How to clean the iron from plaque inside. Cleaning the iron at home

How and with what to clean your iron at home and thereby extend its service life? Despite the fact that technology does not stand still and equipment is constantly being improved, the soles of many models are still not properly protected from scale and soot. In this material we have collected 10 of the most effective methods that will help you in this simple matter.

The material is divided into 3 parts:

  • The first section tells about how to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home, we will analyze 7 useful ways, including hydrogen peroxide, table vinegar, salt, etc.
  • The second part provides recommendations on how to clean the iron from scale inside. Citric acid, mineral water with gas and self-cleaning function - 3 effective methods, and how to use them correctly?
  • Finally, a useful information section with cleaning tips depending on the type of product you have. Summary tables are also provided, as well as tips for proper ironing.
The iron is clean and burnt

What and how you can clean your iron at home - the main reasons

Today, there are several reasons that make you think about how to clean your iron at home:

  • Scale inside the appliance. The quality of water used directly affects the service life. For ironing, it is recommended to use distilled and ordinary water in a 1:1 ratio or boiled;
  • Soot on the sole itself. It appears due to improper ironing of fabrics (the wrong mode is set).

Mode for thin fabrics

As a result, dirt appears on clothes, which spoils appearance fabrics. After this, the item has to be washed again or thrown away completely.

How to clean your iron from carbon deposits at home - 7 effective methods!

How to clean an iron from carbon deposits at home, except using folk remedies? Although, as a rule, modern models have a built-in function for removing carbon deposits and scale. A stream of hot steam escapes from the device, which cleans its surface.

For cotton

However, some models do not have such a function or it may not work correctly. In this case, the following will help against burning:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • paraffin candle and salt;
  • table vinegar;
  • pencil for cleaning burnt fabric.

Hydrogen peroxide or how to clean an iron from carbon deposits at home

Most effective method how to clean an iron from carbon deposits at home - use hydrogen peroxide. This is an equally common element in everyday life, and therefore the process promises to be fast and quite effective.

hydrogen peroxide

Take an unnecessary gauze cloth or towel. Wet it with hydrogen peroxide.

Turn on the device and bring it to maximum temperature.

Iron the cloth for 2-3 minutes.

The sole has been cleaned. Now all that remains is to go through the exit holes. To do this, take a cotton swab and moisten it with peroxide. Then we wipe each hole.

How to clean an iron with salt, how to clean an iron at home

The most easily accessible cleaning method is regular kitchen salt. There are many options for how to clean your iron with salt. The most effective one is as follows:

Take a sheet of A4 paper and salt. Spread it evenly over the entire surface.

Turn on the iron and bring it to maximum temperature. We pass it along a sheet of salt.

Remove any remaining salt using a cloth.

Nail polish remover or how to clean an iron from burnt fabric

How to clean burnt fabric from an iron using nail polish remover? Acetone, which is included in its composition, can quite easily cope with carbon deposits on any surface.

Dampen a cloth with acetone and wipe the cold, burnt sole.

Next, turn it on at full power and iron it with a gauze cloth or towel. It is necessary to turn on the steam function periodically.

We remove the remaining dirt with a cloth and cotton swabs.

How to clean the surface of an iron with baking soda?

Our grandmothers always had this miracle product at hand, but today few people know how to clean the surface of an iron with baking soda from burnt marks and rust.

baking soda

Paraffin candle

It's quite troublesome, but no less effective remedy for cleaning the iron. Let's look at the step-by-step process.

Take a paraffin candle and rub it on a grater.

Spread evenly over the surface. Then add a little table salt.

Place a gauze cloth on top.

We heat the device to maximum temperature and then place it on a rag or napkin. Hold until a wet, dirty mark appears on the napkin. Remove the residue with a rag.

How to clean an iron from burnt marks on the soles with table vinegar

How to clean an iron from burnt marks on the sole using table vinegar? This is another fairly affordable and not labor-intensive method. Wipe contaminated areas of the cold sole with a cotton swab or cotton cloth soaked in a 9% solution of table vinegar. If the deposits cannot be cleaned off so easily, you can leave the iron on a cloth soaked in table vinegar for 7-10 hours. After such an event, the burnt fabric softens and will easily come off when wiped with a rough cloth.

Cleaning the iron at home from carbon deposits with a special pencil

Cleaning your iron at home from carbon deposits with a special pencil is one of the miracles household chemicals. It is shaped like a candle, but quite hard and crystalline. It's not difficult to use at all. Let's look at an example.

Heat to maximum temperature. Then we draw a pencil over the surface. Its contents should flow down the sole.

As a result, the burn will begin to foam and a not very good smell will appear. Therefore, it is best to perform the procedure either on outdoors or in a ventilated area wearing a mask.

At the end we wipe everything with a cloth.

How to avoid carbon deposits on your iron?

Everyone knows that the best defense is awareness. Therefore, we recommend that you follow these tips:

  • Read the instructions for the iron regarding its modes. As a rule, it says what the maximum temperature is intended for each type of fabric;
  • Look carefully at the label of your clothing. On it you will find the composition of the fabric, the temperature for ironing and washing.

Temperature conditions for fabrics

It is better to iron delicate fabrics such as wool and silk through a piece of damp gauze, and iron appliqués on the inside out. If, nevertheless, the iron treacherously “sticks”, then immediately apply a cotton cloth soaked in ice water. In this case, a sharp temperature change will occur, and the burnt fabric will come off much easier.

How to clean the inside of an iron from scale at home - 3 precise ways!

Let's look at the question of how to clean your iron from scale at home. The quality of modern water is far from ideal: the acid-base balance is disturbed, there are many different salt impurities and even large suspended matter. Accordingly, when water boils in the iron, it leaves an unpleasant residue - scale, which can ruin clothes.

There are several proven folk remedies to solve this problem. So, how can you clean your iron:

  • use of sparkling mineral water;
  • self-cleaning function;
  • citric acid.

Citric acid or the fastest way to descale your iron?

In this chapter, we examine the question of how to clean the inside of an iron from scale with citric acid. Since scale is mainly calcium and magnesium salts, any acid is its terrible enemy, and the most accessible and safest acid in everyday life is citric acid. In order to apply this method, you need to dissolve no more than 20 grams of citric acid powder in a glass of warm water.

Take a glass of water and add 2 tablespoons of citric acid.

Pour water into the iron (do not turn it on yet).

Heat to maximum temperature. Afterwards, iron the cloth and turn on the steam function.

Turn off the iron and pour water from the device into the container. Thus, we cleaned the structure both inside and outside. We repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times. Afterwards it can be repeated once every 6 months.

Mineral water with gas as a folk remedy for descaling an iron

Mineral water with gas is a source of carbon dioxide and an excellent means for cleaning the iron from scale. She, like lemon, will be able to clean the product from the inside, but will do it more carefully.

Self-cleaning function or the easiest way to clean the inside of an iron from scale?

How to clean the inside of an iron from scale at home, except by means not provided by the manufacturer? Modern models are thoughtfully equipped with a self-cleaning button. As a rule, it is located near the temperature regulator.

self-cleaning iron

Pour water to the maximum level.

We turn on the device into the network and set the maximum mode. Then set the “No steam” mode (if there is one).

We bring the product to the maximum temperature and disconnect from the network.

Hold the device over the sink and press the clean button (hold for about a minute). Shake the device a little to remove the dirt.

We plug it into the network. We wait for the remaining water to evaporate, then turn it off from the network. After cooling, wipe the surface with a cloth.

How to avoid scale?

The described methods are easy to implement, but in our opinion, it is easier to prevent the problem. It is enough just to use special purified water for irons or distilled water, which may also be suitable drinking water from bottles, or even purified using a home filter. Such water does not contain heavy impurities and its salt balance will not lead to scale formation. In addition, we advise you to empty the remaining water from the reservoir after ironing.

Tips for use

How to clean an iron at home depending on the type of coating

The above tips are the most universal in the fight against soot and scale. However, depending on the types of irons, certain details and additional cleaning rules may appear. Next, we will tell you how to clean the iron from scale and carbon deposits inside, depending on their modification. There is also a summary table at the end of this section.

How to clean a steam iron

The main feature of a steam iron is the function of supplying steam through special holes on the sole, which means that the problem of scale is more pressing than ever.


All of the above remedies are suitable for solving scale problems (we recommend hydrogen peroxide.

How to clean the ceramic soleplate of an iron correctly

One of the most sliding surfaces, which is almost impossible to “burn” a thing, is ceramics. At the same time, this type of sole is very troublesome to clean.

How to clean the ceramic soleplate of an iron without damaging it

Salt, soda, and a hard sponge will not help you in this matter, but will only ruin the ceramics: even the slightest scratch can peel off the entire coating. Therefore, arm yourself with a soft cotton cloth and a water solution of table vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. A special pencil can also save the situation. And in the fight against scale, we only recommend the self-cleaning function.

Let's figure out how to clean a Teflon-coated iron

"Teflon" copes well with ironing even on low temperatures, but at the same time not as capricious as ceramics. When deciding how to clean a Teflon-coated iron from burning, we note the following - you can use acids, a special pencil and even laundry soap. Rub the sole at the lowest temperature; the melted soap will soften the burn and you can remove it with a damp cloth.

Teflon coated

Salt, soda, and hard brushes are still dangerous for this. You can descale your iron using all the methods presented in our article.

Compatibility table for irons with different cleaning methods

For greater clarity, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the table about cleaning features different types irons. So, how can you clean your iron:

Steam Ceramic Steel Teflon
Hydrogen peroxide
Nail polish remover
Baking soda
Paraffin candle
Table vinegar
Special pencil
Citric acid
Mineral water with gas

So that you don’t have any questions about how to clean the iron from burnt marks, you need to learn how to iron correctly. To do this, we recommend taking three parameters into account:

  • types of ironing;
  • types of fabrics;
  • using a patch on new clothes.

Traditional ironing methods

Firstly, there are 3 types of ironing:

  • dry – for soft fabrics;
  • wet – when the product is sprayed with water in case of complex creases;
  • with steaming – can be used to facilitate ironing of any fabric (except viscose).

Secondly, different types of fabric require their own regimen (check the label):

  • Synthetics do not like high temperatures;
  • It is advisable to moisten silk by wrapping it in a wet cloth or ironing it using a machine;
  • Satin and velvet are ironed on the wrong side;
  • It is better not to iron terry products and nylon at all;
  • Wool is ironed through a damp cloth at medium temperature;
  • Viscose prefers dry ironing;
  • It is better to steam drape and velor well and iron it inside out;
  • It is better not to iron knitwear, but to apply the iron sequentially;
  • To preserve shine, chintz is ironed only on the front side;
  • Linen and cotton are ready for high temperatures with steaming, but it is better to iron on the wrong side.

And finally, thirdly, a little-known fact: that same “patch” attached to a new item can be used during ironing to evaluate how the fabric will react to the ironing mode.

We bring to your attention a final table of ironing modes depending on the types of fabrics, using it correctly you are unlikely to wonder how and how to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home:

The following tips may also help you:

  1. If the item cannot be ironed at a high temperature, and the creases do not give in, hold it over a bowl of boiling water, and then iron it in an acceptable mode.
  2. A mixture of baking soda and water will remove iron stains from silk.
  3. Onions or boric acid can remove scorch marks if applied to the fabric for 15 minutes and then washed.
  4. Never iron stained clothes! Removing such stains will be difficult.
  5. When making creases on trousers or smoothing them, use a “steam boost”.
  6. Wait until items have cooled before storing them in the closet. This way they will retain their shape longer.
  7. It is better to iron dark and colored fabrics, as well as appliques, on the wrong side.

Do you want to know how to clean your iron properly and get rid of dirt? Then you have turned to the right page - we have collected the most useful tips and effective recipes that will help you become a guru household. Chemicals are good, but it’s not always possible to get them - that’s why we’ll talk about improvised materials that everyone can find at home. And also at the end of the article there is a selection of video instructions.

Burnt fabric

Don’t know how to clean your iron at home if fabric accidentally sticks to it? Choose any of the options below - the products can easily help clean simple stains.

Paraffin candle:

  • Warm up the device a little;
  • Rub the surface with a candle (like chalk);
  • Cool and remove any remaining wax with a cloth.


  • Dilute a few tablespoons of soda with water to obtain a paste;
  • Wet the sponge and rub the affected areas;
  • Remove any residue with a damp cloth.

Cleaning the soleplate from scale

You have already seen that cleaning an iron at home is not difficult - even a beginner in household chores can do it. Let's take a quick look at the most effective remedy to clean the outside of the appliance:

  • Prepare a solution - a liter of water and 2 cups of vinegar/50 grams of citric acid;
  • Pour the liquid into a baking sheet, turn on low heat;
  • Place the iron in a baking tray on the slats so that the bottom and sole do not touch;
  • Bring the water to a boil and hold for another fifteen minutes;
  • Turn off the heat and repeat again;
  • Remove the equipment, wipe the steam holes cotton swab, and the surface itself with a damp cloth.

If an unpleasant carbon deposit has formed on the product, do not worry - you can use any of our products. We will talk about that in another article.

Watch the video:


A special chalk pencil, sold in household chemicals departments, will help you quickly and effectively clean the soleplate of your iron at home. If you don’t have such a product at hand, choose any of the available options to clean the iron; after just a few minutes the surface will shine clean again.

Vinegar or hydrogen peroxide:

  • Mix two teaspoons of vinegar with a glass of water and wet a cotton cloth;
  • Or dampen a cloth with hydrogen peroxide;
  • Fold the cloth several times and iron it at medium heat.


  • Grate a bar of laundry soap;
  • Mix the shavings with water to a paste;
  • Apply the mixture to a sponge and rub the affected area;
  • Remove dried residue with a damp sponge.

You can use regular toothpaste:

  • Apply a little product from the tube to the soot area;
  • Scrub with a soft-bristled brush;
  • Be careful not to scratch the material;
  • Wipe off any remaining residue with a damp sponge.

Lemon juice and ammonia:

  • Mix lemon juice and ammonia in a 1:1 ratio;
  • Apply the liquid to a cotton pad and rub the affected area.

There are many ways to clean the surface of an iron at home - we have collected only the most basic and accessible ones. Read also - there we will analyze all the options in detail. Shall we continue? Let's figure out what needs to be done, how and with what you can clean the soleplate of the iron at home from ordinary dirt.


Do you want to clean the soleplate of your iron at home if there is dirt on it? No wonder - such manipulations should be carried out in a timely manner to avoid subsequent contamination of things.

  • Rub a bar of laundry soap;
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of shavings in a glass of water;
  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • Wet a cloth and wash the outside of the device.

Now let’s figure out how to properly clean the sole with salt:

  • Spread a small amount in an even layer (2 mm) onto cardboard or a sheet of paper;
  • Set the temperature to low and iron the salt layer several times.

Watch the training videos at the bottom of the page to understand how such manipulations are performed. In the meantime, we’ll tell you how to descale the inside.

How to remove scale from inside?

We talked in detail about how to wipe the soleplate of the iron from the outside - you have read available means for different types of pollution. It's time to discuss what and and sediment.

There are three proven means - you can choose what you want to use to clean the device:

To get rid of dirt on the inside, do the following:

  • Prepare the solution;
  • Pour it into the reservoir;
  • Warm up the device to maximum temperature;
  • Tilt the iron over any container and press the steam button;
  • Wait for the liquid to come out and repeat the procedure 2-3 times, replacing the solution with boiled water.

As you can see, the principle of cleaning from the inside will be similar; you need to select the correct proportions of the cleaning solution:

  • Two teaspoons of citric acid per glass of water;
  • Pure water and 9% vinegar solution in a 1 to 1 ratio.

We hope you don’t have any more questions - and if you do, learn a couple of little tricks that will help extend the life of the device and eliminate the need for constant cleaning.

Must read: - buy the best quality for yourself!

Let's finally take a look at a few useful tips that will help you avoid problems.

In order not to think about how to clean the soleplate of the iron, remember these simple rules:

  • Set the ironing mode according to the information indicated on the product label;
  • Delicate fabrics - such as silk, wool - are best ironed through gauze;
  • Appliques on clothes are ironed only from the wrong side.

Want to avoid internal scale formation?

  • Be sure to use the built-in self-cleaning function if your device has one;
  • After each use of the equipment, wipe it with a cloth soaked in vinegar solution,
  • When not ironing, store the appliance vertically;
  • Fill the tank with distilled water only.

We explained in detail how and with what to clean the iron at home - study our articles, learn new things and take care household appliances so that she serves faithfully for many years.

Useful: - wash correctly.

A selection of video instructions

How and with what to clean the iron outside and inside from particles of burnt fabric, rust, scale, mold. Useful tips for all occasions!

A new iron, especially a well-equipped one, pleases with its excellent performance, sparkling surface, and cleanliness. But not for long. The first mistake - the wrong temperature was set for delicate fabric - and soot appeared, with which you can no longer iron things well.

Another problem awaits: after a short time, scale is discovered inside the device. Yes, it’s their own fault again: they poured untreated water into the steamer. But feeling guilty does not help solve the problem. How to clean an iron at home, whether and how to use chemical cleaners - this is what we’re talking about today.

What you have to clean

The device needs to be cleaned both inside and out. External surfaces are wiped regularly to remove dust and dirt. The lower part is freed from particles of burnt fabric and rust. Water container - from scale, and sometimes mold.

What types of soles are there?

The quality of ironing directly depends on the condition of the main part of the iron. The material from which it is made is important.

The most inexpensive are aluminum and stainless steel. They heat up quickly, but fabric fibers stick to them, forming carbon deposits. Therefore, modern electrical appliances have additional coatings - titanium, ceramic, sapphire, enamel, or even mixed, for example, ceramics with silicon or titanium with sapphire. Manufacturers are constantly experimenting, inventing new types of soles. For example, metal-ceramics stands out among the new products.

Modern coatings have pros and cons:

  • Titanium is durable, perfectly smooths out wrinkles, is scratch-resistant, and even metal buttons and locks are not afraid of it. But it takes a long time to warm up and is expensive.
  • Ceramics and glass ceramics glide perfectly, clean quickly, do not leave a shine on the fabric, and heat up evenly. But they are prone to cracks and chips.
  • Synthetics do not stick to Teflon, it glides easily even with low heat, but it can be easily scratched.
  • Ceramic metal irons well and is easy to clean, but it also requires very careful handling.
  • Sapphire is resistant to damage, but is expensive and does not heat up immediately.
  • Enamel coating is also expensive.

Experts and housewives, based on the combination of qualities, give the palm to stainless steel and ceramics. Let's look at how to clean the soleplate of your iron.

Getting rid of soot

The problem can occur with anything, even non-stick coating. If ironing proceeds without incident and melted synthetic does not stick to the sole, over time the work surface will still become dirty.

This impairs ironing efficiency and can also lead to singeing of thin fabrics and the appearance of stains on items. We'll tell you how to get rid of carbon deposits on any surface.

The main causes of carbon deposits are the wrong choice of temperature when working with different types of fabrics and holding the iron on the surface for a long time. A brownish layer of tiny particles of melted fabric, dyes, limescale. It is necessary to fight this evil, taking into account the material of the working surface of the iron. So, how to clean the soleplate of your iron at home.

Wet cloth

The oldest the simplest way How to clean an iron from burnt fabric is to rub the soleplate on a wet, thick cloth, heating the device to the highest temperature. This is what they do when soot has just appeared.

Special pencil

It is not difficult to remove newly appeared deposits using a chemical pencil if it was at hand at the time of the trouble.

They don’t wait for the iron to cool down, they simply unplug it. Press the pencil to the sole and smear the dirt. It will corrode, all that remains is to rub the working surface of the device on a lint-free cloth. Pencils of the ICE, Cinderella, Bon, Selena, and Snowter brands are sold in hardware stores.

If the iron uses steam, cleaning with a pencil is supplemented by releasing steam and cleaning the holes with cotton swabs. The final stroke is wiping all surfaces with a damp cloth and drying.

Work with gloves and with the window open, as the chemical pencil, when heated, emits a pungent odor. Before processing, find out whether the product is suitable for a particular type of sole.


How to clean if there is no special pencil in the house? Hydroperite tablets are used as an “ambulance”. Rub the heated sole with the product, wait for the coating to soften, and remove the residue with a dry cotton cloth.


Here's how to clean carbon deposits from your iron with vinegar. Table vinegar is half diluted with water, a napkin is moistened in the solution and the bottom of the cold iron is wiped. Steam holes are cleaned with cotton swabs soaked in the same solution.


Cleaning the soles from carbon deposits with soda is also not difficult. Prepare the pasta: 2 tsp. Baking soda is mixed with a few drops of table vinegar. Apply to warm sole and wipe with a cloth.

Cleaning with salt

Another common way to clean an iron from burnt marks on the soleplate. Coarse salt is poured onto a sheet of foil, white cardboard or a cotton towel (not a newspaper sheet) and “ironed” it with an iron heated to maximum. The carbon remains on the salt. Sometimes they simply put the iron on for a while while it is turned on. After turning off the device, wipe off the dirt, which is easily separated from the sole.

By the way

Any hardware store sells ironing cloth, through which it is recommended to iron items made of silk, viscose, synthetics, and wool. For the same purpose, use gauze, thin cotton fabric.

How to clean a ceramic and Teflon iron

The peculiarity of cleaning Teflon coating, like ceramics, is that they are afraid of mechanical impact. Therefore, any abrasive substances, including salt, are not suitable for cleaning. Liquid cleansers - yes. There are others besides those already listed.

The iron is heated slightly, then turned off, and the sole is rubbed with soap. The temperature melts it and softens the carbon deposits. Until it hardens again, wipe the sole. The steam holes are also cleaned. If the iron has cooled down, wash off the soap with water. Laundry soap for Teflon coatings is good as long as the deposit is fresh.


It also solves the question of how to clean the iron from burnt fabric. Heat up the electrical appliance and run chalk along the sole. Contaminants simply roll off the smooth surface. All that remains is to wipe the coating with a clean napkin.


How to clean the ceramic soleplate of an iron? If the burn on ceramic or Teflon is old, you will need concentrated vinegar. Wear rubber gloves. An old towel or terry napkin is moistened in a vinegar solution and the sole is wiped with force. You can immediately clean a burnt iron with diluted table vinegar. The holes are cleaned with cotton swabs. Then run the hot iron over the wet fabric several times.


Ammonia will not damage the fragile surface. He is taken to pure form, diluted with table vinegar or added to lemon juice. Clean with any of these compositions in the same way: moisten the fabric in liquid and treat the sole. If the dirt is old, leave the iron for several hours on a piece of cloth soaked in ammonia, then wipe clean.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide for soles with Teflon and ceramic coating is what you need. The iron is heated and the soleplate is wiped with peroxide. Then the unnecessary material is ironed. Only after this do they start ironing things.


It is common to remove traces of burnt synthetics or plastic with acetone to clean Teflon and ceramic coated soles. Apply a cotton pad soaked in acetone or nail polish remover to problem areas.

One way to remove burnt synthetics or plastic from these surfaces is to use a special glass ceramic cleaner. Apply, leave for a couple of minutes, remove with a damp cloth.


How to clean carbon deposits from an iron with toothpaste? White, without dyes, not gel will do. Squeeze it onto the soleplate and wipe it when the iron is not too hot.


When cleaning Teflon, ceramic, enamel and other “delicate” coatings, do not use hard brushes, metal scrapers or substances with scratching particles.

Now you know how to clean the ceramic soleplate of your iron, as well as the Teflon soleplate.

Cleaning durable surfaces

The soles made of titanium, stainless steel, and metal with sapphire coating are very durable, so abrasive substances can also be used when cleaning.

Salt is not harmful to hard surfaces; it acts as a kind of scrub. The salt poured onto a white paper sheet is “ironed” for a minute. It will darken and the sole will become clean.
Melted synthetic material from a strong surface can be scraped off with a wooden spatula.


Or rather, not the whole box, but only sulfur applied to the side. Use this area to gently rub the dirt on the sole.


Before use, place a slightly heated iron in a tray so that the wax applied to the sole and melted by the temperature flows into the container and not onto things. You can remove any remaining paraffin by ironing the unwanted fabric.

Dishwashing liquid

Take baking soda, dilute it with liquid, and apply the resulting slurry to a cold sole. Leave for 10 minutes, rub the surface, then remove the mass with a damp cloth.


Even such surfaces should not be cleaned with sharp objects, sandpaper or a knife should be used. Scratches on the soleplate may impair the performance of the device.

It's easier to warn

How to prevent scorch formation? Follow simple rules.

  • Pay attention to the warnings about the maximum permissible ironing temperature, follow it for each product.
  • Iron delicate items through wet gauze, cloth or a special device.
  • If the fabric is burned and its particles remain on the sole, immediately apply a thick, lint-free cloth soaked in cold water to this area. A sudden change in temperature will cause the burnt material to peel off from the metal.
  • Finish each ironing session by cleaning the working surface of the iron.

How to clean rust from an iron

Rust on the device appears when you pour tap water rather than distilled water for a long time.


They get rid of this scourge by pouring anti-scale agent into the body, diluted with water according to the instructions. The iron is heated and left for half an hour. The scale dissolves. The iron is washed and started to be used.


Silit cleaning agent can also help. It is poured into the holes of the sole, heating and turning the iron over. Return the device to its normal state and dirty liquid will begin to pour out of the holes. Wash and wipe the electrical appliance. Pour water into the reservoir. Heat the iron again and turn on the steam mode. Wipe the surface with a cloth.


Here's how to clean rust from an iron with vinegar. Acid removes well various pollution, will also cope with rust. A rag is soaked in vinegar and the contaminated areas are rubbed with force. The vinegar will evaporate and you will have to re-wet it. After cleaning, heat the iron and iron the unnecessary flap.

The strength of vinegar can be increased by dissolving salt in it. Processing is standard. Using the same solution, use cotton swabs to clean the holes.

Ways to descale an iron at home

Untreated water causes scale to form inside the tank. Under the influence of temperature, magnesium and calcium salts fall out of it into an insoluble precipitate. As a result, the holes become clogged with hard particles, steam escapes with difficulty, and brown spots appear on things. How to descale your iron?

Dissolve a teaspoon of powder in 200 ml of hot water and pour into the iron reservoir. Turn on the device itself, setting the highest temperature. When it gets hot, turn it off. Hold the iron over the container and start steaming. Repeat several times, then pour out the remaining solution. Pour clean water and repeat all steps. Wipe the work surface with a soft cloth. Thus, with the help of citric acid you can get rid of scale for a long time.

If the work surface has been treated, but there are particles of salts left in the holes, lemon will help here. Soak gauze in the solution and place the electrical appliance on it for 10 minutes. Then heat it and iron the fabric flap. This is a common way to clean a steam iron from scale.


These special products were invented to combat limescale in household appliances. This is, for example, Antiscale. Here's how to remove scale using them.

Dilute 2 tablespoons of the product in a glass of water and pour it into the iron reservoir. Leave for half an hour, heat the device again, and steam several times. Then rinse the tank and wipe all parts with a dry towel.


New generation devices have a self-cleaning function. Fill the tank with water, turn on the iron, heat it to maximum, after automatic shutdown, repeat heating and press the appropriate button. Steam will escape from the holes along with contaminants. Prepare a container in advance into which the dirty liquid will drain. During the cleaning process, the iron is shaken vigorously so that the scale comes out faster. Then the sole is washed and wiped dry.


Here's how to descale your iron using a hot bath. An unplugged iron is placed horizontally in a metal container on wooden sticks so that the working surface does not come into contact with the bottom of the dish. 200 ml of vinegar are combined with a liter of water and poured into a container. Only the sole should be in the water.

Place the container on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. Hot water and vinegar will clean out the holes. Turn off the heat, allow the water to cool, then repeat the process. Take out the iron, rinse with clean water, and allow to dry in an upright position.

How to descale your iron with a product designed to combat limescale.

Heat the iron and turn it off. Hold in an inverted position and instill the product into each hole. When rust begins to appear, wipe with a damp cloth. Then pour water into the tank, heat the iron and turn on the steam mode at least three times. Wipe the surface with a cloth.

Cleaning up “foreigners”

“How to clean the inside of a Tefal iron from scale at home?”, “How to clean a Philips iron from scale?” - housewives ask.

Tefal and Philips brand irons are very common. Most models have a special container that collects scale. To clean such an iron from limescale, you need to remove the container from its slot, rinse and dry, and then put it back in place.

If we are talking about an iron with a steamer, you will need sparkling mineral water to remove scale for cleaning. It is poured into the tank and the iron is turned on at full power. When the water has completely evaporated, repeat the procedure, but with clean water.

Preventive measures

Now let's look at how to prevent scale formation.

  • Fill your iron with steamer with distilled or bottled water. As a last resort - passed through a filter or settled.
  • To prevent scale from forming, pour out any remaining water from the reservoir after ironing.
  • Twice a month, turn on the self-cleaning function of the device.
  • After ironing, wipe the iron with a damp cloth on all sides, clean the steam chamber, clean the safety valve or anti-lime rod.
  • Periodically clean the electrical appliance from scale and rust.

How to clean the inside of an iron from mold

If you are lazy and fill the iron reservoir with tap water, mold may appear inside. When ironing, spots on the fabric of gray or green color will tell about it. How to clean mold from a steam iron? Get rid of her in different ways.


It reacts with fungal spores, cleans the surface and protects against new formations.

The treatment is carried out with the window open, wearing gloves. For one part of the product take 10 parts of water. Pour the solution into the tank, leave for half an hour, then heat the iron and turn on the steamer. Mold particles along with the solution will come out through the holes. It is necessary to rinse the tank with distilled water.

This is a natural product without toxins. Borax is diluted in water (proportion 1:10), the solution is poured into the tank, cleaned with a brush, and the remaining fungal spores are washed off with distilled water. No need to wipe.

Mineral water

It is poured into the compartment, the iron is plugged in, and heated to maximum temperature. Hold the device over the basin and turn on the steam release button several times. When the mineral water has evaporated, pour in clean boiled water and repeat the steps.

You can also clean the tank using vinegar, baking soda, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide.

So, you have learned many ways to effectively clean your iron from burnt fabric, burning, rust, mold, and scale inside at home. The methods are simple and accessible.

Preventing pollution is not just an aesthetic requirement. An appliance whose holes are blocked by scale and whose soleplate is contaminated with carbon deposits works less efficiently and damages things. You can clean it using industrial and home remedies.

It is important to act carefully and take into account the features of the working surface. Cleaning should be carried out regularly, in this case it is easier to get rid of dirt.

An iron, no matter how “advanced” it may be, needs systematic care. During use, the sole may get dirty, and you will hardly want to walk it over the silk of your favorite blouse. To put off going to the store for a long time to buy a new appliance, we offer you a list of ways to clean your iron yourself.

Cleaning the sole, depending on the material

There are many recipes on how to clean your iron at home. Each method is applicable depending on what material the surface of the iron is made of.

  • The Teflon-coated device can be easily cleaned with vinegar essence.
  • An iron with a ceramic coating or metal ceramics should be cleaned with a special pencil or non-abrasive products.
  • Chrome or aluminum soles are washed with a wooden spatula or a plastic brush.

Ways to clean the soleplate of an iron with salt

To choose the optimal method of care, you need to study the basic methods of dealing with soot. The most popular option is salt.

  1. If the iron is burnt, sprinkle a handful of table salt on a thick sheet of paper or cardboard. Heat the device strongly, move it over the salt crystals until the carbon deposits fall off it.
  2. Pour a handful of salt into folded gauze or any other soft cloth and thoroughly wipe the stained area. Don't forget to heat up your iron before doing this.
  3. Sprinkle salt on a sole that is slightly dirty and rub vigorously with a rough, damp cloth until the surface is clean.

Important! Teflon electrical appliances cannot be cleaned with salt.

Alternative cleaning methods

You can quite successfully get rid of burnt marks on the sole using the simplest methods.

  • Paraffin candle. Wrap a paraffin candle in a thick cotton cloth and scrub the device with this device. The candle will melt when heated, so the working surface should be tilted so that hot wax dripped onto the tray. This is most relevant if you are cleaning a steam iron and it has holes. Paraffin, getting into them, will heat up over time, leak out and ruin the clothes. After completing the procedure, wipe the sole, removing dirt and paraffin.

  • Vinegar. Soak a cotton swab or cloth in vinegar and rub it on the problem areas of the iron. To combat severe stains, you can add ammonia to vinegar in a 1/1 ratio. It is important that the iron cannot be heated in this case. Use a rough cloth to remove any remaining product.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton swab with this product and wipe the surface. There is practically no smell during processing.

  • Special pencil. A special pencil will help remove burnt fabric from an electrical ironing device. Turn on the device, warm it up thoroughly, turn it off and clean off any burnt marks with a pencil. It will start in a while chemical reaction, and after its completion, the softened carbon deposits can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

  • You can clean the unit with sulfur from a matchbox. Turn on the iron and run the iron over the surface.
  • Nail polish remover. How to clean an iron if a piece of polyethylene is stuck to it? Regular acetone will help. When processing, do not touch the plastic parts of the device, as the liquid may damage them.
  • Foil. The Teflon coating will be cleaned if you iron the foil for 5-7 minutes.

Important! Never use a knife, sandpaper or other sharp objects to wash or remove burnt marks. This will mercilessly scratch the coating and lead to its failure.

  • To clean the steam outlet holes, soak a cotton swab in vinegar, insert it into the hole, and twist it. This way, you will remove dirt that interferes with the full operation of the device. After cleaning, go over the holes with clean cotton swabs.

Some large iron manufacturers, such as Tefal, Philips or Rowenta, produce special non-stick pads for delicate ironing. It quickly and painlessly irons delicate fabrics such as silk, linen, printed designs, appliques and others. These accessories are made from high quality steel, so they are durable and strong.

How to prevent dirt from appearing on the soles

It is easier to prevent contamination from appearing on the device than to deal with it.

  • Maintain proper temperature conditions. For silk, 110 degrees is enough, for cotton items - 200 degrees, and for wool - no more than 140. Many do not pay due attention to this rule, and this can affect the condition of the items and the iron.
  • Make it a rule to turn off the electrical appliance immediately after finishing work.
  • To avoid having to clean the surface from plaque, after every 3-4 ironing, wipe the sole with a cloth soaked in citric acid diluted with water.
  • If the surface is clean, but still does not slip, you can correct the situation with the help of paraffin. Grate it, mix it with salt and pour everything into the newspaper. Cover with a thin napkin and iron with a hot iron. If necessary, the manipulation is repeated, because this method does not harm the material.

How to descale an iron

If red spots appear on clothes when ironing, and the steam function begins to function poorly, then most likely scale has appeared in it. Three effective recipes will help you remove it.

Self-cleaning function

Modern models of electrical appliances are equipped with a descaling system in advance. If you do not fully understand the purpose of a particular button on the unit, then hurry up and look through the instructions. It may be that you are the happy owner of such a device. To properly clean, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. In general, the scheme of action is as follows.

  1. Pour the maximum volume of water into the designated tank.
  2. Set the temperature regulator to maximum.
  3. The device heats up, then cools down and heats up again.
  4. Tilt the unit over a bowl or sink.
  5. After pressing the magic self-cleaning button, the scale disappears from the steam vents.

Rinse the reservoir after the procedure with clean water and wipe the device dry.

Citric acid

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of citric acid (20-30g) in a glass of water.
  2. Pour the solution into the reservoir.
  3. Heat the device to maximum.
  4. Shake the unit vigorously several times and press the button that releases the steam.

The manipulation must be carried out over a container, because scale leaves the iron in dark splashes along with steam. Rinse the container and wipe dry.

Mineral water with gas

Included mineral waters includes acids that help dissolve scale inside the unit. Just do the manipulations given above.

How to prevent scale formation

To avoid having to clean scale deposits later, monitor the quality of the liquid you pour into the container. Best for ironing with steam:

  • Bottled water, which can be purchased at any grocery store.
  • Distilled water. Can be purchased at any gas station.
  • Water purified by a home household filter.
  • Settled water from the tap. In just a few hours, the salts will precipitate.

Remember that timely prevention will extend the life of electrical appliances. Learn the principles of proper ironing, read the tags on clothes and never leave the appliance turned on unattended. If an emergency situation arises, the simple and effective recipes suggested above will help you.

Video: Cleaning the iron using traditional methods inside and out

There are several ways to clean the soleplate of a ceramic-coated iron, but great care must be taken. In order not to damage the device, you need to learn the rules for cleaning the sole.

Features of cleaning a ceramic iron from carbon deposits

When using a ceramic iron, sooner or later carbon deposits will form on the soleplate. The cause may be too much use of the appliance, incorrect temperatures or careless ironing.

One way or another, the burnt marks on the sole must be cleaned; it reduces the quality of ironing and can leave unsightly marks on clothes.

Before cleaning your ceramic iron, you need to familiarize yourself with important rules device care:

  1. The ceramic sole is very sensitive to abrasive influences. Therefore, under no circumstances should it be rubbed or scraped with coarse powders; microscopic scratches will remain on the surface, which will negatively affect the quality of ironing.
  2. It is best to clean ceramic soles with liquid products or special pencils with a non-abrasive surface; solutions based on even soft powders should be used in extreme cases.
  3. Ceramic-coated surfaces can only be cleaned when cold or warm, except in rare cases. You cannot treat hot ceramics with household or chemical products; first you need to let it cool and then clean it.
  4. When cleaning, even a cold device must be unplugged from the outlet so that interaction with moisture does not cause an accidental electric shock.
  5. When cleaning the soles, you need to handle the household appliance carefully and carefully; ceramics are highly fragile. If a wet iron slips out of your hands or hits a surface, this can lead to chips and cracks in its soleplate.
  6. Any burn that has formed on the surface of the device should be removed immediately, without waiting for the dirt to become stronger and spread over the sensitive surface.

Important! To ensure that the sole remains clean longer and there is no need to clean it, it is advisable to strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using the device.

How to clean a ceramic iron using traditional methods

You can clean a ceramic iron at home using cheap household products with an aggressive chemical composition. When used, they corrode dirt and make it easy to clean off carbon deposits without damaging the sole itself.

How to clean a ceramic iron with laundry soap

Laundry soap helps to clean fresh burnt marks on the surface of the device; it contains fats and alkalis that are good at breaking down complex contaminants. The household appliance must be unplugged after ironing, wait until it is completely cold, and then gently rub it with a bar of soap.

The product is left on the surface of the device for about half an hour so that the soap has time to absorb the dirt. Then you need to wipe the device with a clean damp cloth, both soap and carbon deposits will come off almost effortlessly. At the end of the procedure, wipe the device with a dry cloth.

How to clean a ceramic iron with vinegar

Table vinegar gives a good effect when removing carbon deposits from the ceramic surface of an iron; it dissolves not only fresh dirt, but also old carbon deposits that have been ingrained into the ceramic surface.

You can clean the device as follows:

  • the iron is plugged in and heated up, and then turned off again;
  • wait until the sole cools down to a lukewarm state;
  • A small amount of vinegar is applied to a cotton pad and the contaminated areas are vigorously wiped.

The device treated with vinegar can be left for 20 minutes in a vertical position, and then the remaining product can be removed with a damp sponge. Vinegar also works well to remove burnt marks in holes on ceramic soles; the indentations are treated with a moistened cotton swab.

After cleaning, you need to turn on the dried device and iron the unnecessary fabric for a test, this will make sure that there are no traces of vinegar left on the surface.

How to clean a ceramic iron with hydrogen peroxide

Unusual, but effective way suggests cleaning burnt marks with hydrogen peroxide.

Cleaning is carried out as follows:

  • take a small piece of clean natural fabric, linen is best suited;
  • the fabric is generously moistened with peroxide and laid out on an ironing board;
  • The device is heated and the wet material is ironed.

You need to iron the cloth soaked in peroxide for several minutes until the carbon deposits completely come off the coating. If traces of dirt remain in the holes, they are additionally treated with a cotton swab coated with hydrogen peroxide.

How to clean a ceramic iron sole with toothpaste

Toothpaste belongs to the category of abrasives. However, it does not damage even sensitive tooth enamel and is even more safe for ceramic coatings.

You can clean your household appliance with paste like this:

  • apply a little product to the barely warm sole;
  • spread over the surface with a cotton pad or clean cloth;
  • Rub the burnt areas firmly but gently.

The paste is left until completely dry, and then removed with a damp sponge and wiped with a dry cloth. After treatment, there should be no white residue left on the sole; be especially careful in removing any remaining paste from the holes on the surface of the coating.

How to clean the ceramic surface of an iron with acetone

Acetone or any cosmetic and household product containing it helps well against severe stains. The sole with traces of soot is completely cooled, then a little acetone is applied to a cotton pad and the surface is wiped.

Since acetone is a powerful solvent, it can easily remove carbon deposits and other contaminants, even if the burnt particles appeared on the sole a long time ago.

Attention! Before cleaning the coating of the device with acetone, you need to put on household gloves and cover your face with a mask. Inhaling chemical vapors or touching them with bare hands is harmful to your health.

How to clean a ceramic iron from burning with ammonia

Ammonia solution is an effective remedy against stubborn stains. Ammonia can also deal with burnt marks; it can be used in its pure form or in combination with table vinegar.

To clean the surface of an iron with a ceramic coating, you need to moisten a cotton pad or a porous soft sponge with ammonia, wipe the entire soleplate with light pressure, and especially carefully clean areas with carbon deposits. The surface of the sole should be cold or slightly warm, but not hot. After treating with ammonia, the coating should be wiped with a regular dampened rag and wiped until dry.

Since ammonia emits a pungent odor and emits caustic fumes, it is recommended to wear a mask when working with it, and protect your hands with rubber gloves.

How to remove carbon deposits from a ceramic iron with soda

Another gentle but effective remedy for cleaning carbon deposits is baking soda. It is used in two ways:

  1. In the form of a solution. Dilute a teaspoon of soda in a small amount of heated water, stir until completely dissolved, and then soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe the sole. This method works well to remove fresh dirt.
  2. As a wet powder. If the burn is old and dried, then you can pour baking soda onto a damp cloth to get a soft paste, and then carefully rub the stain. There is no need to apply excessive force, otherwise even softened powder will damage the sensitive surface.

Advice! In the latter case, the device treated with soda can be left to stand for 15-20 minutes, then the alkaline agent will better penetrate the structure of the carbon deposits on the coating.

How to clean a ceramic iron with lemon juice

Citric acid has a powerful effect on carbon deposits; it corrodes dirt and makes it easy to remove it from the ceramic coating. To clean a household appliance from burnt marks, you need to cut a ripe lemon in half, squeeze it over a cotton swab and thoroughly wipe the surface with the resulting juice. It is best to use lemon juice on fresh dirt, then you can clean the coating in just a few minutes.

How to clean the ceramic coating of an iron using specialized products

If you are unable to clean the soleplate of your ceramic-coated iron using household chemicals, you can resort to proven chemicals:

All of the listed products act very gently on dirt and do not harm the spraying; they can be used without fear.


You can clean the soleplate of a ceramic-coated iron without much effort, especially if the carbon deposits are fresh. But you can only use soft and gentle products, otherwise the iron itself will suffer during the cleaning process.

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