Spanish expressions with translation. Phrases in Spanish

duration: 30 minutes

In this section you will find the 400 most common phrases. They will help improve colloquial speech, reading and writing skills. If you remember the entire list, it will be easier for you to start a conversation and understand what was answered. After completing this page, please visit: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. You will spend 30 minutes on this lesson. To listen to the word, please click on the Audio icon . If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact me by email: Learn Spanish.

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How are you?What do you think?
How are you doing?What do you think?
How are you? / What's happening?What do you mean?
OK, thank you!Bien, gracias.
Good morning!Buenos Days
Good afternoonBuenas tardes
Good evening!Buenas tardes
And you?¿Y tú?
What about you?¿Y Usted?
good, good, good, goodBien
We speak two languages.Hablamos dos idiomas.
They speak four languages.Ellos hablan cuatro idiomas.
I visited one country.Solo visite un país.
She visited three countries.Ella visitó tres países
She has one sister.Ella tiene una hermana.
She has two sisters.El tiene très hermanas.
Do you like it here?¿Te gusta (vivir) aquí?
See you!¡Hasta luego!
Thank you very much!¡Muchas gracias!
I really like it!Me gusta mucho.
happy, happy, happy, happyFeliz
sad, sad, sad, sadTriste
Thank you!¡Gracias!
My pleasure!¡De nada!
Have a nice day!Que pases un buen día
Good night!Buenas nights
Have a nice trip!¡Buen viaje!
It was a pleasure talking with you!Me ha gustado hablar contigo
Am I right or am I wrong?¿Tengo razón o no?
Is he older or younger than you?(Él) es mayor o menor que tú?
Is the test easy or difficult?¿Es el examen fácil o difícil?
Is this book old or new?¿Es este libro nuevo o antiguo?
It's very expensiveEsto es muy caro.

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phrases Spanish Audio
I don't speak Korean (Korean)No hablo coreano
I like Japanese languageMe encanta el idioma japonés / Me encanta el japonés
I speak ItalianHablo italiano
I want to learn SpanishQuiero aprender español
My native language- GermanMi lengua materna es alemán
Spanish is easy to learnEl español es facil de aprender
He has a rug made in MoroccoEl tiene una alfombra marroquí
I have an American carTengo un coche americano
I love French cheeseMe encanta el queso frances
I am Italian (Italian)Soy italiano/a
My dad is GreekMi padre es griego
My wife is KoreanMi esposa es coreana
Have you been to India?¿Has estado alguna vez en la India?
I came from SpainVengo de Spain
I live in AmericaVivo en America
I want to go to GermanyQuiero ir a Alemania
I was born (born) in ItalyNací en Italia
Japan is a beautiful countryJapón es un país precioso / bello
Long time no see!Cuánto tiempo sin vernos
I missed youTe he echado de menos
What's new?¿Qué hay de nuevo?
Nothing newNada nuevo
Feel at home!Como si estuvieras en tu casa
Have a nice trip!¡Buen viaje!
Is it possible to practice Italian with/with you?¿Puedo practicar italiano contigo?
I speak French, but with an accentHablo francés pero con acento.
I was born in MiamiYo naci en Miami.
I'm from JapanSoy de Japan
This is a letter in a bookLa carta está dentro del libro.
This pen is under the tableEl boligrafo está debajo de la mesa.
Directions, orientationLas directions
Can I help you?¿Le puedo ayudar?
Can you help me?¿Me podría ayudar?
Could you show me?¿Me lo enseña?
Come with me!¡Venga conmigo!
City centerCentro / centro de la ciudad
Sorry...¡Disculpe! / ¡Perdone!
Go straightVaya recto
How do I get to the museum?¿Cómo se va al museo? / ¿Cómo se llega al museo?
How long does it take to get there?¿Cuánto se tarda en llegar ahí?
I'm lostEstoy perdido
I'm not from hereNo soy de aquí / Soy de fuera
It's far from hereEstá lejos/Queda lejos
It's nearbyEstá cerca / Queda lejos
Wait a minute!¡Un momento, por favor!
Turn leftGire a la izquierda
Turn rightGire a la derecha

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A tattoo is a creative way to reveal your personality. Nowadays, you can emphasize your originality in various ways, because fashion is developing rapidly and designers in different fields are creating their magic. However, tattoo artistry especially stands out today. Despite the common themes, the variety of styles and methods of coloring a design or inscription allows you to make a tattoo unique. And the master’s personal approach complements it.

Gained particular popularitytattoo lettering in spanish. They owe not only to the endless number of fonts, but also to excellent sayings, parting words and touching phrases.

It is not surprising that they prefer sophisticated and understandable phrases to intricate images. After all, every tattoo is very symbolic. But if the inscriptions can be translated, then tattoos of animals, plants, birds, insects and other things, as a rule, have several meanings. Sometimes they simply contradict each other.

Therefore, those who believe in the ability of a tattoo to leave an imprint on our destiny prefer simplicity and meaningfulness phrases for tattoos in spanish.

  • Moreover, there is no such game of scales and colors here.
  • Most often they are painted black on some part of the body.
  • They look great in medium size.
  • The main thing here is to choose the right place for the tattoo.

Some people prefer to put the inscription in the place that corresponds to it meaningfully.

For example, if this inscriptions with translation in Spanish related to love like " Los milagros están donde creen en ellos”, which translates as “Love soothes like sunshine after rain,” then they are placed near the heart: on the chest, ribs or wrists (since they are closely related to the concept of marriage).

Other owners tattoo in spanish with translation They didn’t cheat for a long time and made tattoos without relating the meaning of the inscription to the part of the body. They simply chose the most aesthetically pleasing location.

The advantage of tattoos in the form of phrases is that they are applied from different angles to emphasize the line of the body. Men prefer to do tattoo lettering in spanish on the shoulder blades or forearm. It is important for them that the tattoo emphasizes the relief of the muscles. However, this is also a kind of relationship between the meaning of the tattoo and the place where it is applied. For example, it is not surprising that among such inscriptions there are such aphorisms:

  • “No hay nada impossible” is translated as “Nothing is impossible”;
  • “Vivir significa luchar” (to live means to fight);
  • “Nuncio te rindas” translated as “Never give up” is complemented by “... aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra” (... even if the whole world is against you).

Girls also resort to aestheticism and choose tattoo lettering in spanish photo that emphasize sexuality and tenderness. Girls apply romantic phrases like “Creo en mi estrella” (I believe in my star) or “Los milagros están donde creen en ellos” (miracles where people believe in them) on their shoulders, shoulder blades and feet.

Te amo - I love you

Te quiero - I love you

Te adoro - I adore you

Te deseo - I want you.

Te extraño - I miss you (I miss you).

Te echo de menos, Te extraño. - I miss you

Te deseo dulces sueños. - I wish you sweet dreams

Mi amor - my love

Mi corazon - my heart

Mi alma - my soul

Mi cariño - my love

Mi cielo - my sky

Mi vida - my life

Mi niñita - my girl.

Mi gatita - my cat.

Mi querido (mi querida) - my dear (my dear)

Me gustas - I like you

Me gustas mucho - I really like you

Me gustas cuando me dices palabras dulces. - I like it when you say kind words to me

Me encantas - I'm fascinated by you

Me haces feliz. - You make me happy

Estoy enamorado de ti - I'm in love with you (in love)

Estoy loca de ti - I'm crazy about you. (if loco - then on behalf of a man)

Estoy enamorada de tí. - I'm in love with you

Estoy loca de amor por tí. - I fell head over heels in love

Estoy locala por tí. - I'm crazy about you

Eres el amor de mi vida. - You are the love of my life.

Eres mi destino. - You are my destiny

Eres todo para mi. - You are everything to me

Eres mi sueño. - You are my dream

Eres mi pasión y mi locura. - You are my passion and my madness.

Eres magnifico - you are magnificent

Eres tan hermoso - you are so cute

Hermosa is a beauty

Guapo - handsome

Atractivo, atractiva - attractive, attractive

No te vayas - don't go

No puedo vivir sin tí. - I can't live without you.

No puedo esperar a volver a hacerte el amor otra vez.- I can’t wait to make love to you again

No me importa que el mundo se termine si estamos juntos tú y yo. - It doesn’t matter if the world ends, if we are together - you and me.

No soy nada sin ti. Tú eres mi todo. - I'm nothing without you. You are everything to me.

Nunca en mi vida voy a olvidarte. - I will never forget you.

Bésame - kiss me

Abrazame - hug me

Sólo tú tienes mi corazón - My heart belongs only to you

Solo hay una felicidad en la vida, amar y ser amada. Te amo. - There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. Love you

Soy un extraño - I feel like a stranger (lost) without you

Hoy te quiero más que ayer...Y mañana te voy a quierer más que hoy... - And today I love you more than yesterday... And tomorrow I will love you more than today...

Y en el dolor y el bien tú me supiste amar, y lo que soy es por ti sin duda. - Both in sorrow and in joy you never stopped loving me, and therefore I am without a doubt yours.

Querido, querida - beloved, beloved

Quédate conmigo - stay with me

Quiero estar contigo toda mi vida. - I want to be with you all my life.

Quesiera tenerte a mi lado. - I want you to be near

Quiero estar contigo. - I want to be with you

Quiero estar contigo toda mi vida. - I want to be with you for the rest of my life

Quiero estar contigo siempre, por siempre y para siempre. - I want to be with you always, and so that it lasts forever.

Pienso en ti - Thinking about you

Por ti respiro, por ti vivo y por ti muero. “Thanks to you I breathe, thanks to you I live, and for you I will die.”

Amo tus ojos, tu cabello, tu rostro, tus manos. - I love your eyes, your hair, your face, your hands.

Abrázame y nunca me sueltes. - Hold me and never let me go.

Agree a mi. - Snuggle up to me.

Cosas que amo en esta vida: Despertar a tu lado, verte sonreir, verte dormida(o). - The things I love in this life: waking up next to you, seeing you smile, watching you sleep.

Fue amor a primera vista. - It was love at first sight

Pienso en tí cada minúto. - I think about you every minute

En vivo. El amor. Despedida! - Live, Love, Farewell!

Todo lo que aprecio pierde la mitad de su valor si no estas alli para compartirlo. Everything I value loses half its value if you're not there to share it.

El amor alivia como la luz del sol tras lluvia. Love is as calming as sunshine after rain.

Tu amor es consuelo en la tristeza, serenidad en el tumulto, reposo en la fatiga, esperanza en la desesperacion. Your love is consolation in sadness, calm in excitement, rest in fatigue, hope in despair.

Siempre eres nueva.El ultimo de tus besos siempre fue el mas dulce; la ultima sonrisa, la mas brillante; El ultimo gesto, el mas gracil. You are always new. The last of your kisses is always the sweetest, the last smile is the most brilliant, the last gesture is the most graceful

Solo hay una felicidad en la vida, amar y ser amada. Te amo. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. Love you

S? Quien quieres ser, y no lo que otros quieren ver.

“Be what you want to be, not what others want you to be.”

T? dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querr?s quedarte.

“You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love it and protect it if you don’t want to stay.”

Aunque miro al otro lado, mi coraz?n s?lo te ve a ti.

“But even if I look the other way, my heart only sees you.”

En la vida, como en ajedrez, las piezas mayores pueden volverse sobre sus pasos, pero los peones solo tienen un sentido de avance.

“In life, as in chess, senior pieces can turn, but pawns can only move forward.”

No vivas dando tantas explicaciones. Tus amigos no las necesitan, tus enemigos no las creen y los est?pidos no las entienden.

“Don’t live your life giving a lot of explanations. Your friends don’t need them, your enemies won’t believe in them, and fools won’t understand them.”

Jam?s te rindas, pase lo que pase.

“Never give up, no matter what.”

Bajo el ala de un ?ngel.

"Under the wing of an angel."

Estamos tan acostumbrados a todo lo que es malo, que cuando sucede algo bueno dudamos si es real.

“We are so used to everything being bad that when something good happens, we don’t believe it’s real!”

Amar hasta el ?ltimo suspiro, hasta el ?ltimo latido del coraz?n.

“Love until the last breath, until the last beat of the heart.”

Gracias a mis padres por haberme dado la vida.

“Thank you to my parents for life.”

Te echo mucho de menos, amor m?o... Haces latir mi coraz?n...

“I miss you, my love... You make my heart beat...”

Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubs.

“No matter how long the storm is, the sun always begins to shine between the clouds.”

Los sue?os son la realidad. Lo principal es venir en mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante.

“Dreams are reality. The main thing is to want it badly and take a step forward.”

Tu decides cuando es tu amanecer y cuando tu ocaso.

“You decide when your sunrise and your sunset.”

Solo mi amor siempre est? conmigo.

“Forever and ever, my love alone is with me.”

No me importa que el mundo se termine si estamos juntos t? y yo.

“It doesn’t matter if the world ends, as long as we stay together, you and me.”

Los muertos reciben m?s flores y reconocimiento que muchos vivos, porque el remordimiento suele ser m?s fuerte que la gratitud.

“The dead get more flowers than the living. Because repentance is usually stronger than gratitude.”

Сu?ntas cosas perdemos por miedo a perder!

“How much do we lose because we are afraid to lose!”

M?s hermoso parece el soldado muerto en la batalla que sano en la huida.

“A soldier who died in battle seems more beautiful than one who survived in flight.”

Vivir con el presente.

"Live in the moment."

Lo m?s importante en la vida es amar y ser amado.

“The main thing in life is to love and be loved.”

Te quiero y nunca te olvidar?. Eres lo mejor que hubo en mi vida.

“I love you and will never forget you. You are the best thing in my life.”

Cuando las personas se van - d?jales ir. El destino expulsa a los de m?s. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya est? representado.

“When people leave, let them go. Fate excludes the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.”

Felicidad es estar en armon?a con la vida.

“Happiness is harmony with life.”

Soy como el viento entre las alas: siempre al lado y siempre invisible.

“I am like the wind between the wings, always close and always invisible.”

Suerte se llama a lo que sucede cuando, se reunen la preparacion y la oportunidad.

“Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity come together.”

Eres todo lo que tengo. Y no me quiero morir. Sin poder otra vez. Volver a verte.

“You are all I have. And I don't want to die. Failing again. See you."

Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, d?nde lo hay todo.

“Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything.”

No llores porque se termin?, sonr?e porque sucedi?.

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

Los ngeles lo llaman alegr?a celestial, los demonios lo llaman sufrimiento infernal, los hombres lo llaman amor.

“Angels call it heavenly joy, demons call it hellish suffering, people call it love.”

Nunca te rindas.

"Never give up."

Ngel m?o, estate conmigo, t? ve delante de m? y yo te seguir?.

“My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I will follow you.”

Un coraz?n es una riqueza que no se vende ni se compra, pero que se regala.

“The heart is wealth that cannot be sold and cannot be bought, but can only be given.”

El amor es la fuerza y ​​la raz?n por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas.

“Love is the power and reason why the Earth turns.”

El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus sue?os.

“The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.”

Sabemos qui?nes somos, pero no sabemos qui?nes podemos ser.

“We know who we are, but we don’t know who we can be.”

Nunca te rindas aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra.

“Never give up, even if the whole world is against you.”

Una vez que consigues lo que quieres, tienes algo que perder.

“When you get what you want, you have something to lose.”

El amor alivia como la luz del sol tras lluvia.

“Love is as calming as sunshine after rain.”

Quiz?s la felicidad vino y toc? a tu puerta, pero no la o?ste por estar gritando tan alto por tus problemas.

“Perhaps happiness came and knocked on your door, but you did not hear, because at that time you were shouting very loudly about your problems.”

Ser?a maravilloso dedicar nuestra vida a los viajes.

“It would be great to dedicate my life to travel.”

Muchas veces en la vida las personas olvidande lo que deben recordar y recuerdan lo que deben olvidar.

“Often in life people forget what they should remember and remember what they should forget.”

El arte es una mentira que nos acerca a la verdad.

“Art is an illusion that brings us closer to reality.”

Un d?a todo ir? bien: he aqu? nuestra esperanza. Todo va bien hoy: he aqu? la illusion.

“One day everything will be fine: that is our hope. Everything is fine today: this is an illusion.”

A veces, las cosas que no podemos cambiar, terminan por cambiarnos a nosotros.

“Sometimes the things we can’t change end up changing us.”

rindas- the verb is in the form subjunctive mood , pase lo que pase - no matter what happens or no matter what - remember the expression.)

Yo mismo me hago la vida.
I build my own life.

(mismo - himself, me returnable (hacerse) , hago- the verb is in the form simple present tense )

Cualquiera se puede equivocar, incluso yo.
Anyone can make mistakes, even me.

(Cualquiera - anyone, se - a particle that indicates that the verb reflexive (equivocarse - to be mistaken) , but in in this case The verb poder (to be able) is conjugated, because in the verb+verb construction, only the first verb is conjugated, and the second verb remains in the same form. I ncluso - including, including)

Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

No llores porque se terminó, sonríe porque sucedio.
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Agradezco a mi destino.
I thank my fate.

El ganador se lo lleva todo.
The winner takes all.

No hay nada imposible.
Nothing is impossible.

No dejes que te paren.
Don't let yourself be stopped.

No lamento nada. No tengo miedo de nada.
I don't regret anything. I'm not afraid of anything.

No sé que pasara mañana, lo importante es ser feliz hoy!
I don’t know what will happen tomorrow... the main thing is to be happy today!

No te pongas triste cuando entiendas tus errores.
Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes.

El tiempo no cura.
Time doesn't heal.

El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus sueños.
The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.

Amar es el más poderoso hechizo para ser amado.
Loving is the most powerful means of being loved.

Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón.
To love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat.

Amor apasionado.
Passionate love.

Angel mío, estate conmigo, tú ve delante de mí y yo te seguiré.
My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I will follow you.

Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo.
Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything.

Bajo el ala de un ángel.
Under the wing of an angel.

Bebemos, cantamos y amamos.
We drink, we eat and we love.

Busco la verdad.
I'm looking for the truth.

A cada uno lo suyo.
To each his own.

Creo en mi estrella.
I believe in my star.

Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor.
If love is not madness, it is not love.

Cuando las personas se van - déjales ir. El destino expulsa a los de más. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya está representado.
When people leave, let them go. Fate excludes the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.

Lo que eres hoy es el resultado de tus decisiones en el pasado. Lo que seas mañana será consecuencia de lo que hagas hoy. - Who you are today is the result of your decisions in the past. Who you become tomorrow will be the consequence of what you do today.

Una vez que consigues lo que quieres, tienes algo que perder.
When you get what you want, you have something to lose.

Cuando veas caer una estrella, recuérdame.
When you see a shooting star, remember me.

Desearía ser una lágrima tuya... para nacer en tus ojos, vivir en tus mejillas y morir en tus labios.
I would like to be your tear... in order to be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks and die on your lips.

Dios desea lo que quiere la mujer.
What a woman wants is what pleases God.

El amor es la fuerza y ​​la razón por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas.
Love is the power and reason why the Earth rotates.

Un corazón es una riqueza que no se vende ni se compra, pero que se regala.
The heart is wealth that cannot be sold and cannot be bought, but can only be given as a gift.

Eres mi debilidad.
You are my weakness.

Eres mi fuerza.
You are my strength.

Eres mi vida.
You are my life.

La felicidad y el amor me llevan de la mano en la vida.
Happiness and love lead me by the hand through life.

Felicidad es estar en armonía con la vida.
Happiness is being in harmony with life.

Solo mi amor siempre está conmigo.
Forever and ever, my only love is with me.

Gracias a mis padres por haberme dado la vida.
Thanks to my parents for life.

Gracias por hacerme feliz.
Thank you for the happiness.

Juntos para siempre.
Together forever.

La alegría no es más que saber disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.
Joy is nothing more than being able to enjoy the simple things in life.

La distancia no importa si te llevo en mi corazón.
Distance doesn't matter if you're in my heart.

La paciencia tiene más poder que la fuerza.
Patience has more power than strength.

Siempre me quedara la voz suave del mar.
The soft voice of the sea will remain with me forever.

La vida es un juego.
Life is a game.

La vida es una lucha.
Life is a struggle.

Lograste hacerme feliz.
You made me happy.

Los angeles lo llaman alegría celestial, los demonios lo llaman sufrimiento infernal, los hombres lo llaman amor.
Angels call it heavenly joy, demons call it hellish suffering, people call it love.

Los milagros están donde creen en ellos.
Miracles are where people believe in them.

Los sueños son la realidad. Lo principal es venir en mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante.
Dreams are reality. The main thing is to want it badly and take a step forward.

Lo más importante en la vida es amar y ser amado.
The main thing in life is to love and be loved.

Me juego la vida.
I'm playing with my life.

Mi ángel, estate conmigo siempre.
My angel, be always with me.

Mi amor por ti será eterno.
My love for you will be eternal.

Mi amor, te necesito como el aire.
My beloved, I need you like air.

Mi vida, mis reglas!
My life is my rules!

Mientras respiro, espero.
I hope as long as I breathe.

Nada es eterno.
Nothing lasts forever.

No te tomes la vida en serio, al fin y al cabo no saldras vivo de ella.
Don't take life seriously, in the end you won't come out of it alive.

Nuestro amor es eterno.
Our love is eternal.

Nunca te rindas.
Never give up.

Nunca te rindas aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra.
Never give up, even if the whole world is against you.

Nunca te arrepientas de lo que hiciste si en aquel momento estabas feliz!
Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment!

Para conservar la felicidad, hay que compartirla.
To maintain happiness, it must be shared.

Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubes.
No matter how long the storm is, the sun always begins to shine between the clouds.

Conseguire todo lo que quiera.
I'll get everything I want.

Sabemos quiénes somos, pero no sabemos quiénes podemos ser.
We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be.

Se fiel al que te es fiel.
Be faithful to those who are faithful to you.

Ser y no parecer.
To be and not to seem.

Si algún día vas a pensar en mí, recuerda que tú mismo me has dejado ir.
If you ever miss me, remember that you were the one who let me go.

Si no puedes convencerlos, confúndelos.
If you can't convince, confuse.

Si tu amor se apagó, dímelo a la cara, estoy aquí.
If your love has faded, tell me straight to my face, I'm here.

Quisiera estar contigo siempre, y que esto dure una eternidad.
I want to be with you always, and for this to last forever.

Sigue tu sueño.
Follow your dreams.

Solo adelante.
Just go ahead.

Solo la vida que has vivido con el amor se puede llamar victoria.
Only a life lived with love can be called a victory.

Sonríele a tu sueño.
Smile at the dream.

Soy como el viento entre las alas: siempre al lado y siempre invisible.
I am like the wind between the wings, always nearby and always invisible.

Soy la major.
I'm the best.

Sueña sin miedo.
Dream without fear.

A toda costa.
At any cost.

Todo está en tus manos.
Everything is in your hands.

Todos los hombres están a mis pies.
All men are at my feet.

Todo lo que pasa es para mejor.
Everything that is not done is for the better.

Tus deseos son mi flaqueza.
Your desires are my weakness.

Vivir con el presente.
Live in the present.

Vivir para el amor.
Live for love.

Vivir significa luchar.
To live means to fight.

Vivo con la esperanza.
I live in hope.

Quien si no yo.
Who else if not me?

Yo mismo me hago la vida.
I build my own life.

Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres.
Tell me who your friend is, I’ll tell you who you are.

Quien calla, otorga.
Silence is golden.

Nunca ande por el camino trazado, porque el solo conduce adonde ya fueron otros
Never walk on a marked path because it only leads to where others have already gone.

Tu decides cuando es tu amanecer y cuando tu ocaso.
You decide when your sunrise and your sunset.

Suerte se llama a lo que sucede cuando, se reunen la preparacion y la oportunidad
Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity come together.