Stars born in May. Born in May - who is your zodiac sign? Why you can’t baptize a child in May

According to folk signs and superstitions, the month of May is considered the most dangerous and unstable month of the year. Our ancestors never played weddings in May, built houses, or started serious business. Why did this happen, and is May really a difficult month?

Wedding in May - the couple will have to suffer all their lives

It is believed that a wedding cannot be held in May, otherwise the newlyweds will not be happy in marriage. This superstition comes from the very name of the month - May, that is, to suffer, to suffer.

However, there is another version of the origin of the May wedding sign. This month was considered one of the most difficult periods of the year. The peasants needed to plow the land and plant vegetables, and in May the livestock walking season began. There was a lot to do, so people simply had no time for weddings.

Why you can’t baptize a child in May

It was also impossible to perform the baptism ceremony in May. May is the month of sowing, and baptism is a holiday on which it is forbidden to work. That is why the child's baptism was postponed until next month.

Those born in May will suffer all their lives

According to folk signs and superstitions, people born in May will suffer throughout their lives. Their fate will be filled with a large number of trials and difficulties. Why? Again, because May is considered a period for physical work. Previously, women deliberately caused premature labor just to avoid giving birth in May. They tried to give birth in March or April so that they could devote May to field work.

And those children who were born this month did not receive proper attention and care, since their mothers had to immediately go to the field. It turns out that from the first days the May child faced difficulties, which then affected his entire future life.

Should you believe bad omens and superstitions?

Astrologers have found an explanation for why May is a difficult and even dangerous month of the year. In May, the period of patronage of Gemini and Taurus begins. This is the most unstable and contradictory tandem of two Zodiac Signs. Geminis do not know how to listen and understand. Taurus are stubborn and persistent. It turns out that in May two completely opposite constellations collide, which find it very difficult to come to an agreement with each other and live in peace.

It turns out that by celebrating a wedding in May, newlyweds risk attracting misunderstandings into their family life. Difficulties also arise in your career. Things at work and communication with clients or partners may not go according to plan, since this month it is difficult to negotiate with people at all.

It turns out that May is a really difficult month in terms of relationships with people. Astrologers do not recommend making serious decisions, scheduling negotiations or playing weddings at this time. Take care of your health, family responsibilities, recreation, creativity or hobbies. This way you can make May a good month of the year. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.05.2014 11:00

This week the number 13 falls on Friday. We all know about the existence of the Friday curse...

A wedding is an important stage in the life of every person. The marriage ceremony is usually scheduled for some...

Non-conflict, the ability to find compromises, a balanced character - all this characterizes May people as excellent diplomats in literally all areas: in the family, among friends, at work. And although such people do not become the life of the party, marriages with them turn out to be stable and strong, and cases of divorce are extremely rare. In addition, it has long been noted that almost all those born in May are most often monogamous. The main task of parents of May children can be called caring for their health.

This need is due to the fact that such babies are much more likely than March or April babies to develop diseases associated with the respiratory tract (allergies, asthma).

Frequent colds do not bypass them either, so it is better to start hardening the child almost from the first days of life. May babies are not at risk of obesity; They are more likely than other people their age to enjoy outdoor games and active recreation. By the way, their leadership can be perfectly demonstrated in sports.

Children born in May have an excellent chance of longevity. And this will be guaranteed by their prudence, which is combined with hard work (not to be confused with workaholism!), balanced character and prudence.

Raising such kids will not be difficult: parents only need to guide their child in the right direction, and everything else - thoughtfulness, diligence and faith in success - is already inherent in the children of May.

They usually immediately find a common language with others and rarely enter into conflicts, trying to resolve all disputes peacefully. Little “diplomats” strive for knowledge, learn from their mistakes, admit defeat, and quickly draw conclusions from the lessons learned.

But the most important qualities that nature has endowed with May children are patience and unhurriedness. We can say that their birth is directly related to the saying: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh!”

True, this slowness is often hidden from the eyes of others and is mistaken for uncertainty, which sometimes burdens the child himself. In this case, the main thing that parents need to do is to be able to convince their child that he is able to achieve everything on his own.

But here it is important not to overdo it: those children who always strive for leadership may delay the implementation of their ideas, since they will analyze situations too often and think for a long time about ways to achieve goals.

And if the goals remain on the margins of current events, in a “suspended” state, this may serve a disservice in the future. However, the character of the May child is stable in itself.

And since it is impossible to exert external influence on him, then it is better to choose a name for such a baby that is “calm” and neutral. For boys, Gleb, Victor, Alexander, Ivan, Kirill, Georgy, Maxim, Roman, Dmitry are suitable. For girls - Christina, Alexandra, Elena, Elizaveta, Tamara, Maria, Claudia, Irina.

In the last month of spring, people are born under two very different signs of Taurus and Gemini. The zodiac signs belonging to May belong to the elements of earth and air, which is why there are so many differences between them. But despite this, people born in May are endowed with a demanding character on the one hand and a pronounced ability to see beauty on the other.

In the first two thirds of May Representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus are born. The element of this sign, earth, endows a person with a strong character, perseverance bordering on stubbornness, and all the resources to occupy a high position in society. The only obstacle to achieving goals for Taurus is his laziness. However, if a person born in early May finds his calling, he will forget about laziness.

Children born in May are not known for their ability to grasp everything on the fly; they master the school curriculum only through hard work. However, such a useful skill, instilled in childhood, can help a grown-up Taurus achieve his goals, overcoming all obstacles.

An undeniable quality inherent in Taurus is the ability to see and appreciate beauty. They have excellent taste in choosing clothes, are well versed in art and, as a rule, are gourmets. The latter trait can develop into a love of eating tasty and hearty meals, which is why many Taurus are often haunted by excess weight. Moreover, the element of the sign gives these people a stocky build initially, because they must stand firmly with both feet on the ground, not only figuratively, but also in the literal sense of the word.

A harmoniously developing Taurus looks good, behaves confidently in society, has many useful connections and occupies a high social position. If Taurus succumbs to his vices, he can become a lazy, stubborn person, suffering from obesity and engaging in promiscuity. Despite the fact that representatives of this sign love sex very much, they are usually faithful in marriage.

Taurus is the zodiac of late April - early May. Therefore, when describing character, this sign is divided into decades. There are only three of them:

  • the first is the end of April;
  • the second - the beginning of May;
  • third - mid-May.

The first ten days are people who were born at the end of April. Such Taurus have some features that distinguish them from people whose birth occurred in the month of May. Which zodiac sign influences the development of the character of April Taurus is obvious. This is Aries. April Taurus are more hot-tempered than May Taurus, and in terms of stubbornness they are not inferior to the second.

Children born from May 1 to May 10, that is, in the second decade, very affectionate and gentle, strongly attached to their parents. They really need physical contact with their loved ones, do not get away with their parents, and love to be kissed and hugged. Their stubbornness can also manifest itself at a fairly early age, when the little fashionista refuses to wear something he doesn’t like. At the same time, he can endure any punishment, but will not give up his opinion.

Representatives of the third decade are more independent, but at the same time more reserved. They are quite friendly, but do not love communication as much as people of the first and second decades. The fact is that they find many interesting activities while alone. School time for these Taurus can be a rather difficult period, just like the time of studying at the institute. However, in adulthood they achieve a lot and acquire extensive useful connections with high-ranking people who respect them. This allows them to achieve a high position themselves.

Taurus of all three decades in love expect one hundred percent fidelity from their other halves. Taurus does not forgive betrayal, just as he himself is not prone to betrayal. Usually Taurus are generous and magnanimous, but they can be ruthless with a person who has disappointed or betrayed them.

In everyday life, Taurus, without exception, value comfort and beauty. Everything that surrounds them should be both aesthetically harmonious and functional. Therefore, Taurus work very hard, because all their desires are expensive. Taurus will not go on a trip that requires staying in a cheap, dirty hotel, much less in a cold tent. Everything a Taurus does should be done in comfort, be it work, entertainment or sex.

The last third of May belongs to the ambiguous sign of Gemini. They belong to the element of air, which gives people of the May zodiac sign Gemini a sharp mind, the ability to grasp everything on the fly and inconstancy. Children with this zodiac are usually very active, and can perform well at school. At the same time, they are very sociable, so in the diary, along with excellent grades for academic success, comments about behavior appear.

Mature Geminis feel very good in society, they like to constantly change their place of residence, and are able to adapt to almost any conditions. They love noisy companies, parties, and easily make new acquaintances. This applies to all representatives of the sign, regardless of the month of birth - June or May. The horoscope of the zodiac sign predicts a good social status for Gemini, but only with due diligence in work.

Unfortunately, Geminis are prone to lying and even cheating.. We can say that this sign is characterized by the predominance of intellect over feelings, so it is easier for a twin to understand other people’s thoughts than other people’s feelings. That is why betrayal for them is not a betrayal of their soulmate. Sometimes they are simply unable to understand that their behavior is causing pain to another person.

Geminis love to travel, and, unlike Taurus, comfort is not so important for them. Even with little financial resources, they can travel halfway around the world, because this sign has a well-spoken tongue and is unpretentious in everyday life.

and Gemini love

If a person with the Gemini sign is in harmony and balance, then he becomes a rather pleasant member of society. He gets along with almost everyone around him and can carry on any conversation. Geminis are very intelligent, because this zodiac sign gives the month of May:

  • broad-minded;
  • good memory;
  • rich in imagination;
  • competent speech;
  • with a lively mind.

Geminis get married quite late; they highly value their freedom and, even when in a romantic relationship, can actively look around in search of new acquaintances. For children, a dad or mom with this zodiac sign becomes more of a friend than a parent.

In the professional sphere, twins They can either reach unprecedented heights or achieve nothing. It all depends on whether a person finds something to do that he will be passionate about all his life. People born under this sign tend to frequently change areas of activity and leave many things unfinished. On the one hand, almost any business is resolved in their hands, on the other hand, they are rarely distinguished by their perseverance. They are very fascinated by new ideas, but they are not always able to complete them to their logical conclusion.

To Gemini, whose birthday is in May, the zodiac sign Taurus also gives some of its characteristics. So, unlike June Geminis, May Geminis are more assiduous and stubborn. In addition, they have a more pronounced desire for beauty and the desire to surround themselves with comfort.

Despite what the stars say, both Gemini and Taurus may not be endowed with any characteristics characteristic of these signs. Although there is a big difference which zodiac sign a person gets in May, his development will be influenced by his environment, upbringing and other external circumstances and factors. However, having studied the possible difficulties with a child born under one or another zodiac, parents will be able to make timely adjustments to their upbringing. Thus, they will be able to raise the May baby into a harmonious and integral personality.

Attention, TODAY only!

May - what zodiac sign corresponds to this month? May falls under the sign of Taurus (April 21 - May 20), and the last 10 days of the month are ruled by the dual Gemini. However, throughout this decade, Gemini has been experiencing the strongest influence of the strong and stubborn Taurus, so Taurus should still be considered the main May sign.

Common traits of Taurus.

The main character trait of Taurus is persistence, which in its worst forms turns into stubbornness. It will not be possible to argue or convince him under any circumstances - he is firmly confident that he is right and it will not be possible to knock him off the intended course. This property allows Taurus to achieve their goals where other signs have no chance. The best thing about a Taurus is his hard work ethic. When they say “plows like an ox,” this is a characteristic of Taurus. The combination of hard work and perseverance gives representatives of this sign the opportunity to study well even with very modest data, and also become managers of large enterprises or leading specialists.

Almost devoid of artistry, he is down-to-earth and calm. But woe to anyone who manages to unbalance him or, even worse, anger Taurus. Here he is completely likened to the symbol of his sign - the bull. In such a situation, he may lose self-control and say and do things that he will later regret very much. But breakdowns are extremely rare for Taurus with positive character traits.

Taurus people make excellent workaholics. The combination of natural character traits - stubbornness and hard work with the conditions of activity will allow Taurus to persistently climb the career and social ladder.

But what about those born in the last ten days of the month of May, which zodiac sign will be the main one for them - Taurus or Gemini. The main sign will still be Gemini, like all dual signs that combine opposite tendencies. But the influence of Taurus will be strong throughout these 10 days, manifesting itself in children with increased independence, independence and, of course, a fair amount of stubbornness.

The influence of Taurus on a man and a woman.

The main properties of Taurus - perseverance and ability to work - are equally characteristic of both men and women born in May. Only in men this manifests itself in career growth and achievement of social heights, as well as scientific degrees or military ranks. The Taurus woman most often puts in perseverance to create a strong family and raise children. A full house, a satisfied and well-fed husband, smart and well-groomed children are the main prerogatives of a woman born under the sign of Taurus. Childless, unmarried women often devote their lives to careers in science, politics, or scientific work.

Types of Taurus

As is typical for all zodiac signs, Taurus comes in two diametrically opposed categories. Finding out for those born in the month May, what is your zodiac sign? corresponds to them, it is necessary to take into account not only the date of birth, but also the manifestations of negativity and positivity in a person’s character.

The high type of Taurus is strong and powerful, the breadwinner, the breadwinner and the support of the family. Silent, restrained in expressing feelings, but capable of fiery love and even some eccentricities. Extremely persistent in achieving goals, but exclusively through his own efforts.

The low type is a stubborn, unfriendly, closed creature, capable of “walking over corpses” to achieve its own selfish goals. In the family he can become a picky tyrant, to whom it is almost impossible to explain anything. There is only one correct opinion and position in life - his, everything else is delusion.

Fortunately, in life, a low type in its pure form is extremely rare, only in combination with the positive properties of a high type or under the influence of neighboring signs.

May 1, 2016

In the “People of the Month” section, the site talks about those who have made a great contribution to science, art, sports and other areas of life. This review includes the best grandmaster on the planet, Oscar winner for Best Director, the world's most famous storyteller, cult film actress and other significant people born in May.

(1951 – present)

One of the best grandmasters on the planet in the history of chess. He first began moving pieces on the board at the age of 5. Then Anatoly’s mentor was his father, an engineer, author of 89 inventions that were implemented. Anatoly Karpov, who graduated from the mathematics class of a comprehensive Tula school with a gold medal, was involved in business, social and political activities over the years. Since 2004, he has been a member of the Presidential Council for Culture. Anatoly is one of the largest philatelists in the world.

Some awards and titles:

  • Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1974);
  • Three-time FIDE world champion (1993, 1996, 1998);
  • Six-time winner of chess Olympiads as a member of the USSR national team;
  • Winner of 9 chess Oscars;
  • Honorary resident of Zlatoust (the birthplace of Anatoly Karpov) and Tula.

(1929 – 1993)

Actress, model and humanitarian, born in Brussels. At the beginning of her career she studied ballet and danced in London theaters. She is best known for her role in the film “Roman Holiday,” which was released in 1953 and is a cult favorite to this day. It was for this role that the actress received her Oscar in 1954, as well as the Golden Globe and BAFTA awards. Audrey's final film is Steven Spielberg's 1988 Always. Since 1988, Hepburn has become a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, drawing attention to the problems of children in Africa, South America and Asia. She ranks third on the list of the greatest American film actresses according to the American Film Institute. During the German occupation, Audrey experienced famine, which affected her health.

Audrey Hepburn birthday: May 4

Films with the participation of the actress: “Roman Holiday”, “Sabrina”, “War and Peace”, “The Nun’s Story”, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, “Charade”, “My Fair Lady”, etc.

(1941 – present)

American songwriter, artist, writer and film actor. In a survey, Rolling Stone magazine ranked Dylan as the second most important person in music history, behind only The Beatles. Bob Dylan's grandparents were Jews who emigrated to the United States from Odessa in response to the 1905 pogroms. In 1962, the singer’s first album, called “Bob Dylan,” was released. Bob tried himself in various genres at different times: folk music, folk rock, rock, country rock, Christian rock, but he always delighted his fans with his unique charisma in performing musical works.

Bob Dylan birthday: May 24

On August 26, 2006, the album “Modern Times” debuted, which took first place on the Billboard 200. The 65-year-old musician became the oldest performer to reach this peak. Dylan became one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century according to Time magazine.

CatherineII Great(1729 – 1796)

Russian empress who occupied the throne from 1762 to 1796. Born in Prussia, daughter of the Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst. She was educated at home. She came to power in Russia as a result of a palace coup, during which her husband, Peter III, was overthrown. The main results of the reign of Catherine II were the expanded privileges of the nobility and the simultaneous enslavement of the peasants.

Catherine II, birthday: May 2

In geopolitical terms, the Russian Empire grew with the lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as Novorossiya, Crimea and part of the Caucasus. For the first time since the time of Peter I, the system of public administration has undergone changes. Culturally, Russia is on par with European powers. A provincial reform was also carried out: the Russian Empire began to be divided into provinces, many of which existed almost unchanged until the October Revolution.

(1930 – present)

Film actor, director and composer. Born in San Francisco (USA) in the family of a steel mill worker and an IBM plant worker. He first appeared on screen in the TV series Rawhide in the early 50s. What made Eastwood truly famous was his collaboration with Sergio Leone, an Italian film director and screenwriter. The actor is the winner of many awards: 5 from the American Film Academy, 4 Oscar awards in the categories “Best Director” and “Best Film of the Year”, and the US National Medal of Arts.

Clint Eastwood birthday: May 31

Iconic paintings featuring Clint Eastwood:“Lafayette Squadron”, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, “California Gold”, “Escape from Alcatraz”, “Million Dollar Baby”, etc.

(1955 – present)

Participant in intellectual games of the USSR and Russia, winner of the Diamond Owl prize. Master of the famous game “What? Where? When?" (CHKG), in which he made his debut in 1981. Druz is a systems engineer by profession; he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers named after. Academician V.N. Obraztsova.

Alexander Druz, birthday: May 10

Since 1991, Alexander has been a school teacher, organizing school tournaments in the ChGK of city and international significance. He holds records for the number of games played (84 as of June 28, 2015) and victories - 52. In 1982, he distinguished himself by becoming the first expert to be disqualified for giving tips to players.

(1846 – 1920)

Despite the fact that this man’s first and last name are not Russian at all, he was born in St. Petersburg into the family of Gustav Faberge (from a German family of French roots) and Charlotte Jungstedt, the daughter of a Danish artist. Karl gained worldwide fame as the head of the jewelry dynasty founded by his father. At the age of 24, after studying in Europe, he took over the management of the family firm. In 1882, Carl Faberge was honored by Emperor Alexander III at the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibition in Moscow and received the title of “Jeweler of His Imperial Majesty and Jeweler of the Imperial Hermitage.”

Carl Faberge, birthday: May 30

In St. Petersburg, a building built according to the design of Karl Schmidt, Karl’s cousin, has survived to this day. On the first floors there was a store and a workshop, on the rest there were living rooms of the Faberge family. The master's most recognizable products are the unique Faberge eggs. It all started with an order for an Easter egg from Tsar Alexander III as a gift to Maria Feodorovna in 1885. The outside of the product is covered with white enamel, imitating a shell, and inside, in the “yolk” of matte gold, there is a chicken made of colored gold. Inside the chicken was a small ruby ​​crown, which was later lost. Nicholas II continued the tradition of annually ordering eggs from the master. Faberge ended his days in forced emigration in Germany.

Carl Friedrich Hieronymus Baron von Munchausen(1720 – 1797)

Yes, Munchausen, that same Munchausen was a real person. Only he did not commit any incredible deeds, but was a teller of incredible stories. It was he who served as the basis for the world-famous literary hero. Karl Friedrich Hieronymus was born in Germany. In 1737 he left for Russia, where he entered the service of Duke Anton Ulrich. In view of this, Munchausen loses the prospect of career growth and leaves Russia with the rank of captain, returning to his native Bodenwerder in Germany.

Baron Munchausen, birthday: May 11

It was there that he began his fictional stories about adventures and hunting adventures in Russia. His listeners were neighbors, and the platform for stories was a specially built hunting pavilion, hung with the heads of wild animals. Gradually, Munchausen's incredible stories find their way into print and fame comes to him, to protect against which the baron places servants around his house. The first 16 short stories were published in 1781 on the pages of the Berlin magazine “Guide for Merry People.”

Bulat Okudzhava(1924 – 1997)

Soviet and Russian poet, bard, prose writer, screenwriter and composer. He is one of the significant representatives of the art song genre, especially popular in the second half of the 20th century in the USSR. In 1940, Bulat moved from Moscow to Tbilisi, where he studied and then worked as a turner's apprentice. Since 1942 in the army. In December of that year he was wounded near Mozdok. After demobilization, he returned to Tbilisi and entered the Faculty of Philology at Tbilisi University. Since 1950, he worked for 2.5 years as a teacher in the Kaluga region.

In 1956, the author’s first collection, “Lyrics,” was published. In 1961 - the first official evening of Okudzhava’s original song. In 1970, the film “Belorussky Station” was released with a song written by Bulat - “We need one victory.” He took an active democratic position from the beginning of perestroika and condemned the war in Chechnya. He died in Paris, shortly before he was baptized with the name John.