Cleansing the body (birch tar). Clear facial skin

It is face masks made from birch tar that will help get rid of acne and blackheads. Plus, tar masks are used for lifting at home.

Tar is a substance obtained from birch bark. A black liquid with a specific odor is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Tar is used in pure form or as a component of various cosmetics. In addition to cosmetology and medicine, tar is widely used in veterinary medicine and industry. In countries where it is not produced, but only exported, it is known as “Russian oil”.

What are the benefits of tar face masks?

Due to its unique properties, tar is used in medications for the treatment of diseases such as eczema, acne, and demodicosis.

Rules for using tar for the face

Like any cosmetic product, tar has a number of indications and contraindications for use. By following them, you can achieve optimal results and not harm yourself.

Methods of using tar for cosmetic and medicinal purposes

  1. Washing
    For washing, tar is added to liquid soap or gel. Then wash as usual. You can also use tar soap.
  2. Cream of tar
    Another way to use “Russian oil” is as a cream. To prepare such a cream, you need to add a few drops of tar to a regular, easily absorbed cream. The cream is ready.
  3. Milk with tar
    Add tar to cosmetic milk, then use the resulting mixture on the affected areas of the skin. Effective against acne, pimples, inflammation.
  4. Tar in its pure form for the treatment of acne
    Pure tar is applied to acne with a cotton swab or disk. This method of using tar is not suitable for dry skin, as it dries the skin very much.
  5. Lotion
    This recipe is only suitable oily skin. The lotion dries out the skin very much. To prepare the lotion, tar is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10.

  6. Depending on the problems being solved, there are many masks with tar. Each will be discussed separately below.

Recipes for face masks made of tar

Face masks with birch tar are available to everyone. The components of the masks are inexpensive and can be easily found in any store. Tar too inexpensive remedy, it can be purchased at any pharmacy. Masks with it are effective and suitable for solving various facial skin problems. Homemade recipes with “Russian butter” are a good alternative to expensive ones salon procedures, and most importantly, at a price accessible to everyone.

However, before using such masks, do an allergy test. Apply a little tar to your wrist and wait a few hours. If no allergic reactions occur, then you can safely use masks with tar on your face.

Cleansing face mask with tar

Cleansing masks with tar are suitable for oily skin prone to acne, comedones, and blackheads. They effectively pull dirt out of the skin, remove excess sebum, and reduce inflammation. Works great on blackheads. Apply 1-2 times a week.

  1. Tar soap mask.

    - in order to make this mask, soap a cotton pad with tar soap until abundant foam appears;
    - then spread the foam over your face;
    — the mask should be kept on for about 10 minutes;
    - then rinse with cool water.

  2. Soap mask with tar and salt. This mask is effective for acne.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - grate the soap, add a little water and beat until foam forms;
    - add fine salt to the resulting foam;
    - apply the resulting mixture to your face, keep for about 20 minutes;
    - then rinse off.

  3. Soap and soda mask. This mask is used for blackheads. Baking soda, which is part of the mask, allows you to effectively lighten them.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - to prepare, grate tar soap, add water, beat until foam appears;
    - add soda to the foam;
    - apply to face with massage movements and hold for about 5 minutes;
    — after the procedure, rinse.

Lifting face mask with birch tar

Masks with a tightening effect give the face a fresh and healthy look. They contain components containing fat to nourish the skin. Such masks are made once a week, not more often.

  1. Mask with tar and sour cream. The sour cream for the mask should be natural, without any additives. The sour cream in this recipe provides nourishment to the skin.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - grate tar soap on a fine grater, add water and beat until foam is obtained;
    - add a tablespoon of sour cream to the resulting foam;
    - apply to face and leave for 15 minutes;
    — at the end, rinse with warm water.

  2. Mask with tar and cream. Use natural cream for the birch mask. It is ideal if you remove them from whole milk. In stores, they often contain various additives or are of plant origin. Pay attention to the composition.

    Method of preparing and using the mask:
    - as in the previous case, make foam from soap, add a spoonful of cream to the foam;
    - Apply the mixture to your face and neck;
    — hold the mask for 15 minutes;
    - rinse with warm water.

Here you will find other recipes for lifting masks for face lifting at home, which we recommend using at the first signs of skin aging.

Tar is widely used for treatment problem skin. It removes excess sebum, reduces irritation, and dries out pimples. Its antiseptic properties help prevent redness from recurring. After using tar masks for problem skin, its regeneration increases, and damage heals faster.

  1. Mask with tar and honey. This mask is suitable for oily or very oily skin.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - make foam from tar soap;
    - add a teaspoon of honey to it. Honey should be liquid;
    - apply the resulting mixture to your face and hold for 10 minutes;
    - Rinse off with cool water.

  2. Mask with tar, olive oil and honey. This mask contains oil that nourishes the skin, so it is suitable for normal and combination skin.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - prepare foam from tar soap;
    - add one teaspoon of honey to the foam and olive oil;
    - apply the mixture to your face and keep for 20 minutes;
    - wash off.

Tar mask for skin diseases

Tar, due to its antiseptic and antifungal properties, fights skin diseases well. For treatment at home, you can use the following masks.

  1. Tar mask against demodicosis. To prepare this mask you will need not soap, but tar. The second component of the mask is sulfur.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - mix sulfur and tar in equal proportions, one teaspoon each;
    - treat the affected areas of the skin with the resulting composition;
    — leave on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  2. Tar mask for dermatitis. To prepare this mask you will need vegetable oil. You can use any oil.

    Method of preparation and use:
    - make foam from tar soap by analogy with previous recipes;
    - add a teaspoon of oil to the resulting foam;
    - Apply foam to face, hold for 15 minutes, rinse.

Video on using birch tar

And now we invite you to watch the cooking video tar mask for the face against acne, wrinkles and blackheads. These masks can also be used to lift facial skin at home.

And another video about what masks for your face can be made from birch tar.

In conclusion. Stay beautiful, don’t be afraid to use tar recipes from HairFace. This is a time-tested and time-tested product for skin care and treatment of skin diseases.

Modern people want to learn more about folk healing remedies, for example, such as birch tar, the use of which will help get rid of many health problems. This product, obtained by dry distillation of birch bark, has been familiar not only to healers since ancient times. It was in demand in a wide variety of areas of human life. To date, many areas of its application have ceased to be relevant, but in medicine (official and folk) and cosmetology, preparations based on birch tar are still necessary.

What does birch tar treat?

Birch bark extract is used both as an internal and external remedy. It is useful for people suffering from chronic diseases, and for those suffering from diseases with inflammatory processes, and for those who have problems with the skin on the face and body. The list of diseases that tar can treat is almost endless, so it is worth citing only some of the ailments for which tar is a cure:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • gangrene;
  • proctitis

Birch extract is one of the most effective remedies in the fight against skin diseases:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dandruff;
  • acne, etc.

Internal use

A person can speed up the metabolism in the body by taking birch tar internally. In addition, drinking products containing it helps normalize blood pressure, improve the tone of the heart muscle, get rid of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, and cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

One of the easiest to prepare means for preventive and therapeutic use is tar water. Its recipe has been known for several centuries. To do it, you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg tar;
  • 4 liters of pure spring water.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the container with them is tightly closed for 48 hours. During this time, the birch bark hood will settle. The jar with the solution must be carefully opened and the foam removed from its surface. The tar water is carefully poured into another container, which is also tightly closed. Adults can take this water daily. You need to drink it 20 minutes before breakfast, 1 glass.

To treat certain diseases, birch tar is diluted with milk. This remedy is effective for tuberculosis and internal infectious diseases. The regimen for taking it for tuberculosis is as follows:

  1. The course lasts six months. In the first 7 days, you should drink warm milk (50 mg) with 1 drop of tar on an empty stomach.
  2. The next week, 2 drops of the extract are added to the milk.
  3. In the third week you need to add 3 drops to the milk.
  4. At the tenth week of treatment, 10 drops are added to the milk.
  5. After this, a 7-day break is taken, after which the intake of tar with milk is resumed according to the same scheme.

Patients with catarrhal cystitis should drink a solution of birch bark extract in milk 3 times a day. Add 10 drops of tar into a glass of milk.

The following recipe will be useful for those suffering from atherosclerosis:

  • 1 glass of warm homemade milk;
  • ½ teaspoon of tar.

The solution must be drunk for 1.5 months. three times a day before meals. An hour before meals you should drink a glass of the product.

  • liquefied honey;
  • birch tar.

On the first evening, add 1 drop of extract to 1 teaspoon of honey. The next - 2 drops, etc. The number of drops is increased to 8. The product should be drunk before bedtime.

External remedy

The unique properties of birch tar have found application in cosmetology. With its help, problems with hair loss on the head are eliminated, acne is removed, and the skin itself is cleansed.

To remove acne, you can use tar concentrate, but it should be applied to the affected areas of the skin pointwise. It can become one of the components of liquid soap or skin care cream. For them to acquire healing properties, it is enough to add a few drops of birch product to them. Don’t forget about washing with tar soap, which should be done after applying medicinal masks to the skin. It would be useful to talk in more detail about some of them.

To improve the health of the skin, the following remedy is used.

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of tar.
  2. The mixture is applied to the face and remains on it for 15 minutes.
  3. After removing the mask, the skin is treated with moisturizer
  4. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

To get rid of dandruff and enhance hair growth on the head, a different composition is used. It includes:

  • 1 tablespoon of burdock oil;
  • vitamin A (2 drops);
  • 1 tablespoon liquid concentrate.

The product is rubbed into the skin on the head and covered with a towel or cloth for ½ hour. After this, the head is rinsed with warm water.


It must be said that there are contraindications to the use of tar and preparations containing it. Primarily they are associated with allergic reactions. Tar can adversely affect kidney function. This will be facilitated by treating large areas of the skin with it over a long period of time. The extract should not be used in the stage of exacerbation of diseases.

In any case, before using it, you should consult with your doctor.

It's just crowded useful substances, which are effective in combating germs, fungi and even microscopic mites.

To get the maximum benefit and not harm the body, you should know exactly how to use birch tar for facial skin and what ingredients it can be combined with. See for yourself that nature creates truly useful, effective and safe means for face and body care.

Composition and properties of birch tar

Positive effects of a dark resinous liquid product (tar) on the skin, effective treatment pimples, acne and inflammation are caused by its constituent components. The product of birch bark processing is rich in organic acids, resins, microelements, antioxidants and phytoncides.

This unique composition of the product upon contact with the skin performs the following functions:

How and with what to eat birch tar

  1. We prepare tar and a pharmaceutical pipette.
  2. Apply five drops of the product to a piece of black or rye bread, and eat this unusual late dinner before going to bed.
  3. The next day we repeat the same thing, but now we add six drops of the product. Each subsequent day, add another drop and bring the amount to 10.
  4. We use the product internally for two weeks, 10 drops each, and on the 15th day we begin to reduce the doses in the reverse order, and bring the amounts to five drops.

The course of taking the medicine is 24 days, and it is best to undergo therapy in the fall or spring, when the immune system needs to be recharged. It's no secret that cleansing the body is directly related to the condition of the facial skin.

Wash your face with birch tar

The product can also be used to cleanse the skin in the morning and evening. For such purposes, it is better not to use tar soap, as it can dry out the epithelium, but to make a gel yourself. To do this, add 1 ml of tar to a bottle with your usual cleanser and shake.

Regular use of such “cleansing” will help get rid of skin formations on the face. The product can be used to cleanse the arms, shoulders and back if a rash or inflammation appears in these areas.

Popular face masks based on birch tar

To get an excellent healing effect, you can combine tar with other natural products that are beneficial for the face. Constant use of healing masks will help to establish metabolic processes in the skin layers, cure acne, improve appearance faces and bodies.

Before treatment, determine your skin type and start preparing a mask, choosing the one that best suits you:

  • for combination and oily skin – mix a piece of grated tar soap with any cosmetic cream, apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour and rinse off;
  • against inflammation - combine tar and honey in a ratio of 1:3, keep on your face for no longer than 15 minutes, then remove the residue with water;
  • for dry skin type – 2 tbsp. melt spoons of honey in a water bath, mix with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of tar, leave on your face for a quarter of an hour;
  • against demodicosis - mix sulfur and birch extract in equal parts, treat your face with the prepared mixture, wash off the mask after 20 minutes;
  • against blackheads - mix a piece of grated tar soap with water to form a slightly thick mass, procedure time - 15 minutes.

Before applying any of the above masks, you should go to the bathroom and thoroughly clean and steam your skin to maximize the impact of the beneficial components contained in the products used.

Pure tar for rashes

One of the most simple ways treating acne at home with tar is using the product in its pure form. Reviews from fans of the viscous dark substance indicate the effectiveness of this method of treating acne:

Tamara, 18 years old: “I use birch tar when inflamed acne appears on my face. I simply apply the product to the red bumps with a cotton swab and take a horizontal position for 20 minutes.

The fact is that the substance is difficult to remove from tissues, so to prevent the liquid from draining from my face and getting on my clothes, I just lie down and rest. It’s good for the skin and relaxation for the body. After the time has passed, I wash my face with water at room temperature. Sometimes I do contrast washes. Pimples disappear quickly."

Stas, 22 years old: “Despite bad smell remedies, I decided to take the advice of a friend and began treating acne on my face with birch tar. I didn’t bother too much and used it in its pure form.

I just applied it to the pimples and left it on for a little less than half an hour. At first I didn’t believe in the power of such a cheap product, but I was soon pleased with the results. Large pimples have noticeably decreased, redness has disappeared, and skin color has almost evened out.”

Does birch tar help with allergic rashes?

Reviews from doctors about this unusual traditional medicine are not entirely clear. Experts do not recommend taking tar internally, since in modern medicine it is used only as an external remedy.

Doctors also talk about the ineffectiveness of using birch bark extract to treat allergic acne. In this case, only minimizing or completely eliminating contact with the allergen will help remove the rash from the skin.


If the rash is not a reaction to an irritant, feel free to use the natural medicine that nature gave us.

The benefits of using birch tar in the fight against acne

Birch tar is a unique antiseptic against acne, which successfully restores the skin and relieves inflammation.

During its use, blood supply to the skin improves, and regenerative processes proceed much faster.

Birch tar is a black, thick, oily liquid obtained by distilling birch buds, wood, leaves and bark.

Among the disadvantages, one can only name its specific, rather strong smell, but there are many more advantages: it has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect; It was these beneficial qualities that made tar an indispensable component of ointments, creams and tar soap.

What are the benefits of birch tar?

Tar has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, ridding them of secretions, cleansing pores, drying oily skin, relieving inflammation, disinfecting and exfoliating dead particles of epidermal tissue.

What is it in birch tar that contributes to such successful elimination of acne and acne?

The answer is simple - the main role here is played by the characteristics of its chemical composition.

The most useful active substances contained in birch tar are: salicylic acid, gouterin, betulin, tannins, catechins, essential oils, alkaloids, phenols, xylene, leucoanthocyanins, toluene, terebene, cresol, guaiacol.

Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties

Stops the proliferation of bacteria, penetrating into the source of inflammation and effectively destroying the cause of its occurrence.

Drying effect

Birch tar copes well with the problem of oily or combination skin.

Antifungal effect

Tar – effective remedy in the treatment of fungal diseases.

This property of birch tar is used in the fight against demodicosis.

Regenerating effect

Birch tar stimulates blood circulation in the surface layers of the skin and accelerates its regeneration.

Cleansing the body

When taken orally, it cleanses the body, significantly improving the external condition of the skin.

Recipes for preparations based on birch tar for the treatment of acne

A distinctive feature of birch tar is that it can be used in its pure form or as a component for making various homemade masks, ointments and creams.

Face mask

3 tbsp. Mix spoons of natural bee honey with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive) and 1 tbsp. fly in the ointment.

Mix everything so that you get a homogeneous mass.

Apply a honey-tar mask to your face, wait a few minutes, rinse with warm running water and lubricate the skin with baby or other nourishing cream.

Using such a mask twice a week, you can achieve results that will be noticeable to others - your skin will take on a healthy and fresh look.


Mix 20 g of ethanol, 2 or 3 drops of salicylic alcohol and 2 g of birch tar by vigorous shaking and apply to the surface of the face in the mornings and evenings.

Homemade tar soap

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, pour into molds and let cool (it is better not to touch the soap for seven days for complete hardening).

During the preparation process, you can add essential aromatic oils to tar soap as fragrances or herbs with beneficial properties - such as celandine, string, chamomile, etc., which, in turn, will help relieve irritation, itching, skin soreness and redness.

Mix any liquid soap or face gel with 1 ml of tar, shake and apply as a regular cleanser.

You can either wash your face with this composition or wash your entire body with it. The gel perfectly cleanses, dries inflamed pimples and disinfects the skin.


Mix any milk for face or body with 1 teaspoon of birch tar. Shake everything thoroughly until smooth and apply the product 1-2 times a day, shaking before each use.

IN baby cream add a couple of drops of tar with panthenol and mix well.

Tar cream should be applied to irritated areas of the skin, areas with acne, and also spot-on to pimples and blackheads. The result is noticeable the very next day.

You can also use any other complex remedy for irritation or acne as a basis for tar cream.

In its purest form

It should be applied using cotton swab for pimples, acne and skin inflammation.

This product should be used with caution, because birch tar dries out the skin greatly.

Not recommended for people with a tendency to allergies, hypersensitivity or dry skin.


As mentioned above, tar contains carcinogens, which, despite the minimal amount, in some cases have contraindications - during pregnancy and lactation.

To avoid troubles, before use, you can test for individual intolerance to birch tar by smearing the inner bend of your elbow and waiting a day to check the reaction. If a rash, itching or irritation appears, you should refrain from using it.


About six months ago I received a recipe from a friend, the result of which was simply amazing! You need to drop 5 drops of tar (birch) onto a small piece of bread, chew and swallow.

The taste, frankly speaking, is “not very good,” but over time you get used to it. So, the next day you will need to drop 6 drops, and so increase the dose daily to 10. You should stay at this amount for two weeks, after which, 1 drop at a time, reduce the dosage to 5 drops - the entire course should be 24 days.

I was amazed that already halfway through the course the skin became noticeably clearer, no acne, and besides, constipation and bloating will also be a thing of the past! However, you shouldn’t overuse tar either - you should definitely take breaks between courses, ideally they should be carried out in spring and autumn - twice a year.

I believe in the beneficial properties of tar 100%! I tried my best to cure the fungus between my fingers, and then I remembered that I had read somewhere about the antifungal effect of birch tar. I anointed it twice, and then forgot... remembering after a while, I saw that my fingers were clean - as if there had never been a problem! Therefore, I advise everyone to use pure tar against fungus.

Using a tar face mask

A material called tar obtained from birch wood is widely used in folk medicine, including cosmetology.

The use of tar is so widespread that another name for it is known - Russian oil. A special feature of the product is its specific smell, which discourages many women from using tar. But in vain, because birch resin (tar) helps to cope with such ailments as acne and skin fungi, and the exfoliating effect gets rid of old acne marks and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The beneficial properties of the product, known since ancient times, do not end there. A tar face mask will help overcome the effect of so-called bulldog cheeks, that is, tighten the skin of the face and create a lifting effect.

The tar cleansing mask is best suited for oily skin; its use is not recommended for dry skin.

Due to the strong tightening and drying effect, it is best to use such a mask no more than 2 times a month.

And you definitely need to go through care procedures after washing off the product.

For those with combination skin, birch tar, and in particular a cleansing mask based on it, will help combat the oily T-zone. Some people note that in the summer they suffer from excessive dryness of the skin, and in the summer, on the contrary, they are puzzled by the fact that they do not know what to do with the oiliness and shine of the skin. In the hot season, when the problem of skin shine is relevant, you can safely use tar to combat imperfections.

Rules and stages of using tar

In addition to the above rule about the frequency of use, the use of a tar mask has a number of other features.

To achieve the best effect, before applying the product, the face must be steamed in a steam bath.

For allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin Before using tar, it is better to test the product on small area(elbow bend) and watch the reaction. In case good luck, you can already start using the mask on your face.

The time to use any tar-based mask recipe is minutes, since the product has a strong tightening effect.

There are rules for removing the product from the skin that must be followed to get a positive effect from the procedure. Any tar-based product should be washed off with cold and then warm water (to activate the processes). Lemon juice or tonic can help cope with possible dryness, which should be applied to the skin after rinsing with water. The mask tightens the skin, so this point should not be forgotten.

To get rid of specific unpleasant odor and to improve the condition of facial skin, it would be useful to apply cream after removing the “birch” product.

Recipes for making a cleansing mask

Reviews about the product made from birch resin are mostly laudatory. Most often, users note the cleansing effect of tar. You can use both liquid tar and soap based on it. There are several recipes for preparing the product:

Grate the dry soap on a coarse grater and mix in equal proportions with the nourishing cream, then apply to the skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Using soap as the main ingredient is possible without cream. So the effect of drying the skin will be several times stronger. A similar recipe is aimed against acne. You just need to lather a bar of soap and apply the foam to your face. Recommendations for the duration of the procedure remain the same.

You can also fight spot skin problems; to do this, grind the soap until it turns into a pulp and apply it to the pimples, leave for a maximum of 30 minutes and then rinse or remove with cotton pads.

Birch tar can also be used to make an excellent cleansing facial scrub. To do this, apply coarse salt to the skin on top of the foamed soap and leave for a minute, and after waiting for a while, rub your face with massage movements with dry hands and then rinse. There is a similar recipe against blackheads, but instead of salt they use baking soda, known for its whitening and cleansing properties. Birch tar mixed with honey has anti-inflammatory properties. The ingredients mixed in equal proportions are applied to the facial skin for 15 minutes, and you can forget about small cracks and redness of the skin.

Reviews of the mask, which can be found in large numbers, note not only a cleansing effect, but also a lifting effect. There is a recipe against bulldog, sagging cheeks and to enhance the lifting effect. There are no fundamental differences between a cleansing mask and a lifting one; the basis is also tar soap, gradually foamed with boiled water. Apply the resulting foam to your face and let dry. After the first coat, apply a second coat, paying attention special attention lower part of the face, cheeks, and décolleté. To prevent drying, you can add heavy cream or sour cream to the foam. After the procedure, also use tonic (or lemon) and moisturizer.

Liquid birch tar is also quite suitable for skin care procedures. Reviews about it can be found not only in the cosmetology section, because it is also used in folk medicine. In cosmetology, tar in liquid form can replace a tonic by adding a few drops of salicylic alcohol and ordinary ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 10 to 1 to the solution.

Based on it, you can also make your own soap, the use of which is discussed above. It’s not at all difficult to make: a piece baby soap grate and leave in a steam bath. Add a generous spoonful of birch tar to the resulting mixture, mix well and let it harden. After this, you can use the resulting soap in the same way as store-bought soap.

Birch tar face mask. Indications for use:

  • A tar-based cleansing mask is perfect for combating excess oily skin.
  • The steam effect of the main ingredient eliminates blackheads (a mask and a tar-based tonic will be optimal for getting rid of this skin deficiency).
  • A mask based on birch resin eliminates sagging skin, the owner of lost elastic skin will be able to forget about bulldog cheeks.


  • as already mentioned above, a mask, both cleansing and any other, is not suitable for people with sensitive skin or allergies
  • dry skin is also an obstacle to using an ingredient such as birch tar in a mask.

There are quite a few positive feedback and about a purchased, ready-made mask based on birch tar. The 100% naturalness of such a product may be questioned, but, nevertheless, the composition of the mask is as close as possible to a home recipe. It is worth noting that such funds are not very expensive and are also suitable for any family budget. However, making a mask with your own hands is not only a guarantee of naturalness, but also a more economical way to put your own skin in order, cope with many problems and forget about acne and sagging skin for a long time.

Tar, together with others folk remedies can work wonders on the skin and, perhaps, after using the mask correctly, reviews telling about the positive effects of tar will be replenished with another fan of this inexpensive but effective product. And small subtleties of use are characteristic of all natural ingredients, and this is rather not a disadvantage, but, on the contrary, an advantage, as it emphasizes naturalness and closeness to nature.

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Treatment with birch tar

Birch is a tree whose significance is undeniable in a cultural and historical sense. But few will dispute it either healing properties. Almost all parts of this plant are useful: buds, leaves, bark, chaga, and pollen. Another effective medicine is tar, obtained from tree bark.

Features of tar

From birch bark a viscous oily liquid is obtained, dark in color with a characteristic odor - birch tar. The chemical composition contains substances that make it an effective medicine:

And this is not a complete list of substances that make it the strongest natural antiseptic. But the substance also contains carcinogens (benzopyrine in high concentrations), which can greatly harm health, so it should be taken orally with extreme caution.

Attention! Self-medication with birch tar can be very dangerous. It is not recommended to use this remedy internally without permission from the attending physician.

Areas of application

Before the widespread development of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, tar had a variety of uses in various fields. Used it as a lubricant for parts, as a processing agent leather goods to make them soft and moisture resistant.

But it found its main application, of course, in medicine. The list of diseases that traditional healers treated with “Russian oil” (as Europeans called it according to legend) is quite long:

It was also used as an anthelmintic and healing agent. Today it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Traditional medicine recognizes the medicinal properties of the substance and includes it in various medical and cosmetic preparations.

Instructions for using birch tar

The substance is used in different ways, depending on the purpose of use. Take internally in small doses with milk or carrot juice, just one drop. But even such small doses are recommended only after consultation with a doctor.

Important! In its pure form, it is used mainly by adherents of traditional medicine.

For psoriasis

Externally used in the form of pharmaceutical ointments or prepared according to folk recipes. For example, to combat psoriasis the following paste is prepared:

  • 1 part purified tar;
  • 3 parts of ash from a birch log.

The affected areas are treated with this mixture.

For hemorrhoids

A very unusual recipe for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  1. Heat half a red brick.
  2. Place the brick in an empty iron bucket.
  3. Drop a couple of drops of tar onto the brick (smoke will form).
  4. Sit on this bucket and sit for minutes.

The procedure is carried out before bedtime.

Application for hair

If, with the development of pharmaceutical production, tar was no longer used as an independent medicine, then “Russian oil” is widely used as a cosmetic product for hair care. Possessing antiseptic and antifungal properties, it can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair, providing the following effects:

There are no contraindications except individual intolerance. Tar hair masks should be used once a week for 2 months.

  • one yolk;
  • 1 tsp. castor oil;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp each honey and vodka;
  • a few drops of birch tar.

Important! Due to the phenol content, these masks cannot be used for a long time. 1-2 courses per year of 6-8 procedures.

Application for face

Another popular use of cosmetic products is facial skin treatment. Tar soap - effective remedy in the fight against acne and oily skin. Soap gently cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, making it healthy and velvety.

A lotion for cleansing problematic facial skin is prepared from a tincture of tar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

  • 50 ml of tincture (or 50 g of alcohol and 5 g of tar);
  • 5-7 drops of salicylic alcohol.

Gently wipe your face with the resulting liquid. The area around the eyes and mouth should be avoided.

Tar face mask:

Mix and apply a thin layer on the face. Leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Treatment of deprivation

A skin condition characterized by a scaly surface and colored rashes is called “lichen.” Ringworms can be either contagious or not. Among non-contagious diseases, psoriasis is a common disease. And the causative agents of infectious “lichens” are often various fungi and viruses. Having antifungal properties, tar is used to combat them. It renews skin tissue, quickly healing wounds.

  1. Mix butter and tar in equal proportions. Apply the resulting ointment to the infected areas of the skin. Apply a tight bandage. The affected areas are treated before bedtime.
  2. Treatment of scaly lichen. Mix equal parts of tar and fish oil. Leave the compress for half an hour on the area infected with lichen. The procedure is carried out for 10 days.

Attention! Redness or moistening of the skin on the affected areas after compresses is possible; in this case, zinc paste is applied for another 2 hours.

When treating lichen, it is most effective not to use ointments, but to use crude tar with a high concentration.

For psoriasis, ointments and compresses based on tar have proven effective. Conducted studies prove that its use can stop the synthesis of DNA that contains defects.

Treatment of mastopathy

Among traditional methods The use of tar for mastopathy turned out to be effective. Mastopathy is a disease in which nodules and compactions of fibrous tissue form in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

Attention! Self-medication for this disease is contraindicated, and the use of the drug is recommended in the initial stages under the strict supervision of a doctor.

What properties determine the effectiveness of tar in the fight against this disease:

That is, when treating mastopathy, inflammation and pain are eliminated and further development of the disease is inhibited. As a medicine, the drug is taken orally according to the following scheme:

  • the first 3 days 3 drops three times a day;
  • second 3 days 5 drops three times a day;
  • the next 3 days, 7 drops three times a day.

Take a break for 10 days and repeat the course, starting with 7 drops and reducing the dosage over time to 3 drops.

Use for fibroids

It is not without reason that birch tar is widely used for fibroids. The product is effective in the treatment of various gynecological diseases, because it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, absorbable, and antiseptic effects on the body.

When treating gynecological diseases, the same scheme is followed as for mastopathy. Also, in combination with oral administration, tampons are used at night.

Tampons with tar:

  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tar or camphor oil.

Mix all ingredients. Make a tampon from gauze soaked in the prepared mixture. At night, a tampon is inserted into the vagina. It is recommended to alternate tampons with tar and camphor oil. Local procedures are carried out within 30 days. If necessary, take a break for another 30 days and repeat the procedure of introducing tampons at night.

Read! How to prepare an infusion of birch leaves. And also find out everything about medicinal properties birch leaves and contraindications.

Treatment of fungal diseases

Tar has been used for nail fungus since ancient times. It was not for nothing that soldiers in the tsarist army had insoles made of birch bark. This is due to the antifungal properties of the substance.

Method of treating fungus with tar:

  • make a soap bath with laundry soap and steam your feet for a minute;
  • trim affected nails as much as possible;
  • treat your feet with pumice, removing dead skin;
  • Wipe your feet dry and apply tar.

Apply the folk remedy using a cotton swab to the surface of the nail. Leave to soak for an hour and a half. After two days, the procedure is repeated. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to treat the insoles of shoes with a few drops of tar. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Birch tar with milk

Tar as a medicine is taken orally with milk to treat many diseases.

Clinical form of tuberculosis:

  • 1 week. 50 ml milk, 1 drop of tar;
  • Week 2. 50 ml milk, 2 drops of tar;
  • Week 10 50 ml milk, 10 drops of tar.

A week's break and repeat the course from the very beginning.

  1. Atherosclerosis is treated for 45 days. A few drops of tar are diluted in a glass of milk and drunk three times a day.
  2. Catarrhal cystitis is treated with a glass of milk with 5 drops of tar three times a day.

Traditional medicine uses milk and tar to relieve many diseases, including those used for oncology.

Use for constipation

Constipation is an unpleasant disease that you often have to deal with, but this problem can also be solved with the help of tar. To get rid of constipation, traditional medicine recommends taking tar water.

Stir for 5 minutes with a wooden spoon. Close the lid tightly and let sit for 2 days. Then carefully remove the foam, and pour the clear liquid into a clean bottle and close it tightly. This water is stored in a dark place and taken daily in the morning a minute before meals.

This remedy will also help with hair loss, asthma and other diseases.

Birch tar is a miraculous remedy that can help with many diseases. But we should never forget that careless use of traditional medicine can have an extremely detrimental effect on the health of the body. So use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Uncontrolled use can lead to toxic effects and adversely affect the kidneys and liver. Allergic reactions are also possible, so before starting the course of treatment, tests should be carried out on a small area of ​​skin. And it is advisable to regularly examine your urine during the course of treatment.



© 2017 Treatment with folk remedies - the best recipes

The information is provided for informational purposes.

The use of which is known in both traditional and folk medicine, is a product formed as a result of dry distillation of the outer part of birch bark (birch bark). This liquid has dark color and a strong characteristic odor. It is famous for its powerful antibacterial, antiseptic and antiparasitic properties.

Application in cosmetology

This natural product effectively fights dandruff, stimulates hair growth, eliminates oily hair and tar water is used to prepare various masks, lotions and creams. This substance is also a component of medicinal soaps and shampoos.

At home, you can prepare it according to the following recipe: take 200 grams of unscented baby soap, grate it (preferably fine) and put it in a water bath in a metal bowl.

Add a tablespoon of water to the resulting mass and stir until the substance acquires a sticky consistency. You need to pour birch tar into such a product and mix everything thoroughly. It should be remembered that this substance has a persistent pungent odor, so be prepared for the fact that the container you are using cannot be used for other purposes for a long time.

The container with the resulting product should be removed from the water bath and cooled to a temperature of approximately forty degrees. Then pour the warm mixture into molds and leave until completely cool. This soap will be ready after a week of staying in a room with direct air access.

Birch tar. Use for gynecological diseases

This natural product is excellent for the prevention and treatment of infections. It is recommended to be used as an intimate hygiene product. This remedy effectively heals microtraumas and diaper rash of the skin, and you can prepare it yourself. To do this, add celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile oil to birch tar. tea tree, yarrow and calendula. Following the rules of personal hygiene and using this product will allow you to forget about thrush and various types of infections.

Traditional medicine recipes

In order to strengthen the body's resistance to various infections and get rid of digestive disorders, birch tar is used internally. In this case, it is recommended to prepare water infused with this product. The recipe for preparing the healing remedy is quite simple: add two teaspoons of tar to half a liter of water. It should be taken twice a day.

This natural product is used to treat tuberculosis, pancreas and pulmonary eczema. To begin with, use birch tar with milk in the following dosage: one drop of tar per fifty milliliters of milk. In the second week of using this product, the amount of tar is increased to two drops, in the third - to three, and so on. The course of treatment should last at least ten weeks, then it is recommended to take a two-week break and repeat the procedure.

Careful use of this natural product excludes side effects from its use. However, it should be remembered that birch tar is contraindicated for persons suffering from kidney disease, exudative psoriasis and pyoderma.

There is probably no person in the world who, upon seeing a birch, would not stare at this beautiful slender tree. But not everyone knows what healing qualities this beauty has. Thanks to it, you can get rid of many diseases, including those affecting the epidermis. Birch tar is used in folk medicine to treat various skin diseases. It is very useful and does not harm the body.

Despite such useful components of birch tar, its use in its pure form is strictly prohibited. Its effectiveness will be no worse if you add it to a cream or lotion (no more than twenty percent). It is also diluted with liquid - twenty grams of tar are needed per hundred milliliters.

In medicine, this remedy is used as medicinal product, which helps epidermal cells divide more actively and it recovers faster.

Many people are repelled by birch tar due to its specific smell. For this reason, most of them refuse to use it as a medicine.

If you use birch tar to treat acne, but do it too often, without following required proportions, then the opposite result can be achieved. The skin on your face will become even more problematic, and an allergic reaction or severe irritation may occur.

The use of this product also has its contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use it for any purpose by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, as it contains substances such as carcinogens.

Just like any other medicinal product, birch tar must be used strictly following the instructions. If a larger dose is needed, then only as prescribed by a doctor.

When is birch tar used?

So why and how to use this product? Birch tar is used to treat skin diseases:

  • scabies;
  • various types of rash;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • many others.

It is also used to eliminate bad microflora, and with its antimicrobial effect it helps to get rid of not only various fungi, but also their spores.

Since birch tar cannot be used in its pure form, ointments based on it and various cosmetics are widely used today.

  • It is worth noting that when purchasing this product in its pure form, it can be added at home as an additional component to creams, soaps, and shampoos.

Birch tar mask for acne skin

Birch tar is often used as a component of cosmetic masks. . For example, to fight acne. To prepare it you will need:

  • five drops of tar;
  • two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • two drops essential oil tea tree.

Mix all components thoroughly and apply an even layer to the skin of the face. After fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.

Traditional medicine also uses birch tar for many solutions to health problems.

For many people, warts are a nuisance. Since ancient times, tar has been considered the most the best remedy to remove them.

For warts, this remedy is used very simply - applied to a cotton swab and smeared on the desired area.

Anti-wrinkle mask

In cosmetology, birch tar can be used against wrinkles. This simple mask is made:

  • take a small amount of cosmetic milk;
  • five milliliters of tar is added to it;
  • the components mix well;
  • Having previously cleansed your face, apply the resulting composition to problem areas;
  • You need to keep the mask on for ten minutes, then rinse off with clean water;
  • carry out such procedures no more than twice a week.

Treatment of warts and papillomas with tar

Birch tar can be used not only in the fight against warts, but also against papillomas. The treatment method is also not complicated. Apply two drops of the product to a small piece of cotton wool. Apply to the affected area, attach a bandage on top and leave overnight. After several such procedures, not a trace of the problem will remain.

It is worth noting that among the people, warts and papillomas were treated with soap, which included birch tar. To do this, make a thick foam and apply it before going to bed. The duration of such treatment is about four weeks.

To enhance the effect of the soap solution, a little chamomile and oak bark were added to it.

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