Long birthday greetings in your own words. Happy birthday greetings in your own words

My dear, I wish you the most real fairy tale! May your deepest wishes come true, and may the bird of happiness never leave you. I want to see your happy smile and hear your mischievous laugh as often as possible. I wish that yours is the most main problem consisted only of choosing new shoes. Happy birthday!

Congratulate your friend on her birthday in your own words

My lovely girlfriend! Over the many years of knowing you, I am convinced every day of your sincerity and decency! Such a kind and interesting person is very difficult to find in our mortal world. Remain the same cheerful, laughing and captivating woman! Conquer men, win hearts and just be happy! I sincerely wish that everything works out in your life in the best possible way! Prosper, boldly step forward towards everything new and beautiful.

Short birthday greetings to a friend in your own words

My dear friend, today there are so many beautiful words sounds in your honor. Please accept my wishes for you, long life and good health, youth, strength, beauty, may your cherished dreams always, not only on your birthday, come true. Smile more often, in a word, be happy.

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a friend in your own words

A good friend remembers when your birthday is. And a great friend will forget how old you are! Happy birthday, girlfriend!

Touching birthday greetings to a friend in your own words

Beloved friend! On this day, I want only one thing: may all your dreams come true. You have become a little older, and let your adult life There will be a minimum of difficulties and a maximum of pleasures. Please always remain friendly and responsive, cheerful and laughing! I would like to wish you happiness and success and health to your family and friends. Be always happy!

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a friend in your own words

My beloved person, I am very glad that one day you appeared in my life. Today we are celebrating your (further tell your age) birthday, but I want to tell you that you haven’t changed at all, you still remain the same mischievous girl that I know you. I want you to smile more often and not forget that a smile is your most important weapon. I would like to wish you mutual understanding and harmony in family life, may your relationship with your spouse only become stronger and stronger. Love your children, because everything you invest in them will sooner or later be reflected on you. Don’t forget about your parents, because these are the people who will always accept you in any form, take pity on you and come to your aid without further ado. I wish you a carload of health, a canister of joy and a bag of money! I love you very much and once again congratulate you on this cherished day.

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in your own words to the point of tears

Cool birthday greetings to a friend in your own words

Girlfriend, I wish you a great mood! For this you don’t need much – bright fashionable dresses, a couple of dozen shoes from the latest collection, fluffy mink coats, several stylish handbags... In general, I wish you to get into a state of good mood as soon as possible and not leave it under any circumstances! So, starting tomorrow, you and I will begin to make my humble wish come true!

Happy birthday wishes for a friend in your own words

One day I was very lucky - I found a friend who became my sister. This meeting was sent to us from heaven, for which I am grateful to all higher powers. My dear beauty, I congratulate you on your holiday. Let the years never show on your appearance. Be happy and healthy, because these words contain everything that a person could want for himself. I love you and will always be there for you.

Happy birthday greetings to your best friend in your own words

For every woman, her birthday is that very holiday when you feel like a queen, but the guests are not, not subjects at all, but close people and true friends. Girlfriend! I wish that fate will always be royally generous to you, giving you the most valuable things - good mood, health, love and inspiration!

Congratulate your best friend on her birthday in your own words

My dear friend, happy birthday! I was looking for a friend like you for a very long time, but I found it where I didn’t expect to find it. And I really don’t want to lose you, because life without our friendship will seem to me simply joyless, same-type and gray everyday life. Happy holiday to you! And may any of your dreams always come true!

Happy birthday greetings to your best friend in your own words until you cry

Happy Birthday, my dear friend... My dear little man, you bring me so much joy with your existence in my life. Be healthy for many years to come! Be happy and loved! Let every new day bring only smiles and good mood! Let another year pass in your life, but you will still be as fresh and beautiful! I love you, my dear... and kiss you tightly!

Happy birthday wishes for best friend in your own words

What can you wish for your beloved friend and charming woman? Of course, all the best! Let only decent men and sympathetic friends meet in your life. I wish you good health, all-encompassing love, a dizzying career! You are a gorgeous woman and worthy better life! Be cheerful in body and spirit, beautiful and dizzyingly charming!

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved friend in your own words

My best friend! Happy birthday to you, good girl, with whom I have been pleased to be friends for many years. I rejoice in our friendship, never ceasing to be amazed at your kindness, cheerfulness, and ability to share all my sorrows and happy moments. May your beauty and health grow stronger with every birthday, and may your personal life never cease to amaze you with bright and magical events!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in your own words

To my dear friend, I wish you all the best on your birthday! May caravans of camels loaded with gold and diamonds come to you from abroad. Let the Arab sheikh himself be your admirer and give you a flying carpet and a self-assembled tablecloth. So that there are fewer household chores and your hands don’t get damaged from cleaning and cooking.

My dear friend! I would like to congratulate you with all my heart on the most wonderful holiday for you - your birthday. I would like to wish you mutual love, family happiness, home comfort, good health and financial stability. Always be as kind, sympathetic, charming and attractive as you are!

Kind, sweet, bright person, dear friend, happy birthday! Our friendship is priceless, memories warm the soul, laughter prolongs life, and meetings are unforgettable. I want to wish you to remain as dear and close to me. Strength and patience, love and a strong shoulder nearby, so that your head doesn’t hurt and your memory doesn’t fail you. Be the happiest, most loved, successful, healthy. You can always count on my advice and support. Remember, even if you are far away, our hearts are always close!

My dear, congratulations on this wonderful day! I would like to wish that you never stop striving for more, do not need anything and easily cope with any obstacle. Let envious people and troubles pass by, and you proudly move forward. Happy birthday!

My dear friend! I wish you a happy birthday! I really appreciate you being my friend! For me, you are a dear person with a kindred soul! I want to wish you endless happiness, more sunny and bright days in your life, so that a smile always blooms on your face, your eyes glow with happiness, and love lives in your heart! Because you deserve it all!

Happy birthday, my dear friend! I wish you to always be the most amazing, desired, loved, successful, talented, irresistible and the best! May everything in your life happen only for the better, may your every day become a little fairy tale for the soul!

My dear friend, dear and beloved! I congratulate you on your birthday - a bright holiday, a little sad, but wonderful and only yours! I wish you to always be loved, adored, admired and admired! I wish you beauty and health, joy and fun, great success and lots of luck! May your every day be kind, warm and pleasant! Let there be fun meetings with friends, a luxurious vacation and family holidays- everything that life is rich in, why it is dear to us! Be happy, my dear, beloved friend!

Dear friend! Happy birthday! I wish you a lot, namely: may your loved one’s wallet be fat, not your figure; let hotel workers in the Maldives remember your face, not the police; let frequent airplane flights relax you, and not stress helicopters after noisy parties; let not problems fall upon you, but daily compliments, kisses and flowers; let not tears sparkle in your eyes, but diamonds on your ears and fingers; let not only the Siamese cat, but also the Canadian mink warm your back in winter! In general, have a fabulous life!

Happy birthday, my friend! From year to year on this day you are wished happiness, health, joy, good luck. And I will probably repeat, because there is never too much of this good. And on my own behalf, I wish you that there will always be a man nearby who would carry you in his arms, and let him be strong, because you still need to lift you up. But seriously, I wish you that you finally meet great mutual and all-consuming love, and every day your eyes sparkle with happiness, and there are only loving and faithful friends nearby. And may all your dreams come true... Although no, let one remain. After all, you have to dream about something!

I want to wish my most wonderful friend all the most beautiful, magical things. I wish you rich colors of life, a lot of fun, carefree laughter. I wish you health until old age, a strong loving environment of close people. May your endless kindness always warm everyone. May even your wildest dreams come true. I wish you endless happiness and prosperity in your home. Let only sincere people always be near you, and let all bad things pass you by. May the door of your home always be open for good.

Dear friend, happy birthday to you! I wish you to glow with happiness, glow with love and burn with what you love. May fate spoil you with joyful events, and may all your dreams certainly come true!

My dear, I wish you the most real fairy tale! May your deepest wishes come true, and may the bird of happiness never leave you. I want to see your happy smile and hear your mischievous laugh as often as possible. I wish that your main problem is only choosing new shoes. Happy birthday!

My dear friend, today so many beautiful words sound in your honor. Please accept my wishes for you, long life and good health, youth, strength, beauty, may your cherished dreams always, not only on your birthday, come true. Smile more often, in a word, be happy.

A good friend remembers when your birthday is. And a great friend will forget how old you are! Happy birthday, girlfriend!

On your birthday, I wish you lightness of feelings, spiritual vigor, clarity of thoughts and bright positive feelings. Let life energy help you achieve your most incredible dreams.

We are all so accustomed to the fact that above us there is always a blue sky, bright stars, and the moon, but sometimes it turns out that this beauty is not visible, not noticeable, it simply does not exist. May the stars always shine above you. Let the light of the moon illuminate your path! Congratulations!

Happy birthday! May this day be full of the most unexpected and joyful surprises and long-awaited gifts. May your dearest people, loyal and reliable friends always be near you. Happiness, love and goodness to your home. And may luck smile on you!

Happy birthday! We wish you a lot of love and happiness, so that fate often gives pleasant surprises. May life be interesting and eventful, may you always have enough strength to achieve the desired heights!

Happy birthday. I wish you great success, good health and reliable friends. Let your home be cozy, warm and kind. May the inspiration to live, love, create and win never disappear.

Happy birthday! I sincerely wish you the most better days, bringing with them a rosy mood, luck, love and endless happy time. May your health only grow stronger, the beauty of your soul not fade, and may life present you with wonderful gifts. Let you live simply like in a fairy tale.

Happy birthday! I wish you good luck, happiness, magic, success in all your endeavors and continuations, true friends, love and a sunny mood for every day. I wish that every morning begins with a cup of tea and a joyful smile!

Happy birthday! I wish you goodness, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all bad things pass by, life’s adversities be overcome with ease, and every day be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

Happy birthday! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all your dreams come true. May your life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

Happy Birthday! I wish you the most incredible and dizzying desires, bright and unforgettable impressions, success in all your endeavors. May your days be sunny and bright, filled with smiles and happiness. In general, positive things in everything!

Happy birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, your loved ones to give you attention, joy, warmth and affection, your friends to surround you with sincere understanding and support, your colleagues to respect and value you. Let everything that seemed impossible come true, and let the most desired things happen!

I wish you sunrises and sunny days
Crystal constellations and moonlit nights,
Meadows of flooded water, freshly cut grass,
Majestic oak forests rustling in the night.

I wish you sunsets from the evening dawn,
Birch trees in the forest with silver bark,
Honey flowers, strawberry meadows,
Mirror lakes that are shrouded in fog.

I wish you reliable and loyal friends,
Health, care and happy days.
More luck and happiness, love.
Dream, enjoy, worry, live!

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.

The joy of meeting, smiles, hope,
Wishes of health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
May things be successful!

Let it rush past
Years of swift blizzard,
Happy birthday
My dear friend.

I wish it were
Life has plenty of feelings and passion,
The golden fish was spinning
Dazzling happiness.

So that every day is new
Step into the world of your desires,
So that fate does not turn out to be
On the edge between good and evil.

So that the one who gives roses
Didn't prick with thorns out of spite,
And protect from unexpected troubles
An angel with clear eyes.

I want to say a lot of good words,
I wish you happiness and health,
Heart and soul never grow old,
And live in the world for many, many years!

We wish that life never ends,
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Eternal happiness, good friends,
Good luck, health and sunny days!

We wish you health - because it is often lacking,
We wish you fun - it never hurts!
We wish you good luck - it doesn’t come often,
And we simply wish you great personal happiness!

Happy birthday to you, my dear friend!
Let spring rage in your heart, and let your eyes sparkle with happiness,
All the sorrows that have happened in life will dissolve and sink into darkness,
Today I need to tell you how much I love you,

Today is the day when you once again turn a year older. But I still won’t wish you health, long life, or even better – walking without the help of crutches. Just because it's banal. And I wish you as many pleasant finds as possible. I wish to find a beauty who will become your wife, I wish to find a million dollars that will mark the beginning of your capital. Well, and separately I wish you happiness, because, as they say, it does not lie on the road.

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, we wish with all our hearts... That the green Mercedes of your life will easily and happily carry you through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, that the road will go through a blooming garden and that all those you need will be nearby. For your well-being and success!

Congratulations on your holiday! I wish your life to be cloudless, like the sky above the most prestigious resort, long, interesting and eventful, like the series “Santa Barbara”. May your eyes always glow with happiness, like the aurora over the pole. I wish you happiness, longevity and love.

Happy birthday! On this wonderful day, I wish you good health, loyal and devoted friends, boundless happiness, unlimited income, crazy love and more happy days! Have a good mood and have a great holiday!

I wish you unbridled fun, joy and a smile on your lips every day. Let those around you make you happy, and let your loved ones pleasantly surprise you. Let your life be rich, full of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions captured on camera film. May you be able to do what you want more often, and what you need less often. Well, and finally, as they say, may we only dream of peace! Live to the fullest!

Happy birthday words in prose

You know, you always value most those people who bring a little crazy into your life: thoughtless actions, spontaneous stupidity. Because that's what is remembered. And, even if you already have such friends (I won’t point fingers), I would like to wish that these same crazinesses happen in your life as often as possible. So that later there will be something to talk about. Happy birthday!

We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that your health does not fail. So that the mood is always high. Let the family be warm and comfortable. Success, good luck, luck.

I wish you to live to be a hundred years old, may the engine in your chest work without interruptions and without repairs, may your life be a wide and smooth road without bumps and ruts. I also wish that you don’t skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Have a good and happy journey!

I want to wish you not just prosperity and a good life, but also a successful combination of circumstances. So that you can be proud of your achievements. Live brightly and smile every day!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday, wish you bright emotions and colors, more positive moments, fabulous memories, so that in your environment there are only those people who accept and understand you. Smile at life more often, and let it smile back at you.

I wish you to be healthy: toughen yourself in minor troubles and develop immunity to all troubles, take joy vitamins every day and taste sweet moments of happiness, and start your morning with a smile! And more vivid impressions - they are needed like air!

Happy birthday to you! I wish you joy, success, prosperity in life and in love! So that all your friends who know you respect, appreciate and love you! May everything be extraordinary and wonderful on your birthday! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings from the heart in your own words

Today, with all my heart, I want to congratulate you on your birthday and say “thank you” for the fact that the Lord gave me a friend like you. Perhaps someone will think that this is not so important - and they will be mistaken. In our life we ​​can do without a variety of things if we have confidence: at any moment there will be a reliable shoulder and a strong hand nearby, ready to support. And it doesn’t matter how many years our clock has counted - our friendship has no age!

We wish you happiness with all our hearts. good health, even greater success in your hard work, long life, family well-being and always a good mood.

Dear hero of the occasion! I am sincerely glad that there is a person like you in the world. You contain all the best qualities that are characteristic of people. On your wonderful birthday, I sincerely want to wish you optimism, cheerfulness, patience and good luck. May you be surrounded by only the most reliable friends throughout your life, and may you meet only worthy people along the way. May God take away all bad things from you and reward you with all earthly blessings!

On your birthday, I wish you lightness of feelings, spiritual vigor, clarity of thoughts and bright positive feelings. Let life energy help you achieve your most incredible dreams.

Take a piece of my burning soul on your holiday! Let tenderness and love bloom like bouquets in your home today. Dreams soar like proud birds to the endless skies, giving the soul a breathtaking flight. The most important and valuable things for you will always be nearby, creating the foundation for well-being.

Happy birthday! But I don’t think it’s worth wishing you health and happiness, since everyone has already wished for this for a long time, and it will definitely happen! I wish you that you have exactly what you need. What you and only you want! After all, only you know what you need for the most important thing - happiness. Happy birthday!

You are amazingly bright that you can compete with the sun. May fate prepare a fantastically chic gift for your birthday: your future path, like a delightful carpet, will be woven with silver threads of devoted friendship, decorated with golden patterns of prosperity and a scattering of diamonds of love!

Be happy, be healthy, be confident and successful! And may your dreams come true not only on your birthday, but at every moment of your life. I wish you never to know what disappointment and betrayal are, to swim in love and money, to remember that night gives way to dawn, and after rain the sun always returns to the sky. Let no one hurt you. Don’t get tired of victories and achievements, dream, strive for the stars and believe in your star of luck!

Health, Happiness, Happy Birthday! I wish your dreams come true, your luck is always there, showing the path of life, may this path be brighter with dreams come true, with hopes come true, and may prosperity always reside in your soul.

The best birthday greetings in your own words

The smallest bird in the world is the hummingbird. The largest mammal is the blue whale. The most beautiful sky is before dawn. And the happiest person is you. I wish this saying to always be true, because such good man, as you undoubtedly deserve it. Be happy, enjoy life and appreciate every moment. And let people close and dear to you always be nearby.

Happy birthday! I congratulate you with all my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May good luck accompany you in life and work! Always remain as you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have!!!
Your intuition and charm make you special. You have so many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same soulful person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows.
I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter. Mutual love, pure love, beautiful love and, of course, HAPPY!!

Wonderful, kind, wonderful and bright man, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish that gray clouds in life do not hang over you, that the city of your soul always feels cozy and beautiful, that there is not a single reason for your heart to worry. So that those people you admire love and appreciate you in return.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you many sunny and bright days, loyal friends nearby, new achievements and wonderful opportunities, Siberian health, love, prosperity, good luck in any endeavor! Happy events, fulfillment of all plans and dreams!

Dear friend! It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on your birthday! I know that you are a wonderful and talented person! Never give up and always believe in yourself! Believe in the people around you, and then you will be able to overcome any difficulties! I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and success! You are the most best friend in the world!

Happy birthday! May this day be full of the most unexpected and joyful surprises and long-awaited gifts. May your dearest people, loyal and reliable friends always be near you. Happiness, love and goodness to your home. And may luck smile on you!

Happy birthday! I wish you fun, zest for life, pleasant little things, bright moments, fulfillment of desires, success in business and endeavors, good luck in everything. May your mood on this day be serene and sunny, like a warm spring day! And problems and troubles will forever disappear from the path of life... And in honor happy holiday May your deepest desire come true. Happiness, love and understanding with loved ones.

Happy holiday to you! This day is only yours. I wish you endless happiness, good luck, good health, love, explosive emotions. May you always have the willpower and energy to complete any task. Love to you and respect from your loved ones, friends, and surroundings. I want many wonderful, bright, fiery events to happen in your life. Happy birthday!

I wish that WOW!
And never OHHO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can WOW!
To take your breath away.
Of course, to be WOW!!
And so that FU is very little.
So that sometimes WOW!
“WOW!” is not nonsense,
“IT CAN’T BE!” - it’s real,
“FUCK IT!” - even if it’s virtual.
WOW! - so that it surprises more often,
“WELL, THAT’S ALL, KICK-ASS!” was not enough.
And if desired, EGE-GEY!
And to make it come true, EVERYTHING FASTER!!!


12 Feb 2013

I wish you to live and be loved,
Don't grieve, don't be sad
And along the long road of life
It's fun to walk with a smile.

May there be a sea of ​​bouquets on this day
Friends will give you
Sadness will not touch beautiful eyes
And your life will be easy!

Shine like a ray of sunshine
Be gentle and affectionate always.
And let happiness be the reward
For all the coming years!!!

Happy birthday to you,
Read my congratulations
I wish you with all my heart.
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness,
Let them not pass without a trace,
Let your beauty, your tenderness.
The years will never change!
On this joyful birthday.
There is no reason to sigh and be sad,
you are not marking the date of aging,
And the day when you began to live.
Even if there are adversities,
- Life is beautiful in itself!
Let your youth not fade away,
and with it - love and kindness.

Let them be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth!
May the sun shine more cheerfully on you this day,
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet,
I wish you: health, happiness, light,
All that is called good.
May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road.
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you the best in this life,
Long life, health and happiness!
I wish you to forget about illnesses, adversities,
Stay healthy for many years to come,
So that people give you complete joy,
May peace and spring reign in your heart!
Many years to come and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
May it always be - not only on your birthday
- Cherished dreams come true.
Dear sister, I congratulate you on a wonderful day,
when everyone looks at you with admiration.
You are basking in the rays of happiness and fun.:
Champagne sparkles: in your honor
Friends and girlfriends make toasts. :
Let this magical state of the holiday
will always be with you.
I wish you health, success and fulfillment of your dreams!
For you, sister! Happy birthday!

There are many wishes in the world,
You can't count them all.
I just congratulate you
I love it the way it is.

Be beautiful all the time:
Both with soul and with yourself.
Be loved all the time:
Both in winter and in spring.

Don't bow down like a mountain ash
If there is trouble.
Be happy all the time -
On this day and always.

It's my birthday again
What can I wish for you?
To begin with, let good luck,
And love, like at 25!
Fulfillment of desires,
Gaining new knowledge,
To become wise, but not to grow old,
Don't rush to get everywhere.
Pleasure in everything
Dark night, bright day,
In relaxation, in work,
Wherever you are - everywhere.
Break away from the routine
Finally get some sleep
Don't lose good friends
Achieve goals faster.
Safe adventures,
Impressions are sonorous, clear,
Never fly by
But soar, fly, fly!
Every day is like the first time
Gain Enthusiasm
Find out what Happiness, Loyalty, Friendship and Participation mean.
In general, don't let me down
Find everything you want!

08 Feb 2013

Let the birthday drown
In floral scents.
Joy shines in the eyes
Happy date!
Let happiness sprinkle with laughter,
And joy flows like a fountain!
We wish you come true soon
Dreams and new plans!
Let the birthday pass
To the music, with a martini!
A smile flies like a butterfly
To the beloved man.
May you continue to have good friends
And your loved ones are healthy!
May happiness give the light of love
And peace under the roof of the house!
It doesn't matter what's outside the windows.
There is sunshine in my soul today,
Overwhelm the most
Magical emotions.
Cherished desires,
Dreams will come true.
Let new ones replace them
And they will come true!
I join in the congratulations
I wish you happiness ocean!
Let them not become the main entertainment
Beer, TV and sofa!
Let dreams and adventures lead you,
Brilliant, variety of ideas
And every birthday passes
Fun, always with friends!

Don't plan for failure - life will go topsy-turvy!
Set yourself the task of thinking less about the bad!
Our thoughts are material - don’t think of trouble!
Every word is real - why are you talking nonsense!
How many times have you, by the way, said: “I knew it!”?
So he thought and defamed, dug a hole for himself?
How many times have you cursed and reproached the villainous fate,
And then he looked for a loophole in what he himself said?
The subtle world is somewhere nearby, there are thoughts and words in it
They bloom in a lush garden, twigs like weeds!
Tara-bars, conversations, this and that - verbal rubbish!
Then you climb the fences that you set up for yourself!

Better think positive. Don't whine! Don't be angry! Don't whine!
Don't worry about every penny! Take a break! Can't you? Sing!
Sing about joy and happiness, and about life without separation!
You yourself will notice that the bad weather has suddenly receded.
Somehow it became cleaner nearby, something is less unlucky,
Look: the time has come and the soul itself is singing!
You don’t twist ropes with your thoughts, you don’t wag your tongue,
Life goes easily and deftly, and does not rush head over heels!
So, becoming a little wiser, you live easier, more joyfully -
It is you who pave the path along which you yourself walk!

Always fresh, like a spring day,
And hot like the summer heat.
And that's why it's your birthday
Always marked with warmth.
You are an optimist by nature.
Anyone can cope with adversity.
You got more than enough of everything
But you are not broken by fate.
Your soul is always open
It's easy and fun with you.
You have such power hidden within you,
What anyone would envy.
To you, friend, with admiration
I want to say a lot.
On the bright day of your birth
Let me make this wish:
May happiness be daily
Let love be like nectar
Let the soul remain unchanged
And the heart will be a rare gift.
I appreciate and respect you,
My words are not flattery at all.
Praise be to the Creator who is nearby
You, my friend, are with me.

27 Feb 2017

Mom, today is your anniversary!
50 is an immodest date!
Don't regret anything in life!
It may not have been easy at one time or another.
You know, mom, but for me it’s more important
The person is not in the world.
I beg you, just don't get sick
And live another 100 years in this world!
Mom, I admire you
The way you knew how to be tolerant,
How kind you can be,
The way you are smart and fair.
You raised three children
She gave her affection to everyone,
I gave all my warmth and soul,
And she turned our childhood into a fairy tale.
And now, when suddenly it’s hard,
Only you will understand and reassure.
It's always easy for us to be around our mother,
After all, only you can love us like that.
Mommy dear, I love you
More than anyone else in this world,
I say this so rarely
I'm sorry that you have such children.
I wish that all your dreams
Fulfilled. Everything you want!
I want you to be happy
Well, the main thing is that I don’t want to get sick!
Congratulations mommy!
May you always be lucky and the sun shine!
No, just don't let it be hot!
Well, if it’s hot, let the cool wind.
Live dear for many, many years,
Be warmed by the warmth of your children and grandchildren,
Know no grief, no worries, no troubles....
Live! Kudos to you for this!

Believe it if you want
If you want, don't believe it
There is a beast wandering somewhere nearby.
Doesn't live in the dense forest,
In Russian the mighty language.
This animal is called "moose"
- It’s been like this for a long time.
Let "ELK" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
So that you would like and be able to
So that happiness does not end,
To dream about good things,
So that the matter succeeds
May everything always come true!

12 Feb 2013

I recently met an old lady...
Consider it a butterfly.
Suddenly a conversation started with her,
Which I still haven’t been able to forget.

The decrepit old woman said:
Remember the truth, son.
You won't know happiness in life,
Since there is a lock on the soul.

Don't eat what the eye doesn't want
Don't go where you don't belong.
Life returns like a boomerang...
Everyone will answer for their own.

Having said, do it right away -
Otherwise you will be empty-headed.
Live for those you love
So that you don’t die alone in silence.

Love, strive and achieve -
Otherwise there will be emptiness.
Don't say that life is a garbage dump,
When the strategy is wrong.

Live son... don't anger God...
As a person, live with your soul.
Don't rush to get everywhere,
That's why I'm burning my life for days.

After all, life is given only once...
Appreciate her, be proud of yourself.
There can't be a second chance...
Well, that's it... For now... Let's hold on!

Let the past grievances go away...

She's sending you lessons,

But he only hears offensive reproaches,

And if not, ask her!!!

Forgiving you for your previous whining...

It's gone and can't be returned...

I wish you all the best and bright thoughts...
Let the past grievances go away...
You get rid of them quietly...
Forgiving and letting go is not easy work...

But every morning early at dawn
Try to forgive someone...
Because the sun is shining brightly in the sky,
Start giving thanks to your life...

She's sending you lessons,
So that you become more responsive, wiser...
But he only hears offensive reproaches,
Either there is no money, or there are no true friends...

You thank your life for everything...
Because you don't know war,
For sitting at the computer...
Because someone needs you...

Because you have a family and children,
And if not, ask her!!!
She's not deaf and she'll answer you,
Forgiving you for your previous whining...

Do you want to be rich? Dream!
The money will come to you...
Do you want to be happy? Go for it!
Learn to trust, forgive, love...

Imagine your life without fears
Without fears, without reproaches and insults...
Free yourself from empty doubts
You will see that fortunately the path is open...

Leave your past alone!
It's gone and can't be returned...
Think about your fate today
And draw a bright path in your thoughts...

The whole world cannot be rebuilt under one,
But you can rebuild the world inside...
And it’s better to trust than to argue forever...
And it’s better to find than not to find...

Life gives you invaluable advice...
What is, might not have been...
Introduced? For every ray of light
Learn to be grateful for your life...

Control yourself among the confused crowd,
Cursing you for the confusion of everyone.
Believe in yourself despite the universe,
And forgive those of little faith their sin.
Let the hour not strike, wait without getting tired,
Let liars lie, do not condescend to them.
Know how to forgive and don’t appear to be forgiving,
More generous and wiser than others.
Learn to dream without becoming a slave to dreams,
And think without deifying thoughts,
Bear praise and reproach equally,
Not forgetting that their voice is false.
Stay quiet when it's your word
The rogue cripples to catch fools,
When your whole life is destroyed again
You have to recreate everything from the basics.
Know how to put in joyful hope
On the card is everything that I have saved with difficulty,
Lose everything and become a beggar, as before,
And never regret it.
Know how to force your heart, nerves, body to serve you,
When everything in your chest has been empty for a long time, everything has burned out,
And only the will says: “Go!”
Stay simple when talking with kings,
Stay honest when talking to the crowd
Be straight and firm with enemies and friends,
Let everyone consider you in their own time.
Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days of elusive running -
Then you will take possession of the whole world,
Then, my son, you will be a man.

Irina, bringing happiness, peace,
We are proud to know you and be friends with you.
And we're glad autumn time gold
Congratulations on your birthday, being close to you.

Kind and always with a smile on your lips.
To catch you in your thoughts, not in your dreams
Often we can, but carefully:
There is no way to disturb your peace!

Your delicacy and calmness are strength!
And it’s hard to imagine asking for anything.
Rather, you help others, lovingly,
Forgetting myself for a while.

For this we especially appreciate
And on your birthday we want you unbearably
Shower flowers, confess your love,
Give at least a piece of your soul in love!

And wish you magical and wonderful meetings -
Everything for you, for the lovely Irina!
So be you dearly loved by everyone,
Uniquely happy in life!

08 Feb 2013

I want to wish you today
Love, health, joy, good luck,
You will never know separation and grief.
The path will only be this way, and not otherwise!

I also wish to avoid debts,
Resentment and quarrels, anxiety and sadness,
So that our crisis ruins our enemies,
Friends, on the contrary, may they prosper.

I also want to wish you
In all matters of luck and success,
Peace can only be lost from love,
And crying only from laughter.

Let the glasses be filled with wine,
Make jokes, sing, fall head over heels in love.
Don't think about sad and sick things
And just enjoy this life.

I wish you happiness and goodness,
And a lot of money to boot,
May tomorrow be better than yesterday.
Let it be only this way and not otherwise.

08 Feb 2013

Here it is again, the best, most glorious, coolest day of the year and of course the wishes are not in a dream, but in reality.
You know, dear girl, what I want to tell you, however, what are the wishes, I want to experience, you could earthly love, the kisses of the wind, so that music would sound without beginning and end, so that there would be no sadness, so that life would not be upsetting, and live without knowing any worries, only snoring, close hearts were nearby.
So that your image will shine with a joyful smile again and, of course, early in the morning only your voice will be heard. Yours, my dear daughter, is so pleasant and dear that I can again experience a breath of living love that brings inspiration to live, work and love with that special love,
should be treasured by everyone.
You know, I can’t and don’t want to make a banal wish. I carry words of confession in my heart from the bottom of my heart. Because you gave me a gift in life with your sincere attention, that you are loved and needed.
How nice it is that it happens not in a dream, but in reality, your voice again awakens joy, peace and kindness.
You're so good that I can't hide it, girl,
my dear, I can’t imagine living without you. I love you, kiss you,
I treasure you endlessly, how can you really call someone else a daughter?
May the Lord show love without beginning and end,
May it bless your whole life and fill your heart with joy,
Happy birthday is congratulated by hearts that love only you.

Today you are at the most fruitful stage of life, when your experience is harmoniously combined with wisdom and knowledge of life, when a lot has already been done, and the future is filled with new plans.
So let everything planned
will come true in the best possible way!
Your high professional level,
dedication and great hard work,
wonderful business and human qualities always
were aimed at achieving high results.
Let your knowledge and ability to implement your plans help you solve the most complex problems.
May you always have reliable friends next to you, and may the love and support of your family and friends give you strength for new achievements and success in all areas of your activities.
Please accept my heartfelt wishes for good health, inexhaustible energy, good spirits,
happiness and prosperity to your family and friends.

Fire, water, earth and wind.
There are four forces in the world.
We will never tame them!
The whole point is in just one person!

And this is our mother - the fifth element!
She took them into her hands in one moment.
But no, not the fifth, the first element!
And here’s our mom’s secret:

The fire in your soul is burning,
And in your pure heart!
It speaks with love
Warms everyone and creates creativity
Good, it gives us hope.

Your words that flow like a stream,
They represent the truth. And all the sadness
Sadness and grief are washed away,
Like the waves of the sea.

You want to embrace the whole earth
And plant them with beautiful gardens!
You're ready to give your whole life
For our happiness! Stay close to us!

Like clouds blown by the wind, you can disperse them
All our sorrows and all our doubts.
With your smile you can create
Comfort and prosperity in our lives!

So let the fire not go out
In your soul, let it be eternal!
And waves of joy rock
You are in endless arms.

Let the earth warm you with warmth,
Gives you fruits generously.
And let the light wind play
At your feet, and serves faithfully.

There are four elements in our world.
And they are ruled by the fifth element.
Love is her main strength,
Great mommy secret!

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.
I want you to always appreciate fire,
How a traveler appreciates it in cold rags.
I want it in the palm of your hand
He took bread as a hungry man might take it.
I want smoke over a bundle of firewood,
And warm bread, the smell of honey
Your father's blood was always dear to you,
It's like you're about to return to home.
Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.
Don't live where evil boils in your blood,
And live next to virtue.
Indulge your conscience
And become her servant
And rule only over your will.
And have the gift of determination:
If you cut it off -
So cut with one blow.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

I wish you to be happy,
If all your friends are happy too.
You only have to eat your fill then,
When your friend is not hungry either.
And after hard work, rest,
If they are also resting nearby.
Let it be a sign of friendship your name.
And let it be longer in any moment
Your wing is open above them,
Than their wing is stretched over you.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

Find all the wise words
Before the stern debater,
To defeat him first
Not by force, but by word.

And you'll have to be in a fight -
Fight to get out of your skin!
After all, cut off your head twice
Nobody can do it for you.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

If you meet an elder, -
Make way for him.
Do not consider the step of veneration as torment.
And give the younger one your hand,
Like your little brother.
Don’t say that the whole world is familiar.
And the reserve of modesty will be just right,
If you can see the mountain in the hill
And how to treat a river with a stream.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

Wherever you get off your horse, -
Don't forget
Where did you start your long journey?
He will extend his hand to you new friend,
But never forget those hands
That your horse was saddled
And they put bread in your knapsack,
They gave water to drink, served faithfully,
Without asking for anything for it.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

No matter how high you fly,
From now on
Never forget three shrines:
The mother's breast that suckled you,
And a friend's hand in stormy years,
And lips that kissed lovingly,
When you loved for the first time.


Sleep when and where you want
To always be loved
So that in a cat's bowl
The food was delicious

And the hostess did not scold
If suddenly the sour cream was stolen
To stroke and caress
Know - purr like that engine...

But, since You are a Man
Becoming an animal is not destiny...
Be like Al Pacino
Always attractive

If you are brave like a tiger
Agile like a cheetah and fast
Then it doesn't matter at all
Who stole the sour cream...

If you are gentle and strong
Can the lady resist?
After all, then the refrigerator
And the whole house is open

After all, then potatoes, meat
All the gorgeous delicacies...
And when you're completely tired
I came back from work,

Fixed her alarm clock
Walked with her puppy...
Then - and into the refrigerator,
Then on to the sofa later...

And secretly dreaming is comical:
“So as not to suffer in everyday life,
May life always be great
Like a house cat..."