Is an ergonomic backpack suitable for newborns?

Greetings, dear blog readers! Olga Ramazanova is with you. When I gave birth to my son, after a month of his life, he flatly refused to lie in a stroller. Is this situation familiar?

Or when you need to lower the stroller from the eighth floor and the elevator does not work, or get to the other end of the city by public transport? In such cases, it is quite logical to think about purchasing a baby carrier. The choice is now very large, so I propose to study such a question - what is better ergo backpack or.

We will consider the most important criteria that affect the convenience of not only the baby, but also the mother.

At what age can you wear it?

Both devices are intended for use by children from birth. There are only a few important points:

  • Slings are different and some of their variations cannot be used by newborns. (“ ”) For them, a scarf-shaped carrier is perfect. It supports the baby well in the fetal position and maintains the natural position of the spine. In May slings and with rings, you can also carry a baby in the cradle position from birth.
  • Ergonomic backpack designed for babies from 4-5 months. This is due to the fact that the lower part is not adjustable and may not fit the width of the baby's legs. For newborns, a special insert is provided that allows the baby to fit snugly against mommy. But many experts still do not recommend putting small children in a backpack.
  • It used to be popular to carry babies in a kangaroo backpack. This is a more unfortunate version of the carrier, as in it the child hangs legs down while sitting on the pope. The question arises - from how many months can you carry a baby in a kangaroo? Doctors do not recommend using it until 6 months, or until the moment the child has sat down.

What is the difference ?

The main difference between an ergo and a sling is their design and materials.

  • The first is worn on the shoulders of the mother with the help of two wide straps. Their length can be adjusted with special straps. To remove the load from the shoulders and transfer to the hips, the backpack is fixed on the lower back. You can also adjust the distance of the back of the backpack to bring the baby closer to the mother's body. The straps are for the most part compacted and do not squeeze anything, and the fabric of the backpack itself should be natural and dense.
  • Slings are sewn from various natural fabrics according to the season. Mai is a rectangle of fabric with four straps at the corners. It imitates the same backpack, only the tension of the straps is fixed by knots. The load in this case goes to the shoulders and back of the mother.

Ease of use outdoors

It happens that the child is active, and it is necessary to endlessly either put it on its legs or put it in a carrier. In this case, an ergo backpack would be an ideal option. It is easy to put on, fasten and put your child in it.

Long straps of a May-sling or scarf, especially in bad weather while you tie the child, they will lie on the ground and get dirty. You can choose the option with rings - you just need to throw it over your shoulder and place the baby. However, it is difficult to wear it for a long time due to the load on one shoulder.

Choose by season

Thick and wide shoulder straps summer period many do not like. It becomes just hot for both the baby and the mother. Therefore, they prefer to use a sling made of cotton, linen or other breathable fabric in warm weather. Although there are also lightweight summer options for ergos.

In winter, your child will be very warm and comfortable in a sling jacket. She wears over the baby carrier.

Issue price

In terms of price range, slings can be much cheaper than ergo backpacks. This is due to the cheaper cost and lightweight construction. However, this does not mean that ergo is hard to afford. Use the ads of mothers who have already successfully carried their babies and want to sell it for a reasonable price.

If you are thinking about what type of baby carrier is better to purchase, first of all, decide for what purposes you will use it. Listen to the reviews of your friends, because they can tell you what to look for. And the most important rule is that your beloved child should like this “thing”.

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I was moved not by an idle desire to make life easier for myself, but by a severe necessity. At six months, the baby flatly refused to sit in the stroller, so in order not to leave the little picky (and myself too) without walking, I had to look for alternative ways to transport the child.

Normal and dropped immediately. The first - because of the complexity of winding, the second - because of the harm proven by doctors for the fragile children's spine. There are not many options left - only two.

  1. May-sling is a piece of soft (usually linen or cotton) fabric with a belt and long straps. It seems to me that it is closer to a scarf sling, as it requires some practice when winding.

This is my sling

  1. Ergo backpack - roughly speaking, an improved model. In such a carrier, the child does not hang on the perineum, but is in the correct (physiological) M-pose.

And this is an ergo backpack

May-sling and ergo-backpack - similarities

The similarities between a May-sling and an ergo-backpack include the following points:

  • Both types of carriers allow you to carry the baby in the position “facing yourself”, “on your back”. (In maya, you can still wear "on the side").
  • Both options ensure the correct position of the baby.
  • It is better to use both the May-sling and the ergo backpack from the age of 4 months, since the horizontal position in these carriers is not provided, no matter what the manufacturers write (it is not worth putting a baby of 1-2 months even in the M-position). You can put a newborn in a May-sling, but it will be inconvenient for both you and the baby.
  • Both carriers can be used up to 2-3 years.

May-sling and ergo-backpack - differences

The main difference between a May-sling and an ergo backpack is the complexity of winding. Yes, May is not as "confusing" as a sling scarf, but without some practice, you are unlikely to be able to wrap it perfectly the first time - I did not succeed. With a backpack in this regard, it is much easier. There is a special fastening at the back - all that remains is to seat the child, throw over the straps and fasten the clasp on the back.

As for the season, I boldly declare - May-sling - for summer, ergo - for autumn. In winter, you can put on any carrier - there will still be a sling jacket on top!

Another important difference is the distribution of the load on the spine. May-sling, due to soft details, adapts exactly to your figure and complexion (as well as to the position of your child). The backpack is more "hard". Of course, you can adjust the length of the straps and belt, but still this is a finished design.

By the way, it is precisely due to this that the May-sling allows you to “squeeze” the baby to itself as much as possible, while in the backpack the baby can lean back and cling to mom.

Why did I choose an ergo backpack?

Since May-slings are an order of magnitude cheaper than backpacks, I first bought it, or rather its modification - a tight-sling from the manufacturer Chudo-Chado. The price pleased - less than 2000 rubles. The advantage of this particular model, I consider an improved belt - it is made by analogy with a backpack, that is, there is a mount and Velcro.

The first attempt to wind a tight sling ended with a baby crying. The second one was more successful, but the baby did not stay in the sling for a long time - it lasted 15 minutes. 15 minutes.

In general, this option turned out to be not very successful, so an ergo backpack was bought from. The cost of this carrying a little more than 6000 rubles. I think you can find analogues cheaper. For example, on the now popular Chinese sites there are very decent models for a very nice price.

What can I say about the backpack: it is very comfortable - both me and the baby immediately liked it. The straps and belt can be tightened directly on you. No one's additional help is required when putting on - even someone who has never encountered sling-like carriers will be able to put on the backpack correctly!

Included is a special cushion, which is attached with inside backpack and allows short children to comfortably fit in the carrier.

Another "plus", which is not in the May-sling - pockets. You can put your phone, keys, money in them. Thus, shopping is greatly facilitated - no need to carry an additional wallet or bag with you.

Let me tell you about one more difference between an ergo-backpack and a May-sling. The backpack is not only easy to use, but also easy to care for. You can wash it in a regular machine (I washed it in the "hand wash" mode with a spin cycle of 400). After drying, the ergo is immediately ready for use.

May in this regard requires more time and effort. After washing, you need to not only dry it (and it dries longer than a backpack), but also iron it! Since my model was made of linen, the ironing process was very tedious.

What to choose?

In my opinion, my-sling is suitable in four cases:

  • If you have experience wearing a regular sling and winding is not difficult;
  • If you are planning to carry your baby in maya during hot weather;
  • If the May-sling will be used by you infrequently (it makes no sense to overpay for an ergo-backpack);
  • If you quickly get tired of carrying a baby (despite the numerous advantages of the ergo, the load is better distributed in a May-sling).

An ergo backpack is better to buy if:

  • You love to travel and need to take off and put on your carrier frequently.
  • Are you planning to go shopping with your child (hello, handy pockets!)
  • Don't want to master winding a sling;
  • You don’t have time for washing and ironing in May, but you want to make it as easy as possible to take care of the carrying.

That's all. Finally, I will give advice: if possible, test both models before buying. For example, borrow them from friends.
Health to you and your kids!

Lyricist: Maria Pomozova

August 12, 2013, 19:07

These four concepts are often not understood and confused by novice slingomams.

So which is more convenient? The answer to some may seem unexpected - nothing)

Each of the options is convenient and suitable in certain situations.

How to choose?

First, let's look at security carrying small passengers.

Not in all these slings we can carry a newborn or a child of the first months of life without potential harm to health. From birth, of these four carriers, only scarf-may is conditionally suitable - a may-sling sewn from scarf fabric (for example, double diagonal or jacquard weave), with wide single-layer shoulder straps.


Why a scarf? Compared to backpacks, fasts and classic may-slings, scarf has a greater ability to adapt to the size of the child and tightly support the child's spine. All this is achieved due to the plasticity of the fabric, which moves well diagonally, as well as due to wide single-layer straps, which to a certain extent allow point-wise tightening of the back of the sling in those areas where it is necessary. The height and width of the backrest can also be adjusted by turning and gathering the sling.

Video instructions for scarf:

The classic May-sling, made of ordinary fabric, with narrow padded straps, can only be used when your baby is already confidently holds his head and, lying on his stomach, can raise his upper body, resting on his arms.


Why such restrictions? In a May-sling, as well as in a scarf, we can reduce the width and height of the back, however, the fabric and the whole structure are much less plastic than in a scarf, and therefore, pulling up the shoulder straps, we often fail to give the child a physiological position, instead we get a weakly drawn shoulder girdle and a blurry m-position of the legs, more like the letter "p". Those. A newborn child or baby up to about 3-4 months cannot buy this option.

Let's move on to the fast sling and ergo backpack. With fast slings, there is another moment unknown to many. Fast-sling is considered by many to be something similar to a May-sling, only with clasps. This is fundamentally wrong - fast sling - younger brother ergonomic backpack, and if we can physiologically safely place a small child in a plastic May-sling, then we should approach fast-slings and backpacks when our child can sit.

fast sling

Ergo backpack:

A fast sling is an ergo backpack without a tight belt, i.e. usually less heavy. The shoulder straps of a fast sling can also be lightweight, without foam rubber / synthetic winterizer inside. However, now there are also ergonomic backpacks with such straps, so the line between an ergonomic backpack and a fast sling is unsteady, and in any case, all the design differences - one way or another come down to the convenience of the wearer. A CHILD IN A FAST-SLING AND IN A BACKPACK IS IN THE SAME CONDITIONS.

Therefore, if they tell you that fast is suitable for babies, and ergo is for older children, you are being misled! It is advisable to start using both a fast sling and a backpack when the child can sit. If the back of your fast sling or ergo backpack is not adjustable in width, I strongly recommend that you start using these types of slings no earlier than your baby sits down. If you buy a fast or a backpack with a non-adjustable back for a non-sitting child, TRY IT ON FIRST! If a fast or backpack is large for a child in width, you run the risk of giving your child a hyper-breeding of the legs, which is harmful to the child's hip joints. If the child is not yet large enough and does not fill the volume of a backpack or fast, the support of the child's spine will be insufficient, which negatively affects the development of the still fragile spine of a child who cannot sit on his own.

Video instructions for the ergo backpack:

So, if you buy a backpack or a fast sling with a non-adjustable back and without trying it on (for example, via the Internet), your child should already be able to sit on his own.

In what cases can a child be carried in a fast or sling from the age of confident holding of the head and shoulder girdle (the child rises, resting on the surface with his arms)? When a backpack or fast is ideal for a child in size - the back is not wide, the child completely fills the volume of the backpack or fast (as a rule, this is either a large child or a non-standard small backpack or fast sling).


Scarfomay - can be used from birth

May-sling - the child confidently holds his head and back

Fast sling and ergo backpack - the child confidently holds his head and back ( ! if the carrier is the perfect size for the baby!), but better from the age of independent sitting.

Those. the more complex the structure of the carrier, the less it adapts to the child, the more it adjusts the child to itself.

And what is more convenient for the parent?

At the outset, I must clarify that this is extremely individual question and depends primarily on you personally and your characteristics.

There are common points, which, however, should not be considered the ultimate truth.

For example, ergonomic backpack removes a significant part of the load from our back and distributes it to the hips due to the tight bandage belt. Those. as a rule, it is more load-bearing, convenient to use with weighty children. BUT! If you have a strong trained back and problematic legs, a fast sling is better for you, because. there, almost the entire load goes on the back, the light belt takes on only a small part.

It distributes the load well on the back of the wearing scarf - wide straps made of scarf fabric straighten out on the mother's back and we get almost the same effect as from a scarf - the heaviest of all types of carriers.

May-sling - for children of medium size and middle age. The smallest ones cannot be carried in it, but large ones can be difficult.

If you want the coolest option, this is a scarf or fast sling with unpadded straps.

There are a lot of such moments, so it is better to measure before buying, if possible. What might work for your friends may not necessarily work for you.

Happy slinging everyone!

Angry anti-sling comments will be removed, so don't bother writing them.

How to choose the right sling, starting from such a criterion as material? To do this, you first need to decide what time of the year you need a sling. Of course, in the summer it is better to give preference to light natural fabrics such as linen, silk or cotton. In winter, knitted, woolen multi-layer slings are at your service, which will give your child extra warmth. When choosing a sling, you need to consider the age of the child. Sling for newborns must be soft. Cotton, bamboo and knitted slings are great for babies.

Even if we understand what the advantage of a sling is, choosing the right one is often beyond our power. From such a variety of models just run your eyes. Well, let's try to figure out what's what.

Sling with rings

Why is it worth paying attention to? It is convenient due to the fact that two rings are sewn into the fabric, thanks to which the sling can be fixed as you like. Such a sling will be useful for those mothers who have just discovered this wonderful little thing. This model also has a minus: it will be difficult to wear children weighing over 8 kg. Due to the fact that the load goes to one shoulder, you will have to alternate them.


This model is conveniently fixed to the body with the help of special straps-belts. Due to this, the load from the weight of the child is distributed over the entire back of the mother, and does not fall on one shoulder, as in previous model. Negative sides can be called the impossibility of adjusting the straps and the difficulty of placing the child in a horizontal position.

Sling scarf

This model is convenient because you can tie the sling in any manner you like. In any position of this sling, the load from the weight of the child will again fall on the entire back, and not on one of the shoulders. The downside is that this sling takes a long time to put on. Yes, and to get a child out of it without disturbing if he is sleeping, it will not work.

Sling pocket

A fairly popular model, which is a pocket in which a child fits compactly. It is convenient in that the baby can easily fit in there, and just as easily removed without getting tangled in the fabric. But the load will fall on one shoulder, so you will often have to outweigh the sling from side to side.

Aqua sling

You will need this model if you want to accustom your child to water from a young age. Indeed, such a sling allows you to swim together in the pool, for example. It is usually made of waterproof fabric that does not let in UV rays.

We figured out the recommended models. Are there any that are better left unattended? You need to bypass the so-called backpacks - kangaroos. Despite the seemingly practical idea, most often such backpacks do not meet the standards at all. They negatively affect the health of the baby, as they cannot offer a comfortable position for the child. It may be convenient for parents to carry a child in such a backpack, but it’s not so convenient for a child to be in it, especially for a long time.

Choosing a baby carrier - kangaroo, ergo backpack, hipsit or sling

To make the life of a mother a little more convenient and easier, more and more various devices for caring for a child appear.

Carriers that have come into use have become such an alternative to heavy and clumsy strollers. But if a few years ago the assortment was mainly of various "kangaroos", now there are slings, ergo backpacks, and hipsits.

Let's see how they all differ from each other.

Kangaroo backpack

In a kangaroo backpack, the little one is located with his back to his mother, facing the rest of the world. Its legs hang down, and support is provided only by the small base of the backpack, into which the child's butt rests. It is believed that in such a design increases. Therefore, before reaching six months old it is highly recommended not to walk with a baby in a kangaroo backpack. Yes and after 6 months time spent in it should not exceed two hours.

In addition to the main drawback of the kangaroo - the unphysiological position of the crumbs, the first models have other imperfections. They have too narrow shoulder straps. For this reason, and due to the lack of a waist strap, mom's shoulders and back will quickly get tired and ache. But fortunately, in expensive backpacks, these nuances are taken into account and corrected.

Ergonomic backpack

Ergoryukzak could be called an analogue of the "kangaroo", but this is wrong. Unlike the imperfect design of the baby carrier, the Ergo Backpack is tailored to provide correct physiological position peanut.

In the ergo-backpack, the child is facing the mother. Due to the wide base, the legs are well supported under the knees and hips. Moreover, their wide breeding is even a prophylaxis. The dense back fits the baby's body, pulling him to the mother, which removes the extra load from the spine.

The shoulder straps are wide and soft, they can be worn parallel or crossed on the back, then it will be even easier for mom. A wide belt running along the hips relieves some of the load from the spine, lumbar, so your favorite burden seems quite light. All straps and straps are fastened with special fastexes, which are complemented by safety fasteners. Thus, the baby will not fall out of the backpack.

ride mama in ergo backpack baby can from 3-4 months to three years, while kangaroos are designed for weights up to 9-10 kilograms. It is easy to put a child not only in front of you, but also behind your back or on. Only there is no provision “facing the world”. This is not an accident: there is an opinion that the baby should not be turned away from his mother, he should be able to look at her at any moment and make sure that she is nearby.

Such different slings

Long woven fabrics are able to surprise those who saw them for the first time. It seems unthinkable how these 5-6 meters of fabric can be wrapped around oneself, and even a child can be placed there. But those who have mastered the winding of sling scarves will say that it is no more difficult than tying shoelaces. Fortunately, manufacturers produce detailed instructions how to use, and the Internet is full of competent videos and step by step guides for beginners.

A sling scarf, like its “brother” with rings or a mai sling, provides the same natural and correct position as an ergo backpack. The fabric used in slings is diagonal weaving, it does not stretch and allows you to tightly fix the child. The material literally hugs the baby.

A sling with rings, although it looks simpler than a long scarf, has some drawbacks. Due to the fact that it runs only along one shoulder, the load is distributed asymmetrically on the back of the mother. It is usually used for newborns and for short walks.

Also in the scarf you can carry a baby from the first month, but at first only in the supine position. Older toddlers are already planted vertically when they confidently hold their heads. May-sling has a simplified design, it is closer to an ergo backpack, it is used to ride children six months and older.


A hipsit is more like a small seat on a wide strap that fastens at the waist. He does not have any additional fasteners, the child is simply planted on top, holding with his hands. It is often chosen by mothers of mischievous children who like to run a lot, but sometimes they don’t mind jumping on the handles. For long walks hipsit not very suitable, but it will fit to enter the site.

Carrying costs vary greatly. Expensive models from elite manufacturers are of good quality, but decent options can be found among cheaper ones. But you need to try on any backpack for yourself, adjust it, put the baby in and see if it is comfortable for him and you. Slings-scarves are good to feel, wrinkle in your hands before buying. Budget models are often more rigid to the touch, they will have to be washed several times first. In many cities there are special showrooms where you can try on several models and consult with a consultant. And some mothers, knowing that slings from well-known manufacturers do not wear out after one owner, even buy them from their hands.

But no matter how much the carrying costs, it is important to understand its purpose and features. It is better to choose physiologically correct carriers, and if you received a kangaroo backpack as a gift, then you should not neglect the rules of wearing so as not to harm the baby.