How to dress to look provincial. Provincial style of clothing: what is it and is it necessary to follow the lists of its characteristics? life hacks that will give new life to damaged things

Gold rings on each finger, black pumps to match any dress, tan tights in 30-degree heat: today we bring to light the main features of a provincial wardrobe!

You can spend most of your salary on shopping and live in the capital, but still look provincial. We know 10 reasons why this happens!

Only gold, only hardcore

Costume jewelry is not serious and is only suitable for 10-year-old girls, and silver looks “poor.” Therefore, the owner of a typical provincial wardrobe buys gold, no matter what it is cheap and “samovar”. Another indicator of status is a gold ring on each finger. So that everyone doesn’t think that you don’t have money for jewelry!


Sneakers with a dress? Ugh! Sweatshirt with a lace skirt? Nightmare! A girl who dresses in a provincial way is most afraid of not looking the way she “should” (“like normal people”, “as is customary”, “as her mother taught” - the list goes on and on).

Black shoes - go with any outfit

Black pumps are a must-have for any provincial girl. Of course, objectively there is nothing wrong with these basic shoes, but a distinctive feature of a provincial wardrobe is the “shoveling” of these shoes into every look. And it doesn’t matter that the shoes look terrible with a white summer sundress or shorts and a simple T-shirt: our lyrical heroine will wear them even with a tracksuit. And what? Pumps go “with everything”!

Lack of style diversity

Most of these fashionistas have two main “styles” - “decent” (at work) and “relaxed” (outside of work). Often these “styles” are mixed in an eerie way, giving rise to images a la “corporate party in the office,” when something lacy is worn under a gray suit, complemented by “festive makeup” and curls tightly covered in hairspray. Casual, eclecticism, boho-chic - all this is alien to adherents of the provincial style and, in their opinion, looks “strange”.

"Sweatshirts" and "blouses"

Tops, bodysuits, cardigans, turtlenecks, sweaters, sweatshirts, blouses - no, no and no again! The provincial wardrobe recognizes only “sweatshirts” and “blouses” - knitted creations from unknown Chinese manufacturers. Distinctive features are low-quality material, quickly stretch and become pelletized, often decorated with ruffles, lace inserts or rhinestones. This “blouse” is worn both at a party and in the world, and with black office trousers.

“Chic” underwear even for the gym

Simple bras with smooth, thin cups? No way! You never know where a prince on a white horse is waiting for you: he can meet you in the office, in the gym or at the grocery market. Therefore, only lace super push-ups are used, richly decorated with the same rhinestones, feathers, and sometimes faux fur (the only good thing is that no animal suffers for the sake of such “beauty”). And it doesn’t matter that under smooth and thin clothes all the “decor” sticks out tastelessly, and your “sexually raised” breasts press on your chin: the main thing is that now you will impress both the prince and even his horse!

Tights in summer

Another fear (besides the aforementioned fear of looking “not like everyone else”) is showing off your bare legs. Especially pale and at the beginning of summer. Therefore, an important part of the provincial wardrobe is tights, which their owner does not take off all year round. A special squeak - “inconspicuous” with a shine that can blind; in a large mesh; "tan color" The latter look especially “chic” in contrast with the rest of the untanned parts of the body.

Fear of experimenting with color

Complex color combinations and, in principle, any work with color are not for fans of the provincial style. Why reinvent the wheel, they think, when there are simple and time-tested mixes - black and white, black and red, black and black. And you don’t need to worry and think about how to combine a lilac top and pistachio trousers in one look.

Inability to wear accessories

Even such a generally simple and common accessory as a hat causes bewilderment among representatives of the provincial style: “Who wears hats and where?”, “Show me these people!”, “For some reason I haven’t seen anyone on the street in a hat…” they declare with an “ironic” grin. All other accessories are also perceived as “overkill” - why do you need something that does not provide much functionality?

Love for fakes

It is impossible to prove to a representative of provincial fashion that fakes are a shame. Because “I’m a trembling creature, or can I afford to buy a Dolce & Gabbana bag made of varnished oilcloth in the passage”?! In their minds, a parody of a well-known brand will always be by default better and more “fashionable” than a high-quality leather bag of an unknown brand for the same money.

Gold rings on each finger, black pumps to match any dress, tan tights in 30-degree heat: today we bring to light the main features of a provincial wardrobe!

You can spend most of your salary on shopping and live in the capital, but still look provincial. We know 10 reasons why this happens!

Only gold, only hardcore

Costume jewelry is not serious and is only suitable for 10-year-old girls, and silver looks “poor.” Therefore, the owner of a typical provincial wardrobe buys gold, no matter what it is cheap and “samovar”. Another indicator of status is a gold ring on each finger. So that everyone doesn’t think that you don’t have money for jewelry!


Sneakers with a dress? Ugh! Sweatshirt with a lace skirt? Nightmare! A girl who dresses provincially is most afraid of not looking the way she “should” (“like normal people”, “as is customary”, “as her mother taught” - the list goes on and on).

Black shoes - go with any outfit

Black pumps are a must-have for any provincial girl. Of course, objectively there is nothing wrong with these basic shoes, but a distinctive feature of a provincial wardrobe is the “shoveling” of these shoes into every look. And it doesn’t matter that the shoes look simply terrible with a white summer sundress or shorts and a simple T-shirt: our lyrical heroine will wear them even with a tracksuit. And what? Pumps go “with everything”!

Lack of style diversity

Most of these fashionistas have two main “styles” - “decent” (at work) and “relaxed” (outside of work). Often these “styles” are mixed in an eerie way, giving rise to images a la “corporate party in the office,” when something lacy is worn under a gray suit, complemented by “festive makeup” and curls tightly covered in hairspray. Casual, eclecticism, boho-chic - all this is alien to adherents of the provincial style and, in their opinion, looks “strange”.

"Sweatshirts" and "blouses"

Tops, bodysuits, cardigans, turtlenecks, sweaters, sweatshirts, blouses - no, no and no again! The provincial wardrobe recognizes only “sweatshirts” and “blouses” - knitted creations from unknown Chinese manufacturers. Distinctive features are low-quality material, they quickly stretch and become pelletized, often decorated with ruffles, lace inserts or rhinestones. This “blouse” is worn both at a party and in the world, and with black office trousers.

“Chic” underwear even for the gym

Simple bras with smooth, thin cups? No way! You never know where a prince on a white horse is waiting for you: he can meet you in the office, in the gym or at the grocery market. Therefore, only lace super push-ups are used, richly decorated with the same rhinestones, feathers, and sometimes faux fur (the only good thing is that no animal suffers for the sake of such “beauty”). And it doesn’t matter that under smooth and thin clothes all the “decor” sticks out tastelessly, and your “sexually raised” breasts press on your chin: the main thing is that now you will impress both the prince and even his horse!

Tights in summer

Another fear (besides the aforementioned fear of looking “not like everyone else”) is showing off your bare legs. Especially pale and at the beginning of summer. Therefore, an important part of the provincial wardrobe is tights, which their owner does not take off all year round. A special squeak - “inconspicuous” with a shine that can blind; in a large mesh; "tan color" The latter look especially “chic” in contrast with the rest of the untanned parts of the body.

Fear of experimenting with color

, causes bewilderment among representatives of the provincial style: “Who wears hats and where?”, “Show me these people!”, “For some reason, I haven’t seen anyone on the street wearing a hat...” - they declare with an “ironic” grin. All other accessories are also perceived as “overkill” - why do you need something that does not provide much functionality?

Love for fakes

It is impossible to prove to a representative of provincial fashion that fakes are a shame. Because “I’m a trembling creature, or can I afford to buy a Dolce & Gabbana bag made of varnished oilcloth in the transition”?! In their minds, a parody of a well-known brand will always be by default better and more “fashionable” than a high-quality leather bag of an unknown brand for the same money.

You can easily spot “fashionable” girls from the provinces from the crowd: they are always in full dress, “expensively” dressed in a pseudo-classical style

“Provincial style”, “rural fashion”, “collective farm” - concepts that divide girls into metropolitan girls and provincial girls. And the reasons for this phenomenon do not necessarily come from a lack of taste or ignorance in fashion trends, it is often a matter of people’s psychology and their motivation in life. You can easily spot “fashionable” girls from the provinces from the crowd: they are always in full dress, “expensively” dressed in a pseudo-classical style. What the entire fashion community considers bad manners, the provincial fashionista does not recognize as such, sincerely believing that she knows how to dress.

You can spend most of your salary on shopping and live in the capital, but still look provincial. What does a provincial wardrobe reveal?

1. Lots of gold

According to the owner of a typical provincial wardrobe, jewelry is frivolous, and silver is for the poor, so she buys gold, no matter what it is cheap and “samovar-made”. The same set of gold chains and rings is worn day after day, year after year, without taking it off. Aerobatics is when the chains and bracelets are very thick, and the rings are on all fingers. So that everyone there doesn’t think that there is no money for jewelry!

2. Conservative

A girl who dresses provincially is most afraid of not looking the way she “should” (“like normal people”, “as is customary”). Sneakers with a dress? Ugh! Sweatshirt with a lace skirt? Nightmare! And he wears black trousers to a feast, and to the world, and to good people - this, it seems, is not bad form, but it is very provincial.

3. Black shoes to go with any outfit

Not a single provincial woman has ever done without this. There is nothing wrong with a pair of black shoes themselves, they are a basic style that everyone needs. But wearing them with a white summer sundress or shorts and a simple T-shirt looks simply terrible: some even manage to wear them with a tracksuit. And what? Pumps go “with everything”!

4. Strictly defined direction in style

Our heroine has two main “styles” - “decent” (at work) and “relaxed” (outside of work). Images for a corporate party in the office, when something lace is worn under a gray suit, “festive” makeup is on the face, and curls on the head are tightly covered in hairspray - this is a special horror, born of the fusion of the listed trends. The other extreme of following this rule is a “sleek” appearance; good provincial girls iron their jeans, wear T-shirts strictly in their size and never wear sneakers. They try to live up to their ideas of what is beautiful. It takes the chic out of them.

5. "Blouses"

Tops, bodysuits, cardigans, turtlenecks, sweaters, sweatshirts, blouses - no, all this is not suitable, because it looks “strange”. The provincial wardrobe recognizes only “sweatshirts” and “blouses” - knitted creations from unknown Chinese manufacturers. Distinctive features are low-quality material, they quickly stretch and become pelletized, often decorated with ruffles, lace inserts or rhinestones. Knitted blouses are worn to the office as part of a business style. They are practical, comfortable, but look poor.

6. The “best” underwear even for the gym

The most important thing in appearance is the pursuit of luxury and showing off. Therefore, you need to dress brightly, and do not be shy to show off your assets in public or entertainment places. What if the betrothed meets there? Simple bras with smooth, thin cups? No way! Therefore, only lace super push-ups are used, richly decorated with rhinestones, feathers, and sometimes faux fur. And it doesn’t matter that under smooth and thin clothes all the “decor” sticks out tastelessly, and the “sexually uplifted” breasts press on your chin: the main thing is that now you will impress both the prince and even his horse!

7. Tights all year round

One of the fears of looking “not like everyone else” is showing off your bare legs. Thin nylon tights are worn even in summer. Not just beige, but everything in general. A special squeak - “inconspicuous” with a shine that can blind; in a large mesh; "tan color" The latter look especially “chic” in contrast with the rest of the untanned parts of the body.

8. Fear of experimenting with color

Why reinvent the wheel when there are simple and time-tested combinations - black and white, black and red, black and black. Working with color is not about fans of provincial style. And you don’t need to worry and think about how to combine a lilac top and pistachio trousers. But on their nails they always have the most unimaginable shades. Eh, it's the other way around.

9. Inability to wear accessories

It would seem that a hat is such a simple and common accessory, but representatives of the provincial style are perplexed: “Who wears hats and where?”, “For some reason, I haven’t seen anyone on the street wearing a hat...” - they say with an “ironic” grin . All other accessories are also perceived as “overkill” - why do you need something that does not provide much functionality?

10. Counterfeits - so what?

They must brag about their material well-being, or, in the absence of such happiness, at least show off their eyes. Labels on clothes and handbags will confirm everything. The main thing is that it is expensive and rich! It is impossible to prove to a representative of provincial fashion that fakes are a shame. In their minds, a parody of a well-known brand will always be by default better and more “fashionable” than a high-quality leather bag of an unknown brand for the same money.

Greetings, dear guests and regulars of our fashionable crossroads!
Towards the end of 2015, one of the popular women's magazines published an article on the topic “Signs of a provincial wardrobe.” No, I don’t read this magazine in any form, I just noticed that interest in the article “Signs of Provincial Style” on our website has sharply increased and, yes, I also wrote a similar article at one time.
Who needs these lists that are repeated year after year and is it worth paying attention to them?Let's find out!

“After all, if the stars light up, it means someone needs it?” V. Mayakovsky.

The articles “5,10,15 - (underline as appropriate) signs of a provincial wardrobe” are equally needed by both readers and those who publish them!

Readers want to know how not to look old-fashioned, provincial and funny, they want to act as experts and stroke their pride by agreeing with the theses of the article or, conversely, refuting them in the comments, and publications expect to get as many magazine buyers/website visitors as possible. After all, what evokes the strongest response from the public and, accordingly, increases traffic to the resource? Of course a controversial topic for many!

Why does the title and emphasis on the word “provincial” so irritate readers who, you won’t believe it, use these words to search for the desired article on the Internet?
(We once received a completely boorish request: provincial style or how not to look like people who have come in large numbers?)

For a number of reasons:

If a provincial wardrobe is old-fashioned and tasteless, then it turns out that all residents of non-capitals are automatically equated with old-fashioned and tasteless dressed persons. This thesis is confirmed by numerous comments along the following lines.

While information about current trends was inaccessible, fashion changed much more slowly and provincials were not particularly irritated when the shortcomings of their wardrobe were mentioned, but with the advent of the Internet, when a collection show taking place in Paris, you can watch online both in St. Petersburg and in the village White Key, residents of the most remote settlements felt “in the know.”
“And who are you to tell us? We ourselves have a mustache!”

Articles about the characteristics of a provincial wardrobe are most often written in frankly boorish language. Girls are assigned specific (very narrow-minded) thoughts, feelings and motives of behavior:

Often, indignation is caused not so much by the content of the article as by its tone - sarcastic and dismissive, because those who consider themselves “not provincial” should find it funny after every paragraph!

And one more reason that quite objectively outrages readers of articles about the characteristics of a provincial wardrobe is outdated data. The authors of such materials do not bother to observe real life, but rewrite the same theses one after another, at most rearranging words in sentences.

Now let's look at the situation from the perspective of those who write articles about the provincial way of dressing.

Due to my line of work, I often have to visit all sorts of resources on the topic “fashion and style.” Particularly successful are interactive resources that provide readers with the opportunity to become a full participant in the project and post articles. And, not surprisingly, materials about style with personal photos are more in demand among visitors, which the public discusses “with all their hearts!”

So, in these discussions the word “collective farm” often appears, with which caring commentators try to repeatedly but accurately convey to the author that his style is not modern.

Provincial is nothing more than the most relaxed form of the word “collective farm” if we are talking about clothing and style. It would be strange if a respected publication published an article “How not to look like a collective farmer,” however, the exact definition of the same phenomenon - unmodern or old-fashioned no longer touches the audience’s heartstrings.

It turns out that the phrase “provincial wardrobe” carries the optimal balance of meaning and trolling. Everyone clearly understands what will be discussed, and almost everyone, even before opening the article, understands that there will be a lot of controversy!

Essentially, most articles on the provincial wardrobe describe once-fashionable nuances or principles that have become outdated, but continue to be perceived as relevant, versatile and even prestigious! And geography does not play any role here, although in more remote areas from the central region, the cultivation of the obsolete is more typical than in the “capitals”. And this does not always happen because there are some different people in the provinces!

Let's take hair color as an example: a woman decided to dye her hair. She doesn’t want or can’t go to the salon, considering it a waste of money. There is no professional cosmetics store in her town, but there are many outlets selling affordable household paint in the “most fashionable shades” - mahogany and eggplant. There are no other colors; they simply are not ordered. Why? Yes, because once upon a time, back in the late 90s, the colors of mahogany and eggplant were really popular! They bought paint in these shades then and they buy it now, it turns out to be a vicious circle: women choose from what is available in the store, and sellers, looking at demand, order what goes best - eggplant and mahogany colors!

The same applies to the colors of clothing and shoes popular in the province. “Black pumps with everything” prevail not because a resident of a small town has no taste, but because on the store shelf she sees three colors: black, white and brown. White shoes on broken sidewalks - for one day, brown and black remain. And here a completely logical conclusion arises: black is more universal than brown! Isn't that right? Yes it is! A resident of the capital, limited in funds, will do exactly the same!

Therefore, indignant comments “this is a crazy article, in the provinces they dress better than in the capital,” of course, have a right to exist, but stereotypes are not born out of nowhere!
Just like residents of small towns, they are often limited not by their worldview, but by the economic situation and other objective reasons.

Yes, even St. Petersburg is full of women who to this day go to beauty salons and do highlighting with wide multi-colored strands, which was outdated almost 10 years ago, and all because hairdressers don’t bother to look through magazines or go to a seminar, to learn new hair coloring techniques.

So don’t be offended by articles in which less-than-correct authors demonstrate the ability to rewrite other people’s texts in their own words.

Besides, Whether we like it or not, any phenomenon supported by the word “metropolitan” will be considered more prestigious, significant and desirable than any other. In our country, only “foreign” can compete with “metropolitan”; the rest will hardly count in the minds of women living in the post-Soviet space.

Have a nice day!