At what months is it recommended to start baby girls? When can a girl be imprisoned? Komarovsky gives useful advice to young parents.

A child who has learned to sit begins to learn more actively the world around us and develop faster. Being in an upright position, he sees the situation in a new way, can pick up objects with his hands and is already occupied with himself. Many parents look forward to this stage in development. Parents of daughters are often interested in the question: at what months can girls be started, because they develop differently than boys. Why is it dangerous to sit down early?

When can girls sit down?

According to pediatricians, if a girl develops normally, then:

  • at 6 months she is already sitting down with the support of an adult;
  • in 7 - able to independently hold the back vertically;
  • and at 8, you can easily sit down from various positions.

The abdominal and back muscles of children at 6 months are already sufficiently strengthened, so pediatricians define this age as optimal for starting to sit up girls. Deviations of a month or a month and a half are also normal.

Until the age of six months, a little girl is prohibited from artificial placement.. But if at 4 months the child is able to take a semi-sitting position on his own, then he can be left in this position for a short time. You just need to make sure that the girl does not sit in this position for more than an hour during the day.

If a baby who is not yet six months old is able to sit with support, then she will strive to occupy this position more and more often, because this makes it more interesting for her to watch what is happening. In this case, you should not put her in a horizontal position, as she will still take a position that is comfortable for herself. And besides, it can slow down the baby's development. If a girl sits for a long time, she can be distracted with a toy or picked up.

At first, the child sits unsteadily, always falling on his side. This should not be a cause for concern because the muscles are still weak. As soon as they get stronger, the child will sit much straighter. It is also not recommended to sit your baby down and cover him with blankets or pillows, as it will be more difficult for him to change position when he gets tired.

If a girl is not sitting at 7-8 months: what to do?

The age has already arrived when a girl can be safely placed in a stroller or on a high chair. But what if she just can’t stay in a sitting position? In this case, you need to help her by performing strengthening exercises, which are very useful for premature and weak girls.

Muscle strengthening exercises

The following exercises strengthen your back muscles well: recommended to perform on a hard surface.

  • The girl needs to be placed on her tummy so that her legs rest against the adult’s body. Then you need to lift the child, supporting him under the chest with one hand and under the shins with the other. The baby's buttocks and back should be tense. After a few seconds, you need to put it down and repeat the exercise.
  • When performing air baths, the girl is laid on her stomach and placed in front of her a bright toy. This should encourage her to reach out to her. This action perfectly strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, preparing the baby for a sitting position. You can also buy small rings that hang above the crib. The girl will try to reach them, and once she grabs them, she will try to sit up. If the baby is 7–8 months old, then she can be placed on your lap for a few minutes.
  • The index fingers are extended to the child lying on his back. When he grabs them, he will try to sit up. At the same time, the baby’s back comes off the surface, and the abdominal muscles tense. It must be held in this position for 20 seconds, after which it is returned to the horizontal position.

It is recommended to do these exercises with your child. every day from three months of age. If there is a swimming pool in the city that allows you to visit it with small children, then it is advisable to go there. Swimming wonderfully strengthens the muscle corset and prepares the girl for sitting down. With the help of a qualified specialist, you can perform water exercises in the bathroom.

Massage on the gluteal region and back has a good effect, which you can do yourself or invite a children's massage therapist.

If the baby begins to sit up on his own, you need to ensure that is he doing it right?. The child's head should tilt slightly forward, the upper part of the spine and neck should be extended, the lower back should be bent, the hip joints should also be bent and tilted forward, the legs should be turned outward and spread apart. The hands should be placed in front of the body, which the child uses as support. This is important to consider, because thanks to this position of the body, the natural curves of the spine, ligaments and muscles begin to form correctly.

If a mother does not know what time her daughter can be put to bed, then she needs to consult a pediatrician. Having assessed the child’s physical readiness, the doctor will explain why girls are not recommended to be placed before 6 months. When the baby is ready for this new position, parents need to help her sit up.

Most pediatricians are sure that if a girl does not sit up on her own before 6 months, then she cannot be artificially seated. At this age The child’s spine is not yet able to assume a vertical position, because it is still too much of a burden for him. Sitting down too early can be harmful to your health. In older children, this can affect their posture. Pediatric orthopedists have established a direct connection between sitting up too early and scoliosis in the future.

As medical studies have shown, if a girl starts sitting up quite early, then deformation of the pelvic bones may occur. Such a violation can lead to problems in labor in the future, because curved pelvic bones can block the birth canal. Besides, early sitting down affects the psycho-emotional state of the baby. A girl in an unusual position feels fear and uncertainty.

Delusion or reality?

There is an opinion that in girls who are started to sit down early, the uterus becomes bent. But official medicine refutes this. Posterior deviation of the uterus is a physiological feature of the structure of the female genital organs, which is the result of an inflammatory process in the pelvis or a genetic predisposition. All doctors agree that there is no connection between early sitting down and uterine inclination.

Parents should know that they should not try to plant a girl if she has not done this herself before 6.5 months. You should not sit your baby down with pillows around him for a long time. It is recommended to set the position of the backrest of the stroller during a walk to a semi-recumbent position.. It is best not to use a carrier in which the girl will be in a sitting position.

Thus, parents who are concerned about the question of how many months they can start baby girls should carefully monitor their baby. If the child is strong and healthy, he will sit down on his own at a time when his muscles are sufficiently strong. He cannot be forcibly imprisoned. Usually premature babies and those with overweight. The girl will sit down on her own even when no gymnastics is being done with her.

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The birth of a baby always brings joy to the home. A new mom and dad have a lot of new responsibilities and worries. In just one year, a child turns from a helpless squeaking lump into a solemnly walking toddler. First, he will learn to focus his gaze, hold his head, and roll over. Almost every day is a new skill or discovery. Well, the transition from a horizontal to a vertical position requires the development of certain muscles and ligaments. In this regard, young parents often ask such an important question in the development of their baby as the age at which a child can be taught to sit down. The question “What time can a girl be planted” is especially relevant, because body functions and growth rates in boys and girls differ from each other.

Is it worth speeding up the process?

The modern world and the people who inhabit it are in a constant race, trying to take a more advantageous position in society. The question “At what months are girls and boys imprisoned” is not without reason. Some parents believe that their child, as an absolute genius, should do everything before his peers. Adults try to speed up the development process of their beloved child, resorting to various methods. In addition, it is believed that girls develop faster from the very beginning and parents are concerned with the question: “At what age are girls imprisoned in this case?” It would seem that everything is fine, but there are a number of recommendations that, if followed, will help maintain and strengthen the child’s health.

Early attempts to place a child usually lead to negative consequences, since he does not yet have the muscular frame that would reliably support his fragile spine. It's no secret that when we lie down, our body relaxes. When we get up or just sit down, due to the force of gravity of the Earth, our weight presses on the spinal column. Adults healthy people they do not feel this because their muscle tissue, tendons and cartilage form a strong frame that supports the human body in an upright position.

Preparing a child for stress

The baby needs physical activity, which will develop his muscles and he will be able to sit down independently, and then walk. During the entire 9 months that the child was in the womb, he practically did not move. This is why girls and boys should not be planted too early. Everything needs to be done gradually.

Parents are the most important helpers of their children at the beginning of their life. You should start with simple movements. Pediatricians recommend simple gymnastics that will develop basic motor and grasping reflexes in the child.

Gymnastics safety precautions

When starting to do various gymnastic exercises, it is worth considering that the child must be awake at this time, and at least 40 minutes must pass after eating. The timing of gymnastics and its completion also needs to be adjusted. After all the procedures, you can feed the baby only after 20-30 minutes, so always take this fact into account. In this way, you can significantly improve the baby’s well-being, because he will move with great pleasure.

Gymnastics for babies up to 6 months

You can start simple exercises from 2-3 weeks. Of course, you should consult your pediatrician before starting classes. The most natural movements you can start with are stroking. The first serious exercise is that the mother takes the elbow of the child’s left hand and connects it with the knee of the right leg, then vice versa. Thanks to this, muscle tension is released and correct movements are formed. You need to do gymnastics when the child is in good mood, if discomfort appears, it is better to pause the actions and continue when the baby is again ready to joyfully perceive your game.

The next exercise, which trains the back muscles and allows you to understand when you can sit the girl down, is to lift both legs of the child towards the head. At the same time, the feet touch the baby’s forehead, the knees are slightly apart. It develops well the ligaments of the legs and back and helps remove gases from the intestines.

A good stretch occurs when you touch your left temple with your thumb to your right temple and vice versa. Draw imaginary sevens and eights on your child's foot, gently holding the foot. This will help avoid flat feet. You can make circular movements of the baby's legs by bending them at the knee. This exercise can be done with both legs at the same time, or one leg at a time. In the latter case, one leg is straightened, and the other is bent at the knee and rotates.

Your hands also require your attention, so make simple circular and crossing movements with them. Teach your child to roll over, while helping him point his arms and legs in the right direction.

Run two fingers along the baby's spine, this will stimulate the back muscles and bring the baby joy from your touch. Start moving through the folds of skin along the spine from the sacrum to the cervical region. Massage the girls’ gluteal muscles from the center to the edges, and vice versa for boys. Accompany all exercises with various pestles that are most suitable for each case; this will distract the child and help him better tune in to your movements.

A good exercise that helps you better understand and understand what time you can seat a girl is lifting the child by the arms. Thanks to this simple action, you will strengthen the ligaments of the arms, back and legs, which will help your baby feel more confident when trying to sit up.

Additional preparation

Additional preparation that allows you to better understand what time a girl can be seated can be the gradual hardening of the child. Consult your pediatrician about this to decide when and in what volumes to use hardening.

Pediatricians' warnings about the consequences of early placement of girls

Pediatric therapists and orthopedists for the most part speak out against allowing a child to sit down early, so the question of when to sit up girls is clear to them. In addition to premature stress on the spine, early sitting of the child puts negative pressure on the pelvic organs; pressure on the pelvic organs is experienced, because while they are not fully formed, Moreover, the skeletal bones are also at risk. Some experts have expressed the opinion that if your daughter starts sitting down early, this may lead to a flexed cervix.

At what age can girls be imprisoned?

General recommendations on this issue boil down to the fact that it is better not to place a girl before six months. Of course, the child may begin to try to sit up before this time. In this case, try to distract him from early sitting. At what age can a girl be imprisoned, unlike boys? Boys can be placed earlier if they show interest in it. Remember, the health of a girl, and a boy, lies in early age and the fewer negative aspects there are from the very beginning, the better it will be for the child’s development.

Summing up

In this article, we tried to understand such an important and interesting issue as the age at which a girl can be imprisoned. Parents strive to give their children the best. This applies to material conditions, education and maintenance of health, and spiritual development of our children. Haste and the desire to excel are not always useful. Nature has arranged it so that fundamental skills - the ability to sit, walk, run - come in their own time. There is no need to rush nature, let everything develop within acceptable norms.

You can help the child’s body better adapt to living conditions in an upright position. These are gymnastic exercises and hardening. Everything must be done with extreme caution, because your baby’s body is still so fragile. At first, when the girl starts to sit up on her own, help her. It is better if she does this after reaching six months of age. During this time, her body will be sufficiently prepared for the stress on the spine and pelvic organs. The next milestone will be mastering the ability to stand and walk independently. But there is no need to cross out the period of active crawling from all this. Many experts claim that while crawling, in addition to the development of muscles and ligaments, a child develops better speech and spatial orientation.

When the baby turns three or four months old, young mothers begin to worry about when they can sit down the girl.

Among ordinary people, there are several completely opposite opinions about how many months girls can be started. Some say that it is categorically forbidden to sit girls down before they sit down themselves; others are sure that there is nothing wrong with sitting down early.

Why can't we start girls early?

An experienced pediatrician will undoubtedly give advice not to rush things and wait until the child sits up on his own. He will also be sure to explain to the inexperienced mother why it is impossible to start babies, and girls in particular, early. The fact is that the muscle corset of newborn children is still very weak and is not able to keep the baby’s back straight. By sitting down a child who is not ready for this, we place an unbearable load on his spine and muscles, which will cause discomfort and may even lead to injuries to the spine, because in this case the entire load will fall on it. For girls, this is also fraught with the possibility of divergence of the pelvic bones, and this may later cause problems during childbirth. Especially many problems arise when girls are seated with pillows, because in this case the baby is deprived of the opportunity to change her body position when she gets tired.

One more negative side Very early attempts to sit the child down is that in an uncomfortable sitting position, the child will feel uncertainty and fear. That is why parents should not interfere with the natural course of events and wait until the baby makes his first attempts to sit up on his own.

When can girls sit down?

The need for a sitting position and the willingness to accept it most often appears in babies at the age of six months. A six-month-old child has already developed sufficiently the abdominal muscles and along the spine, he can already hold his back straight by himself, and he does not need additional support. It is this age that pediatricians define as the threshold when it is already possible to start sitting down a girl.

How to sit girls down correctly?

Let's look at a few simple recommendations about how to properly sit down a girl. It is strictly forbidden to place bolsters or pillows under the baby’s back as supports. The baby should get used to keeping her back level on her own without outside support. Start by briefly holding your baby on your lap. During the day, do a simple exercise with your baby: offering your fingers as a support, sit the baby down. After performing the usual gymnastics and massage, sit the baby for a while on a flat, hard surface. Secure your child to prevent him from falling, but do not hold him. After some time, the baby will get tired and return to a horizontal position. Usually five or six such training sessions are enough for the child to sit up on his own.

The age of six months is a rather arbitrary milestone, because everything depends on the general physical development of a particular child. Therefore, there is no need to panic if the child does not sit at this age or, on the contrary, sits down on his own a month and a half before this date.

Delay in sitting occurs mainly when parents do little with the child and do not pay due attention to him. physical development, do not give massage. An important factor in this case is also a loose body structure and excess weight. Ask your doctor for advice on how to properly give your baby a course of therapeutic exercises, what changes to make in her diet, and how to properly give her a strengthening massage. Very little time will pass from the start of classes and the question of when to start sitting the girl down will lose its relevance, because the child will be able to sit up on his own.

It is no coincidence that the question of how many months girls can be placed is of interest to responsible parents.

If you plant your baby too early, you can harm her mental and physical health.

At what months can girls be planted: the opinion of pediatricians

Pediatricians recommend starting artificial butt placement from six months. By this age, the baby will already be able to sit, holding his back upright, and examine the changed space with interest. The back and abdominal muscles are sufficiently strengthened, and changing the viewing angle will arouse interest, not fear.

Of course, at first the girl needs to be held: the back muscles are not strong enough to maintain the vertical position of the body for any long time. The child may fall over on his side, so help from mom and dad is required. There is no need to cover your daughter with pillows and leave her to play alone. This is very dangerous, as the child may change position, fall inside the structure, or a heavy pillow may fall on the baby and stop the supply of oxygen. In addition, the girl may simply get tired of sitting, and will not be able to change her position and rest.

How many months can a girl be placed without support, that is, completely independently, depends on her individual development and parents' work. For normally developing girls, seven months is considered the natural physiological norm. At eight months, the baby will begin to sit up on her own, tired of crawling or from a horizontal position.

It is important to take into account that the six-month age for sitting down is determined for one purpose: not to force events, so as not to harm the child. However, if your daughter began to sit up and sit up on her own at five months or earlier, you should not be afraid and force her to lie on her back. Such an early start is also a variant of the norm, because each baby has its own pace of development.

IN in this case The question of how many months a girl can be imprisoned disappears by itself. You just need to make sure that the duration of sitting does not exceed one hour a day, and that the space around the baby is absolutely safe. She needs to be supported and not forced to lie on her back.

Such a reaction from parents will cause irritation, crying and may even slow down the child’s development. If a five-month-old girl has exceeded the permissible hourly sitting limit and does not want to rest, she simply needs to be switched to another activity. Take him in your arms, lay him on his tummy and distract him with a bright toy, do gymnastics or go for a walk.

There is another situation when the daughter is already 6.5 or even 7 months old, but she makes no attempt to sit down. There is no need to worry: there is a month and a half left from the magical six-month date. This is also the norm, but if something worries parents, it is better for them to consult a pediatrician. Most often, plump girls with overweight, premature babies or children with whom no one does infant gymnastics show developmental delays.

How many months can girls be imprisoned: consequences of violations of the deadline

Young mothers often experience unreasonable fears for their children. This is fine. But you shouldn’t worry too much: nature is wise, and in the vast majority of cases the child himself will begin to sit, stand, and walk. Another thing is that the question of how many months girls can be started is actually important from the point of view of the baby’s health.

Previously, artificial placement on the bottom, if the child is under six months old, is very harmful. There is a large load on the spinal column, which can subsequently affect posture. The point is not about aesthetics, but about the formation of a severe systemic disease - scoliosis.

If a girl starts sitting up early, it will be impossible to avoid deformation of the pelvic bones. And curvature of the pelvis is a direct path to difficulty in labor in the future. Violation of the normal structure of the pelvic region will lead to the fact that childbirth will be difficult, dangerous both for the life of the mother and for the health of the newborn.

But the fear of provoking the bending of the uterus by early planting is nothing more than a myth. In fact, such a pathology is either congenital, caused by a genetic malfunction, or caused by inflammation of the pelvic organs. So sitting down has no effect on the formation of the uterine curve.

You need to understand the difference between a full sitting position on the butt, when the baby’s weight puts pressure on the spine and pelvis, and a half-sitting position, which the child takes in his mother’s arms from the first months of his life. The second option is the normal position of the child’s body, which cannot harm his health in any way.

At what months can girls be placed: how to help the baby

The connection between the girl’s independent attempts to sit down and her refusal to sit after six months is not accidental. A weakened or neglected child simply does not have the opportunity to gain enough physical strength for dramatic changes. It may be uncomfortable for your daughter and it may be difficult to sit if the muscles are not developed.

Doctors answer the question of how many months girls can be started at birth based on the average indicators of infant development. But it happens that my daughter is seven or even eight months old, but she still cannot sit. What to do? Don't panic and just help the baby. The parents' task is to work with the child, do daily massage, and from three months onwards, do special exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles.

A daily massage of the back, legs, arms, and feet is required. Stroking and rubbing tone the muscles of the body, make them contract and relax, and therefore strengthen.

Place the baby on his tummy so that his feet are supported. This could be the side of a changing table or the body of another adult. Supporting the baby with your hand under the chest, lift her up. Your back and buttocks should tighten. After seven to ten seconds, put the child down, let him rest and repeat the exercise.

Lay your daughter on her back and extend your arms to her. When the baby grabs your finger, pull her up so that the back rises. It turns out that the child is trying to sit down. You need to hold this position for 15-20 seconds, then lower the baby onto her back. Repeat two more times.

Hang bright rings over your daughter's bed. At first she will try to simply catch them, then with the help of such a horizontal bar she will begin to rise and sit down. You don’t have to wonder at what months girls can be imprisoned.

Perform air baths daily, placing the baby on his tummy. Place a bright, attractive toy in front of him. The baby will definitely reach for it and begin to rise on his arms. The exercise perfectly strengthens the muscular core.

If possible, sign up for a baby pool or invite a trainer home to work with your child in a regular adult bathroom. Swimming is physiological and very effective for strengthening muscles.

Sooner or later, a girl will definitely learn to sit. If this does not happen naturally before six months, sit the baby up artificially: first for half an hour, then for an hour. The child will quickly understand the benefits of the new body position and begin to sit up on his own.