How to dress for driving. Don't go off the road: some features of winter driving

Absolutely all cars, except for some disabled ones, are equipped with control pedals. A manual transmission has three pedals, while an automatic transmission has only two. Thus, at least one of the driver's legs is involved in controlling the car. And, believe me, it doesn’t matter at all what this foot is shod in.

Casual shoes are designed for walking, sports shoes are designed for running, jumping and others. active actions. Exists special shoes for windsurfing, rock climbing and even skydiving. However, there are shoes for drivers, but drivers often forget about this. If you look at what car enthusiasts are wearing, then most of all this will correspond to “whatever.” When buying shoes, the last thing most drivers think about is how comfortable it will be to press the pedals in their new shoes. And if the average men's boots are more or less suitable for driving, then most models women's shoes created for completely different purposes.

The result of uncomfortable shoes on the feet of those who sit behind the wheel is an emergency situation or an accident with the wording “lost control.” Most often, control problems occur due to high heels, wedges or too wide soles that catch on adjacent pedals.

No matter how strange it may sound, but the best shoes to drive a modern car is its absence. Yes, yes, it would be most convenient to drive barefoot, since the pedals are felt as much as possible, and the absence of any sole or heel means the absence of any restrictions on “foot manipulation.” However, we are not in Africa, and therefore driving barefoot is out of the question. However, comfortable driving shoes should be as close to barefoot as possible.

And there are such shoes. We are talking about moccasins, but not classic ones, but with a special sole, the heel of which extends to the heel. In the West, such moccasins are often called “driver shoes.” Their sole is made of soft leather, which is protected by several rubber overlays. Driving moccasins are clearly not for hours of walking. And although they are very comfortable to walk in, the sensitive leather soles of these shoes will quickly wear out on the asphalt. There are only two disadvantages to such moccasins. Firstly, they are designed for the warm season; secondly, their style is suitable only for free style. For business people who wear formal suits, driving moccasins are not suitable. In their case, it is best to choose classic boots with leather soles. Moreover, it is desirable that they have laces - then the rise can be easily adjusted. If you have a long trip ahead, the laces need to be loosened a little so that the instep of the foot is not compressed.

Choice the right shoes driving a car is complicated by seasonality, clothing style, and the gender of the driver in the end. Obviously, it is not possible to purchase driving shoes for all occasions. Therefore, the main rules for choosing among shoes of one category or another will be described below.

Male drivers

Moccasins with a thin sole extending to the heel. There is a huge selection of driving moccasins for every taste and color. These moccasins go well with jeans or chinos, but never with cargo pants or (sorry) a tracksuit.

are not specifically designed for driving, but some models are quite suitable for this. You need to choose sneakers with a thin sole, but one whose outline is almost flush with the top. Thick rubber or foam soles are not suitable, which means that almost all running, basketball and volleyball shoes are not suitable. In such sneakers you will not feel the pedal under your foot and will lose tactile connection with the car. For ease of riding, it is advisable to prefer products made from leatherette to leatherette models. genuine leather or with mesh upper. In such sneakers, your feet sweat less. Driving shoes are good, but they make your feet sweat a lot.

Formal shoes can be quite comfortable to drive. To do this, their soles should be leather or, at worst, synthetic, but as thin as possible. Models with long and narrow toes, which, by the way, are not worn anywhere except here, are life-threatening. With such socks you can get caught in the cockpit lining and miss the pedal at the right moment. Shoes with laces are more preferable, as already mentioned above.

Winter boots. The choice of winter driving shoes should be treated with the greatest care. The fact is that most men's winter boots are lined with thick and wide soles, which is what causes all the problems. Therefore, there is only one selection criterion - the thinnest and narrowest sole. In the city in winter, you can generally get by with demi-season shoes if you don’t have long treks through snow and slush.

Sandals They are not always suitable as driving shoes. It all depends on their style. But since sandals are free-style summer shoes, it is better to replace them with driving moccasins. By the way, moccasins can be worn on bare feet, as is customary in Europe. By the way, Americans almost never wear driving moccasins on their bare feet, but that’s their problem.

If, nevertheless, the choice fell on sandals, then you should give preference to styles that maximally follow the shape of the foot. The sole, again, is better thin and not wide.

Flip-flops- contraindicated for driving. It would be even necessary to introduce a separate clause in the traffic rules prohibiting driving in flip-flops and flip-flops. Due to the fact that such shoes are not fixed on the foot and, as a rule, have wide soles, it is easy to get tangled in the pedals. If necessity forces you to drive in flip-flops, then it is better to take them off and drive barefoot.

For female drivers

For female drivers, all “male” recommendations are valid, including driving moccasins, which are also produced in a female version. This is undoubtedly the most comfortable shoes for driving. But comfort, as we know, for most of the fair sex has never come first. Which woman hasn’t dreamed of getting out of a car in a spectacular way?! And what kind of effect can we talk about if the feet are not “in heels”. However, it’s not for nothing that high-heeled shoes are often displayed on the rear windows of women’s cars. It is this heel that can cause inadequate maneuver. But women somehow manage to get used to getting on the pedals, although, I must say, this is quite a risky business.

High heels and the car pedals combine extremely dangerously. If a woman cannot imagine herself without heels, as well as without a car, then she should get replaceable low-speed shoes that will fit inside the car.

Wedge or platform shoes. The degree of danger of such shoes is directly proportional to the thickness of the sole. In addition to the fact that the wedge heel deprives the foot of tactile contact with the pedal, it often clings to neighboring pedals, for example, when suddenly moving the foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal.

Mules- the option is not ideal. The heel will constantly slide onto the mat, causing it to become dirty. For the same reason, all kinds of flip-flops are not suitable. In addition, they are not fixed with the foot and can fly off at any moment, getting stuck in the pedals at the most inopportune moment.

Heeled boots are dangerous in the same way as high-heeled shoes. There is only one piece of advice here - don’t be lazy to change into replaceable car shoes, which can easily be hidden under the driver’s seat!


Driving on summer tires in winter is unwise, and soon it will also be illegal. Another thing is that there is a so-called “all-season”. It is of little use in icy conditions, but if you travel twice during the winter and in dry weather, then this option can be considered acceptable.

It’s another matter if you need to drive quickly and safely every day. In this case, choose between studded and non-studded winter tires. The studs are good on ice, that is, they are suitable for those who drive mainly on country roads and regional centers.

In a metropolis, the spike slides on wet asphalt, further increasing the braking distance. So in large cities, motorists prefer good winter tires. And for forays out of town to the country, you can purchase a set of chains for the drive wheels and put them in the trunk.

By the way, it’s not a bad idea to throw a small, strong shovel into the trunk. After all, you can get stuck anywhere in a snowy winter.


We added this item only by looking at the diversity of clothes of today's motorists, especially young ones. So, if women, following fashion, prefer to flaunt while driving in beautiful short fur coats, pants that emphasize their figure and boots in sporty style, then some men dress as if they had just jumped out into the street for a second.

I even once asked my colleague why, in 20-degree frost, he comes to work in sneakers, jeans and an almost summer jacket? To which he was sincerely surprised - why more? The car is parked in a warm, closed parking lot under the house, and the walk from the parking lot to the office is only two dozen meters!

But to answer the question: “What will you do if the car breaks down or (God forbid, of course) gets into an accident?” he couldn't understand clearly. So it is necessary to carry a set of warm clothes with you in any case.

Well, of course, you shouldn’t dress like Hippolyte while driving in the famous New Year’s movie - a long sheepskin coat is not the best clothing for a driver.

Four-wheel drive

We can say that winter is just the time when owners of all-wheel drive cars can clearly feel what they overpaid for when choosing a car for all occasions. Of course, all-wheel drive varies, and ground clearance during this period is of great importance. But, in any case, the owner of the 4x4 version has an undeniable advantage over its mono-wheel drive counterparts.

The downside of increased cross-country ability may be that, in the end, the owner of an SUV, having believed in the almost limitless capabilities of his car, unexpectedly finds himself in a very unpleasant situation. And “sorting out” it is not nearly as easy as in the case of the same monodrive.

But what’s much more insidious is that excellent cross-country ability and better handling on slippery roads allow the driver to think that he always has everything under control. And in a difficult traffic situation, he often simply gets lost.

Nuances of control in icy conditions

Now is the time to remember the basic rules for driving in winter.

Firstly, it should be clearly remembered that control should be smooth and soft. When starting, you should try to accurately dose the gas supply and operate the clutch pedal (if there is one) smoothly.

It’s better to turn off the engine a couple of times than to cause the wheels to slip and hit a car standing next to you.

It happens that the tread's grip on the road is so weak that even the minimum amount of gas causes the wheels to slip into the axle box. Then you should use the trick of the professionals and try to start from second, and sometimes even third gear.

It happens that the wheels are slightly buried in the snow and it is necessary to use the technique of rocking the car. To do this, we start from first or second gear and, at the moment the wheels slip, we squeeze the clutch. The car rolls back all the way, and when it starts to move forward, we add gas again and release the clutch. Usually three or four such pendulum movements allow you to get out of a small snow trap.

Those with an automatic transmission should use the winter driving mode, and to get out of the trap you can use the described technique, carefully switching the automatic transmission selector from D to R only after the car has come to a complete stop.

For those who drive a manual car, driving in neutral in icy conditions is simply unacceptable.

The brakes need to be used very measuredly, and the car should be slowed down most effectively by the engine, in a timely manner, for example, before turning, by shifting to a lower gear.

By the way, those who have an automatic transmission with the ability to manually select a gear will also appreciate this technique.

The steering wheel should be smooth, and the angle of rotation of the wheels should be clearly measured. A sharp turn of the steered wheels can easily lead to the exact opposite effect - the front axle will start to drift or the rear axle will skid. On the other hand, the feedback from the steering wheels to the steering wheel in icy conditions is very blurred and sometimes it may seem that the wheels are turned at an insufficient angle. This problem can only be solved by gaining sufficient experience at the racing site.

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The 2 year old loves to throw. Look what happened when his parents bought him a basketball hoop!

It's no secret that women have a special driving style that is incomprehensible to members of the opposite sex. This doesn't mean they drive much worse. On the contrary, according to traffic police statistics, women are 12 times less likely than men to cause serious accidents. But in “trivial” offenses, they, on the contrary, are in the lead.

Almost all books and recommendations on winter driving are written by men. Therefore, we women do not fully understand them. No one says a word about many important things: men consider them generally known. Maybe if your driving experience is more than 10 years, this is true. But for those who have their first winter on wheels ahead, every little detail is important.

So, here are 10 important commandments for car drivers in winter:

1. Don’t skimp on car maintenance. You need to take your four-wheeled friend to a car service center or show good master. He will conduct a technical inspection and, if necessary, fix problems. And don’t forget to “change” your car in time: it is recommended to replace summer tires with winter ones when the average daily temperature drops to 5-7ºС above zero.

2. Don’t be lazy to dig your car out from under the snow every day. Most women car enthusiasts do not bother themselves with this work. They only clear small area on the front and rear glass, hoping that everything else will melt along the way. Thus, they significantly impair visibility and create emergency situations on the road.

3. Change lanes to winter style driving: driving speed should be much lower than what you are used to in the warm season. Avoid sudden movements, drive smoothly and be extremely careful!

4. Leave room for maneuver. If your car is stuck in the snow and can’t get out, don’t press the gas pedal to the floor! Firstly, by doing this you will only aggravate the situation: the wheels will grind the snow, turning it into ice, or they will bury themselves even more in the snowdrift. Secondly, the car can suddenly jump out of the snow captivity and damage nearby cars. If you can’t get out, try the “rocking” method, alternately engaging first gear, and then reverse gear when rolling back. As a result, having “swinged” well, the car will leave the trap. You can also try starting in second gear. If this doesn’t help, pick up a shovel and go ahead - clear the path for the car and remove the snow from under the wheels. If you carry sand with you, pour it under the drive wheels; if there is no sand, floor mats from the interior can help.

5. Avoid emergency braking. Many women, as soon as the green traffic light starts flashing, brake without looking in the rearview mirror. The yellow light exists to complete the movement and not create emergency situations. If on a dry road you will only be scolded for such behavior, then in winter the consequences can be much more dire. You should especially be wary of sections of the road before intersections, traffic lights and on hills: due to constant braking and acceleration, the road surface here often turns into an ice skating rink. Also try to avoid sudden braking while turning the steering wheel at the same time, otherwise you are guaranteed to skid!

6. Don't drive in neutral. For women, especially at first, squeezing the clutch is not an easy exercise. Therefore, when cornering, they simply put the gearbox in neutral. On a slippery road, if you behave this way, you may lose control of the car.

7. Be prepared to skid. No one is immune from skidding. Even if you always drive much quieter than the speed limit and only in the far right lane. Therefore, it is necessary to at least theoretically understand the rules of behavior when skidding, and they depend on the type of car drive. Most beginners begin to instinctively slam on the brakes at a critical moment. This only makes their situation worse.

For cars with front-wheel drive, you need to add a little gas so that when skidding, the front wheels pull the car out.

For rear-wheel drive vehicles, you need to release the gas, but do not press the brake. In winter, it is generally recommended, if possible, to brake with the engine rather than the pedal.

8. Rebuild like a man. Many car enthusiasts, regardless of driving experience, follow the “count to five” rule when changing lanes. That is, they turn on the turn signal, count to five and, without looking in the mirrors, perform the maneuver. During the bright season, a man, noticing such behavior of a beautiful lady, tries to stay away. But when visibility is virtually zero, no one will differentiate between your gender. So don't expect any favors.

9. Respect your neighbor. No one is obliged to let you go ahead. Similar etiquette rules apply to your hiking friends. On the road, everyone is equal, regardless of car model and gender. While demanding respect from others, do not forget about the basic rules of behavior.

10. Don't count on yours appearance. Before you get behind the wheel, try to understand (at least approximately) the structure of the car and how to fix the most common breakdowns. This summer you can still hope that your fellow travelers, stunned by your unearthly beauty, will come to your aid. In winter, when it’s frosty, snowy and you can’t see anything, this is unlikely to work.

In winter you should always have in your car:

  • extra warm mittens, gloves, a hat, and shoes wouldn’t hurt either
  • brushes for cleaning glass and removing snow from a car
  • ice scrapers
  • small shovel
  • There will be no extra container with sand (add it under the wheels if necessary)
  • Anti-ice liquid (in an aerosol or spray bottle) - will help rid windows of ice and snow, and also open frozen doors and locks
  • special winter windshield washer fluid, non-freezing low temperatures(the container with such a liquid usually indicates the temperature for use)

That's basically all. By following these, as well as other “manly” rules, you can enjoy winter driving.

Have a nice trip!

For some reason, the phrase “What’s inside is more important than what’s outside” applies to men in a special way: they are often forgiven for both mild sloppiness and severe forms of ignoring good taste. We are no longer ready to tolerate this, so as educational measures we have compiled a list of items from the winter men's wardrobe that especially irritate us.


For this fashionable item, almost all men get a solid C, if the vest at least covers the belly peeking out from under the trousers with a tight belt. If he doesn’t hide it, he’ll be counted with deductions. Still, being a dandy in a vest (even if a little sloppy) is an art that few people can achieve. And the belly, by the way, is perfectly hidden by a single-breasted one-button jacket with narrow lapels.

Fur in all its forms

A proven sign: a man in a fur coat in a subway car lifts your mood for the rest of the day. Why? Yes, because affordable brands for making coats from fur and leather simply do not produce decent fur products for men: they prefer either a “master” in a coat below the knees, or a rural taxi driver in a leather jacket trimmed with pitiful scraps of skins. Men and fur - this is the case when it is still better to feel sorry for the animals, and at the same time for the women who have to see all this. And no Francois Hollande will dissuade us of this...

Sweaters in the style of “by the way, I’m a former skier”

It’s winter in winter, and as soon as the thermometer drops significantly below zero, there’s no need to be capricious, but still our men prove that not all clothes that warm the body also warm the soul. First of all, we are talking about knitted “ski” sweaters from the late 80s - early 90s era with a zipper instead of a neckline, a scratchy shell and a zigzag pattern. Grandma would certainly approve of such a work uniform in the cold! Those who do not have any knitted treasures left in their bins, as they say, “both in the tail and in the mane,” use fleece blouses for warmth in the cold. Men, it's time to discover the world of attractive wool sweaters with a bit of cashmere or finally rent a chalet in some Carpathians and settle down there comfortably in your favorite fleece.

Military style clothing

For some unknown reason, the passion for shopping in military-themed stores is in the blood of many of our men. Whether this is due to the notorious instinct of a hunter since the times of the early Paleolithic, the fact remains: even without reading in Vogue magazine that military is back in fashion, our men strive for this trend with all their hearts, but the bullet always misses the target. As an example, here are a couple of successful “shots”.

Sports items

The lowest risk group includes sneakers (if they belong to a well-known brand and not a market production), sweatshirts (just not with skinny jeans - you’re not a girl!) and knitted hats. Of particular danger for men are sports sweatpants, whose shape already speaks of how many years they have been worn without a break, sweatshirts (man, what a strange word on your chest) and caps as a memory of hip-hop videos on MTV, to which everyone would “hang out” on the couch after school.

Strange, no very strange jeans

Men generally have a difficult relationship with jeans: as soon as you notice one of them in perfectly fitting jeans, you immediately want to go get an autograph, and most likely he will turn out to be a stylist for some magazine or even a foreigner. The problems start at the top: the jeans are too wide on the hips and sit too low, huge pockets at the back and metallic decor spoil the impression and make the jeans look teenage, and the torn edges that catch all the road dirt completely deprive the last faith in humanity. Or at least a good half of it.

Sunglasses in a nightclub

The club season has opened, and the “vampires” are out hunting... As American comedian Larry David once said, only blind people and idiots wear sunglasses indoors. Oh yes, Larry, you forgot Justin Bieber too!

A real woman remains such in any situation, even when it comes to serious activities like driving a car.

Men especially love to gossip about our uniforms while driving, often making jokes about the fairer sex. Is there a reasonable compromise between the comfort and beauty of her clothes? Let's use some common sense and figure out which items make up the ideal wardrobe of a woman behind the wheel.

Cropped outerwear

Agree, it’s not enough pleasant when you’re luxurious long fur coat or coats become unsalable due to bruising and rubbing after sitting in a car seat for a long time. In addition, such outfits can significantly limit your mobility, and they simply make it hot inside the car. What's the solution? Choose short leather or quilted jackets, short woolen coats or short coats, “mini” fur coats and sheepskin coats, fur vests and so-called “dutiks”. By the way, outerwear for a female driver, it should not be insulated at all from “a” to “z”: both the fabric itself and the lining can be the most “increased” in terms of warmth, and the sleeve is even allowed to be lightweight. Pay attention to the type of fastener: it is better if the model has large buttons, sparse loops, a zipper that does not go all the way to the bottom, or even has a wrap around it.

“Average” skirts and trousers

We won’t surprise anyone with our opinion, but in (and their many varieties) it is incomparably more convenient to drive a vehicle than in skirts. The main thing is that the bottom of the set, once borrowed from men, should not be too wide and excessively long. The ideal solution would be classic variations, tight jeans, trousers with cuffs or elastic at the ankle, having a shortened length. But what about admirers of skirts who, even for the sake of a comfortable car ride, are not able to give up their favorite clothes? Choose a reasonable compromise. For example, excessive length will make it difficult to drive the car (there is a chance of getting tangled in the pedals), it will be inconvenient to get in and out of the car, etc. Too much short skirt or the pencil style will also create problems during entry/exit. The optimal choice is skirts (dresses, sundresses) of medium length and the same width.

The right shoes

In the case of a car lady, a suitable pair for the legs will be considered the one that will not interfere with driving. It is for this reason that shoes with stiff, high soles and those that can easily fall off (for example, flip-flops in summer) are put on the “black list.” Another proof of the inadequacy of such models when driving is the rapid loss of decent “appearance”, as a result - a worn heel and an eternally dirty heel. To make driving a car not only safe, but also comfortable, you should take a closer look at closed shoes made of natural materials that fit tightly around the foot or with a loose top, ballet flats, and moccasins. Fans of heels can take some liberties, but on the condition that the heel height does not exceed 5 cm.

It turns out that all a woman needs to do is dress properly and be attentive to make driving a car enjoyable? No, you also need to pay due attention to related accessories that contribute to safety. One of them is sunglasses. They serve not only for beauty, they protect our eyes from bright sun rays, snow glare and blinding headlights of neighboring cars when it gets dark. It's worth investing in this skin item to make sure it won't let you down. When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of anti-reflective coating, photochromic lenses, and a tight fit of the glasses.

The second detail, mandatory for use for young ladies with medium length hair and below - hair tie or clip. Of course, loose hair looks very impressive and attractive, but, alas, it is not at all safe in busy traffic. Just imagine: a strand of hair straightened out of place by hand or the wind blowing loose hair into your eyes can lead to tragedy during a responsible maneuver. There is no need to risk the health of all road users: it is worth putting together a neat bun or braid, at least while driving.

The third attribute, not required, but very useful - availability of gloves in the cool season. Lady drivers who have already tried driving in them claim that they will never part with their favorite pair. In addition to elegance, this accessory gives your hands the coveted warmth that is so lacking in the cold, which is very important for heat-loving young ladies. If you are thinking about buying these, pay attention: gloves made of thin leather that fit snugly to the hand are most suitable for driving a car. Driving with gloves made of elastic materials may be more impressive, but it is not at all safe: your hand can slip off the steering wheel. Mittens and mittens are also not suitable.

A woman driving doesn't have to be drab and boring, but it doesn't hurt to focus on practicality and convenience. Ultimately, the lady who is confident on the road looks much more attractive in the driver’s seat. Last but not least, the correct equipment helps to achieve the latter, which does not distract the owner’s attention.