What should be written on the label. What must be written on the label? Should not be part of cosmetics

Cream is an integral part of any woman’s daily care routine. Nowadays there is such a huge number of creams on the cosmetic market that it can be quite difficult to understand their diversity.

Not all remedies are equally effective, and some of them can even bring relief. And of course, to understand how the cream will work, first of all, you need to pay attention to its composition.

The components of any facial product can be classified into several large groups.

We would like to remind you that All ingredients are listed on the label in descending order.. That is, if mineral oil is in the first or second place in the composition of your jar, then it makes up the majority of the cream.

The components written at the very end have minimal concentration and have almost no effect. That's why choose a cream whose active ingredients will be located in the middle or beginning of the composition.

The basis of any cream is water. The quality of the water is usually not specified.

But remember that good or luxury products are most often made on water from thermal springs, while products from budget brands are made at regular filtered water.

2nd place is usually occupied by moisturizing or nourishing components. This could be glycerin, which acts only on the surface of the epidermis, or silicones, which penetrate deeper into the pores. It is also possible to have mineral oil, the purpose of which is intensive nutrition. But a more suitable option would be various natural oils rather than petroleum products.

Quite often alcohol is added to the cream, since it is a good and at the same time cheap solvent. But there are safer solvent options.

Of course, each product contains emulsifiers and texture formers, which promote quick application of the cream and its easy penetration into the skin.

And of course, perhaps the most important thing in any tool is its active ingredients. They can be used hyaluronic acid, extracts of various plants, vitamins, natural oils, and much more.

Please note: These substances should not be at the end of the composition to bring maximum benefit to your skin.

The difference between creams in composition depending on their purpose

Creams are divided into many different groups: day, night, moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging and others.

How does their composition differ?

  1. Day and night cream in terms of the content of certain components they almost do not differ from each other. But the texture of night cream is usually lighter; it does not contain silicones, which give the skin an instant glow and a well-groomed appearance. Substances that are incompatible with ultraviolet rays are added to the night cream.
  2. Anti-aging product has more differences. It usually contains vitamins C and A, coenzyme Q10, and peptides. These substances smooth out small and even large wrinkles, restore elasticity to the skin and tighten the oval of the face.
  3. Moisturizing and nourishing cream are also different from each other. A moisturizer contains ingredients that provide moisture to the skin as well as moisture-retaining ingredients. The most popular of them is hyaluronic acid. The consistency of the nourishing cream is thicker and is less absorbed. Its main part is vegetable and animal fats. In its composition you can often find fat-soluble vitamins and. Cosmetologists usually recommend using a moisturizing cream in summer and a nourishing cream in winter.
  4. Product for problem skin, first of all, should contain antimicrobial, exfoliating components. These include salicylic and azelaic acid, copper and zinc, clay, sulfur, AHA acids, retinoids, triclosan. It is better to use such a product as prescribed by a doctor, so as not to harm yourself.
  5. Massage cream for the face is made on the basis of natural oils, which, when massaged, penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and act from the inside. In such a product you can often find extracts of various plants, ceramides and peptides, amino acids.
  6. They went on sale a few years ago BB and CC creams. Their composition is no different from regular moisturizers, but they also contain tinting ingredients that create an even complexion and disguise imperfections.

What should be the composition of a face cream?

First of all, we would like to say that choosing a cream is a very individual matter, and what is ideal for one person will cause allergies in another. But there are still general recommendations for selection.

Attention : see if your cream contains mineral oil. It is a petroleum product and can clog pores, cause inflammation and provoke the formation of comedones. Mineral oil can only be used by girls with very dry skin and narrow pores. For those with oily and combination skin types, it is better to avoid this component.

A good face cream should not contain alcohol.. It causes allergies and irritation in sensitive skin, and also dries it out.

Should be avoided aluminum acetate. It is used as an astringent, but with prolonged use it can cause flaking, tightness and dryness.

Ingredients breakdown

In the table below we provide a breakdown of the components in face creams. When purchasing, you can use this list to avoid dangerous or unnecessary ingredients.

International name Russian name Description
Сyclohexasiloxane Cyclohexasiloxane Silicone that instantly creates a smooth, soft skin feeling. Does not provoke inflammation.
Karite oil Shea Butter Nourishing oil, contains a large amount of vitamin E. Non-comedogenic.
Magnesium Magnesium A macronutrient that improves blood circulation and complexion.
Glycerine Glycerol An inexpensive moisturizer that works only in the upper layers of the epidermis.
Limonene Limonene A natural preservative obtained from citrus fruits.
Argania Oil Argan oil An expensive and very healthy oil, it perfectly nourishes the skin and smoothes out facial wrinkles.
Aloe Aloe extract A natural ingredient that perfectly moisturizes the dermis, promotes the healing of microtraumas, and soothes.
Vitamin E, a-tocoferol Vitamin E Antioxidant, has remarkable anti-aging properties.
Propylene glycol Pripylene glycol A preservative, responsible for creating the texture of the product, in high concentrations it can be toxic.
Urea pura Hydrolyzed urea A powerful moisturizer that easily penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis due to its small molecular size.
Betaine Betaine A soothing component that forms a film on the skin and protects it from harmful external factors.
Lanolin Alcohol Lanolin A rather comedogenic substance, it often causes unpredictable individual reactions. Suitable only for very dry and chapped skin.
Sodium Hyaluronate Hyaluronic acid salt An excellent moisturizer that penetrates deep into the dermis.
Retinol Vitamin A, which is fat soluble. Fights wrinkles and other age-related changes.
Elastin Elastin Protein responsible for elasticity and firmness.
ANA alpha hydroxy acids Removes redness and acne marks, evens out facial tone. Cannot be used without additional protection from UV rays!

Useful video

Check out an expert's opinion on the ingredients in modern face creams.

Carefully read the composition of the cream before purchasing it. to make sure it meets all your requirements. Try to avoid aggressive and comedogenic components, and also be sure to pay attention to the ratio of nutrients. Don't forget... And then your skin will delight you for many years to come!

A lot has been said about the benefits of chocolate. This delicious cocoa product improves mood, gives a boost of vivacity and energy, and contains many microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. True, there is a small “but”: chocolate is healthy if it is made from high-quality raw materials and stored correctly. How to distinguish high-quality chocolate from a low-quality product?

Signs of good chocolate

Let's look at the packaging

The first signs of good chocolate are immediately noticeable: these are the ingredients in the product. Under the guise of chocolate, they may not be selling what you are looking for, but an ordinary confectionery bar, which is a mixture of different components that vaguely resemble chocolate.

Criteria for choosing quality chocolate:

  • To choose good, tasty chocolate, you need to know what its ingredients are: pay attention to which ingredient comes first in the composition. It is this that is the basic component;
  • the ingredients are indicated in the composition based on the dosage of each component: from most to least;
  • good chocolate leaves a pleasant tart aftertaste;
  • the high cost of each tile (cocoa butter is an expensive product);
  • shelf life - up to six months;
  • storage temperature is about 18 degrees.

These are the key features and characteristics of good chocolate. They are, in fact, based on the most important basis: composition.

What should be included?

How to choose good chocolate and how to distinguish it from a cheap confectionery bar? The hallmarks of good chocolate are its detailed composition and the presence of the following ingredients:

  • cocoa butter (as one of the main ingredients);
  • lecithin (a trace element that provides energy and improves memory, is part of brain cells and tissues);
  • grated cocoa;
  • sugar (powdered sugar);
  • glossy surface (polished);
  • When a tile breaks, a dry crack is heard.

What should not be included?

  • confectionery fat (coconut, palm, cottonseed oil);
  • cocoa butter equivalents or substitutes;
  • emulsifiers;
  • cocoa powder (cocoa vella);
  • matte tile surface;
  • When the tile breaks, a dull sound should be heard.

How much chocolate is healthy?

The norm for an adult is up to 30 grams per day. It is best to consume chocolate in the first half of the day, no more than twice a week. This is especially true for children. If you enjoy chocolate at night, you may experience difficulty falling asleep and increased nervous excitability.

Which chocolate is the healthiest?

In this situation, the answer is clear: dark chocolate provides more health benefits. It contains a maximum of grated cocoa and cocoa butter, a minimum of sugar and milk impurities. But, if you love milk and white chocolate, you shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure. The main thing is that they contain grated cocoa (for milk) and natural cocoa butter (for milk and white).

Taking these features into account, you can choose high-quality chocolate that will be healthy, taste good and give you pleasant moments of enjoying a delicious dessert.

The variety of cosmetics for body and hair care very often makes it difficult to make the right choice. We buy into bright and colorful advertising that promises our hair unprecedented strength, shine, accelerated growth and volume, but the paradox is that really good hair cosmetics are not advertised as zealously as budget shampoos, stuffed with all sorts of chemicals, parabens, and perfumes. , silicone, sulfates and other components harmful to hair health.

I wrote this article for quite a long time, while I was studying the compositions of various shampoos and conditioners for hair care. Today you will learn how to choose natural hair cosmetics by reading the ingredients and trusting truly reliable and trusted manufacturers.

What should not be in a good shampoo?

First, a little background. Previously, I did not pay much attention to the choice of shampoo; the main criterion for purchasing were the inscriptions: “for normal, oily or dry hair”, “easy combing”, etc. The composition of the product was a mystery to me and I became addicted to one shampoo, which I used for a month. Then my head began to itch terribly after using it, and small ulcers even began to appear. I changed the shampoo to a representative of a different brand, but the same story repeated itself with a new and new washing friend, and it didn’t feel funny to me. I had to delve deeper into this matter.

How to choose a shampoo based on its composition?

A good shampoo must have the following inscription: free of SLS, SLES, mineral oils, silicones and parabens. It is in this composition that if any component from the above is not indicated as missing, then the manufacturer is being cunning.

For example, this manufacturer writes on the packaging of its shampoo: no silicone, no parabens, but when we carefully study the composition, we see the inscription “Ammonium lautyl sulfate”. Sulfate in shampoo is a fairly inexpensive detergent that is absorbed into the scalp and is not completely harmless to health. That's it, you shouldn't buy this shampoo anymore.

It’s also not very good when the shampoo contains perfume in addition to sulfates. This is a flavoring or fragrance. Most often chemical, and only occasionally natural.

Determining that a shampoo contains parabens or silicone is also quite simple. Parabens are highly toxic substances that tend to accumulate in the body, which can lead to permanent allergies to something. Take a careful look at the composition, if you see a word with the ending “Paraben”, for example Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben, then this means that the manufacturer has added parabens to the shampoo.

You can recognize silicone in shampoo by the end “thicone” (Amodimethicone, Behenoxy Dimethicone, Stearoxy Dimethicone, etc.), or “siloxane” (Polysiloxane, etc.).

All these chemical components can only make your hair look healthy, but at the same time they will deplete your hair from the inside and saturate your scalp with substances that are harmful to your health.

It is worth noting that natural shampoos foam much less, while others only need a small amount of water to create a large and rich foam.

Among my favorite and trusted manufacturers of natural hair cosmetics, I should highlight: Korres, Natura Siberica, Planeta Organica, Fresh Line, La Roshe. Korres shampoo does not cause any irritation to my scalp, it foams very poorly and it is absolutely impossible to comb my hair after using it. It should only be used in conjunction with a conditioning balm from the same manufacturer. Natura Siberica is a Russian organic cosmetics that is very affordable and I love it, but it is not suitable for everyone. The situation is the same with Planeta Organica shampoo.

Do you scrutinize labels like so many moms and dads around the world do, or do you just trust the big name manufacturers? If the latter option is closer to you, remember that this approach does not at all guarantee that your child will receive truly healthy products. Numerous revelations in the press indicate that often even the most famous manufacturers, whose brand is seemingly synonymous with quality, sin by adding ingredients to baby food that are not the healthiest for babies.

Of course, you won’t find arsenic in their products, but starch is easily harmful not only to children, but also to adults. Flavorings and artificial colors can also often be found in products for children. Hence the conclusion - the salvation of drowning people is the work of their hands. This means that when you go to the store in search of a treat that is healthy for your child, stock up on a magnifying glass to study the label and useful information to read it correctly. We will now provide you with the information you need.

What comes first?

First of all, you should pay attention to the sequence of listing the ingredients included in a particular food product. Ideally, the fewer, the better. For example, in fruit puree there should be a maximum of two of them: the fruit puree itself and, say, vitamin C, which in this case is a natural preservative. It’s good if this is where you stop reading the label. Alas, this is not always the case. Manufacturers often also include the starch we have already mentioned in baby food - an ingredient that may not be the most harmful, but certainly not the most healthy.

If we are not talking about baby food, but about products intended for children over three years old, then even studying the label can take a lot of time. In this case, we remember the main rule - the more a product contains a particular ingredient, the higher it is on the list. And, accordingly, vice versa.

White death?

Ideally, of course, there should be no sugar at all in products intended for children. The fact is that the body of a little man has its own characteristics. For example, children's tooth enamel is more susceptible to caries, so children's teeth are destroyed much faster than adult teeth. Caries can destroy them to the ground in just a few months, and this is fraught with serious problems, both with digestion and diction.

All types of carbonated drinks have a particularly destructive effect. Juices (not nectars!) are much better. By the way, freshly squeezed juices prepared at home are not as healthy as many people think. The fact is that, having a high concentration, they have a rather aggressive effect on the stomach. So, a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice, depending on the type of fruit, can take up to a kilogram of fruit. Think for yourself, is a child’s body capable of bearing such a load? At the same time, the composition of ready-made drinks is more balanced. Again, unless we are talking about cheap nectars generously “enriched” with sugar.

Some manufacturers cheat and add so-called hidden sugars to their products: sucrose, maltose, molasses, etc. Remember - all this is also sugar and therefore not very healthy.

But what if children have a known sweet tooth? It’s very simple - choose products with healthy sweeteners. Such as glucose and fructose. They are not just tasty, but also have a beneficial effect on the baby’s brain function, and this is so important. Isn't it true?

Chocolate – to be or not to be?

Of course there will be! But it is very important that children consume the right desserts. Good, high-quality chocolate will not only not harm your child, but will also help. It improves intestinal function, calms the nerves, promotes the production of the hormone of happiness, and also improves brain activity - it is no coincidence that parents all over the world always offer their child a slice of good chocolate before tests or exams. True, there are some peculiarities - while dark chocolate with a large number of cocoa beans in the composition is recommended for adults, then such a product is not very suitable for a child’s body. It can excite a child’s fragile nervous system, not to mention the fact that he is unlikely to enjoy its taste. That's why we recommend milk chocolate. Only one that contains exclusively natural ingredients and a large amount of milk. For example, children's products Simon Coll. This chocolate is created specifically for boys and girls and takes into account all the characteristics of a child’s body.

Its advantages, among other things, include its interesting shape. There are chocolate pencils, umbrellas, crayons and just bars in festive, original packaging, the pictures of which are very exciting to look at.

It is no secret that today food in municipal children's institutions leaves much to be desired. This is especially true for schools. That's why many moms and dads prefer to take care of their child's school snacks themselves. And here the ideal solution is Simon Coll milk chocolate, as well as “My Friends” biscuits from the Italian concern Bauli. Created in the shape of little animals, they are not only tasty and healthy, but also very entertaining. Every day, diversify your child’s diet with a new image. The advantages of Bauli biscuits include the fact that they do not contain flavorings, dyes or flavor enhancers.

Are preservatives as scary as they are said to be?

The inscription “no preservatives” is a balm for the soul of child-loving mothers and fathers. But in fact, a rare product can do without ingredients that extend its shelf life. There is no need to be afraid of this. The main thing to understand is that preservatives are different. For example, every housewife who makes preparations for the winter uses the most common of them - salt and vinegar. And if it is better not to give the latter to children, then completely excluding the former from the children’s diet will be problematic. The main thing is measure and time. So, children under one year old are usually given unsalted foods, and then this seasoning is gradually introduced into the diet. But again, remember the quantity! The less salt the better. This means that when listing ingredients, it should be at the very end of the list.

Another relatively safe preservative is citric and malic acid. But it’s really best to avoid artificial “extenders” of shelf life in products. These include sorbic and benzoic acids, as well as their salts.

Emulsifiers – benefit or harm?

Once again, we draw your attention to this aspect: everything depends on the age of the child. In the diet of children under one year old, special baby food usually predominates, the composition of which should be simple and affordable. Let's say, if this is vegetable puree, then it is better if, besides vegetables and water, there is nothing else there. But the older the child is, the more difficult it is to protect him from the surrounding variety of tastes. And, if everything is clear with such undeniably harmful products as soda and chips, then difficulties may arise with others. After all, even banal yogurt can include almost the entire periodic table in its composition. The hysteria in the press about this has led to the fact that parents are now terrified of even completely harmless, and even useful ingredients. One of these products unexpectedly included an emulsifier. Used to create a greasy texture in low-fat products, it creates an unpalatable feeling among consumers. And, by the way, it’s completely in vain. The fact is that the emulsifier also varies. For example, the most common is lecithin. It is believed that not only is it not harmful, it is also beneficial for human health.

This scary E

One of the most terrible ingredients for many people has the constant prefix E. As soon as you see it in the composition of products, your hand reaches out to the shelf to put the jar or box in its place. And again in vain. Because one and another are discord. For example, apple pectin, which is extremely healthy, is also designated by this letter. It is also included in the designation of vitamin C and such an antioxidant as vitamin E. So, in addition to the letter designation, look carefully at the numbers. Apple pectin is E440, vitamin C is E300, and vitamin E can be designated by a whole range of numbers from E306 to E309.

But products containing E labeled from 100 to 180 are best avoided. This is usually how dyes are designated, which have absolutely no place in baby food. In general, the fewer ingredients it contains, the better. At least there will be few problems with studying the label.

Trans fats

But they should not be included in products for children (and not only). It is not difficult to distinguish such products from all others - if the list of ingredients includes vegetable margarine, hydrogenated or saturated vegetable fat, cooking oil, spread or palm oil, it is better to immediately refuse to purchase such food for children.


Before purchasing a jar of miracle cream or shampoo, carefully check its composition! Some components should not be part of cosmetics, as they are not only useless, but also often harmful.

Numerous beauty ingredients included in branded cosmetic products have expensive production technology, require large material and physical costs, and a priori cannot be cheap. A jar of face cream with black caviar will never cost less than the delicacy itself.

There is a widespread belief that popular brands produce only high-quality cosmetics. It seems that if a cosmetics concern is famous and produces large volumes of products, then it produces high quality cosmetics. But advertising requires a lot of financial investment, which could be used to improve the composition of cosmetics! Paying a celebrity to represent a product, paying an advertising agency, running a large-scale promotion costs a lot of money. When buying advertised cosmetics, you pay more than half for advertising, beautiful packaging, and the services of designers and intermediaries. Thus, the cost of the contents of a jar of cream from a well-known brand and from a little advertised company is almost the same.

Good for skin...

Jojoba extract. In modern cosmetology, the jojoba plant is often used for face and body lifting. This ingredient is often included in lip glosses and shampoos. The homeland of the evergreen jojoba shrub is Tibet, North America. It has the official beautiful name Simmondsia chinensis, although it has nothing to do with China. Nuts from this bush are used in cosmetology; they look like peach seeds. Jojoba nuts are processed by cold pressing to obtain jojoba oil, which is similar to liquid wax. This substance is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and is resistant to rancidity.

Jojoba oil is mixed with various essential oils to create a cream. The magical effect of such a cream is due to the content of amino acids, which are close in composition to the wax esters of sebum. This cream recreates collagen in the skin, has a bright anti-aging effect, gives the skin radiance and youth. The cosmetic value of jojoba has been scientifically proven.

Pearl shine. Pearl extract is often used for cosmetic and pharmaceutical purposes. Pearls specially grown in lakes and rivers are turned into pearl powder, which consists of 90% calcium carbonate. Pearl powder contains glutamic, aspartic acids, glycine, alanine, and methione. For the first time, the healing properties of pearl powder were appreciated in China and Japan. Nowadays, pearl powder is also used by pharmaceutical concerns, adding it to wound-healing ointments. For osteoporosis and weakened immunity, it is recommended to take dietary supplements based on pearl powder. Pearl extract promotes deeper penetration of other active substances into the skin layers. Sometimes cosmetic products contain biogold and diamond chips as an additive to the main ingredients.

Silk shampoo. In the cosmetics industry, silk powder is often used, obtained by grinding the fibers of the silkworm cocoon. Silk powder contains many useful substances: glycine, alanine, serine. As part of the shampoo, these active substances are easily absorbed by the scalp and hair follicles. The skin is moisturized, metabolism is improved, and tissue restoration occurs. Forming a film on the surface of the hair, it retains moisture and adds shine.

Grape seed. To give the skin smoothness, elasticity, and fight cellulite, grape seed extract is added to cosmetic products. Using the water-alcohol extraction method, it is concentrated, dried and a brownish powder with a pungent odor and taste is obtained. Grape extract contains organic acids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect, and perfectly strengthens capillaries. It is an excellent anti-cellulite product and saves dry skin from dehydration.

Green tea. To improve the elasticity of blood vessels, cosmetologists use green tea extract. It contains antioxidants, caffeine, amino acids, which tone the skin, giving it smoothness and elasticity. Its antibacterial property is valued by dentists and they recommend toothpastes with green tea extract. Caffeine is a great tonic both inside and out. After using the coffee scrub for several hours, you will feel invigorated and light.

Lotus. Some cosmetic products contain lotus extract - a flower of unearthly beauty. It is noteworthy that from 10 kg of lotus flowers only 1 kg of valuable powder is obtained! Flavonoids, alkaloids, peptides and organic acids have an invaluable effect on the skin. Lotus extract will help stop bleeding, whiten skin, and get rid of petechiae.

Harmful to the skin...

In the production of cosmetics, in addition to plant ingredients, components of animal origin and synthetic additives are used. Unlike plant extracts, components of animal and synthetic origin, in addition to benefits, are harmful to our beauty and health.

Mineral oil. This “valuable” product for our beauty is obtained from petroleum products, is used in industry to lubricate parts and engines, and is used as a solvent in chemical production. When applied to the skin, it creates a dense film that not only prevents moisture from evaporating, but also traps toxins and carbon dioxide on the surface of the skin. The skin stops breathing, its renewal process is delayed, it becomes dry, lifeless, dull. Such cosmetics can cause acne even in older women!

Propylene glycol. This petroleum product is famous for its moisturizing properties and is widely used in moisturizing creams. Its cost is much less than glycerin, which makes the cosmetic product cheaper. However, propylene glycol often causes allergies, skin irritation, and acne. Why should you still avoid it?

  • Propylene glycol creates an impenetrable film on the skin that prevents breathing, nourishes the skin, and contributes to its thinning
  • This substance binds fluid, displacing water from skin cells
  • Doctors talk about the connection between propylene glycol and disorders of the liver and kidneys

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS). Not a single shower gel, shampoo, hair conditioner, or bath foam is complete without this ingredient. In industrial production, this substance is used in floor cleaning liquids to degrease surfaces. It perfectly removes grease from any surface. Leading clinics in the world use Laurel sodium sulfate as a skin irritant. Scientists have proven that SLS can penetrate the human body - the brain, heart, eyes, and accumulate in the liver. Laurel sodium sulfate creates a film on the surface of the skin and hair that is difficult to wash off and is irritating. After regular use of this shampoo, my hair will become brittle, dull, begin to fall out, become thinner, and dandruff will appear. Manufacturers' claims that their sodium laurel sulfate is natural and derived from coconuts are completely contrary to reality.

Sodium loreth sulfate (Sles). An ingredient similar to the one described above, which is also often used in the production of shampoos and hair products.
It is inexpensive, so manufacturers do not skimp on it. The salt in sodium loret sulfate makes it thicker; upon contact with water, a lush, thick foam is created, but has weak cleaning properties.

Glycerol. Traditionally, glycerin is considered an excellent humectant. This “useful” component of cosmetic products is obtained by combining water and fat, resulting in smaller molecules. The resulting fatty acids and glycerol improve the penetration of cosmetics and prevent moisture from evaporating from the skin surface. Scientists have proven that if the air humidity in the room is less than 65%, glycerin draws liquid not only from the air, but also from the skin. The skin becomes drier and the moisturizing properties of glycerin are questioned.

Myths about cosmetics

Myth 1: High-quality cosmetics contain special ingredients that are indispensable for our beauty.

Collagen. Manufacturers vied with each other to praise collagen: it moisturizes the skin, improves the structure of the skin, and nourishes the deep layers of the epidermis. Collagen, like a mesh frame, supports the structure of our skin, making it remain smooth and perfectly even. With age, everything wears out and the necessary collagen is destroyed, the skin becomes thinner and wrinkled. So should we have high hopes for collagen?

  • Collagen molecules are large, which makes it difficult to penetrate into the layers of the skin. Collagen creates a dense film on the surface, preventing the skin from breathing
  • Collagen is of animal origin - it is obtained from the skin epithelium of cattle, therefore such collagen cannot be properly absorbed by the skin of the face
  • The body perceives collagen injections as a foreign body and rejects it, therefore, to maintain the result, you must regularly visit a cosmetologist

Elastin. Many manufacturers add elastin to skin and hair care products. As the skin ages, elastin molecules no longer hold onto skin cells and wrinkles form. Elastin added to anti-aging creams helps restore skin structure. In any case, that's what the manufacturers say. But elastin is of animal origin, consists of large molecules and is not able to penetrate the layers of the skin. Elastin, which is close in chemical composition to human and can penetrate skin cells, is called desmosine. But its use greatly increases the cost of the finished product, so manufacturers rarely produce cosmetics with “healing” elastin.

Hyaluronic acid. This beauty ingredient can be of both plant and animal origin and is used to fill fine wrinkles and as a mask for skin rejuvenation. To achieve results, it is necessary to use the acid in a low-molecular form - this way the molecules easily penetrate the skin cells. This is why hyaluronic acid injections are so effective. Creams, masks, lotions contain a high-molecular form of acid, which is not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, but remains on its surface. The content of hyaluronic acid in cosmetic products is negligible, which refutes their miraculous properties.

Liposomes. Liposomes are artificially produced closed bubbles filled with water and various fats. Cosmetologists believe that they are able to nourish skin cells with moisture. Recent studies prove that the chemical composition of liposomes is identical to the composition of cell membranes, that is, there can be no talk of any rejuvenation. Moisturizing creams with liposomes will never be able to saturate aging skin with moisture.

Placenta extracts. The placenta is the membrane in which the embryo grows and develops. It feeds through the placenta, and it is believed that the skin of the face can also receive nutrition and beneficial substances with placenta-based creams. But the embryo receives everything it needs through the umbilical cord, and the lifeless placenta itself has no value. The nutritional and rejuvenating properties of the placenta are in great doubt, because its composition is difficult to study and control.

Royal jelly. The substance produced by worker bees is collected from hives and given miraculous properties. According to rumors, royal jelly rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles, and saturates it with useful substances. It has been proven that after 2 weeks of storage, the most valuable substance completely loses its “rejuvenating” qualities. Royal jelly is useless for humans; it does not have any special effect.

Before replenishing your cosmetic supplies, you should take a close look at your potential purchase. It is important to remember that in addition to benefits, almost any cosmetic product can also cause harm. Let every new jar of cream, shampoo, lotion bring pleasure and increase beauty!

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