How to celebrate a child’s one year anniversary in nature ideas. How to celebrate your baby's first birthday

Good time to everyone gathered on my blog. Today I will please young parents interesting ideas How to celebrate your child's 1st birthday.

Although, this topic will be relevant for godparents and grandparents. So sit back, read and bookmark this article.

Organization of a children's party in a cafe

Of course, of all possible options, this is the simplest, but also the most expensive.

It is clear that if financial capabilities allow, then holding a birthday in a cafe is an ideal option. Mom will be fresh and rested, guests will be entertained by a professional host, and waiters will watch the table. You won't have to worry about the music or the dishes.

What should you worry about in advance?

  1. Hall decoration. To give the holiday a thematic focus, prepare the decorations in advance. You can contact a company that organizes children's parties and they will decorate the hall in advance. Your guests will only be surprised and delighted by your taste and great ideas.
  2. Thinking through menu, consider the age and preferences of all guests. If children are invited, you can put a separate one for them. children's table with sweet snacks and drinks.
  3. Take care of good music and photographs holiday.

Celebrating at home: fun and cozy

Yes, of course, ordering a restaurant, animators and professional presenters is great! But what to do if the budget is very tight, but you want to celebrate by inviting your loved ones to the celebration?

Don’t be upset, because you can also organize a fun and unforgettable holiday at home. Of course, it will take much more effort and time to organize the event, but the preparation itself also has its own certain charm.

By contacting a professional agency for organizing holidays, you will be deprived of the opportunity to independently create a holiday atmosphere for your baby and invited guests.

So where should you start?

Planning is everything to us. We will have to take everything into account so that the holiday is fun and without unforeseen troubles and inconsistencies. If you are not entirely confident in your abilities, seek help from best friend or mom. Try to distribute the responsibilities for organizing the party.

We are making a guest list. This is a very important part, which will give a complete picture of the scale of the event and determine all further organization.

We are preparing an invitation. It is very nice and memorable to send out an invitation to all your guests. Can:

  • order them from a professional studio;
  • use templates (printed from the Internet);
  • Together with my husband, I will create cute and funny invitations by hand.

Which option to choose is up to you. But if you have the time, energy and creativity, then handwritten invitations are a memory for grandparents and godparents for life.

An original idea would be if you put the author’s flourish of the baby’s hand on each invitation. To do this, just dip your palm in finger paints and touch the finished invitation with it.

Decorate your invitations with ribbons, bright buttons, corrugated colored paper - there are no limits to your imagination here.

Or you can roll up the invitation in the form of papyrus and tie it to a balloon.

Thinking through the menu

A very important stage in preparing the holiday. Try to take into account the tastes of all invited guests.

If among them there are vegetarians, diabetics, or allergy sufferers, then it is worth considering alternative dishes. Everyone should have a tasty and satisfying meal at the birthday party of the little birthday boy.

Of course, if you plan to invite fifty guests, then you won’t be able to prepare the holiday menu alone. There are 2 ways out of this situation:

1st option. We turn to friends for help. If the degree of proximity allows, ask friends and relatives to come with festive dish. It’s not difficult to prepare one option for them, and putting them all together will make a chic table. You need to schedule in advance for everyone who is cooking what.

2nd option. We invite a female chef. Nowadays you can find a good, inexpensive chef through an agency or an advertisement who will prepare the entire holiday menu. Of course, this is a more expensive option, but much cheaper than a cafe. And you won’t bother your guests.

Advice: don’t take the entire feast on yourself. Even if you are currently full of strength, enthusiasm and determination, you should not be a hero. You already have enough trouble on the day of the holiday.

Your task is to look fresh, rested, cheerful and entertain guests. Agree, they don’t need to see a tired, exhausted housewife who was cutting Olivier in the kitchen until 4 o’clock in the morning.

Thinking through home decoration

The day before the scheduled day, clean the house and start decorating it. Buy bright ones balloons, use pom-poms made of paper and ribbon.

Let everything around say that a baby is celebrating his first birthday in this house! Guests, upon crossing the threshold, will freeze in admiration and immediately be charged with a positive mood.

Organize a photo area for guests. Now this is a fashionable attribute of any party. Decorate a corner of your house in an unusual and original way. Hang photos of the baby there, prepare funny props for the photo. These could be hats, boas, mustaches on sticks, funny glasses made of paper.

Even the most strict and embarrassed guests will quickly loosen up and succumb to the general fun. And how pleasant it will be for everyone to look at such photographs later.

Thinking through the entertainment part

This is the most important part of the organization, without which not a single holiday would be possible.

You can order a children's animator at home. This will be especially interesting for little guests who will be happy to take part in competitions, play with soap bubbles, jump with a ball and sing.

Or you can write your own script, demonstrating your talent as a presenter. If everything goes fun and easy, be prepared to work as a toastmaster for everyone for 5 years family holidays- you are provided)))

What should you consider when organizing the entertainment part?

Take care of the musical design of the party. These can be children's songs from everyone's favorite cartoons and children's films.

This kind of music creates a festive mood and puts everyone in a cheerful, cheerful mood.

Celebrating a children's holiday in nature

I especially like this format of the holiday, however, it is only possible for those families whose birthday children were born in the summer.

What's the main thing here?

  1. Think over a picnic menu. It should be light and unpretentious. No need to make salads, complex casseroles, etc. Prepare more vegetables, snacks and traditional kebabs.
  2. Consider the children's menu too. These can be healthy sweets and fruits. As for drinks, the amount of alcohol, of course, is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Just don’t forget that this is still children's party.
  3. Organize outdoor games. The most stupid and childish games can do this: jumping in bags or jumping rope, inflating soap bubbles and popping balloons. And what? The birthday boy is 1 year old - let those gathered entertain him!

You can arrange a fun and unusual photo session in nature. Since you save significantly on renting a hall and cafe, you can order a professional photographer.

I'll end here. Found interesting and useful ideas? Share the link on social networks with your friends! Subscribe to the blog and don't miss new articles. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Birthday is a holiday that is always looked forward to, regardless of age, social status and gender of the person. Naturally, you want to spend this day in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time both by the birthday boy and his guests. But if for an adult the question of where and how to celebrate the holiday is not particularly important, then for a child this can be a significant problem.

Each parent chooses where and how to spend their own child’s birthday.

But if you organize a celebration for children, then this also has its difficulties. For example, older children have their own idols and heroes and, based on this, the birthday can be themed according to the preferences of the little birthday boy. But what if the child is still too young to independently voice where and how he wants to celebrate the holiday? This is exactly the question that faces the parents of a one-year-old baby.

How to celebrate a child's one year anniversary

Considering the specifics of the celebration and the age of the birthday person, the question of how to celebrate a birthday can significantly puzzle parents. But this event is very significant in everyone’s life and therefore it is best to prepare for it in advance.

Naturally, parents want to celebrate their child’s first year in a fun and memorable way, even though the baby doesn’t understand it yet. It is precisely because of the child’s age that some birthday scenarios can be safely crossed off the list. Balloons, clowns and animators are unlikely to impress a one-year-old baby, but they can certainly please all those invited, because everyone dreams of returning to childhood.

In order to celebrate your child’s one year anniversary, you can consider several options such as:

  • holiday at home with family;
  • outside the city;
  • picnic (in summer).

Of course, the choice is small, but if you plan everything in advance, then you can make an unforgettable holiday from these options.

During the cold season, you can celebrate the holiday at home.

We arrange a celebration in nature

But how can you plan a holiday so that you don’t forget anything and everyone has fun? Let's talk about this.

  1. First you need to decide on the venue. If you plan to celebrate your birthday outdoors, then you must first check the weather forecast so as not to change plans at the last moment due to bad weather. You need to decide in advance on the exact place where the holiday will take place (it could be a simple picnic, a dacha or a country house).
  2. Equally important is the guest list. Considering that this is the baby’s first birthday, there will be a lot of guests. But this is all at the discretion of the parents. In this case, there are also two options for celebration. You can celebrate, so to speak, in two stages, separately inviting only close relatives (grandparents, great-grandparents), and making a separate celebration for friends and acquaintances. If opportunities allow, then it would be best to combine all friends and relatives and celebrate one big holiday.
  3. After the guest list has been compiled and everyone has been notified of the upcoming event, it is worth taking care of the menu. It is worth noting that any holiday in nature involves active recreation and, naturally, the supply of food should be sufficient. But when preparing, you should not forget that this is still a celebration of a child and it is necessary to add “children’s” products to the menu. It is worth taking more fruits and vegetables. You can make homemade sweets. Naturally, no birthday would be complete without a birthday cake. Even if the celebration is held outdoors, you can’t do without such a dessert with festive candles.
  4. Decoration of the venue. First you need to determine who exactly will be at the holiday. If there are more children, then ceremonial decoration is a must. You need to buy balloons holiday ribbons and firecrackers. IN summer period You can prepare a pool in which you can swim. The first birthday should be celebrated in such a way that everyone remembers it.
  5. A birthday in nature can be celebrated in such a way that everyone, both adults and children, will be satisfied. It is necessary to prepare various competitions and games in advance; you can buy small symbolic souvenirs as a prize for those who feel in the competition. This will be an additional reminder of past name days.

If you plan to celebrate your birthday outdoors, then you must first check the weather forecast so as not to change plans at the last moment due to bad weather.

First birthday traditions

Naturally, the scenario for celebrating a first birthday can be the most unpredictable, but there are a number of traditions that are observed everywhere and always. It is precisely such insignificant little things that determine that a child celebrates such a holiday for the first time. These traditions are unchanged and are passed on from generation to generation.

So, for example, a baby is seated on the floor and certain objects are laid out in front of him, which symbolize various prosperity in the future. Some items symbolize the following:

  • money – prosperity in life;
  • keys to an apartment or car - the presence of this in the future;
  • books – high erudition, knowledge;
  • cup - long life;
  • flowers - happy family life;
  • sports accessories are a success in this area.

Subjects can be very different and their meaning is also different, depending on what the parents want for their child in the future. After the objects are laid out in a row, the child must take several objects in turn. Those objects that are the first to be in the hands of a child will symbolize his future destiny.

This is one of the most common traditions for celebrating a baby’s first birthday. But you can also create your own, which will be repeated from year to year only at the celebration of this person’s birthday. You can, for example, annually release the number of balloons that is equal to the age of the birthday person. Instead of balloons, you can launch sky lanterns into the sky.

As an analogue, you can give symbolic gifts to both the birthday boy and guests. After the birthday party, you can make a collage of photographs. This will be a good reminder of the celebration.

Parents want to celebrate their child’s first year in a fun and memorable way, even though the baby doesn’t understand it yet.

To celebrate a holiday in nature, you can make a congratulatory tree. To do this, you need to choose a small tree and have each invitee write their congratulations and wishes on a small card in the shape of a heart or star and attach it to this tree.

After the holiday, you can collect all these wishes and keep them until next year. It wouldn’t hurt to film the entire celebration, because after many years everyone will be interested to see how the first birthday in their life was spent.


Before organizing a holiday in nature, you need to go to this place in advance and prepare the area. Considering the age of the child and then. Since it is already quite active, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary things from the ground. This will help keep the baby safe. It is necessary to remove all excess debris and possible sharp dry branches that a child might stumble upon.

It will be good if the birthday boy has previously been to the area where the holiday will be held, this will eliminate the possibility that the baby will be scared and will behave calmly and cheerfully. After all, parents and guests are unlikely to like spending time in nature with constant a crying child who cannot be calmed down by anything. It wouldn’t hurt to think about the trip home, because after a fun celebration everyone will be tired, and a quick return home will only be a plus in such a situation.

Naturally, each parent chooses where and how to spend their own child’s birthday. Perhaps the children themselves do not always want to mark according to one or another scenario, but at this age they are unlikely to understand much, and they will not be able to explain it. Before organizing this kind of event, you need to weigh the pros and cons; perhaps in a calmer environment the event will be calmer and more fun.

A birthday is a unique holiday that must be celebrated in such a way that it will be remembered until next year and it does not matter at all how old the birthday person is.

Of course, this is, first of all, mother’s holiday. She gave birth, she nursed, she changed diapers, rejoiced at the first word and the first step.

When thinking about how to celebrate a child’s one-year anniversary, many mothers settle on the decision to throw a party for adults. Many, realizing that the baby is still small, refuse any kind of celebration altogether. And yet, such a happy event must be celebrated, because after it there will be at least an album with photographs.

The main thing is to have fun

You need to come up with a special scenario for celebrating your child’s anniversary. All those invited are not strangers. What if everyone is awarded a certificate or diploma on behalf of the baby? This will be pleasant for the local doctor, and for the godparents, and for the beloved grandmother.

It's interesting to arrange fun competition“What does the baby look like?” Let everyone write their own version on a piece of paper, and then mom will read: “Our Christina is three times like grandma Varya, five times like dad, twice like mom and three times like grandpa Vitya.” Or, for example, hold a “Libra” competition. Of course, for this competition the birthday person must be in good mood. Each of the guests picks up the baby and guesses what the baby’s weight is. The one who is closest to the truth wins. You can also guess the baby's height in the same way. The winner is awarded a chocolate medal with the baby's name.

Celebrating one year anniversary in a cafe

By the way, when thinking about where to celebrate your child’s birthday, you may decide that it is not necessary to celebrate the anniversary at home. Shouldn't we rent a room in a cafe? A cafe with a children's playground will be a convenient place for both children and adults.

Some establishments specialize in working with the smallest children. A birthday party at a children's center or in a family restaurant can be fun, calm and even enchanting. I want the birthday boy to have the opportunity to crawl somewhere, so you need to take care of this moment in advance. While the food is being prepared in a good family restaurant, the children are entertained in the playroom by a nanny. The rented hall can be decorated with a “train”, on each train of which a story will be told about each month of the birthday person. The menu of such cafes even includes dishes for babies under 1 year old! All sorts of porridges, soups, purees and teas. If you wish, you can order one animator, for example, a child’s “favorite bear”. Adults can come in costumes, armed with rattles and surround the baby with attention.

In the pool and outdoors

How about celebrating in the pool? If a child loves to swim, then why not? You can get together in a small group at a club. Where there is a bar and a swimming pool for the little ones. The baby will go swimming with loved ones, and adults can visit the bar with him for a short time. It is not recommended to drag out such a holiday, an hour and a half maximum. But how nice it is to dress up your daughter as a Mermaid and give her pleasure!

Many mothers draw so-called wall newspapers dedicated to the baby. This is good, and you can’t stop your imagination! But it's not worth it family tree depict in large format. It’s not very convenient to store such a newspaper, but how nice it is, how you want to keep it as a keepsake. In addition, you can take a small wall newspaper with you anywhere, for example, out into the fresh air.

There are certain places for organizing holidays in nature. There is everything you need: tables and even barbecues. But you can find a secluded place. Somewhere on the edge of a forest or by a river. The trees are decorated with hearts, toys, photographs and garlands. In the fresh air, the birthday boy has the opportunity to sleep, so if the baby is not restless, then the celebration is celebrated for a long time. Organizing competitions in the fresh air is even more interesting than at home. For example, the competition “Who can spit out the pacifier next.” Or “Who will be the first to drink juice from a baby bottle.”

When arranging a holiday in a place unusual for the baby, you need to provide everything necessary. It will be very difficult if the baby gets scared or behaves restlessly. It is very important that the birthday person feels good, because this is his holiday. You need to think in advance about the possibility of quickly returning home if it is urgently needed. It's good if you have your own vehicle.

That’s why they try to invite guests to their apartment, because home is calmer.

How to celebrate your baby's anniversary at home

When deciding how to celebrate your child’s one-year anniversary at home, you should think about how to decorate the house and... The easiest way to decorate the room in which the celebration will take place is with photographs of the baby. After all, without a doubt, there have been a lot of them this year. Flowers, balloons, ribbons, plush toys - all this can also serve as decoration.

When celebrating a birthday at home, you must warn guests about both the time of arrival and the possible time of departure. Don't be shy. Among the invitees there may be people who have never had children. They may not understand if they start being kicked out of the house at the moment when they are just having a blast.

Parents will be interested to know that for thousands of years there has been such a ritual as tonsure. This is what is associated with the anniversary of his life. But initially this pagan ritual was performed only for boys. The moment they turned seven years old.


This ritual symbolized the transition of a child from mother to father. Dad had to teach his son the family trade. It is believed that it is impossible to cut a child's hair until he is one year old. Many women take this belief extremely seriously. It happens that the baby’s overgrown hair is already tied with rubber bands. It is customary to cut your hair for the first time when you are one year old. That is why the ancient rite of tonsure is now performed at one year old, both for girls and boys!

The dedication takes place very solemnly. The father or godfather cuts the child's hair in an even cross, which symbolizes the Sun, Yarilo. Then the parents keep this hair.

According to one of the many versions, hair must be burned, floated or buried in the ground. The strand symbolizes the fate of the child, so they say: “Fire-brother (Earth-mother, Water-sister), grant our baby happiness and a happy destiny.” After this, the baby is seated on a sheepskin cover, and various things are laid out around him to find out what profession the baby will choose in the future.

For example, scissors symbolize a tailor. Sweets for the confectioner, money for the businessman. Whatever the baby picks up first, this is the specialty he will prefer.

Of course, the ritual greatly entertains all the adults who came to the holiday, and can become part of fun scenario. Since the custom is very ancient, you can decorate the house in folk style, and dress the child in folk clothes.

For you, for dad and for mom

There is no need to crowd the table with culinary delights that cannot be given to the little one to try. You can't refuse the birthday boy.

Of course, the most incredible and festive dish on the table can be a cake. It is decorated with one large designer candle. The cake is made with a “skirt”, and in the form of a car, and in the form of your favorite fairy-tale characters.

You will definitely want to capture this masterpiece on video or photograph it. It is important not to forget that these photos, like group photos, need to be taken at the beginning of “Yearmania”. While the baby is in a good mood and is not tired of the guests.

Therefore, if mom is used to serving sweets at the very end, then it is worth considering that festive table For a one year old child it should be served immediately with the cake. The cake is placed in the center of the table or next to the birthday person. The most important point when setting a table is the choice of tablecloth. After all, she will be the first to attract attention. A red, pink, blue or light blue tablecloth will look nice. After all, it has long been known that it is the pink and blue colors that become decisive in determining the sex of a baby by adults. This is already a tradition. A bright light green tablecloth would also look good.

Chairs can be decorated with ribbons, and a beautiful napkin with a children's theme can be placed next to each plate. Dishes are decorated in a fun, fabulous, children's style. Animal faces and funny faces of clowns will create the most suitable atmosphere and make adults remember their childhood. Improvised baby carriages are made from watermelon and pumpkin, into which fruits or salads are placed. You can choose a theme: fairy, pirate, captain, princess, butterfly. Based on the theme, a tablecloth, napkins, design elements are selected, and all dishes are decorated. But if there is no desire or time, then the emphasis on the theme of the holiday is made easier. Instead of traditional glasses and glasses, guests are offered baby food jars.

Dishes for babies over one year old can be very tasty and festive. This includes sponge cake, banana cake, meatballs, pepper appetizer, cottage cheese balls, and chicken cutlets. Is it worth treating guests to banal Olivier? Let them try delicious and healthy baby food.

The baby is unlikely to remember the holiday. No matter how original the celebration may be, the parents are organizing it for themselves. Therefore, the main thing that should be remembered is a good mood.

In fact, there is one correct answer that lies right on the surface, you know it. Celebrate your child's first birthday the way you want, the way you see fit. And, believe me, it will be the best holiday.

Although the baby has grown up, he still cannot express his opinion. The main thing for him is that his mom and dad are nearby, who take care of him and love him with all their hearts. So don't worry. As you decide, so it will be. There is no universal way to celebrate a child’s first birthday; each holiday is good in its own way.

But when organizing your child's first birthday, remember the following general recommendations.

You don't need to invite too many people to your baby's first birthday. This is not a wedding. The baby will be cozier and more comfortable among several well-known people than in a crowd of all his relatives, half of whom he doesn’t even know. And don’t be afraid to offend anyone by not inviting your child to your birthday party. I think your relatives and friends are adults and will understand your decision.

  • Please pay attention special attention menu. Remember that this is your child's first holiday, and he will be pleased to see cheerful guests. Cheerful, not drunk. Therefore, do not overdo it with alcoholic drinks. This can ruin the whole holiday, or even scare the baby.

  • Most likely, there will be other children at your child’s first birthday – brothers, sisters, godparents’ children. Make sure your children don't get bored. Prepare toys in advance, inflate balloons. In the end, kids come to the holiday not to eat, but to play with each other. And it will be much easier for parents when children are busy with toys, and not running around the house.

Your baby is already so big, but at the same time still so small. How to make him understand that this is his little holiday?

I will share my experience. And based on this, you can decide how you will congratulate your baby. Since Nastaska is a sleepyhead, my husband and I decided to prepare a surprise for her when she goes to bed in the morning. We inflated many, many balloons (10-15 pieces), bought beautiful cake, a candle in the shape of the number “1” and made a festive cap. There was more than enough for this. You should have seen how surprised she was when she saw so many balls and how she played with them. The cap remained out of use because Nastya stubbornly took it off. Then we lit a candle on the cake and blew it out together. And I mentally made a wish.

In fact, this is the minimum. But the child doesn’t need any more now. He still doesn’t understand why mom and dad suddenly brought so many balloons, bought a cake and asked him to blow on a candle. The child doesn't care what you give him. He is happy with any gift. And the baby is even more glad that you are nearby.

A child's first birthday is an important day. But don't worry, everything will go just as you dreamed. Remember this day. He is so important in your life. Just a year ago you were lying in the maternity ward, afraid of childbirth, worried. And today your baby is already walking towards you on his own!

I sincerely wish that your holiday becomes amazing and memorable, so that even your guests remember it for a long, long time. Make a wish on this day, believe me, it will come true. After all, this is your holiday too. You gave life to a charming baby. Do everything to make him the happiest!

As it turned out, children at this age can still sense the aura of objects. Therefore, the ritual is designed to identify the activity most suitable for the child’s spirit. Thus, in superstitions it is generally accepted that the object chosen by the child will be his guide for the rest of his life. In Vedic culture, people were divided into several castes: scientists, businessmen, workers, warriors. In those days, parents determined the child’s future occupation by laying out several items corresponding to a particular industry. These were: a book, money, weapons and work tools. Parents, after their child makes a choice, already knew in which direction to promote the child and in which industry he could achieve success. But unlike modern measurements, previously the custom was carried out at any time, and not at one year old. But the child’s age should not exceed 1.5 years. There were other restrictions: objects were placed only those that he saw for the first time (you cannot put favorite objects), the child at the time of the ceremony must be able to crawl in order to reach the object or crawl towards it, etc.

How to celebrate a child's 1st birthday: traditions

But modern parents take such issues lightly. For most young mothers and fathers, this action resembles a game. If there is no proper attitude towards the tradition, it is better not to carry it out at all, since you are not only determining the path of your child, but also programming both him and yourself. For example, some parents, as a joke, may add cigarettes, alcohol and even condoms to the general set, that is, everything that is at hand. Imagine if your one-year-old daughter chose a contraceptive item. The fact is that on a subconscious level, first of all, this factor will be deposited in parents, and they will look for similar traits in their child all their lives and thereby program him too. So it is quite possible to turn a normal girl into a “prostitute.” The above case is an extremely rare measure, but it is called on young mothers and fathers to take seriously any issues concerning the child.

If you are inclined to believe in predictions and rituals, as well as the programming effect, then it is best for you to put down your car keys, apartment keys and wallet.

By the way, it is worth noting that the child needs to be seated not just on the floor, but on a special bedding. Some argue that it must be sheepskin, if so, then you can turn the sheepskin coat inside out. Others simply take a small mat and sit the child down.

There are several types of displays in front of the child. You can make any you like or some mix. If any items are missing, stock up on them in advance.

1 year old child: traditions and customs

Several options for arranging things

Option #1

Life symbolism:

  • Garlic is a symbol of health.
  • Keys are a symbol of prosperity.
  • Wallet - means wealth and prosperity.
  • Chocolate means a sweet and cheerful life (can be replaced with gingerbread).
  • A ball of wool promises a long life.
  • The book is considered a symbol of knowledge and intelligence.
  • Brush - indicates that the baby has a knack for art.
  • Coin - symbolizes prosperity (can be replaced with dollars).
  • The ring predicts a successful marriage.
  • Glasses are a sign of attraction to science.

Option No. 2


  • Wallet - the child has a tendency to become a banker.
  • Comb – by a stylist or hairdresser.
  • Ladle - a cook or a housewife.
  • The car is a transport driver.
  • The ball promises great achievements in sports.
  • Portfolio – management positions.

Option No. 3


  • The doll is a growing ladies' man (if it's a boy).
  • Keys is a family, home-loving child.
  • Piggy bank is a thrifty child.
  • Empty wallet - money will be spent in the future without counting.
  • Threads - a neat person will grow up.
  • Paints is a creative person.
  • Mask is an artistic personality.

Option No. 4

  • Life (what the baby’s life will be connected with):
  • The book - a future scientist, an “eternal student” is growing up in a family.
  • Scissors - a jack of all trades was born (not necessarily a tailor, but just a man with golden hands.
  • A computer mouse will deal with computers or other types of high technology.
  • Pampers is a future mother (father) of many children.
  • It’s a small thing for the kid to be rich.
  • Garlic - will grow healthy
  • Chocolate - a sweet life awaits him/her.
  • A ribbon, a spool of thread or a ball - life will be long.
  • A flower (can even be in a pot) means happy family life.
  • Ring - there will be great love in his life.
  • Keys to the apartment - symbolizes good well-being.

How to congratulate your baby on his first year of life?

You should immediately warn young parents that at this age your child will not need a magnificent banquet. On the contrary, the fewer guests there are, the better for both you and him. Let it be a narrow circle of your closest friends and relatives.

Let your godparents and grandparents help you decorate your entire house or room with colorful balloons. Balloons will dominate the mood not only of the baby, but also of adults. Let it be various clowns, cars, dolls and other interesting figures.

Parents can also make a special album on whatman paper. Take photographs taken over the year and paste them one by one, marking the dates (months) and pointing with an arrow to the next photo. Take 12 photos: from the first birth to 1 year.

The calendar can also have a different theme: the first tooth, the first step, the first word, etc. That is, you show what path your child has traveled this year and how he did it.

You can make a beautiful crown from gold foil and decorate the child’s head with it, as well as the parents.

The role of godparents at the holiday

Let the godparents make notes in the album: outline the arms and legs of the child so that you can then see how he develops. You can also do it on a special board or with reverse side wooden meter notch (indicate height) and continue this tradition every year.

A long-standing tradition is cutting off hair in the first year of birth. This must be done godparents mom and dad. To do this, you need to cut off a small symbolic curl on each side of your head (cut on four sides). Some people prefer to go bald, but this is not necessary. The rite of circumcision on four sides is a symbol of the cross, that is, protection. So, if your boy has already grown up and is joining the army, then the curl will serve as his strongest amulet and protection from misfortune. To do this, when the son is on the threshold, the mother needs to cut off a strand of his hair and put it with those that were cut off when he was one year old. In turn, a small strand of small hair had to be put in the amulet and given to the son. This amulet is intended as protection against injuries, failures and various dangers.

If it is a girl, then her hair is given to her on her wedding day. This gives the daughter the opportunity to leave her father’s house forever in order to create her own happy family.

After the hairs have been cut, they need to be folded carefully into a special piece of paper or handkerchief. Hair is kept not just anywhere, but in one’s own home, behind the images of saints. This way you give God's power and grace the opportunity to help your child. It is believed that saints protect a person and do not allow evil spirits to take over his soul.


Be that as it may, the main decoration and reason for the holiday is the baby himself, so dress him up beautifully and make sure that the child is comfortable in these clothes. Take a large number of different photographs for memory. Attach decorated butterflies everywhere and put colorful pencils. Let the child enter this life brightly and live it just as brightly.