Print out a cube pattern from paper. Master classes on assembling different models of origami cubes

Paper is such a fragile and at the same time universal material with which you can sometimes create very interesting and original things that can decorate your home or give joy to loved ones. There are many techniques that use paper as the main material for work. For example, origami is a very ancient and at the same time popular technique of folding various paper figures. You can fold anything - from simple geometric shapes to insects and . Of course, it’s better to start getting acquainted with origami with primitive crafts. For example, try your hand at making a paper cube.

How to make a cube out of paper: necessary materials

To create a three-dimensional cube from paper, you will need paper, preferably colored paper, so that our figure looks fun and unusual. Six sheets of paper are ideal different colors, then each face of the future cube will be different. Also have scissors ready; origami glue is not needed.

How to assemble a paper cube: step-by-step instructions

So, let's start making crafts from paper cube:

When all the edges of the pieces are inserted, you will have a multi-colored cube.

A cube is a three-dimensional figure with six equal faces in the shape of squares. This is one of the particularly primitive stereometric bodies, and making it independently is also very primitive.

You will need

  • A4 sheet of cardboard, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue


1. To begin, select the size of your future cube. Let's say that at its base there can be a square measuring 6x6 cm or smaller. In this case, to make a cube, an ordinary thick A4 sheet will probably be enough for you.

2. Take a pencil and a ruler - with the help of these tools you will be able to construct a cube. It should consist of six squares connected to each other in the shape of a cross. Place the sheet vertically and start drawing a scan, stepping back slightly from the top edge of the sheet. To avoid confusion, look at the picture.

3. Construct the 1st square of the chosen size. After this, sternly draw another similar square underneath it so that they have one face in common. In the figure, this square is indicated by the number 3. Now, to the right, left and below of this square, draw one more. Finally, draw the final square (number 6) under the lowest one already built.

4. Draw small valves on the squares numbered 1, 2 and 4, which in the future will help you glue the finished figure from the unwrapped pattern. Place one flap above the top edge of the first square (this is why space was left at the edge of the sheet), and six more - near all the free edges of the 2 side squares.

5. Now take scissors and carefully cut out the resulting outline along the silhouette.

6. Using a ruler, bend the development along the lines. To begin, bend all the flaps up, and then lift the squares numbered 1, 2, 4 and 5. The sixth square should be at the very top - this is the “lid” of the cube.

7. Take glue, coat all the valves with it and combine them with adjacent faces with inside. Your cube is ready!

The cube is a universal figure. It can be used in virtually any decorative item. For example, it can be used with triumph for storing printed photographs. You will get a very authentic photo frame made using the origami technique. If you get tired of a photo in a frame, you can easily turn the cube with a different face towards you.

You will need

  • Six square sheets of paper 21x21 cm;
  • 18 square sheets of whatman paper or cardboard 10x10 cm;
  • Glue;
  • Ruler;
  • 6 photographs 10x10 cm, no larger.


1. Let's deal with the large squares first. You are allowed to take drawn or written sheets of A4 format. The main thing is that one side is clean. We make six squares of paper with a side of 21 cm. First, we divide the sheet into 16 parts using folds, then we turn the square over and make four diagonal folds. Now let’s turn the sheet over again and bend the corners.

2. Let's start “assembling” the square. Let's bend the middle of its sides towards the center, we will get something similar to a flower. This will be the side of our cube. In each “flower” we insert one 10x10 cm square of cardboard or thick paper (we should have 12 more such squares left). You can insert folded scraps of an ordinary A4 sheet of paper into the frames. This inserted cardboard or thick paper will serve as a substrate for photographs.

3. Now let’s glue all the sides of the future cube together, paint the sides themselves and the pieces of paper inserted in them red (or any other color you like). Painting is allowed with acrylic paints. In order to fasten all the faces of the cube now, we need to take the remaining 12 squares from cardboard or thick paper.

4. First we bend the square in half, and then all its corners towards the center. Glue it together and paint it in the color we need. Now, using glue-coated 10x10 squares, we connect all the sides of the cube and insert them into the pockets. Just not in those pockets into which we will insert photographs, but in those at the edges. This is all the photo frame-cube is ready.

Video on the topic

Production of figurines from cardboard- This interesting activity. Cardboard can be easily reshaped. It can be bent, glued, cut and rolled. It is allowed to make from it various crafts and decorative elements. Children will be happy to make a variety of figures together with you.

You will need

  • Colored cardboard, colored pencils, PVA glue, scissors.


1. It's cooler to do everyone figures and other crafts made from colored cardboard. Figures from cardboard can be one-sided, which allows you to attach them to the surface using double-sided tape. Double-sided crafts can be hung on threads. Volumetric figures placed on stands.

2. In order to do figures from cardboard, apply the selected pattern to cardboard and cut out the parts. Connect the parts with glue, wire or plasticine.

3. For making figures lion, prepare a cardboard roll from toilet paper. You will also need: colored pencils, black, chestnut and clear chestnut cardboard, scissors, PVA glue. Draw a lion's face on chestnut cardboard. On clear chestnut cardboard there is a mane. Make the size of the muzzle the same as the circumference of a cardboard toilet paper roll.

4. Cut out both parts of the muzzle and glue it onto the mane. From black cardboard you need to cut out the nose and glue it on. Draw eyes and a mouth on the lion's face with colored pencils and color the ends of the mane. Cut from clear chestnut cardboard four paws and a lion's tail. Draw a tassel on the tail and make small cuts on it. Using PVA glue, glue all parts of the lion to a cylinder of cardboard, the one that will be the body.

5. Try also making a bee figure. You will need black and blue corrugated cardboard, chestnut cardboard, scissors, and colored pencils. Draw the body of a bee on chestnut cardboard. On the smooth side of the corrugated cardboard Draw two wings in blue. Cut out these three pieces.

6. Draw the bee's face with colored pencils. Cut and glue strips of corrugated black cardboard on both sides of the bee's body. Cut off any excess strips. Cut two more strips from the corrugated black cardboard and glue them like antennae on top of your head. Then glue the wings on both sides of the body. Make a hole in the bee's body and tie a thread to it.

7. It is very easy to make and authentic bookmarks from cardboard. Draw a strip on the cardboard, at the end of which there is an image of any figure without a head, say the body of a fish with a tail. Cut out the finished bookmark. Placing it in a book makes it look like a fish has stuck its head in a book. Available materials and simple techniques will allow you to create amazing things.

A person never knows what he may need at one time or another. Today he thinks that creating a paper cube is a useless task, but tomorrow he might find it useful, for example, for work purposes. So for all those in need and just those who like to create with their own hands and want to make paper crafts, there are several options for creating a cube from paper.

Creating a cube in a hurry

There is a way to quickly glue a paper cube. This scheme includes only five steps:

This is a simple and convenient scheme. By analogy, you can make a paper cube into a playing cube if suddenly the plastic ones get lost somewhere. Just draw dots with a marker! True, this miracle is not very bouncy, but for the first time it may be suitable.

Assembling a cube from paper modules

There is another option for creating a paper cube. If you use sheets of paper of different colors, the edges will turn out to be multi-colored. So, the following needs to be done:

Thus, you will get a cube whose structure will be somewhat more complex than the previous one..

Origami cube

The finished model turns out to be slightly unusual in appearance and beautiful. For this version of the paper cube you need 6 squares of paper. They can all be the same, and multi-colored. The creation scheme is as follows:

The cube is a fairly universal figure. Due to the fact that the polyhedron is regular, it can be used as a stand or a decorative element.

Making a cube with your own hands is not difficult. It can be created from almost any available materials - paper, wood, fabric. The cube base can be used for decoupage or other purposes.

To make such a cube, it is better not to take thin paper for a printer, however, it is quite suitable for training. Thick photographic paper or drawing paper with a density of 160 gm2 or more is suitable.

For testing, take an A4 sheet of paper. Place the sheet horizontally in front of you. In the center of the sheet, draw two horizontal parallel lines so that the distance between them is 5 cm.

Next, divide the resulting rectangle into squares with a side of 5 cm. You should end up with four squares. Having retreated 3 squares to the left, draw one more square on top and bottom of the third square. The figure took the shape of a cross. If you intend to connect the cube with glue, then on the long side of the template you must leave 5 mm indentations along the entire length.

Where the fold line will be, you need to make small cuts of 5 mm in the form of triangles. Then, when assembling, you won’t have to bend the corners and there will be no risk of crushing the cube. Bend the cube along all fold lines so that there are no distortions.

For ease of assembly, you can follow the fold lines with a ruler or fingernail. After this, glue is applied to the indentations. It is best to apply it not with the tube spout, but with a thin brush - this makes it easier to control the process. Then you should carefully connect all the edges.

If other elements are supposed to be applied on top of the cube, then you can connect the edges using transparent adhesive tape. In addition, you can use colored tape to make the product original.

Using the same scheme, a cube is created from cardboard. It will be stronger and more durable.

Wooden cubes are the most practical. They are environmentally friendly, they can also be used as a basis for further artwork and give them to children as toys. For children's toys, aspen, linden, poplar and alder are usually used.

You can take harder rock, but it is more difficult to process. Coniferous species can be used for blanks, but they are not suitable for children's cubes. To make a wooden cube, you will need a minimum set of tools: a simple pencil, a ruler, a hacksaw, a jigsaw and a grinding tool or sandpaper.

The easiest way is to make a cube from a rectangular block. Then all that remains is to mark the block into equal parts and saw off the required number of pieces.

Then the cubes should be sanded. If the workpiece does not allow this, it is first sawed with a hacksaw so as to obtain one of the sides equal to the side of the future cube. After which, the workpiece is sawn into fragments. The cube is decorated depending on its further purpose.

Children's toys are best covered with a safe clear varnish. You can stick various pictures on children's cubes. You can also make a puzzle. To do this, you need to measure the size of a square consisting of 9, 16, etc. cubes, and print a picture of this size. Then, the picture is marked into fragments and pasted onto the cubes.

From a wooden cube large size You can make an original photo cube.

Polymer clay cube

Polymer clay gives a lot of room for imagination. You can make multi-colored figures from it; its softness is slightly harder than plasticine.

There are two types of polymer clay - the kind that dries naturally and the kind that needs to be baked in the oven to harden. If your work uses clay for the oven, then you need to purchase additional baking sleeves for it, otherwise you will not be able to use the oven for cooking after working with clay.

The baking temperature should be the same as on the packaging with the materials. If this marking is not present, it is better to refuse the purchase.

When baking, the following safety precautions must be observed:

  • the room should be well ventilated;
  • be sure to wear gloves and a respirator;
  • remove all food products from the room where the product is baked (so that steam does not reach them. For example, in the refrigerator);
  • It is strictly forbidden to bake polymer clay and food products at the same time;
  • Upon completion of work, the oven must be disinfected and washed thoroughly.

Cube of polymer clay very easy to make. This shape can be easily sculpted by hand or cut with a knife. In its soft form, pieces of polymer clay are easily connected to each other. From multi-colored pieces you can make a Rubik's cube, or make original dice, and even earrings.

You can make original things from paper, such as and, but today we will find out how to make a paper cube with your own hands. It's pretty simple craft. If you follow the instructions, you can assemble the figure quickly and easily. In geometry lessons at school, students sometimes need to have a cube on hand to use to help them solve problems. How to make a cube out of paper? Quite simple.

To create we need regular scissors And six sheets of plain A4 drawing paper.

1. Take a simple sheet of paper and carefully fold it just diagonally so that you get a regular triangle. Cut off the excess part of the leaf with scissors. Expand the sheet.

2. Then the resulting square needs to be folded in half. We return it back to its original position and then in the center of it we will see a fold line. Fold the sheet to the fold line on one side and the other.

3. Now bend any of the corners to the opposite corner. Do the same with the other corner, and we have a simple diamond shape. But after this, it is imperative to carefully iron the resulting figure and then completely open the workpiece. As a result of opening the workpiece, we will see the ends bent towards us. We need to turn them in a completely different direction, always away from ourselves, inward. After this, fold one side and cover it with a sheet on top, and push the second, opposite side inside the shapes. The result is a rhombus.

4. Then we need to bend both ends towards the middle so that we get a small square. We have one side of the cube ready. We need to make only six such squares, as many as necessary according to the number of faces of the cube. Therefore, the entire operation must be repeated five more times. When you have all the parts of the cube completely ready, you will need to connect them face to face. So we answered the question of how to make a cube out of paper. It turns out that this is quite simple to do.

5. But how to make a paper cube multi-colored, bright and joyful? To do this, you can assemble edges from paper of different colors. The resulting craft is perfect for decorating your home, stylish workplace, and can be used as a small souvenir for a child or friend.