Danetki real stories online. Danetki – games not only for children0 min read

№ 11:

While changing the wheel of his car, a man dropped all four nuts of its fastening into the sewer drain grate, from where it was impossible to get them. He had already decided that he was stuck here, but a boy passing by gave him a very useful idea that allowed him to move on. What was his idea?


Q: Did the boy suggest some way to attach the wheel?
A: Yes.

Q: Was it necessary to get the fallen nuts to do this?
Oh no.

Q: Did it require the use of any tools that are not normally found on the machine?
Oh no.

Q: Was this a smart idea that could easily be put into practice?
A: Yes.

The boy suggested unscrewing one nut from each of the three wheels and securing the fourth wheel with them. Having done this, the person was able to drive to the nearest garage on firmly secured wheels.

№ 12:

Bill was on vacation. He checked into a hotel on the sixth floor. Every morning at 8 o'clock he went down to the hall on the second floor, had breakfast and then took the elevator back to the sixth floor. Every evening at 8 o'clock he took the elevator down to the lobby and then climbed five flights of stairs and returned to his room, although he did not enjoy it. Why did he do this?


Q: Was Bill fully capable of operating the elevator?
A: Yes.

Q: If he wanted to go up to his room at another time, would he take the elevator?
A: Yes.

Q: Did other guests take the elevator in the evenings?
A: Yes.

Q: Was the person physically normal?
A: Yes.

Q: Did he get up every evening at 8 o'clock alone?
Oh no.

Q: Did his regular evening walks serve a useful purpose?
A: Yes.

Bill was on vacation and living in a hotel with his wife and very active two-year-old son. The couple noticed that best way Tiring your baby before bed so that he falls asleep sooner is to make him climb five flights of stairs. The boy enjoyed this journey, but for his father it was difficult.

№ 13:

In 1980, Ben was 20 years old, and in 1985 he was only 15 years old. How is this possible?


Q: Was Ben an ordinary person?
A: Yes.

Q: Was he born on February 29th?
Oh no.

Q: Every year he got a year older?
A: Yes.

Q: Do I need to do anything with the dates?
A: Yes.

Ben was born in 2000 BC. For this period, calendar years are counted backwards, so in 1985 BC he was 15 years old, and in 1980 BC he was 20 years old.

№ 14:

During an experiment during a lesson at school, a girl was sent to the center of a nearby city to take an air sample there to determine the degree of its pollution. She was given a jar with a tight-fitting, removable lid. She understood that the jar contained the relatively clean air of the school. How did she manage to displace this air and fill the jar with the necessary sample of city air?


Q: Could the girl have obtained a representative sample by simply removing the lid from the container and waving it around?
Oh no. How could she be sure that all the air that was originally in it had been removed from the jar?

Q: Did the girl use any device to create a vacuum?
Oh no.

Q: Did the girl's solution involve any advanced physical techniques or the need for complex devices?
A: No, she took a very simple approach.

At school, a girl completely filled a jar with water, and in the place where it was necessary to take an air sample, she poured this water. Its place was taken by city air, which became a completely representative sample.

Hello, dear readers! Congratulations, you have just discovered a way to spend this family evening in an interesting, fun and rewarding way. The instructions are simple: quickly read the text below, then call the children and adults and solemnly announce: “Today we have questions with answers, complex, interesting and the latest!”

How to play?

Danets are a type of riddle. The presenter voices the story (either completely realistic or fantastically absurd), concealing for the time being the most important details. The guessers need to completely recreate the depicted situation and figure out what led to the announced ending. The situations are clever, sometimes detective-like, so you have to rack your brains. Players can ask the host clarifying questions, which he must answer with just three phrases: “yes,” “no,” and “doesn’t matter.”

For example, the presenter tells a story called “Lottery Ticket”:

Sergei bought a lottery ticket. It turned out to be a winner. But the man was not at all happy about this. Why?

Players make assumptions:

Did Sergei win?

Did he see too late that the ticket was winning?

Did he give his ticket to someone?

Gave your ticket to someone he doesn't really like?

Is this a man or a woman?

Doesn't matter.

Maybe this is an unloved boss?

Answer: Sergei gave a lottery ticket to his boss, whom he did not like.

Danetki is an amazing game that develops not only logic, but also imagination. Your loved ones - adults and children - will definitely appreciate the most fun and unusual answers, and how many emotions there are when the correct version is finally revealed!

To warm up, we offer short puzzles:
"Potato Peeler"

One company produced knives for peeling potatoes. Manufacturers decided to increase sales of their devices and decided: they need knives to disappear from homes more often, then housewives will buy new ones. How did they realize their idea?

Answer: The company began to produce knives for peeling potatoes, painted to resemble the peel of the root vegetable. The appliances blended in color with the cleaning materials and were often thrown away.


One man bought a painting and quickly became rich. Why?

Answer: The picture was ordinary. But as the man was hammering a nail into his living room wall to hang the canvas, he discovered a mysterious cavity under the wallpaper. There was a cache there, laid by the previous owners and full of precious stones.

"Loud Sound"

Dima is shaking with fear, sitting on a chair. Suddenly a loud sound is heard. The boy jumps and runs out of the room screaming. What's happened?

Answer: Dima came to school without having learned his lesson, and was very afraid of being called to the blackboard. But the bell rang for recess, and the rescued boy ran out of the classroom.

"Caught a thief"

Andrey, who lives alone, returned home after work. The apartment was quiet and completely dark. Then the owner loudly ordered the thief to stand still. How did he guess that there was a criminal in the house?

Answer: Andrey did not see the numbers of the electronic alarm clock glowing in the dark in their usual place. This means that someone obscured them with their body.


Only people who are dirty from head to toe walk along this road. Why?

Answer: The road is located in a resort town. There is a lake here, famous for its healing mud, and not far away there is a clean pond with ordinary water. After mud therapy, patients go to wash in a clear pond and always walk dirty along the road from one lake to another.

"Smart girl"

In a chemistry lesson, Natasha was given an assignment: to take samples of polluted air in a nearby industrial city. The teacher handed the schoolgirl a glass jar with a sealed lid. Natasha realized that there was clean air in the container. How did she manage to free the jar from it in order to then fill the hole in the city?

Answer: Natasha filled the jar with water. Arriving in the city, I poured out the liquid. The freed vessel instantly filled with air.

And now funny Danets:

"In class"

The teacher told the class, “Those who think they are stupid, stand up!” Everyone was sitting at their desks, only one boy stood up. “Do you really think you’re stupid?” - the teacher asked curiously. “No,” the boy shook his head. “Then why did you get up?” - the teacher was surprised. What did he hear?

Answer: The boy politely said: “It seemed awkward to me that you were standing alone.”

"On the Bus"

Katya decided to give up her seat on the bus to the woman who entered. But she was very embarrassed and refused. Why?

Answer: Little Katya sat on her father's lap.

"Boxing Match"

Mikhail entered the boxing ring and defeated his opponent dry-handedly. But he was not credited with victory. Why?

Answer: Mikhail mixed up the fights and went out to fight with the wrong partner. Since the regulations were violated, the victory was not counted towards him.

"Mysterious Tool"

The man ran out of the house early in the morning to quickly buy a burying tool. What happened to him?

Answer: Runny nose. The tool is a pipette.

"At the doctor's"

I came to the doctor's appointment angry elderly man. The patient assured the doctor that he had prescribed him a defective hearing aid, because without it he could hear better. The doctor, listening to the old man, just laughed. Why?

Answer: The man had no hearing in one ear, but he wore the device in the other, healthy one.

And finally: the freshest Danets “baked” exclusively for you:

"On the Train"

The train stopped at the station. A woman entered the carriage, quickly ran through it and came out upset. Why?

Answer: This lady was selling women's cosmetics, and only conscripts were traveling in the carriage.


He won the race but finished 45th. How is this?

Answer: Became the 45th President of the United States.


Pasha noticed a piece of white paper attached to the car window. But while he, joyfully, ran to the car, the piece of paper was carried away by a strong wind. Pasha could not catch her and was very upset. Why?

Answer: Pasha is a boy who played a quest with his friends (searching for notes with tasks). There was a note attached to the car window indicating where to find the next message. Since the wind carried away the note, the boy will not be able to find the next one.

What are the benefits of playing Danetki?

  • Develops logical thinking and imagination, teaches you to analyze fragments of information and look for non-obvious connections between phenomena and objects.
  • Unites the whole family. Toddlers may find it difficult logic puzzles, but the atmosphere of playful interaction, intense mental work, and unbridled imagination is useful for people of any age.
  • Does not require complex props. You can play anywhere: at home, on the street, in line, in public transport.

Join the ranks of fans of this popular game with your whole family!

  • Sets for playing Danetki can be purchased. The downside is that sooner or later even the plumpest box of logical “nuts” will be cracked.
  • Popular puzzles are easy to find on the Internet. True, devoted fans of Danets know that the resources of the web are also exhaustible.
  • You can come up with trick stories yourself. Set an example for your children, and they will be happy to create entertaining tasks for each other and for adults.

Share your favorite Danets in the comments, come up with new ones, and we will guess them together!

The essence and rules of the game “Danetki”

If you are tired of playing “Crocodile”, are bored with “Fanta” and “Mafia”, try playing at least interesting game, absorbing in its process - riddles on the logic of “Danetka”. You can play Danetki everywhere: in a noisy company of guests, sitting with friends in a cafe, on a picnic, even on the way to work. This game is very helpful to “pass the time” on long trips. The game can be played by an unlimited number of people at the same time, no additional props are required. "Danetki" is great entertainment for those who love detective stories and logic games, since these are usually mysterious detective stories with a trick - at first glance, the mystery may seem quite strange, but its explanation is quite logical.

Rules of the game:

The presenter voices a short text to the rest of the players, usually this is the ending of some story, and most often - a strange mysterious situation. The players’ task is to unravel what led to such an ending, that is, to find out the background of the situation and find the answer.

According to the rules of the game, the presenter can ask any questions, but they must be formulated in such a way that the answers to them are only “yes” or “no.” If the participants follow the wrong path, the leader’s answer “not significant” (“doesn’t matter”) is allowed.

In order to better understand the essence of the game, I will give an example of solving a simple “Danetka”.

The presenter says to the players: “The pilot jumped out of the plane, but remained alive. How can this be?”

Players ask questions, and the host answers them, here is an example dialogue:

— Did he jump out with a parachute?

— Did he crash into something while flying?

- Did this happen at night?

- Doesn't matter.

— Were you able to save him?

- It doesn’t matter (that’s not the point).

- Has he reached the ground?

— Was the plane flying?

— The pilot jumped out of the plane standing on the runway?

That's it, the situation is solved).

A huge advantage of the game is that the game makes you think, develops logical thinking and includes imagination, and teaches you to formulate questions correctly. Situations can be completely non-standard, and solving them will require not only logic, but also imagination - this is the whole beauty of this exciting intellectual entertainment.

In this article, I invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting “Danetki”, many of them have been successfully applied in practice. Try it and you will definitely like it!

The best “Danetki” with answers

Village idiot

In one small village there lived a fool. He became a local attraction because when given the choice of a 10-cent bill or a five-dollar bill, he would always take the 10 cent. Why did he never choose a bill?

The “fool” was in fact not stupid at all, because he understood that as long as he chose a 10-cent coin, people would offer him a choice, and if he chose a five-dollar bill, he would cease to be an “attraction”, the offers of choice would stop, and he will receive nothing.

Letter from my husband

Having received her husband's letter, the woman realized that he had died. How so?

The woman was directly involved in the death of her husband. She sent him a letter, enclosing poisoned stamps in it for a return reply. When she received a response with a poisoned stamp on the envelope, she realized that the plan had worked.

Sudden death

The man was going down the stairs and suddenly realized that at that moment his wife had died. How is this possible?

The man was in the hospital. His wife was there, hooked up to life support. As he walked down the stairs, the hospital lost power and the lights went out. Accordingly, the device also turned off.


Julia celebrated her birthday today. And the day after tomorrow her twin sister will celebrate hers. How is this possible?

Julia was born on February 28, a few minutes before midnight. And her sister - March 1st. It turns out that in leap year The birthday of the younger twin is 2 days later.

Deadly champagne

A man went to a party and drank some champagne. He was then the very first to leave the party. All the other people who drank champagne after him died from poisoning. Why was this man alive?

The poison was in the ice cubes. The man drank champagne very first, and the ice had not yet had time to melt and mix with the drink.

Showdown at the bar

A man, sitting in a bar, began to speak unflatteringly about one soldier, famous throughout the country, and his actions. For this he was thrown out into the street, but at the same time he felt absolutely happy. Why?

The writer Jaroslav Hasek, wanting to find out how his work “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik” was received by the people, decided to conduct an experiment. He went to a bar, where he began to loudly scold his own work, for which he was thrown out.

A for the exam

Examination at the Naval Academy. The cadet pulled out a ticket and sat down to prepare. Suddenly, out of the blue, he gets up from his seat and approaches the professor with his grade book. He, without hesitation, gives him a high five. How is this possible?

The teacher, using Morse code, tapped a message on the table with a pencil: “The first person to decipher this message should come to me and immediately, without taking an exam, will receive an excellent grade.” The student deciphered the message and received a well-deserved A.

Travel companions

Two people treat each other completely normally, but they will never board the same plane. Why?

Both persons are heirs to the British crown. To prevent a plane crash from leaving the country without a monarch, they travel on different planes.

Cat invasion

One man went on vacation and asked a friend to look after his cat. A week later there were already 8 adult cats running around in the apartment. Where did they come from?

The next day the cat ran away, and the man had to post a missing person notice. Since he himself did not yet know the cat very well, he had to keep all the similar cats that were brought to him. And wait for the arrival of a friend who had to identify his pet.


Long before the invention of ultrasound, one predictor guessed the gender of the unborn child. Huge queues lined up for him because no one could catch him making a mistake. How did he do it?

The fortuneteller kept a “journal” where he wrote down the date, the woman’s last name and the predicted gender. Moreover, he always said out loud one sex of the child, and wrote down the other in the journal. And if after the birth of the child the client returned to him, demanding a refund for an incorrect forecast, he took out a magazine and showed the visitor an entry in which the gender was indicated correctly. And he accused the client of not hearing (or misunderstanding) the prediction.

Rescue call

The woman didn’t know how to get rid of the overstaying guests, but a phone call saved her. How?

The woman pretended that the caller told her about a fire in the house of one of the guests, but she did not hear whose house they were talking about.


The naked man stood in bewilderment over the still warm corpse, shivering from the cold. What happened?

The man woke up from his lethargic sleep in the morgue. And the morgue worker, seeing the “living dead,” died of a heart attack.


Because of the military school cadets, all the stores in the city sold out all the salt in one day. Why?

The cadets were given the task of removing all the snow on the parade ground. Since they were too lazy to remove the snow by hand, they decided to sprinkle it with salt. To do this, we bought 10 packs of salt each. When the grandmothers in the store saw that people in military uniform were stocking up on salt, they decided that martial law was coming, and began to sow panic and buy salt.

Incomprehensible language

In the instructions of American police officers there are words in rare foreign languages, which the police themselves do not own. What are these words for?

Cunning polygamist

The man registered his marriage 20 times in a relatively short period of time. Each time a different woman entered into marriage. Nevertheless, he did not divorce any of them, but he also did not become a polygamist.

The man is a marriage registrar at the registry office.

Cheating wife

The husband returns from a business trip, rings the doorbell, and his wife answers. He immediately attacks her with accusations of adultery. How did he know about this?

On the way home, the husband stopped by a friend’s house, and the door of the friend’s apartment was opened for him by his own half-dressed wife.


While digging the ground, the woman discovered a chest of gold. For 3 years she kept it without saying a word to anyone. And three years later I bought a villa, a car and many other things. What stopped her from doing this before?

The woman is a victim of a shipwreck. She spent 3 years on a desert island, where the treasure was found. And when she was finally rescued, she was able to use it.

Unlucky money

The girl found the money and was very upset. Why?

The girl is an aspiring writer; she published several copies of her book and left them on a shelf in the library. The girl deliberately placed banknotes between the pages of the books to check whether her books were interesting to anyone. After some time, she came to the library and saw that all the books had bills in place, which meant that no one had opened them.

Lost interest

The guy saw a pretty girl at a table in a cafe and was about to come over to meet him, but then the girl yawned. Immediately after this, the young man lost interest in her. Why?

Yawning, the girl covered her mouth with her hand, and the young man noticed wedding ring on her finger.

Examination paper

The student finished writing the exam later than everyone else, and the teacher did not want to accept his work. However, he managed to pass the work and get a good grade. How did he do it?

The student asked the teacher: “Do you know my last name?” and, making sure that he did not know it, he put his work in the middle of the pile and ran away. The teacher had to check his work.

Family connections

Eric's father was older than his grandfather. How can this be?

If Eric's father and mother have a large age difference, his maternal grandfather may be younger than Eric's father.

Weird girls

Three girls are standing nearby, two of them are upset, one is happy. A happy girl cries, and an upset girl smiles. What's happening?

Deadly feast

There is a table in the room with cards and a gun on it. Everyone at the table is dead. Five have pained grimaces on their faces, the sixth has a normal facial expression. What happened?

It happened on a submarine that began to sink. Oxygen supplies were running low. Those gathered at the table played cards for the right to shoot themselves, since there was only one bullet in the pistol.


A man is running, and many other people are running after him. The man shouts to his pursuers “you won’t see any gold!” and starts shooting. Those watching what is happening rejoice. What's happening?

The old man told the children that he really likes it when they scream under his windows and he is ready to pay them money, provided that they come into the yard every day and scream as loudly as possible. A couple of days later, he told the children that he had nothing more to pay. The children ran away to play in another place, not wanting to amuse the old man for free.

Gift from the professor

One professor dreamed all his life of giving one of his students a large sum of money. But no one came for the money. Why?

All students learned the subject from a thick textbook written by the professor himself. On one of the pages, near the end of the textbook, there was a footnote: “The student reading this may contact the author of the textbook for a monetary reward.” But not a single student there read the textbook to the end.


A man and a woman got married and after the wedding they abandoned all their affairs and just had fun. As a result, after three years they became millionaires. How so?

Before they got married, they were billionaires. But in three years they squandered part of their fortune and became just millionaires.


One woman was about to receive a huge inheritance from her grandmother. After receiving an envelope with a will from her grandmother, she was so disappointed to find a check for $20 inside that she angrily threw both the envelope and the check into the trash. The next day, the woman's maid quit, and a month later the woman found out that her former maid had become a millionaire. What's the secret?

The woman's grandmother liked to joke - a collector's stamp worth $3 million was stuck on the envelope.

Man with a match

In the middle of the desert lies a man without clothes. He has a broken match in his hands. What happened?

A man was flying with his friends on hot air balloon. But suddenly the ball began to rapidly lose altitude. Then the friends decided to reduce weight by getting rid of everything unnecessary. They threw bags and food down, but it didn’t help. Then they decided to remove all outerwear and shoes. This didn't help either. They realized that the balloon could not support so many passengers, and decided to draw lots. The one who draws the shortest match will have to jump down. Our friend was unlucky.

Rare book

A man had a rare book worth $50,000, but he deliberately destroyed it. Why?

The person had 2 identical copies. By destroying one of the books, the collector increased the cost of the second several times.


Every evening the girl opened the safe, put the shoe in and went to bed. Why?

The girl worked as a flight attendant and kept documents in the safe. In order not to forget them, she put a shoe from her uniform in the safe along with the documents: she definitely wouldn’t leave the house in one shoe!

Restless night

The man lay in his hotel room at night and could not sleep. After a car drove by, he looked under the bed and found a body there. Why did he decide to look under the bed?

A passing car's headlights illuminated the clock on the wall, and the man saw that it was not moving, but he heard the ticking of the clock. It was the ticking of the wristwatch that was on the corpse.

Mysterious death

The man entered the room and saw an open window, a large puddle of water and debris on the floor. Mary lay dead nearby. What happened?

That day there was a strong wind and the window swung open. The aquarium, which was standing on the windowsill, fell to the floor and broke. Mary is a fish.

Chance meeting

A man was calmly walking down the street when he suddenly attacked a woman passing by and strangled her. He was taken to the police, but he was released and not sent to prison. Why?

The woman was his wife. Several years ago, she faked her death so that her husband would be blamed. He was convicted of murder and has already served time in prison. By chance I saw his “dead” wife on the street; the man, in anger, strangled her. And they cannot be convicted twice for the same murder.


The man always took the elevator down and always walked up. Why?

The fact is that the man was a dwarf, and he lived on the 12th floor. In the elevator, he could only reach the button for the first floor.

Incident at the bar

A cowboy walks into a bar and asks the bartender to pour him a glass of water. The bartender suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots into the air, after which the cowboy thanks the bartender and leaves. What happened?

The cowboy was suffering from hiccups and wanted to get rid of it by drinking a glass of water. The bartender, realizing the cowboy's problem, used a proven remedy - to scare the hiccupper.

Chess club

Following the trail of the criminals, the police inspector entered the chess club. Having assessed the situation, he told his assistants: “Detain those two players!” How did he recognize the criminals?

The inspector saw that there were no kings on the hastily arranged board.

Reliable tool

A former sailor placed an ad in the newspaper: “For a small fee I will send cash on delivery a reliable remedy against seasickness.” After some time he was arrested, although he did not deceive anyone.


A man gets up at night to drink water. Then he turns off the light and goes to bed. The next morning he gets up, looks out of the window, screams and commits suicide.

The man was a lighthouse keeper and at night he mistakenly turned off the light in the lighthouse. Because of this, several ships crashed on the reefs. In the morning he realized what he had done...

Bad dream

The farmer had a wife and children. In addition to them, a maid and a night watchman lived on the farm. One day a farmer was going on a business trip. When the farmer was about to leave for the station, the watchman approached him and said that that night he had a dream about a train that had gone off the rails. Because the farmer was superstitious, he rescheduled the trip, and the next day he learned that the train had indeed crashed. However, the watchman was fired. Why?

The night watchman is supposed to guard the farm at night, not sleep.


Newspaper article: “Tragic death of a woman in the mountains.” The photo shows a married couple; the article offers condolences to the spouse. A man came to the police, reported some information, and the husband of the deceased was accused of her murder. Who was this man and what did he say?

A travel agent came to the police and reported that the husband had bought two tickets to the mountains and only one return ticket.

Smart students

The inspector came to check the school. He noticed that when the teacher asked the class a question, all the students would raise their hand, no matter how difficult it was. The teacher chose new students each time, and they all gave the correct answers. The inspector realized that there was some kind of trick here. Which?

The teacher warned the students that when he asked a question, everyone should raise their hand. But at the same time, those who know the answer to the question raise left hand, and who doesn’t know – the right one.

Punctual man

A very punctual man who suffers from deafness, he strictly adhered to his schedule. Every morning he left the house at 7:45 to go for a short half-hour walk. At the same time he crossed the railway tracks. The first train went through them only at 9:00. But one day a deaf man was hit by a train while walking. Why?

That night the time was changed to daylight saving. The man did not change his watch, left the house an hour later and crossed the crossing not at 8:00 but at 9:00.

Sudden wealth

The man bought the painting and became fabulously rich.

A man bought an ordinary painting by an unknown artist for his living room. While driving a nail into the wall to hang a picture, the man discovered a cavity in the wall: under the wallpaper there was a thin layer of plaster and plywood. He opened a mysterious place and there was a cache of diamonds.

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To have fun with friends, you can play "Danetki" - stories with answers. In this article you will find the most best riddles and detailed answers to them.

Rules of the game

The game "Danetka" with answers is similar to solving riddles. The presenter reads part of the story, and the participants’ task is to ask questions to find the answer or find out the background of the situation. Questions should only require “yes” and “no” answers. If participants took the wrong path, the answer “not significant” is allowed.


In order to better understand the essence of the game, let's give an example. "Danette" answers, complex and simple, usually involve some kind of catch.

Question: The pilot jumped out of the plane, but did not crash.

Has he reached the ground?

Did he skydive?

Was the plane flying?

Did the pilot jump out of a plane on the runway?

Short "Danettes"

"Danettes" with complex answers may involve a short question and an equally short answer, but it will not be easy to guess.

This man was unknown to anyone, but became famous after he violated the instructions.

Answer: Icarus.

This man did not violate the instructions, but died.

Answer: The stuttering skydiver couldn't count to three.

The harder you hit it in the right place, the better it will perform its function.

Answer: nail.

The pet store seller told the customer that the bird was a rare species and repeated everything it heard. Two weeks later, the woman returned the bird because it did not say a word. The seller didn't lie.

Answer: the bird is deaf.

Detective "Danettes"

Detective "Danettes" with answers is a special genre in the game. It is very close to the popular Murder Dinner and Live Quest that are popular today. Players will have to solve a cunning crime.

A murder has been committed. The judge examined all the evidence and found the culprit. However, when making the decision, he stated that he could not put an innocent person in prison, and made a decision of acquittal. Why did he do this?

Answer: The killer was one of the Siamese twins.

Do you want to play Danetki? Detective stories with answers can be challenging for beginners.

A man was found shot to death in his own office. He was lying on the table, in one hand there was a revolver, next to the other lay an old voice recorder. The police played the tape and heard “I don’t want to live anymore,” and then the sound of a gunshot. Law enforcement officials immediately realized that it was a murder. Why?

Answer: the tape was at the beginning of the recording and contained the sound of a gunshot, but the deceased could not rewind it.

For the first games, "Danetka" with answers about poisoning is suitable. The girl came to the party, drank some punch, and left early. Then she learned that all the partygoers who drank the punch were poisoned. Why did the girl survive?

Answer. The ice that was put in the punch was poisoned. The girl drank the punch when the ice had not yet melted, and then left. Those who drank it later, after the ice had melted, were poisoned.

“Danetka” with answers about a murder on the street is very interesting. A man was walking calmly down the street when he suddenly attacked a woman passing by and strangled her. He visited the police, but was released. Why?

Answer: the woman was his wife. Several years ago, she faked her death so that her husband would be blamed. He was convicted of murder and has already served time in prison. And they cannot be convicted twice for the same murder.

Scary "Danettes"

"Danettes" - detective stories with answers - can tickle your nerves.

The parents forbade the little girl to open the attic door, otherwise she would see what she was forbidden to see. One day she disobeyed, opened the door and really saw something she had never seen. What was that?

Answer: the girl saw the living room and the garden outside the windows. She never saw this because she spent her whole life in the attic.

The man woke up, lit a match and died from What scared him so much?

Answer: a man was in prison and made an escape plan. The easiest way was to escape by hiding in a coffin with the deceased. He paid a funeral director to help a prisoner escape. The plan was this: when someone died, the prisoner would sneak to the coffin at night, hide in it next to the deceased and bury him in the ground. And the undertaker will come and dig him up. Having learned that there would soon be a funeral in prison, the prisoner hid in the coffin under the cover of darkness and fell asleep. He woke up already underground. I lit a match and saw the face of the dead man. This was the person who was supposed to dig it up.

A man found a box in the attic, looked into it and died of fright. What scared him?

Answer: a man found a box in his wife’s hiding place with 4 glass eyes attached. Below each of them was written the name and date of death. All these men were ex-husbands his newly-made wife and died shortly after the wedding. The man also had an artificial eye.

Mysterious "Danettes"

The man got up at night to drink water. He turned off the lights everywhere and went to bed. In the morning he got up, looked out of the window and screamed. After which he committed suicide. Why?

Answer: The man worked as a caretaker. By mistake, he turned off the light at the lighthouse at night, which caused several ships to crash on the reefs. In the morning he saw what he had done.

The man was traveling by train from Switzerland. If he had been in a non-smoking carriage, he would have died. Explain the situation.

Answer: a man was traveling after a complex eye operation. When the train entered the tunnel, he thought he was blind again and was about to shoot himself. He had already taken out his revolver when he saw the light of a cigarette.

Newspaper article: “Tragic death in the mountains.” The photo shows a married couple; the article offers condolences to the husband of the deceased. A man came to the police and reported some information; the husband of the deceased was accused of her murder. Who was this man and what did he say?

Answer. A travel agent came to the police and reported that the husband had bought two tickets to the mountains and only one return ticket.

An anonymous person called the police and said that they should ask how John K was doing. When the squad arrived at his home, they found the owner’s body with serious injuries, but the apartment was in order, there were no signs of a break-in. What happened to John K. and who called the police?

Answer: a truck driver hit a passerby at night, found out his address from his documents and took him home. Then he called the police.

"Danetki" on logic

"Danetka" with answers can be quite strange, but most often the riddles are logical.

A man was walking along an unfamiliar road. At the intersection, he discovered that the signpost had fallen. He put it in its place and continued on the right path. How did he manage to understand how to install the signs correctly?

Answer: the man knew which city he came from. Accordingly, by installing the pillar so that the desired sign pointed to his city, he gave the correct position to everyone else.

The inspector came to check the school. He noticed that when the teacher asked the class a question, all the students would raise their hand, no matter how difficult it was. The teacher chose new students each time, and they all gave the correct answers. The inspector realized that there was some kind of trick here. Which?

Answer: The teacher said that when he asks a question, everyone should raise their hand. But those who know the answer to the question raise their left hand, and those who don’t know, raise their right hand.

Do you like "Danettes" with answers, funny stories? This riddle is one of the best. Exam at a military school. One of the students took a ticket and began to prepare for the answer, but after a few minutes he approached the teacher, without saying a word, gave him a record book and left the exam with an excellent grade. What is the reason for this action?

Answer: exam The teacher tapped his pen on the table and gave a message that anyone could come up now and get a grade.

A very punctual man who suffers from deafness, he strictly adhered to his schedule. Every morning he left the house at 7:45 to go for a short half-hour walk. At the same time he crossed the railway tracks. The first train went through them only at 9:00. But one day a deaf man was hit by a train while walking. What has changed?

Answer: That night the time was switched to daylight saving. The man did not change his watch, left the house an hour later and crossed the crossing not at 8:00 but at 9:00.

Funny "Danettes"

"Danettes" with funny answers usually do not involve murders or any scary stories, they can be played with children.

The lights have been on all day long in the house for three days now. Why?

Answer: the wife was away for a long time, and the husband, before her return, increases the electricity meter as if he were at home in the evenings.

Within a day, all the salt in the city was sold out. The cadets of the local military academy are to blame for this. Why?

Answer: the cadets received the task of removing snow. They decided to make it with salt, went to the store and bought 10 packs each. Pensioners saw that the military was stocking up on salt and created panic among the population.

The man was simply furious when he discovered that he could hear better without a hearing aid than with one. He went to complain to his doctor, who prescribed the device, but the doctor, after listening to the patient, became even more furious. Why?

Answer: The patient wore a hearing aid on his good ear.


Difficulty levels 1-10 (in order of increasing difficulty).

* A situation that can be resolved without asking questions.

© Joke situation (a situation whose answer does not correspond to the question posed).

One of the best situations.


Travel and adventure

Vasya the traveler.(2*) Vasya does not have a passport, but yesterday he managed to visit the territory of nine different states.

Vasya works as a courier. He distributes documents to embassies (the territory of the embassy belongs to the country that this embassy represents).

Amazons.(4!) The traveler was captured by the Amazons. They decided to kill him, but promised to fulfill his last wish. How did the traveler escape?

The traveler asked to be killed by the most beautiful Amazon. Deciding which of them was more beautiful, the Amazons fought and killed each other.

Antarctica.(4) He walks naked through Antarctica and doesn’t freeze.

Naked is a surname.

Fight for gold.(8!) Six people are running. Suddenly the first of them shoots five times and shouts: “You won’t see any gold!”

Biathlon World Championships. The one who ran first, shot at the targets and never missed, and therefore hopes for a gold medal.

Cyclist and pedestrian.(2) A cyclist and a pedestrian left the city N at the same time. They arrived in city M at the same time.

Two friends decided to travel, but between them they only had one bike. Therefore, to be fair, the cyclist rode halfway, abandoned the bike and walked. When the pedestrian reached the bicycle, he sat on it and rode off. Therefore, they arrived in the city of M. at the same time.

Ship.(4) Mr. Smith decided to sail around the world. A few hours before departure, a servant came to him and reported that he had a dream about a shipwreck. Mr. Smith postponed the trip. The ship really sank. Mr. Smith thanked the servant and dismissed him.

The servant worked as a night watchman and was guilty of falling asleep at his post.

Tunnel.(1*) One day on June 13, at exactly 2 o’clock, 2 trains entered the tunnel. At 2:15 am the trains left the tunnel - and no disaster occurred.

One train entered the tunnel at two o'clock in the afternoon, and the other at two o'clock in the morning.

Treasure Island.(8!) The pirate brigantine moored to treasure island. But before the pirates had time to land on shore, One-Eyed Bill became the owner of the treasure. How did he do it?

The pirates made an agreement that the treasure would be received by the one whose hand touched the island first. One-Eyed Bill cut off his hand and threw it onto the island.

Life stories

Performance.(5) He did not violate the instructions and died.

Fainting.(4) A man entered an empty room and fainted.

This man is a dwarf. Someone decided to play a trick on him and sawed off the legs of the furniture.

Tricky friend.(5) He died after a long separation from his friend because he did not know what his friend’s head was now full of.

He is the prophetic Oleg, his friend is his horse, in whose head after death a snake settled.

Violator of instructions.(3) He was unknown. But then he violated the instructions and became famous.

We are talking about Icarus.

Hearing deception.(2) Mr. Smith was furious when, after 10 years, he discovered that he could hear better without a hearing aid. But when he came to the doctor, he became even more furious.

Mr. Smith wore a hearing aid on his good ear.

Vain.(3*) Out of vanity she lost food.

Crow from Krylov's fable “The Crow and the Fox.”

Crime Chronicles

Jewelry store robbery.(5*) Harry decided to rob jewelry store. The store is located on a narrow street where parking is prohibited. Therefore, Harry cannot use the car. But if he comes on foot, he will definitely be caught by a police patrol. What did Harry do?

Harry arrived on a motorcycle and dragged him inside the store.

An incident at the post office.(5!) A man received a package containing a dead mouse. He went to the police, and the sender of the package was arrested for fraud.

The sender of the package hoped that the mouse would chew through the packaging and he could blame the post office for the loss of the valuable cargo.

Scammer.(3) One person sent a remedy for seasickness for money. He was arrested for fraud, although the remedy helped.

In exchange for money, he sent a piece of paper with the inscription “Stay at home.”

An incident in the mountains.(5!) Two friends went to the mountains. One of them died there. It all looked like an accident, but someone was found who proved it was murder.

This man is a ticket seller from whom the killer purchased one return ticket in advance.

Murder.(5!) People are coming. After some time, they surround the one who walked in front and kill him.

This is Ivan Susanin and the Polish army.

Sudden death

She.(1) She went and was eaten.

She is a checker.

Death in the dark.(2*!) The lights went out. There was a ringing sound. When the light was turned on, 3 corpses were discovered.

They broke the aquarium. Fish corpses.

Death of Jacqueline.(5!) When Jacques came home, Jacqueline was already asleep. Jacques also went to bed. At night he felt thirsty. He quenched his thirst and fell asleep again. And in the morning Jacques saw that Jacqueline was dead.

Jacqueline is a fish. Jacques drank all the water from the aquarium.

Road accident

Road accident.(1) Fifty-one vegetarians were injured in road accidents.

A vegetarian driver carrying fifty rabbits was involved in an accident.

Car accident.(4*!) Father and son were in a car accident. The son was pulled out first, taken to the hospital, and put in a separate room. The doctor comes in and exclaims in horror: “Lord, this is Peter, my son!”

The doctor is the boy's mother.

Truck.(1*) A truck was passing along the road. His headlights were off and there was no moon in the sky. At that moment, a young woman was crossing the road, but the truck did not run over her.

It was day.

Lady and policeman.(1*) The lady did not have a driver’s license with her, she turned onto the road, although there was a sign: “The passage is closed” and then stopped under a sign: “Parking is prohibited.” The policeman saw this and smiled at her.

The lady was walking.

Taxi.(2*) An elderly lady got into a taxi. The taxi driver decided to pretend to be deaf so that she would not bother him with conversations. But when they arrived, the woman said: “Never lie, young man.” How did she guess that the taxi driver was not deaf?

The taxi driver arrived at the address the lady gave.

A resourceful solution

The right team.(4*) Abraham Lincoln conducted demonstration exercises and found himself in an awkward situation. There was a narrow gate in the path of the soldiers' formation, and Lincoln forgot which command to change the formation. And yet he found a way out.

Lincoln commanded: “Company disbands for 2 minutes. The meeting place is outside the gate.”

See Paris.(5) One poor French writer had a dream of seeing Paris. And before his death, he managed to fulfill this dream with the help of one empty envelope.

The writer came to the police, showed the envelope, said: “Poison for the Queen,” and he was immediately taken to a Paris prison.

Studio.(2) There are three studios on the same street. On the first there is a sign: “The best atelier in the country”, on the second: “The best atelier in the world.” But the modest advertising of the third studio is driving customers away from the first two.

Advertisement for the third atelier - “The best atelier on this street.”

Fight for the kingdom.(7!) One king had two sons. He said that he would leave the kingdom to one of them who fulfilled one condition. For three days, having saddled their horses, the princes stood on the border of the kingdom, without moving. It seemed that they would die of hunger, but none could win. But then a wise old man approached the brothers and gave advice that allowed the princes to quickly resolve the dispute. Explain the situation.

According to the king's condition, the kingdom was given to the one whose horse later galloped into the castle. The wise old man suggested that the princes exchange horses.

Pebbles. (7!) In one kingdom, a soldier and a princess fell in love with each other. When the king found out about this, he ordered the soldier to be executed. But in this state there was a custom - the convicted person decided his own fate. He was offered a jug with two pebbles, and if the convict pulled out a black stone, he was executed, while a white one was released. But the king did not want the soldier to survive, and ordered two black stones to be placed in the jug. The princess found out about this and told the soldier everything. But he replied that now it is even easier for him to stay alive. What did he come up with?

The soldier took out one pebble and quickly ate it. To the puzzled judges, he suggested checking the second pebble. And since the second pebble was black, they had to admit that the soldier pulled out a white one and let him go.

Lion and beauty. (6!) The king's best servant violated the order. “You have done a great deal,” said the king, “but I remember your previous merits. Let God judge us. There are two doors in front of you. Behind one is a lion, behind the other is a beauty. If you end up with a lion, it means you deserve to die; if you end up with a beauty, we’ll have a wedding and you’ll be forgiven.” The servant did not want to die, but he could not marry the beauty, since he already had a lover. And yet he got out of this situation.

The servant opened two doors at the same time, and the lion ate the beauty.

Boat. (1*) Two people approached the river at the same time. And, although there was only a single-seater boat on the shore and there was no one else nearby, they safely crossed to the opposite shore.

They approached different banks of the river.

Wise Judge. (4) Two women and a child were brought before the judge. Each of them claimed that she was his mother. What did the judge do?

The judge suggested that the women draw a line on the ground, place the child on it and pull him by the hands to their half. The child's real mother was afraid for his health and gave in. Then the judge gave the child to her.

A resourceful robber.(4!) Harry came to rob the bank. He left the car against the wall of the opposite building. When Harry ran out of the bank, he saw that a truck had stopped to the left of the car, blocking the left door, and the wall was preventing the right door from opening. Harry only has 30 seconds before the police arrive, and yet he manages to escape.

Harry had a car without a top.

Hunter. (3) One old hunter became deaf. In the taiga this is certain death. In order for the dog to detect the animal, it must be released, but a deaf person will not hear the dog barking. What should a hunter do?

The hunter got a second dog. The first looks for prey, the second brings the hunter to the first bark.

Broken vase. (8!) Poor Jacques had an old rich uncle. Jacques really hoped that his uncle would make him the only heir, and tried in every way to win the old man’s favor. My uncle collected Venetian porcelain. One day, passing by an antique store, Jacques saw the seller break a beautiful and very expensive vase. “So lucky!” - Jacques thought and asked the surprised seller to sell the fragments. Arriving at his uncle, he shouted from the doorway: “Dear uncle, I brought you a modest gift for 20 thousand francs as a token of my love and affection.” But when his uncle entered the room, Jacques dropped the package as if by accident. And suddenly he realized that his plan had collapsed. A minute later, an angry old man kicked Jacques out of the house.

In the store, Jacques wrapped each fragment in separate sheet paper.

Alexandria Lighthouse. (6!) The emperor ordered his name to be carved on the Alexandria lighthouse as a souvenir for his descendants. The lighthouse builder granted his wish, but kept his own name on the lighthouse for centuries.

The lighthouse builder wrote the emperor's name on the mortar. When the mortar crumbled over time, the name of the builder carved in the stone appeared.


At the zoo. (3) Petya, what did you see at the zoo? I saw a lilac elephant, a giraffe that sees at night as well as during the day, and a hippopotamus that jumps higher than St. Isaac's Cathedral. And Petya speaks the truth.

The elephant is the color of lilac (meaning flowers), i.e. white. The giraffe is blind. But St. Isaac's Cathedral does not jump.

Boy and horse. (6) The boy approached the cab driver and said: “Your horse won’t go any further.”

The boy had never seen horses. While watching the strange vehicle, he noticed something leaking out of it and decided that it was gasoline leaking out.

Hairdresser. (2*) Hairdresser to a visitor: “So you’re not from around here? I love cutting hair for strangers. It’s better for me to cut two strangers’ hair than one local resident...”

Because it’s more profitable to cut two people’s hair than one.

Bird. (3*!) “This rare bird repeats every word it hears,” said the seller. A week later, the buyer returned the bird to the store, accusing the seller of lying. And the seller was telling the truth. How can this be?

The bird is deaf.

Student and professor. (2) The student asked the professor a question. The next day the professor shaved.

The student asked where the professor puts his beard - on the blanket or under it. The professor became lost in thought and could not sleep all night - no matter how he put his beard, it always bothered him. So the professor shaved.

Telephone. (6!) A man sits at home. The phone is ringing. He picks up the phone, says “Yes,” and hangs up. Then the phone rings again. He says “No” and hangs up. This is repeated several times. The phone rings again. He listens to what they tell him and exclaims: “Finally!”

Game in a situation on the phone.

Points. (5!) The teacher drew several dots on a piece of paper. She called Petya and asked how many dots he saw. “Five,” answered Petya. “That’s right,” said the teacher. Then she called Vova and asked him the same question. “Five points,” Vova answered. “Wrong,” said the teacher.

The teacher drew five dots on one side of the sheet and six on the other. Showing the sheet to Vova, she turned it over.

Small and big secrets

Magic book. (6!) A man came to the professor of black and white magic and offered to buy a magic book. “Anyone who begins to read it disappears,” the visitor said in a mysterious voice. “Where is this book?” - asked the professor. The visitor replied that he had left the book with the secretary. The professor went into the reception room and saw that the door was locked from the inside, there was an open book on the table, and there was no secretary.

The charlatan secretary disguised himself as a visitor. And no magic.

The secret of the castle.(5) Every night a man walks around an ancient castle and scatters stones.

This man is the keeper of the castle. It prevents the castle from being plundered by tourists trying to take something as a souvenir.

Yacht. (3) A yacht was found in the ocean. No people were found on board the yacht.

The yacht's crew decided to swim, but when they jumped into the water, the yacht's draft decreased and people were unable to get on board.

Mystery purchase. (2) A grandmother and her little granddaughter are walking around the store. Suddenly they see it. "Funny!" - exclaims the granddaughter. “Terrible,” sighs the grandmother. And they make a purchase.

They bought a mirror.

Horse. (1*) Clear Spirit - a thoroughbred horse, champion of national horse racing. The length of his leash is 10 m. The distance to the haystack is 15 m, but the Clear Spirit ate all the hay.

The horse was not tied.

Loneliness. (5) One person lived alone for 2 months. One night he turned off the light and left the house. No one ever saw him again. But through his fault many people died.

The man was a lighthouse keeper. Something happened to his replacement. The man got tired of waiting and left. As a result, the lighthouse was abandoned, the signal fire went out, and many ships crashed and sank.

Funeral. (5) One person died. He was poor, he had no relatives, but he was buried as a minister.

The corpses were mixed up in the morgue.

grave. (3) A man stands over the grave and cries.

This man is a priest who cries over the grave of his dog, whom he loved, but she ate a piece of meat and he killed her, buried her in the ground and wrote on a stone...

Hard work

Race. (1*) Bruce won the race, but did not receive a cash prize.

Bruce is a horse, and his owner received the prize.

Dangerous haircut(4). A situation where a visit to a hairdresser caused a work-related injury.

The hairdresser's visitor worked as a beekeeper. At the hairdresser he was sprayed with cologne, the bees did not recognize him and bit him.

"The Path Less Traveled"(2*) The writer put an end to it. The novel "The Path Less Traveled" was completed. Suddenly the writer grabbed the manuscript, and “The Less Traveled Path” was gone.

The writer renamed the novel.

Barbed wire. (6!) In a room, a man sits on the floor and tears off thorns from the barbed wire.

A man wonders, tearing off thorns: “He loves, he doesn’t love, he loves...”

Trouble. (5!) Climbing to the roof of the house, two workers call the apartments on each floor. After 2 hours, going downstairs, they again call all the apartments.

Workers carry a long ladder that cannot be turned around in a narrow flight of stairs. Therefore, on each floor, in order to go further, they bring the end of the stairs into the apartment and turn around.

An incident at an enterprise.(6*) Technician Petrov was given the task of marking the path from the main building to the entrance. He put marks with white paint every 5 m. Having reached the entrance and leaving the territory of the enterprise, Petrov continues to mark the road. Why?

This is how technician Petrov takes out the paint.

Mysterious house.(4) The burglar broke into the house. And although there were no people in the house, he froze in fear in the middle of the room with his hands raised.

There was a parrot in the house who shouted: “Hands up!”

Ink. (4) One responsible official always poured sugar into ink.

He hoped that in the archive the sweet ink would be eaten by cockroaches and he would not have to bear responsibility for his signature.


Blood. (2*) Human blood stains were found on the ceiling of the room.

Killed several mosquitoes.

Man on fire.(4) Fire. Firefighters are nearby, but do not extinguish the flames. A man walks into a burning building and no one stops him.

Testing of fire equipment (by the firefighters themselves).

Shot. (3) They shot and the body fell.

Piglet shot at the ball and Winnie the Pooh's body fell.

Normal and abnormal.(5!) The crazy man was walking along the shore. The normal one was drowning in the river. The abnormal one saved the normal one. The normal one was alive, but then he died.

The abnormal one hung the normal one on a tree to dry, and he suffocated.

Dormitory. (4) Dinner at the hostel. The lights went out. When the lights were turned on, student Vasya had blood all over his hands.

The last sausage was left on the plate. When the lights went out, all the students reached for the sausage with their forks, and Vasya with his hands.

Desert. (9!) The corpse of a man was found in the desert. He has practically no clothes on, and in his hand he clutches a burnt match.

Several people traveled in a hot air balloon. As they flew over the desert, the ball began to fall rapidly. They threw away all the things, but it didn't help. Then they decided to throw out one of the passengers. They drew lots, and the one who got the burnt match jumped from the ball and crashed.

Indifferent. (2) Two people entered the room, saw the killer, his bloody victim, exchanged opinions and calmly left.

The scene is an art gallery. Visitors looked at a painting in which Ivan the Terrible kills his son.


Give me the ticket!(2) A man jumps out of the tram and quickly runs away. Another person shouts after him: “Take everything, just give me the ticket!”

The runner is a thief who stole a wallet. The owner of the wallet shouts after him. The wallet contains a lottery ticket for winning a car.

Cutlet. (3) Sparrow sat on a cutlet that someone had forgotten on the bench. Suddenly three homeless people came and drove him away. The homeless people noticed the cutlet, but although they were hungry, they did not eat it.

Sparrow is a person's surname.

Hit. (3) The man received a blow to the eye and was very happy.

He was hit by a wallet with money that fell from the window of a passing train.

Cowboy. (6*!) A cowboy runs into the bar and signs for a drink. The bartender pulls out his Colt and knocks the cowboy's hat off with a shot. The cowboy thanks him and leaves.

The cowboy was tormented by hiccups, and the bartender knew that fright was the best remedy for it.

Room. (3!) There is a man standing in the center of the room.

This man varnished the floor incorrectly. As a result, when the work was finished, he remained in the center of the room and could not leave without ruining his work.

Night. (5!) Night. The man wakes up. Calls on the phone. After waiting for an answer, he hangs up. Lies down. Falls asleep.

He called a neighbor who was snoring. The neighbor woke up from the call and stopped snoring, and the man fell asleep peacefully.

Strange man.(4*!) One person lived on the 10th floor. Every time he returned from work, he took the elevator to the 8th floor and then walked. Why?

This man is very short and does not reach the tenth floor button.


Princess's marriage.(5©!) In one kingdom there lived a beautiful princess. She announced that she would marry only the smartest, the most beautiful and the most strong man. The Count of Ensky was neither the smartest, nor the most beautiful, nor the strongest, and yet he married the princess.

The princess just fell in love with the count.

Shop. (1©) A man comes into the store and asks to cut the sausage not lengthwise, but crosswise. "Are you a fireman?" - asks the saleswoman. “Yes,” he replies.

The man was in a fireman's uniform, and the sausage had nothing to do with it.

Sheep. (5©) Why do black sheep eat less grass than white sheep?

Because there are fewer black sheep than white sheep.

Shipwrecked.(4©) A shipwrecked man was adrift on an inflatable raft in the open ocean for three months. The only thing he had was a radio, and yet he survived.

The man ate ducks and noodles, which abounded in radio broadcasts.

Old ladies. (3©) Three old women are walking on the ice, and the third is the most contented. What is she happy about?

Old ladies fall. Of the first two, “sand is falling” and the third is not so slippery to walk on.

By the river.(5©) There is a sofa on the river bank. There is a herring on it. And nearby in the bushes a man sits and waits.

There are bedbugs living in the sofa. A man waits for the bedbugs to eat the herring and go drinking so he can take away the sofa.

Turtles. (7*©!) Three turtles are crawling. The first turtle says: “Two turtles are crawling behind me.” The second turtle says: “One turtle is crawling behind me and one turtle is crawling in front of me.” The third turtle says: “Two turtles are crawling behind me and two turtles are crawling in front of me.”

It's just that the third turtle is cheating.

Miracle. (3*©) Professor Quible became famous for his amazing experience. He would place a bottle in the middle of the room and then crawl into it.

Professor Quible crawled into the room.

Egg. (2©) Vasya threw the egg. It flew 3 m and did not break.

The egg flew 5 m (and broke).


Supermarket. (5!) A woman is walking through the supermarket. She carefully examines the goods and places some on her cart. Then he walks past the cash register and doesn’t pay anything.

The woman is a supermarket worker. She selects products that have passed their expiration date.

Book. (2*) One evening my uncle was reading a book. The aunt absent-mindedly turned off the light, but the book was so interesting that the uncle read it to the end.

The uncle was blind and read a special book using the Braille method.

Snake. (3) The river boat sank because of the snake.

The passengers, seeing the snake, all ran to the opposite side, and the ship capsized.

An unexpected meeting.(1*) I came across her by accident. I tried to catch her, but she went further and further. So I brought it home in my hand.


At the theater.(3!) Yesterday my wife was at the theater. It was a very boring play. In the second act, my wife couldn’t stand it and left. After her departure, a terrible scandal broke out.

The narrator's wife is an actress.

Rain. (5!) Five men were moving along the road. It started to rain. Four walked faster, but the fifth did not quicken his pace. But four got wet, and the fifth didn’t.

Four men carried the coffin with the deceased.

Mysterious objects.(2) Five pieces of coal, a carrot and a scarf are lying on the lawn. Nobody put them there, but there is a logical explanation for why they are there.

Previously, these were parts of a snowman, which then melted.

Boy. (5!) The boy rings the doorbell. They open it for him. He says “thank you” and leaves.

The boy's baby tooth was loose. He tied it to the door with a thread, rang the bell, and the tooth was pulled out.

Metro. (2) Metro. A man asks something from a girl sitting next to him. She answers in surprise. He runs out... not at his stop. Why?

The man asked: “Taganskaya?”, referring to the metro station. And the girl’s last name was Taganskaya, so she said: “Yes,” and the man got off at a different station.

A required item.(3*) Everyone needs this. But he doesn’t buy it himself. And he would be upset if they gave it to him.

This item is a coffin.

Train whistle.(2) A man walks along the rails. Suddenly he hears the whistle of an approaching train. He runs 3 m towards the train, and then turns off.

The man was walking through the tunnel.

The shortest situation.(3) There is a newspaper lying down.

The newspaper covers the sewer hatch. And in the hatch sits a man who, carried away by the newspaper, did not notice that the hatch was open and fell into it.

Light. (1*) Last week I turned off the light and managed to get to bed before the room went dark.

When he went to bed, it was still light outside.

The hard way.(2) A person rises and falls. It rises again and falls again. Once again, again. And finally it comes.

A man learns to walk on his hands.

Dark room.(4) A man is sneaking around a dark room. Suddenly a whistle is heard and a bright light flashes.

This man is an actor. A scene from a film is being filmed. The whistle means the end of filming.

Blind. (3!) The blind man is walking, carrying a lamp. For what?

The blind man carries a lighted lamp so that the sighted ones do not knock him down.

Stone. (5!) In one city there was a huge stone lying in the square. The English master offered to take it out and asked for 10 thousand rubles for the work. A German master offered to crush the stone into pieces, asking for 5 thousand rubles for the work, and a Russian man removed the stone for only 100 rubles.

The man dug a huge hole next to the stone and pushed the stone into it.

Butcher and oil worker.(7!) A butcher and an oil worker came to the wise judge. The butcher holds a wallet with money in his hand, and the oil worker holds his hand. Each claims that the money belongs to them, and the other tried to steal it. The judge took the wallet and told them to come back in a day. When the butcher and the oiler came to the judge again, he gave the wallet to the butcher, and ordered the oiler to be punished. Why?

The judge put the wallet in water for a day. Since no oil floated to the surface of the water, he realized that the money could not belong to the oil man.

The merchant and the cripple.(6!) A merchant was traveling to the city. I met a cripple and gave him alms. The cripple asked to be taken to the city. The merchant put the cripple behind him on the horse, and they rode off. When we arrived in the city, the cripple did not want to get off his horse and declared that it belonged to him. They went to the judge. The judge ordered their horse to be taken away and asked the merchant and the cripple if they could recognize their horse among the others. Both answered in the affirmative. However, after conducting this test, the wise judge gave the horse to the merchant and punished the cripple. How did he know?

Both the merchant and the cripple recognized the horse. However, the horse recognized the merchant and turned to him, but retreated from the cripple.