What happens if you get badly sunburned? Treating sunburn at home

Sunburn is a condition that is familiar to almost every person, because for this it is enough to spend a little more than usual time on the beach or simply get exposed to direct sunlight and stay under it for 20-30 minutes. The sooner treatment of a burn is started, the greater the chance of avoiding its unpleasant consequences: the appearance of blisters,...

Signs of sunburn

If a person is sunburned, the first signs of the burn will appear within half an hour, and over the next 24 hours all the typical symptoms will develop. These include:

  1. Redness of the skin - it can be focal or general; the skin in these places will feel hot to the touch.
  2. The skin in areas affected by the sun's rays becomes swollen and painful.
  3. Blisters appear at the burn sites - they can be of different sizes, but are always accompanied by intense itching.
  4. body – most often there are low-grade fevers accompanied by chills.
  5. Occurs - depending on the degree of sunburn, this parameter may vary; in especially severe cases, dehydration leads to a state of shock.
  6. , general weakness and signs of intoxication of the body - may also be present.

If a person has received a sunburn, then treatment should be started as quickly as possible - such an aggressive effect on the body can result in serious complications.

Classification of sunburn

In medicine, there is a clear classification of the condition in question - there are 4 degrees of the disease:

  • 1st degree– will be characterized only by redness of the skin and the absence of blisters;
  • 2nd degree– it is characterized by redness of the skin, the appearance of blisters, and the appearance of general symptoms of sunburn (headache, slight increase in body temperature, general weakness);
  • 3rd degree– the structure of all skin is disrupted, 60% of the skin is damaged;
  • 4th degree– a person is completely dehydrated, heart failure develops, and death often occurs.

Very often, people begin to independently select methods for treating sunburn, and they are not always competent. Such a careless approach to your own health or the health of loved ones can lead to serious complications.

What absolutely should not be done if you have sunburn

If you do not know the contraindications for the condition in question, then solving the problem yourself can lead to the fact that only qualified doctors can alleviate the patient’s condition.

What not to do if you have sunburn:

  1. Rub the burned skin with pieces of ice. This brings instant relief, but the consequences can be really terrible - the damaged epithelium will begin to die, which leads to inflammatory processes and a long period of rehabilitation. By the way, it is likely that even after treatment there will be cosmetic defects on the skin.
  2. Do not wash damaged areas of the skin with alkaline soap or use a scrub - such an effect on thin skin leads to the development of inflammatory processes.
  3. Under no circumstances should sunburn be wiped with alcohol or any alcohol-containing products - this causes severe dehydration, and the body already suffers from dehydration.
  4. If the sunburn occurs in an acute form, then it should not be treated with medical Vaseline or badger/lamb/pork fat. The fact is that these products will clog the pores and the skin will not be able to breathe.
  5. It is also highly not recommended to pierce blisters or papules on your own in areas of sunburn - with a 98% probability, a secondary infection will develop at the site of skin damage.
  6. In the acute period of the condition in question, you should not drink alcoholic beverages either - they increase dehydration of the body.

First aid for sunburn

First aid for sunburn should be provided immediately, because in the first minutes after direct and/or prolonged exposure to sunlight, the degree of damage cannot be determined. What does first aid mean for a sunburn?

  1. You must immediately take shelter from the sun's rays. The best option would be a cool room, but as a last resort, the shade of a tree or an outdoor canopy will do.
  2. You need to assess your own condition and do it adequately. If you feel mild, nausea, chills and headache, then it is advisable to call an ambulance - most likely, the sunburn is serious and is complicated.
  3. In the case of a normal general condition, you need to help the body and skin cope with:

All other actions are classified as therapeutic. But even if the above measures brought relief and the condition returned to normal/stabilized, you should not go outside in direct sunlight the next day. The fact is that the skin is under stress and needs to recover.

How to treat sunburn

You need to remember that you can treat sunburn yourself, but only if they are 1-2 degrees. In all other cases, it is recommended to seek medical help - doctors will assess the patient’s condition and select adequate therapy. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed as part of the treatment of sunburn:

Ointments, creams and sprays

It is very important to use topical treatments for sunburn. These include:


This is a large group of drugs that contain panthenol. These products accelerate skin regeneration, relieve inflammation, relieve the patient from itching, and have a protective and wound-healing effect.

How to use correctly: Dexpanthenol is applied to areas with damaged skin 2-4 times a day until the skin is completely restored. If there is an infection on the burn areas, then before applying this drug, the area must be treated with an antiseptic.

Aerosol Libyan

This product contains fish oil, a mixture of freons, lavender oil, anesthesin, sunflower oil, linetol and tocopherol acetate. The aerosol has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect.

How to use correctly: during the day you need to spray the product directly onto the affected area of ​​the skin once. You can use Libyan aerosol until complete recovery.

Elover ointment

Based on the name of this medicine, you can understand that the ointment contains vitamin E and aloe extract. The ointment accelerates regenerative processes in the skin, improves cellular metabolism and tissue trophism.

How to use correctly: 2-4 times a day, the ointment should be applied to damaged areas of the skin in a thin layer.

Please note:Elovera ointment is strictly contraindicated for use in the treatment of sunburn in patients under the age of 18 years.

Carotolin solution

This solution not only accelerates the healing process, but also reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, relieves redness and heat in the affected area. In addition, when used, the solution has a cooling effect - the person becomes much lighter and more comfortable.

How to use correctly: Apply Karotolin solution to a sterile gauze napkin (the napkin should be well soaked) and apply it to sunburn areas. There is no need to apply any bandages on top. Such lotions can be done 2-3 times a day.

Zinc Ointment, Desitin and Calamine Lotion

These drugs have a drying effect and prevent the development of secondary infection in areas of sunburn. Most often, the drugs in question are used to treat minor sunburns.

How to use correctly: apply the products 2-3 times a day directly to damaged skin.

Aerosol Olazol

The aerosol perfectly relieves inflammation, accelerates healing and significantly alleviates the patient’s condition.

How to use correctly: spray over the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. You can use this product immediately after getting a sunburn, so this aerosol should be in your first aid kit.

Solcoseryl ointment and gel

The composition of these products is complex; the main component is deproteinized dialysate from the blood of calves. Solcoseryl (both ointment and gel) accelerates the growth of granulation tissue and promotes better collagen formation.

How to use correctly: Solcoseryl gel is applied to sunburn 2-3 times a day, first you need to clean the wound with an antiseptic. It is the gel that is used before tissue granulation, and then Solcoseryl ointment must be applied - it is applied 1-2 times a day to the wounds until complete healing.


It has an excellent analgesic effect (local), relieves itching and swelling, and has a cooling effect when applied. It is very important that this balm is instantly absorbed into the skin and does not leave any marks on clothes.

How to apply correctly: Psilo-balm is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. The same drug helps get rid of itchy skin during sun exposure.

Actovegin ointment

This is a biological drug that significantly shortens the treatment period for sunburn. When applied to the skin, the patient may feel a mild pain that quickly passes.

How to use correctly: burn areas are lubricated with ointment 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.


This ointment belongs to the hormonal group, so using it on your own to treat sunburn is strictly prohibited - you need to get a prescription from your doctor. Sinaflan can reduce the intensity of itching, reduce inflammation and relieve allergic reactions.

How to use correctly: the exact dosage and duration of use of Sinaflan will be indicated by the attending physician, but this drug is always prescribed in a short course.

  • Floceta gel;
  • Eplan;
  • Radevit;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • Sudocrem.

Folk remedies for the treatment of sunburn

Of course, the condition in question has a long history, which is why there are a lot of folk methods that can alleviate the condition of the victim and speed up the healing of the affected areas of the skin.

The most effective folk methods for treating sunburn:

  1. A wet wipe without any perfume additives. It can be applied to burns, which will bring quick relief.
  2. Refrigerator freezer food or ice. They cannot be applied directly to burns, but it is allowed to cover the affected areas at a distance of 5 cm over healthy skin. This procedure will relieve fever, alleviate the condition and reduce pain.
  3. Protein . Lightly beat it and apply it to the burn, leave until completely dry and repeat the procedure. Protein reduces pain and prevents dry skin.
  4. Ryazhenka, sour cream, natural without flavoring additives, . These fermented milk products perfectly relieve fever, prevent dry skin, and alleviate the patient’s condition. Fermented milk products are applied directly to the burned skin; they must not be allowed to dry out - they must be removed in time with a napkin.
  5. Lavender oil. It is dripped onto a gauze pad and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. The procedure relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory and cooling effect. It is quite possible to prepare lavender oil yourself - you need to take any vegetable oil and add a few drops of lavender essential oil to it.
  6. Watermelon juice. They moisten a gauze cloth with it and apply it to sunburns. You can use not the juice, but the pulp of the watermelon. This sweet berry will relieve pain, reduce itching and relieve fever.
  7. Grated potato gruel (you can use carrots or pumpkin). Apply the paste directly to the affected areas of the skin, or make compresses from it. This procedure will reduce burning and pain and relieve inflammation.
  8. Infusion from. To prepare it, you can use both fresh and dry leaves of the plant - simply pour boiling water over them and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then gauze wipes are soaked in the infusion and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Mint will not only cool you, but will also prevent infection and relieve itching and redness.
  9. Lotions made of clay. You need to mix the clay with water until it has a homogeneous consistency. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the wound and left until completely dry. Clay prevents the development of inflammation and the appearance of blisters.
  10. Soda solution. To prepare it, use baking soda in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per glass of warm water. Then gauze pads are soaked in the solution and applied to the burned areas of the skin. The procedure will help get rid of the feeling of tightness in the affected areas and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Preventative measures

Of course, the best option for protection against sunburn is to completely avoid exposure to the sun. But this is also not an option - the body must receive the necessary dose. Therefore, you can prevent the occurrence of sunburn by adhering to the following recommendations from doctors:

  1. Be sure to use a cream with UV protection.
  2. In hot weather, you should always have a bottle of clean water with you (not a sweet drink, juice or compote!) - this will not only make you feel better in the heat, but will also prevent dehydration.
  3. Exposure to the sun should be moderate - you shouldn’t spend too much time on the beach to get a “chocolate” tan; if you have to spend a long time in the sun, wear wide-brimmed hats.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Many people are familiar with the sensations after a sunburn or excessive tanning. Few people will say that it is pleasant. But, one way or another, people continue to get sunburned every year for various reasons, be it an unsuccessful tan on the seashore or an afternoon walk around the city on a hot summer day. In any case, it is very important to know what immediate measures can be taken after a sunburn.

Pain relief for burnt skin

In order to get rid of pain, you should take it orally painkiller tablet.
It could be:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
  • Paracetamol.
  • Nurofen.
  • Analgin.

These drugs, in addition to their main analgesic effect, also counteract the production and distribution further throughout the body of substances that contribute to the spread and increase in swelling in the burn area.
Has a good analgesic effect a compress of gauze soaked in a 0.25-0.5% solution of novocaine , or rubbing the skin ordinary vodka.

Skin healing and inflammation relief

To get rid of inflammation on the skin in the form of redness, swelling and burning, you need to have a drug based on the substance in your medicine cabinet panthenol, which is available in the form of ointments, creams or sprays. The name also varies: D-Panthenol, Panthenol, Bepanten etc. In addition to the local effect in healing burnt skin, this drug will also improve your overall well-being. It is recommended to apply the cream, ointment or spray very often until the skin clearly improves in appearance. This usually needs to be done once every 20-30 minutes .
It's also possible alternating layers of the drug with an anesthetic or cooling compress , which is a simple soft cloth, towel or gauze soaked in cold water. Of course, you need to first make sure that the fabric you are using is clean, especially if there are blisters on the affected skin.

Traditional medicine recipes: ways to eliminate the effects of sunburn

After relieving critical inflammation or if you do not have the necessary ointments or creams on hand, you can turn to traditional medicine. These recipes have been tested by time and thousands of people who have tested the beneficial effects on themselves. natural ingredients of nature.


Preventive measure
If you realize that you have been in the sun for a very long time and feel that your skin is burned, then take 2 aspirin tablets. You should not wait until the skin turns red and the temperature rises.

No soap!
Sunburned skin is dry and needs additional hydration, so do not use any drying products such as soap and shower gel, and do not take hot baths or showers.

Take a soda bath
A warm bath with the addition of soda will help you cool down a little and relieve the discomfort from burned skin. The water temperature should be no higher than 36-37 degrees, and the amount of soda added to the bath should be ¼ cup. A soda solution will help relieve inflammation and soothe the skin. Lie in the soda bath for no more than 10-15 minutes, after which do not dry yourself, but let the moisture dry on its own. This will help the skin soften better.

Don't make plans for the evening
Don’t make plans for the first evening of your stay at a resort by the sea, since in most cases the skin burns on the first day of being in the treacherous southern sun, even if it was already tanned. If your skin does not turn red during exposure to the sun, then do not create illusions that there is no burn. Redness usually appears 6 hours after sunbathing. Therefore, in order not to disappoint yourself once again, do not plan too much on your first day at sea.

To sleep well
To make your sunburned body suffer less from friction against the sheet, sprinkle the sheet with talcum powder, it will help reduce friction and irritation to a minimum.

Summer is already on the doorstep, which means you should think about protecting your skin, because it is during this hot season that you can get a sunburn. We’ll talk about preventive measures, first aid and treatment of sunburn in today’s article.

Sunburn (photodermatitis) refers to damage to the skin due to excessive exposure to invisible sunlight. The longer such rays are, the more intense their effect on the skin. The most harmful are the so-called UVB rays, which affect the papillary layer of the dermis, causing redness and inflammation of the skin. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to active synthesis of melanin by skin cells (melanocytes), which protects the skin from burns. Tanning occurs due to the accumulation of melanin in the skin.

Basking in the gentle rays of the sun, very often we forget about precautions, and yet none of us is immune from skin inflammation as a result of sunburn. After half an hour of exposure to the scorching sun without using sunscreen, you can get a sunburn. Most often, areas of the body that are not protected by clothing are burned - shoulders, face, chest. Sunburns can vary in severity. In the most difficult cases, when blisters with serous contents, ulcers appear, the temperature rises, headaches, chills, nausea and clouding of consciousness occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, you should not treat burns yourself, since delay can lead to porphyria cutanea tarda, in which porphyrins, which are photosensitizers (substances that increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun), accumulate in the skin against the background of improper metabolism in the liver. To diagnose this disease, it is enough to take a urine test. As a rule, urine has a pink-red color due to the large amount of uroporphyrins in it.

If, as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, you feel discomfort, pain, if there is redness and irritation of the skin, as well as general weakness of the body, there is no need to panic. You can relieve the symptoms of sunburn yourself with the help of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical medications, which we will discuss below.

It should also be noted that some medications contain substances (photosensitizers) that, when used externally or internally, increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, when taking medications, you should definitely take this fact into account and carefully study the instructions for the drug. Corticosteroid external agents, Baziron gel, Doxycycline and other tetracycline group products have this effect. Quite often, this property is also inherent in some plants, the juice of which, when it comes into contact with human skin, causes photophytodermatitis.

To protect your skin from such troubles, you should use sunscreen cosmetics before and after tanning in accordance. In addition, taking into account your skin type, you should determine the optimal period of time spent in the open sun.

Prevention of sunburn.
For minor skin damage, avoid exposure to sunlight. In this case, it is necessary not only to protect damaged areas with clothing, but also to know the throughput of a particular fabric. For example, synthetic fabric can transmit up to 15%, and natural cotton up to 6% of ultraviolet rays. If the clothes are wet, then about 20% more rays should be added, affecting the skin with protected fabric. Therefore, you should give preference to cotton or silk, and synthetics will only increase skin irritation.

It should also be remembered that under the influence of sunlight, not only tissue damage occurs, but also the appearance of a huge amount of free radicals. In order to neutralize them, a person exposed to the sun for a long period of time needs to drink as much fluid as possible. The greatest antioxidant effect comes from drinking green tea and pomegranate juice. By the way, the latter also has anti-inflammatory properties. For the same purpose, your daily diet should include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible (they contain a lot of vitamins C and E), as well as legumes and nuts.

First aid for sunburn and their treatment.
The very first thing to do if you have a sunburn is to go indoors to stop the exposure of your skin to ultraviolet radiation. In general, after this you should limit your time in the sun until the pain disappears, so as not to provoke the appearance of new burns, the healing of which will be much slower. Further actions will depend on the severity of the burn. In case of a severe burn, when blisters or sores appear, especially in a child, you should seek help from specialists who will administer painkillers and prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. Particularly severe burns that cover most of the body may require hospitalization.

The victim, immediately after going outside, should take a cool shower or apply a cold compress to particularly affected areas of the skin. If he cannot do this on his own, he needs help with this. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to normalize the water balance in the body.

To relieve fever, reduce pain, itching and inflammation, it is recommended to take an Aspirin tablet, and also drink Ibuprofen 400 mg every four hours for several days until the redness disappears. Instead of Ibuprofen, you can take any drug with similar properties.

Sprays based on dexpanthenol help with burns. They relieve inflammation, promoting speedy healing. Dexpanthenol is the active ingredient of a European quality medicinal product - PanthenolSpray. PanthenolSpray removes inflammation, eliminates burning, relieves redness and other symptoms of burns. The drug has been widely used for many years and has already established itself as a popular spray for burns. It is for this reason that it has many analogues that simply copy the packaging of the original drug.

You should be careful when choosing a spray at the pharmacy, because... Almost all analogues are produced as cosmetics, because this form of release does not require clinical trials, and their registration procedure is significantly simplified. As a result, the composition of such drugs cannot always be called safe. Thus, some of them contain parabens, potentially hazardous preservatives that accumulate in tissues and can provoke the growth of tumors.

When choosing a spray for burns, it is important to pay attention to the composition and the country in which the product was produced. Packaging is important. The original spray is a medicinal product, produced in Europe, and is distinguished by a characteristic smiley face located to the right of the name Pan-Te-Nol on the packaging

Since a burn is an allergic reaction of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, doctors recommend the use of antihistamines, in particular Claritin and Suprastin.

When burned, the skin needs vitamins and restoration, so be sure to use vitamin E after cooling, applying it to the damaged areas. This will speed up the recovery process. In the process of treating serious burns resulting from excessive exposure to sunlight, it is recommended to take additional vitamins C and D.

What not to do!

  • It is strictly forbidden to lubricate sunburned skin areas with any oil (including after sunburn), alcohol lotion, or use ointments based on benzocaine and lidocaine. All these remedies help slow down the healing process and restoration of the skin.
  • It is not recommended to take paracetamol drugs, as they do not reduce inflammation. In exceptional cases, when the victim is intolerant to aspirin or ibuprofen, Tylenol may be taken.
  • It is not recommended to “help” peeling skin by tearing it off, and you should also not puncture blisters. The more you work on the flaky areas, the more the skin will peel.
  • The peeling will go away on its own. Puncture of blisters on your own can lead to infection, bleeding, and discoloration of the skin.
  • Do not rub the burn area or wash it with soap or scrub. This opens the way for various infections.
  • Do not rub burned skin. Handle it with care.
Complications of sunburn.
High-grade sunburn can cause swelling. Damage to the skin of the face and neck can make breathing difficult. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the skin lesions on the arms and legs are a large part, it can lead to poor circulation. Therefore, if you experience a feeling of numbness in your arm or foot, as well as bluish extremities, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Folk remedies for treating sunburn.
For burned eyelids, you can use wet compresses made from green tea bags.

To relieve burning and reduce pain from hay burns, it is recommended to make a compress of strongly brewed tea two to three times a day for twenty to thirty minutes.

To reduce friction of damaged skin from the sheet, you can use regular talcum powder by sprinkling it on the sheet.

If the damage affects a significant part of the skin of the legs, it is recommended to create an elevated position for them.

To reduce itching and pain, as well as to speed up the recovery process of burned skin, you can use regular potato starch, sprinkling it on damaged tissues. Starch can also be used as a lotion, for which it should be diluted in water.

Potatoes can be applied raw to a burn as a fifteen-minute compress. To do this, grate the potatoes and place them in cheesecloth. This method is effective for sun allergies. Only potato juice can be used as a compress. In combination with wheat flour, potato juice can be used as a face mask (for fifteen minutes) if there is a minor burn.

Potatoes with sour cream are another effective remedy for healing burns. Grind boiled and peeled potatoes in a blender, adding sour cream. Apply the resulting composition to damaged areas of the skin for half an hour, then rinse with water at room temperature. This product can be used as a face mask. Apply warm; after fifteen minutes, wipe the skin with a cotton swab.

The most common and effective folk remedy for sunburn are dairy products (kefir, sour cream, sour yogurt), which should be applied to the lesions several times during the day. This product softens and cools the skin, relieving burning and itching. In case of severe burns accompanied by blisters, the use of this method may have the opposite effect.

A compress made from a mixture of cottage cheese and buttermilk also helps to cool the skin and relieve pain. The mixture should be transferred to a towel and applied to the damage. As the compress dries, you should change it to another one. Instead of cottage cheese, you can also use kefir or sour cream.

Herbal compresses perfectly relieve pain, burning and itching, and also speed up the healing process. Infusions of chamomile, calendula, and lavender are effective for these purposes. The preparation recipe is indicated in the instructions for use. The cooled decoction is stored in the refrigerator. Used as a lotion for burns.

For redness of the skin, wet-dry dressings with herbal decoctions (chain, celandine, chamomile, oak bark, etc.) are recommended, which should be prepared according to the instructions supplied with the herbs. Moisten a gauze cloth folded in several layers in a herbal decoction at room temperature and apply to the burned areas for fifteen minutes. This kind of lotion should be done for one and a half hours. Then the victim should rest for three hours, and moisturizing creams should be applied to the burn areas during this time. Two or three similar procedures should be performed during the day until the signs of inflammation completely disappear.

To treat this problem, it is also effective to use a decoction of angustifolia fireweed leaves as a lotion. Brew 10 g of dry leaves with 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for fifteen minutes from the moment of boiling. Cool to room temperature.

When treating sunburn, lotions (every ten minutes for an hour, twice a day) and rubbing with a decoction of St. John's wort are effective. To prepare it, brew a tablespoon of the herb with 200 ml of boiling water, put it on the fire and boil from the moment it boils for ten minutes. Then the broth should be immediately strained and cooled to room temperature.

A compress made from chamomile decoction is effective for sunburn. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of chamomile into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. This decoction or alcohol tincture can be added in small quantities to any fortified fatty cream. The product is great for treating burns and skin irritation.

Oak bark decoction is also effective as a lotion in treating skin lesions resulting from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Pour 20-40 g of oak bark with a glass of boiling water, boil for ten minutes and strain.

It is effective to apply freshly squeezed aloe juice to damaged areas of the skin. You can also dilute this juice in equal proportions with water and, moisten a gauze cloth in it, apply it to the burns once or twice a day every ten minutes for an hour. You can buy cooling aloe gel at the pharmacy.

For burns, a mixture of equal parts watermelon and cucumber juices is great. Wipe the damaged areas with this mixture.

Cabbage leaves, which should be applied directly to the burned areas, are also effective for sunburn.

To soften the skin when treating burns, it is useful to rub in wheat germ oil.

Protective products against sunburn.
To protect your skin from sunburn, you should use special creams or lotions with a sun protection factor against ultraviolet rays type A and B, the value of which can vary from five to fifty. As a rule, such products contain vitamin E, which reduces the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

When choosing a sunscreen, you need to focus on the characteristics of your skin. Fair skin is very sensitive to the sun, which causes it to burn quickly, so it requires the use of products with a high sun protection factor (SPF of at least 70). In the future, when the skin has received a persistent tan, the level of protection can be reduced to twenty (SPF 20). Those who do not experience problems staying in the open sun for a long time can use products with a protection level of six to fifteen (SPF from 6 to 15).

The right product should be applied before going outside, not on the beach. When applying, special attention should be paid to protruding parts of the body (nose, chest, cheekbones, shoulders). The cream must be applied in an even thin layer, without rubbing into the skin. Even if the product indicates that it is waterproof, after swimming in a pond, it must be reapplied, since after using the towel the layer of protective film is sharply reduced.

Even if your product contains a high level of protection, it is still recommended to be in the open sun only in the morning and evening. In addition, you should not forget about sunglasses, they will protect the delicate and thin skin around the eyes, as well as the retina itself.

Vacation for many is the most long-awaited event of the whole year, so sometimes they start planning it almost six months in advance so that everything goes just perfectly! And, however, it is very unpleasant when any force majeure occurs. For example, when he fell asleep on the beach while still light, and woke up as the leader of the Redskins. This article will help you understand what to do if you get sunburned. It will present both folk remedies and some effective ointments.

First of all, for the future, never forget to use sunscreen, preferably with a high SPF. And, accordingly, it is better not to go to the sea between 12 and 16 hours of the day, as it can be very unsafe.

First aid for burns

  1. Be sure to take a cool shower! Not icy, as someone might think, but cool. Excessively cold or, for example, hot water will be stressful for the skin, but why do you need to aggravate the situation?
  2. Do not scratch or rub the skin. Thus, you can only intensify the peeling process;
  3. Make a cold compress of ice or frozen green tea with aloe vera juice;
  4. Also, do not neglect fermented milk products with a small amount of fat. Apply to damaged areas of the skin; kefir or light sour cream will help moisturize it.

Folk remedies

When your skin burns in the sun, the question often arises: “What should I do?” and no wonder. But our grandparents know how to treat it.

At the moment there are a large number:

  • Recipes for various infusions;
  • Decoctions;
  • Homemade ointments.

Why not use them?

  1. If your face is also affected, then make a mask from an ordinary cucumber, grating it along with the peel. Apply it and wash off after 20 minutes. The pain is guaranteed to go away;
  2. Potato juice also has a wonderful effect on burnt skin, helping it to recover as quickly as possible;
  3. A decoction of oatmeal has a positive effect, it will cool damaged areas of the skin, and there will be no trace of pain;
  4. The cucumber from the first point can be replaced with strawberries. You need to keep it in exactly the same way for 20 minutes, then wash it off. And do not eat, despite the temptation;
  5. Olive and essential oils can only enhance the effect of such vegetable and berry masks;
  6. And the traditional Greek remedy is vinegar with rose. The vinegar will cool the skin, and the rose will soothe irritation and reduce flaking.

“Everything comes from within.” Therefore, during combustion, it is worth paying attention to moisturizing, not from the outside. An average person on average needs 1.5-2 liters of clean still water. And if he is sunburned, then he needs to drink 3-4 more glasses of water. In general, there are no special restrictions here. Basically, the more, the better.

Advances in medicine in the field of skin

  1. Aspirin

No matter how strange it may sound, but nevertheless. Taking it 2-3 times a day can relieve pain and flaking of the skin.

  1. Pantanol

Special ointments for burnt skin may be useless, but Pantanol will wonderfully moisturize it and help speed up the healing process. It is soft, not very greasy, and very convenient to use.

  1. Moisturizers with Antioxidants

Such products contain a huge amount of useful vitamin E, which is simply irreplaceable for sunburn.

  1. Fenistil

A universal ointment for the skin, not the best, however, but if you have nothing else, it can provide services. Reduces itching, pain and flaking. Cools the skin.

  1. Libyan aerosol

It must be sprayed several times a day onto damaged areas of the skin. In this form it may be even more convenient than ointments.

Always coming to the sea, you had to be very careful and attentive. The skin is one of the most important organs; the slightest damage to it can lead to not very favorable consequences. Much depends on the place of rest: somewhere the sun is bright and hot, somewhere it’s gentle. But no matter what, it's still worth protecting against sunburn by using pre- and post-tan lotions.

I wish you health and a wonderful holiday, take care of yourself!