Getting rid of unwanted hair on the back. Body hair on men: interesting facts Why hair grows on the back of women

The problems discussed in our article are more relevant to middle-aged men, but those who are younger will also find it useful to familiarize themselves with this material. It's just generally accepted that men don't care about anything. In fact, they have their own fears and their own experiences. We will try to understand the most pressing men's problems. What is a middle-aged man like? He has already accumulated life experience, achieved something in his career, and has certain material benefits. During this period, he absolutely does not want to think about approaching old age. This is where the problems begin, which we will talk about in this material.

Vegetation on the back.

The book by the famous scientist Desmont Morris, “The Naked Ape,” examines in detail one of the scientific assumptions about why hair on the human body has disappeared. He believes that our ancestors descended from apes of a species of aquatic hominids. As evolution took place, body hair ceased to be necessary for our ancestors, and gradually began to disappear. However, the question remains: why the hair on the back grows in the wrong direction, because this significantly reduces the hydrodynamics of aquatic monkeys. Scientists have not yet found an answer to this question. But people's back hair continues to grow. Of course, this does not look aesthetically pleasing. Everyone should decide for themselves what to do with them, delete them or leave them. Laser hair removal is very popular now; it allows you to completely solve this problem and never think about it. But this procedure is quite expensive. As options, you can consider using wax pads, depilatory cream and finally a regular razor. But this will not solve the problem completely. Besides the fact that these procedures are very painful and troublesome, after a couple of weeks you will have to repeat them, because... the hair will grow back. The only advantage of such options is their cheapness. So it’s up to you to choose the method of getting rid of hair.

Beer belly.

Probably, many men will be glad that drinking beer has nothing to do with the appearance of a “beer belly.” Even if you can't stand beer, if you don't eat right or eat unhealthy foods, you can expect stomach problems. If in women fat deposits accumulate on the thighs, then in men they accumulate in the abdominal area. This is not only unsightly in appearance, but also entails several health hazards. The problem is not only excess weight, but also an increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat, called visceral. This fat accumulates in deep layers and can gradually become a real problem, causing many male diseases of varying degrees of severity. Such as cardiac dysfunction, vascular atherosclerosis, problems with erectile function, etc. There is only one way out - you need to lose weight. The positive thing is that it is much easier for men to lose weight than for women. And the first thing to disappear in the process of losing excess weight is the stomach.

Heavy sweating.

Male nature is designed in such a way that men sweat more intensely than women. This is explained by the fact that during physical activity the male body needs more cooling. It is known that the body temperature of men is also higher than that of women, which is why they secrete almost twice as much sweat fluid as the fairer sex. Men's skin is denser and rougher than women's, it has more pores, larger in size than women's, and they produce more sweat. However, despite all of the above, men do not particularly suffer from hyperhidrosis, and it is easier to treat in them than in women.

Strong smell of sweat.

The expression “sweat smell” is in itself incorrect. What we smell by smell is not the smell of sweat, sweat does not smell at all, it smells of bacteria that are released and actively multiply in a humid environment. A man's sweat fluid contains a fairly large amount of fatty acids. So they react with bacteria that are constantly present on our skin. And the result of this reaction is an unpleasant odor.

Men's eyebrows grow together.

The intensity of facial hair growth (eyebrows, mustache, beard) depends on the action of various hormones. Hair growing above the eyelids can be classified into a separate category called bristly hair. Hair from this category also grows in the ears and nose. They have a certain length, individual for each organism, but in the process of hormonal imbalance, the growth program of these hairs can change. Typically, this is observed during puberty in adolescents, eyebrows begin to grow together, hair sticks out from the ears and nose. This problem is called a cosmetic hair growth defect. There are many methods that can be used to help correct the defect. One of them is electrocoagulation, that is, the destruction of the follicle using an electrical discharge. You can resort to waxing, or simply pluck your hair. These methods eliminate the problem for a month or a month and a half, and then you need to repeat the procedures again.

Ingrown hair.

This happens if, during hair growth, its upper end grows into the skin. That is, hair cut very short is bent inside the hair follicle. Naturally, such hair cannot grow upward. When shaving, the ends of the hair become a little sharper, which is why this nuisance occurs, leading to inflammation. To avoid this, steam your skin and use shaving gel before shaving.


Such a cute name goes to a completely unattractive problem, namely, a red swollen nose, acne, stars on the skin of the face, etc. It is generally accepted that this occurs only in men who abuse alcohol, since their capillaries are more dilated. In advanced cases, rosacea can lead to deformation of the nose, making it lumpy and shapeless. The cause of this disease is poorly understood. There is an opinion among experts that this disease can be caused by a subcutaneous mite (Demodex), as well as alcohol in large quantities. It is treated with vitamins and antibiotics. In cases of external changes, plastic surgery is resorted to.

Bald spots and receding hairlines.

By the age of thirty-five, men's hair becomes thinner. And by the age of fifty, most men have lost most of their scalp hair. Thus, the body reacts to hormonal fluctuations. As a rule, the first sign is the appearance of bald patches on the frontal part of the skull. Then they continue to capture different places in the parietal region. The reason in ninety-five percent of cases is androgenetic alopecia, that is, hair loss due to genetic reasons due to decreased testosterone levels. Nowadays it has become possible to cope with this problem. There are many ways and methods and they are different (see link under the article). Minoxidil and finasteride can be used as medication, but do not forget to consult your doctor before starting to use them.


This disease has genetic roots. Usually, it is transmitted to the son from the mother through the X chromosome. It is twenty times more difficult for men to distinguish colors than for women, since the fairer sex has two X chromosomes, which prevent the occurrence of this defect. The type of disease that is inherited makes it impossible to distinguish between red and green colors, but at the same time, people suffering from color blindness are able to see shades of colors that are inaccessible to others. This disease cannot be treated.

Snoring at night.

Snoring is a consequence of vibration of the soft tissues of the larynx and pharynx tissues. During sleep, the soft palate and uvula relax involuntarily and in a relaxed state, under the influence of air currents they produce low-frequency sounds. 70% of men after thirty years snore at night due to age-related changes in the body. Usually, those men who suffer from snoring also have other problems: erectile dysfunction, excess weight, etc. Experts have recognized snoring as a dangerous disease, so it, like any disease, must be treated. There are two ways to treat snoring: laser and cryotherapy. In any case, if this problem occurs, you should contact a specialist.


Belching may not be related to any of the diseases, then it can be considered normal. And if, in addition to belching, you have other symptoms, for example, diarrhea, abdominal pain, then in this case there is cause for concern. Belching occurs as a result of the release of air that we swallow along with food while eating. Usually, while eating, we swallow 0.5 liters of air. Belching itself cannot be treated, but the diseases that accompany it must be treated. Among some peoples, burping is considered the highest praise for the culinary art of a cook.


Another beautiful name for another unpleasant problem. Flatus is the process of releasing gaseous substances and waste products from the intestines. The human body produces about one liter of gases daily as a result of the vital activity of intestinal microorganisms. The normal number of flatuses is from six to twenty per day. Some products can cause active gas formation, but they are individual for each person.


Hearing loss occurs in men much more often than in women, almost six times. The causes of deafness may vary. Perhaps this is hard work in large industries, mines, military service, etc. If your activity is related to production where the noise level is high, you need to use special headphones or earplugs. Perhaps this is listening to the player at high volume. Check the sound level of your player, it should not be higher than 85 decibels. Hearing loss occurs unnoticed, gradually, so it is very difficult to catch the moment when it began.

Erection problems.

But this problem is already purely male and does not threaten women. Until 1922, the diagnosis was called impotence; later it was canceled because it humiliated the male dignity of patients, and a new term was introduced - erectile dysfunction. Nowadays, sexual impotence, or more precisely, the inability to have a full erection and the inability to maintain it, is called erectile dysfunction disorder. According to statistics, every tenth man who has reached the age of twenty-one has a violation of this function. And by the age of forty, this happens to half of the male population. The roots of the problem are in the wrong lifestyle. Fortunately, successful treatments exist.

Prostate enlargement.

Due to similar symptoms, enlargement (hyperplasia) of the prostate is often mistaken for a cancerous tumor, although their nature is completely different. This problem occurs in half of men who reach the age of sixty, and by the age of 85 the disease can be diagnosed in 90% of men. An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra and leads to frequent urination, especially at night, and also causes sexual disorders. This disease is treatable.

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Increased hairiness can become a problem for both the strong and weak half of humanity. Only if the hair on the back fits quite organically into a man’s silhouette, then for women it is an unaffordable “luxury”. Why does hair grow on the back and how to fix this problem? Before dealing with the anomaly, it is necessary to establish the etiology of its occurrence.

Increased hairiness of the back is characteristic of southern nationalities of men.


Hair on the back of men and women is a common occurrence and is observed quite often. Ancient people had significantly more hair compared to modern humans. In those days, hair on the body had practical value; in our time, it has no practical value. If we take into account that Homo Sapiens descends from monkeys, the question arises: why is the problem of excessive hair growth so much more common in men than in women?

Hair on the human body begins to appear during the embryonic period. Newborn babies are almost completely covered with embryonic hairs. After some time, they fall out, and vellus hair grows in their place.

Since ancient times, people have sought the relationship between a man's appearance and his sexuality. For example, the ancient Greeks were sure that men with big noses were the sexiest. They called hairiness of men another important sign of sexual strength. In their opinion, the most passionate lovers are men who have thick, coarse, curly hair all over their bodies.

Video: answers from passers-by: why do men and women need hair on their backs?

Contemporary scientists have established a correlative relationship between a person’s hairiness and his temperament. Representatives of the stronger sex with dense vegetation on the chest and back are the owners of a strong temperament. It has been proven that the growth of body hair and especially its coarseness positively correlates with the concentration of steroids (aldosterone, testosterone, methyltestosterone) in the blood. That is, the coarser the hair on the back, the more steroid hormones in the human body. His attraction to the opposite sex depends on the amount of sex hormones in a man’s body. An increased concentration of androgens in the body of women can also provoke intensive growth of body hair.

Excessive hair growth can be a sign of hirsutism and hypertrichosis. Hirsutism is observed exclusively in women. In this case, hair grows in those areas where it should be. In addition, these areas must be sensitive to the effects of androgens.

Hypertrichosis is observed in both women and men. In this case, hair appears in those areas where it should be, only in much larger quantities. Why does hypertrichosis occur?

Factors provoking hirusutism

  • congenital skin defect;
  • development of malignant neoplasms;
  • use of certain medications (corticosteroids, progestins, antimicrobial drugs - the group of penicillin, streptomycin, cyclosporines);
  • systematic stress;
  • genetic abnormality;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • use of antidepressants;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • chemotherapy;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • mycotic diseases;
  • brain and spinal cord injuries.

Key symptoms of hypertrichosis

Ways to remove hair on the back

  • waxing;
  • sugaring;
  • shaving;
  • Elos hair removal;
  • Qool hair removal;
  • photoepilation;
  • AFT hair removal;
  • laser hair removal;
  • electrolysis;
  • use of epilators;
  • chemical depilation;
  • electrolysis;
  • enzymatic hair removal;
  • the use of special depilatory creams.

There are a large number of different ways to help get rid, temporarily or permanently, of hair on the back and other parts of the body.


Removing unwanted hair using wax is a fairly old and effective method. This manipulation is very painful. To reduce pain, beeswax is replaced with soy wax, which sticks only to the hairs. Before the procedure, the wax is heated to 40 °C and applied to the problem area. You need to undergo the procedure in approximately 2-3 weeks.

Video: back waxing in a cosmetologist's office.


  • ease of implementation;
  • accessibility;
  • manipulation can be performed both in beauty salons and at home.


  • painful procedure;
  • low efficiency.

Laser hair removal on the back allows you to get rid of hair forever. Hair removal is carried out using a laser. This is an effective, but quite expensive procedure. Today it is the most popular among both women and men.

In order to get rid of unwanted vegetation, it is necessary to undergo from 8 to 15 sessions with an interval of 30-45 days.

Before and after laser hair removal on a man’s back.

Benefits of laser hair removal:

  • painlessness and safety;
  • high efficiency;
  • duration of effect;
  • speed of the procedure;
  • possibility of removing “ingrown hair”;
  • low invasiveness.


  • pregnancy period;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • blond, red, gray hair;
  • dark skin, deep tan;
  • acute infections.

Electrolysis method

The presented method allows you to get rid of hair once and for all. The effectiveness of electrolysis in hair removal is at the same level as laser exposure. During the procedure, an ultra-thin needle is used, which is inserted into the hair shaft, then an impulse is applied to the follicle, destroying the hair cells. This manipulation requires considerable time, since the work is carried out with each hair separately. Using this method, you can remove both dark and light hair. One session is not expensive, but you will have to pay a significant amount for the entire course of therapy.


The process of removing excess hair is similar to waxing, but in this case sugar resin is used rather than wax. Removing sugar paste during hair growth is recommended, unlike waxing. On average, the procedure must be carried out once every 20-25 days.

Hair removal using sugaring on the back of women.


This is a highly effective method. The result of photoepilation is visible after the first session. The light pulse destroys the structure of the follicle. Hair will never grow out of it again. On average, you need to undergo 8 to 10 procedures for your back.


  • high efficiency in removing light and dark hair;
  • no side effects;
  • allows you to remove unwanted vegetation on any part of the body.

Elos hair removal

A combined method that combines optical and electrical power. The light distributes the temperature towards the hair shaft, thereby protecting the skin from overheating. Due to the destruction of the follicle, the hair is removed. The visible effect is achieved after 5-9 procedures.

For some people, back hair is a fairly common occurrence. However, not everyone thinks about why they arise.

There is an opinion that previously all people had a body covered with hair. This provided complete protection from the cold. However, weather changes caused the hair follicles to fall out. There is also an opinion that the more vegetation a man has on his body, the less likely he is to become overweight.

Root causes of manifestation

Hair on the back is not at all uncommon for men. There is an opinion that these are the remains of wool that humans inherited from monkeys during the period of evolution. Back then, such hair was of great value. However, over time, it mostly turned into a rudiment and eventually lost its practical use.

Nowadays it is believed that the presence of hair in certain areas of the body indicates an excess of male sex hormones. In fact, this phenomenon does not pose a threat to health. Sometimes hair on the back and the entire body is observed in newborns. This is quite normal. After all, even in the womb, the child’s body is covered with lanugo - this is “embryonic” hair. Over time, they are replaced by thin, almost transparent and invisible to the naked eye.

But sometimes “lanugo” simply does not have time to change. Then it remains in certain areas of the body. As a rule, this happens in premature babies. Although in such cases they do not talk about violating the norm. After all, the dark “fluff” is erased in two to three weeks.

Scientific explanations

Scientists are looking for explanations why hair grows on the back. Some believe that this is hereditary, that is, distant echoes of evolution. Others believe that this phenomenon signals increased testosterone levels. This androgenic hormone is responsible for reducing the timbre of the voice, increasing muscle mass, increasing hair on the face and body, increasing sweating and a number of other nuances.

But hair on the back is sometimes a definite symptom that signals hypertrichosis or hirsutism. The latter disease manifests itself only in women. Hypertrichosis is indiscriminate in this regard. Although this disease occurs more often in men. Various factors precede this:

  • traumatic brain injuries, fungal skin infections;
  • systematic stress, nervous exhaustion;
  • taking medications;
  • damage to the epithelial structure;
  • oncological disease.

Of course, only an endocrinologist or dermatologist can diagnose a specific disease. Currently, there is no single treatment plan for the pathology. However, one can never do without a certain cosmetology complex.

In addition, there is such a disease as atavism. Then a person begins to show signs that are unique to monkeys. That is, wool grows, designed to protect against cold weather. Nowadays such a phenomenon is rare. However, it still occurs.

Some people believe that back hair is beneficial to some extent. And there is some truth in this. After all, for example, hair in the groin area, as well as in the armpits, provides protection to the lymph nodes. They retain heat for a long time, helping the body stay healthy. Men are less susceptible to cold than women. And the hair of the stronger sex is able to retain a special substance that is released with sweat and attracts women.

It is also worth noting that during the hot season, hair provides good cooling to the body. They retain moisture. People with more body hair are less susceptible to heat stroke.

Scientists have proven that by the location of the hair follicles directly on the back, one can determine which ailments a person is most susceptible to. So, in the upper part of the back, hair protects the respiratory system, in the middle - the excretory system, in the lower - the digestive system.

In any case, excess hair needs additional care. After all, pores clog quickly. As a result, irritation occurs, as well as an unpleasant odor. Therefore, you should use hygiene products every day and, of course, a washcloth to wash your back covered with hair. In summer, it is advisable to shower several times during the day. Proper hygiene will improve the condition of your skin. This often results in less hair in unwanted areas.

Causes of back hair in men

  • Hair on the back as a symptom
  • Depilation on the back
  • Hair removal methods on the back
  • How to remove back hair at home?

Hair on the back of men causes them a lot of trouble. Before dealing with this problem, you need to establish the causes of its occurrence.

Why does hair grow on my back?

Researchers are still looking for an explanation for why men grow hair on their backs. Some argue that this is nothing more than an inheritance. If we take into account the fact that people descended from monkeys, then extra hair on the back is an echo of evolution. Maybe this version has a right to exist, but then a logical question arises: why does this problem occur so much more often in men than in women?

Newborns are born with a small fluff on their back, which wears off after a while. It appears even when the child is in the womb. It may also happen that the hair on the back of a newborn is more abundant and thicker than it should be.

This may primarily occur in premature babies. This fluff is called “lanugo”. But even this disappears after a while: it is either erased or becomes transparent.

The reason for the appearance of hair on the back may be an increased level of male hormone. If there is a lot of testosterone in the body. then it's not fatal. And if a man “suffers” from this, then this is only a plus for him. But if the amount of testosterone increases in a woman’s body, then this can bring her not only a lot of trouble, but also a couple of complexes. And this is a psychological problem, which only a specialist can help to cope with.

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Hair on the back as a symptom

If excess hair appears on the body, especially in places where hair should not be, then this may indicate the disease hypertrichosis.

There is another disease in which the body is covered with a large amount of hair. This is hirsutism. However, they should not be confused with each other.

Hirsutism occurs only in women and in areas where hair should not grow. In addition, these places should be sensitive to androgen hormones. For hypertrichosis, it makes no difference whether it is a man or a woman. A significant difference is that during this disease hair grows where it should grow, only in much smaller quantities.

Hypertrichosis is common in men. Its reasons may be:

  1. Pathology. If this problem is congenital, then this means that the structure of the epithelium is damaged, which is why a hair follicle is formed there.
  2. Oncology. Excessive hair growth can be a harbinger of cancer.
  3. Medicines. Some antimicrobial medications can cause unwanted hair growth. These are the groups of penicillin, coricosteroids, streptomycin, etc.
  4. Injuries. Especially cranial, fungal skin lesions.
  5. Nervous exhaustion, constant stress.

A consultation with a dermatologist and endocrinologist will help diagnose the disease. There is no single treatment regimen for this disease, but it is impossible to do without a cosmetic complex.

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How to deal with excess hair on your back?

It is much easier to prevent active hair growth on the back, if possible, than to struggle with its removal later. Plus, prevention is a painless process, unlike hair removal, for example.

You need to monitor your hormonal levels. It is unlikely that a man will grow hair on his back with low testosterone levels. But if it goes off scale, then after a while it will become noticeable to others. It is recommended to adhere to the norm naturally, but if the use of special drugs is unavoidable, then you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

An equally important factor is hygiene. In addition, if a man plays sports, he needs to change his T-shirts more often, because sweat can clog the skin.

Poor nutrition also aggravates the situation. Spicy foods promote active hair growth. Therefore, it is advisable, if not eliminate, then at least reduce the amount of spicy food consumed.

Another important point is that it is necessary to study the causes of hair on the back in order to be competent in this matter and prevent the occurrence of such diseases.

It is easier to prevent active hair growth than to then pay from 800 to 2000 hryvnia to beauty salons to have hair removed. Such procedures are not always painless, and one procedure is unlikely to be sufficient.

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Depilation on the back

Depilation is done when you want to remove visible hair that is visible above the skin. The methods of this group are not able to eliminate the hair root, so after some time the hair will grow back.

  1. Using a razor. There are razors especially for men that are designed to remove back hair. They have a wider blade and a much longer handle than regular disposable razors. This procedure is the least expensive among the others. But at the same time, it is also the least effective. After a few days, the man will develop stubble on his back, which is very unpleasant to the touch. Irritation and discomfort may occur. And after a while the hair will grow back.
  2. Waxing. This method is more effective than using razors. The effect is quite long-lasting: you can forget about the hair on your back for about a month. However, this procedure is very painful. You need to apply wax to the skin, and apply special strips on top. When the wax dries, they need to be torn off.
  3. Depilatory creams. They contain a component that can break down the protein in the hair follicle, causing the root to weaken. But they should not be used by those with sensitive skin.

The bodies of all men, without exception, are covered with hair. For some, they grow only on the face (stubble), in the armpits and pubic area. But many men have hairline and on the legs, arms, chest, back. For some it is thicker and denser, for others it is almost invisible. Some are proud of their “vegetation”, while others try in every possible way to hide or remove it. Most glossy fashion magazines popularize men with perfectly smooth bodies without a single hair. But the overwhelming majority of women have a different opinion on this matter.

One way or another, today the hair on the body has lost more than 50% of its original relevance, although it still performs some of the functions laid down by nature thousands of years ago. Let's look at some interesting facts that men need to know about the hair on their bodies.

1. Hair on the body of a future man is formed and begins to grow during the period when the fetus is in the womb. This hair is called lanugo. Thin and almost imperceptible hairs, reminiscent of fluff, cover the entire body of the baby. But they fall out before birth (most of them). This explains the increased hairiness of children born prematurely: the lanugo simply does not have time to fall out. But no need to worry. They will fall out a few weeks after birth.

2. There are three opposing hair types. The first type is lanugo, which has already been mentioned. The second type is vellus hair. Occurs after lanugo. They are soft, thin and often colorless. The third type of hair is shaft hair. They appear as adolescence approaches. They are the complete opposite of vellus hair. They are tough, strong, attached to the sebaceous glands and subcutaneous tissue. With their appearance, a characteristic body odor arises. This occurs due to the connection of the hair shaft with the sebaceous glands.

3. Women prefer hairy men. Most women, according to surveys and scientific research, prefer men with body hair. However, almost all women consider the presence of hair on a man's back unattractive. Women have the opposite opinion regarding chest hair: almost 70% of the surveyed representatives of the fair sex like it.

4. Every hair on the body is protected by tiny glands. During adolescence, most of the vellus hair is replaced by shaft hair. They grow from the subcutaneous layers. The shaft hairs are thickened and much larger in diameter than lanugo or vellus hairs. Accordingly, this makes the pores from which they grow much wider, opening up ways for the external environment to contact the subcutaneous layers. But nature took care of protecting the body, providing every hair sebaceous gland, secreting a secret that does not allow harmful substances and microorganisms to penetrate the skin.

5. We exchanged body hair for fat. There is a hypothesis that links into one theory subcutaneous fat and body hair. How? It is assumed that as a person surrounds himself with amenities, in particular, comfortable housing and an abundance of food, the need for hair disappears. Previously, hair protected a person from cold, rain, cold, keeping warm. Now a person can hide from these weather phenomena in a cozy room. In addition, subcutaneous fat, a layer of which can be formed due to the availability of food products in the modern world, has partially taken on the protective function from external climatic factors.

6. The amount of hair is directly proportional to the intelligence of its owner. Studies have been repeatedly conducted that have shown that the hairier a man is, the higher his intellectual abilities. Most likely, this is due to hormonal levels, which also affect the level of hair growth.

7. Hair has its own muscles. Hair follicles are equipped with smooth muscles that can contract. The result is a goose bump effect. This reflex is also called piloerection. It appears as raised hairs when exposed to cold, released into the bloodstream adrenaline and so on. This is a purely rudimentary reflex.

8. Hair on a man's body grows much faster in spring and summer. This is stated by Brian Thompson, a hair specialist from the USA. He suggests that this is due to more intense than in the autumn-winter period, metabolism.

9. Hair on a man's body promotes sexual attraction. Pubic and armpit hair accumulates and retains sexual pheromones, as a result of which the latter can reach the sense of smell of individuals of the opposite sex. This is of great importance in attracting men sexually.

As you can see, hair on the body of men still plays a rather important role. But in the future we may be left completely without hair, since its significance is being lost every year due to the development of civilization.