Facial care that is necessary. How to properly care for your skin

The face is the main advantage of a woman. Its condition can reveal its age and tell about the character and life problems of the owner. Proper facial care will help you maintain youth for a long time and avoid major age-related problems. It should include several stages using products that suit your skin type. After all, worse than lack of care is improper care.

Cosmetologist's advice will help you understand the main stages of home care and introduce you to professional procedures that give an instant visible effect. But before that, remember the golden rules that every woman who strives for perfect skin should know:

  • Always wash off your makeup. Even late in the evening, when you really want to go to bed.
  • Choose products that suit your skin type (dry, normal, oily, combination) and age.
  • Apply care cosmetics along massage lines. They start from the center of the face to the hairline. The exception is the area under the eyes.
  • Use a driving motion. Constant stretching of the skin affects its elasticity.
  • Provide a small, separate towel for your face and be sure to keep it clean.

Basic stages of home facial care

If your goal is healthy and beautiful facial skin, then only systematic care will help with this. Most of the products that are presented in the cosmetics store have the expected effect only with constant use. If you're ready to fight the signs of aging and want to learn how to take care of your face, be sure to check out the following steps.

Important! Before caring for your facial skin, you need to remove decorative cosmetics using makeup removers.
  1. Skin cleansing. Must be performed morning and evening. The procedure will rid the surface of dust, makeup residues and sebum. It will also prepare the person for further procedures. For cleansing, gels and foams are used, which are distributed in small quantities over a damp face and then washed off with water. The procedure must be performed only with clean hands. Once completed, pat your skin dry with a towel.
  2. Toning. The next stage after cleansing. Accordingly, it is necessary to tone the skin 2 times. Designed to eliminate residues of cleaning products. Prepares the face for applying cream. Toning products are applied with a cotton pad and most often are not washed off.
  3. Hydration. The first wrinkles begin to appear when the skin loses moisture. Day creams are used to moisturize. They should be applied under decorative cosmetics. The product creates an invisible barrier that protects against moisture loss. In summer, the procedure should be performed 30 minutes before going outside, and in winter – 1 hour. The skin requires special hydration after 30 years.
  4. Nutrition. Aimed at restoring and preserving the elements required for the normal functioning of the epidermis. Usually this stage is taken over by night cream. Serums, emulsions, gels and face masks are also used as nutrients. Nutrition is an important part of skin care after 40.

Professional products and procedures that prolong youth

Professional care is an important component of a set of measures to prevent aging. Modern cosmetology has many developments that can delay aging and restore youth.

Let's look at the basic procedures that the doctor prescribes to eliminate existing problems.

A woman's appearance primarily depends on the condition of her facial skin. There is a misconception that only problematic and sensitive skin requires care. This is not so - owners of an ideal, clean face must also maintain its health, youth and beauty every day. What should daily facial care be like and what products should be used for this?

Golden rules

Whatever your facial skin type, there are universal rules for caring for it.

  1. Care should be daily. The face requires regular cleansing, toning, nutrition and makeup removal. In no case should you forget about washing and removing makeup. On the uncleaned epidermis, pathogenic bacteria immediately multiply, which provoke inflammation and general deterioration of the skin.
  2. Skin of any type has sensitive areas that require nutrition and careful care.
  3. To remove makeup, use only products intended for this purpose. Under no circumstances should you wash your face with toilet soap - it is aggressive for any skin type.
  4. The area around the eyes is provided with special care, regardless of the woman’s age. For this purpose, special cosmetics are used.
  5. Once a week, exfoliate the face with scrubbing products. This procedure allows you to remove keratinized cells of the epidermis that interfere with its normal functioning.
  6. All skin types need to be moisturized. Even if your face is oily, this does not mean that moisturizing will be unnecessary. You can nourish your skin with healing moisture using masks and creams.
  7. Only hypoallergenic products are chosen for care. The skin reacts sensitively to aggressive components of cosmetics, and this must be taken into account when choosing caring cosmetics.
  8. Facial care also involves protection from negative factors - ultraviolet radiation, frost, strong wind. Cosmetics are selected depending on skin type.
  9. Lips also require careful treatment and attention. To care for them, use a nourishing balm and a gentle scrub.

To find out what care treatments should be, you need to decide on your skin type. To do this, perform a simple test. Immediately after waking up, apply a small cosmetic napkin made of rice paper to your face. If there are traces of fat on the napkin, the woman has a skin type prone to oiliness. If the fat remains from applying a napkin to the chin, nose or forehead, we can talk about combination skin. The napkin will remain perfectly clean after applying it to areas of dry or normal skin.

Dry skin is thin and sensitive, as it is constantly lacking fluid. The task of the owner of this type of dermis is to constantly moisturize and carefully cleanse the face.

In the morning, dry skin is washed with cool drinking water. Tap water is not suitable, because it dries out the already sensitive dermis. For washing, use a gentle foam that contains natural ingredients. After washing, wipe the skin with herbal tonic. Dry skin is not suitable for alcohol-containing products.

In the evening, after removing makeup, apply a thin layer of nourishing cream to the face. This is done a couple of hours before going to bed. Excess cream is removed with a dry cloth. In order for the components of the cream to be better absorbed, you need to sprinkle your face with warm water.

In summer, dry face is protected with a cream that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. In winter, fatty nourishing creams are used, especially in frosty weather.

Proper facial skin care begins with the correct choice of decorative products. When choosing decorative cosmetics, preference is given to hypoallergenic products. The foundation should have a dense structure.

To prepare masks for dry skin, nutritional components are used:

  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • milk;
  • carrot juice.

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A mask made from a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a coffee spoon of honey perfectly nourishes dry dermis. To thin out a mixture that is too thick, you can add a little warm milk. A dry face will become moisturized after applying a mask of cottage cheese, fresh carrot juice, olive oil and honey.

Care for sensitive skin should be gentle and at the same time effective. In the absence of exposure to negative factors, the face will look fresh and young. Wash this type of skin with clean drinking water. It is undesirable to use industrially produced foams and gels, as they can aggravate the problem. If a woman has a sensitive face, she should give preference to homemade lotions and tonics.

Cosmetologists advise choosing a hypoallergenic cream to care for sensitive faces. Such a product will contain the component allantoin, which has an antiseptic effect. When choosing a brand of cream for the delicate dermis, it is recommended to listen to reviews from people who are familiar with it from personal experience.

Those with sensitive faces should not experiment with cosmetics. Cosmetologists advise using proven care products. A sensitive face should be irrigated daily with thermal water, which prevents irritation.

When choosing decorative cosmetics for makeup, preference is given to light powder, because foundation is too heavy for a sensitive face. You should also not use waterproof mascara, liquid eyeliner, or bright eye shadow. For makeup removal, use light hypoallergenic milk.

Girls with sensitive faces should not get carried away with masks, as many of the ingredients used in their preparation cause irritation. But a mask of cucumber and fresh potatoes will calm and rejuvenate this type of dermis.

Caring for problematic facial skin is aimed at regular cleansing and degreasing. The face is cleansed twice a day. Those with problem skin should pay attention to lotions and tonics that contain boric alcohol. Tar soap, which is sold in pharmacies, effectively cares for skin prone to oiliness and inflammation.

After washing, wipe the face with ice. To prepare cosmetic ice, use non-carbonated mineral water or chamomile decoction, which has an antiseptic effect. The cleanser should contain salicylic acid.

Problem skin must be moisturized, because alcohol tonics are used to degrease it, which lead to loss of moisture from the outer layer of the epidermis. Special cosmetic creams are used for moisturizing.

Problem skin is prone to clogging pores, so its owners need to use scrubbing gels for washing, the abrasives of which clean the outer layer of the epidermis from dust and dirt. However, exfoliation should not be carried out if inflammation and acne appear on the face. In summer, problem skin is wiped with cosmetic antiseptic wipes.

An easy-to-prepare mask made from zucchini and cucumber will help cleanse oily skin and make it matte. The pulp of fresh fruits is grated on a fine grater and a little liquid honey is added to the mass. Keep the mask on your face for about half an hour, after which you wash it off. After the procedure, a thin layer of nourishing cream for oily skin is applied to the skin. Treatment of problematic dermis is also carried out using a cucumber mask - slices of cucumber are placed on the face and removed after fifteen minutes.

A mask made from lemon juice and ground cinnamon provides excellent care for oily skin. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the face. Keep the mask on for no more than fifteen minutes.

Ulcers and acne often appear on problem skin. They should be treated by a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist. At home, to relieve inflammation on the face, use calendula tincture or tea tree essential oil (spot on). To avoid infection, purulent pimples are not squeezed out, but dried using the means mentioned above. You can also use a special healing cream that provides good care. When choosing it, it is recommended to listen to the advice of cosmetologists.

Our nature is so interesting - we are born with a different set of genes, in fact, each person is unique. This applies to everything from the size of your nose to how you will look at 20, 40 and 60 years old.

We cannot change what we have been given beyond recognition (unless we spend money on plastic surgery, but you and I all know that this deception only disfigures women). We can only learn how to properly care for our appearance, in particular our facial skin, at home.

Some people have naturally oily skin, others have dry and thin skin; it is believed that in modern conditions, normal skin is very rare, more often combined - Skin can behave differently depending on the time of year and temperature and weather conditions.

We cannot completely change our skin type - so DO NOT believe the tricks of advertisers who assure you that your skin will forever stop being oily with their miracle product! But, if you choose cosmetics that suit your skin type and take care of it properly, it will look healthier and actually become much less oily.

So, let's figure out how to make your daily skin care more effective.

1. Determine your skin type

Oily skin

This type of skin is usually thicker, the pores are clearly visible and enlarged. The skin has an oily sheen, due to which it collects all the dirt and dust - this is why oily skin more often suffers from rashes and pimples. The advantage is that due to its thickness and protection from drying out, oily skin is not prone to wrinkles, so owners of this skin type (if they learn to care for it properly) will look young for a long time.

Dry skin

In order for your skin to be protected from environmental influences and look flawless, you need it - the first is to cleanse, the second is to tone, and the third is to moisturize\nourish. All this facial treatment can be done at home.

All these actions need to be performed in the morning and in the evening, with the only difference being that in the morning, after cleansing and toning, we moisturize the skin, and in the evening, we nourish it. Don’t think that in the morning you can do without the first two points and just start applying cosmetics to the cream(or without it!).

After all, while we sleep, the sebaceous glands also work, we rub our face on the pillow, and collect dust and bacteria on it, which will gladly give you inflammation and acne if you do not carefully carry out all the morning procedures. Products for these care processes should be selected according to your skin type (have you already decided on it in the previous paragraph?).

3.Your skin type is not forever

Skin type can change throughout life, so cosmetics should be selected based on how your skin feels and looks now. In summer, usually any skin type produces more oil, in winter it is drier. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is also affected by hormones and nutrition. For example, with the advent of menopause, the skin becomes dry, and adding polyunsaturated fatty acids to the diet makes dry skin normal.

4.Features of facial care by skin type

If you use mass-market cosmetics, check the ingredients of the products. Try to choose the most natural (read in this case - harmless) products.

IMPORTANT! For oily skin, we don’t use tonics with alcohol (this is exactly what inexperienced young girls do - after all, you really want to degrease oily skin, but this can only aggravate the problem). Also, oily-based creams and those without a non-comedogenic label are contraindicated for oily skin.

IMPORTANT: For dry skin, choose mild, non-aggressive cleansers and toners. But fat-free creams are not suitable here. Dry skin is especially important to protect from ultraviolet rays and frost. Therefore, in summer, do not go outside without a protective moisturizer, and in winter, without a rich, nourishing one. Moreover, 30 minutes should preferably pass before going outside.

IMPORTANT: For combination skin, proper care of its different areas is important.

Any skin type should not be overly rubbed when cleansing or toning; all movements should be light and smooth. You need to wash your face first with warm water, then you can reduce the temperature a little - we do not injure the skin with ice water.

After all, temperature promotes the opening of pores; in warm water, they will open easier and you will be able to cleanse your skin much better.

The cream should be applied with gentle patting movements (do not rub or rub!), in certain directions:

  • on the forehead: with both hands towards the temples, from bottom to top;
  • areas around the eyes: on the eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the eyes, under the eyes - in the opposite direction with both hands at the same time;
  • on the cheeks: from nose to temples;
  • around lips: on the chin - from the center in both directions, from above - from the corners of the mouth to the bases of the wings of the nose;
  • on the neck: first in the middle, then gently rub in both directions onto the side surfaces.

It is also important to observe the correct application of creams. Creams and serums are recommended to be applied to damp skin, but sunscreens are recommended to be applied to dry skin. In addition, you cannot wipe your face with a towel - only blot it, preferably with napkins.

Mass market cosmetics, that is, advertised cosmetics sold in regular perfume stores, as a rule, contain toxic petrochemical products. 90% of the cost of these properties goes to forming an advertising campaign and popularizing products.

All those beautiful girls with shining peach faces smiling at us from screens and labels make us buy these products. We also want to look just as stunning. And at this moment we don’t ask ourselves at all what is included in such cosmetics? What is included in this remaining meager 10% of the price?

7. Go for an examination

Problematic skin directly indicates problems in the body. Therefore, no matter what wonderful means you apply to it, it will only help eliminate the consequences a little, but will not solve the problem.

Instead of buying another “acne toner”, consult an endocrinologist- most often problematic skin is the result of hormonal disorders or nutritional disorders.

8.Use a scrub

In order for moisturizing and nourishing creams and serums to better penetrate the skin structure and work there, you must remove all possible obstacles to this. This means thoroughly cleansing the skin of dirt (using milk, foam, gommage, gel) and dead epithelium (using scrubs).

For oily skin To do this, you can use exfoliating scrubs quite often.

But when dry- no more than once a week, and it is better to select only soft scrubs - so as not to damage thin skin.

9. Making face masks at home

Several times a week, apply natural oils to your skin for rejuvenation (argan oil, rose masketta, immortelle, evening primrose). This should be done in the evenings, applied to damp skin with massage movements, and moisturizer on top.

Do not wash your face with tap water!

Ordinary tap water can be hard - it contains magnesium and calcium salts, which dry out the skin with prolonged use. This is especially dangerous for dry skin; it may begin to peel, even though you have chosen all the care products correctly.

In order to soften the water, you need to boil it and add a quarter teaspoon of soda (optional - half a teaspoon of borax, one tablespoon of glycerin or lemon juice - for oily skin). If the skin is too sensitive, it is good to dilute boiled water in half with milk (temperature 24-25C).

RULE 1: Choose skin care products for your skin type

In skin care, the first and most important rule is to use cosmetics specifically designed for your skin type. The needs of dry and oily skin differ significantly.

RULE 2: Pay special attention to sensitive areas of the skin

The skin in certain places on the face is thinner and more vulnerable. It requires special care, especially the skin around the eyes and lips. These areas are the most sensitive and require special attention.

RULE 3: Gentle Cleansing

Caring for sensitive skin begins with removing makeup. To avoid further stress and maintain natural balance, use pH-neutral makeup removers that are specially formulated to gently cleanse the skin.

RULE 4: Eyes: risk zone

The skin around the eyes is ten times thinner than the skin elsewhere on the face. Use special eye makeup removers.

RULE 5: Peeling (exfoliation) is a necessary facial skin care procedure.

Use the type of peel that suits your skin once or twice a week. Peeling should be effective, but gentle and not injure the skin. Choose products with a neutral pH that cleanse and soften the skin well, maintaining its natural balance.

RULE 6: Hydration is essential

The dermis consists of 70% water, and the epidermis 15%. To keep your skin well-hydrated, choose moisturizers that maintain a constant level of moisture in the skin. You can also regularly use a moisturizing mask, removing excess with thermal water.

RULE 7: Give preference to hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics

To avoid the risk of allergies associated with using cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type, choose hypoallergenic color cosmetics that are specially formulated for all skin types and the skin around the eyes, including sensitive skin.

RULE 8: Sun protection

Regardless of the time of year, use cosmetics with sunscreen filters. They help reduce the harmful effects of sunlight, which accelerates the aging process.

RULE 9: Avoid external adverse factors

Pollution, smoking, stress... All of this has a negative impact on the skin. Use cosmetics that will protect your skin from adverse factors before leaving the house, and thoroughly cleanse your skin when you return home in the evening.

RULE 10: Don't forget about your lips

As soon as you feel it is necessary, use a regenerating lip cream. You can reapply the cream as often as you wish.

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Thorough but gentle daily cleansing and good moisturizing care will help keep your skin healthy. Quality cosmetic products, selected according to specific skin types and their main concerns, will protect your facial skin from harmful external influences such as the sun, hot or cold climates and polluted air. They can also help soothe irritated skin, restore healthy skin, and prevent the development of skin diseases.

Daily skin care regimen

Proper skin care includes four main stages: cleansing, toning, basic care and protection.

Thorough cleansing is the first step to effective skin care. Cleansers remove dirt, sweat, sebum and makeup residue and prepare the skin for further care. Cleansed skin is better able to absorb the active ingredients contained in skin care products.

Tonic removes any remaining cleanser, refreshes the skin and restores its natural pH. Care products moisturize and restore the skin. Many of them also target specific skin problems.


Sun protection is essential on days when your skin is exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays: the leading cause of premature skin aging. Most day creams come on sale with UV protection.

Your skin care routine should occur twice a day - morning and evening. Certain aspects of care may vary depending on the time of day and the specific needs and condition of your skin.

  • Cleansing: The skin produces sebum as it repairs itself overnight. Cleansing every morning will help remove sebum and ensure your skin is properly prepared for
  • Toning: A toner removes cleanser residue, refreshes the skin and restores its natural pH.
  • Special care (such as serums or concentrates): These products contain a high concentration of active ingredient and therefore must be applied directly to freshly cleansed skin. If you are not using a special skin care product, skip step 3 and proceed to step 4.
  • Day cream: matches your skin type for effective hydration and protection. A special eye cream is recommended to protect and care for the delicate skin area around the eyes.
  • Sun protection: Some day creams already include a sun protection factor (SPF) - typically SPF 15 - but in many situations your skin will require a higher sun protection factor. Sunscreens for the face can be used in addition to or instead of your regular day cream.
  • Cleansing: Cleansers remove dirt, sweat, sebum and makeup residue. The skin becomes clean and ready to absorb the active ingredients contained in your night cream. To cleanse and protect the delicate skin around the eyes, use a special eye makeup remover.
  • Toning: toner removes residual cleanser, refreshes the skin and restores its natural pH.
  • Special care (such as serums or concentrates): These products contain a high concentration of active ingredient that works overnight. Should be applied directly to freshly cleansed skin. If you are not using a specific skin care product, skip step 3 and proceed to step 4.
  • Night cream Use a moisturizing night cream that will nourish your skin and support its renewal throughout the night. Use together with eye cream to treat the delicate areas of your skin around the eyes.

Why cleanse and tone your skin?

Effective daily facial care begins with thorough but gentle cleansing and toning to:

  • remove dirt, sweat, sebum and makeup residue without drying out the skin.
  • prepare your facial skin for regular care.

Cleansing is important for acne-prone skin as it helps the skin maintain its natural healthy balance and improves the repair process.

How to cleanse and tone?

A thorough cleansing procedure has two main steps: cleansing milk or gel followed by toner. If you wear makeup around your eyes daily, it may be wise to add a separate eye makeup remover as the third step in your daily cleansing routine.

Eye Makeup Remover
For gently removing makeup from eyelashes and the delicate skin area around the eyes. Eye makeup remover is best used with a cotton pad, gently wiping the skin around the eyes.

Cleansing milk or gel
Choose a cleanser that suits your skin type. Cleansing milk is suitable for dry skin. For normal, combination and oily skin, Eucerin recommends a cleansing gel.

Tonic removes any remaining cleanser, refreshes the skin and restores its natural pH. It should be applied using a cotton pad, gently wiping the skin of the face.

  • The cleansing gel should be washed off with warm water. Avoid using excessively hot water, especially if you have sensitive skin, as temperatures that are too hot or cold can cause irritation.
  • Cleansing milk should be applied and removed using a cotton pad, without using water. You can, however, gently rinse off the residue with warm water if you prefer.
  • Three-in-one products are a convenient combination of cleanser, toner and eye makeup remover. However, the best results are always achieved using three separate products. “Three-in-one” should be applied by gently wiping the face and area around the eyes with a cotton pad.

How to choose the right cleanser and toner?

Water itself cannot clean your face. You need to use a surfactant (a cleanser that dissolves water and oil) that combines with the dirt to gently remove it from your skin. It is important to choose products that are gentle on your skin; for mixed skin types, care for combination skin is necessary. Frequent washing with regular soap or harsh surfactants can weaken the skin's barrier function by:

  • changes the pH from its natural slightly acidified state between 5.4 and 5.9 to a neutral or even alkaline pH, thus reducing its ability to fight bacteria
  • disruption of proteins in the cornea (top layer of skin)
  • removal of lipids that protect the skin (fats that hold cells in the epidermis)

Cleansing is a key step in the skin care routine: cleansed skin absorbs the active ingredients contained in skin care products more effectively.

When the skin's barrier function is weakened, sensitivity increases, making the skin more prone to dryness and irritation.

Skin cleansers

Choose a cleanser that:

  • will be gentle on your skin and will not dry it out
  • designed specifically for your skin type and its specific problems
  • has been thoroughly tested and is ideally compatible with sensitive skin

The general rule for choosing between cleansing milk and gel is that the drier the skin, the more effective milk is for it. It does not affect the skin's own lipids, which helps balance it. Gels, in turn, are ideal for cleansing normal and combination skin types.

Eucerin recommends alcohol-free toners for most skin types. Alcohol toners have a cooling effect, but they can strip the skin of its natural lipids. The skin may then begin to overproduce lipids in an attempt to replace those that are missing. Alcohol has the ability to increase skin dryness in those with dry skin, and for those with oily or combination skin, alcohol toners can help regulate excess oiliness by removing sebum.

Three-in-one products

Three-in-one products, also known as micellar cleansers, provide cleansing, toning and eye makeup removal in one product. Oil molecules suspend their action in water and remove dirt and makeup quickly and gently. Micellar products offer a convenient alternative to using three separate products.

Why take care of your face every day?

Care products should moisturize and restore the skin. Moisturizing not only increases the water content of the skin, but also protects it and promotes exfoliation (the process by which the skin gets rid of dead cells, leaving it feeling soft, smooth and comfortable. Some skin care products are aimed at treating specific problems.

Specific skin problems such as aging, hyperpigmentation and acne can be effectively addressed with special care products that contain a high concentration of active ingredients. These specialty products are often available in concentrate or serum format.

Special care
Since special care products contain the most active ingredients in your daily skin care regimen, they should be applied to freshly cleansed skin before applying a day or night cream to ensure maximum absorption and penetration into the skin.

Day and night care
A moisturizing day or night cream should be used to hydrate and restore the skin of the face, and to ensure that the active ingredients work to address any specific skin concerns.

Skin care around the eyes
Eye care products should be used carefully, and after day or night cream, gently rub the product around the delicate eye area.

  • Medicines prescribed by a dermatologist to treat conditions such as acne or atopic dermatitis should be applied in the same way as a special care product: always cleanse the skin gently before applying a day or night cream. Leave the special care product on for a few minutes until completely absorbed by the skin before applying day or night cream.
  • If you are using a special care product, leave it on for a few minutes until completely absorbed by the skin before applying day or night cream. If your skin does not require a special care product, then day or night cream should be applied directly to thoroughly cleansed facial skin.

How to choose a skin care product?

Care products should be tailored to your skin type and should solve its specific problems. Your choice of skincare may also change depending on the time of year (for example, many people prefer to use a lighter product in warm weather and a rich cream during the cold winter months).

Day and night care
Many skin care products can be used both morning and evening. Others are designed for specific use during the day or night:

  • AM: Some moisturizers contain sun protection factor (SPF). This makes them suitable for daytime use, but they should not be used in the evening. Other skincare products that contain pigments (such as some products to treat redness or rashes) should also only be used during the day.
  • PM: The skin recovers overnight. In addition to the function of moisturizing the skin, night creams contain ingredients that stimulate the process of cell regeneration. They also have SPF and are pigment-free.

Skin care around the eyes
The delicate skin around the eyes is especially thin and sensitive, which means it is more vulnerable than any other area of ​​skin on the face. Therefore, she benefits most from specially developed care products. Eye creams should be applied very carefully.

For more tips on how to care for your skin and some common myths associated with skin care, check out Healthy Skin Tips and Skin Myths.

About protecting your skin from sun rays

Effective sun protection is a vital step to keeping skin healthy and should always be considered part of your facial care routine. While a few minutes a day in the sun helps promote healthy vitamin D production, facial skin is often exposed to sun damage for hours at a time. Constant exposure to UV rays is the main cause of premature skin aging. This is why exposed skin should be protected with sunscreen.

How to protect your skin from the sun

Some day creams already include a sun protection factor - typically SPF 15 - but in many cases your skin will require a higher sun protection factor, which can be used in addition to or instead of your regular SPF (sun protection factor) day cream.

Products that contain SPF should be used at the end of your morning skin care routine.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right SPF for your skin:

  • Skin color (are you dark or light skinned? People with fair skin are more sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays than those with darker skin)
  • Skin problems
  • It's time of the year
  • Level of influence (depending on the climate zone where you are located)
  • Duration of exposure

For some skin types, and when there is a need for a higher protection factor, a special sunscreen can replace your regular day cream. People with dry skin, as before, will prefer daytime creams and only use additional protection against sun exposure at the end of the usual care routine.

Your choice will depend on your lifestyle, personal preferences and how your skin reacts to environmental factors such as humidity. The high SPF you apply will determine your level of protection (for example, if you add an SPF 30 sunscreen product to a SPF 15 day cream, your total protection level will be 30).

Choosing a toner for your facial skin is not an easy task, because they are necessary for proper daily care. In the modern cosmetic market, there are many different drugs that are generously offered by advertisers and marketers. They do not skimp on metaphors when it comes to introducing any product to the broad masses of the population.

Rules for summer facial care

In summer, sunbathing has undoubted benefits for facial skin. Ultraviolet light helps get rid of acne and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A light tan gives the skin a natural, healthy appearance, blush and hides minor skin imperfections. However, lack of proper skin care in summer can cause the appearance of age spots, wrinkles and sagging. To get the most out of the sun and avoid the dangers of taking care of your skin in the summer, follow a few basic rules:

Tone your skin

Avoid washing your face with tap water. In the summer, the skin loses its natural moisture, but the water that flows through the city water supply is in no way suitable for care. It is better to wash your face with still mineral water, which does not contain chlorine and harmful microelements.

During the summer months, the skin really needs toning and nutrition, so pay attention to herbs. Make a decoction for washing that will give the skin freshness, firmness and elasticity. The best herbs for summer are chamomile and linden, which should be brewed with mineral or spring water. Wash your face with fresh infusion every morning and evening.

To add extra freshness to your face, make ice cubes from the prepared infusions. Cool the broth and pour into ice trays. Instead of washing your face daily, morning and evening, wipe your face with an ice cube.

Don't skip the cream

One of the most common mistakes when taking care of your facial skin in the summer is completely abandoning the cream. The skin must be protected from sun rays with cream, otherwise it will sweat even more and secrete every oil. If you do not use the cream on hot summer days, then in the evening, after washing off all the dirt and waste products of the skin glands from your face, you will notice that the skin looks very dry and covered with a network of tiny wrinkles.

At a young age, girls rarely pay attention to this, but they need to protect their skin from a young age and make it a rule to apply a light moisturizer with SPF filters before going outside. Choose care for combination skin. To get rid of oily shine during the day, it is better to use mattifying wipes.

Don't go out in the sun at lunchtime

Try not to go outside or sunbathe on the beach at the height of a summer day - from 12 to 16 hours. At this time, the sun is high in the zenith, its rays are most active, so it is better to wait out this time indoors. Go out for a walk with friends, for shopping and to the beach after 16:00, when the sun's rays no longer pose a threat to the health and beauty of your skin and face.

Protect the skin around your eyes

In summer, do not forget about the delicate skin of the eyes, which especially suffers when we wince from the bright sun. A “fan” of small wrinkles immediately appears around the eyes, which are called “crow’s feet.” Choose a suitable cream for the skin around the eyes, focusing on your age and the beneficial ingredients of the cream.

Apply the cream every time before going outside by lightly tapping it with the tip of your ring finger. Additionally, in the evening, lubricate the skin around your eyes with olive or almond oil so that during the night the skin absorbs the moisture that the sun pulled out of it during the day.

Pamper your skin with berry masks

In summer there is a large variety of berries that are good to eat and nourish your skin. Berry face masks nourish the skin with beneficial acids and vitamins. The easiest way to prepare a berry mask: grind raspberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries in a blender or with a fork and apply the resulting pulp to a clean face for 15 minutes.

Protect yourself with an SPF filter

During the summer, you need a high SPF sunscreen for your body. There’s no point even showing up on the beach without such reliable protection. However, even in a city where there are many glass and mirror surfaces, you should not go out into the scorching rays without a cream coating. Choose a sunscreen that is marked with an SPF of at least 30.

At the beach, do not use tanning lotions, as they only color the skin, but dry out and tighten it. The tanning effect will not last long, and the skin will suffer serious damage.

Should you use face masks?

Yes, masks are especially effective for restoring and moisturizing dry and dehydrated skin. We recommend using a night cream: apply a little more than usual to cover the face, neck and décolleté. The night cream is richer than the day cream, containing regenerative assets such as panthenol and does not contain sun protection factor or pigment.

What should I keep in mind when using makeup products if I suffer from skin conditions?

Ask your dermatologist or pharmacist for recommended products that have been tested on patients with eczema and are free of fragrance and common allergens. If you have acne, always use products designed for oily or combination skin that are non-comedogenic.