Doman cards for the little ones. A complete description of the Doman technique in simple words

The Doman technique is the most famous among systems early development infants. The opinions of teachers and parents about this technique are divided. Some observe tremendous success from classes with healthy and special children, others consider the use of cards from an American neurophysiologist to be a source of neurological and mental problems in kindergarteners. What are the features of the Doman method, is it worth practicing this system, and how to make cards with your own hands, we will tell you in our article.

From this article you will learn

Download cards

You can buy a ready-made set of Doman cards in children's stores and online markets. A “smart suitcase” with benefits will cost parents 2–3 thousand rubles if you purchase a complete set for reading, counting and developing erudition. It is much cheaper to download the cards and print them on office paper at home.

So, for classes with your baby from birth to school you will need the following set of handouts:

Print Doman cards for the youngest children in 21x30 cm format, for kindergarteners - 10x14 cm.

Note! It is advisable to laminate demonstration material for infants or place it in a folder with files. A newborn will definitely want to touch the pictures and taste them.

A little about the author

Glen Doman is a neurophysiologist, born in 1920 in Philadelphia, USA. He became known to the world for developing methods for early childhood development. But Doman began his journey by studying the children's brain at the University of Pennsylvania. There he received a degree in physical therapy and intended to continue his scientific activities, but the Second World War interfered. The young promising doctor volunteered for the US infantry, deciding to resume research in neurophysiology after the end of the war.

Glen Doman began his return to medical practice by developing a course of rehabilitation for children with brain damage, central nervous system damage, cerebral palsy, and autistic behavior. And he noticed that there is a direct relationship between the level of physical and intellectual development. Sick children were offered next tasks: swinging arms, legs, crawling. Following the activation of muscle work, progress in brain function occurred. Thus, the root cause of childhood defects was eliminated, and not its consequence.

Next, a program was developed for children with developmental disabilities to stimulate visual, auditory, and tactile activity. The lessons were distributed throughout the day and were very intense and long. The rehabilitation course lasted many months. As a result, most sick children showed good results in mental and physical sphere development.

In 1955, together with fellow neurophysiologists, he founded the Institute for the Development of Human Potential. The basis for the research was the Doman method, the latest for its time. In 1960, an article was written about the results of the work of a group of neurophysiologists on the rehabilitation of children with paralysis, mental and intellectual development delays using the author’s methodology, as well as about the activities of the institute in general. The results amazed the public.

A few years later, Doman decided to test his pedagogical and medical developments on healthy children. The kids followed the same rehabilitation program and showed the following results:

  • Read in early preschool age.
  • They counted to hundreds and thousands.
  • They were very erudite, had extensive knowledge of geography, biology, mathematics, and zoology.
  • Effectively increased the level physical development.

After the publication of a description of the author’s method in scientific journals and the release of Glen Doman’s books, not only teachers, doctors, but also parents became interested in the early development method. The following didactic technologies have become the most popular in Russia and the USA:

  1. How to teach a child to read.
  2. How to teach a preschooler to count.
  3. How to impart encyclopedic knowledge at an early age.

Lessons on any of the listed blocks are based on demonstrating cards with pictures, dots, and words. The technique is simple. No special knowledge or skills in teaching are required from parents. It is enough to devote a lot of time and effort to your lessons, be interested in the result and not expect success too quickly.

The essence of the technique

The secret of Doman's didactics lies in combining the patterns of pedagogical and physiological laws of knowledge acquisition. A special child is limited in the capabilities of his brain. He needs help.

Doman believed that training muscles and saturating the brain with new information should be carried out simultaneously. Therefore, he proposed combining active physical exercise with intellectual pursuits. Rehabilitation of children with developmental disabilities needs to begin from the cradle: the earlier, the better.

The program of the American neurophysiologist includes the following blocks:

1. Stimulation of physical development from birth

It's crawling down a slippery slide. The child should be on the track from 1–2 months for 3–4 hours a day. The baby rubs against the sides with its stomach, thighs, and forearms. Covers significant distances. This is an ideal environment for early physical development. Such children will certainly crawl well before six months, and will begin to walk and talk early.

2. Development of a sense of balance, balance

Mothers are encouraged to twist and turn the baby, turn it upside down, give it the opportunity to crawl on the floor, and climb over the cushions. Before the age of 3, you need to teach your child to swim.

Note! Having mastered a lot of movements, a preschooler up to 6 years old goes through 7 stages of physical development. If you do not limit your children’s ability to climb, run, or crawl, then not only the body, but also the brain will develop harmoniously.

3. Intellectual activities from birth

Glen Doman believed that the human brain is a computer. It cannot be left idle. If the brain does not constantly receive new information, it stops functioning correctly. Therefore, the task of parents is to provide the child with intellectual food every day. You can do this in 30 seconds a day. For example, don’t name one cat breed, but show 10 cards with images of different cats. And the child himself will conclude that these animals have paws, a tail, they are shaggy, fluffy.

4. Lessons on reading and counting

These are basic skills. Doman said that it is much more difficult than the perception of whole words. Therefore, he suggested that parents teach their children to read and write from birth using cards. As a result, children remember the image of the word and can find and read it in the text. Gradually, words are replaced by phrases, sentences and books. Infants are taught counting using pictures of dots from 1 to 100.

If you connect all the blocks together, devote about 2 minutes a day to activities on the development of intelligence, and physical exercises the rest of the time, by the age of 3.5 years the child will reach the level of development of a six-year-old preschooler.

Note! It is impossible to check the quality of classes with newborns. Mothers do not understand whether the child has learned the word on the card or not. During this period, it is important to maintain presence of mind and enthusiasm. The results will appear much later, when the baby easily masters the school curriculum.

Basic principles and rules of training

Raising a special child and teaching him effectively is not easy. Parents will find the following tips for organizing classes useful:

  1. Don't wait for time to put everything in its place. When you detect the first signs of mental and intellectual development disorders in newborns, begin to solve the problem. The sooner you introduce developmental activities into your child’s daily schedule, the better the results will be.
  2. Exercise systematically, regularly. Don't stop using the Doman method at the first disappointment.
  3. Continue the lesson as long as the baby wants to study. The manifestation of negativism is a signal for a break.
  4. Trust your child. Respect his interests and desires. You should not act using the method of tyranny, forcing people to engage in force. Act with cunning, gently.
  5. Believe in success.
  6. Rejoice in taking initiative. Praise your baby, even for small achievements.
  7. Create a suitable learning environment for your special child.
  8. Prepare for lessons in advance. Don't start downloading or printing cards and worksheets in a hurry. Plan your class schedule several weeks in advance.
  9. Don't get hung up on the material you've already covered. Offer new information often. Talk briefly about what you have covered.

Note! Do not think that the Doman system was formed in a couple of sessions with special children. The team of neurophysiologists worked towards a positive result for several years, making mistakes, getting disappointed, and improving the developmental methodology. According to Doman himself, the path from experiment to confirmation of the hypothesis lasted about 20 years.

How to exercise correctly

In order for classes using Doman cards to be truly useful for a child, you need to follow the author’s recommendations for organizing classes. First, decide on the topic of the block. Focus on age and physical condition baby. You need to study each block thoroughly, without jumping from one to another chaotically.

How to work with cards

The principle of working with cards for any Doman program you choose is identical. The child looks at images, words, remembers what he sees, and independently draws conclusions about new information.

Let's take a closer look at the methodology for teaching reading. The set contains more than 1000 words. The cards are divided by topic. For example, verbs: eats, drinks, sits, smells, draws, and so on. Body parts: nose, eyes, mouth, torso. Words written in red in block letters. The size of the cards is 10x15, the font should be thick: 1.5 cm, the height of the letters is 7.5 cm.

First, parents choose a topic familiar to the child for teaching reading: home, family, toys, animals. There are no images of objects on the cards, only words. You need to print the material in advance on a printer or do it yourself on sheets of cardboard using a felt-tip pen.

When the set of cards according to the list is ready, start studying. Show your child 5 words one after another, fixing them at a close distance in front of your eyes for 1–2 seconds. Say what is written on the card in a loud, clear voice. But you cannot obscure the image from the student. Make cheat sheets for mom on the back of the sheet. Repeat the lesson 3 times a day. After each 10-second lesson, praise the child for perseverance, attention, and interest. This is how the first day of training will go.

The next day, repeat yesterday’s material and add 5 more new cards. Spend 3 lessons with old words, 3 with new ones. Thus, the second day contains 6 lessons of 10 seconds. Consistently within a week, reach 25 cards and 15 impressions per day. Then gradually remove one card at a time from the studied set and add new material from the next topic.

Important! Teaching reading according to Doman is based on the optimal principle: from simple to complex. First, the child gets acquainted with simple words, then with phrases, then with sentences.

If you plan to give your preschooler encyclopedic knowledge, you will need the following sets of cards:

  1. Biology. The set includes: birds, wild animals, mammals, rodents and so on. You can study them in a row or link them to the “Geography” block, discussing with your child the habitat of animals.
  2. Art. These are paintings and biographies, portraits of great artists. Make a list of reproductions yourself, download in Word format and print. Black and white versions of paintings cannot be used; images must be in color.
  3. Geography. Show your child the continents, cities, and capitals of the world.
  4. Languages. The same word is shown in different languages.
  5. Human anatomy. Tell your child how many body parts a person has, what they look like and what they are called.
  6. Story. The block includes biography of great personalities, their names and portraits.

The list of topics for classes can be continued endlessly. When your child has studied 1000 cards in different blocks, go deeper into one topic. For example, learn more about dolphins: where they live, how they reproduce, what they eat. To do this, prepare a separate block of images of 100 cards and show them 3 times a day.

Example of a daily program

Viewing 25 cards per day is distributed as follows:

  1. 3 times a day: in the morning, at lunch, in the evening - the child repeats 5 familiar cards.
  2. In between repetitions, mom shows new cards: 5 words from each set, 3 times each.
  3. As a result, the child looks at pictures of words 15 times a day for 5-10 seconds.

The dosage and duration of classes are adjusted according to the child’s wishes. As the material is mastered, the color of the letters changes to black and the font becomes smaller.

Note! In Russia, Doman’s method of global reading was adjusted by teacher Manichenko. The domestic author of the literacy teaching system agrees with the American neurophysiologist that reading whole words is more physiological for humans. After all, people do not think in alphabetical signs, but in images. The Doman-Manichenko didactics for Russian parents was transformed into the “Reading from the Cradle” program.

Related videos

The full version of the set of Doman cards for children from birth is presented in video format. A baby from 6–7 months can watch interesting cartoons in thematic blocks and at the same time learn to read, speak, and show body parts.

Note! According to psychologists and psychiatrists, it is harmful for children with brain damage, autism, and Down syndrome to study using video lessons. It is important for such kids to feel a response from a teacher or parent.

Pros and cons of the technique

It would seem that Glen Doman’s method gives excellent results, has been used in the USA for more than 60 years, which means it should definitely be assessed positively by teachers, doctors, and parents. But no, in the technique of the famous neurophysiologist there are not only advantages, but also disadvantages. How to perceive the point of view of experts is up to you.


If we consider the Doman method as a start to the successful development of intelligence in a child early age, then the following advantages stand out:

  1. You can start lessons on reading, acquiring diverse knowledge about the world, and counting from infancy, even from 2-3 months. As a result, a kindergartener will master school knowledge long before first grade.
  2. Mom and dad spend a lot of time with the baby and are constantly involved in its development.
  3. A child learns a huge amount of information every day. If you use cards for reading, counting and developing your horizons from an early age, then the preschooler will be ahead of his peers in terms of intelligence and associative thinking.
  4. Thanks to attention to physical exercises, kids learn to perform a lot of new movements. This affects their physical fitness and overall health.
  5. In the process of looking at cards with pictures and words, the child actively develops visual memory. Listening to mom pronounce the names of objects - auditory.
  6. Kids learn quickly. It takes a few seconds to show a couple of cards. The Doman method eliminates the boring sitting at the table with the teacher; visual aids can be demonstrated anywhere: on the street, at home, in bed, during meals.

It is impossible to consider the system of the American neurophysiologist as a mechanical transfer of pictures from place to place, a demonstration without a goal. If you devote enough time to learning, the child will receive an impetus to the development of intelligence and will work on himself.

For example, by looking at vegetables and fruits, kindergarteners get a visual idea of ​​fruits of different sizes, colors, and purposes. Reinforce the theory with practice: tell them that there are potatoes in the soup today, and a strawberry dessert for the afternoon snack. A diverse presentation of interrelated information will give a positive result.


There are no less negative points than positive ones:

  1. During the learning process, the child is passive. He does not need to “extract” information, draw conclusions, analyze. His parents bring him everything on a silver platter. Passivity affects further learning at school, curiosity and cognitive activity are dulled.
  2. The course of classes does not take into account the individual needs of the child, his interests at the moment. All children follow the same program.
  3. The baby does not develop creativity. Doesn't play with toys, doesn't sculpt, doesn't sing, doesn't draw.
  4. The intensity of the course is too high for young children. Not all preschoolers, much less infants, can withstand such a load.
  5. The technique is based on mechanical visual and auditory memory. The rest of the senses are not involved.
  6. Parents, according to Doman, should concentrate on showing the cards. There is no time to play with the little why, read, or talk. The aesthetic and moral component is automatically thrown out of the process of raising a small personality.

Neurologists have a particularly negative attitude towards the Doman training system. Doctors are against the early development of children, considering such activities to be the cause of enuresis, tics, depression, and obsessive movements. That is, the diligence of parents leads to deviations in mental health for the worse. This opinion is difficult to prove, but it is also impossible to refute.

Popular books by the author

Glen Doman is the author of several bestsellers for adult family members, school and kindergarten teachers. Each book claims that all children are born geniuses, and the lever for discovering the abilities of a little prodigy is in the hands of the parents. In his works, the American neurophysiologist gives simple and effective advice on the early development of children in educational centers and at home. We advise you to pay attention to the following publications.

Glen Doman set himself a goal: to show parents that their children are capable of more. In games with newborns, according to the famous innovator, special attention worth paying attention to physical development. The ban on motor experiments leads to delays in the intellectual sphere. There is a lot in the book useful information about how to avoid any threat to the baby’s health and nervous system mothers help the newborn develop harmoniously, ahead physically and intellectually of his peers.

This book by Doman was published in the author's homeland in 1964. It was first published in Russian in 2004. As a preface, the author wrote a short lecture for parents about damage to the children's brain of various etiologies. He described how the child feels and what means parents should choose to help their newborn.

Note! The book “How to Teach Your Child to Read...” has been purchased by about two million Americans. Editorial for many years I received enthusiastic letters from grateful parents whose children mastered literacy at the age of 1 to 4–5 years.

How smart is your baby (or is your child a genius)

“The first few years of life are a critical time for learning important skills for survival. If you miss it, your child will not be prepared for the difficulties and vicissitudes of adulthood.” So says Glen Doman and the co-authors of his book “How Smart Is Your Baby?” This journalistic work is intended for curious, caring and active parents who are trying to figure out whether everything is fine with their baby and whether he is developing correctly.

This brochure is intended for absolutely all families with children. It doesn't matter whether your baby is healthy or not, it is a must read for all parents. Glen Doman explains in a simple, accessible way what brain damage is, how to avoid and correct it. No medical terminology, complex experiments, examination results. After reading the book, you will be able to look at your baby with different eyes, and work effectively and systematically to eliminate even the most complex developmental defects in the child.

Note! Glen Doman's books can be purchased in print or downloaded online in PDF format for free.

Glen Doman (born 1920) is an American neurophysiologist, the author of a method of intensive intellectual and physical development of children from the moment of birth, based on the results of a detailed study of the patterns of child development. Glen Doman's main idea is: "Every child has enormous potential that can be developed, thereby providing him with unlimited opportunities in life."

Glen Doman Family: wife Katie, son Douglas (is vice president of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential), daughter Janet (heads this institute).

Historical information. In 1940, Glen Doman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and after graduation worked as a physical therapist in a hospital. In 1941, his work was interrupted by World War II. Doman began his service in the army as a private infantryman and ended as an infantry company commander. At the end of the war, Doman returned to medical practice. Together with his colleagues, he organized and began to carry out work to restore children with various brain injuries and severe damage to the nervous system. In 1955, Glen Doman founded the Institute for the Development of Human Potential, based on his methodology.

Methods for treating children with brain damage

(based on the book by G. Doman “What to do if your child has brain damage...”)

For more than 20 years, working 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, through endless research, experiments, testing, observations, inferences, Doman and his associates searched for solutions aimed at curing children with brain damage (partial or complete paralysis, significant developmental delays, lack of perception of the surrounding world, inability to

communication). They proceeded from the position that it is necessary to treat the damaged brain - the root cause, and not the body - the consequence of brain damage.

Through painstaking work, Doman developed a unique technique, which was a comprehensive treatment of sick children. An individual program was prepared for each child. It all started with copying - the procedure was as follows: adults performed movements with the child’s arms, legs and head, as he would have done himself if he was healthy. Children spent a lot of time on the floor, face down, learning to crawl under adult supervision.

In addition, children received active visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation with increasing frequency, intensity, and duration. Glen Doman, as part of the methodology, developed breathing programs (with a high oxygen content), speech development, as well as a manual program. These procedures presented stimuli that stimulated a specific sensory organ, which led to the activation of the brain as a whole.

The result was that after some time, most children, going through the stages of physical improvement characteristic of the development of healthy children, showed noticeable improvement. This was indisputable evidence that “the brain actually develops in the process of its intensive use, and the development of a child’s intelligence is firmly connected with his physical development.”

In 1960, an article by Doman appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association about the method of treating children with brain damage and describing the results of their rehabilitation. The work of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential became known to a wide range of people. Doman's research produced a "soft revolution" in science. Since then, Glen Doman and a group of like-minded people have persistently continued their continuous work on creating and improving new programs and techniques aimed at improving the health of children with various disorders of brain activity.

Among the many awards Doman received in various countries, there is even a knighthood given to him by the Brazilian government for his outstanding work on behalf of children around the world.

Doman's technique for healthy children

Subsequently, Glen Doman began to use his developmental methodology to teach healthy children. It all started with the fact that healthy brothers and sisters of sick children, with whom daily classes were conducted, also gladly joined in doing the exercises and very quickly achieved significant results. Then Doman, inspired by an accidental discovery, developed a technique that took into account the interests and needs of healthy children. The result exceeded all expectations!

Children of two, three, four years old read freely, counted, became real scholars and, at the same time, were perfectly developed physically: they swam well, ran, climbed, performed gymnastic studies and acrobatic stunts.

The main points of Glen Doman's methodology

- Every child can become a genius, and early development is the key to his genius.

- The human brain grows through constant use, and this growth is virtually complete by age six.

- Young children have a huge thirst for knowledge. They easily absorb a huge amount of information, and it remains in their memory for a long time.

- Little children are sure that the most wonderful gift for them is the attention that adults, especially mom and dad, give them completely.

- The best teachers are parents. They can teach their child absolutely everything they know, as long as they do it sincerely and joyfully, using facts.

Basic principles and rules for teaching a child using the Doman method

1. Start as early as possible - than smaller child, the easier it is to teach him everything.

2. Rejoice at your baby's successes and praise him.

3. Respect and trust your child.

4. Teach only when you both enjoy the learning process.

5. Create a suitable learning environment.

6. Stop before your child wants to.

7. Introduce new material more often.

8. Be organized and consistent and have regular classes.

9. Don't test your child's knowledge.

10. Cook thoroughly educational materials and do it in advance.

11. If you or your child are not interested, stop classes.

All children can become physically perfect

(based on the book by G. Doman “How to make a child physically perfect”)

In Glen Doman's method, great importance is attached to early physical development, because it is closely related to the child's intelligence and abilities. Therefore, from birth, it is necessary to provide the child with freedom of movement and strengthen his innate reflexes (crawling, grasping, walking, swimming).

Since these reflexes are given to children by nature, they need to be used, otherwise they will gradually disappear, and the child will have to learn to crawl, swim, and walk again. By preserving the child’s reflexes, we will provide him with the opportunity to become an active participant in the life process, which means to “get wiser” and “grow up” before his peers.

So, based on the ideas of the Doman technique, we can conclude that it is necessary to create conditions for physical stimulation of the baby!

For this purpose, the newborn is placed in a special device - a crawling track, which is at a slight inclination. The baby, lying between the sides of the track on his stomach, touches them with his hips and forearms. Thanks to this, that innate reflex is triggered, which helped the baby crawl out of its mother’s tummy, and, as soon as it is born, the baby crawls quite considerable distances along the track. The recommended time for a child to spend on the track (on the floor, on a mat) is 3-4 hours a day. In this case, the child must wear a minimum amount of clothing.
The smooth surface of the track (no carpets, soft mattresses, blankets, etc.) is also an ideal environment for movement while sleeping, which also promotes early development. If you do everything correctly, your baby will begin to truly crawl on all fours by four months.

Also, Glen Doman's technique focuses on developing a sense of balance and equilibrium (you need to twist and turn the child in various ways), on learning to overcome obstacles (rollers lying on the floor, stairs, etc.). It is important to teach a child to swim, help him walk, run...

Doman, in his methodology, states that in his development from birth to six years, a child goes through seven stages, which correspond to the seven stages of brain maturation. First, the control of hearing, vision, manual skills, and movement is carried out at the level of the upper parts of the spinal cord - this is the first stage. The last, seventh level is the upper parts of the cerebral cortex. Each brain level gradually turns on, displacing the previous one and taking control of various functions.

We move from one stage to another, having mastered and performed a lot of certain movements. An ordinary child, who is not specially trained, goes through these seven stages in six and a half years, but they can also be completed in three and a half years if one acts in accordance with Glen Doman’s method. ;

What you can teach your child in 30 seconds

(based on the book by G. Doman “ Harmonious development child")

Doman believes that “The human brain is the most perfect computer, and it follows the same pattern: the more facts it knows, the more conclusions it can draw from them. At the same time, if we fill our children’s heads with all sorts of nonsense, we can hardly expect smart speeches and actions from them. Therefore, we must provide them with accurate, clear and unambiguous information.”
So, let's look at an example: if a child comes up to you and asks you about the dog he saw, you can tell him:

1. Leave me alone;

2. It's "woof-woof";

3. This is "dog";

4. This is "Labrador";

5. Show him ten pictures of dogs;

6. Teach him to make connections between facts(show him ten cards with dogs and say: “Look, baby, all these pictures depict animals called “dogs”: German Shepherd, Collie, Labrador, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Boxer, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler, Chow Chow , lapdog").

Doman's method states that if you prefer the sixth option, then the child will be able to draw his own conclusions: all dogs have fur, paws, tail, etc., but can have different colors, sizes, heights, tail lengths, etc. Thus, in 30 seconds you can significantly accelerate the development of a child’s brain.

How to teach your child to read

(based on the book by G. Doman “How to teach your child to read”).

The child's eye sees the written word, although he himself does not understand its meaning. But, if the baby sees and simultaneously hears a written word, then his brain interprets the information received - “understands” and mechanically remembers what was written. Glen Doman, in his methodology, claims that over time, based on his own experience, the baby will understand the laws of reading, just as he once learned to understand oral speech.

How to work with Doman cards

You can start teaching your child to read using the Doman method from the age of six months..

To do this, use special cards measuring 10x50 cm, with block letters written on them in red, 7.5 cm high and font thickness 1.5 cm. To begin with, parents teaching using the Doman method select words that are well known to the child (family members, toys, clothes, body parts, favorite foods, etc.).

1st day. Within 5-10 seconds, the mother shows the child 5 cards with words one after another and clearly pronounces what is written on them: “mom”, “dad”, “grandmother”, etc. That's it, class is over. Now the baby receives a reward - mother’s kiss, hug, affection, words of love, etc. During the first day, the display of Doman cards must be repeated 2 more times.

2nd day. Repeat yesterday's cards and add 5 more new cards. Today the baby will already receive 6 short lessons– 3 on old cards and 3 on new ones.

3rd day. 5 more new cards are added and therefore there will be nine shows.

4th and 5th day. This way you gradually reach 25 cards and 15 demos per day.

6th day. We add new five cards, removing one word from the studied sets.

Sample daily program for teaching reading using Doman cards

Daily content - 5 sets of words (25 cards). One lesson - 1 set of 5 words, shown only once.

Frequency - each set 3 times a day (5 sets of 3 times = 15 sessions).

The duration of one lesson is 5 seconds.

Entered words - 5 words daily (one for each set).

Deleted words - 5 words daily (one from each set).

The number of demonstrations of each word is 3 times a day for 5 days, i.e. only 15 times.

Please note: Doman’s method gives clear recommendations that the dosage of classes and the number of cards are changed depending on the desire and mood of the child.

Gradually, the font of the letters will decrease, and the red color will replace black.

"A Primer from the Diaper"

The sequence of learning to read according to Glen Doman's method is built from simple to complex

    • The first stage is individual words.
    • The second stage is phrases.
    • The third stage is simple sentences.
    • The fourth stage is common proposals.
    • The fifth stage is books.

How to teach your child to count

(based on the book by G. Doman “How to teach your child mathematics”)

"Math from the cradle"

Doman, in his methodology, claims that children see things as they really are. If we say “two”, the child will represent the quantity: two dots, and we, adults, will represent the icon (the number “2”). Those. the child thinks in facts, and if we give the child such facts, he will learn to immediately determine the number of objects without counting them, and will discover mathematical rules such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

To teach a child to count using Glen Doman's method, you need to make 100 cards measuring 27x27 cm. On each card, from 1 to 100 dots with a diameter of slightly less than 2 cm will be drawn in a chaotic order.

Displaying cards is done in the same way as with reading cards. Only in in this case at the beginning you use only two sets: cards with dots from 1 to 5 and cards with dots from 6 to 10.

The sequence of teaching counting using the Doman method using factual material is structured as follows:

  • The first stage is mastering the concept of “quantity”.
  • The second stage is equations.
  • The third stage is problem solving.
  • The fourth stage is mastering the concept of “digit”, memorizing numbers.
  • The fifth stage is digital equations.

How to give your child encyclopedic knowledge

(based on the book “How to Give Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge”)

“By and large,” says Glen Doman, “the purpose of life is to acquire comprehensive knowledge about the world around us.” It is useless to explain anything to children - they don’t know anything yet. A child's brain can only perceive bare facts.

In order for the cards to truly convey encyclopedic knowledge to the child, they must meet the following requirements of the G. Doman method:

1. All details are clearly visible.

2. Only one item is shown.

3. It must have a special name.

4. This item should be unfamiliar to your child.

5. The card should be large - the best size is 28x28 cm.

6. The card must be clean.

About 30 seconds are allotted for one lesson on cards with pictures according to the Glen Doman method.

Doman, in his methodology, divided all existing knowledge into ten sections

1. Biology - it includes categories, for example, birds, and, accordingly, a set of cards: a common crow, robin, nightingale, finch, eagle, ostrich, chicken, sparrow, black grouse, heron, etc.

2. Art - it includes categories, for example, paintings by Van Gogh, and, accordingly, a set of reproduction cards: “Schoolboy”, “Sunflowers”, “Madame Rulin with her child”, “Postman Rulin”, “Sad Old Man”, “ Cafe terrace at night", "Self-portrait", "Gypsy carts", "Church in Auvergne", "Fields with peach trees in bloom", etc.

3. History - it includes categories, for example, rulers, and, accordingly, a set of cards: Nicholas II, Alexander Nevsky, Stolypin, Alexander I, Lenin, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Catherine II, Brezhnev, Kerensky, etc.

4. Geography - it includes categories, for example, cities of Russia, and, accordingly, a set of cards with views of these cities: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Suzdal, Sochi, etc.

5. Music - it includes categories, for example, composers - and, accordingly, a set of cards: Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bizet, Verdi, Kalman, Bach, Chopin, Mussorgsky, Scriabin, etc.

6. Language - it includes categories, for example, English or Italian, and, accordingly, a set of cards: giorno (day), ora (hour), senso (feeling), enigma (riddle), scatola (box), etc.

7. Mathematics - it includes categories, for example, quantity, and, accordingly, a set of cards: one dot, two dots, etc.

8. Human anatomy– it includes categories, for example, the human skeleton, and, accordingly, a set of cards-drawings: skull, tibia, scapula, phalanx of a finger, pelvis, ankle, collarbone, ulna, lower jaw, etc.

9. General knowledge - it includes categories, for example, tools, and, accordingly, a set of cards: knife, axe, saw, screwdriver, plane, hammer, shovel, rake, drill, scythe, etc.

10. Literature - it includes categories, for example, Russian writers, and, accordingly, a set of cards: Tolstoy, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Bulgakov, Solzhenitsyn, Chekhov, Goncharov, Bunin, etc.

As part of Glen Doman's methodology, classes begin by demonstrating three different categories of 10 cards each. Each category is shown 3 times during the day. Gradually, you can add more and more new categories until their daily number reaches 12 (when shown 3 times a day).

When you and your baby go through 1000 cards, it’s time for the intellectual program. Based on Doman's methodology, categories provide a general information overview, and the intelligent program allows you to go further, deepening the level of knowledge within each category.

Each such program starts with the simplest and ends with quite complex information.

Section: Biology.

Set of cards: Common Crow.

1st level: Crows make their nests in trees or bushes.

Level 2: Crow's nests are made of twigs, lined with grass or wool.

Level 3: Crows eat insects, seeds, fruits and nuts.

Level 4: Crows (among other things) eat shellfish, carrion, mice, eggs, fish, garbage, putty, rubber, and insulating material.

Level 5: A female crow has one litter of chicks per year.

Level 7: Crows belong to the crow family.

Level 8: The crow family includes crows, jays and magpies.

Level 9: Most birds of the crow family choose a mate for life.

Level 10: Most birds of the crow family live in flocks and nest in densely populated colonies.

Level 11: Only New Zealand and most of the Pacific Islands do not have representatives of the crow family.

12th level: The crow family has 103 species, united in 26 genera.

I would like to finish the review of the system with the words of Glen Doman himself: “Our methods are the fruit of many years of work, and they have proven themselves well. But we should never forget that miracles lie not in the methods, but in the child himself. His brain is the most incredible miracle. And you yourself are also a miracle.”

Reasons for improving the condition of sick children

Not all healthy children who study at home with the help of Glen Doman's cards achieve significant results. Conversely, many children at the Doman Institute were able to reach new levels of their physical and intellectual development. This happened partly for the following reasons:

1. Mothers of sick children believed in success. They made every effort, making thousands of cards, because they had no other option, and they sacrificed everything so that their children learned to at least raise their heads a little, at least crawl, at least see a little, hear at least a little...

2. Glen Doman's method became a way of life for a family where a sick child grew up. But as soon as classes stopped, the child’s development often stopped too.

3. Strict adherence to Doman's methodology - conducting classes systematically and in precise sequence - led to the fact that children got used to this particular presentation of the material (through stimulation of the right hemisphere of the brain, bypassing the left) and had difficulty perceiving information outside of class.

4. Children with brain damage, lacking other opportunities, could only do what was offered to them, and could only do what they were taught.

Controversial issues of the Doman technique

When you read Glen Doman's books, you become infected with his ideas, because everything looks very simple, logical and tempting. However there is controversial issues this technique, which is hotly debated:

In his methodology, Doman constantly compares the human brain with a computer, very advanced, endowed with a huge amount of memory. But living children are not electronic machines. Filling their heads with hundreds and even thousands of bytes of information is unlikely to make them smarter or more educated. After all, it is not enough to know certain facts. You need to be able to apply and use them, and if this does not happen, then unnecessary information that the child cannot yet filter and “digest” accumulates in his head like unnecessary trash.

An abundance of information can overload and exhaust a child’s nervous system. And there is some likelihood that this will contribute to mental disorders (communication problems, sudden mood swings, touchiness, vulnerability, sensitivity, anxiety, lack of ability to perceive and concentrate, etc.) or physical (headaches, increased fatigue, disorders appetite, etc.). If you are lucky and the child turns out to be resistant to such overloads, then perhaps everything will end with truly excellent success.

It is important that stimulating upbringing and educational development correspond to the age characteristics of children. For example, children first develop visual thinking; the child sees a dog and associates it with the name “dog.” By studying written words and other objects incomprehensible to the child using cards using the Doman method, the child forms an abstract image, i.e. it matches the title only with a specific card. It is unlikely that at the zoo he will recognize the antelope that was so well shown to him in the picture before. After all, this requires certain experience, intellectual maturity and an effective need, which one-year-old children do not yet have.

When learning according to Glen Doman's method, the child is passive, he receives information only in order to reproduce it later. There is no creativity here, there is no need to obtain information, there are no questions here. You just need to look at the pictures and listen to the dispassionate facts. Thus, the curiosity inherent in every child from birth is dulled, and the desire to independently learn and study the world disappears.

Getting carried away intellectual development and operating with abstract concepts according to Glen Doman’s method, adults do not leave the child time for creative, aesthetic, moral, psychological and emotional development. And how about just chatting and playing, moving and running, singing and dancing? After all, as you know, a child’s brain develops gradually and in accordance with the harmony inherent in nature itself, and when we stimulate only one or two parts of the brain, they develop at the expense of other parts.

In classes using the Doman method, only the visual and auditory organs are mainly involved, while for the integrity of perception, the interaction of all other senses is important: taste, smell, tactile sensations.

Working with Doman cards (making, sorting, selecting, training) takes a lot of time. And most parents soon begin to miss the enthusiasm with which they began to work using this method.

Learning to read using cards with pictures and captions is based on mechanical memorization of words, but the child still cannot read books with words unfamiliar to him, analyze what he read, or obtain the necessary information. Trained according to Glen Doman's method, the child only reproduces previously memorized text. In practice, most children do not make the connection between memorized words and spoken speech, and they still have to be taught to read again.

Books read or listened to do not always have to be accompanied by pictures, as is customary in the Doman method. This is necessary so that the baby’s brain learns to independently build a visual sequence based on the text. Otherwise, a child who is accustomed to gaining easy knowledge only from pictures will most likely have difficulty perceiving the usual text of a textbook without illustrations and will not want to learn what is difficult or uninteresting.

Kids remember better the material that is included in various games and activism. And according to Glen Doman's method, the material is presented in only one way - through cards.

Fortunately, children have a well-developed instinct of self-preservation.

Up to 6 months, on the one hand, children still move little, and they could be attracted to showing cards, but on the other hand, they still have difficulty concentrating on the objects they see, and their knowledge about the world around them is still very poor.

After 6 months, due to the fact that babies begin to actively crawl and walk, it is also quite difficult to keep their attention on cards and classes using the Doman method.

After a year, children do not sit still for a minute - sometimes mothers have to run after them with Doman cards so that they even glance at the demonstrated teaching material.

At 1.5 - 2.5 years old, children fully demonstrate their independence and independence - they can begin to take cards away from you, look at pictures for a long time, ask questions, thereby contradicting the entire method of Glen Doman.

At 2.5 – 4 years old, children no longer care what they study. They will only watch what really interests them.

After four years The child has much more important things to do than looking at cards. It is during this period that he may flatly refuse to practice according to the Doman method.

Listen to your baby, and you will definitely understand what and how to do with him.

Doman cards for little ones are one of the most popular and at the same time controversial methods.

There are many different opinions surrounding the Doman technique, both about the harm and benefits for the development of the child. In this article, we will take a closer look at the basic concepts, consider all the pros and cons, and you will understand whether your baby needs such a technique.

At the end of the article you can download Doman cards and others useful materials according to the method.

Historical background

Glenn Doman (1919-2013) - American physical therapist, author of early development methods. After graduating from university, I began to study the development of the brain of children.

Like the famous Maria Montessori, Glenn began his research on “special” children with lesions of the central nervous system, cerebral palsy and mental retardation. The children were shown Doman cards with pictures, words and dots, gradually increasing their number.

The cards affected healthy and active areas of the brain. Experiments have shown that long-term stimulation of the brain in this way had a positive effect on patients and after a few months the children began to develop and even caught up in the development of healthy children.

Later, the technique began to be used on healthy children and it became known throughout the world.

8 basic principles of training “according to Doman”

Glenn Doman believed that maximum mental activity occurs before the age of 6 years. And if you properly engage in early development from birth, then the child can become a genius.

From birth, a child’s brain is tuned to absorb all incoming information like a sponge. And for a child to develop as much as possible, this need of the brain must be constantly satisfied with regular exercises.

Basic principles of the methodology:

  • From birth, a child wants to acquire knowledge on his own and there is no need to force him
  • The main teachers and pedagogues for a child are his parents. No one can teach a child better than mom and dad
  • You need to start working with your child as early as possible. The sooner the better.
  • Training should be carried out daily
  • If the child is not currently in the mood for learning, then classes should be held later, when the child is ready
  • New material must be introduced regularly
  • If your child loses interest during a lesson, you should stop the lesson.
  • The activity should be completed before the child himself wants to stop.

The essence of the technique

If we talk about the methodology as a whole, it is not at all limited to showing cards. The author has developed a whole range of physical exercises for children.

Experience working with special needs children has shown that physical development is directly related to mental activity and development in general. The methodology even includes the concept of “motor intelligence,” which speaks about the relationship between physical and mental development.

Physical exercise is the key to developed intelligence

Essentially, the track is a slide with sides that helps you master the process of crawling. The track should be “slippery” enough so that the friction force does not interfere with the baby’s ability to move.

You need to do physical exercises with your child every day, without skipping:

  • twist, twirl, toss and rock the baby in different planes, developing a sense of balance and the vestibular system
  • stand on your feet with support
  • swim with support
  • train your finger grip, and when the baby grabs your finger or a special wooden rod, you need to pull your hand up, trying to lift the baby’s body
  • put your hand up when the baby tries to push off with his feet

Gradually, along with the growth of the child and his physical abilities, you can add more complex exercises, such as:

  • hanging on the bar with support
  • crawling on all fours
  • walking with support

Doman cards for the little ones

There are three types of Doman cards:

  • Cards with words - for learning to read
  • Dot Cards - Math Flashcards
  • Cards with images - encyclopedic cards

Cards with wordsare cards with words depicted in red large print.

Math flashcards- these are cards with large red dots located randomly. The number of dots on the card is from 1 to 100.

Encyclopedic cards- cards with pictures.
These cards are known to many as “Doman cards”

Encyclopedic cards are square cards measuring 28x28cm. The cards have a large color image of an object or animal on a white background, and underneath it in large red font is the name of what is depicted on the card.

Doman identified 10 main sections of cards:

  • biology
  • geography
  • art
  • literature
  • music
  • story
  • mathematics
  • languages ​​(foreign)
  • human physiology
  • natural science

Each section includes different categories. A set of cards consists of a specific category. I will give a few examples to make it easier to understand the meaning.

As you can see, the number of cards is quite large. There are thousands of different sets and tens of thousands of individual cards.

When and how to show Doman cards?

To the question “when can I start showing cards?” the technique gives a clear answer: the earlier, the better, that is, literally from the first months of the child’s life.

Showing encyclopedia cards (with pictures) early gives a better chance that the child will be interested in the cards in the future. Some parents who started using the technique quite late (from 1.5 years old) spoke about the child’s low interest.

And those who started showing cards at 2-3 months talk about the opposite effect: the child’s increased interest in learning for a long time.

If we talk about cards with only words (for learning to read) or math cards with dots, then they should be used from 1 year.

Preparing to start training

Before showing cards, you should remember a few simple rules:

  • The game should begin only when the child is ready for it. He should be well-rested, cheerful, in a good mood, well-fed and rested after feeding. You must follow the same criteria)
  • the study area is also important point: the interior should not contain bright and catchy elements that will distract the child
  • try to limit the learning space from harsh and distracting sounds, or better yet, create silence altogether

To start displaying, you need to select one category of cards. Precisely a category, and not an arbitrary set of cards of various topics.

The display of a certain category of cards is due to logical relationships. The author of the technique claims that when showing 10 unrelated cards, the child will receive only 10 blocks of information.

However, if you show 10 cards of the same category, i.e. when the cards are interconnected, more than 3,600,000 logical relationships will be recorded in the child’s memory. Glen talks about this in his book “How to Give Your Child Encyclopedic Knowledge.”

Card display mechanism

Cards should be shown at arm's length (at least 45 cm). Start energetically and joyfully: “Today I would like to show you mushrooms” and start showing the cards.

Next, quickly (as soon as you can) show the cards to the child. In the first days of getting acquainted with the category of cards, when showing them, you should say: “This mushroom is a boletus mushroom. This is a white mushroom. But this is a saffron milk cap.”

When the child gets used to it, you can exclude the name of the category and say only the names of the cards. But when you introduce a new category of cards into teaching, begin again to introduce the child to the name of the category.

Displaying cards should happen very quickly - a maximum of 10-15 seconds per card. Ideally, 1 second to show the card and a few seconds to say the name. At the beginning this may seem difficult, but you will quickly get used to it and pick up the right pace)

Speed ​​is a very important display parameter. It is when quickly showing cards that the right hemisphere of the brain is activated, photographic memory, brain reaction speed and imaginative thinking develop. According to the author, quickly showing a small number of cards is much better than slowly and a lot.

It is recommended to end showing cards before your child wants to. If you feel that your child is losing interest, he is starting to be capricious or distracted, then it’s time to bring the lesson to an end.

Over time, you will understand how many cards on average a child can study before getting tired, and you will find that very moment to finish a little earlier.

Start of classes and introduction of new cards

I would like to note that in fact the display algorithm is not as strict and severe as many describe it)

In order to start the lessons, you need to select 5 categories of cards. From each category, take 5 cards to work with.
5 categories of 5 cards = 25 cards to start.

Doman does not recommend taking cards and categories that are already well known to the child. So if you decide to start with something familiar for your baby, feel free to throw this idea out of your head and take fresh and unknown categories and cards.

Cards must be shown at least three times a day. When you understand that the child can easily cope with the flow of information, you can gradually introduce new categories into teaching. Each new category must be shown 3 times a day. In total, training should not contain more than 10 categories at a time.

Once you reach 10 categories per day in quick display mode (2 seconds per card), you can gradually remove cards and replace them with fresh ones. When all the cards in a category are updated, you can replace the studied category with a new one.

Life cycle of one card

One card is shown up to 30 times. On average, this is 10 days (3 shows per day). This is the maximum cycle. If you see that the child easily absorbs information, and you have the strength and desire to prepare fresh materials, update the cards more often, say, once every five days.

Do not throw away cards that have completed their cycle. They will also be useful for the “knowledge program”. Place the cards in a file cabinet.

Knowledge program - new life for old cards

If you decide to use the Doman method on an ongoing basis, then you will quickly accumulate a huge mass of cards in your card index, which the child has already studied. If these cards are slightly modified, then we will get encyclopedic cards for the knowledge program.

The knowledge program is another part of the Doman method. It consists of reading various facts to your child about what is shown on the card.

Doman himself says that this information can be presented to a child in three ways:

  • just read out
  • show the child in printed form (in large print)
  • read out, showing the very card in question

In our case, we will use the most interesting and convenient, in my opinion, method - reading out facts and showing cards. Now let's take a closer look at these very facts.

Facts for knowledge cards

The facts represent a range of information on each card, from simplest to most complex. The simplest fact is assigned the first level, the more complex fact is assigned the second level, etc.

To make it easier to understand the essence, let’s look at a specific example: take the “biology” section and a set of “pets” cards.

On the “cat” card, the facts will be arranged approximately as follows:

  1. The cat lives with people
  2. Domestic cats evolved from wild cats
  3. The cat is a predatory animal
  4. The average body length of a cat is 60cm
  5. The average lifespan of a cat is 14 years
  6. The cat belongs to the class mammals
  7. Among mammals, cats have the best developed sense organs.
  8. A cat's sense of smell is 14 times stronger than a human's
  9. The skeleton of a cat consists of 240 bones

The number of facts, their complexity and order of arrangement are selected individually, depending on your preferences and the available information on the card. It is advisable if the facts are arranged in order of increasing complexity. The first fact is the simplest, the last is the most complex.

Nowadays it’s not difficult to look for facts about the card - just go to Wikipedia, where a lot of useful and reliable information is briefly and concisely given. This is where it is easiest to get the facts.

Then the facts need to be printed out and glued to the back of the card. It’s even easier to write them down right away with a pen or marker on a card.

  • Reliability of the fact. Do not take information if you doubt its accuracy
  • Accuracy of fact. A fact must be stated and affirmed, not assumed. “Boris Yeltsin is the first president of the Russian Federation” is a good fact. But “Boris Yeltsin was a bad president” is no longer a fact, but an assumption or personal opinion
  • The fact must be clear and unambiguous

It will be good if some facts affect other categories and cards. This is due to the same relationships as between cards of the same category. Take clear and interesting information, add a little humor if possible - this will increase the child’s interest.

Scheme of classes according to the knowledge program

When the cards from the card index are prepared for the knowledge program and are filled out interesting facts- you can start learning.

To start, you will need 5 categories of 5 cards each (25 cards). Knowledge program cards should be shown in the same way as encyclopedic cards, 3 times a day.

Only now, when showing, instead of the title, we will read out the fact. Accordingly, the pursuit of speed of display will fade into the background - the main thing is to pronounce the facts loudly and clearly.

Let's start from the first step - from the very first and simple fact. When showing all five categories and 25 cards, we name only one first fact about what is shown on the card.

After five days of training, when the child has studied the material well enough, you can replace the cards in the categories with new ones. Thus, every 5 days new 25 cards will be introduced.

The average display cycle for one stage of the program is 15 impressions (5 days, 3 impressions each). If you notice that your child is mastering the cards faster, you can speed up the removal of old cards and the introduction of new cards.

You should not introduce display of new categories, as when displaying encyclopedic cards. Firstly, displaying knowledge program cards takes more time and you risk simply not having time. And secondly, due to the gradual nature of the facts, it will be easy to get confused.

When all the steps in all cards of these five categories have been completed, you can remove these categories and introduce 5 new categories.

8 pros and 5 cons of the Doman technique

Glenn Doman's method, like any well-known early development method, has both a lot of supporters and a lot of critics. Let's look at the most significant advantages and disadvantages of the technique.

Advantages of the technique

  1. Training does not require much time and special knowledge, and teachers act as best teachers for the child - parents
  2. All training takes place at home
  3. All training materials can be quickly and easily made by hand
  4. The positive effects of exercise on both physical and mental mental development child.
  5. Stimulation of a child's brain activity from an early age. The most active period of human brain development is up to 6 years. It is during this period that the “foundation” of knowledge is laid
  6. Development of photographic memory, brain reaction speed and imaginative thinking
  7. The child masters a large amount of information in a short period of time
  8. Comprehensive development. Encyclopedic cards and knowledge programs cover a huge number of various topics.

Disadvantages of the technique

  1. The child's passive role in learning. Learning takes place as if one-sidedly: you show and speak, and the child just watches and listens without fully participating
  2. Only the child’s visual and auditory channels are involved, while the tactile, olfactory and tactile channels, which are so important in early development, are ignored
  3. Lack of creative component
  4. Lack of any brain activity other than remembering
  5. Too much information can overload the brain

Do-it-yourself Doman cards in 5 minutes

In purchase ready-made sets Personally, I don’t see any point in cards, because... Making cards with your own hands is not difficult.

All you need is a printer and paper. It is better to take thicker paper, closer to cardboard. These are available for sale at any office supply store. If not, then plain paper will also work.

  • accuracy: the image on the card must be of good quality and correspond to the real object
  • discreteness: the card should depict only one object without backgrounds
  • novelty: the card should depict something that the child does not yet know
  • unambiguity: exact name of the card

Cards should be clear and easy to “read.” They must also be of sufficient size. The most commonly used size is 28x28 cm, but this is not a required parameter.

Doman himself says the following about this: “Don't pay too much attention to the cards themselves or their production. It is enough to stock up on hard cardboard, on which there should be an image.”

Therefore, on one A4 sheet you can place one or two cards, at your discretion. Also, don't forget to sign the cards with reverse side to read the title during the show.

You can immediately prepare and write down facts about the object of the card for the knowledge program on the reverse side - then there will be less work.

It is not advisable to laminate or wrap cards with tape - in certain lighting they will glare, making it difficult for the child to see. These pieces of paper are not so valuable that they should be kept for inheritance.

That’s basically the whole mechanism: downloaded - printed - cut and signed. You can start training. Do you already know how to properly teach a child?

Download Doman cards

Download Doman Cards:
Collection of encyclopedic cards(cards with pictures)

Download books:
How to give your child encyclopedic knowledge— Glenn Doman
How to teach a child to read— Glenn Doman


The Doman Method is not only Doman cards for the little ones, which will help introduce your child to encyclopedic knowledge, reading, foreign languages and mathematics. It is also an excellent simulator for the physical development and health of the baby.

Parents who used the technique repeatedly spoke about the benefits of the exercises and progress in the baby’s development. However, many child psychologists regard the technique as outdated and even dangerous due to the possible overload of the child’s brain due to the display of cards.

When working with your child, always follow common sense. Do not treat the instructions of the author of the technique as truth. Treat them as guidelines rather than strict rules. Experiment and do not overload your child

If something seems too tough, reduce the pressure and practice in a mode that is comfortable for you and your child. And remember that early development should be harmonious and timely.

I hope you enjoyed this article and helped you understand the Doman Method.

Please like and share with your friends. I will be very glad to see your opinion in the comments.

Today I want to talk about one of the most famous early development methods - the Doman method. Among parents, opinions about this system are quite contradictory. Some talk about the colossal successes they have achieved in teaching their children, others claim that Doman cards interfere with the natural development of the child, and also require complete self-denial on the part of the parents. Who to believe? Is it necessary to study according to this system? And if you do, how? I will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Is it worth practicing the Doman method?

I myself was skeptical about Doman training for a very long time. I was convinced that it was difficult and unnatural for a child to look through cards dozens of times a day, instead of exploring the real world. This is precisely the argument put forward by opponents of the technique - “It’s better to take your baby around the room and show him objects in real life than pictures."

Trying to understand what would be best for my daughter, I got acquainted with various early development methods, read reviews of parents about them, including becoming more familiar with the Doman system. The reviews about this method amazed me. I learned that classes using the Glen Doman method are so conducive to the activation and development of the brain that they get children on their feet who previously could not walk for reasons related to brain damage. And classes also give healthy children a huge boost in development.

Glen Doman has proven that the brain grows and develops only if it works. And the more we engage in the development of the baby from birth, the more active the formation of the brain will be, the more perfect and mature its cells will be, the higher its intelligence will be. Scientists have found that By the age of three, 70-80% of our brain cells are formed , therefore, it is obvious that the quality of brain activity in the first three years cannot but affect later life. If engage in development at this age, then in the future learning will be much easier, there will be a good “launching pad”, the child will be much more receptive to knowledge.

However, Doman’s technique in its pure form may seem quite “harsh” to many - an endless stream of varied and sometimes unnecessary information. I think so myself, to be honest :) Therefore, I think that teaching according to the method should be “reasonable”: there is no need to turn classes into just a mechanical display of cards and you need to concentrate not on the development of photographic memory (showing the child everything in order), but on development of thinking child. How to do this, read below.

Among the arguments against learning according to the Glen Doman method, you can find the following: “stuffing” a child with information will overload him, will interfere with his natural development, and will in some way affect his psyche; classes will deprive the child of emotionality, will interfere with normal human communication, and so on. All these statements can be considered true only if you are too fanatical in your approach to teaching according to Doman, showing your child pictures from morning to night, and ignoring any other methods of development. In fact, training using the method does not take much time and does not at all exclude other games and normal human communication, and most importantly, it can always be adapted to your desires - the number of impressions per day can be reduced, and the topics covered in the cards can only be taken those that you consider interesting and useful for the baby.

A reasonable approach to the methodology

So, in my opinion, you need to practice according to the Doman method! But you must adhere two basic principles :

1. There is no need to chase quantity, trying to show as many different cards as possible; it is better to focus on quality.

What do I mean by card quality? This means that for learning it is better to take only the information that is interesting to the child at a given moment in time, and most importantly, that which you will be able to consolidate in the near future using examples from real life, pictures in books or in games. I have repeatedly noticed from Taisiya that she forgets the information she has viewed and not used very quickly. In a couple of months she won’t even remember that I showed her gladioli and chrysanthemums. But if soon after viewing, for example, pictures with animals, you read poems about them, go to the zoo or play the Animals lotto, the result will be completely different - not only does the information fit firmly in the child’s head, but it’s also great develop associative thinking ! And this is very valuable and useful for the baby.

It seems to me that my daughter’s face even changes when we begin to discuss what we previously covered with cards; it is clear that at this moment an active thought process is going on in her head (“Yeah, this tiger in the cage is the tiger that I saw in the picture"), and her eyes are shining - it’s clear that she is very interested :) I say this without exaggeration.

Therefore, all information must be thoroughly analyzed before studying. Is it worth learning 100 colors using cards, if in reality you will never name them all in games with your baby? I think that it is quite possible to limit ourselves to 15-18 colors. And some topics may need to be excluded completely. It all depends on what you play and what you discuss with your baby. A little about at what age what topics are interesting for a child to read.

The number of impressions should also be reasonable. It is not necessary to pester your child with cards 20 times a day. Show cards in the quantity that is acceptable to you. If, while working with a child, you constantly torment yourself with the thought that you are overloading him and giving him completely unnecessary information, then the child will definitely feel your message.

2. Doman training should be combined with other games and activities.

If you focus too much on showing and making cards, forgetting that the child needs live communication, knowledge of the real world and its laws, creative and musical development, you are really depriving your child of a lot.

What is the essence of the Doman technique?

So, what is the Doman technique? Generally speaking, displaying cards is not the only thing that Doman offers, but they are the ones that are most widespread, so they will be discussed here. The essence of the technique is to repeatedly show the child sets of cards with some information. By showing pictures, you voice to the baby what is depicted on them. Even though each lesson lasts only a few seconds, your child will easily remember everything you teach him.

The first type of Doman cards is encyclopedic , they contain pictures depicting animals, plants, musical instruments, professions, etc. and bright signatures in red font. Cards are presented to the child in thematic sets, for example, first we study wild animals, Then vegetables, transport.

In addition to encyclopedic cards, there are cards for teaching counting (KoroBoom, My-shop)

And flashcards for learning to read (KoroBoom, My-shop).

Previously, followers of the method had to make materials at night so that the next day they would have something to show their child; today, fortunately, you can purchase ready-made kits. For example, we studied using a large set of “ Child prodigy from cradle " This wonderful set contains all the most necessary topics, the object being studied is clearly highlighted in the pictures, there is nothing superfluous, and in general the pictures are very colorful. The back has facts that will come in handy as you learn all the major objects in the pictures.

It always seemed to me that showing cards on paper is much more convenient than on a computer (with them it is easier to follow a systematic approach to replacing images, they can be put in a visible place, and then it will be difficult to forget about them). But if you have a different opinion, then these electronic cards might be useful to you - DOMAN CARDS DOWNLOAD . If you have a color printer, you can also print them.

How to practice?

Different sources suggest starting to practice in different ways. Somewhere they advise taking 5 sets of cards of 5 pieces each, somewhere – 3 sets of 10 cards each, etc., there are a lot of options. I'm sure every option works. To begin with, choose whichever one you think is most adequate, and then, looking at the results, adapt the system to suit you and your child. If it is difficult for your child to look through a set of 10 cards, he begins to get distracted at the end of viewing, then reduce the number of cards and vice versa. We chose for ourselves the option with 3 sets of 10 cards . This option suited us.

Further, according to Doman, each set must be shown 3 times a day . The child must see every picture 1-2 seconds. Only one set is shown per demonstration, and the time interval between showings must be at least half an hour . After ten days of classes (that is, after you have looked at the set 30 times), one card is removed from each set and replaced with a new one, this is done every day until the set of cards is exhausted. It should be noted here that if your sets initially contained 5 cards, then you need to start introducing new cards after five days of classes. If the set is completely studied, it is replaced with a new one.

In addition, Doman suggests gradually increasing the number of sets of cards shown to the child. Almost up to ten sets. Moreover, each of them also needs to be shown 3 times a day. Just imagine, it is necessary to distract the child from his important matters 30 times a day and show him pictures! Such numbers can scare away many mothers from this technique.

So that everything doesn't look so scary, in methodological manuals Usually they do a calculation (the number of seconds spent on display, multiplied by the number of demonstrations per day) and find that it will only take a few minutes per day to display the cards. But not everything is as simple as it seems, because showing pictures is not the only thing you do and remember all day. To begin with, you simply need to remember about them, then drop everything, tear your baby away from the game and show him the pictures. This is also good if you are close to your child all the time, and the cards are with you all the time, but, unfortunately, not all mothers have this opportunity.

Therefore, I repeat once again, do not chase the number of sets you study. The main thing is that the classes are interesting for you and your child, and that learning does not turn into a burden. BUT still try to practice regularly, don’t give up what you started.

After experimenting, my daughter and I settled on this regime: we had no more than 6 demonstrations a day, i.e. We managed to watch each set twice a day. Every third show, one new card was added to each set (that is, we did not add new pictures every day, but a little less often). At first, I started introducing new cards after 30 views of the set. But later, all these norms changed. For example, it quickly became clear that 30 views of a set was a lot, and my daughter was starting to get bored. The number of sets we have always remained the same - 3. You can read more about our experience of training using the Doman system here:

VKontakte, Facebook.

Here you will find a description of several ways to get some cards for studying at home, as well as some technical tricks (or a minimum of knowledge) for working with special programs that will help you make cards yourself.

So, you have decided to work with your child “according to Doman”. Well, or just study with cards, according to some own scheme and method. Where can I get them?

Every active mother constantly faces this question - where to get it - namely the dilemma of whether to buy or make it yourself. I have already given general considerations about toys and educational aids in general here, along with my own tips for choosing one or another option. Now - about the cards themselves, and as the name suggests - about the homemade version.


You can buy separate sets; I bought several sets myself. cards from the publishing house "Mosaika-Sintez" (series "Tell the children about..."), and this was done as part of wholesale purchases, that is, at a fairly attractive price. Pay 100 or more rubles for 10-20 pictures, while the price for color printing in mini-printing houses starts from 15 rubles. for an A4 sheet (and if you stick to “two per sheet” cards, the cost is reduced by 2 times) I’m not mentally prepared. Another minus of purchased options - they usually bear little resemblance to classic Doman cards(an object on a white background with a signature), and some are also aesthetically questionable (in other words, they are not very well drawn or the photographs are of poor quality). Publishers that make “correct” cards most often offer them in A4 size, which is not very convenient, and the images on them are drawn, not photographic. I wanted to show the child real objects.

I posted a collection of cards for review (just to decide whether it’s worth buying) in our VKontakte group, You can read it and even download it.


Here are several ways to get non-printing cards, that is, your own or partially your own production.

1. Download the electronic version and print.

The simplest technical option, which, however, requires time to search. Few people post really good cards publicly., there are usually 1-2 versions of hand-drawn images floating around the Internet, which do not cover all topics. For lack of anything better, you can start with them - what if your child is not interested in them at all? Scans of teaching aids offered by different publishers, obtained in different ways, most often have unsatisfactory scanning quality: the sheets are gray (this will affect the printing), the pictures are cloudy and pale. In my collection, most of the cards are just scans; I corrected them somewhat in graphics programs, but I can’t vouch for the quality of the printing, because I use them myself mainly for screen demonstrations.(tablet or laptop), and also take the text from there (it is already adapted for children, no need to invent anything).

2. Prepare the cards yourself and print them.

The only negative is time, some technical skills are also required, but otherwise there are solid advantages:

  • You choose the format yourself - a full-sheet card, a half-sheet (A5) or a quarter-sheet (A6, the size of a standard photo).
  • You select a picture that suits you in terms of quality and appearance. If you like drawings, make drawings; if you like photos, select photos: you want them with a background, you want them “cut out.”

Read below about the technical aspects of creating pictures on your computer, but for now there are a few other notes and methods.

How and where to print?

If you have a color printer at home - no questions asked, this is the cheapest option. If you don’t have a printer, you can look for it from your friends, your husband at work, or go to a mini-printing house. In our city, printing a sheet in color costs from 15 rubles. (plus paper if you need the cards on thick cardboard), so it’s worth considering whether this is profitable.

For owners of black and white printers there is an option print coloring pages and quickly add life to them with pencils. Yes, it also takes time, but it’s budget-friendly. You can color with your child or ask an older person.

Don't forget about the option screen demos. With the proliferation of tablets this has become very easy. The effect is essentially the same, but there are no costs. I started showing my daughter electronic presentations quite early, and we started looking at the cards when our printer stopped working. Sometimes we also look at books with assignments on the screen, without printing them out; she uses her fingers to show what goes with what and what goes with what. It also saves space in the house, because... Printouts need to be stored somewhere. However, not everyone considers it acceptable to place a child on any kind of screen.

Therefore, another option is

make cards from scrapbooks.

“Raw materials” can include newspapers, magazines, advertising brochures, catalogs, out-of-date or torn children’s books, used workbooks and creative albums (for example, the well-known “School of the Seven Dwarfs” brochures). The disadvantage of clippings is the lack of consistency. That is, it is quite difficult to make a selection of vegetables specifically, because what kind of pictures you will find in your old magazines is still unknown. And everyone's size will be different. From my own experience, I was convinced that with clippings, quantity quickly turns into quality. If you collect pictures with enviable consistency, after some time you will find any objects and any animals there. They can be glued to paper or cardboard, and signatures can be made by hand. These will make great cards!

The last option - as they say, do it yourself from start to finish - is

draw cards yourself -

pencils, paints, and any other available techniques. The process is labor-intensive and requires time and some talents on the mother’s part. I have seen similar examples on “mom sites” and sincerely admire such craftsmen. Such cards can then be saved for the next generation of children; it will be a unique family heirloom, if not a very valuable thing.

Technical minimum!

Now some technical information for those who would prefer to follow a relatively simple and accessible path in modern realities - to type up the cards themselves for their subsequent printing.

Programs that will help you:

— Adobe Photoshop. If you have it, you probably know how to perform a couple of actions in it, namely, you will need to “set image size”, “insert” (picture) and “text”, and scale both. There are enough video tutorials and they are easily accessible. The most difficult thing, it seems to me, is installing the program. There is also an online version of a program similar to Photoshop - Photo editor online. You can work directly online, you don’t even need to download anything. There are fewer functions than in the usual one, but to create cards you need the most basic ones. By the way, if you are planning to master the program and are looking for distribution kits, do not chase the new version. Even the oldest one, from the 90s or early 2000s, will have all the necessary buttons.

— Corel Draw and other vector graphics editors. I do it in Korel, this program is native to me. There you need to learn all the same basic steps - select a sheet format, insert a pre-prepared picture, insert a signature. The advantage is that you can create multi-page documents in this program (in Photoshop - only the current picture), that is, prepare a whole set or several at once, and also easily clone pages, place several cards on a sheet, etc.

— Banal MS Word. If there is no way to work with graphics programs, then you can do it there. It’s very easy to make an A4 picture – “Insert” (picture), move the cursor down the page and make a signature – large, bright (Doman recommends signatures in red). If you make 2 cards on a sheet, you can create a table with 2 columns and repeat the steps. Or split the page into 2 columns. Otherwise, placing 2 pictures one next to the other will be problematic. Well, some may find it more convenient to create signatures using the “Signature” tool.

Picture viewers. Among them there are programs that have quite extensive capabilities for editing images. By changing the brightness and contrast, moving the color sliders in different directions, cropping edges and rotating images, you can significantly improve appearance pictures that you come across on the Internet. For example, a jaguar/elephant/watermelon looks good in a photograph, but it is dark/cloudy/with an ugly edge. A couple of mouse movements and you no longer need to search new picture. I previously used ACDsee, now has long been in love with FastStone Image Viewer, and one of the most valuable features for a lover of homemade printing games is batch image conversion. In particular, I haven’t posted my collection of cards for a long time precisely because it’s quite tedious to edit each image so that it’s at least pleasant to look at. And when you can adjust the color and brightness, and at the same time rename 20-30 at once... beauty!

Where to get pictures from, how to look for them.

A simple and obvious resource - Yandex.Images and image servers of other popular search engines. I prefer the Yandex service, and here's why. There you can set additional search parameters:

"Size". A small one is not suitable for printing at all, at least a medium one will do, but it’s better to take large ones; “wallpaper” rarely has the white background we need (both “according to Doman” and saving paint when printing at home).

"Type". Enter a query (for example, “giraffe”, “pear”), click “clipart” and rejoice! For those who have little to do with images, clipart is just pictures (or more often, collections of pictures) without a background, which are used by designers.

“Color”: if you choose white as the dominant color, you will get a similar effect, namely, pictures on a white background.

"File" (meaning format). The PNG format is especially interesting - the pictures have not just a white, but a transparent background, that is, a PNG picture can be placed on another colored background and you don’t even have to cut or crop anything in graphics programs.

There are many separate sites with clipart collections., for example. You can “luckily stumble upon” a good collection once and be provided with good pictures for your child’s entire childhood. True, you can rarely download pictures from them directly, more often through file hosting services, captchas and other complications of life.

On sites representing collections of "wallpapers"- you can also find a lot of good photos for screensavers on your computer desktop. It’s convenient when they are organized by topic: Animals, Mountains, Sea, etc.

Presentations for children– another source of images for cards. This refers to ppt and pps format files. How to get pictures from there?

Ppt is a format that involves editing a presentation and its working mode. The picture can be obtained from the slide in viewing mode. To do this, select it and right-click to call up the context menu, in which select “Save as picture”, then select the location on the disk where to save it.

I find it more convenient to save the entire presentation at once as a series of pictures from slides. It’s faster, and you can always cut out an image without captions from a picture slide. To do this, select File/Save As/Other Formats, then select “Picture in JPEG format” from the drop-down list below. By default, a series of images will appear in the same folder where the presentation was located, one per slide. If the presentation is of high quality, you will immediately receive a series of cards for printing.

Many presentations are presented in pps format, that is, in viewing mode. They launch immediately, you can’t influence the speed of switching slides in any way, and you won’t be able to make any edits at all, except maybe press pause in the context menu until... you save it in ppt format. I know this method: in the Total Commander file manager, hover the cursor over a presentation in pps format and press F3 (or View) - the presentation will open in the working window, and from here you can change the animation settings (for example, change slides by click, and not by time ), format, and save it as images. Another way is from a file manager or regular Explorer - select “Create” in the context menu, the result is the same.

Women's forums, sections of mom-designers. Some mothers who started mastering design and Photoshop while on maternity leave are keen on creating their own clipart and kindly post it for public use. Previously, there were many such collections on the “Motherhood” forum. Although similar archives of mom designers can probably be found on any popular women’s forum in the “hobbies” section.

In general, I will not hide, the process of creating cards with your own hands, like any needlework and “handicraft”, is not always fast, sometimes painstaking, requiring personal time and attitude, as well as minimal technical skills, but at the same time addictive and creative process. Try it!