Corrective work with an autistic child, where to start or “the road can be mastered by those who walk.” Corrective activity program for children with early childhood autism Corrective activity with an autistic child

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2"


school order

"_______" ________________ 2015


Work program

on working with an autistic child


Number of hours:17



Program Compiler:

Educational psychologist

Glinchenkova Elena Nikolaevna


Deputy Director for HR


"________" ______________ 2015







    Explanatory note……………………………………………………….4

    Requirements for the level of student preparation…………………………………..6

    Thematic content of the program on the subject of labor training…….6

    Logistics support educational process………………….8

    Thematic planning programsdevelopment of psychomotor skills and sensory perception2015-2016 academic year………………………..………………….10

Explanatory note

Distorted development is a type of dysontogenesis in which complex combinations of general psychological underdevelopment, delayed, damaged and accelerated development of individual mental functions are observed, which leads to a number of qualitatively new pathological formations. One of the clinical variants of this dysontogenesis is early childhood autism (ECA) (I.I. Mamaichuk, 1998). The word autism comes from the Latin word autos - self and means separation from reality, fenced off from the world.

Autism – It is a lifelong developmental disorder that affects communication and relationships with others, as well as perception and understanding of the world around us.

The main signs of RDA in all its clinical variants are:

Insufficient or complete lack of need for contacts with others;
- isolation from the outside world;
- weakness of emotional response towards loved ones, even towards the mother, up to complete indifference towards them (affective blockade)
- inability to differentiate between people and inanimate objects. Often such children are considered aggressive;
- insufficient response to visual and auditory stimuli or, conversely, very sensitive to weak stimuli. (For example, children often cannot stand the ticking of a clock, the noise of household appliances, or the dripping of water from a tap);
- commitment to maintaining the immutability of the environment;
- neophobia (fear of everything new) manifests itself very early in autistic children. Children cannot tolerate changing their place of residence, rearranging their beds, and do not like new clothes and shoes;
- monotonous behavior with a tendency towards stereotypes and primitive movements;
- various speech disorders with RDA;
- children with RDA exhibit various intellectual impairments. More often it is mental retardation.

Three main problem areas

The characteristics of the manifestations of autism depend on the individual, but the main problems can be divided into three basic groups. These include:

    difficulties with social communication

    difficulties with social interaction

    difficulties with social imagination.

Difficulties with social communication . For children with autism spectrum disorders, facial expressions and other “body language” are as foreign a language as if everyone around them spoke ancient Greek. Children with autism have difficulties with both verbal and nonverbal language. Many of them take language literally, from their point of view - people always say exactly what they mean. Additionally, people with autism have difficulty using and understanding:

    facial expressions or tone of voice

    jokes and sarcasm

    idioms and sayings, such as when people say “That’s steep,” mean that it’s good, not that it’s hard to climb.

Some children with autism cannot speak at all, or their ability to use speech to communicate is very limited. However, even non-speakers usually understand what other people are saying. These children can learn to express themselves and communicate with others through various alternative communication methods, such as typing on a computer, using sign language, or a system of visual symbol cards.

Other children with autism have very good language skills, but still have language difficulties - they have difficulty understanding how to communicate when speaking; they may repeat what the other person has just said (this is called"echolalia" ); or they talk for a very long time about their interests, ignoring the reaction of the interlocutor.

Children with autism find it easier to communicate if other people speak clearly, consistently, and leave pauses that allow the person with autism to understand what they have just said.

Difficulties in social interaction: “We don’t acquire communication skills naturally, we have to learn them consciously.” People with autism often find it difficult to recognize or understand the emotions and feelings of others, and have difficulty expressing their own emotions and feelings. This may cause them to experience additional difficulties in social situations. They can:

    not understanding the unwritten social rules that most people learn unconsciously. For example, they may stand too close to another person or start a conversation with an inappropriate topic.

    appear insensitive because they may not understand how the other person is feeling

    don't turn to other people for comfort

    appearing “weird” and acting inappropriately because they have difficulty expressing their feelings, emotions, or needs.

Difficulties with social interaction can cause people with autism to have difficulty making and maintaining friendships. However, people with autism themselves may desire friendships and connection with others - they are just not sure how to achieve this.

Difficulties with social imagination: “We find it difficult to understand what other people know. It’s even harder for us to guess what other people are thinking.” Social imagination allows us to understand and predict the behavior of other people, understand abstract ideas, and imagine situations outside of our immediate experience. Difficulties with social imagination mean that children with autism have difficulty:

    understand and interpret the thoughts, feelings and actions of others

    predict what will happen next, or might happen next

    understand the concept of danger, for example why it is better not to run onto a busy highway

    engage in games and activities that require imagination: children with autism sometimes engage in games that require imagination, but they prefer to play out the same scene over and over again

    prepare for change or plan for the future

    cope with new or unfamiliar situations.

Program goals:

Mitigation of sensory and emotional discomfort characteristic of autistic children;
- increasing the child’s activity in the process of communicating with adults and children;
- overcoming difficulties in organizing goal-directed behavior;

Development of all mental processes.

Program objectives:

Orientation of an autistic child in the outside world;
- teaching him simple contact skills;
- teaching the child more complex forms behavior;
-development of self-awareness and personality of an autistic child;
-development of attention;
-development of memory and thinking.

Thematic content of the program

The program is being implemented in three stages. Main stages psychological correction:

First stage – involving the child in joint activities, hOften he himself offers the form of possible interaction that is most comfortable for him at the moment.

Tasks of the first stage:

    establishing initial contact with an autistic child;

    creating a free, soft, emotionally discharged environment in the classroom;

    overcoming fear of communication;

    general diagnostics (emotional and behavioral reactions, child’s activity, emotional tone, emotional manifestations, attention, memory).

    gradual release of accumulated negative emotions;

    giving the child the opportunity to experience as many positive emotions as possible.

Second stage – strengthening the psychological activity of children. Solving this problem requires the psychologist to be able to feel the child’s mood, understand the specifics of his behavior and use this in the correction process.

Second stage tasks:

    involving the child in various activities, first individual, then group,

    formation of emotional contact with a psychologist,

    development of child activity,

    development of contact.

    help the child relieve accumulated tension,

    smooth out the manifestations of affective outbursts, make them more controllable,

teach your child to express emotions in a more appropriate way.

Third stage - organization of goal-directed behavior of an autistic child. As well as the development of basic psychological processes.

Tasks of the third stage:

    overcoming negativism,

    solving common problems to achieve the goal,

    development of perception and imagination,

    development of visual and tactile perception.

Program effectiveness.

Implementation correctional program for children with RDA provides the basis for the child’s effective adaptation to the world. Thanks to these activities, the child is tuned to active contact with the outside world. Thus, the child will feel safety and emotional comfort, which means behavior correction will occur..

The following methods are used:

1. Stimulation and motivation of educational cognitive activity;
2. Organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities:

a) methods of organizing and implementing sensory perception of educational objects (visual);
b) methods of organizing and implementing children’s mental activity (verbal);
c) methods of organizing and managing the practical activities of children (practical).

3. Organization of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities of children.


warm-up (speech, motor, voice);
– examination of drawings and objects;
– free and thematic drawing;
– exercises of an imitative, creative nature;
– design;
– modeling;
– production of applications from various materials;
– schematic representation of objects;
– game situations;
– creating problematic situations
– discussion of what has been read;
- memorization of poems.

The program is designed to work in a group of 2 people.

The duration of the lesson should not exceed 30 minutes.

Optimal frequency of meetings with participants: 2 times a month (17 hours).

Requirements for the level of student preparation

Organize the child’s behavior;

Develop abilities for communicative interaction;

Smooth out the negative manifestations of autism;

Strengthen mental activity child;

Material and technical support of the educational process

1. Babkina N.V. The joy of learning. Program of classes for the development of cognitive activity junior schoolchildren: Book for teachers. – M.:ARKTI, 2000.
2. Varga A.Ya. Psychological correction of communication disorders in younger schoolchildren \\ Family in psychological consultation \ Edited by A. A. Bodalev, V.V. Stolina.- M., 1989.
3. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children to communicate. - Yaroslavl, 1997.
4. Kagan V. E. Autism in children. L., 1981.
5. Mamaichuk I. I. Psychocorrectional technologies for children with developmental problems. - St. Petersburg, 2003.
6. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school. - M., 1998

7. Schopler E., Lanzing M., Waters L. Support for autistic and developmentally delayed children. Collection of exercises for specialists and parents.

8. Games and exercises with a special child. Guide for parents/translation by N.L. Kolmagorova

Thematic planning

class 1

2015/2016 academic year.

Teacher-psychologist: Glinchenkova Elena Nikolaevna

The number of training hours in the program is 17, the number of training hours is 2 hours per month.


Lesson topic


1 quarter


Diagnosis of emotional and behavioral reactions. Formation of emotional contact by a psychologist.

Games “Handles”, “Round dance”


Activity diagnostics.Development of activity.

Games “Guide”, “Birds”, “Catch-up”.


Diagnosis of emotional tone and emotional manifestations.Development of contact:

games “Pet the cat”, “Play with the doll”


Diagnostics for assessing your behavior.Development of perception and imagination. Spatial coordination.

Exercise Encrypted drawing. Fold the pattern.

2nd quarter


Diagnostics of attention and memory. Development of visual and tactile perception.

Psychotechnical games: find a place for a toy, collect figures (Seguin boards)


Raven tables. Graphic dictation. Continue the series.


Development of attention.

Corrective test ''Girls''. Tables.

3rd quarter


Memory development.

Remember the words. Find the differences.


Development of speech communication.

Games : Call the ball. Finish the sentence.


Development of the personal-motivational sphere. My family


Development of the story game.

Game: “Murzik came to play”


Development of mobile role play.

Games: “Naughty Monkey”

4th quarter


Development of outdoor-competitive games.

Games: Building a house for friends. The most dexterous.


Final diagnostics. Diagnosis of emotional and behavioral characteristics.


Final diagnostics. Activity diagnostics.


Final diagnostics. Diagnostics for assessing your behavior.


Final diagnostics. Diagnostics of operations of thinking, memory, attention..


Establishing contact with an autistic child.

game "Handles".

Progress of the game. A group of 2-3 children sits in front of the psychologist. The psychologist takes the child by the hand and rhythmically pats the child’s hand with his hand, repeating “My hand, your hand...”. If the child actively resists and takes his hand away, then the psychologist continues patting himself or with another child. If the child agrees to contact with the hands, the psychologist’s hand continues patting the child’s hand according to the type

Game "Ladushki" We offer this quatrain:

Hands, our hands, play for us,
Knock and squeeze harder right now
We will be friends with you and catch everyone by the hand.

Game "Round Dance".

Progress of the game: the psychologist selects a child from the group who greets the children and shakes each child’s hand. The child chooses who will be in the center of the round dance. Children, holding hands, greet the one who will be in the center of the circle to the music. The children take turns entering the center of the circle, and the group greets them with these words:

Stand up, children,
Stand in a circle
Stand in a circle
I'm your friend
And you are my friend
Good old friend.

Development of activity.

: game "Guide".

Progress of the game: The exercise is performed in pairs. First, the leader (psychologist) leads the follower (child) blindfolded, avoiding all sorts of obstacles. Then they change roles. Following the example, the children themselves repeat the game, alternately changing roles.

Game "Birds".

Progress of the game: The psychologist says that now everyone is turning into little birds and invites them to fly with them, flapping their arms like wings. After the “birds” they gather in a circle and together “peck the grains”, tapping their fingers on the floor.

Game "Catch-up".

Progress of the game: the psychologist invites the children to run away and hide from him. Having caught up with the child, the psychologist hugs him, tries to look into his eyes and invites him to catch up with other children.

Development of contact.

: game “Pet the cat”.

The psychologist and the children select kind and gentle words for the “Murka the Cat” toy, while the children stroke it, can pick it up and cuddle with it.

Game "Play with a doll."

Progress of the game: conducting a role-playing game on various topics, for example: “Let's go shopping,” “Away.” In this case, the doll is an assistant in the development of the child’s social roles.

Strengthening psychological activity. Development of perception.

Development of perception of “noisy” objects. Forming a child’s activity with the help of play moments for the development of perception.

Progress of the lesson: in front of the child is an image of “noisy” pictures, his task is to recognize these pictures.

An exercise to develop spatial coordination (the concepts of left, right, in front, behind, etc.) takes place in the form of a game.

We'll go right now! One, two, three!
Now let's go left! One, two, three!
Let's quickly join hands! One, two, three!
Let's open up just as quickly! One, two, three!
We'll sit down quietly! One, two, three!
And let's get up a little! One, two, three!
We will hide our hands behind our backs! One, two, three!
Let's turn it over your head!! One, two, three!
And let's stamp our feet! One, two, three!

Psychotechnical games.

game "Find a place for the toy."

Progress of the game: the psychologist suggests placing skittles or balls one by one in the box of the desired color and in the corresponding hole cut out in the box. You can organize a competition.

Game "Collect figures".

How to play: The child, on command, assembles and disassembles the boards.

Development of the analytical and synthetic sphere.

Ravenna table.

Progress of the lesson: the child is asked to patch the rug. As you complete the tasks, they become more and more difficult.

Graphic dictation.
Progress of the lesson: The child is guided on paper under the dictation of the psychologist.

Continue the series
Progress of the lesson: based on the given figures, carry out an analysis, find a pattern and follow it when continuing this series.

Development of attention.

Corrective tests. "Girls".

Progress of the lesson: the child identifies on a sheet of paper according to a certain characteristic, first one type of girl, and then another.


Progress of the lesson: a table of scattered numbers is given, the child’s task is to find and name them in order.

Memory development

Remember the words.

Progress of the lesson: children are offered several pictures one by one, which they recite from memory or reproduce in a notebook.

Game "Snowball".

Progress of the lesson: gradual formation of a sequence of words, each subsequent participant reproduces the previous words while maintaining the given sequence, adding his own word to them.

Game "Find the differences".

Progress of the lesson: the children are offered two pictures that differ in some details. It is necessary to find all the different parts.

Development of speech communication.

Call the ball.

Course of the lesson: the children stand in a circle, the psychologist throws a ball to anyone, calling that child by name. The child who catches the ball must throw it to the next one, also calling him by name, and so on.

Game "Finish the sentence."

Progress of the lesson: children take turns reading a familiar poem, which they must complete.

Development of the personal and motivational sphere

game "My Family".

Situations are played out in a group of children who play the roles of both their parents and their own.

Progress of the lesson: The children are offered several situations in which roles will be assigned in advance with the help of a psychologist. For example: “Congratulate your mom on her birthday,” “Invite a friend to visit.” If the guys find it difficult, the psychologist should join the game and show how to behave in a given situation.

game “Murzik came to play.”

Progress of the game: the psychologist shows the children Murzik the Cat, put on his hand. Murzik the cat greets every child. Then Murzik shows the children a transparent plastic bag with the items he brought, and invites everyone to take any number of figures and place them on the table. From the given cubes, Murzik and his children build a house for a doll or a garage for a car. The psychologist encourages children to communicate with Murzik.

Development of mobile role play.

game "Mischievous Monkey".

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, the psychologist shows the monkey and tells how it likes to imitate. The psychologist raises his hand, then makes the same movement with the monkey, then invites the children to perform the same movement themselves or on the monkey. Then the movements become more complex: waving your hand, clapping your hands, tapping, and so on.

Development of active and competitive games.

game "Building a house for friends."

Progress of the game: The psychologist divides the children into groups of 2-3 people and says that he has two friends: the toy cat Murzik and the dog Sharik. They are very kind and cheerful, but they have one problem - they don’t have a home. Let's help them build a house, some will build a house for Murzik, others for Sharik. After this, the children are offered cubes and a task to see who can build a house with them the fastest.

Game: "The most dexterous."

Progress of the game: The psychologist suggests taking turns throwing the ball into the basket, counting who has the most hits. Next, the children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other; at the end of the game, the most dexterous one is called. You can offer other options for outdoor games, the main thing is that children in these games understand that they are able to achieve positive results.

Autism correction program

Nature of violations mental development for early childhood autism syndrome implies an integrated approach to its correction, one of the most important aspects of which is long-term correctional and developmental work.

This program is designed to work with an autistic child aged 5-6 years.

Program goals:

Overcoming negativism when communicating and establishing contact with an autistic child;
-development of cognitive skills;
- mitigation of sensory and emotional discomfort characteristic of autistic children;
-increasing the child’s activity in the process of communicating with adults and children;
- overcoming difficulties in organizing goal-directed behavior.

Program objectives:

Orientation of an autistic child in the outside world;
- teaching him simple contact skills;
- teaching the child more complex forms of behavior;
-development of self-awareness and personality of an autistic child;
-development of attention;
-development of memory and thinking.

Program effectiveness.

The implementation of a correctional program for children with RDA provides the basis for the child’s effective adaptation to the world. Thanks to these activities, the child is tuned to active contact with the outside world. Thus, the child will feel safety and emotional comfort, which means behavior correction will occur.

Main stages psychological correction:

First stage – establishing contact with an autistic child. For the successful implementation of this stage, a gentle sensory atmosphere of classes is recommended. This is achieved with the help of calm, quiet music in a specially equipped training room. Importance is attached to the free, soft emotionality of classes. The psychologist should communicate with the child in a low voice, in some cases, especially if the child is excited, even in a whisper. It is necessary to avoid direct looks at the child and sudden movements. You should not approach your child with direct questions.
Establishing contact with an autistic child requires quite a long time and is the core moment of the entire psychocorrection process. The psychologist is faced with the specific task of overcoming fear in an autistic child, and this is achieved by encouraging even minimal activity.

Tasks of the first stage:

  1. establishing initial contact with an autistic child;
  2. creating a free, soft, emotionally discharged environment in the classroom;
  3. overcoming fear of communication;
  4. general diagnostics (emotional and behavioral reactions, child’s activity, emotional tone, emotional manifestations, attention, memory).
  5. gradual release of accumulated negative emotions;
  6. giving the child the opportunity to experience as many positive emotions as possible.

Goal of the first stage– involving the child in joint activities, hOften he himself offers the form of possible interaction that is most comfortable for him at the moment.

Games in the first stage:
I If the child is not included in the psychologist’s activities, then the psychologist needs to become involved in the child’s activities, begin to play along with him (for example, 2 psychologists play with each other, attracting the child’s attention; he, observing what is happening, gradually becomes involved in the activity). If this does not happen, then it is necessary to imitate the activity that the child chooses for himself -The stereotypical play of an autistic child at the beginning of correctional work will become the basis for building interaction with him, since for the child himself this is a comfortable situation, within which he is calm.
Let's say a child performs stereotypical movements, rocking on a chair, psychologistat first he just watches his stereotypical play.The purpose of such observation- try to understand the structure of a stereotypical game: highlight a cycle of repeated actions; highlight specific sound combinations, words and phrases in the child’s muttering during play. Such observations and conclusions will help in the future and will suggest how you can take part in the child’s play.
When the child gets used to the presence of a psychologist, you can begin to carefully try to join his games, and this should be done tactfully and unobtrusively.

II Sensory play as an opportunity to establish contact with an autistic child.

In order to establish contact with an autistic child, without which it is impossible to carry out corrective measures, it is proposed to conduct sensory games with him. Sensory games are conventionally called games, the main goal of which is to give the child new sensory sensations. Sensations can be very different: visual, auditory, tactile and motor, olfactory and gustatory.

Variant of this game: "Colored water": for the game you will need: watercolor paints, brushes, 5 transparent plastic glasses(in the future, the number of glasses can be any). The glasses are placed in a row on the table and filled with water, then paints are diluted in them one by one different colors. Usually the child watches as the cloud of paint gradually dissolves in the water. You can diversify the effect and quickly dilute the paint in the next glass, stirring with a brush; The child, by his reaction, will make it clear which of the methods he likes best. In this game, the child may soon show a desire to participate more actively in what is happening: he begins to “order” the next paint or grabs a brush and begins to act independently. When the fascination with the pure sensory effect begins to weaken (this can happen after different amounts of time in different children, and it is understood that the child plays this game not only in class, but can start it at any time, calling on loved ones for help, or independently, if the level of development of his everyday skills allows), you can begin to expand the game.

III Soap bubbles.It is necessary to first prepare the child for playing with soap bubbles. To do this, you need to teach him how to blow, form a strong exhalation, and the ability to direct a stream of air in the right direction. When playing with soap bubbles, you should take some precautions: make sure that the child blows, but does not draw in the liquid.
Game objectives: 1. establishing emotional contact with a psychologist, 2. instilling trust in an adult, 3. obtaining a new sensory sensation

Second stage – strengthening the psychological activity of children. Solving this problem requires the psychologist to be able to feel the child’s mood, understand the specifics of his behavior and use this in the correction process.

Second stage tasks:

  1. involving the child in various activities, first individual, then group,
  2. formation of emotional contact with a psychologist,
  3. development of child activity,
  4. development of contact.
  5. help the child relieve accumulated tension,
  6. smooth out the manifestations of affective outbursts, make them more controllable,
  7. teach your child to express emotions in a more appropriate way.

    Collaborative drawing/co-construction games are used.
    I Game “Drawing together”(take a large sheet of paper and everyone in turn needs to draw something). Objectives of the game: 1. inclusion in a general activity, 2. overcoming the fear of communication, 3. obtaining new information about the world, 4.clarify ideas, which the child already has, 5. transfer of knowledge into real life , 6. develop means of communication.
    II Game “Catch-up”(the psychologist invites the children to run away, having caught up with the child, the psychologist hugs him and tries to look into his eyes). Objectives of the game: 1. development of activity, 2. overcoming the fear of looking eye to eye, 3. overcoming the fear of touching.
    III Game “Pet the cat”(the psychologist, together with the children, selects affectionate words for the toy “Cat Murka”, while the children stroke the toy, pick it up, and make it close to them). Objectives of the game: 1. development of contact, 2. overcoming the fear of new objects, 3. expansion of the vocabulary (accumulation of new epithets).
    IV Games with cotton wool. Cotton wool is a very soft and pleasant to the touch material that can have a therapeutic effect on a child. You need to remember that the child may want to touch it, tear it, throw it, and when the child starts playing, offer him the entire amount of material. Game options:- IT’S SNOWING (Pinch off small pieces of cotton wool together with your child, throw them up with the words: “It’s snowing.” Watch the “snow” fall, blow on it so that it doesn’t fall longer.)

SNOWBALLS (Make snowballs from small pieces of cotton wool (form a lump with your hands), and throw them at each other with the words: “Let’s play snowballs”). Objectives of the game: 1. mastering new tactile sensations, 2.Help your child relieve accumulated tension.

At the third stage An important task of psychocorrection is the organization of goal-directed behavior of an autistic child. As well as the development of basic psychological processes.

Stage III tasks:

  1. overcoming negativism,
  2. solving common problems to achieve the goal,
  3. development of perception and imagination,
  4. development of visual and tactile perception.

Games: 1. “Round dance” (game description in Appendix 1).
Game objectives: 1. overcoming the fear of tactile touch, 2. overcoming the fear of looking eye to eye.

2. Perception of “noisy” objects (instruction: “What is hidden in these pictures?”).
Tasks: 1. formation of the child’s activity, with the help of game moments for the development of perception.

3. Exercises to develop spatial coordination. Tasks: 1. mastering the concepts of right, left, back, forward, etc., 2. ability to work in a group.

IV stage of the program.
Stage objectives:

  1. work on overcoming fears,
  2. development of attention,
  3. memory development,
  4. development of the analytical and synthetic sphere,
  5. development of speech communication,
  6. development of the personal motivational sphere.

Stage IV games. 1. “Draw your fear” (instructions: “Draw something that might scare you”). Tasks: 1. visualization of fear, 2. overcoming fear using a technique (bury, burn the drawing)
2. Games for attention: 1. Correction test “Girls”, 2. “Find the differences”
3. Memory development games: “Remember the words.”
4. Game "My Family". Tasks: 1. interaction in a group, 2. overcoming the fear of communication, 3. mastering new roles.

Stage V of the program.
Stage objectives:

  1. development of the story game,
  2. development of mobile role play,
  3. development of competitive games.
    Games at this stage: 1) “The most dexterous.” Objectives: 1. development of activity, 2. work in a group, 3. development of a competitive moment.
    2) “We are building a house.” Tasks: 1. joint activities, 2. development of activity.

Stage VI – Final. The purpose of this stage is the final diagnosis, which includes the diagnosis of emotional and behavioral characteristics, activity, emotional behavior, thinking operations, attention, memory, emotional tone and emotional manifestations.

Appendix 1
Games for stage III.

Game "Round Dance".

Progress of the game: the psychologist selects a child from the group who greets the children and shakes each child’s hand. The child chooses who will be in the center of the round dance. Children, holding hands, greet the one who will be in the center of the circle to the music. The children take turns entering the center of the circle, and the group greets them with these words:

Stand up, children,
Stand in a circle
Stand in a circle
I'm your friend
And you are my friend
Good old friend.

game "Guide".

Progress of the game: The exercise is performed in pairs. First, the leader (psychologist) leads the follower (child) blindfolded, avoiding all sorts of obstacles. Then they change roles. Following the example, the children themselves repeat the game, alternately changing roles.

Development of perception of “noisy” objects. Forming a child’s activity with the help of game moments for the development of perception.

Progress of the lesson: in front of the child is an image of “noisy” pictures, his task is to recognize these pictures.

An exercise to develop spatial coordination (the concepts of left, right, in front, behind, etc.) takes place in the form of a game.

We'll go right now! One, two, three!
Now let's go left! One, two, three!
Let's quickly join hands! One, two, three!
Let's open up just as quickly! One, two, three!
We'll sit down quietly! One, two, three!
And let's get up a little! One, two, three!
We will hide our hands behind our backs! One, two, three!
Let's turn it over your head!! One, two, three!
And let's stamp our feet! One, two, three!

Games for stage IV:

Corrective tests. "Girls".

Progress of the lesson: the child identifies on a sheet of paper according to a certain characteristic, first one type of girl, and then another.

Remember the words.

Progress of the lesson: children are offered several pictures one by one, which they recite from memory or reproduce in a notebook.

Graphic dictation.
Progress of the lesson: The child is guided on paper under the dictation of the psychologist.

Game "Find the differences".

Progress of the lesson: the children are offered two pictures that differ in some details. It is necessary to find all the different parts.

game "My Family".

Situations are played out in a group of children who play the roles of both their parents and their own.

Progress of the lesson: The children are offered several situations in which roles will be assigned in advance with the help of a psychologist. For example: “Congratulate your mom on her birthday,” “Invite a friend to visit.” If the guys find it difficult, the psychologist should join the game and show how to behave in a given situation.

Ravenna table.

Progress of the lesson: the child is asked to patch the rug. As you complete the tasks, they become more and more difficult.

Appendix 2

Games for stage V.

game "Mischievous Monkey".

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, the psychologist shows the monkey and tells how it likes to imitate. The psychologist raises his hand, then makes the same movement with the monkey, then invites the children to perform the same movement themselves or on the monkey. Then the movements become more complex: waving your hand, clapping your hands, tapping, and so on.

game "Building a house for friends."

Progress of the game: The psychologist divides the children into groups of 2-3 people and says that he has two friends: the toy cat Murzik and the dog Sharik. They are very kind and cheerful, but they have one problem - they don’t have a home. Let's help them build a house, some will build a house for Murzik, others for Sharik. After this, the children are offered cubes and a task to see who can build a house with them the fastest.

Game: "The most dexterous."

Progress of the game: The psychologist suggests taking turns throwing the ball into the basket, counting who has the most hits. Next, the children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other; at the end of the game, the most dexterous one is called. You can offer other options for outdoor games, the main thing is that children in these games understand that they are able to achieve positive results.


1. Babkina N.V. The joy of learning. Lesson program for the development of cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren: A book for teachers. – M.:ARKTI, 2000.
2. Varga A.Ya. Psychological correction of communication disorders in younger schoolchildren \\ Family in psychological consultation \ Edited by A. A. Bodalev, V.V. Stolina.- M., 1989.
3. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children to communicate. - Yaroslavl, 1997.
4. Kagan V. E. Autism in children. L., 1981.
5. Mamaichuk I. I. Psychocorrectional technologies for children with developmental problems. - St. Petersburg, 2003.
6. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school. - M., 1998

Screams and scandals, loud music, offensive words are destructive to the sensitive ears of sound children. As a result of trauma, both the conscious and sensory spheres of the child suffer. It is not only the ability to learn through hearing that is impaired. The child’s ability to react emotionally and empathy is significantly reduced. Therefore, the main task of correctional and developmental classes for autism is to restore the child’s ability to learn through hearing and help him restore emotional contact with people.

Correctional classes for autistic people require parents and psychologists to take an integrated approach to the problem. An autistic child may be characterized by a whole range of disorders: emotional detachment, motor and speech stereotypies, aggression and stubbornness, reduced auditory learning ability, and much more. How to take everything into account and provide maximum assistance to a child with autism?

In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, there is a method for the rehabilitation of children with autism with taking into account the child's individuality. This scientific approach is today confirmed by unique practical results.

In this article we will look at how to build a set of developmental activities for autism so that the therapy is high-quality and effective.

The purpose of the lesson with an autistic child

The main goal of correctional classes with a child with autism is to eliminate the consequences of the mental trauma that led to the development of the disease. To do this, first of all you need to determine.

System-vector psychology reveals that autism occurs exclusively in children with the sound vector. From birth, sound children are endowed with special mental properties: self-absorption, delayed response, concentration on their inner world. Such a child receives signs of autism due to a traumatic effect on the psyche through the ear, its most sensitive area.

Screams and scandals, loud music, offensive words are destructive to the sensitive ears of sound children. As a result of trauma, both the conscious and sensory spheres of the child suffer. It is not only the ability to learn through hearing that is impaired. The child’s ability to react emotionally and empathy is significantly reduced.

Therefore, the main task of correctional and developmental classes for autism is to restore the child’s ability to learn through hearing and help him restore emotional contact with people. To do this, it is very important to eliminate the traumatic influence of loud sounds.

However, there are also secondary tasks. is dominant, therefore trauma in it leads to a whole cascade of disturbances in the development of all other vectors assigned to the child. For example, a child with may have tics and obsessive movements, hyperactivity and "field behavior". The child demonstrates aggression and negativism, refusal of everything new, and ritualism.

Correctional classes with autistic children should also solve the following problems: help the child overcome sensory disintegration and level out numerous pathological symptoms.

Such a comprehensive method of training with autistic people, based on knowledge of system-vector psychology, can be implemented even at home, through the efforts of parents. It can also be adopted by speech therapists, speech pathologists and teachers in kindergartens or other preschool educational institutions, or at schools.

Games and activities for autistic people to develop sound perception

Interesting musical activities with autistic people can help restore the ability of a child with autism to focus on sounds:

  1. "High-low." High and low sounds are played alternately (on a live instrument or in a recording). If the sound is high, the child raises his hands up (shows how the rain is dripping). If the sound is low, the child lowers his arms down and shows how the bear stomps.
  2. "Fast and slow." The child holds in his hands soft toy or a doll. Fast, dance music and slow, lullaby music alternately sound. We rock the toys to slow music, and show them dancing to fast music.
  3. "What's the noise?" Several quiet instruments are needed: maracas, bells, wooden spoons, etc. First, the child learns how each of them sounds. Then the adult turns away and plays. The child’s task is to guess what instrument sounded.
  4. Often children with autism have a good and even absolute ear for music. In this case, you can purchase a set of eight bells, intonated according to the scale. We teach the child to distinguish notes by ear and put them in order. You can use various songs and nursery rhymes about notes.

The ability of a child with autism to focus on sounds must be gradually transferred to the plane of conscious speech perception. This can be done on various textbooks. At the age of 3 years - 4 years it can be a “geometric” - a set for studying shapes and colors. First, ask your child to give a square or triangle. Then complicate the instructions: “find the red triangle, green square, etc.”

Remember that the choice of benefits both in preschool age and at school should primarily depend on the actual level of development of the child, and not on his physical age.

Games and activities for children with autism: development of the emotional sphere

Restoring the sensory sphere of a child with autism is also one of the main tasks. Parents and specialists often observe that an autistic child does not recognize the emotions of others well and may react to them inappropriately.

To develop the emotional sphere, you can use the following:

    Games and nursery rhymes for emotional contagion and imitation. If the child speaks, it is preferable that they be built in the form of dialogue.

    Adult: We are cabbage

    Child: Cut, cut

    Adult: We are cabbage

    Child: Salt, salt (we accompany all actions with finger movements).

    The arsenal of such games is very large - they can be found in manuals for preschool age, kindergarten or another preschool educational institution.

    Board games for recognizing emotions. These can be subject pictures based on emotions, accompanied by “emoticons” with different facial expressions. The child selects the appropriate “smiley” for the picture.

    You can use paired pictures, one of which characterizes the emotion, and the other - the resolution of the situation. For example, in one picture, a baby hurt his knee and is crying, but she is matched with the one where he is being treated and calmed down. In one picture there is a child with a bouquet - and she is paired with a card celebrating her birthday.

    Today there are many interesting children's manuals on this topic.

    Musical tasks aimed at recognizing mood in music. To begin with, you can simply select a ready-made picture for the music that is playing. Use bright and recognizable pieces of music. If a child with autism loves to draw, you can draw a picture yourself that expresses the musical mood.

System-vector psychology explains: the development of the sensory sphere is necessary for every child. However, there are children for whom this is most significant - these are carriers. They are given maximum emotional amplitude by nature. If the sensory sphere does not develop adequately, such a child exhibits hysterics, multiple fears, and panic attacks.

Therefore, activities for autistic children with skin vector should include:

  1. A sufficient number of games for skin sensory skills. This is work with sand, water, plasticine or salt dough, cereals, etc.
  2. There are enough active games, for example, for motor imitation. Such a baby is not able to sit in one place for a long time.
  3. Massages and water procedures, “dry pool”, “dry rain”, etc. are useful.

Those with the anal vector, on the contrary, are slow and diligent. It is not difficult for them to sit long enough over books and teaching aids. However, with autism spectrum disorder, such a child may have severe inhibition and demonstrate.

During a lesson for autistic children with anal vector, it is necessary to take into account that:

  1. This baby needs more time to complete any task. Under no circumstances should you rush or push him, this only aggravates the inhibition.
  2. Everything new is stressful for the owner of the anal vector. Therefore, you should not introduce several new tasks into the lesson at once. Add them gradually, one at a time, and give your child time to adapt to the changes.
  3. If the lesson follows a certain ritual, it will be easier for the child to cope with it. Manifestations of negativism will be significantly reduced if you make the upcoming work more predictable. You can solve this problem using visualization: for example, all tasks are on the table in a pile on the left. As they are completed, we move them to the right edge of the table.
  4. You can use a visual task plan. For example, in the form of pictures or cards that depict relevant actions (music lessons, drawing, etc.). As you complete it, lay out a row of cards.
  5. Give preference to “sedentary” board games and tasks. Owners of the anal vector are not inclined to play outdoor games.

Group classes with autistic children

All the games and tasks described above can be used both at home and in group classes with autistic children. The main attention should be paid to the development of the sensory and conscious sphere of children with autism. Additional and significant assistance will be provided.

In group classes, the child must be assisted by an adult, preferably the mother.

However, it should be remembered that the child’s development cannot be limited only to the format individual work or in a group where only children with autism are present. The main task is the gradual adaptation of a child with autism to the environment of normotypical peers.

Rehabilitation of children with autism: a method confirmed by results

Working with autistic people at home and in a group of children is of great importance. The joint efforts of parents, psychologists, speech therapists and defectologists bring positive changes. However, complete rehabilitation is possible only if:

  1. The mother of the child is clearly aware of the congenital psychological characteristics baby. Takes them into account when raising and training.
  2. The child’s mother gets rid of her own psychological traumas and negative states and is able to give the baby the maximum feeling of security and safety.

This result is achievable. Here's what people who received it say about it:

Give your baby a chance for full rehabilitation. You can start already on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

This program is designed to work with an autistic child aged 5-6 years.


Autism correction program

The nature of mental development disorders in early childhood autism syndrome implies an integrated approach to its correction, one of the most important aspects of which is long-term correctional and developmental work.

This program is designed to work with an autistic child aged 5-6 years.

Overcoming negativism when communicating and establishing contact with an autistic child;
-development of cognitive skills;
- mitigation of sensory and emotional discomfort characteristic of autistic children;
-increasing the child’s activity in the process of communicating with adults and children;
- overcoming difficulties in organizing goal-directed behavior.

Orientation of an autistic child in the outside world;
- teaching him simple contact skills;
- teaching the child more complex forms of behavior;
-development of self-awareness and personality of an autistic child;
-development of attention;
-development of memory and thinking.

The implementation of a correctional program for children with RDA provides the basis for the child’s effective adaptation to the world. Thanks to these activities, the child is tuned to active contact with the outside world. Thus, the child will feel safety and emotional comfort, which means behavior correction will occur.

Main stages of psychological correction:

The first stage is establishing contact with the autistic child. For the successful implementation of this stage, a gentle sensory atmosphere of classes is recommended. This is achieved with the help of calm, quiet music in a specially equipped training room. Importance is attached to the free, soft emotionality of classes. The psychologist should communicate with the child in a low voice, in some cases, especially if the child is excited, even in a whisper. It is necessary to avoid direct looks at the child and sudden movements. You should not approach your child with direct questions.
Establishing contact with an autistic child requires quite a long time and is the core moment of the entire psychocorrection process. The psychologist is faced with the specific task of overcoming fear in an autistic child, and this is achieved by encouraging even minimal activity.

Tasks of the first stage:

  • establishing initial contact with an autistic child;
  • creating a free, soft, emotionally discharged environment in the classroom;
  • overcoming fear of communication;
  • general diagnostics (emotional and behavioral reactions, child’s activity, emotional tone, emotional manifestations, attention, memory).
  • gradual release of accumulated negative emotions;
  • giving the child the opportunity to experience as many positive emotions as possible.
  • The goal of the first stage is to involve the child in joint activities, often he himself offers the form of possible interaction that is most comfortable for him at the moment.

    Games in the first stage:
    I If the child is not included in the psychologist’s activities, then the psychologist needs to become involved in the child’s activities, begin to play along with him (for example, 2 psychologists play with each other, attracting the child’s attention; he, observing what is happening, gradually becomes involved in the activity). If this does not happen, then it is necessary to imitate the activity that the child chooses for himself - the stereotypical play of an autistic child at the beginning of correctional work will become the basis for building interaction with him, since for the child himself this is a comfortable situation within which he is calm.
    Let's say a child performs stereotypical movements, rocking on a chair, the psychologist at first only observes his stereotypical play. The purpose of such observation is to try to understand the structure of a stereotypical game: to highlight a cycle of repeated actions; highlight specific sound combinations, words and phrases in the child’s muttering during play. Such observations and conclusions will help in the future and will suggest how you can take part in the child’s play.
    When the child gets used to the presence of a psychologist, you can begin to carefully try to join his games, and this should be done tactfully and unobtrusively.

    II Sensory play as an opportunity to establish contact with an autistic child.

    In order to establish contact with an autistic child, without which it is impossible to carry out corrective measures, it is proposed to conduct sensory games with him. Sensory games are conventionally called games, the main goal of which is to give the child new sensory sensations. Sensations can be very different: visual, auditory, tactile and motor, olfactory and gustatory.

    A variant of this game: “Colored water”: to play the game you will need: watercolor paints, brushes, 5 transparent plastic glasses (in the future the number of glasses can be any). The glasses are placed in a row on the table and filled with water, then paints of different colors are diluted in them alternately. Usually the child watches as the cloud of paint gradually dissolves in the water. You can diversify the effect and quickly dilute the paint in the next glass, stirring with a brush; The child, by his reaction, will make it clear which of the methods he likes best. In this game, the child may soon show a desire to participate more actively in what is happening: he begins to “order” the next paint or grabs a brush and begins to act independently. When the fascination with the pure sensory effect begins to weaken (this can happen after different amounts of time in different children, and it is understood that the child plays this game not only in class, but can start it at any time, calling on loved ones for help, or independently, if the level of development of his everyday skills allows), you can begin to expand the game.

    III Soap bubbles. It is necessary to first prepare the child for playing with soap bubbles. To do this, you need to teach him how to blow, form a strong exhalation, and the ability to direct a stream of air in the right direction. When playing with soap bubbles, you should take some precautions: make sure that the child blows, but does not draw in the liquid.
    Objectives of the game: 1. establishing emotional contact with a psychologist, 2. instilling trust in an adult, 3. obtaining a new sensory sensation

    The second stage is strengthening the psychological activity of children. Solving this problem requires the psychologist to be able to feel the child’s mood, understand the specifics of his behavior and use this in the correction process.

    Second stage tasks:

  • involving the child in various activities, first individual, then group,
  • formation of emotional contact with a psychologist,
  • development of child activity,
  • development of contact.
  • help the child relieve accumulated tension,
  • smooth out the manifestations of affective outbursts, make them more controllable,
  • teach your child to express emotions in a more appropriate way.

    Collaborative drawing/co-construction games are used.
    I Game “Drawing together” (take a large sheet of paper and everyone in turn needs to draw something). Objectives of the game: 1. inclusion in a general activity, 2. overcoming the fear of communication, 3. obtaining new information about the world, 4. clarifying the ideas that the child already has, 5. transferring knowledge to real life, 6. developing means of communication.
    II Game “Catch-up” (the psychologist invites the children to run away after catching up with the child, the psychologist hugs him and tries to look into his eyes). Objectives of the game: 1. development of activity, 2. overcoming the fear of looking eye to eye, 3. overcoming the fear of touching.
    III Game “Pet the Cat” (the psychologist, together with the children, selects affectionate words for the toy “Murka the Cat”, while the children stroke the toy, pick it up, and make it close to them). Objectives of the game: 1. development of contact, 2. overcoming the fear of new objects, 3. expansion of the vocabulary (accumulation of new epithets).
    IV Games with cotton wool. Cotton wool is a very soft and pleasant to the touch material that can have a therapeutic effect on a child. You need to remember that the child may want to touch it, tear it, throw it, and when the child starts playing, offer him the entire amount of material. Game options: - IT’S SNOWING (Pinch off small pieces of cotton wool together with your child, throw them up with the words: “It’s snowing.” Watch the “snow” fall, blow on it so that it doesn’t fall longer.)

    — SNOWBALLS (Make snowballs from small pieces of cotton wool (form a lump with your hands), and throw them at each other with the words: “Let’s play snowballs”). Objectives of the game: 1. mastering new tactile sensations, 2. help the child relieve accumulated tension.

    At the third stage of psychocorrection, an important task is to organize the purposeful behavior of an autistic child. As well as the development of basic psychological processes.

    Stage III tasks:

    1. overcoming negativism,
    2. solving common problems to achieve the goal,
    3. development of perception and imagination,
    4. development of visual and tactile perception.
    5. Games: 1. “Round dance” (game description in Appendix 1).
      Objectives of the game: 1. overcoming the fear of tactile touch, 2. overcoming the fear of looking eye to eye.

      2. Perception of “noisy” objects (instruction: “What is hidden in these pictures?”).
      Objectives: 1. formation of the child’s activity, with the help of game moments for the development of perception.

      3. Exercises to develop spatial coordination. Objectives: 1. mastering the concepts of right, left, back, forward, etc., 2. ability to work in a group.

      IV stage of the program.
      Stage objectives:

    6. work on overcoming fears,
    7. development of attention,
    8. memory development,
    9. development of the analytical and synthetic sphere,
    10. development of speech communication,
    11. development of the personal motivational sphere.
    12. Stage IV games. 1. “Draw your fear” (instructions: “Draw something that might scare you”). Tasks: 1. visualization of fear, 2. overcoming fear using a technique (bury, burn the drawing)
      2. Games for attention: 1. Correction test “Girls”, 2. “Find the differences”
      3. Memory development games: “Remember the words.”
      4. Game "My Family". Tasks: 1. interaction in a group, 2. overcoming the fear of communication, 3. mastering new roles.

      Stage V of the program.
      Stage objectives:

    13. development of the story game,
    14. development of mobile role play,
    15. development of competitive games.
      Games at this stage: 1) “The most dexterous.” Objectives: 1. development of activity, 2. work in a group, 3. development of a competitive moment.
      2) “We are building a house.” Objectives: 1. joint activities, 2. development of activity.
    16. Stage VI – Final. The purpose of this stage is the final diagnosis, which includes the diagnosis of emotional and behavioral characteristics, activity, emotional behavior, thinking operations, attention, memory, emotional tone and emotional manifestations.

      Appendix 1
      Games for stage III.

      Progress of the game: the psychologist selects a child from the group who greets the children and shakes each child’s hand. The child chooses who will be in the center of the round dance. Children, holding hands, greet the one who will be in the center of the circle to the music. The children take turns entering the center of the circle, and the group greets them with these words:

      Stand up, children,
      Stand in a circle
      Stand in a circle
      I'm your friend
      And you are my friend
      Good old friend.

      Progress of the game: The exercise is performed in pairs. First, the leader (psychologist) leads the follower (child) blindfolded, avoiding all sorts of obstacles. Then they change roles. Following the example, the children themselves repeat the game, alternately changing roles.

      Development of perception of “noisy” objects. Formation of a child’s activity with the help of play moments for the development of perception.

      Progress of the lesson: in front of the child is an image of “noisy” pictures, his task is to recognize these pictures.

      An exercise to develop spatial coordination (the concepts of left, right, in front, behind, etc.) takes place in the form of a game.

      We'll go right now! One, two, three!
      Now let's go left! One, two, three!
      Let's quickly join hands! One, two, three!
      Let's open up just as quickly! One, two, three!
      We'll sit down quietly! One, two, three!
      And let's get up a little! One, two, three!
      We will hide our hands behind our backs! One, two, three!
      Let's turn it over your head!! One, two, three!
      And let's stamp our feet! One, two, three!

      Games for stage IV:

      Corrective tests. "Girls".

      Progress of the lesson: the child identifies on a sheet of paper according to a certain characteristic, first one type of girl, and then another.

      Progress of the lesson: children are offered several pictures one by one, which they recite from memory or reproduce in a notebook.

      Graphic dictation.
      Progress of the lesson: The child is guided on paper under the dictation of the psychologist.

      Game "Find the differences".

      Progress of the lesson: the children are offered two pictures that differ in some details. It is necessary to find all the different parts.

      game "My Family".

      Situations are played out in a group of children who play the roles of both their parents and their own.

      Progress of the lesson: The children are offered several situations in which roles will be assigned in advance with the help of a psychologist. For example: “Congratulate your mom on her birthday,” “Invite a friend to visit.” If the guys find it difficult, the psychologist should join the game and show how to behave in a given situation.

      Progress of the lesson: the child is asked to patch the rug. As you complete the tasks, they become more and more difficult.

      Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, the psychologist shows the monkey and tells how it likes to imitate. The psychologist raises his hand, then makes the same movement with the monkey, then invites the children to perform the same movement themselves or on the monkey. Then the movements become more complex: waving your hand, clapping your hands, tapping, and so on.

      game "Building a house for friends."

      Progress of the game: The psychologist divides the children into groups of 2-3 people and says that he has two friends: the toy cat Murzik and the dog Sharik. They are very kind and cheerful, but they have one problem - they don’t have a home. Let's help them build a house, some will build a house for Murzik, others for Sharik. After this, the children are offered cubes and a task to see who can build a house with them the fastest.

      Game: "The most dexterous."

      Progress of the game: The psychologist suggests taking turns throwing the ball into the basket, counting who has the most hits. Next, the children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other; at the end of the game, the most dexterous one is called. You can offer other options for outdoor games, the main thing is that children in these games understand that they are able to achieve positive results.

      1. Babkina N.V. The joy of learning. Lesson program for the development of cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren: A book for teachers. – M.:ARKTI, 2000.
      2. Varga A.Ya. Psychological correction of communication disorders in younger schoolchildren \\ Family in psychological consultation \ Edited by A. A. Bodalev, V.V. Stolina.- M., 1989.
      3. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children to communicate. - Yaroslavl, 1997.
      4. Kagan V. E. Autism in children. L., 1981.
      5. Mamaichuk I. I. Psychocorrectional technologies for children with developmental problems. - St. Petersburg, 2003.
      6. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school. - M., 1998

      Classes for autistic people at home and in children's groups

      Screams and scandals, loud music, offensive words are destructive to the sensitive ears of sound children. As a result of trauma, both the conscious and sensory spheres of the child suffer. It is not only the ability to learn through hearing that is impaired. The child’s ability to react emotionally and empathy is significantly reduced. Therefore, the main task of correctional and developmental classes for autism is to restore the child’s ability to learn through hearing and help him restore emotional contact with people.

      Correctional classes for autistic people require parents and psychologists to take an integrated approach to the problem. An autistic child may be characterized by a whole range of disorders: emotional detachment, motor and speech stereotypies, aggression and stubbornness, reduced auditory learning ability, and much more. How to take everything into account and provide maximum assistance to a child with autism?

      In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, there is a method for the rehabilitation of children with autism with taking into account the child's individuality. This scientific approach is today confirmed by unique practical results.

      In this article we will look at how to build a set of developmental activities for autism so that the therapy is high-quality and effective.

      The purpose of the lesson with an autistic child

      The main goal of correctional classes with a child with autism is to eliminate the consequences of the mental trauma that led to the development of the disease. To do this, you first need to determine the causes of autism.

      System-vector psychology reveals that autism occurs exclusively in children with the sound vector. From birth, sound children are endowed with special mental properties: self-absorption, delayed response, concentration on their inner world. Such a child receives signs of autism due to a traumatic effect on the psyche through the ear, its most sensitive area.

      Screams and scandals, loud music, offensive words are destructive to the sensitive ears of sound children. As a result of trauma, both the conscious and sensory spheres of the child suffer. It is not only the ability to learn through hearing that is impaired. The child’s ability to react emotionally and empathy is significantly reduced.

      Therefore, the main task of correctional and developmental classes for autism is to restore the child’s ability to learn through hearing and help him restore emotional contact with people. To do this, it is very important to eliminate the traumatic influence of loud sounds.

      However, there are also secondary tasks. The sound vector is dominant, so trauma in it leads to a whole cascade of disturbances in the development of all other vectors assigned to the child. For example, a child with a cutaneous vector may have tics and obsessive movements, hyperactivity and “field behavior”. A child with an anal vector demonstrates aggression and negativism, rejection of everything new, and ritualism.

      Correctional classes with autistic children should also solve the following problems: help the child overcome sensory disintegration and level out numerous pathological symptoms.

      Such a comprehensive method of training with autistic people, based on knowledge of system-vector psychology, can be implemented even at home, through the efforts of parents. It can also be adopted by speech therapists, speech pathologists and teachers in kindergartens or other preschool educational institutions, or at schools.

      Games and activities for autistic people to develop sound perception

      Interesting musical activities with autistic people can help restore the ability of a child with autism to focus on sounds:

    17. "High-low." High and low sounds are played alternately (on a live instrument or in a recording). If the sound is high, the child raises his hands up (shows how the rain is dripping). If the sound is low, the child lowers his arms down and shows how the bear stomps.
    18. "Fast and slow." A child is holding a soft toy or doll in his hands. Fast, dance music and slow, lullaby music alternately sound. We rock the toys to slow music, and show them dancing to fast music.
    19. "What's the noise?" Several quiet instruments are needed: maracas, bells, wooden spoons, etc. First, the child learns how each of them sounds. Then the adult turns away and plays. The child’s task is to guess what instrument sounded.
    20. Often children with autism have a good and even absolute ear for music. In this case, you can purchase a set of eight bells, intonated according to the scale. We teach the child to distinguish notes by ear and put them in order. You can use various songs and nursery rhymes about notes.
    21. The ability of a child with autism to focus on sounds must be gradually transferred to the plane of conscious speech perception. This can be done using various tutorials. At the age of 3 years - 4 years it can be a “geometric” - a set for studying shapes and colors. First, ask your child to give a square or triangle. Then complicate the instructions: “find the red triangle, green square, etc.”

      Remember that the choice of benefits both in preschool age and at school should primarily depend on the actual level of development of the child, and not on his physical age.

      Games and activities for children with autism: development of the emotional sphere

      Restoring the sensory sphere of a child with autism is also one of the main tasks. Parents and specialists often observe that an autistic child does not recognize the emotions of others well and may react to them inappropriately.

      To develop the emotional sphere, you can use the following games for autists:

      Games and nursery rhymes for emotional contagion and imitation. If the child speaks, it is preferable that they be built in the form of dialogue.

      Child: Cut, cut

      Adult: We are cabbage

      Child: Salt, salt (we accompany all actions with finger movements).

      The arsenal of such games is very large - they can be found in manuals for preschool age, kindergarten or other preschool educational institution.

      Board games for recognizing emotions. These can be subject pictures based on emotions, accompanied by “emoticons” with different facial expressions. The child selects the appropriate “smiley” for the picture.

      You can use paired pictures, one of which characterizes the emotion, and the other - the resolution of the situation. For example, in one picture, a baby hurt his knee and is crying, but she is matched with the one where he is being treated and calmed down. In one picture there is a child with a bouquet - and she is paired with a card celebrating her birthday.

      Today there are many interesting children's manuals on this topic.

      Musical tasks aimed at recognizing mood in music. To begin with, you can simply select a ready-made picture for the music that is playing. Use bright and recognizable pieces of music. If a child with autism loves to draw, you can draw a picture yourself that expresses the musical mood.

      System-vector psychology explains: the development of the sensory sphere is necessary for every child. However, there are children for whom this is most significant - these are carriers of the visual vector. They are given maximum emotional amplitude by nature. If the sensory sphere does not develop adequately, such a child exhibits hysterics, multiple fears, and panic attacks.

      Therefore, games on emotional development should occupy a significant place in therapy for such a child.

      Another important criterion for the emotional well-being of any child is the psychological state of the mother.

      The baby receives a feeling of security and safety only if the mother is in a calm, balanced state. Without this, the success of any therapy for a child with autism is always in question.

      Correctional classes for autistic children: taking into account individual symptoms

      Each baby is endowed with its own unique set of vectors. The presence of a sound vector sets common properties for all autistic people. However, in their other properties they can differ significantly from each other.

      For example, owners of the skin vector are mobile, flexible, and dexterous. With the development of autism spectrum disorder, such a child may have special problems: motor disinhibition, obsessive movements, “field behavior” (for more details, see the article “Motor stereotypies and excessive tactile sensitivity in a child with autism: causes and recommendations for parents”).

      Therefore, activities for autistic children with skin vector should include:

    22. A sufficient number of games for skin sensory skills. This is work with sand, water, plasticine or salt dough, cereals, etc.
    23. There are enough active games, for example, for motor imitation. Such a baby is not able to sit in one place for a long time.
    24. Massages and water procedures, “dry pool”, “dry rain”, etc. are useful.
    25. Those with the anal vector, on the contrary, are slow and diligent. It is not difficult for them to sit long enough over books and teaching aids. However, with autism spectrum disorder, such a child may have severe inhibition, demonstrate aggression and negativism.

      During a lesson for autistic children with anal vector, it is necessary to take into account that:

    26. This baby needs more time to complete any task. Under no circumstances should you rush or push him, this only aggravates the inhibition.
    27. Everything new is stressful for the owner of the anal vector. Therefore, you should not introduce several new tasks into the lesson at once. Add them gradually, one at a time, and give your child time to adapt to the changes.
    28. If the lesson follows a certain ritual, it will be easier for the child to cope with it. Manifestations of negativism will be significantly reduced if you make the upcoming work more predictable. You can solve this problem using visualization: for example, all tasks are on the table in a pile on the left. As they are completed, we move them to the right edge of the table.
    29. You can use a visual task plan. For example, in the form of pictures or cards that depict relevant actions (music lessons, drawing, etc.). As you complete it, lay out a row of cards.
    30. Give preference to “sedentary”, board games and tasks. Owners of the anal vector are not inclined to play outdoor games.
    31. Group classes with autistic children

      All the games and tasks described above can be used both at home and in group classes with autistic children. The main attention should be paid to the development of the sensory and conscious sphere of children with autism. Sensory games will provide additional and significant help.

      In group classes, the child must be assisted by an adult, preferably the mother.

      However, it should be remembered that the child’s development cannot be limited only to individual work or in a group where only children with autism are present. The main task is the gradual adaptation of a child with autism to the environment of normotypical peers.

      Rehabilitation of children with autism: a method confirmed by results

      Working with autistic people at home and in a group of children is of great importance. The joint efforts of parents, psychologists, speech therapists and defectologists bring positive changes. However, complete rehabilitation is possible only if:

    32. The mother of the child is precisely aware of the innate psychological characteristics of the baby. Takes them into account when raising and training.
    33. The child’s mother gets rid of her own psychological traumas and negative states and is able to give the baby the maximum feeling of security and safety.
    34. This result is achievable. Here's what people who received it say about it:

      Give your baby a chance for full rehabilitation. You can start already at free online training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

      6 rules for communicating with an autistic child: compassionate techniques

      The number of people born with autism is growing every year, but are we ready for them? We asked Yulia Presnyakova, an experienced psychologist who works with autistic children, to tell us what each of us should know in order to learn to communicate with such people.

      Olga KOROTKAYA

      The number of people born with autism is growing every year, but are we ready for them? We asked Yulia Presnyakova, an experienced psychologist who works with autistic children, to tell us what each of us should know in order to learn to communicate with such people.

      What is the most important thing in communicating with a child with autism?

      Yulia Presnyakova, clinical director of the Inclusion project: Probably the most important thing is a smooth emotional background. We try to formulate all our phrases and sentences exclusively in a positive way, plus we speak very, very calmly and neutrally.
      What should we know before communicating with a child with autism?

      We must know exactly what we want from him now in this situation. Set yourself a specific goal. For example: “I want us to go eat.” When this goal is there, then we begin to think about how this information can be conveyed
      How do we structure our speech when communicating with a child with autism?

      We use clear, structured phrases, where, first of all, the emphasis is on what exactly we want to convey to the person, to the child. For example: “Do you want a banana?” or “Sit on the chair.” If necessary, we reinforce the words with a gesture or, for example, some kind of visual picture.

      Shall we go play ball? Shall we go?
      - Do you want to play ball?

      You shouldn’t load your speech with a lot of words that complement each other: “Look, let’s look at it with you, let’s sit down, let’s open the little book, and what do we have in this little book...” In this case, the speech simply turns into noise. It ceases to be functional. Our task is to make speech functional and as understandable as possible.
      What additional tools can help us communicate with a child with autism?

      We can use the schedule to help the child organize some activity. You can use Pex cards (a system of communication through special cards), which allow the child to choose the item, object or action that he really wants. You can simply type schematic images from available funds, if there is such a need. In every house you can always find some books, some magazines, images, packaging for objects, objects, and establish interaction “in a casual, quick way.”
      How modern technologies can they help us communicate with a child with autism?

      We can use, for example, a program called “Go-talk”, with the help of which a child can learn to write about his desires, requests and what he needs.

      “Are you thirsty?” And all the child does is select the word “yes” from his dictionary and press “done.”
      What to do if a child is stressed?

      The same behavior - the child is upset, screams, cries, it is reinforced differently depending on the reason for its origin.

      You're upset. I understand that this is so unpleasant.

      So, we can calm the child if nothing really depends on us here, and he has the right to show such a reaction.

      We can find the source of frustration or stress and remove it if it is up to us.

      And if this is unacceptable behavior, which carries the function of asking for something or refusing something, then we emotionally ignore it, offering another possibility of asking or refusing. And in this case, ignoring unwanted behavior, we only make sure that the child does not harm himself.