What to give as a birthday gift to a 2 year old child. What gifts will please a two-year-old boy on his birthday?

Watching with interest how their children grow up, parents cannot help but notice how much their needs, desires and even behavior change by the age of two - in order to prove their independence, they are even ready to go into conflict. This is explained by the fact that the baby already has his own priorities and hobbies, so when the anniversary comes, it can be difficult to figure out what to give a child for 2 years, because he needs new toys that meet his current physical and mental level.

The main feature of a small child at 2 years old is increased emotionality and, in a sense, episodic manifestation of such mental abilities as memory, attention and logical thinking– he pays his attention only to what is really interesting to him, and cannot yet control these processes. This trend continues until the age of five, and the task of adults is to offer the baby different games and classes.

But thanks to the skills they have already mastered, children still have their own preferences, which attentive mothers and fathers, of course, know about. The question of what to give a child for two years can be addressed to them or you can ask the child himself about it. But then you won’t be able to make a surprise, so it’s worth figuring out what games and toys two-year-old children like the most.

From the age of two, children have the inclination to conduct role-playing games with a certain plot. Considering the benefits of such a pastime, one can note the development of imagination, arbitrariness of actions and thinking, the opportunity to feel like someone else in order to take a different point of view. Such aspects are very important for the mental and emotional growth of the baby. It is not difficult to guess that the main toys for story games– these are all kinds of dolls, baby dolls, rubber and plastic animals, interactive gaming items. But, in addition to them, the child can also be given toy furniture, clothes for dolls, kitchen utensils, play vehicles, and attributes necessary for the characters.

For comprehensive development For a child and his formation as a personality, other toys are also important - developmental centers, construction sets, mosaics and puzzles, children's lotto, dominoes, good books - they should still be large with dense pages and large, high-quality illustrations. Children are beginning to show more and more interest in fine arts, so coloring books, supplies for drawing and modeling, creative kits for creating paintings and crafts are suitable for gifts.

We should not forget about sports gifts, which will accelerate the physical development of the child. For children, it's time to buy a home gymnastics complex, a tricycle or a trampoline. Such gifts can be given to the child by parents, relatives, and, if desired, by guests invited to the celebration, if they discuss such a purchase in advance with the father and mother of the baby.

What to give a 2 year old child: toys for development

An excellent solution would be to choose an educational game or toy as a gift for a two-year-old child.

Educational games for children are aimed at developing different skills and abilities of the child:

  1. Speech development is extremely important for a child, and a book is an ideal gift to help accelerate the formation of this process. At the moment, there are many options for educational books for children, as well as encyclopedias, interactive, voluminous books with special effects.
  2. To develop spatial thinking, a guest invited to the celebration can choose board puzzle games as a gift - Trucks, Shy Rabbit, Smart Car, Palette. These games also develop children's concentration and teach them to distinguish different geometric shapes.
  3. To train your memory, we can recommend various types games with memory cards. A children's lotto, for example, Rodnoi Krai, is suitable for the same purpose.
  4. To learn the basics of arithmetic, you can choose board game IQ games. Mathematics. Form. Check.
  5. Original children's domino Where is my tail - a game aimed at improving the logic, attention and intuition of children aged two years.
  6. Board games Cheerful beaver, Don't scare off the penguin, Jolly's cheerful octopus, Frog balancer will teach you how to carefully control your fingers - they train fine motor skills, coordination, and dexterity.
  7. Board card games such as School of the Seven Dwarfs will help develop logical thinking, Logical pictures, City.

Children's construction sets for outdoor games with large details perfectly develop a child's different abilities, but tabletop options, such as Bunnies, are also suitable. The Tenth Kingdom, despite the fact that the genre is a walk-on.

What to give a 2 year old boy: video

Gifts for creativity

Two-year-old children are already ready to bring their fantasies to life with pleasure, but for this they need accessories for creative development. A rich assortment of special sets, in this case, makes the choice easier for those who are still wondering how to choose a gift for 2 years.

It is worth considering all the options for such products:

  • these are watercolors and gouache, children's finger paints, pastel pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens;
  • special unpainted pokatushki, whistles, wooden spoons, balls and eggs for painting;
  • art albums for drawing with palms;
  • wax crayons-pebbles;
  • plasticine - waxy, ball, soft, vegetable, containing natural oil and starch, plasticine paints for creating paintings;
  • molds and stacks for modeling from clay, plasticine and dough;
  • boards with ready-made stamps in the form of animals, flowers, insects for modeling;
  • sandbox with kinetic sand;
  • molds for decorating a sand castle in the form of starfish, crabs, croissants, turtles, shells;
  • children's musical instruments - xylophone, piano, organola.

To develop your child's drawing skills, you can purchase a double-sided children's easel as a gift. It is a structure of two frames with two surfaces; it can be plastic or wooden with metal elements. This is a universal design that allows a child to develop fine motor skills, visual and motor memory, and improve concentration.

Attributes for physical development

A love of sports and an active lifestyle must be instilled in children from childhood, so it’s time to think about what to give your 2-year-old child from products in this category.

Since it’s too early for two-year-old kids to get up on rollerblades and skis, you can offer other interesting gifts to strengthen their muscles and improve their motor skills:

  1. Rocking chairs in the shape of a horse and other animals are still a welcome gift for kids at this age. This exercise toy is extremely useful for a child, as it trains his vestibular apparatus and develops the muscles of his legs.
  2. Many kids will love the ride-on car. Adults can ride them on this vehicle with the help of a rope or a handle; the baby can move independently on such a machine thanks to the movement of its legs.
  3. A bicycle as a gift always delights almost all children, but for two years of age, a three-wheeled, high-quality vehicle is needed. In the first couple of steps, it is unlikely that the little one will pedal on his own, but his parents will be able to give him a ride. This gift is good because within a year the child will start riding it without the help of mom and dad. The main benefit of a bicycle for a baby is strengthening nervous system, training breathing and work of the heart muscle, development of leg muscles.
  4. The most expensive, but certainly the most attractive gifts are a swimming pool and a trampoline. But for a trampoline you will need free space in the living room, and the child can use the pool if the family lives outside the city or the parents have a summer house.

For some, it is of fundamental importance what to give a two-year-old child, but, in the end, it is not necessary to give expensive gifts, and you can completely give the birthday boy a good ball - this is a universal thing that is considered one of the the best simulators For physical development two-year-old children, when playing with it, absolutely all the muscles of the baby’s body develop. In addition, it helps train balance and improves coordination.

What to give a 2 year old girl: video

Useful gifts for the whole family

When choosing what to give a two-year-old child, in some cases you can limit yourself to a symbolic car or an inexpensive, but original doll, at the same time, financially supporting a family with a small child. Parents will only be grateful for this. Yes, a gift can be practical, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Among these things:

  • children's bedding with images of favorite characters and animals;
  • a night light for a nursery or a table lamp for a table where the child will play or do creative work;
  • beautiful and good quality clothes for growing up;
  • a set for a baby, consisting of a table and a chair, because children already need personal space;
  • playhouse, tent (wigwam) - the thing is suitable for home use, and also useful in the country;
  • a set of children's dishes - this will please the little one, especially if he does not yet have his own plate and cup.

It is important to discuss the future purchase with your parents in advance, and then the problem of choice will disappear. But some things should not be given to children, a priori:

  • cheap, low quality toys that can harm a child’s health;
  • games that are not suitable for a child’s age;
  • soft toys that are too big;
  • toys containing small parts - the toddler can swallow them.

You also cannot buy children’s furniture and other expensive items on your own without consulting with family members of the hero of the day.

How to please a 2 year old boy and girl

As it turned out, a variety of games and toys are suitable as gifts for two-year-old children. And yet, for girls and boys they cannot be the same, because the behavior of most daughters at two years old is strikingly different from how boys behave. Children of both sexes are already beginning to comprehend their gender identity - this is manifested in imitation of their father and mother, and at this moment it is important to develop in them certain masculine and feminine skills.

read also:

What should a 2 year old child be able to do?

2 year old child's daily routine

However, little ones are already able to show their thriftiness and special attitude towards household duties, and while playing, they take care of their toys, wash and comb them, take care of the cleanliness of the house, and prepare toy food for the dolls. In addition, they love to try on their mother’s clothes, decorate themselves with her jewelry and even cosmetics. Not knowing what to choose for a girl, it would be nice to use this information and give her:

  • a large doll that can stand, sit, it’s good if its legs move and bend - the child will enjoy changing her clothes, teaching her to walk, putting her to bed;
  • medium size high quality soft toy in the form of a tiger cub, elephant or cat;
  • beautiful, original dress;
  • a set of children's jewelry or a creative set for creating them;
  • doll dishes, clothes, a stroller with a blanket and pillow;
  • a doll house or a tent house in which the birthday girl will place her toys.

You can also give the girl a children's piano or synthesizer, big book with children's poems, Lego, tricycle.

As a gift to a boy, first of all, you should give a variety of children's transport– a balance bike, a car with pedals, a scooter or a bicycle. The kid will happily accept a home sports corner or wall bars, a new construction set, various models of cars, planes, rockets and ships. You can give him a transforming robot, a railroad, a drum, large puzzles.

When deciding what to give a child for 2 years, first of all, you need to take into account the interests of the baby and his family. But sometimes even the most expensive gifts cannot replace the attention paid to the baby on this day, because for him the most important thing now is direct communication.

What to give a 2 year old child: video

What to give a boy for his 2nd birthday? There are so many original toys in children's stores that it's dizzying. Many parents are lost and don’t know whether their grown-up child will like this or that gift.

Psychologists, experienced parents, and teachers at children's centers give advice on choosing a suitable gift for a two-year-old boy. Show sincere interest in preparing your birthday, and your child will certainly be pleased with the bright, memorable holiday.

How to choose a gift

Helpful Tips:

  • don’t put off shopping until later: in a hurry, it’s difficult to choose a truly original, necessary item for your baby;
  • think about the safety of the child: parts should not be small or sharp. Avoid small toys and magnets: if they get inside, they are difficult to remove;
  • take into account the boy’s character, think about what interests him more;
  • gifts that are not appropriate for their age will quickly become boring: the child simply will not understand what to do with the complex mechanism;
  • ask for a certificate of quality: at 2 years old, children often taste a new item;
  • consider the area that you can allocate for a new acquisition. Think in advance where to place a large development center, a dry pool with balls or a children's electric car;
  • A useful, interesting gift of average cost is better than an expensive toy that was bought to “wipe the nose” of friends. It’s nice when your baby is the “coolest” in the yard, but always remember about the interests of the child, and not just about your own pride;
  • don't buy too many similar toys. Does the boy have 15 cars, many of which are sadly gathering dust in the “garage” under the table? Don't buy the 16th model, it will get boring after a day too. Offer something different, for example, a winding robot, a development center;
  • When purchasing sports complexes, consult with an orthopedist and find out what equipment is allowed for a young athlete at the current level of development of the musculoskeletal system. If orthopedic diseases are detected, a visit to the doctor before purchasing a wall bars, slide, or horizontal bar is required;
  • If you are temporarily short of money, do not despair: many toys for a two-year-old boy can be found at a reasonable price. Constructor, soap bubbles, a set for modeling and drawing, a children's backpack, logic toys are not only affordable, but also useful for the development of a child.

What not to buy

Some gifts can bring harm rather than benefit. Take these recommendations into account when choosing a present for your two-year-old “knight.”

Refuse to purchase:

  • soft toys with long pile. A beautiful “dust collector” often provokes allergies;
  • puzzles, construction sets with magnets, small parts: a child can swallow an element from the set;
  • books with paper pages: when leafing through, sharp edges sometimes hurt delicate skin;
  • toys for older children: a two-year-old child is unlikely to understand the details and rules of use. Children often break a complex object and refuse to work with a device they don’t understand;
  • battery-powered toys: boys love to take everything apart and study the device. Batteries are one of the parts that children often taste and sometimes swallow. The consequences are clear to any parent.

Important! Controversial point– purchase of musical toys. Parents with frayed nerves should think twice before choosing such a gift. The sounds of a drum/pipe and the melodies of a children's musical toy delight the first couple of days. Many children like gifts so much that they are ready to blow the whistle, beat the drums, or play their favorite melody for the 25th time all day long. The young music lover is happy, the parents are going crazy from the annoying sounds. Consider this point when choosing “sounding” gifts.

TOP – 15 gifts for a two-year-old boy

What should the toy be like? Study the list. Surely you will find an interesting thing that will suit you and please your little “knight”.


  • constructor. Choose a set with medium-sized parts: they are difficult to swallow, but comfortable to hold in your hand. Suitable materials are wood, plastic: a metal construction set with holes is intended for older children. Great gift for the development of imagination, fine motor skills, perseverance;
  • drawing set. Give your child an easel, finger paints, brushes, and children's gouache. Visit a specialized store: the selection of goods for children's creativity is huge;
  • plasticine, modeling kits. A useful gift at an affordable price. When sculpting, fine motor skills of the hands develop, the baby learns to fantasize and create copies based on the original. Create with your baby, enjoy communication and creativity;
  • children's backpack with a toy. Two year old child imitates adults; many children do not want to sit in a stroller. Pick up a backpack with an original toy, and the boy will be happy to put away his valuables when going on a visit/outing. Slowly select a backpack, check the quality, take into account the child’s height;
  • cubes. Choose an educational set from famous educators and psychologists. An excellent option: Nikitin cubes, Zaitsev cubes, Chaplygin cubes. Combine play, entertainment and learning;
  • sports complex. An excellent opportunity to improve your health and increase your level of physical development. Be sure to visit an orthopedist and find out what equipment the doctor will recommend for your baby. Consider whether there is enough space to install sports equipment. On sale there is a large selection of corners with different “fillings” for rooms of different sizes. Please note important point: you will have to always be nearby during classes;
  • musical instruments, toys. A children's xylophone, drums, a pipe, a toy piano, a metallophone - there is a wide choice. Think about whether you will be annoyed by sounds that you will probably hear more than once a day;
  • big machine. Bright, original toys made from plastic, many children like them. For little boy choose a model without small parts, preferably with a body: you can put a lot of useful things there. Good option– thematic models: fire truck, ambulance, police car with opening doors. If there are small elements, it is better to buy a simpler machine for transporting goods;
  • new bed of original shape. It’s not difficult to find a gift for a two-year-old boy: the furniture store has beds in the shape of a car from the cartoon “Cars” and racing models. Some parents order a sleeping place for a boy in the shape of a spaceship or sailboat. Think about whether the baby will be comfortable. If finances allow, decorate the room in the same style, buy not only a bed, but also bedside tables, a table for games, a high chair;
  • electric car A suitable type of transport for a young driver. Choose models taking into account weight, check the quality of fastening of parts. The toy is expensive, but it always delights two year old baby;
  • a children's sofa or an original chair. Complete the children's interior with a useful, comfortable detail. Choose a model with an orthopedic base so that your posture does not deteriorate. Does your baby not have his own room yet? An armchair or mini-sofa will become one of the elements indicating personal space;
  • playhouse. Choose a spacious model that can accommodate not only a child, but also a friend if you often have friends who have a child of the same age. The shape of the house with rigid ribs and walls made of fabric is square, tent-shaped, hemisphere, rectangular. Some houses have an entrance to which a transparent pipe is attached and a square-shaped exit;
  • table for playing with water and sand. Useful device useful not only in a private home. Choose a comfortable, medium-sized model for a city apartment. The kid will be delighted with the opportunity to splash in the water, catch fish, and launch wind-up toads and turtles. The child gets the opportunity to sculpt beads not only in summer, but also on rainy autumn days;
  • dry pool with balls. An expensive toy with a lot of useful properties. In the pool, a child can tumble, have fun, play alone or with friends. Some models have sides with additional accessories. Choose a dry pool that is suitable in size. The “Corner” model is suitable for a small apartment; for a larger space - “Wave”, “Machine”, “Cloud”, “Rainbow”;
  • repeating talking hamster. At 2 years old, children actively develop speech, and children pronounce more complex phrases. A funny hamster repeating words will entertain the baby and give many fun moments not only to children, but also to adults. Help your child, show what happens if you say a phrase or word. Many kids like the interactive toy so much that they even take it to bed with them.

A children's holiday is also a good gift. Invite animators or play the role of a funny clown (cartoon character) yourself, take the boy to a children's play center. A bright holiday will be remembered by a two-year-old child. Invite people you know with children aged 2–3 years old: your son will have fun and interesting. Even for the little ones you can fun competitions, organize a dance floor. Think over the event so that the child is not too tired. Clear your room of unnecessary things so you have room to spread out.

Some tips:

  • toy store sales consultants often offer the most expensive options, convincing that this “super” developmental center is much better than a construction set at an affordable price. You know your child better, think about whether the boy will be interested or whether he will throw away an expensive toy the day after purchase;
  • Haven’t you figured out what to do with a fairly large amount of money allocated by your grandmother or godparents? Of course, you can buy clothes for a boy or furniture for a children's room. Be sure to add pleasant emotions for the little birthday boy so that the birthday is the baby’s and not yours;
  • Don't you know what gift will please the little knight? Arrange a bright holiday with cute gifts, a trip to the game center or inviting animators. Win-win option will give a lot of positive emotions to the birthday boy and guests.

Choosing a gift for a two-year-old child is a pleasant and, at the same time, troublesome task. Take your time, show your imagination, find out from your friends and acquaintances what children of a similar age are doing. Check out the list of useful ones again interesting gifts for the birthday of a two year old boy. Your desire and consideration of the baby’s interests will help you find an excellent present for the young “knight”.

Video - tips on what to give a boy for his birthday:


  1. Elena V.
  2. Elena V.
  3. Elena V.
  4. Irina
  5. Elena
  6. Elena
  7. Julia
  8. olesya
  9. olesya
  10. Marina

Gift guide from the editors of the site

What to give to a 2 year old boy? Active knowledge of the world continues and becomes more complex. Fine motor skills and coordination of movements are improved. Toys and gifts should be appropriate for this important stage of baby development. From classics to innovations.

2 years is the age of ever-increasing activity and conscious study of the world around us. The boy inquisitively studies everything around him. And any object can be a toy or an object of attention. But I want what he interacts with to bring benefit, pleasure, and carry information.

We know how difficult it is to choose what to give for 2 years. And we understand you. That's why we asked you, searched, analyzed and collected best ideas gifts for 2 years.

The best gift is a book. Whatever you say...

Modern children's publishing houses create books that you want to keep and review. Ok, re-read. The poems are simple and rhythmic. Beautifully illustrated classic tales. Because if not all the words still fit into your head, then the picture should definitely be able to tell a story. And picture books: relevant at 2 years old and will be relevant for a long time.

Julia Donaldson "The Gruffalo"

At first glance, for adults this unusual story about a little mouse and his invented monster, the Gruffalo, may seem strange. But try reading it to a child, and his delight in this book with light poems and mesmerizing drawings will be passed on to you.

Brothers Grimm "Puss in Boots" and "Little Men"

(with illustrations by Anton Lomaev)

Classic fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm. "Puss in Boots" and "Little Men". Illustrator Anton Lomaev. Each spread is a story, a picture. As it is written in one of the reviews, it is recommended “for both adults and not so much”, because the illustrations drawn to the smallest detail help to imagine fairy-tale events and are perfect for inquisitive examination by a two-year-old.


A series of cardboard books about Elmer the Checkered Elephant is an opportunity to talk to a little one about what it’s like to be different from everyone else. It doesn't matter what. Stories about a cheerful elephant in a multi-colored checkered pattern will tell good stories about friendship with a sense of humor (which is very important).

Knorr Peter - Books to Review

This is a series of stories in pictures, or wimmelbooks. You can look at pictures about the city, circus or life outside the city for hours. Even as he gets older, the child will take them out and study them. Learn names, search, make riddles - there are many activities with picture books.

Djeco Games

This great option the first construction set for a little boy, because in front of him stands interesting task– attach the missing parts to fire trucks, passenger cars, tractors and airplanes. It seems complicated, but you need to determine which part fits where, and screw it on with your still unruly hands. And along the way, the child learns colors, features of different vehicles, and then you can simply play with wooden models.

These first puzzles for a boy consist of two parts, with a total of 12 cardboard pieces you can assemble 6 cars. It seems that composing any vehicle is not a problem, because the clue is hidden in the combination of colors on the two halves. But for a 2-year-old child, the task ahead is not easy, but exciting. And with what delight his eyes will light up when the transport works!

Game and prices in online stores:

5 playing fields symbolizing different habitats, and 30 chips with images of animals - this is the entire Animals lotto, recommended for the little ones. The main thing is that the child will get to know where everyone lives and be able to talk about it. And the rules of this lotto can be changed for variety: play with two, three, for speed, or to fill out your field, accompanied by a short story.

Game and prices in online stores:

It is better to take a three-wheeled scooter for two years. And dual wheels should be in front. This way they don't interfere with the pushing leg. This little trick saves your nerves and knees.

Prices for three-wheeled scooters:

Dentist play set, Play-Doh

Who knows, maybe you have a future dentist growing up, but for now it’s a child enthusiastically sculpting teeth, braces, a plate, playing with a miniature drill and other tools from the “Dentist” set. The funny patient, Mr. Toothy, will endure all the manipulations without complaint, and the boy will probably not be afraid of visiting the dentist and will be aware of everything that he does.

Game and prices in online stores:

Lego Duplo

"Count and Play" and "Fire Truck" - best gift for boys from 2 years old. Bright and large parts, durable joints, functional models of a train and a fire engine - this construction set allows you to enjoy the design process and explore colors, shapes, and features. different equipment. And the first option also teaches counting.

Game and prices in online stores:

    • Water painting mat

A young artist will be able to create his first “masterpieces” on such a mat using a felt-tip pen filled with regular water. After 5 minutes they disappear - and here in front of him is a clear field for creativity. While he is captivated by the game, the walls and furniture are safe, in addition, the rug is very light and compact, so you can take it on a trip or for a walk.

Educational robot

Three modes of this funny and bright robot from Fisher Price allow you to dance, sing funny songs after the toy, and engage in learning. Letters, counting, colors, cause-and-effect relationships - this is an incomplete list of what children can learn in the form of a fun and unobtrusive game Beebo.

Robots and prices in online stores:

    • Space sand

You can set up a sandbox at home, for this it is enough buy cosmic sand of one or more colors. Dry, but perfect for modeling, pleasant to the touch, does not dry out, does not leave marks - these are just a few of the advantages of this unusual, “smart” sand. This is not only a developmental tool, but also an excellent therapy, relaxing and relieving any stress.

    • Electric motorcycle

Getting behind the wheel of a car is every boy’s dream almost from the cradle. But while you don’t have a license, you can practice on an electric car, which is so similar to a real car, only miniature and does not require fuel. There are many details, sound and light effects, some models provide for two-person riding, and to reassure parents of safety, there is a control panel with a good range of action.

Train descent

The Fisher Price Percy's Descent set is a play with funny characters from the cartoon Thomas the Tank Engine. First, the boy constructs a steep descent with many obstacles from its parts, and then you can start from the very top of the structure with figures of steam locomotives and watch their movement.

Game and prices in online stores:

Fire engine

This is not an ordinary toy, but an exact copy of a real fire truck. Everything is exactly the same, but miniature: an engine that works like a clock, adjustable mirrors, even a hose that can be filled with water and extinguished. What a gift to compare with such a machine, because you can play and imagine yourself as a heroic fireman!

Indestructible fire trucks:

Dinosaur figurines

Although very realistic, but not at all scary, tyrannosaurs, pterodactyls and their other relatives - such figures should definitely be in a little boy’s arsenal of toys. The passion for adventure and the desire to explore the world begins with these toys.

Dinosaurs and prices in online stores:

The question of when to start learning time has been removed, because the funny interactive toy Happy Kid “Clock” will allow even a 2-year-old child to begin mastering such a difficult question, and in two languages.


For boys

Tent or wigwam

By the age of two, the child becomes more independent; he will be pleased with a small house for privacy and games. Choose a tent that is as safe and light as possible: a child may knock it over or get entangled in the fabric. Choose the size and shape of the house depending on the dimensions of the room: compact square, wigwam or with a tunnel.

Most stylish option– a wigwam, the smallest – a bright inflatable house, and the most popular – a frame tent made of polyester. The baby will appreciate it if you put plastic balls at the bottom of his cave. You will get both a house and a dry pool at the same time. True, you will have to collect balls throughout the apartment.

Benefit: trains independence, suitable for teaching role-playing games.
Average price: 2,000 rubles.


Give your child a ride on a real train before purchasing and it will be even more interesting for him to build a small replica of the railway. For this age, the simplest design without small parts is suitable. Over the course of a year, the baby will get used to the toy and will need to make it more complicated. Therefore, choose a model with the ability to purchase additional rails, tunnels, bridges, carriages, houses and people. In this regard, wooden roads are more convenient, since they are most often compatible with elements from other manufacturers.

The train can be battery-powered: this is a more exciting option, but there are fewer options for playing. It’s healthier and more fun to let your child roll the cars along the rails himself and feel like a real driver.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, dexterity, coordination, spatial thinking.
Average price: 1,500 rubles.

Sticker book

At two years old, children develop a passion for stickers and this should be taken advantage of. Such books consist of several spreads with pictures and separate sheets with stickers. Stickers are glued to pictures, adding meaning to the composition.

Choose books for your child on his favorite topic: about cars, wild animals or fairy-tale heroes. It is beneficial to buy reusable stickers; they can be re-glued from place to place several times. At first, the baby will turn out very crooked. Keep yourself in control and don’t overdo it, he will soon learn to work neatly and accurately.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, logic and coordination.
Average price: 100 rubles.


A two-year-old person slowly gets out of the stroller and tries to get on a scooter or balance bike. For the warm season, no better transport has yet been invented. For “winter” guys, a regular tricycle with pedals and without any parental handles will be an excellent alternative. It’s so big – compact, slow-moving and easy to operate. All this will allow you to ride it right along the corridor and rooms, even if there is not much space at all.

Over the winter, the child will learn to pedal, become stronger and be ready for street rides. Choose the lightest and most durable model, and check if there are mirrored doors and floor vases in the apartment - accidents are inevitable.

Benefit: trains dexterity and coordination, gives confidence in one’s abilities.
Average price: 1,500 rubles.


When you decide to give a construction set as a gift, keep one thing in mind: it will be difficult to stop. So you give your baby one small box with bright bricks, then a second, then a tenth - and suddenly he becomes the proud owner of five kilograms of expensive plastic. Therefore, if you are not ready to enslave your apartment with designers, then you should not start.

Now about the advantages: boys are crazy about these prefabricated structures and are ready to play with them all day long, construction sets seriously develop the brain and can replace a whole park of toys. For kids, choose construction sets with large and durable parts made of plastic, soft polymer or natural wood. Usually the recommended age for players is indicated on the box, rely on these numbers.

Benefit: Great for training fine motor skills, spatial thinking and imagination.
Average price: 700 rubles.

For girls


Popular peeper books come from Germany. The name comes from the verb “wimmeln”, which translates as “to swarm, swarm, crowd”. These are colorful, text-free publications with carefully drawn illustrations, rich in details and characters. For example, one of these books depicts a quiet European town, whose inhabitants celebrate holidays, walk with children, and meet with friends. Funny incidents and little troubles happen to the characters - just like in life.

Wimmelbook will be interesting for several years: a child is shown large details and simple scenes, an older person will happily find his favorite characters and come up with stories about them. In addition, these album books are remarkably beautiful and will decorate any home library.

Benefit: trains perseverance, attention, develops speech and cognitive abilities.
Average price: 700 rubles.


A strategically correct gift for young wallpaper artists, that is, for all two-year-olds. Choose a double-sided easel: it takes up the same amount of space, but has twice as much benefit. One side of the board is for crayons or paints, the other for markers or magnets. It is convenient when you can attach a roll of paper on top of the easel.

Also pay attention to the child’s height and the height of the machine; the child should be comfortable drawing while standing. Along with the easel, it’s good to give new paints, brushes and crayons so that the child can immediately start creating.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, introduces colors, stimulates imagination.
Average price: 1,500 rubles.

Children's kitchen

Already at two years old, a children's kitchen can become a favorite pastime for a little girl, even despite the standard age limit for toys from three years old. To test your baby's readiness for culinary experiments, take her to a children's store or visit the owner of the toy. You will immediately see interest or lack thereof.

Kitchens come in wooden or plastic, with sounds and lighting or without special effects, with dishes and household appliances, or inexpensive basic models. Choose a toy without small parts and strong enough so that if it accidentally falls, it will not injure the child or break itself. Please note that playing chef requires enough space, so be sure to coordinate the gift with your parents.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, stimulates imagination, suitable for teaching role-playing games.
Average price: 6,000 rubles.

Sandbox with kinetic sand

Kinetic sand simultaneously resembles sand and plasticine: it is soft, flexible, does not crumble, and is easy to clean up after playing. Physically, it is a mixture of quartz sand and silicone, harmless even if accidentally swallowed. Sand is sold separately in buckets, boxes or directly in a small sandbox. However, any plastic box with a lid can easily be designated as a sandbox.

For a full game, take at least two kilograms of sand and don’t forget about molds and shovels. Please note that colored sand sometimes stains your hands, so take colorless sand or read reviews about the brand on the Internet.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, develops tactile sensations and coordination of movements.
Average price: 800 rubles.

Table and chair

Every grown-up person needs a personal workplace for creativity, drinking tea and putting together puzzles. To maintain correct posture for your child, select a table and chair strictly according to his height. To do this, bring your child to the store and ask him to sit on different sets. The material of the products can be anything to suit your taste and budget: wood, plastic, metal.

It is important that the set is vandal-resistant and environmentally friendly, because the baby will do literally everything with it: climb with his feet, pound with a spoon and chew on the tabletop. Additionally, you can purchase chair pockets for storing pencils, brushes, and paints. This is convenient because... Small tables usually do not have drawers.

Benefit: trains independence, perseverance, attention and fine motor skills.
Average price: 2,000 rubles.

Two-year-old children are just beginning to understand their own gender and the behavior characteristic of it. While everyone is playing with everything: the boys are happily preparing lunches for the dolls, and the girls are enthusiastically rolling cars. Therefore, when choosing a gift, take into account not so much the gender as the interests of the baby. And - may your salary be with you!

Store consultants take advantage of the confusion and inexperience of customers by offering an expensive or unpopular option children's gift. The baby or his parents may not like such a purchase and the money will be wasted. To prevent this, before purchasing, consult with the baby’s parents: they will tell you what is the best gift for their 2-year-old child.

If there are no special requests or wishes, then check out the popular products for children of this age. A list of developing and unusual gifts, which are suitable for a two-year-old child.

Useful gifts for 2 years old

A child of 2 years old is actively exploring the world and developing. Coordination of movements and the functioning of sensory organs improves, fine motor skills improve. This determines the baby’s preferences and behavior: he tastes everything, reacts to sounds, twirls objects in his hands and does not sit still. Take these features into account when thinking about what to give a 2-year-old child for his birthday.

When choosing a gift for a two-year-old toddler, remember the “usefulness” of the surprise. You can always find educational gifts in online stores and local children's markets.

Plasticine or play dough

The baby's hands continue to develop and explore their surroundings. To make the process fun, give your little one a modeling kit. It could be children's plasticine, special mass or salt dough. The latter option can be ordered or purchased by choosing colors. The advantage of the gift is that it develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child, is safe if it gets into the mouth (although it is better not to allow this), does not stick to hands and does not get dirty.

Equally suitable for boys and girls. Not suitable for children with developmental problems upper limbs and allergies to plasticine components.


In the age of high technology, the designer should not be underestimated. There is a wide range of children's inventions (cubes, insert figures, blocks, mosaics). The constructor develops thinking, hand motor skills and imagination.

Choose a constructor with blocks different colors and forms. Give preference to a constructor consisting of large parts that the child cannot swallow.

Boys who can build a house, garage or airplane from a construction set will especially love it.

Not suitable for children suffering from diseases of the upper extremities. For children who are behind in mental development, buy a simple designer.


A useful way to spend time for a two-year-old child is to master lacing. This is a special invention for children that teaches how to thread threads into holes to fasten elements together. Scene lacings are in demand among children: suitable parts are laced to a picture with missing parts.

Gifts for entertaining children 2 years old

Little fidgets at two years old want to play, learning in the process of creativity. If you want to teach your child something with the help of a toy, amuse them and keep them occupied for a while, pay attention to these gifts.

Drawing set

Children 2 years old love to draw on surrounding objects - on walls, tables, doors, books. If you want to protect interior items from the hands of a young artist, then give him a drawing set. With its help, the child will give scope to desires and imagination without spoiling the atmosphere at home.

The process of drawing develops hand motor skills, imagination and visual perception.

Buy now ready set or assemble it yourself. For example, buy a sketchbook and finger paints, a coloring book and wax crayons, a special board, an easel and children's markers, crayons.

If you don’t want to wash your child’s tools, clothes and hands later, buy an aquamat. This is a special drawing set consisting of a rubber mat for creativity and developing markers of different colors.

Drawing kits are suitable for two-year-old boys and girls. Not suitable for those who are allergic to drawing materials or have problems with the musculoskeletal function of the upper limbs.

Children's ball

The ball can be used for different purposes: rolling, tossing, passing to another. Playing with a ball promotes a child's mobility, which is important for the full development of muscles and bones. Regular play with a ball increases the reaction speed of a two-year-old child.

The ball is a budget and nice gift for 2 years to a boy who will appreciate him. For a little athlete, buy a small rubber ball with the image of your favorite cartoon characters.

The ball is not suitable for a child who has pathology of the upper and lower extremities.

Set for plot- role playing game

Children as young as 2 years old love to watch the actions of adults: how they handle different objects. Therefore, in games they try to imitate adults, copying their habits. Considering this fact, give your children toys that resemble “adult” things: dishes, furniture, a children’s hairdresser, a kitchen or a store. The child will be happy to learn how to handle objects like an adult. Just explain to your child what the item is used for.

Original gifts for children 2 years old

You always want your gift for a two-year-old birthday boy to be special and memorable. Therefore, if you want to surprise the hero of the occasion and his parents, then these options original gift for 2 years should interest you.

Children's bedding

Kids grow quickly and often spoil things, so you have to buy new ones. Bed linen, which the child sometimes stains or tears, is no exception. Beautiful children's bedding will not be out of place in the house. You can look for a set for the winter (terry or with a warm blanket). you will do good choice, if you give your baby bed linen for his birthday.

Pleasant bedding is the basis for a comfortable sleep, so it will suit all children without exception.

Playpen bed

The playpen bed will please the child and his parents. The advantage of the invention is that it can be used as a playpen and as a bed for rest. Modern models fold easily and do not take up much space in the house; they are equipped with a music center, a changing table, and wheels for moving.

Playpen bed – useful gift baby for 2 years. There are models in different color solutions for boys and girls. Suitable for all children 2 years old weighing up to 14 kg and height up to 89 cm.

Children's book

A good children's book is a priceless gift. Editions for the little ones are produced in different formats: toy books, coloring books, books with game elements (cards, stickers, built-in sounds), 3D books.

Among the books for two-year-old children, you can find options for boys (about superheroes, transport), for girls (about dolls, cartoon heroines) and universal ones (counting, ABC, fairy tales).

When purchasing a book for your baby, give preference to “durable designs” and bright design. A child will not be able to deform cardboard or fabric pages, and colorful images will attract attention.

Choose children's books according to their level of mental development.

Finger puppets

A similar option is walking dolls and glove dolls. This toy is in great demand among children. A distinctive feature is its compactness, which allows you to take finger puppets with you anywhere and save storage space.

Such dolls are used to embody role-playing performances and for regular role-playing games between by different persons. You can arrange a home theater with or for your child.

Finger puppets will be a non-standard surprise for the birthday of a two-year-old baby.