Creams with hyaluronic acid. Cream with hyaluronic acid: which one to choose Cream with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

Our skin needs liquid not only to maintain health and beauty, but also to prolong youth. To provide the required amount of moisture, drinking water will not be enough.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular components found in our body (for example, in joints, saliva, etc.) and is used in many cosmetic products aimed at skin rejuvenation.

The secret of its action lies in intense hydration, which is achieved due to the ability to retain moisture in the cells of the epidermis. This component thus solves the age-related problem of dehydrated skin. Experts believe that the best means for preventing and eliminating wrinkles are creams with hyaluronic acid.

Cosmetic products containing it in their composition have a number of unique properties:

  • supplying the skin with moisture from the inside;
  • maintaining moisture in cells for a long time;
  • restoration of skin color;
  • softening;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • elimination of bruises and bags under the eyes;
  • increased collagen production;
  • acceleration of cellular regeneration processes;
  • improving skin texture.

The best creams with hyaluronic acid also have a number of advantages: absolute safety for health, rapid absorption and a noticeable effect. This is possible due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause a rejection reaction , because it is perceived by him as already “familiar” natural material.

Guidelines for choosing the best hyaluronic acid cream

Currently, hyaluronic acid is in great demand, so the range of many manufacturers can lead the consumer into a dead end: there are so many products that the eyes begin to run wild.

In order not to miss and make the right choice in favor of the best cream with hyaluronic acid, which can successfully cope with all the stated tasks, you need to pay attention to the type of hyaluronic acid that it contains.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid consists of small particles that can penetrate the epidermis faster and deeper, which allows you to achieve the desired moisturizing effect very quickly. While high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with large molecular sizes, it cannot penetrate deeply, so it remains on the surface of the skin and forms a thin invisible film that does not allow internal moisture to evaporate.

Experts do not exclude the effectiveness of the second type of this component, but usually give preference to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

The following signs will indicate the high quality of the best cream with hyaluronic acid for the face:

  • light texture of the product;
  • visible results after just one application;
  • hyaluronic acid is listed first or one of the first in the list of components of the composition.

Review of the best creams with hyaluronic acid for the face

Most well-known brands producing anti-aging cosmetics make hyaluronic acid the main component of their products, so you can get confused in the range offered.

Updated: 09/18/2019 23:36:31

Expert: Christina Gayden

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

As we age, our skin begins to lose elasticity and tone, becoming flabby and dull. All this happens due to the fact that natural processes in the body slow down, the required amount of collagen ceases to be produced, the moisture content in the cells decreases, and all this leads to a deterioration in appearance. Modern cosmetology has achieved unprecedented results in terms of restorative procedures. But today you can do without “beauty injections” by using a cream with hyaluronic acid daily.

What is this miracle substance that can restore lost youth and health in a short time? Hyaluronic acid is a polymer that is synthesized by the cells of our body. It is part of connective and nervous tissues, and is the basis of the intercellular substance of cartilage, muscles, and skin. Acid is capable of holding millions of water molecules, which explains the elasticity of the moistened cover. It promotes rapid healing of wounds and microcracks, protects against free radicals and external influences of natural factors, and strengthens connective tissue.

Hyaluronic acid comes in three types: low molecular weight, medium molecular weight and high molecular weight. The first is used in cosmetics as an active moisturizer. The second is used in medicine to treat joints. The third acid holds the largest number of water molecules and is most often used for anti-aging injections.

How to choose the right hyaluronic cream

Very often, buyers choose funds based on their budget. But it is worth remembering that affordable creams are not always so bad and very expensive ones are not always so effective. A few of our tips will help you make the right purchase, which will give exactly the results you expected.

  1. The most important requirement is the place of purchase. By purchasing a product from a well-known cosmetic store, its quality and effectiveness are guaranteed. This will reduce to zero the risk of buying a counterfeit or low-quality product.
  2. We choose hyaluronic cream based on our age. This information must be indicated on the packaging.
  3. The composition should contain a minimum of synthetic ingredients. In addition to hyaluron, it may contain vitamins, plant extracts and natural oils.
  4. It is better to buy a product from a well-known manufacturer, even if the “newbie” on the market offers more attractive prices. Popular brands of creams are widely used, and many of them have already proven their effectiveness.
  5. Before the first use, be sure to pass an allergen test by applying the cream to the crook of your elbow and waiting for a while, observing the reaction.

Rating of the best hyaluronic creams

Nomination place product name price
The best inexpensive hyaluronic creams 1 320 ₽
2 299 ₽
3 75 RUR
4 319 RUR
The best hyaluronic creams in the mid-price category 1 871 RUR
2 641 RUR
3 560 ₽
4 346 RUR
The best hyaluronic creams in the premium segment 1 RUR 2,384
2 1,678 RUR
3 1,970 RUR
4 1,729 RUR

The best inexpensive hyaluronic creams

Novosvit Aquanti collagen & hyaluronic acid

The first place is occupied by a cream, which after one use can improve the condition of the skin, and with regular use it can restore a healthy complexion and eliminate age-related changes. The cream does not contain sulfates and is gentle on very sensitive skin. A high concentration of hyaluronic acid instantly saturates with moisture. It is retained in the epidermis, so that during the day there is no feeling of dryness or other uncomfortable sensations.

Collagen stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen. Antioxidants neutralize the effects of free radicals and reduce the impact of negative natural factors. The skin is tightened, sagging and uneven complexion are eliminated, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

The cream has a light texture that is quickly absorbed, does not leave any shine, and can be used independently and as a base for makeup. It comes in a bottle with a convenient pump dispenser, which helps control the amount of product and prevents unnecessary consumption.


  • combination of hyaluron and collagen;
  • powerful antioxidant effect;
  • moisturizing for 24 hours;
  • lifting effect;
  • convenient use.


  • not found.

Natura Siberica for sensitive skin Protection and moisturizing

The second place in the rating goes to the day cream of a Russian brand beloved by many. It is absolutely hypoallergenic, contains no parabens and sulfates, and is suitable for hypersensitive skin types. Hyaluronic acid helps quickly relieve itching and irritation. It instantly saturates the skin with moisture and eliminates the feeling of discomfort.

The plant complex has antimicrobial, wound healing and antioxidant properties. Rhodiola rosea, lemon balm, rowan, Siberian columbine, chamomile help improve the health of the skin, neutralize the effects of free radicals, protect against external natural factors, and increase immunity. The product contains ultraviolet filters (SPF 20).

Many women noted that this is one of the best hyaluronic creams, not only from budget funds, but also among more expensive analogues. It has a powerful rejuvenating effect, evens out tone, normalizes dry skin, increases protective functions, and reduces sensitivity. The cream has a light, non-greasy texture, is well absorbed, does not shine, and is a good base for makeup.


  • composition safe for sensitive skin;
  • active long-term hydration;
  • UV protection;
  • anti-aging effect;
  • pleasant natural aroma.


  • not found.

Organic KITCHEN Wake up

The top three products in our rating include a cream for intensive moisturizing and rejuvenation of dry, sensitive skin from the Organic Shop brand. It contains no sulfates and parabens, which cause irritation to the delicate skin. Hyaluronic acid retains water molecules in the epidermis, preventing their loss. After daily use, the skin is moisturized, healthy and well-groomed. Wrinkles are smoothed out, microcracks and wounds heal, and the contour is tightened.

Organic plant extracts enhance the effect of the cream. Kamchatka snowdrop awakens strength, eliminates traces of fatigue and stress. White grapes restore radiance, remove toxins and reduce their accumulation again. The creamy texture spreads well and leaves no traces of grease. The consumption of the product is economical.

Users appreciated the effective action of Wake up. It gives a long-lasting feeling of comfort and normalizes metabolic processes. Many noted an improvement in the condition of aging skin.


  • extra-moisturizing effect;
  • lifting-rejuvenation;
  • pleasant texture;
  • light, non-intense odor;
  • low price - within 80 rubles.


  • not found.

SKIN-ACTIVE Green Dubrava with hyaluronic acid

In fourth place in the ranking is an inexpensive but effective cream from a Russian brand. It is safe for particularly sensitive skin, as it does not contain fragrances or synthetic dyes that provoke allergic reactions. The product can quickly eliminate the causes of lack of moisture in the skin: dryness, tightness, itching and flaking. After use, it becomes elastic, soft, and toned.

Hyaluron and urea are responsible for hydration. They restore hydrobalance, returning the skin to a healthy appearance. Vitamins and dexpanthenol have a regenerating effect and strengthen the connective tissue of cells. A complex of physiological lipids from olive, jojoba and avocado oils protects against the effects of high and low temperatures, wind, sunlight, decorative cosmetics, and dust.

The cream is used for rehabilitation after traumatic cosmetic procedures: cleansing and peeling. It is widely used for the treatment and prevention of rosacea. All respondents gave the multifunctional product the highest score for its quality and effectiveness.


  • safe ingredients;
  • therapeutic effect for allergic dermatoses;
  • protection against irritation;
  • immediate relief of itching;
  • long-lasting hydration.


  • not found.

The best hyaluronic creams in the mid-price category

Moisturizing face cream D"oliva with hyaluronic acid

On the first line of the rating in this category is a cream intended for any skin type. It is used as a day and night moisturizer. The complex does not contain parabens and sulfates, so it is also used for very sensitive skin. Hyaluron replenishes the lack of moisture. The skin, even after prolonged exposure to the sun, is moisturized, without signs of dryness and without an unhealthy appearance.

Olive oil, included in the composition, softens, cares, and enhances the effect of other components. Shea butter slows down age-related changes and protects against exposure to sunlight. The cream gives a feeling of freshness and eliminates discomfort. Delicate texture is quickly absorbed.

The product does not form a shine or sticky film, so it can be used independently without applying foundation or powder. It is used carefully, the jar lasts for quite a long time. Women highlighted the airy consistency, pleasant smell and unanimously gave the D"oliva product a "five".


  • balanced composition;
  • improved formula;
  • high concentration of hyaluron;
  • fast and long-lasting hydration;
  • rejuvenating effect.


  • not found.

Librederm Hyaluronic Moisturizing Cream

The silver rating went to the hypoallergenic cream of the increasingly popular Librederm brand. It does not contain parabens, fragrances or sulfates and is suitable for day and night care for any skin type, including sensitive ones. The formula includes an increased content of hyaluronic acid, which significantly accelerates and enhances the effect.

The cream quickly eliminates dryness, creates a protective barrier from the effects of wind, frost, sun, and retains moisture. Light texture does not penetrate pores, is well absorbed, and does not leave shine. The skin becomes rested, refreshed without signs of fatigue and stress. The cream stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to a lifting effect.

The product is universal. It is used on the face, including the area around the eyes, on the neck and décolleté. Those surveyed especially highlighted the lack of odor, airy consistency, and easy-to-use bottle. The cream comes out strictly in doses, which eliminates unnecessary consumption. After the first procedure, the effect is already noticeable. Regular use leads to the restoration of hydrobalance and the elimination of wrinkles and sagging.


  • increased concentration of hyaluron;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • neutral smell;
  • convenient packaging;
  • light texture.


  • not found.

The cream of the South Korean brand was given third place in the rating in this category. Possessing an extra moisturizing effect, it eliminates the problems of dry skin in one application, making it healthy, soft, and elastic again. The recipe does not contain aggressive ingredients and does not cause irritation on sensitive skin. The cream can be used both day and night, and it does not form a greasy film and serves as an excellent base for makeup.

Plant extracts promote health, they intensely nourish and saturate with useful elements. The recipe includes arnica, Florentine orris root, wormwood, gentian, yarrow, as well as bamboo and birch sap. The cream helps eliminate signs of fatigue, relieves puffiness, evens out tone, relaxes and soothes.

According to reviews, the product is very economical. The optimally sized hole dispenses the amount required for one application. The cream has a pleasant herbal scent. It perfectly protects from frost and wind in winter, and from ultraviolet radiation in summer.


  • instant hydration;
  • valuable plant extracts in the composition;
  • light herbal aroma;
  • protection from natural factors;
  • rejuvenating effect.


  • not found.

CeraVe for dry to very dry skin of the face and body

This category of the rating is completed by a dermatological cream, which is created specifically for very dry skin. The recipe contains no parabens, sulfates or other aggressive chemical ingredients. The product is hypoallergenic and recommended for hypersensitive skin. It is non-comedogenic, so it does not worsen the condition of the skin.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid restores lost skin health. It is saturated with moisture, which is retained in the epidermis, becoming smooth and silky. The product eliminates inflammation, promotes rapid healing of microwounds, eliminates discomfort associated with dry skin, improves protective functions, and reduces sensitivity.

Many buyers noted that they use the cream on all areas of the body that require increased hydration: on the elbows, feet, hands. It has a very pleasant consistency and a light neutral smell, minimal consumption, helps cope with skin diseases, a 177 ml package lasts for a very long time.


  • medicinal product;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • quick relief of dryness and irritation;
  • prolonged action;
  • for all areas of the body.


  • not found.

The best hyaluronic creams in the premium segment

The first place in the rating among premium products is deservedly occupied by a cream developed in the La Roche-Posay laboratory specifically for dry skin that requires enhanced hydration. The safe, hypoallergenic composition has a gentle effect on the skin, reduces sensitivity, and forms a protective layer from the effects of adverse environmental factors.

The formula includes two types of pure hyaluronic acid: low molecular weight and high molecular weight. It quickly restores the hydrolipid balance and helps smooth out not only facial wrinkles, but also age-related wrinkles. Vitamin B5 softens and soothes, restores natural metabolic processes. Panthenol heals wounds and cracks and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Women using this cream have noted its high effectiveness in combating premature skin aging. It instantly moisturizes, eliminates discomfort, and is perfect as a base for makeup. The product is used very economically.


  • contains two types of hyaluron;
  • quick calming effect;
  • restoration of dull, damaged skin;
  • intensive hydration;
  • pronounced lifting effect.


  • not found.

Pharma Hyaluron for face, neck and décolleté

Pharma brand moisturizer is in second place in the ranking. It contains two forms of hyaluronic acid: pharmaceutical and active concentrate. Thanks to this combination, efficiency is significantly improved, accelerated production of collagen and elastin begins, and the connective tissue of cells is strengthened. Preservatives, parabens and sulfates are excluded from the recipe. The product has a delicate effect on the skin, quickly restoring health and improving appearance.

An extract from red algae has been added to the formula. It saturates with vitamins and microelements and has an antioxidant effect. The cream has a very light texture that does not clog pores or form a sticky film. It can be used as a skin care product and as a base for makeup. The pleasant fresh aroma is not intense and does not affect the sensitive sense of smell.

The product is packaged in a convenient bottle. A dispenser pump helps prevent excess release. The tightly closing cap protects against bacteria getting inside. Buyers were satisfied with the quality and effect of the cream. They especially noted the consistency and smell of the product.


  • double hyaluronic complex;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • restoration of hydrolipid balance;
  • extra hydration;
  • convenient use.


  • not found.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal for normal skin

Vichy cream is one of the three best premium products in our rating. It is designed for particularly sensitive skin and contains no parabens, sulfates or preservatives. The cream is used for care day and night. Ultra-light texture does not clog pores and is practically not felt on the skin. The basis of the formula is hyaluronic acid of natural origin, mineral water from thermal springs and vegetable sugar.

After use, the appearance of the skin significantly improves, wrinkles are filled in, and lines of dehydration are evened out. The effect of the cream lasts up to 48 hours. Dry, irritated skin becomes elastic, smooth and soft. Constant use leads to the restoration of water-mineral balance and the elimination of signs of aging.

Those surveyed highlighted the airy consistency, which is very gentle on sensitive skin. Peeling and feeling of tightness are instantly relieved. The cream is used carefully. Many people liked the thick glass packaging with a tight-fitting lid.


  • weightless, melting texture;
  • hypoallergenic formula;
  • moisturizing for up to 2 days;
  • restoration of hydrobalance;
  • calming effect.


  • not found.

Bioderma Hydrabio Creme

The rating is completed by a cream that is designed to deeply moisturize dry skin. It does not contain alcohol, parabens, sulfates, instantly eliminates the feeling of discomfort, has a hypoallergenic formula, and is well tolerated by people with very sensitive skin types. A high concentration of hyaluronic acid allows you to quickly eliminate skin imperfections associated with epidermal water loss.

The emulsion texture melts quickly and is absorbed without leaving a shine. The product is used for day and night care and as a base for decorative cosmetics. After the first procedure, the effect is noticeable. The skin is well hydrated, wrinkles are less noticeable, and the complexion is uniform. The fresh aroma brings additional pleasure from use.

Daily use of Hydrabio Creme, according to reviews from surveyed customers, completely restores natural processes, eliminates signs of age, signs of fatigue, and stress. The women highlighted the interesting design of the jar in white and blue tones. It looks as delicate as the contents of the package.


  • ultra-moisturizing complex;
  • melting consistency;
  • quick neutralization of dry skin problems;
  • restoration of the hydration mechanism;
  • Recommended for hypersensitive skin.


  • not found.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are in demand due to their unique chemical properties. Hyaluronic acid helps keep your face looking toned and healthy. A pleasant oval, elasticity, and youthfulness help keep the skin toned and give it the maximum level of hydration. Penetration deep depends on the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid molecules. The smaller it is, the deeper the penetration. Deep absorption activates the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the appearance and pleasant impression of health. If we consider an acid with a large molecular weight, then it also plays a positive role in the composition of the cream. Creates a protective layer that prevents moisture from leaving, along with nutrients and vitamins.

Cream with hyaluronic acid made in Russia

Russian cosmetics manufacturers offer a wide selection of face care creams. They opt for the properties of hyaluron, which benefit the female body.

  1. Isolating water from the total number of components and binding it to convert it into gels. The uniqueness of the acid is its ability to hold a huge number of water molecules. Elasticity depends on this property.
  2. Acting as a lubricant;
  3. One of the components of synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity;
  4. Promotes proper functioning of heart valves;
  5. Contained in the cornea of ​​the eyes.

The range of products consists of numerous types:

  • Facial serum;
  • Activator;
  • Hyaluronic water;
  • Foam for washing off cosmetics;
  • Face cream;
  • Body cream, etc.

Actions of cosmetics made based on the properties of hyaluronic acid:

  1. Prevent drying out. Preserving moisture in the cells and attracting it from the atmosphere (hyaluronic acid is a “moisture catcher”) is necessary to maintain youth and freshness. This process occurs not only to protect age-related changes occurring in the body, but also from the effects of natural phenomena on the face: wind, sun, street dust and dirt.
  2. Maintain firmness and elasticity. Wrinkles and folds appear on the face due to dryness and loss of water. The composition restores the necessary level of moisture, prevents the skin from being in an overdried state, and wrinkles do not appear. If use is started when the surface is already wrinkled, then the acid smooths out wrinkles and evens out the face.
  3. Prolong youth and beauty. The amount of hyaluron produced by the body on its own gradually decreases with age. External help is needed to add the required component. Cosmetics easily perform this task.

The quality of the cream depends on the source of the acid. There are several possibilities. Cosmetics mainly use hyaluron, obtained as a result of the biological synthesis of bacterial cultures. It is safer and better absorbed by the body.

Creams are mainly offered to consumers through pharmacy chains, so it is difficult to obtain low-quality products.

From the first application, the effect begins, a noticeable improvement occurs, so there is a desire to use it constantly or for the recommended period of time.

Creams made in Russia

Libriderm hyaluronic cream contains, in addition to acid, various useful components:

  • Alteromonas enzyme filtrate. It stimulates the skin to produce acid, soy protein. Protein, in turn, contains amino acids and peptides that retain moisture.
  • Camelina oil. It helps make the skin soft and pleasant in appearance. The oil adds freshness and elasticity. The natural aging process slows down. Reduces sensitivity level. Acts as a sedative.
  • The cream is intended for daily use. There are several options for use: face, neck, décolleté.
  • The manufacturer has thought out convenient packaging. The dispenser releases the required volume of cream from the bottle; it is enough for one-time application. The consistency of the cream is airy and light.

The effect of use is long-lasting, the skin becomes smooth and moisturized. The face looks younger, more natural, smoother. The contours are clear and toned. If there are inflammatory processes on the face, the product has a healing effect and helps eliminate the source of inflammation.

The product has the color of milk, the smell of linden and a light texture. It gives a good effect when moisturizing the eyelids, cheeks, and neck.

Contains important components:

  • Vitamin E, called the “vitamin of youth,” promotes the restoration of skin cells (rapid regeneration). It acts as protection against ultraviolet rays, strengthens the skin, increasing its density.
  • Phospholipids. They create the necessary balance of acid and alkali, moisturize and saturate.
  • Yam extract. Improves the process of protein synthesis, is responsible for maintaining skin color, beauty and radiance. This is a catalyst (amplifier) ​​of rejuvenation at the cellular level. The strong effect of the substance can penetrate far inside, treat and restore the structure of the skin from the inside. The recovery process has a lasting effect. After the course, the result will last a sufficient amount of time; a repeat session is sometimes used after three months.
  • Esters of tocopherol, retinol. They stabilize the dissolution of fats, improve elasticity, make the skin dense and whole.
  • Vitamin. Creates a protective barrier against the perception of external negative influences.

It is part of a set of anti-aging cosmetics complex. Mesotherapy carried out in clinics has results comparable to the effect of serum. Produced by manufacturers in capsules and creams. It is recommended to use together, alternating cream and capsules.

Cream mousse Merz. A well-known Russian cosmetics manufacturer offers this type of cream. The mousse perfectly moisturizes, improves tone, activates the internal processes of cells, makes them work and secrete hyaluron on their own. The cream mousse is applied in a thin, almost invisible layer. The applied film causes the sensation of bubbles bursting on the face. The layer spreads over the entire area of ​​the face. It does not prevent oxygen from entering the body, but blocks access to infection, dust, and dirt. In addition, it becomes protection against the influence of ultraviolet rays.

The low-molecular composition of the acid improves blood circulation, restores nutrition, and normalizes oxygen supply.

The cream contains seaweed. They contain vitamin B and beneficial microelements. Algae interferes with substances that destroy and slow down the action of hyaluron. Therefore, the mousse slows down natural aging and increases the composition of essential acidic microelements.

Contains marine glucosamines. They activate collagen production. The skin restores firmness and elasticity.

The cream is recommended as a moisturizing cosmetic; it is recommended to use it during the night. At the time of application, the skin will shine and shine, so it takes time for it to be completely absorbed by the skin. Suitable for two skin types: sensitive and combination.

Cream mousse can only be purchased in pharmacies, or, second option, by online order.

The company is engaged in the scientific development of cosmetics and produces various facial care products.

The cream has a wide range of applications:

  • Anti-aging protection;
  • Elimination of dryness;
  • Approved for care not only of the face, but also of the body. It is used to improve the condition of hands and elbows.

The positive properties of the cream is its ability to be used for a long period of time as a night and day product. Skin - Active contains useful substances that make the skin more protected, resistant to damage, strong and beautiful.

  • It provides protection from external influences of negative natural phenomena;
  • Barrier to penetration of allergens, bacteria, viruses, infections;
  • Easy to use;
  • Does not dry out or cause peeling;
  • It is not absorbed by the pores of the face, creating a feeling of heaviness;
  • It is a remedy for recovery after illness;
  • Purity of components: no alcohol, minimum dyes.
  • Environmentally friendly composition;
  • The price corresponds to the quality.

  1. Get advice from a doctor - cosmetologist, specialist - dermatologist.
  2. Test the effect in an inconspicuous area and conduct a trial session. This is most often done on the forearm or elbow. This is done to check the body’s allergic reaction to the perception of the components of the product.
  3. Remember that acid tends to crystallize at low temperatures. This condition will have no effect; moreover, frostbite may occur on the face where the cream is applied. It is recommended to use depending on the time of year: winter, autumn - at night, indoors; summer, spring - any time of the day, anywhere.
  4. Check the acid level on the packaging.
  5. A mandatory inscription in the list of components of a cosmetic product is low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It is considered ideal for obtaining the required effective result.
  6. Pay attention to the price of the product. Such funds cannot be cheap. Production is considered innovative, so it cannot be cheap.
  7. Cosmetologists do not advise women under 30 to use the products. At this age, the acid is produced by the young body in the required quantity on its own; the cream may work negatively. The body will stop producing acid, hoping for outside help. Problems will appear much earlier than expected.
  8. Russian manufacturers have the best recommendations. They fulfill all the requirements for content, production, and technology.

A product with hyaluronic acid can replace numerous procedures offered by beauty salons. It is convenient to use at home. The effect of use is undeniable and has been proven in practice by numerous positive reviews.

Cosmetics are varied in terms of goals and problems, but all of them have the desired result of rejuvenating the skin. The choice of funds will satisfy any needs.

Preserving youth and attractiveness is an understandable desire of any woman. Nature gives us resources for this, which, unfortunately, are not eternal. Hyaluronic acid is one of these resources. Our body produces it in sufficient quantities, but only until the age of 25. Then the amount of substance produced begins to decrease, which is why after 30 years the skin fades. Cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid come to the aid of women. Experts have invented many products containing hyaluronic acid. How to choose the right and effective cream?

Role and benefits for the skin

More than half of all hyaluronic acid, which is initially part of the body, is found in human skin. The acid fills the intercellular space in the form of an aqueous gel, creating, together with collagen and elastin fibers, a kind of springy “cushion”. That's why our skin is so elastic and elastic. It is in this gel that fibroblasts are located - skin cells that produce fibers that are so necessary for the elasticity of the skin.

How to replenish the stock?

If the body produces insufficient amounts of hyaluronic acid, it becomes necessary to replenish its reserves from the outside. Cosmetics containing this substance come to the rescue. Manufacturers of skin care products produce all kinds of creams, ointments, serums, mousses, sprays, masks and gels with this active substance. Each product acts differently, but they all have one task - to deliver the active substance to the skin, and therefore to moisturize and rejuvenate it.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are the best moisturizer for skin care

The action of hyaluronic acid in creams is based on two principles:

  1. Creating a light, breathable film on the surface of the skin that protects the skin from moisture loss and corrects the oval of the face.
  2. Delivery of acid molecules into the skin, which attract and retain water, improve microcirculation and create that same elastic “cushion”.

Cosmetics containing hyaluronate act in different ways. This is due to the size of the molecules that make up the serum or cream. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid can penetrate only into the epidermis. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates the dermis. Accordingly, high molecular weight moisturizes and increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and low molecular weight smoothes it. Professional modern luxury cosmetics contain three-level hyaluronic acid: high-, medium- and low-molecular. It is with the help of such means that a noticeable rejuvenating effect can be achieved.

Cosmetics with hyaluronic acid have a number of advantages over other care products:

  • improvement in skin condition after the first use;
  • absence of allergic and inflammatory reactions;
  • protecting the skin from external influences and simultaneously restoring internal water balance;
  • accelerated collagen production;
  • long-term hydration due to the formation of a water gel in the dermis.

After several weeks of using such cosmetics, the skin takes on a fresh, radiant appearance, unevenness is smoothed out, and the texture becomes soft and velvety.

The rejuvenation effect does not last forever. It is gradually lost if you stop using cosmetics with sodium hyaluronate.

How to choose cosmetics

First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition. In creams, gels and serums, hyaluronic acid can be contained in the form of a salt - sodium hyaluronate - and is listed under the name Sodium Hyaluronate. There are brands that produce cosmetics with hyaluronic acid (contains hyaluronic acid), it is considered more effective.

Before buying a product, study the composition

It is worth paying attention to the accompanying substances that are also contained in the cream. If the composition contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, it is desirable that it be accompanied by water-retaining components such as lactic acid, polysaccharides, urea, citric acid and vitamins. They, unlike large molecules of hyaluronic acid, can penetrate deep into the dermis and absorb water from the environment, providing deep hydration. Hyaluronic cosmetics from reputable brands include a UV filter.

It matters where hyaluronic acid is on the list of ingredients. If it is at the beginning or in the middle of the list, it means that its concentration is sufficient to effectively affect the skin. If at the end, it means that its amount is negligible, and you are unlikely to see a noticeable result.

Avoid cosmetics that contain mineral oil. It creates a film on the skin that does not allow air and moisture to pass through.

Cosmetic preparations containing low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are expensive. If you buy such products at a low price, be prepared for the fact that they may not be as effective as the manufacturer claims.

How to use cosmetics with hyaluronic acid?

There are several nuances that should be taken into account when using cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid.

At what age should I start?

It is not advisable to use cosmetics of this kind before the age of 25. The fact is that by supplying hyaluronic acid from the outside, you “relax” your body. He stops producing his own. By doing this, you doom yourself to early skin aging and possible joint problems, since hyaluronic acid allows you to keep intra-articular cartilage tissue healthy.

The optimal age at which it is recommended to care for your skin using hyaluronic cosmetics is 30 years. At this time, barely noticeable wrinkles may appear on the face, which are easier to deal with at the initial stage and prolong the youth of the skin for many years.

Rules for using cosmetics

As with other skin care products, the skin should be cleansed first. The rest of the rules are simple:

  • morning application - no later than an hour before going outside, evening application - half an hour before bedtime;
  • the cream is applied along the massage lines, the serum is lightly beaten into the skin with your fingertips;
  • the skin should be moist;
  • Before applying the cream, warm it in your palm for better absorption.

It is not advisable for girls aged 25 to 30 to constantly use such cosmetics. Their body produces enough natural hyaluronic acid. Creams and serums are best used to instantly correct the condition of the skin.

After 30 years, you can constantly use the cream - day or night. If the skin tolerates the product well, it is better to apply it according to the “morning and evening” scheme. For sensitive skin, one-time use is more suitable - only in the morning or evening. Serum is usually used as an “ambulance” when it is necessary to obtain maximum results in a short period of time. It is applied to problem areas of the skin.

Pharmacy gels with hyaluronic acid (for example, Curiosin) are recommended to be used only in courses, as they are medicine. They should be used in combination with cosmetic care products no more than 2 times a year and no longer than 1 month.

Before using Curiosin, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications and possible harm

When used in creams, gels and serums, hyaluronic acid has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. It is better to choose more expensive products that contain hyaluronic acid of animal origin (organic). Cosmetologists believe that it is safe for the human body.

As for anti-aging injections, which are widely used today to combat wrinkles, they have quite strict contraindications. During their implementation, biosynthetic hyaluronic acid is used, as it gives a longer lasting result. For production, pathogenic microbes are used, which synthesize it under special conditions. The biosynthetic acid contains proteins, cells and toxins, the removal of which is a costly and time-consuming process. It is these impurities that enter the human body that can subsequently cause serious autoimmune diseases. For this reason, anti-aging injections cannot be given during pregnancy and lactation. They are also contraindicated in the presence of autoimmune diseases and acute inflammatory processes in the body.

If you decide to undergo a rejuvenating course of injections with hyaluronic acid, inquire about the certificate for the cosmetic product, paying special attention to the degree of purification.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Modern cosmetology considers hyaluronic acid one of the best anti-aging drugs. It is widely used not only as an external remedy, but also in plastic surgery.

However, according to cosmetologists, products containing hyaluronic acid do not provide a pronounced rejuvenation effect. They are good for moisturizing and giving the skin firmness and elasticity. For a deeper effect, doctors recommend injections.

Cosmetics review

Today on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores you can find a lot of products that contain hyaluronic acid. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  • For the youngest cosmetics users (from 25 years old), L’Oreal Derma creams and serums are suitable. The L'Oreal Derma Genesis line includes day and night creams, a product for the eyelids and skin around the eyes, as well as a concentrated serum. For dry and mature skin, the manufacturer produces products that also contain the Pro-Xylane component, which enhances the effect of the active substance and increases collagen production.
  • The domestic manufacturer of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, Laura, offers an inexpensive but effective serum. In addition, this line is represented by lotions, mousses, sprays and masks.
  • Another Russian brand, Librederm, is popular among middle-aged women. Libriderm serum is perfectly absorbed, has a tightening effect, and relieves inflammation.
  • Merz cream has a foamy consistency, so it is not suitable as a base for decorative cosmetics. But it does an excellent job of saturating cells with oxygen and restoring collagen production.
  • Cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the products of the Kosmoteros GROUP company, which produces creams and serums with organic hyaluronic acid.
  • The ELDAN Cosmetics company has released a new Premium Ialuron Treatment series, which includes an essence with high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, a fluid serum and a 24-hour cream. They use chamomile extract, saccharide isomerate, almond oil and panthenol as additional components.
  • For women over 50, a good choice would be the Japanese serum for wrinkles around the eyes “Shiseido”. In addition to hyaluronate, it also contains medicinal Japanese plants and algae.
  • Another domestic manufacturer is Natura Siberica. She produces products with hyaluronic acid for daytime care for aging skin.

There are many means to maintain the beauty and youth of your face. Creams with hyaluronic acid are very popular. They are not only safe but also effective for home use.

Composition and beneficial properties of creams with hyaluronic acid

Salons and pharmacies offer a wide selection of products containing hyaluronic acid. Masks, creams, balms, shampoos and gels can be used independently. The use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetic products is a fairly effective alternative to biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide of the glycosaminoglycan family. It is the main element of the intercellular matrix, present in connective tissue. The largest volume of hyaluronic acid is present in the skin.

Here its synthesis is provided by fibroblasts, which are connective tissue cells. In addition to hyaluronic acid, they also produce collagen and elastin.

Hyaluronic acid fills the space between collagen and elastin, and is also found in corneocytes - cells of the stratum corneum.

The main function of hyaluronic acid is to bind 500 water molecules with just one molecule. It is able to retain moisture, maintaining the elasticity and youth of the skin. In addition to its hydrophilic properties, sodium hyaluronate performs the following functions:

  • participates in the process of proliferation - tissue growth due to cell division;
  • has high antioxidant properties, protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation and free radicals;
  • responsible for transporting oxygen and blood molecules to damaged or inflamed areas.

As the body matures, as well as from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the process of breakdown of hyaluronic acid begins to prevail over its synthesis. The processes of degradation and disintegration of hyaluronic acid, changes in its structure, lead to the first signs of aging.

Dehydration of the skin layers affects its elasticity and ability to regenerate.

Wrinkles, sagging, dry skin appear. Independent use of hyaluronic acid, performed correctly and regularly, can have a noticeable rejuvenating effect:

  • visually reduce fine and facial wrinkles;
  • provide the skin with moisture and nutrition, eliminating flaking and dryness;
  • smooth damaged skin, reduce the visibility of scars;
  • activate regeneration processes in cells;
  • even out complexion;
  • create a protective barrier against destructive environmental factors.

Hyaluronic acid in the cream is an effective and convenient way to use it independently. Expensive brands also use additives in the form of plant extracts, animal extracts, royal jelly, collagen, vitamins of various groups and other useful components.

Types of Sodium Hyaluronate Creams

Hyaluronic acid can be of large or small molecular size, and the nature of its effect on the skin depends on this. The effect of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid in the cream is mostly external due to the large size of the molecules.

A film forms on the surface of the dermis, protecting the skin from moisture loss. It creates a quick tightening effect, evens out the skin structure, and stimulates skin processes. But only injections can have a radical effect.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, obtained by crushing molecules, is able to penetrate deep into the skin. The small specific gravity and size of the molecules allows them to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, while simultaneously creating a protective film on its surface.

It promotes skin regeneration, fighting acne, herpes, provides ultraviolet protection, and improves the functioning of enzymes.

Japanese cosmetics containing hyaluronate molecules crushed into nanoparticles are especially effective.

But the cost of such creams starts from $500.

Creams are divided into day or night. The daily version, as a rule, has a lighter consistency and is quickly absorbed. Together with hyaluronic acid, the composition of the day cream may include plant extracts.

A mandatory element is a UV filter, the value of which must be at least 15. The composition may also contain vitamins, oleic and linoleic acid. The main function of day cream is moisturizing and ultraviolet protection.

The night product has a denser texture and a rich formula. Among the components of its composition, in addition to hyaluronic acid, it contains natural oils, biostimulants, phytoestrogens, and vitamins.

The most powerful effect is achieved by night cream with hyaluronic acid, which also contains retinol and collagen. The night-time product has a more pronounced rejuvenating effect. Before using it, the skin should be completely cleaned of impurities.

Features and rules of use

These cosmetics are most effective for dry skin prone to irritation and inflammation. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid in the cream draws moisture directly from the environment, saturating the skin with it.

Having a cumulative effect, regularly used cream with hyaluronate can slow down aging processes in the skin.

Wrinkles are eliminated, deep folds are leveled, and skin condition is improved by preserving moisture and nutrition. In order for the use of products with hyaluronate to bring the greatest benefit to the beauty of facial skin, you need to know the rules for choosing them:

The best time to use hyaluronate cream is at night and in the morning. At this time, the skin is most sensitive to the effects of nutrients. The cream should be applied to moistened skin.

The use of such cosmetics is indicated from the age of 25, when the first expression wrinkles begin to appear.

Pharmacy assortment

Let's consider the most popular brands of creams with hyaluronic acid from different manufacturers, which are presented in pharmacies.

Eveline bio HYALURON 4D

Product from a Polish manufacturer. The structural composition of the product is enriched with the following components:

  • bio-hyaluronic acid;
  • stem cells;
  • algae extract;
  • collagen;
  • aquaporins;
  • bio-calcium;
  • vitamin E.

The cream contains many additional nutrients, has a lifting effect, improves complexion, and has a 4D effect. The product has a fairly dense texture and is absorbed without leaving any traces.

The result can be seen after the first use. The advantage of the product is the ability to use it as a base for makeup, as well as its low price. A volume of 50 ml costs about 150 rubles.

  1. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid;
  2. Camelina oil.

The moisturizing effect lasts throughout the day. The product is equipped with a convenient dispenser and does not contain parabens or fragrances. Its price ranges from 400 to 600 rubles.

Liftactiv Retinol from VICHY

A well-known cosmetics company produces three types of products: daytime, nighttime, and also for the eyelids. The main ingredients are low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and retinol.

The cream has a dense texture, aimed at combating the first wrinkles and tightening the skin. The product is recommended for people aged 30 years and older. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is 2522 rubles.

Aquanti from Novosvit

The main components of the product: hyaluronic acid and collagen. Melting texture has a moisturizing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect. The cream soothes and smoothes wrinkles. It is best used during the day, as a base for makeup. A 50 ml bottle costs 250 rubles.

Cream from a Russian manufacturer. Main components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • wild yam extract;
  • phospholipids;
  • vitamin E;
  • a fat-soluble mixture consisting of tocopherol esters, retinol, linoleic acid.

Thanks to its rich composition, it has an anti-aging effect. The anti-aging effect appears after a month of regular use. The cost of the cream is from 350 rubles.

It has a simple and understandable composition. Contains hyaluronic acid salt. Additional components include: panthenol, linalol, vitamin E. Improves skin structure and gives a rejuvenating effect. A volume of 50 ml costs 613 rubles.

Cream mousse MERZ

The component composition contains:

  • low molecular weight hyaluronic acid;
  • marine glucosamine;
  • brown algae extract;
  • shea butter;
  • aloe leaf gel;
  • oat grain.

The product, saturated with useful elements, maintains and restores the water-lipid balance of the skin and has a comprehensive rejuvenating effect. 50 ml of the product will cost 1,400 rubles.

The best creams with hyaluronic acid are produced by Japanese manufacturers, but their cost is very high. Hada Labo is a well-known brand that produces a series of creams, serums, lotions and masks containing hyaluronic acid.

The most popular product from a Russian manufacturer in pharmacies is Laura cream.


Products with hyaluronate have some contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • predisposition to edema;
  • period of use over 3 months;
  • joint use with products containing AHA acids to avoid mutual neutralizing effects.