David and Victoria Beckham are getting divorced. Split in the family: David Beckham greatly offended his wife Victoria

Rumors about discord in the family of 40-year-old David and 41-year-old Victoria Beckham have been circulating for a long time. As foreign media report, the spouses no longer live together and are still preparing for divorce.

David and Victoria have been together for almost 17 years. They are raising four children, the eldest of whom is 16 years old. Journalists have repeatedly reported that the seemingly ideal couple has a complex relationship. The spouses allegedly constantly quarrel and no longer want to seek compromises. Although David and Victoria and their children recently vacationed at the resort, publishing touching photos with kisses on social networks, foreign media reports that the couple have not lived together for a month and are preparing for divorce.

According to journalists, the reason why star couple I decided to put an end to the relationship - this is David's move to the USA. The ex-football player decided to buy a football club and take over its management. Now he is preparing for a deal in America. Victoria and the children remained in London.

Victoria's jealousy also interferes with the relationship. She stopped trusting her husband after the betrayal and is tormented by thoughts that in America he will go all out again. According to OK!, the spouses no longer want to fight to save the marriage and are filing documents for divorce.

Journalists add that David and Victoria have many claims against each other. The football player is tired of total control, and Victoria is unhappy with her sex life with her husband, who does not pay attention to her. The designer allegedly called her husband "lazy and useless."

According to rumors, the Beckhams are already dividing property, which is estimated at a billion dollars. According to insiders, they have no financial differences, but they may begin to argue over custody of the children.

Rumors about discord in the celebrity family appeared after Victoria dedicated her husband. She also almost burst into tears on the air of one of the shows.

According to journalists, Victoria and David often quarrel over children, and especially over their eldest son Brooklyn. The fact is that the son has become quite an adult: he goes on dates, communicates with girls, earns money on his own and chooses his own path. It is “sudden growing up,” youthful maximalism and independent life that become the cause of disagreements between star parents. David is more loyal to his son than Victoria. The designer demands from her son that he return home on time, listen to her and tell her the details of his personal life.

At the beginning of July 2017, Victoria Beckham and David Beckham celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary. Their history living together many equate it with the ideal: despite the fact that the spouses repeatedly faced major troubles, they were still able to maintain their sincere, trusting relationship.

Their life before they met

Parents were wealthy people with their own business. David Beckham's family lived a much more modest life, as his mother worked as a hairdresser and his father made money installing kitchens. The only thing that united future lovers was determination.

David chose a football career in early childhood, but Victoria for a long time looked for herself in theater arts and modeling, and found it in music. At first, the girl became the lead singer of the Persuasion group, and later was recruited into the Spice Girls group. At that time, she first tried herself as a clothing designer. Beckham, in turn, was part of Manchester United and aspired to become a footballer for the England national team.

First meeting

Victoria (one of the Spice Girls members) was brought to the match where David was supposed to play. Beckham first saw his future wife on TV and secretly dreamed of a personal meeting with the famous singer. That day he could barely introduce himself, let alone ask for the phone number of the girl he liked.

Victoria took the situation into her own hands and handed the shy young man your boarding pass with numbers on the other side. By the way, he still has that ticket.

From the first day, the lovers knew that great things awaited them in the future. happy family, something their parents didn't think about. David’s mother viewed Victoria as an infantile, absurd singer who would ruin her son’s football career, and the girl’s father flatly refused to understand his daughter’s passion for the “pretty athlete.”
Less than a year had passed since they met, when the couple decided to legalize their relationship.

In the summer of 1998, David Beckham and Victoria Beckham were shocked by the news that the girl was pregnant, since previously doctors unanimously insisted on her infertility. On March 4, 1999, the lovers became the parents of a boy named Brooklyn.

Four years later they had a second son, Romeo. Along with the happy event, trouble also came to their family. One night, Victoria, as if sensing something was wrong, went to the nursery, where she found her youngest son choking and turning pale. The boy was diagnosed with epilepsy.

In the winter of 2005, Victoria gave birth to her third son, Cruz. Six years later, their family grew by one person. One of the best football players of our time and his world-famous designer wife became the parents of a long-awaited daughter, Harper Seven.

Joint business

After the birth of her first son, Victoria decided to finally end her musical career and took up the image of herself and her husband. The girl's wardrobe was updated with more feminine clothes. Appearance David became completely luxurious and abandoned the role of a bully in all aspects of life.

In 2006, Victoria Beckham and David Beckham launched a his and hers perfume collection. Later, designer accessories and clothes were added to it. The couple called their brand dVb. Then the Beckhams starred in an advertising photo shoot for Emporio Armani underwear.

The couple's collaboration with Dolce & Gabbana

Off the football field, David is forced to play by his wife's stylish rules, and he even seems to enjoy it. On the red carpet of the MTV Movie Awards, the Beckhams appeared in outfits that were made especially for them by Dolce & Gabbana. Before this, Stefano and Domenico dressed Victoria more than once and acquired a mannequin - an exact copy of her figure.

Events that could cause a couple to divorce

It is impossible to talk about how David and Victoria Beckham met without admiration. But, like most lovers, they experienced many quarrels that pushed them towards separation.

In 2004, information appeared about the football player’s affair with his assistant R. Luz. In newspapers and magazines they only talked about David’s betrayal, attaching correspondence between lovers about intimate meetings. Despite the mental pain, Victoria still continued to support her husband at matches. The woman, brushing aside her pride, believed her husband, who swore his fidelity to her.

The unique love story of Victoria and David Beckham was overshadowed by the news of the football player’s relationship with Irma Nichi. The girl stated that the husband of the famous fashion designer paid her $10,000 for intimate services. There were also rumors that they had been in a relationship for a long time. When journalists started talking about David and Victoria Beckham getting divorced, the woman came to the defense of her family, calling these troubles another reason to strengthen their union.

Another reason for their possible separation was alcohol. Looking at the photos from the parties, the lazy one didn’t accuse Victoria of drunkenness. After celebrating the opening of a brand store in London, David led his barely walking wife out of the building with a wet spot on her jeans. Judging by the ex-footballer's face, he was extremely angry, but everything turned out okay, as this couple seems ready to forgive each other everything in the world.

In February 2016, foreign media decided that Victoria and David Beckham were getting a divorce due to the second spouse moving to the United States. The ex-football player became the owner of the club and moved to the States. Victoria and their children remained in London. Journalists wrote about the designer’s concerns about David’s frivolity and the fact that she had a tattoo of her husband’s initials and their wedding date. All this turned out to be another delusion. Yes, David Beckham and Victoria Beckham had to live apart for some time, but, according to them, the distance only made their family stronger.

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David looked around the table again: everything seemed to be ready for the children to appear in the dining room. Here are croissants - with jam for Brooklyn and chocolate cream for Cruz. But fruits are for Romeo - he loves mangoes and pineapples. Freshly brewed tea, orange juice in a transparent jug, mineral water in a foggy bottle. Milk and muesli. And all this - on a starched tablecloth - however, his beloved children will quickly cause a real destruction here...

Well, it seems everything is in order, his sons and baby daughter will be here any minute. For many years now - on any day and in any weather - David wakes up at fifteen minutes to seven. A quarter of an hour later Harper gets up, followed by the boys, and by this time breakfast should already be on the table. The children appear in the kitchen, not yet fully awake, rosy-cheeked, in funny pajamas - so similar to him and his beloved Vicky. The peace and quiet ends with their appearance: the guys are fooling around, making fun of each other, laughing, talking with their mouths full - she and Victoria can’t wean them from this habit. Sipping coffee from a large mug, David looks lovingly at his children.

Fishing with Brooklyn, my eldest son, 2015

Here's Brooklyn, their first child. They found out that Victoria was pregnant when they were in this, frankly speaking, not the most prestigious area of ​​New York, and decided to give their son his name. Brooklyn is a real daddy's son: he copies David in everything, trying to be like him even in the little things - clothing style, behavior, tattoos, hobbies (like his father, he loves surfing and snowboarding). Brooklyn's godfather is Elton John, and the young man is one of the heirs to his multimillion-dollar fortune. Brooklyn is also a master of sports in getting into funny situations, which, as a rule, become family legends. David still cannot remember the story that happened to his son during a lesson at an American school without laughing. Then, when asked by the teacher if he collected anything, Brooklyn replied: “Rubber bands.” Because in American English word rubbers means condoms, the teacher was horrified and called the parents to school.

“I would never have thought that such a decent, at least in appearance, family could raise such a child,” she reprimanded David. – Do you even know that your son collects contraceptives? Take action before it's too late.

The misunderstanding was quickly cleared up. It turned out that Brooklyn meant erasers.

Beckham understood that his only chance to penetrate the world of the rich was to become a football player

Now the guy is already quite an adult: he recently turned eighteen, he graduated from school and is about to propose to his girlfriend, nineteen-year-old actress Chloë Moretz. Because of this girl, he didn’t even show up for his mother’s birthday, for which he received a severe reprimand from his father. No, she and Vicky are happy with their son: he has a talent as a photographer, and despite his young age, he even managed to receive a prestigious order - a photo shoot for a Burberry advertising campaign, which caused a surge of parental pride. But what to do with the wind blowing through Brooklyn's head? Not so long ago, he broke up with Chloe for Sonya Ben Ammar, whom, in turn, he abandoned for some nameless young girlfriends, and from them he returned to Moretz again, and now things are not going well, but are simply heading towards the altar.

– Can we prohibit him from doing this? – David asks Victoria. “After all, when we met, we didn’t listen to anyone.” Only our love was important!

David and Victoria Beckham, 2000

Their story is a reverse Cinderella tale, where the hero and heroine switch roles. Victoria Adams grew up in a wealthy family, but she was embarrassed by wealth and led a distinctly modest lifestyle. The girl got out of the luxurious Rolls-Royce two blocks before school - she didn’t want her classmates to think that she had nothing to show the world except her parents’ money. But they still teased her as a “princess” - they could not forgive either beautiful and expensive things, or the gardener, who before the Adams family worked at Buckingham Palace.

The singer from the spice girls was the girl of his dreams: figure, eyes, lips, hair...
“She will definitely be mine!” – David promised himself

Victoria studied at an expensive private school, was an excellent student, in her free time from classes she studied in a dance club, and later studied at a theater college with a specialty in modern dance - musicality and the ability to move gracefully later became very useful to her. As she grew older, the girl stopped worrying about her parents’ wealth and learned not only to spend money, but also to enjoy it. Vicky's favorite pastime at that time was shopping - she made friends with all the saleswomen of the boutiques on Bond Street and even advised them on clothing: Miss Adams always had impeccable taste.

Vicky read in a magazine that they were recruiting for a girl's music group. “I have to try,” the girl decided. “It won’t work out, so so be it.” What if everything works out?” Much to Victoria’s amazement, she was actually accepted, giving her the nickname Posh-Spice - “Luxurious Pepper.”

Spice Girls, 1997

“I always felt like an ugly duckling,” she once admitted to David, “and suddenly I turned into a beautiful swan.” You can’t even imagine what a dizzying feeling this is.

Listening, he just remained silent and smiled. Doesn’t he know how life changes if, in spite of everything, you go towards your goal.

The Beckham family did not live well. His parents, Sandra and David, of course, had enough money from paycheck to paycheck, but there were no excesses. But they gave their son much more, instilling a passion for football, which became his life’s work. From a very young age, his father and mother dragged him to matches of Manchester United, the team they supported, and David Sr. devoted all his free time to studying with his son - training him until he worked up a sweat, convincing him and himself that only in this way could the boy will be able to achieve success.

However, Beckham Jr. did not have to be forced: David loved football so much that he did not seem to feel tired and gave his best. Moreover, even then he understood: his only chance to penetrate the world of the rich and famous was to become a football player, so he must become a real master of his craft, for the right to get which the most famous clubs would compete.

David Beckham and Gary Neville, Premier League Trophy, Manchester United, 1996

When the boy was ten years old, his father sent him to the Bobby Charlton football school in Manchester, and a year later David was named the best young footballer in Great Britain - this award was presented to him at the home stadium of Manchester United, among other things, giving him the uniform of the team his parents loved. Before this, Beckham Jr. didn’t care what he wore to run around the field, but then it became clear: he wants to be a Manchester United football player. No sooner said than done: at fourteen, David signed a school contract with the football academy of this team, and at seventeen he became a full member.

Since then, his life has changed dramatically. A boy from a simple family, born and raised in Leytonstone, east London, could not even dream of such a career: with Manchester United he became a six-time champion of the English Premier League, a two-time winner of the Football Association Cup, and won the UEFA Champions League. Things were getting better: when David turned twenty-one, he played for the England team for the first time at the World Cup, and four years later he became its captain, after which he won and won awards as part of Real Madrid and Los Angeles Galaxy.

0 January 30, 2017, 16:04

During an interview on Radio 4, he spoke about the difficulties in his marriage and shared advice on how to overcome a crisis in a relationship. The 41-year-old athlete and style icon said that they will never break up because they love each other very much. Let us remind you that the couple is celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary this year, and today it turned out that David and Victoria renewed their vows.

We invested a lot into our first wedding. We have now decided to renew our marriage vows, but the ceremony was much more private,

- said the former athlete.

When asked by the presenter what the secret of the strength of their marriage is, Beckham replied:

It's about our parents who instilled the right family values ​​in us.

The seemingly flawless marriage was not always so strong - David admitted that he and Victoria went through serious difficulties.

Of course, over so many years you make mistakes. Everyone knows that marriage can be difficult at times and you have to work at it. But when we face problems, we just talk, because we know each other better than anyone,

— David shared the secret of a long-term relationship.

Let's add that the Beckhams' marriage is not immune to problems: in 2004, David cheated on his wife with his personal assistant Rebecca Luz. The assistant told the press about the unfaithful football player, hoping that this story would destroy his relationship, but Victoria managed to forgive her husband. Later, there were rumors about other infidelities of David, but after the hype in the press, the athlete settled down.

Do we stay together because we are a brand? Not at all. We are together because we love each other. We are together because we have four amazing children. Of course, we have difficulties, but we live through them as a whole, as a family,

- David said in an interview.

Let's remember that David and Victoria Beckham met in 1997 in the parking lot after a Manchester United match. Two years later, the couple got married and now have four children: 17-year-old Brooklyn, 14-year-old Romeo, 11-year-old Cruz and 5-year-old Harper. Today on Instagram Victoria

The star family has been together for 17 years, which gives rise to new rumors

One of the most famous married couples- the Beckham couple is close to collapse. David and Victoria, according to media reports, already live separately from each other and are currently collecting necessary documents in order to officially file for divorce. True, according to another publication, despite being eternally busy with work, both spouses still love each other and nothing will interfere with their happiness.

The famous English football player David Beckham and his wife, a former member of the Spice Girls music group, and now fashion designer Victoria, after 17 years of marriage, decided to end their relationship. At least that's what OK magazine reports. According to his information, the spouses live separately and have already begun to formalize the divorce.

However, Hollywood Life has completely different information, and it obtained it from a source close to the Beckham family. According to him, despite the fact that David is increasingly busy with the starting project of a football club in Miami, and Victoria is traveling for modeling shows, the couple are still happy and skillfully divide work and family relationships. There are no problems between the Beckhams at all, and even when they are not together, they are constantly in touch thanks to video chats.

David and Victoria married on July 4, 1999. Since then, they have raised four children: sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, and daughter Harper. Rumors about divorce are constantly circulating around one of the most secular couples of our time, but the couple themselves constantly refutes this with their actions. Not long ago, as a sign of his love, the ex-football player arranged for his wife to have a second wedding ceremony, which took place behind closed doors.

However, in the fall. This was due to tattoos, which occupy an important place in the lives of both. Victoria, who had “I belong to my lover and my beloved belongs to me” tattooed on her back, decided to remove the inscription, and gradually the tattoo became paler and paler. And before that, she got rid of David’s initials, their wedding date and the phrase “From the very beginning” on her body. But then she hastened with an official statement: “I don’t see anything scandalous in this. I just want to look more serious in the fashion world,” Victoria said.