4. 4. Mix well.

Apply the resulting product to the face and neck, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

From flax seed

Flax seeds already for many years used in cosmetology as an anti-aging agent for dry and aging skin.

The most effective means to correct the oval of the face:

Name Recipe
  1. 1. Steam flax seeds.
  2. 2. Close the lid.
  3. 3. Let it brew for 20 minutes.
  4. 4. Strain.

Use the resulting infusion as a base for creams and oils.


This product not only tightens the epidermis, but also protects it from the negative effects of sunlight, moisturizes and nourishes it well. Decoction recipe:

  1. 1. Place one teaspoon of seeds in 100 ml of clean water.
  2. 2. Place on low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  3. 4. Strain.

Pour into a small bottle. Use the resulting decoction for self-preparation of thermal water, tonics, gels, compresses for skin tightening

Ice cubes


  1. 1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile.
  2. 2. Brew 3 tsp of flax seeds in this decoction (150 ml).
  3. 3. Strain (while still hot).
  4. 4. Steam the seeds.
  5. 5. Leave for half an hour.
  6. 4. Strain.

Pour into special forms. Place in the freezer. Morning and evening, wipe your face and neck with cubes. Not recommended for use if you have allergies, too sensitive skin, during pregnancy and lactation

Recipes for flax seed masks:

Action Ingredients Recipe
Removes wrinkles, sagging, restores and nourishes the epidermis
  • decoction of flax seeds (50 ml.);
  • starch (20 g);
  • pyridoxine (15 drops)
  1. 1. Add vitamin and corn starch to the warm broth.
  2. 2. Mix thoroughly.

Apply the resulting composition to the skin, leave for half an hour and rinse with water. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use every day for a month

Rejuvenates and refreshes
  • flax seeds (1 tbsp.);
  • calendula oil and semolina 2 tsp each.
  1. 1. Prepare a viscous decoction.
  2. 2. Add remaining ingredients.
  3. 4. Mix well.

Rub into skin for several minutes. Rinse with water

For oily skin
  • infusion of flax seeds;
  • bodyaga (15 years);
  • jasmine oil (5 drops)
  1. 1. Brew the seeds.
  2. 2. Leave for an hour.
  3. 3. Add oil and chopped seaweed.

Steam the skin. Apply the composition to the face and neck strictly along the massage lines. Stand for half an hour

For dry skin
  • infusion of flax seeds (50 ml.);
  • banana;
  • one yolk
  1. 1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. 2. Mix in a blender.

Apply the resulting product in a thick layer to the skin. Leave for 40 minutes. Carefully remove any remaining mask with a damp swab.

Has a lifting effect
  • flax seeds (10 g);
  • coconut oil (20 ml.);
  • sandalwood oil (5 drops)
  1. 1. Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder.
  2. 2. Add oil.
  3. 4. Mix well.

Steam your face. Apply the mask to your face from bottom to top. Leave for 40 minutes

Skin is one of the most important indicators youth and human health. With age, it becomes thinner, loses elasticity and turgor. And all due to insufficient hydration, the action of external and internal factors, as well as the inability to obtain the necessary microelements. To restore your skin to its former freshness, you should use various facelift masks.

Of course, salon lifting procedures are supervised professional cosmetologist bring good result. But the same result can be achieved at home, using time-tested recipes from our grandmothers, while spending much less money.

In order for a tightening face mask to bring a noticeable effect, you should follow some recommendations:

  • First prepare your skin. Cleanse it with tonic or milk. If this is not done, then skin impurities will be an obstacle to the penetration of vitamins from the mask into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • To achieve maximum tightening effect, make lifting masks not only for the face, but also for the neck.
  • To consolidate the effect, after washing off the mask, apply your favorite anti-wrinkle cream to the skin.
  • A one-time lifting procedure will have almost zero results. Masks must be made in courses. For prevention - once a week, for serious lifting - a couple of times a week.



A very famous tightening face mask is made with protein. The most effective:

  1. Protein and lemon juice. You need to beat the egg white and pour in a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to prepared skin of the face and neck. Once everything is dry, add another layer. During the procedure, you need to lie down and completely relax. Rinse off the mask with water after twenty minutes and apply the cream. For the best effect, you can add any fruit or berry juice to the composition: raspberry, cranberry, strawberry, apple.
  2. Protein, aloe, vitamins and honey. Beat the egg white and add a teaspoon of natural honey and aloe juice, a couple of drops of vitamins A and E. Just like the previous one, make this mask in three steps. After 15 minutes, wash off.


A firming face mask with gelatin perfectly protects against the appearance of wrinkles after thirty years.

The most effective gelatin masks:

  1. Take one tablespoon of gelatin, add three tablespoons of cold water. Wait about half an hour for the gelatin to absorb water, then melt it in a water bath. Then cool the solution and add:
  • for oily skin – one tablespoon of yogurt and the same amount of flour;
  • for dry skin - one tablespoon of twenty percent sour cream and the same amount of oatmeal flakes ground into flour.

Spread the mixture onto prepared facial skin. After half an hour, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in any cleansing lotion.

  1. Gelatin with milk. Mix a tablespoon of gelatin with two tablespoons of milk. Add protein. The mask will be thick and should be applied with a brush. After half an hour, the frozen mask is carefully removed from bottom to top and washed with water.

From oatmeal

The mask prepared according to this recipe is very effective. Oatmeal flakes, thanks to vitamin B, will make the skin elastic, oil with vitamin E will moisturize it, and sour cream will nourish it. For lifting procedures with oatmeal mask should take:

  • one tablespoon of sour cream;
  • a little oatmeal flakes;
  • one teaspoon of olive oil.

Grind the oatmeal and add warm milk (or water). Add other ingredients, let the mask dry and apply it to the skin. After twenty minutes you can wash it off.


Clay contains a huge amount of microelements that will help restore the vitamin balance of the skin and remove age-related changes.

You will need:

  • green (blue) clay: two tablespoons;
  • water.

Take the required amount of clay, dilute it in water until liquid and apply it to the face and neck area. If your skin is dry, use milk instead of water. After complete drying, wash off the mask.

After 45 years

Lifting masks for women over 45 years old have a number of features. After all, it is necessary to combat pronounced age-related changes in the epidermis. A glycerin mask is suitable here. Compound:

  • 1 teaspoon glycerin;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 1 teaspoon oatmeal;
  • 2 teaspoons water.

Mix everything and apply to skin. After half an hour, wash off.

After 50 years

Only regular use of tightening face masks after 50 years can produce a visible effect. For skin of this age, it is first advisable to make masks for the area around the eyes, because wrinkles in the form of “crow’s feet” usually form here.

Effective masks:

  1. A simple recipe for fresh cucumber. This mask can significantly tighten the shape of the face and chin. Take the cucumber pulp, wrap it in a bandage and apply it to your face. Enjoy the cucumber spa for about half an hour, then wash your face.
  2. Take aloe leaves and keep them in the refrigerator to activate their beneficial functions. Then grind the leaves to a puree, add honey (preferably liquid) and apply to the skin. After half an hour, wash off.


Mature skin receives less fluid nutrition and needs to be moisturized to reduce the number of wrinkles. In addition, metabolic processes in moisturized skin occur much faster.

Popular moisturizing masks:

  1. From dairy products. Lubricate your face with light cream. Take yogurt or curdled milk and apply it to your skin. Can be washed off after 15 minutes.
  2. From plantain. Tear some plantain leaves, add a glass of water and boil for a couple of minutes. Cool the broth and dip a bandage in it. Place it on your skin and wash your face after fifteen minutes.


It is believed that masks with starch are the most suitable for face and chin lifting. As many claim, they replace some fillers.

How to do:

  • Take a tablespoon of starch and dilute it in one hundred grams of water, mix.
  • Add half a liter of water and cook thick jelly.
  • Put a spoonful of sour cream and five spoons of carrot juice into the jelly.
  • Apply the mask and wash after ten minutes.

It is best to do the procedure in a course - every other day for 20 days.

From the yolk

Famous masks:

  • Beat one yolk until light foam.
  • Apply to face.
  • Rinse off after fifteen minutes.


In addition to the fact that a mask with honey has an excellent tightening effect, it also nourishes the skin with vitamins and makes it elastic.

How to cook:

  • Melt a tablespoon of honey in a water bath.
  • Apply the mask, massaging with light pats.
  • After forty minutes, wash your face.


Ginger root contains about 3% essential oils, vitamins and microelements. A mask with ginger is good for improving elasticity and restoring youthful skin.

  • Mix two tablespoons of chopped ginger with a quarter glass of fresh mint, one banana, a glass of spinach juice and three tablespoons of honey. Grind everything in a blender.
  • Apply a mask.
  • Wash after twenty minutes.

From kiwi

Kiwi contains a lot of vitamin C. With constant use, a kiwi mask will restore the contour of the skin.

How to do:

  • Mash one kiwi and remove excess juice.
  • Pour in honey.
  • Apply to face and wash after 15 minutes.

Always test all masks. Keep your mask on mature skin at least twenty minutes to saturate all epidermal cells.


A woman is wonderful at any age. To maintain her beauty, she needs to take care of herself. It is not without reason that they say that until the age of twenty-five she has what nature has given her, and after that she has what a woman has achieved thanks to independent care.
Fortunately, today there are a large number of effective facelift masks that can be made at home.

With age, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, metabolic and regeneration processes slow down, as a result, the covering tissues lose their elasticity, the facial contour becomes less clear, and a “double chin” appears.

These changes appear earlier than deep wrinkles, do not please any lady. Fortunately, the answer age-related changes can be a lifting face mask, which at home allows you to tighten your skin without surgery.

What is a lifting effect and how does a face lift mask work?

Lifting is a cosmetic surgery to tighten the skin. However, it is possible to achieve increased firmness and elasticity of the skin without salon procedures, using proven folk recipes face masks for tightening. Their regular use can significantly improve the contour of the face, get rid of sagging and dull skin. These products are said to have a lifting effect.

Let's figure out how the lifting effect is achieved:

  • components that are part of the best lifting masks for tightening the facial contour at home improve blood circulation, tone, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and have a tightening and astringent effect;
  • Thanks to these properties, homemade mask recipes for tightening facial skin allow you to get an instant effect; after 2 months of regular use of these products, the effect is consolidated, and the facial contour becomes noticeably clearer. In addition, the skin acquires a more even tone and the pores become smaller.

Therefore, we can safely say that at home, without spending money on salon treatments, you can rejuvenate your facial skin yourself. Of course, the result will be only if correct implementation procedures.

Rules for using masks for face lifting at home

Masks for face lifting and skin elasticity at home are recommended in cases where the skin on the face has lost its elasticity, has become flabby, dull, has begun to sag, and a “double chin” is forming. However, these procedures are not suitable for everyone.


  • for skin diseases;
  • if there is damage to the skin of the face;
  • for diabetes and obesity;
  • Lifting procedures are not recommended for those who used the services of a plastic surgeon less than six months ago;
  • You should not use face masks for a facelift at home and for those under 30 years of age.

In other cases, you just need to follow the recipe, observing the proportions - there is no need to edit the recipes.

It is necessary to adhere to the instructions regarding the exposure time of the mask for face lifting and skin elasticity (15-20 minutes) and the regularity of the procedures, which is on average once a week (depending on age). Of course, an allergy test is also mandatory.

The best mask recipes for tightening facial skin

Offers to use the best (based on numerous reviews) recipes for tightening facial masks that give quick effect at home, which nevertheless lasts for a long time.

  1. Masks with protein to tighten facial skin:

    Cucumber. Remove the seeds from the cucumber, peel it and puree it using a blender. Separate the white from the yolk, beat the yolk and combine with cucumber puree. All you have to do is add a small spoon olive oil if the skin on your face is dry ( If you have oily skin, you can omit it).

    Lemon. The protein is mixed with a large spoon of lemon juice. The mask, in addition to the lifting effect, has lightening properties, but it not suitable for dry skin.

    Floury. Separate the white from the yolk, beat the white and gradually add flour (wheat) to it until the mass acquires a thick consistency. Suitable for all skin types.

    With persimmon. The pulp of one persimmon is mixed with a spoonful of oatmeal and protein from one chicken egg. It is used for face lifting by those with oily skin.

  2. Mask with honey and oatmeal:

    This mixture is considered one of the most effective tightening masks. A handful of oatmeal should be poured with a tablespoon of honey melted to a liquid state. Wait until they swell and use as a tightening mask for oily skin. For dry skin, the flakes can be replaced with a large spoon of oatmeal. The mask will give an instant effect if you add the white of one chicken egg to it.

  3. Kaolin masks with lifting effect:

    With wheat germ oil. You will need 2 large spoons of cosmetic clay, a tablespoon of grape juice, a teaspoon of oil. All products must be mixed until smooth.

    With honey and lemon. Two large spoons of white clay should be mixed with a teaspoon of warmed honey and add either a spoonful of lemon juice (for oily skin) or lemon zest (for dry skin).

  4. Vegetable masks for tightening the face contour:

    Tomato. The pulp of one tomato should be rubbed through a sieve, a teaspoon of olive oil should be added, thickened with oatmeal - and the mask is ready.

    Potato. The potatoes need to be boiled in their jackets, turned into puree, and a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and lemon juice added.

  5. Gelatin masks for instant skin lifting:

    Classic. Mix gelatin and flour (a teaspoon each), add two tablespoons of water, heat, stirring, until the mass thickens. Dilute with a tablespoon of sour milk. Using a brush, apply the still warm composition to your face, wait until the mask cools and dries, then remove it from bottom to top.
    By the way, it not only tightens the skin well, but also has an exfoliating effect. After its use, the skin becomes elastic and smooth, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles become less noticeable.

    With glycerin. A small amount of gelatin (five grams is enough) should be poured with a large spoon of water and allowed to swell for an hour. After the required time has passed, other ingredients are added to the gelatin: honey, glycerin, rye flour (half a teaspoon each). While heating, the mass must be stirred until it becomes homogeneous. After it has cooled a little, you need to moisten a cloth in it, put it on your face (pressing it) and remove it after half an hour.

  6. Rice mask for a clear facial contour:

    To prepare another extremely effective mask that allows you to tighten your facial skin at home, you will need: rice flour (2 large spoons), white from one egg, fennel ether (3 drops). All components are mixed. The resulting mixture is evenly applied to the face.

And another video recipe for double lifting - face masks with egg and lemon.

Now we will tell you about the 16 best homemade tightening face masks that you can easily prepare at home. Countless beauty salons offer their services, and not cheap ones, to preserve a youthful face, presenting patented products as the only panacea. Natural ingredients have not lost their effectiveness, and their affordable price and ease of use make them almost the only way for many women to preserve their beauty and youth. It should be borne in mind that self-care involves composure and patience, many, even very effective masks for tightening facial skin do not give instant results and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Below are several recipes for face masks that tighten the skin; their ingredients are easy to find at home. If you start taking care of yourself, then why not now?

Firming mask with protein

Egg white is an indispensable component for anti-aging masks, having a clear tightening effect on the skin. An ordinary chicken egg is part of many anti-aging masks; it gives an instant effect, but it is short-lived, so the protein must be used regularly; it can be used as a means to urgently put oneself in order. It also noticeably whitens the skin of the face. Using just protein, no additional ingredients.

Separate the white from the yolk, beat it lightly and apply to your face. The mask should be on the face for at least 15 minutes, facial movements should be avoided and it is better to be in a horizontal position. Afterwards, rinse with water and lemon juice.

Mask with protein and lemon juice

Quickly refreshes and tightens facial skin. Can be applied right before going out on a visit.

  • protein (beat well);
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

Lemon juice is added to the pre-whipped protein and mixed carefully, while trying not to create foam. Apply to the face, neck, then, as it dries, apply more layers. In this case, it is better to lie down, relaxing the facial muscles, and after 20 minutes you can get up and wash.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

There is another option - with cucumber juice. Preparation and application are the same, but instead of lemon juice add 40 g (two tablespoons) of cucumber juice.

Firming mask with gelatin

To nourish and tighten facial skin, you can use regular food gelatin. Despite its low cost, this substance is a source of collagen that is perfectly compatible with human skin. The skin, receiving collagen from the outside, very quickly acquires turgor and a radiant appearance. When choosing the right recipe, you should consider your skin type.

  1. For dry skin, milk is added to masks.
  2. For fatty women – juices.
  3. For problem skin- herbal decoctions.

It is also important to prepare gelatin correctly. It must be filled with water, and the amount of water should be 3–6 times more than the gelatin itself. Full swelling will occur within an hour. After this, the remaining ingredients are added, stirred and heated (optimally using a water bath).

Classic recipe with gelatin for face lifting

This mask is especially suitable if the skin is loose; it will tighten the skin very quickly; it can also be used on the neck.

  • gelatin - teaspoon;
  • for dry skin – milk (a tablespoon) and a heaped spoonful of oatmeal (pre-grind);
  • for oily skin – a tablespoon of low-fat kefir and a heaped spoonful of wheat flour.

Clean your face, or better yet, steam it. The applied mask should dry, then you can wash your face. The time spent is no more than 20 minutes. The mask can be enriched by adding a couple of drops of olive oil, grape seed, tocopherol (vitamin E capsules, available in pharmacies), others essential oils and vitamins. This composition will provide the skin with everything it needs, neutralizes free radicals, the flour will help separate dead skin particles, and the main component of the composition will smooth and tighten the skin of the face and neck. Regular use will make your face younger and, of course, happier.

Masks with gelatin are also good because you can prepare the composition in advance and store it in the refrigerator, using it as needed (not indefinitely, but the mask will retain its beneficial properties for at least a week).

You can apply it not directly to the face, but use an old one or just a thin one. natural fabric. It needs to be moistened generously in a heated solution, applied to the face, pressed tightly and held for the specified time (20 minutes), after which the fabric is simply removed from the skin. This method does not require subsequent washing, but if necessary, you can apply cream.

Firming mask with honey

No collection of recipes is complete without honey. This is a natural, almost miraculous remedy that not only contains all the nutrients and trace elements necessary for the skin, but also helps maintain a long-lasting effect after use.

Mask with honey and protein for facial elasticity

It does not produce an immediate effect, but with regular use it will provide incredible rejuvenation and elasticity of the facial skin.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • chicken egg white (beat well first);
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour.

Mask with honey and lemon for skin tightening

One of the best masks for facial skin elasticity, it has a pronounced anti-wrinkle effect, and is useful for tired, aging skin.

You will need:

  • a teaspoon of honey (warmed);
  • half a tablespoon of kaolin (you can use regular cosmetic clay, purchased at a pharmacy, it is better to take it without aromatic or other additives);
  • 15-20 drops of lemon juice.

The components are mixed, after application you should lie for half an hour, then rinse. To enhance the effect on your face, rub with a slice of lemon and make a cold compress. Lemon can be replaced with lime.

Firming mask with starch

According to those who have used masks with a tightening effect containing starch, their effect can be compared to Botox (though much cheaper and without side effects).

Rejuvenating mask or how to tighten your skin

A lifting mask that has an incredible effect even on very sagging skin. There is no need to remind you that to get a full, lasting result, it must be done regularly.

To prepare the mask you need:

  • starch (tablespoon);
  • half a liter of water;
  • carrots, grated until mushy, 5 tablespoons.

First you need to cook the starch (in approximately the same way as jelly is cooked). Starch is dissolved in 100 ml of water, then the remaining water is added and cooked until it thickens. Then the finished mass is left to cool, after which the carrots are thoroughly rubbed into it. The resulting composition will be enough for use within three days, after which even skeptical women will become supporters of homemade face masks.

Firming clay mask

Its second name is “instant lifting”, the result is visible immediately, but without regular repetition the effect does not last long. If you apply the mask once a week, the oval of your face will gradually improve, your skin will become smooth and look youthful. The natural clay included in the composition consists of minerals that are extremely useful and have a positive effect on the skin. The use of clay in homemade tightening masks for facial skin, among other things, increases the regenerative properties of the skin.

  • white of one egg;
  • natural clay 2 tablespoons (the pharmacy always has a large selection of different clays, it is preferable to take it without additional additives);
  • a teaspoon of oil (any oil you like: wheat, apricot, almond, peach, olive).

First, the egg whites are beaten, then clay is added to it, everything is stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The oil is added last. Stirs. Apply to a slightly damp face for 20 minutes.

Firming mask with oatmeal

In order to have both the time and the desire to take care of your face yourself, you need to see an indisputable result once, and a mask with oatmeal is suitable for this. Its composition, which includes natural elastin and vitamin B, sharply and noticeably tones the skin, increases turgor, and the remaining components of the mask provide revitalizing nutrition.

To use a lifting mask with oatmeal you will need:

  • olive oil – teaspoon;
  • a handful of oatmeal;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream.

The ground flakes are poured with boiling water (for oily and normal skin) or hot milk (for dry skin). Cool, mix with the rest of the ingredients, and keep on your face for the usual time (15–25 minutes).

Banana tightening mask

One of the most nutritious fruits– banana, and it also does an excellent job as the main component of the mask for tightened skin faces.

To try this mask of youth, you need:

  • half a banana;
  • egg white;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil.

The egg white is lightly beaten and mashed with banana and butter. Leave on the face for about a quarter of an hour.

Firming mask with yeast

To prevent your skin from getting used to aging, you can try shock therapy using the “Tightening Effect” mask.

To invigorate and revitalize your facial skin, you will need:

  • a tablespoon of yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons of mineral water;
  • lemon juice – squeeze into a teaspoon;
  • white of one egg.

Crumble the yeast, gradually adding water, stir until a creamy mass is obtained. Add lemon juice to the yeast. Beat the egg white until stiff, then add it little by little to the yeast, stirring constantly, apply the resulting mass to your face and neck, and keep until dry. Rinse off with cool water.

Firming mask for dry skin

Two recipes with a lifting effect visibly smooth the face, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and small ones disappear altogether. In addition, they have a cleansing effect.

Recipe for face lift No. 1

  • protein;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • olive oil (the contents of tocopherol and vitamin A capsules should be added to it) - a teaspoon.

Beat the egg white until foamy, add honey (heat until liquid) to the egg white. Stir while adding oil. Apply to slightly moisturized face. Action time – 10 minutes.

Recipe for skin elasticity No. 2

  • protein;
  • a tablespoon of milk;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Beat the egg whites, add warmed honey and milk. The consistency of the mask is liquid, so it should be applied in several layers as the previous one dries. The whole process will take 25–30 minutes.

Firming mask for oily skin

One of best recipes for oily and problematic skin, it not only tightens and refreshes the face, but, with regular use, gets rid of blackheads.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • orange juice - half a glass;
  • white (egg);
  • oatmeal (heaped tablespoon).

The egg whites are whipped and the flakes should be ground. All three components are mixed, infused a little and applied to the face for 20–25 minutes. Although the result will be noticeable after the first use, it is better to complete the full course (15–20), which will rejuvenate the face by at least 10 years.

Firming face mask after 30 years

To prepare the mask, bake an apple in the oven, then mix:

  • applesauce;
  • olive oil;

All ingredients are taken in a tablespoon, the composition remains on the face for no more than half an hour, then it must be washed off.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the number of anti-aging, tightening recipes is almost endless. Swelling of the face, circles under the eyes, wrinkles are indications for starting to use folk recipes for facial skin with a tightening effect immediately.

The only limitation for the use of these masks is young age. Having tried ready-made formulations, you can start mixing your own, because natural ingredients combine perfectly and do not cause side effects and do not burden your wallet.

Video recipe: Mask for tightening and moisturizing facial skin at home