How to use wheat germ oil? Wheat germ oil for the face is a faithful assistant in skin care. Wheat germ oil properties for the skin.

Wheat is our life, complete food, nutritious and satisfying. But this cereal is surprising not only because of its dominant position in the culinary world. Wheat germ produces an oil that is unique in its components and effects. The history of its creation goes far into the past. Nowadays, this healing oily yellow liquid with a pleasant aroma is one of the most popular and effective products in modern cosmetology.

Amazing composition

Wheat germ oil for the face has a magical effect on the skin. It has a huge amount of antioxidants that effectively inhibit the appearance of age-related changes, a powerful rejuvenating effect, and stimulate metabolic processes. In addition to antioxidants, the miracle extract contains many other beneficial substances.

Component Effect on skin
Fatty acids restoration of damaged tissues, strong protection from negative factors, improvement of blood circulation processes, promote healing of various skin injuries (cuts, abrasions, wounds)
Amino acids enhance the formation of elastin, collagen, smooth the epidermis, remove wrinkles, exfoliate, remove dead, unnecessary skin particles
Vitamins regenerating, whitening, rejuvenating, healing anti-inflammatory properties, relieving swelling, significantly increases skin turgor
Allantoin elimination of inflammatory processes, antioxidant properties, increased elasticity, overall tone, improved color of the epidermis
Minerals deep cleansing, moisturizing, oxygenation, soothing, bactericidal properties, removal of toxins, anti-cellulite effect

Wheat germ oil for the face instantly acts on the epidermis at the cellular, deepest level, penetrating into its most hidden structures. The result of the unique squeeze becomes visible after the first procedures.

Who is the miracle remedy suitable for?

The amazing properties of the healing substrate allow almost everyone, with any type of skin, to use wheat germ oil very effectively for the face.

  • It will restore dry skin, moisturize, relieve wrinkles, dryness,...
  • Normal will provide the necessary prevention to prevent the appearance of age-related changes.
  • It will remove shine from oily skin, tighten enlarged pores, deeply cleanse and renew.
  • It will give strength to the fading person for complete restoration.
  • It will help relieve inflammation and irritation.

The oil perfectly helps treat various skin diseases: acne, eczema, dermatoses, psoriasis. It is not allergenic and has a very gentle, delicate effect on the epidermis.

Using wheat germ oil on the face

Wheat extract has a fairly heavy consistency, so it is most effective when used in diluted form (or as part of various care products) for facial skin care. Dilute it with other lighter oils (, or) in a consistency of 1x3 (where 1 is an oily extract from wheat germ). The mixture of oils can be applied to the skin in its pure form instead of the usual care product and left for half an hour.

Facial products and masks

  • Miracle cream around the eyes

Mix 3 parts germinal substrate with 2 parts rose water. Apply the mixture in a thin layer and lightly “pat” the mixture into the skin.

  • For eyelash growth

Remove makeup, rinse your face with comfortable, warm water. Gently apply a few drops of undiluted miracle oil to your eyelashes with a brush. After a few days, the eyelashes will become noticeably thicker, longer and brighter.

  • For lips

Apply a thin layer of undiluted wheat oil to your lips. It effectively eliminates peeling, heals jams and cracks. The wheat substrate protects lips from severe frost and wind.

  • As an aid

Add it to your usual creams, 3-4 drops (per serving for application to the skin).

  • In the form of compresses for deep hydration

Mix 3 drops of wheat oil with essential oils of orange, shea butter, mint, sandalwood (1 drop each). Soak a paper towel with the mixture and apply to your face for a quarter of an hour. There is no need to wash off the remnants of the healing mixture - let the skin absorb all the healing substances.

  • For lightening(against freckles, age spots)

Mix oily wheat liquid (15 ml) with lemon, grapefruit or juniper essential oils (1 drop each). Soak a cotton pad with the mixture and apply it to problem areas. Carry out the procedure twice a day for half an hour. The effect will be obvious after 5 days.

  • For shiny skin

To treat problematic, oily skin, mix wheat germ oil with lavender or cedar (take 2 drops of each type). Soak a cotton pad and apply to the affected areas for 25 minutes every day.

  • Anti-flaking

Lubricate flaky skin areas with a mixture of oily wheat extract (7 ml) with essential oils of lemon balm and rose (1 drop each). Apply the mixture to dry areas several times daily.

  • Restorative for skin fatigue

A face mask with wheat germ oil made from ground oatmeal (20 g), warm milk (15 ml) and wheat miracle remedy (7 ml) will help restore health to tired dermis. Apply the composition to your face for 25 minutes.

An amazing oily miracle extract, a healing gift from nature, wheat facial oil will return your face to a youthful, radiant, youthful and healthy appearance in just a few treatments.

Beauty to you!

Wheat germ is a very valuable product. The oil has a number of beneficial properties and is widely used in caring and medicinal cosmetics for the face. Even at home, it is possible to create masks based on this product that are more effective than industrially produced products.

Beneficial properties of wheat germ oil for the face

Wheat germ oil is obtained from sprouted grains by extraction at relatively low temperatures. It is almost impossible to squeeze the product out by pressing due to the low oil content of the sprouted seeds. Due to the low temperature effect during the manufacturing process, the product retains the greatest amount of useful substances. All beneficial properties of the oil are based on its composition:

  • vitamin E (tocopherol) – is one of the most famous antioxidant substances, thanks to it, the protective properties of the skin are strengthened, the aging process is slowed down, and the ability to regenerate tissue is increased;
  • phospholipids (linoleic, palmitic acids) - substances that maintain the normal density of cell membranes, and also participate in lipid metabolism and the dissolution of some biologically important substances; They are useful for facial skin because they maintain the balance of substances at the cellular level, actively moisturize, stimulate the renewal process, and enhance the production of its own collagen and elastin;
  • vitamins of groups A, F, PP, B - the body needs to maintain the vital functions of skin cells and participate in the metabolic process;
  • minerals (zinc, selenium, iron) are the main building elements of cells.

Oil extract of sprouted wheat grains nourishes the skin, helps maintain a normal level of moisture, has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the resorption of age spots, reduces stretch marks, and activates metabolic processes.

In sprouted grains, all beneficial substances are converted into the form that is most digestible by the body.

Using wheat germ oil on the face

For facial skin care, the oil is used both in its pure form and as an addition to industrially produced cosmetics.

When planning to use the product for the first time, you need to test for allergies. A drop of oil is applied behind the ear or on the bend of the elbow. If within 24 hours there is no redness, swelling or itching at the site where the product was applied, it is conditionally suitable. But we must remember that the body’s reaction to an allergen is sometimes cumulative, and an allergy may manifest itself some time after starting to use wheat oil.

The basic option for using oil is to apply it to the skin of the face or lips in its pure form. A more gentle way is to prepare various mixtures. The drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance or the presence of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder or ducts.

Wheat germ oil is used for facial skin care

For wrinkles

Due to the special properties and composition of wheat germ oil:

  • increases the activity of renewal processes in the layers of the epidermis;
  • enhances the production of its own substances responsible for elasticity.

Unevenness in general is noticeably smoothed out, facial wrinkles become less noticeable, and the skin looks more youthful.

One of the easiest ways to use the product is to add it to a finished cream or face mask. The main recommendation is to mix a single application portion and 2-5 drops of oil. After obtaining a homogeneous consistency, the product should be immediately applied to the face.

Oil mixtures

A common way to use oil is to prepare oil mixtures in various proportions. To smooth out facial wrinkles around the eyes, the following product is suitable:

  • two parts rosehip oil;
  • one part wheat oil;
  • one drop of sandalwood or jasmine ether.

Gently apply the prepared oil mixture onto the skin of the eyelids. After 30 minutes, wipe with a swab with micellar water or tea leaves. Similarly, you can use oil mixtures for facial skin in general.

Instead of rosehip oil, you can use grape seed oil.


Applications with oil mixtures are an effective means of smoothing out deep expression wrinkles on the forehead and nasolabial folds. For such applications, a base oil is taken (almond, peach, avocado, jojoba or olive). As active additives, use 1-3 drops of essential oil of lavender, neroli, rose, rosemary.

Oil proportions:

  • 1 part wheat germ;
  • 2 parts carrier oil;
  • 2 drops of the required ether.

Using applications:

  1. A bandage, gauze or clean thin cotton cloth is soaked in a mixture of oils and applied to the face.
  2. Covered with parchment.
  3. Cover the top with a terry towel to create a thermal effect. By increasing the temperature at the site of exposure, the intensity of penetration of nutrients into the skin increases.

Applications should be done daily for 2-3 weeks. The course is repeated 3–4 times a year.

Applications with wheat germ oil effectively smooth out wrinkles

For acne

The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil help clear the skin of pimples, acne, and cleanse pores. For deep cleansing, the product is used with a light facial massage in a mixture with cream, other oils, or a minimal amount is applied in its pure form.

For the skin around the eyes

Wheat germ oil is applied to the skin of the eyelids. Product action:

  • eliminates dark circles;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • the look becomes fresher, the skin becomes smoother.

It is important to consider that in its pure form the product can only be applied in a minimal amount to the corners near the eyes. To use it on the eyelids, it must be mixed with other, more gentle oils:

  • olives;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • grape seeds;
  • avocado.

For rosacea

Cuperosis is a skin disease in which the normal functioning and integrity of blood vessels in the upper layers of the epidermis are disrupted. Manifested by noticeable vascular networks and asterisks.

Due to its high penetrating ability, wheat grain oil has a beneficial effect on the deep layers of the skin, as well as on blood vessels. Product action:

  • increases the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • nourishes and heals the skin as a whole.

For lips

The delicate skin on the lips may crack, begin to peel, and cracks may appear in the corners of the mouth - a sign of angular stomatitis. In all these cases, the oil helps heal cracks and improve the health of the skin, restoring softness and elasticity to tissues.

Cosmetic procedures with wheat grain oil should be carried out 2-3 times a week for 3-6 months to achieve and consolidate the visible effect.

Video: benefits of wheat germ oil, how to use it

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


In modern cosmetology, natural, “natural” means for caring for your appearance are becoming more and more common. The use of vegetable oils for beauty, maintaining health and preserving youth is incredibly effective and useful, which is proven by the huge number of positive reviews from girls and women who regularly use wheat germ cosmetic oil for their faces.

What is wheat germ oil

Wheat is a useful, essential crop, widely used in the food industry for the production of wheat flour. But this is not the only benefit we get from it. Wheat grain contains a substance that has been extracted and used for various purposes for a very long time - wheat germ oil, which is squeezed out of the cereal crop by cold pressing.

Using wheat germ oil on the face

Wheat germ oil is a very valuable product in cosmetology. This product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis of the face and neck, which is confirmed by rave reviews from women who regularly use this product. This vitamin-rich product is very versatile, so it is used in the form of base oils, mixed with other products, or applied undiluted, various masks, creams, applications are prepared, and even used to remove makeup.

Valuable composition

Wheat liquid contains substances that the human body does not produce. These are amino acids, fatty acids (linoleic and oleic in great abundance). Wheat germ oil for the face contains useful components and vitamins A, E, D, B. Among all vegetable oils, wheat oil contains the largest amount of tocopherol or vitamin E, which is called the “vitamin of youth”. It also contains selenium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, iron, manganese and many other trace elements.

Benefits of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil has many benefits in cosmetology. It has cosmetic, healing, health-improving, restorative properties:

  • It affects the water-lipid balance of the epidermis, promotes its normalization, prevents dryness, flaking, treats inflammation, and dries out acne.
  • Tightens the oval of the face, helps maintain its tone.
  • Well enriches the skin, nourishes it, making it silky and soft.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin E, it reduces the process of cell photoaging and, with constant use, smoothes out age wrinkles.
  • Has light whitening properties. Affects age spots and freckles, making them invisible.
  • Improves complexion, toning and refreshing the skin.
  • Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin. Improves its relief and structure.
  • Helps eliminate stretch marks (stretch marks).
  • Helps eliminate cellulite deposits as it enhances blood microcirculation.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes sensitive and irritated skin. Gently acts on it to cleanse the skin and prevents the appearance of acne on the face.
  • Helps normalize the secretion of sebaceous glands, narrows enlarged pores and prevents the appearance of acne.
  • Exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis and promotes rapid cell renewal.

For the face against wrinkles

With age, more attention is paid to the face, because collagen fibers weaken, the skin needs constant nutrition and hydration. You can prevent the occurrence of wrinkles or make them invisible only with regular care. Daily use of sprout extract will help reduce even deep age or expression lines. Thanks to the presence of anti-aging antioxidants and vitamins, it smoothes out age wrinkles and protects the face from early aging.

For the skin around the eyes

The skin in the eyelid area is sensitive, delicate, does not contain a layer of fat, and therefore is somewhat dry and predisposed to the appearance of wrinkles or so-called. crow's feet. Cosmetics for skin care must be chosen carefully so as not to harm the thin layer of epithelium. Special care for the skin in the eyelid area is its constant nutrition and enrichment with vitamins and beneficial elements. Wheat germ oil for the face has the property of rejuvenating the skin epithelium and moisturizes dry areas of the skin.

Rules of application

In order to get good results when using sprouted wheat extract, it is important to know how to use it. Otherwise, without knowing the rules, you may not get the desired result or even, on the contrary, harm your body. To achieve maximum results from a healing product, read the reviews and find out the features of use:

  1. Before using wheat germ liquid, it must be tested for allergy. This is especially true for those who are going to apply the product to the eyelid area.
  2. Germ extract has a heavy, viscous consistency, so it is often diluted with vegetable oils, which have a lighter structure. Its use in undiluted, pure form may have irritating results or even cause burns.
  3. Before use, warm the mixture well in a water or steam bath. When heated, beneficial substances become more active and are better absorbed into the epidermis.
  4. When mixing several vegetable oils, it is advisable to use ceramic, glass or wooden utensils instead of metal ones. When interacting with metal, many useful substances lose their potency.
  5. Oil masks should not be left on the face for more than 20-30 minutes. Otherwise, the procedure may cause irritation. You can make such masks no more often than 1-2 times a week.
  6. The cosmetic mixture should be left on the face for 30 minutes, but no more. It is not advisable to leave it overnight, as this may cause irritation or burns. The exception is if you add the mixture to a cream or other cosmetic product.


Despite the fact that wheat germ liquid contains an abundance of vitamins and valuable elements, it, like other products, has its contraindications for use. In order not to harm your body, you need to be careful when using any cosmetic product. If you have the following contraindications, it is better to refrain from using the product:

  • in case of individual intolerance or allergies;
  • for inflammation, acne;
  • burns, scratches or wounds that are still bleeding;
  • after salon procedures (facial cleansing, chemical peeling);
  • if there are postoperative sutures.

Methods of application

There are many ways to use wheat liquid. You can make scrubs, various masks, and applications from it. This product is mixed with various cosmetics: creams, lotions, shampoos. It is also combined with various cosmetic and essential products or used as an auxiliary for cleansing decorative cosmetics.

The best homemade face mask recipes

The most common and effective method of using this product is a homemade face mask. Nourishing, moisturizing, drying face masks are an affordable and budget-friendly way of skin care, equivalent in effectiveness to salon procedures. The active components of the mixtures are different - honey, clay, essential oils, vitamins, hyaluronic serums, etc. The components of the mask should be selected based on your skin type.

For aging skin

  • 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peach or apricot kernel ether;
  • 2 drops of orange ether (can be replaced with mint or sandalwood).
  1. Mix the mixtures in one bowl.
  2. Heat slightly in a water or steam bath.
  3. Apply with a light massage to the face.
  4. Apply for 30 minutes, then rinse. Repeat application 1-2 times a week.
  • 1 tbsp. l. rice flour;
  • 50 mg warm green tea;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. wheat germ oils.
  1. Pour warm tea over flour.
  2. Mix into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Apply to face.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

For problem skin

  • 1 tbsp. l. clays (blue, yellow, white);
  • 1 tsp. a mixture of sea buckthorn or rose hips.
  1. Dilute the clay in warm water.
  2. Add remaining components.
  3. Mix everything into a homogeneous paste.
  4. After application, wait 20-30 minutes for the mask to dry, then rinse off the mask with water. Repeat once a week.
  • 1 tbsp. l. wheat mixtures;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grape seed liquid;
  • 2-3 drops of bergamot or lemon ether.
  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Warm in a water or steam bath.
  3. Apply to face.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.

For oily skin

  • 1 tsp. castor oil;
  • 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
  • oatmeal cooked in milk.
  1. Mix all components into one homogeneous mixture.
  2. Apply to face.
  3. Leave for 20-25 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat once a week.

For the skin around the eyes

  • 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
  • 2 tsp. grape seed oils;
  • 1-2 drops of grapefruit or cedar ether;
  • vitamin E or A.
  1. Mix all products.
  2. Heat in a sauna.
  3. Apply to desired area.
  4. Leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse with water.

Wheat germ cosmetic oil is a product that has become widespread quite recently. But it quickly gained enormous popularity, because wheat germ oil can be used for massage; facial and body skin care; behind the dermis around the eyes; behind the lips.

They use it to prepare homemade face masks that can restore mature skin. Wheat germ oil is also used in the treatment of many diseases. It will help get rid of cellulite, quickly eliminate the unpleasant consequences of skin dermatitis, and make it possible to avoid bedsores with regular use.

Wheat germ oil for the face and in cosmetology in general is a magical remedy, the use of which will benefit ladies of any age.

A little about the product itself

Wheat oil is a plant product obtained from seed sprouts, often used as a dietary supplement. Pleasant taste, high nutritional value and rich vitamin composition - this is what is remarkable about wheat germ oil. It was thanks to its composition that the product began to be used for cosmetic purposes.

Today, there are many cosmetic brands that use wheat germ oil.

Beneficial substances contained in it

Wheat germ oil is used in cosmetology due to the many biologically active substances included in its composition. All of them are capable of penetrating deep into the dermis. The result is nutrition, hydration, restoration of skin cells.

Active substances that wheat contains:

  • a whole group of vitamins: A (retinol), E (tocopherol), B1 (thiamine), D (calciferol), B9 (folic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), PP (niacin), B2 (riboflavin);
  • amino acids, nucleic and polysaturated acids;
  • alatonin;
  • many minerals: iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, selenium, calcium, manganese and copper.

From this we can conclude that wheat germ oil is ideal for the skin.

About cosmetic properties

Wheat germ oil for the face and in cosmetology in general performs the following functions:

  • regenerates the skin, giving it softness and freshness,
  • moisturizes dry skin well, helping to get rid of flaking,
  • deeply nourishes mature skin, making it more elastic and radiant,
  • increases skin turgor, strengthening the dermis, helps get rid of wrinkles,
  • helps remove toxins, clean pores,
  • cares for inflamed facial skin, fights pimples, blackheads and pustular wounds,
  • having healing properties, it heals cuts and wounds, burns and bruises well,
  • gives the skin tone and freshness, evens out the oval of the face,
  • relieves swelling around the eyes,
  • It is used as a lip balm and helps get rid of pimples and cracks.

When not to use

The use of wheat oil for the skin of the face and body is not always advisable; there are a number of contraindications for which its use is impossible. Use not recommended:

  1. For open wounds or scratches on the dermis, bleeding ulcers.
  2. You should not use the product if you have recently had stitches.
  3. During the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery or salon procedures that remove the upper layer of the dermis.
  4. If the area of ​​inflammation on the skin of the face is too extensive.
  5. In the presence of rosacea and vitiligo.
  6. When diagnosing serious skin diseases.

If you have such problems, wheat germ oil for the body may harm the skin rather than help eliminate them.

A few rules for use at home

Using the product in its pure form will not give the desired effect; there are several important points that help to use this miracle product correctly.

  • Due to its high density and viscous consistency, the product falls heavily on the dermis; to avoid this problem, you need to mix it with thinner oils.
  • Heated in a steam bath, the product becomes more effective and penetrates deeper into the skin.
  • When making homemade masks, you should not use metal utensils, only glass or ceramics. This way you will be able to preserve as many useful substances as possible.
  • A single face mask with wheat germ oil will not give the desired result; only a course of procedures can significantly affect the condition of the skin.
  • Frequent and uncontrolled use of the product can worsen the condition of the dermis; homemade masks should be applied to the skin once or twice a week.

The best homemade masks according to many women

On the Internet you can find many recipes that describe in detail face masks with wheat germ oil; here are the best recipes that have received a huge number of positive reviews.

Masks that promote the regeneration of aging skin.

Eliminating wrinkles:

  1. To prepare the mask you will need: cosmetic oils (wheat and almond), as well as essential oils - tangerine, sandalwood and mint.
  2. Mix the first two ingredients in a ratio of one to three, heat in a steam bath.
  3. Add a couple of drops of essential compounds and mix.
  4. Apply to face with a soft brush, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for about half an hour, to enhance the effect, you can apply a special fabric mask to the skin.
  5. Remove residues with a damp cloth.

Has a lifting effect:

  1. For preparation you should take: rice flour, freshly brewed green tea, cosmetic oils (wheat, palm).
  2. Mix the oils in equal proportions (about a tablespoon) and heat slightly.
  3. Dilute the flour with warm tea until the consistency of sour cream, carefully eliminating lumps.
  4. Add the oil components into the thick mixture and mix.
  5. Apply a thick layer to your face and leave for 15-30 minutes.
  6. Wash with cool water and moisturize the dermis with a cream (the night restorative cream that improves the hydrobalance “Chamomile and wheat germ oil”, which is produced by many cosmetic companies, is perfect).

Both masks, used regularly, will help get rid of facial wrinkles and folds.

Mask that gets rid of pimples and skin rashes:

  1. To make such a mask, you need to take cosmetic oils (wheat and sea buckthorn), blue cosmetic clay, and an egg (raw).
  2. Dilute the clay with warm water to a thick, creamy mass.
  3. Beat the egg and add to the clay, mix until smooth.
  4. Mix the oils in equal proportions and heat them, pour them into the resulting mass.
  5. Apply the product to the skin of the face with a special spatula, distributing it so as not to touch the lips and skin around the eyes, leave until the clay hardens completely (about 30 minutes).
  6. Carefully remove the dried mass and wash with cool water.

Blue clay and wheat germ oil for acne will help quickly eliminate the problem and relieve inflammation.

A remedy that helps relieve peeling:

  1. To prepare it, you will need: wheat flour and cosmetic extracts of wheat and grape seed oils.
  2. Mix flour with warm mineral water without gas until it becomes thick sour cream.
  3. Combine the extracts in equal proportions (about a teaspoon) and heat in a steam bath.
  4. Mix and apply warm product to the dermis of the face, leave for a while, rinse thoroughly and moisturize the face with cream.

If you regularly apply this product to flaky skin, you can not only remove flaking, but also improve your complexion.

A product that eliminates oily shine and tightens pores:

  1. To prepare the mask you need: oil extracts of wheat germ and grape seeds, lemon, lemon ether.
  2. Mix the extracts in a ratio of one to three, heat in a steam bath.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, add to the oil mixture (one teaspoon), stir.
  4. Add a couple of drops of lemon essential extract and apply to the skin using a cotton pad, leave for a while, remove any residue, wipe your face with an ice cube.

All of these products are very effective when used correctly and can significantly improve the condition of the skin.

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The use of wheat germ oil against wrinkles to maintain the freshness and beauty of the face is the most relevant way of fighting for those for whom other means have not worked. In search of suitable ingredients, each woman chooses for herself exactly what her skin absorbs best.

And the presented product has every chance to become the favorite of many. Even those who have not yet received much help from other natural remedies.

Beneficial properties of herbal product

Wheat germ oil is useful not only for the entire face against wrinkles, but also for unpleasant folds around the eyes. It also helps improve the overall condition of the skin, as it nourishes, moisturizes and tightens.

With its help you can quickly get rid of various defects on the face:

However, all these anti-wrinkle benefits of wheat germ oil will not be fully appreciated if you do not use it correctly in your daily care. And for this you need to remember the features of using the product.

Correct use of oil

Wheat germ oil will help you get rid of wrinkles most effectively if you apply it in a certain way:

The oil must be used when warm. But the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, since excessive heating destroys all the benefits of the components.

Best Recipes

Using wheat germ oil on your face for wrinkles is a pleasant way to take care of your skin. As part of masks and various massage mixtures, it gives a feeling of harmony and calm. This is why natural recipes are one of the most effective methods of combating not only external, but also internal causes of wrinkles.

With grape seeds

For very dehydrated skin, a recipe will be useful that will quickly moisturize and nourish it with useful components. It uses about 1 tsp as a base. wheat oil and the same amount of unrefined vegetable product from grape seeds. Additionally, you will need 1 mango and 6 g of clay, preferably pink.

First, the mango fruit is peeled and kneaded, then beat with a blender until smooth and the remaining ingredients are added to it. The mixture should stand for several minutes so that the clay can release all the beneficial substances. Before using a mask with wheat germ oil, the skin must be steamed. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a decoction of chamomile or sage. You can keep the mask on for as long as 40 minutes.

Anti-flabbiness mask

This wheat germ oil recipe uses an avocado and 30 ml of the original ingredient. Any essential oil that suits your skin will help enrich the composition:

After 3-4 such masks, the skin will noticeably transform and become more elastic, beautiful, and youthful.

Firming recipe

A lifting mask with wheat germ oil for the face, prepared from 1 tbsp., will help with sagging cheeks. l. rice flour and green tea decoction (about 35 ml). Add vegetable fat and 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. any other oil.

Wheat germ oil can also help get rid of expression lines on the face. This recipe is used for the skin around the mouth and eyes:

You can keep the composition on your face for 20 minutes. The wonderful aroma of greens and potatoes will carry you away on a pleasant summer day when you enjoy relaxing in nature!

Recipe with ascorutin

To prepare a mixture that not only eliminates wrinkles, but also cleanses clogged sebaceous glands, you will need 2 tablets of ascorutin. This recipe perfectly moisturizes and exfoliates old cells; it also contains: 7 g of yellow clay and 15 drops of basic vegetable oil.

Ascorutin (aka vitamin C tablets) is ground well and mixed with clay, oil is added. The mixture should sit for a while. During this time, the skin is steamed with a hot towel (literally 3-4 minutes). Then apply the mixture for 20 minutes.

To wash off any recipe containing vegetable oils, you need to use herbal infusions. They will not only fix the result, but also help remove oily shine. This could be chamomile, lemongrass, sage or oak bark, as well as any other plant that suits your skin type.

Honey mask

To prepare a nourishing and tonic mixture, you need to take 20 drops of wheat germ oil and 12 g of honey. Additionally, you will need 6 g of rice flour and 3 g of bee bread. First, mix all the dry ingredients, combine with the wet ones and leave for a couple of minutes. You need to keep it on your face for 30 minutes.

Wheat germ oil for the face against wrinkles is especially effective in its simplest form: take 1 drop of 3-4 esters, add 35 ml of peach seed oil and 12 ml of wheat germ. Fold the gauze several times and soak it in the composition. Apply applications to lips and eyes for 25 minutes.