What do doctors get as a gift upon discharge from the maternity hospital: ideas and recommendations. What do they give to medical staff upon discharge from the maternity hospital and why am I against banal gifts? How people say thanks in maternity hospitals now

The tradition of giving something to doctors upon discharge from the maternity hospital is firmly rooted in Russia. The Russian mentality and Orthodox traditions teach to repay good with good, and the payment of extremely low salaries to medical staff encourages parents to thank medical workers. A mother’s natural desire is to give a gift to the people who, together with her, gave life to her most important person. And we must not forget about the gift to the nurses; the midwives helped the child to be born, looked after the mother and baby in the maternity hospital.

Gifts for doctors upon discharge from the maternity hospital

  • Certificate

A new type of gift, a kind of replacement for money, is gradually gaining popularity. It is believed that it is inconvenient to give money to doctors for discharge from the maternity hospital; unfamiliar people may not understand it that way. Electronics chain stores and household appliances, cosmetic brands and hypermarkets have taken stock of the situation. They issue gift certificates that are backed by a specific amount at the request of the donor. The buyer places the desired amount on a card - a store certificate, which he presents to the doctor in a beautiful design. The amount depends on the wishes and capabilities of the donor; in the store, the doctor himself chooses the product.

Advice! This certificate can also be given to nurses.

  • Money

The small salaries of doctors who give life to people have made money as a gift a Russian reality. In Western countries, it would never occur to women in labor to present something to a person for work, especially banknotes. Doctors are well-off, medical insurance works, and in Russia doctors, as a rule, gratefully accept monetary compensation. However, money is given when the doctor’s preferences are unknown or there is no idea what to give. The amount is chosen by the mother or her relatives, the money is placed in an envelope intended for these purposes. Multi-colored envelopes are sold in bookstores and kiosks.

  • Flowers

A win-win option, a bouquet of flowers will please the doctor, especially for women. A bouquet of flowers is an intelligent, non-binding traditional sign of attention. Florists offer any options to suit the most demanding tastes and budgets - baskets of flowers, bouquets. The only drawback such a gift will have a short service life.

  • Food and drinks

Of course, doctors are the same people who buy food or drinks. Therefore, a gift in the form of a box of chocolates, coffee, tea, expensive sausage or cheese will delight them. When purchasing, follow the rule - products should not be cheap, expired or in unpresentable packaging. If your mother decides to choose products as a gift, then it is better to choose well-known, proven brands and reliable stores. However, a gift can get lost in a series of endless boxes of chocolates and cans of coffee. Products are a popular type of gift. Lately, homemade food gifts have become increasingly popular. For example, a jar of jam made by mom and decorated in an unusual designer style.
Drinks are close in popularity. It is believed that a bottle of cognac is a traditional gift for a male doctor. For women - wine or champagne.

Important to remember! Doctors sometimes have nowhere to place wine and vodka products, so many bottles accumulate.

  • Textile

Doctors are often presented with kits terry towels, bed linen, tablecloths and napkins. Textile gifts will be useful for any home, so they will not be useless. Choosing high-quality textiles for a gift will ensure that the medical worker will often remember the mother who gave the set of bed linen or towels with gratitude.

  • Souvenirs

For mothers who decide to give a souvenir, it is useful to think about whether it will be so useless that the doctor will not even look in its direction. This applies to tasteless figurines, short-lived small interior items, and some book and magazine souvenirs. Among the souvenirs needed in everyday life are:

Household appliances stores offer the opportunity to purchase things you need for your household. This will be a valuable gift for a doctor, however, it is better to immediately find out your preferences. The doctor may already have three juicers and two mixers, but the old iron is out of order and just needed.

Important tip! Putting aside embarrassment, it is better for mom to ask what is best to present to the doctor from household appliances.

Gifts for nurses upon discharge from the maternity hospital

Of course, the main person during the period of stay in the maternity hospital is the doctor. However, we cannot do without midwives. I also want to thank the nurses, who else but they did routine work in the maternity hospital, caring for mommy and baby. All of the above gifts are also suitable for nurses, however, they are usually given less significant gifts.

  1. Flowers, chocolates, sweets are traditional gifts for midwives. On the one hand, sweet and fragrant gifts are always pleasant, but on the other hand, there is an overabundance of them.
  2. The cosmetics that any lady needs are not lying around idle - hand or face cream, shampoo, comb, mascara, masks and scrubs, etc.
  3. Money remains a traditional gift upon discharge from the hospital. The tradition of giving a ransom for a newborn child has existed since ancient times.
  4. Feedback, combined with small gifts about the work of a team of nurses or an individual, will leave a response in the soul of every healthcare worker.

Gratitude upon discharge from the hospital. Let's consider the issue from the point of view of mental well-being :).

In this topic, an image immediately comes to mind for me - they give champagne and sweets to the sister, who gives the baby to the happy dad. Probably from Soviet films :)
The nurse who collects the baby for discharge is usually the nurse on duty, who discharges all babies that day and may not have anything to do with yours specifically.

But what about the doctor and midwife who delivered the child, or the operating doctor, the midwife who helped establish breastfeeding or pumped the breast, or the pediatrician? And someone else had a prenatal pathology department, there were also doctors and midwives...
How to part with the maternity hospital correctly? Is it necessary to thank and give something to the maternity hospital workers?

If you agree to give birth with a doctor personally and thank them with money, this is understandable. But besides this doctor, there are other people with whom you will deal in the maternity hospital.
If you are giving birth paid and enter into a contract, then keep in mind - most of your money will go to the hospital cash desk, and specifically your doctor will get a penny from this. This is worth considering.
If you give birth for free, then you can also go through it differently. One might think that “they should do it anyway.” Is it possible recognize those who really do a good job, not because he has to, but because he is a sincere person and a good specialist.

It is not necessary that you will be satisfied with everything in this maternity hospital. But there are always people who work from the heart, who will leave pleasant memories, who treated you with warmth and attention, who really helped you.

If you don’t do this, then you may feel a sense of duty, which means heaviness in your soul. Very often, even on the Internet - on forums, in discussions, in stories about childbirth - I see mothers regretting that they “didn’t have time to thank the doctor.” Or even “I didn’t have time to ask for the last name” just so that later somewhere in the reviews I could thank you in absentia or give a recommendation to others.

If you don’t leave “tails” - those debts that remind you of themselves for years - you don’t accumulate mental heaviness, don’t fill your consciousness with it. Therefore, I advise that when leaving the maternity hospital, be sure to thank those whom you consider necessary.

So, the first thing to do is find out first and last names those you would like to thank. Don't hesitate to ask. You can ask, for example, your postpartum doctor who delivered you or performed the operation. This is all written down in your chart. You can ask the midwife on duty what the name of the one who worked yesterday is, and that you want to write her a thank you note. I assure you, they will be happy to tell you. (Keep in mind that midwives on duty change every day, and the one you want to thank will likely no longer be on duty in the coming days.)

What can you give? I would not recommend giving traditional alcohol in the form of champagne. Well, maybe under New Year. Or good cognac, if the doctor is a man. Boxes of chocolates, too, I suspect, have already become a thing in the maternity hospital. If you want to especially celebrate someone, and if she is a woman, then, of course, you can have flowers.

Flowers It is usually prohibited to bring it into the wards, but if during the transfer they say that it is to thank the doctor, then they will let you in without question.

You can choose beautiful gift sets of tea or coffee, or some sweets in a beautiful box– all this can be enjoyed with pleasure right at work, during tea parties with colleagues.

Doctors always have a lot of different writings - you can give some good stationery. In the end, and set of chocolates- will also always go “into business” :).
You can bring a general gift to the post - for example, big box cookies or candy. It is also always a pleasure to see when there is a bouquet of flowers and a postcard at your post.

It would be appropriate to accompany any gift you give with a postcard. Firstly, it is not always possible to hand it over personally, but it will be clear from whom. And it’s easier for those through whom you transfer – everything is indicated and signed. Secondly, the postcard remains in sight for some time, making the recipient happy :), reminding you of your gratitude.

The card can be with the upcoming holiday, or “with a newborn,” with baby pictures in the theme, or just with flowers. Indicate what exactly you want to express gratitude for - for a successful operation, for assistance during childbirth, for professionalism, for attention, emotional attitude, etc... In the signature you should indicate your name, room, date of birth or operation, if you are passing it on to the doctor.

It is not necessary to thank you with gifts. In prenatal and postpartum department should be on duty guest book. If she is not in sight, ask. There you can write a thank you personally to the midwife on duty or to all the employees. This, as they say, is a trifle, but pleasant. And you will have peace of mind that you have expressed your gratitude.

Usually on the day of discharge everyone has a lot of worries. Relatives are preparing to receive the mother and baby: they clean up the apartment, buy flowers for the mother, and organize transportation home if they don’t have their own car. Therefore, gifts and cards can be an unplanned hassle. And when they come to pick up mother and baby, everything happens very quickly. There will hardly be time to sit down, sign cards, find doctors, etc... It is better to get everything in hand in advance, the day before discharge or in the morning of that day.

If you haven't found the right employee, you can always agree to transfer it (for a midwife - leave it at the post, for a doctor - in the resident's room or ask the duty officer in the department...). If it still doesn’t work out before discharge, you can leave it with the administrator who accepts deliveries for women in labor, but then in a closed package and sign for someone. Well, if it didn’t work out at all on the day of discharge, then you can leave it there, with the administrator, on any other day. If everything is signed, it will definitely reach the recipient.

Thanking and giving gifts is always a pleasure, don’t deprive yourself of this pleasure!
Childbirth and stay in the maternity hospital is a psychologically very important stage. And if it is completed “cleanly”, without internal debts, then this gives a feeling of completion, peace of mind and strength for your new life.

From the point of view of completion and spiritual debt, it is worth adding that if something was really bad, you shouldn’t ignore it either. If you clearly understand that what is happening is the general cost of our free healthcare, you can simply write a corresponding review in the same Review Book. Most likely there will be no fundamental consequences, but your soul will feel better.

If something is serious, threatening life and health, write a complaint to the head physician or to a higher authority (city or regional administration, depending on the departmental affiliation of the maternity hospital). Such a complaint is required to be answered by your mailing address.

I wish all mothers in labor a successful birth and a safe stay in the maternity hospital!

The appearance of a baby in a family is a joyful event. Young parents are bombarded with an avalanche of questions that they must learn to solve literally in the shortest possible time. And even when most of the hectic tasks are completed, the question remains: “What to give to the staff upon discharge from the maternity hospital?” Some people think about it at the last moment. This happens because before the birth of the child, the couple was more worried about how the birth itself would go and how to prepare for it. Purchasing the necessary dowry is also something that cannot be postponed indefinitely. And when a new mother begins to breastfeed her child, the thought arises in her head: “What do they give doctors as a gift for discharge from the maternity hospital?” Some worry to such an extent that they consult with everyone they know who has children. Each individual family will have to answer this question independently, but there are general criteria that can be guided by.

Necessity or tradition?

Some couples, especially low-income ones, are seriously considering whether this should be done at all. After all, with the birth of a child in the family, expenses increase. It is necessary to purchase a crib, a stroller, clothes for a newborn, diapers, and various feeding and care supplies. If there is no reserve of available funds, you will have to enlist the help of grandparents. When there is no extra money available, some people decide not to give anything at all. There is nothing reprehensible in this. Nobody will look at you askance. In any case, the child will be handed over personally.

Some people generally believe that there is no need to give gifts to medical staff. Like, they're just doing their job. After all, they don’t thank representatives of other professions for working their shift so well. But in Russia they often think about what they give to doctors and nurses upon discharge from the maternity hospital. This is the tradition. In addition, happy fathers, who are in seventh heaven with indescribable delight, are often ready to give gifts to everyone who meets them on the way. It is possible that, having experienced the joy of parenthood, you will be filled with a feeling of gratitude to those workers who helped your son or daughter be born.

Paid childbirth

When a woman gives birth under a contract, she initially invests a large amount of money. And here, too, you can do things differently. Some people believe that since an already large amount has been spent, there is no need to spend additional money. Other parents prefer to thank beyond measure, obeying the dictates of the soul.

Traditional gifts

They are the first thing people pay attention to when it comes to discharge. As a rule, they are quite simple, but they always turn out to be appropriate. So, how do you thank the medical staff in the maternity hospital, what should you pay attention to? Let's consider the types of gifts.


These include mainly chocolate and cookies. New mothers love to leave something for tea as a gift for doctors. Sweets - win-win and the most common. They do not oblige you to anything and it is always a pleasure to receive them.

You should be concerned about the quality of the product in advance, and not take the first box you come across from the supermarket shelf. The product must be fresh, tasty, and as natural as possible.

Tea and coffee

What do they give to medical staff upon discharge from the maternity hospital, when you don’t want to repeat after your roommates? When healthcare workers have mountains of chocolate, it is clear that it is necessary to purchase special drinks. As a rule, they present expensive brands of tea and coffee.

People should be pleased. In addition, coffee and tea are quickly consumed, and supplies need to be replenished in a timely manner. The practicality of this gift is obvious.


Having thought about this, when discharged from the maternity hospital, we must not forget about beautiful bouquet. It is better that flowers are present in any case. When choosing the main gift, do not forget to worry about a beautiful bouquet in advance.

By doing this you will show respect for the hard professional work of medical workers. Carnations, orchids, gladioli, and roses are perfect. Any woman is pleased to receive them as a sign of attention.


If you have a spare amount, it is quite possible to present it to the chief doctor. Believe me, receiving a neat, beautiful envelope is much nicer than another box of chocolates. Of course, donating money is not at all necessary. It is very important to correctly determine the amount. Not everyone can afford to give a lot, but giving a little means insulting a person. When in doubt, choose something else. Some people are simply embarrassed to do this. Thinking about what they give as a gift for discharge from the maternity hospital, they will choose the option that suits them. After all, it must be financially acceptable. Becoming a mother and father does not mean it is unreasonable to waste funds that are so necessary in the first years of a baby’s life. Anyone who himself lacks funds is unlikely to give a large bill. And many will consider such a gift even inappropriate.

Original ideas

If you think it’s trivial to give a box of chocolates, then you can look at other options. Any of them can be adopted. Rest assured, the representatives of the maternity ward will certainly be satisfied.

Fruit basket

What do doctors give as a gift when they are discharged from the maternity hospital when they want to express their gratitude? The fruit basket looks original and very beautiful. Very interesting option, if you cannot allocate a lot of money for a present.

Believe me, it will not gather dust for a long time somewhere in the staff room, unlike the same chocolate. Most likely, the gift will be accepted with a smile and sincere words of gratitude.

Certificate of purchase

In most cases, women work in the maternity ward. This means that they, like all other ladies, want to look attractive and regularly buy various outfits for themselves. Therefore, a certificate for purchase in some large shopping center will be very useful. By purchasing expensive clothes or cosmetics, the doctor who delivered you will certainly be happy. Such a gift certainly lifts your spirits more than regular chocolate.

Who should I give it to?

As a rule, presents are given by a happy daddy. But you need to know who to give the gift to and address words of sincere gratitude. Traditionally, the baby is delivered by a nurse, but she did not deliver the baby or manage the pregnancy. Just for the fact that she places the baby in the arms of a happy father, she deserves attention. You can give her a box of chocolates or a basket of fruit. No one has ever given up sweets. The main gift should go directly to that person medical worker, who was involved in pregnancy management and delivery. It's good if it's the same doctor. The problem is that on the day of discharge there may be a completely different shift on duty, and the right person you won't find it. In this case, they agree in advance or limit themselves to giving sweets only to the nurse.

Thus, the question of what doctors are given as a gift for discharge from the maternity hospital has its own solution. Happy parents are free to choose any option. You can choose the traditional path and not particularly bother with ideas. In another case, if funds allow, there is a great desire, you should look for an original approach to the matter. An unusual gift will immediately attract attention. Most likely, the medical staff will be satisfied. But whatever choice you make, understand that something else is important: you need to give with all sincerity, from the heart. You can surprise a person with an inexpensive bouquet of flowers and lift his spirits.