Dumb questions for friends. Questions that interest people of all times. Why do identical twins have different fingerprints?

Hello, dear readers! “Interesting questions and answers” ​​- this information will interest you. A successful person never stops there, continuing to read educational literature and never tires of asking questions: why? Why?

Curiosity makes our life more interesting. Just don't say that you know everything. Our knowledge is a grain of sand in the ocean of science and art. Ask yourself interesting questions every day and you will find equally interesting answers. The article contains interesting questions and answers for you.

Sometimes finding a topic of conversation with someone can be difficult, especially if we try to get out of the usual topics such as time, work environment or hobbies. Sometimes it's better to try to surprise someone with unexpected questions that will help you understand the person better and establish a connection that is less conventional and something more fun.

Forty Questions to Surprise and Accept Conversation Topics

Article that may interest you: “10 Interesting and Interesting Discussion Topics.” And also: “50 questions to get to know a person better.” . That's why this entire article raises 40 funny questions with which you can surprise someone.

Why do you think they gave you their name

All proper names have meaning or are derived from words related to various elements. Many people know or can research its meaning. However, it is not so often that we try to connect this meaning with the thoughts, expectations and beliefs of the people who chose it.

Various topics: interesting questions and answers

If you ask a question without an answer, then an inquisitive person will find the answer on the Internet, now there are no problems. In order not to waste your time searching for answers, interesting questions and answers are published together.

Question No. 1

  • Question No. 8

What is the Universe made of?

This is one of the biggest mysteries to be revealed in the 21st century. Ordinary matter is made up of atoms. The Universe, in turn, consists of only a few percent of this substance.

If you were a product, what would your slogan be?

While the world we live in is an important personal one, and many times we may try to see our virtues or "sell" us to jobs or potential partners, we don't usually think of ourselves as if we were a product TV show. It is for this reason that thinking about what the slogan could be if he went away can be fun, trying to synthesize our virtues so that we are the most attractive without missing the truth.

If you were making a film, what genre would it be?

This question can give us information about how to see the life of the person who answers, or how he or she would like to see it.

What did you want to be an adult when you were a child?

Remembering our childhood can be something pleasant and melancholic for many, while it was happy. Dreams and ways of thinking from childhood can be funny, including those that relate to our dream profession.

For the most part, the Universe consists of so-called cold dark matter. Such a mysterious and strange name is explained by the fact that astronomers simply have no idea what it is.

  • Question No. 9

Why is the Vatican called the Vatican?

  • Question No. 10

The indigenous people of Burma raise pigs, sell them to the Chinese, and then buy pork from them. Why do they need such unfavorable manipulations?

What would you ask about yourself in twenty years?

Uncertainty about how we will be and what we will experience for many years to come is very common among Western populations.

If you could travel in time, would you travel to the past or to the future?

Time travel is a question-begging theme when you're trying to surprise others. However, these types of questions help to understand if a person is more focused on determining how things came to be the way they are, or if they are curious about where we will end up.

What causes tingling in the limbs after numbness?

The world is not necessarily fair. There are many things we wish were not the way they are, from the transcendental to the small details. If they told you that you were immortal and that nothing you did would be punished, what would you do first? Many times we hold back our desires and impulses out of fear of consequences and social judgment. If our actions had no consequences, what would we want to do?

Buddhism forbids them to kill.

  • Question No. 11

Which island gave birth to the proverb: “Russia is the homeland of elephants”?

Solovki (under I.V. Stalin the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camps were located on it. (Abbreviation - SLON).

  • Question No. 12

In the Strait of Gibraltar there is an island that in ancient times could not be passed by when crossing. Its residents cleverly took advantage of this, charging everyone a set fee.

How will you try to seduce me?

Although it may be awkward for some people, this question can be fun for both the questioner and the questioner to be unexpected. This may also make it easier to imagine such an attempt, making it somewhat easier to break the ice if there is real interest.

If you could have dinner with any person in history, who would you choose?

Related article: 50 Phrases for Flirting and Seducing. . Knowing the person who is the reference or who interests us will give us the opportunity to find out how they were, who thought, who throughout their life or life felt such people. It also allows you to see areas that are causing concern and curiosity about the person being asked.

The name of this island is Tarif.

  • Question No. 13

Who invented email and where did the symbol come from? @

The answer is in the article

  • Question No. 14

Name the capitals of two countries: Singapore and Tunisia. Answer: Singapore and Tunisia (the capital and the country have the same name).

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Which of the five senses could you live without?

A person has different senses, with the help of which he is able to perceive the stimuli around him and adapt to the environment. Losing one of them can present serious difficulties. This question allows us to assess which aspects of life we ​​consider most necessary to perceive.

If there were no consequences to eating and drinking what you wanted, what would you eat more often?

But if the latter wasn't a problem, we could consume our favorite foods and drinks much more often. This question allows us to find out the preferences and culinary tastes of our interlocutor, being a topic of conversation that can lead to many games.

If you had ten seconds to wish, what would you ask for?

Knowing what you want is sometimes difficult, especially if you ask to formulate it in the moment and without thinking. Through this question, the subject is encouraged to think quickly and react in the most instinctive and least censorable way possible.

Why does X serve as a designation for the unknown?
XXX is present in the equations, in the title of the X-files series, and in the XXX-video films. Back in the 17th century, Rene Descartes took the first three letters of the alphabet to denote constant quantities (A, B, C) and the last three letters to denote variables (X, Y, Z). After Descartes, it so happened historically that X not only became the head of everything unknown, but was also added to words in order to emphasize the special importance or mystery of their meanings.

What superpower would you like to have?

Having the ability to perform great feats or have incredible abilities is something many children and young people have dreamed of. Asking about special skills they would like to have can serve to see what they would like to do and what they would use those skills for.

How could you check whether it was an egg or a chicken?

The point is to get the other person to think about how he can solve this paradox, trying to use logic or intuition.

What era would you like to live in?

The history of mankind is broad and, over time, experiences very different periods. Many people would be delighted by the idea of ​​being born in another time, to see what life was like in that era, or to believe that the situation was or will be better than the present in some aspects.

Do I need to change my passport if a person has undergone plastic surgery?
According to the law, one of the points providing for the replacement of a passport is a change in appearance: sudden weight loss or obesity, a radical haircut or change of hair color and plastic surgery. It’s not always possible to look like your passport photo anyway, and if, on top of everything else, you change the shape of your nose and inject silicone under your sunken cheeks, this can cause a problem with the law: you will need to carry certificates from a plastic surgery clinic. Therefore, to avoid this, it is better to change your passport.

What's the strangest dream you've ever had?

Our dreams and desires are elements that escape our conscious control and reflect aspects of our personality and psyche that we are sometimes unaware of.

Inescapable fantasy

Sometimes we have desires and fantasies that we are ashamed to tell, either in their strength or in their content. However, there is a liberating element in expressing this, which at the same time allows for a higher level of trust with the person to whom it is said.

Exposure to controlled situations causes people to be able to implement strategies and behaviors that we have tried before, knowing in many cases how they should respond. However, such strategies may not take into account some unexpected situations, such as supply.

Where does the earth go when they dig a subway?
The subway is being dug at a depth of 50-70 meters. The earth is there good quality, therefore it is used under the ground during the construction of residential areas or poured into ravines when laying roads. Digging mines is another matter. The earth at a depth of several kilometers has a high concentration of sulfuric acid and ammonia and is capable of killing all living things that come into prolonged contact with it. To wash it, artificial mounds called waste heaps are created. The land undergoes reclamation for 20-25 years, and then lives out its life in the same ravines and flower beds.

If you could lock someone up for life, who would it be?

An interesting question in which a person asked may reflect their feelings towards someone in particular, as well as why.

If a bear attacked you, what would you do to survive?

Imagining yourself in an extreme situation may seem like something funny, but it stimulates creativity and depending on the context and imagination, everyone can provide an interesting and even surprising conversation.

What's the craziest thing you've done for love?

When we fall in love, we are capable of the greatest nonsense, many of which we are quite happy with. Remembering what we can do can fill us with melancholy or a smile at what we were able to do.

Which part of your body do you like best and why?

Although this question may seem narcissistic, it helps to focus attention on an aspect of the self that the person is asking considers positive, and can contribute to increased self-esteem and awareness of one's own beauty.

Do deer, goats, and other people with antlers get headaches after fighting?
There are no concussions in horned animals after fights. Horned animals have a deep adaptation to horns. The skull is designed so that the animal does not experience pain during ritual battles for the female. Horns even help rams and mountain goats move: when jumping, they push off the walls with their horns, thus turning their body. Another thing is a simple headache. It happens in any animal, but it is not related to the structure of the skull.

How would you dare someone?

Making someone funny tends to be a bit of fun, leaving a feeling of well-being when that laughter is intentionally provoked or creates well-being not caused by humiliation or annoyance. Imagine making someone laugh, especially if it's someone dear.

If you could trade your life with anyone, who would it be?

This question will help you understand what things and aspects of your life have made a difference to the person you are being asked about, as well as the person you admire, and what elements of that person make you worthy of respect. Money is an element that, while not giving happiness, helps to have quiet life, where you don't have to worry about basic needs. Although this is a very typical question, it can make us think about what we would like and would hope to achieve if we were not limited by aspects such as economic ones.

Is it possible to determine the gender of the interlocutor by the placement of words in a sentence?
Now I’ll tell you what to do in a situation where even the location of the stars does not help to identify the gender of your interlocutor. Men usually appeal to logic and facts when reasoning, while women prefer to support their thoughts with arguments based on emotions and their own intuition. That is, women are characterized by full, complete sentences, often stuffed with emotional adjectives (fantastic, extraordinary) and interjections (wow!, ah). Men prefer to use more verbs and nouns. And one more thing. If she hadn’t described her dress, you would probably have said that it was gray, not blue-beige, interspersed with pale spots. When describing a color, the girl pays attention to the shade and other details. To be sure, start a conversation on a narrow topic: men are prone to neologisms, inventing nicknames and labeling. especially when they can't remember the name of that damn thing. I hope my answer to this question helped you, for example, when you communicate via ICQ or doubt the veracity of your profile data on Facebook.

What animal would you like to be and why?

The fauna and flora of our planet interested us from the very beginning, observing various types and their characteristics. Over the centuries, we have symbolized certain values, virtues, and flaws in these animals.

If you called yourself what would it be

Each of us has a name that he received from his parents, relatives or guardians. This name is usually not chosen by the person himself. We don't usually worry about this. But what would happen if we had to say this name? What will we choose and based on what will we do?

Will I survive jumping from a plane into the ocean, flying at an altitude of 1000 meters?
You have no chance to survive. You will enter the water at a speed of 200 km/h and simply crash into the waves. Surely you experienced pain when you jumped into the water with your stomach down. So, the larger the area and the higher the speed of the fall, the stronger the impact. However, if we are talking about 200 km/h, even the fact that he will enter the water like a soldier will not save you. By the way, when wakeboarders fall off the rope and fall, while the athletes fly through the waves as if on asphalt, impressive abrasions remain on their bodies.

Which publication would you describe?

Imagining that the cover of something can help us understand what you want or what aspects of your personality you believe or want to acknowledge. Imagining the nakedness of someone we are attracted to, or imagining someone we are not attracted to when he came into the world can lead to lengthy conversations, more or less pleasant. A question that may be awkward, but whose answer may be interesting to listen to.

What's the most embarrassing thing you've caught?

This may interest you: “25 Awkward Questions That May Stump You.” We all have few secrets or things that would embarrass us, that others have seen us, and that at some point they have caught us. Although it may be awkward to admit, it helps to learn more about the person while it is an interesting and enjoyable topic of conversation.

Why do people suffering from amnesia not forget their language and are able to speak?
Speech formation occurs in humans up to 6 years of age. Thus, the speech skill forms the core of the personality and is reliably protected: the areas responsible for it are located deep, at the base of the parietal lobe of the brain. In addition, when it comes to speech, the two hemispheres are capable of duplicating each other in the event of serious injury. If one hemisphere suffers, then the second takes on vital functions, including speech. Memory is located almost on the very surface of the cortex, it is less protected, and therefore turns off during amnesia. Now doctors can save a patient's brain. True, the patient usually remembers not who he is and what his name is, but some nonsense.

If I tie my hands and apply current to the bar, will I do more pull-ups?
If you think that the muscles should contract due to the current, then, alas, this is not possible. A simple pull-up involves at least thirty muscles. If current is applied to each of them separately, then a person (theoretically) will be able to do pull-ups several times, and then either lose consciousness or experience clinical death, depending on the strength of the electric shock. However, isolating each muscle and attaching electrodes to it will be problematic. And if you simply apply current to the crossbar, then all muscles, including antagonists, will contract. So the person will just hang there, twitching slightly, until he dies.

There are cranking bears, and maybe cranking hedgehogs, are they dangerous?
The friendship between a bear cub and a hedgehog suffering from insomnia, brilliantly shown by Norshtein in the film “Hedgehog in the Fog,” turns out to have a scientific basis. Hedgehogs can be rogues, that is, they suffer from winter insomnia and wander through the forest in search of food. Most often, a united and hungry army of connecting rod hedgehogs, moving needle to needle, invades bears’ dens or, say, sheds and there, as a rule, falls asleep, having cleaned out other people’s food supplies. The bear or the owner of the barn remains, thank God, untouched. Of course, unlike bears, hedgehogs do not adapt well to weather changes: if severe frosts suddenly catch nomads, then their chances of survival are zero.

What to do with your eyes so that you can see in the dark like a cat?
It must be admitted that not a single cat will willingly agree to give up her eyes for a transplant. There are no other ways. The fact is that in the retina of the human eye there are two types of visual formations. Some, called cones, perceive the shape and color of objects. Others, the rods, also called the twilight vision apparatus, distinguish between light and shadow. So, the rods contain visual purple (rhodopsin), which decomposes in light. As soon as we are enveloped in darkness, rhodopsin begins to accumulate and increases the light sensitivity of the eye. The retina of nocturnal mammals (cats are one of them) consists primarily of rods, while diurnal animals (like humans) consist of cones. It is impossible to change the ratio of rods and cones in the human retina. If the supernatural abilities of a cat make someone jealous, incompatible with life, try eating carrots. The carotene contained in it improves night vision, affecting the rate of rhodopsin production. After a carrot diet, you can probably learn to find a black cat in a dark room, even if it is not there.

What name has become famous for centuries?
The ancient Egyptian priest Manetho assumed that we would someday ask this question. For this purpose, all his life he re-read tons of royal lists and compiled a detailed history ancient world. So, according to it, the person being sought (that is, the most ancient celebrity) is the first earthly ruler of Egypt, Menes, who lived around 3050 BC. He has many merits: the unification of the warring Upper and Lower Egypt, victories over the Libyans and the establishment of cults. In general, Menes was a great guy, and most likely would have added to the list of his merits if he had not been killed by a hippopotamus during a hunt in the 63rd year of his reign. However, it’s better this way than to sink into obscurity, like those rulers of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Cycladic lands who trampled the earth even before the appearance of Menes.

How do hedgehogs comb out fleas?
Hedgehogs never itch. Hedgehogs are one of the dirtiest animals; they are home to countless amounts of all kinds of evil spirits. But they comb it out not in the traditional way, but with the help of pesticides. No, they do not spray themselves with aerosols and do not sleep in vats of chemical plant waste. Hedgehogs periodically do so-called self-spitting - they smear their foamy saliva on their needles. Saliva has a powerful insecticidal effect, that is, it kills insects and disinfects needles in the blink of an eye. To produce saliva, animals only need to sniff an object with a strong odor, such as their bedding or another hedgehog.

There are medicines for animals. Is there one for insects?
Yes. Surprisingly, in agriculture, some insects are classified as domestic animals: bees, silkworms, for example. And it is customary to treat them both for natural diseases and for genetic diseases obtained as a result of crossings. In general, ethmologists claim that insects get sick less often than animals. Therefore, they don’t really need medicine. The insect body is capable of destroying E. coli, the causative agents of most viral infections and even cancer cells. The main scourge of wild insects is deformation of joints in older representatives (rheumatism, that is). For example, cockroaches that are 60 days old have difficulty moving on vertical surfaces. But scientists are not yet going to alleviate their difficult fate.

Why is the direction of running around the stadium always counterclockwise?
The answer is in the History of Europe by Norman Davis - this book generally rivals Pochemuchka in its entertainingness. The tradition has been preserved since the times of Hellas, where sport (artificial development) was opposed to nature (natural development). Then they decided to run against - though not the arrows, which did not exist yet, but against the movement of the shadow in the sundial. And some centuries later, athletes noticed that it was a little more comfortable to run this way.

Is it possible to light a metal stove so that it starts to melt?
A standard potbelly stove is made of iron, so to melt it, you need to bring the combustion temperature to 1539 degrees. By the way, the average burning temperature of wood (an ordinary fire) is 300-400 degrees. If you provide a constant supply of oxygen, a simple fire can be brought to the desired temperature. Well, if you have a couple of kilograms of coal lying around in your jacket pockets, you will have to blow noticeably less: the combustion temperature of coal is on average 600 degrees. However, you can get by with a cylinder of acetylene: the gas flame boasts a temperature of 3100 degrees.

Can animals such as dogs snore?
If you even have fish, you can blame your snoring on them. But it's better to get a dog. The main thing here is not to make a mistake. A dog's snoring abilities directly depend on its age and breed. People with short noses, such as bulldogs and pugs, snore in their youth and old age. This is due to the special structure of the jaw and nasopharynx. Dogs with medium noses, such as German Shepherds and Rottweilers, only begin to snore when they are old. Cats, by the way, are not far behind: they snore because their tongues become stuck. Cats and dogs are not the only animals that can snore. Almost all mammals that may have a runny nose also snore frequently and keep others awake, so cover the deer with a pillow if you have one nearby.

Is it possible, having strong arms, to break your own neck to death?
A very strong person should have enough strength. However, he can only do this in a state of severe intoxication. The fact is that humans have a very developed instinct of self-preservation, which prevents us from breaking our necks from time to time, so I can offer you some medical alcohol for courage. If a person does manage to knock out his vertebrae, then most likely he will die from shock, unless there were other diseases such as thrombocytosis. If a daredevil manages to break the fourth vertebra (it is located just above the chest, so you need to not only twist your neck to the side, but also stretch it upward), your lungs will fail and the person will simply suffocate. By the way, at the beginning of XX
centuries, many secret military personnel were taught to break their necks without arms to avoid interrogations and traffic jams. First you need to swing your body left and right. Having entered a certain rhythm, you need to sharply turn your head in the opposite direction.

What should you do if a football player on the field during a match wants to go to the toilet?
If a player has stomach problems, before the start of the match he will definitely take medications that will allow him to play. A football player, if anything happens, can ask for a replacement, or he can wait until the break. But referee Massimo Busacca on September 12, 2009, during the Qatar Championship, was probably sure that Africans are a cultured people and will turn away at the right moment. He relieved himself right in the home team's penalty area. After this he was disqualified.

Why don't people sneeze in their sleep?
Sneezing is an involuntary sharp reflex exhalation through the nose and mouth, usually resulting from irritation of the nasal mucosa. Before you understand why a person does not sneeze in his sleep, you need to understand how this sharp exhalation occurs. As soon as something sharply irritates our nose, the nerve endings send impulses to the brain. He shifts responsibility for what is happening to the pectoral muscles, after which the lungs fill with air. The openings leading from the pharynx to the mouth are closed, preventing the movement of air from the lungs into the oral cavity. Then there is a sudden strong exhalation and the person sneezes. So, during sleep nervous system is resting - therefore, there is no one to give the command to sneeze.

Why does a cow always have diarrhea, but a sheep never?
Because life is more difficult for a sheep. The difference between these animals is that cows do not save water, but sheep value every drop. In the process of evolution, the ancestors of domestic cows won for themselves the best, from the point of view of herbivores, pieces in ecosystems: plains and lowlands in warm climate zones. Sheep were forced into deserts, highlands and steppes with a harsh continental climate and poorer food. Therefore, the sheep had to rebuild their physiology in accordance with the harsh conditions external environment. For example, be less picky about food. Thus, out of 800 species of plants growing on natural pastures, cows eat only 150, while sheep eat more than 400. A sheep’s body treats the food that enters its stomach much more carefully than a cow’s, trying to extract from it as much nutrients and water as possible along the digestive tract. . After all, if a high-yielding cow drinks a quarter of her weight in water per day, then sheep cannot afford such luxury. Accordingly, the length of a sheep's intestines is approximately 30 times longer than the length of the body, while in a cow it is only 20 times longer. Therefore, cow manure contains 77% water, and sheep manure contains only 64%. Hence the difference in consistency between sheep pats and cow pats.

Does he love polar bear honey?
If a polar bear has settled in your apartment and demands foie gras with berries, know: he can really eat both him and you. Despite the fact that most bears are predators, they still remain omnivores; for example, you can send another stapler into the mouth of a tame bear. The brown bear lives in forests, so it encounters more berries and sometimes honey, and we can hardly imagine it chewing on a seal. However, even if a polar bear stumbles upon polar beekeepers who have left a jar of honey, it will happily eat both the honey and the polar explorers.

How much fat do you need to gain to become bulletproof?
If a person is shot from a 9 mm pistol from 5 meters, then about 30 cm of fat will be required to prevent the bullet from reaching vital organs. Now using Mosteller’s formula BSA (m?) = (/ 3600)?, where BSA is the surface area of ​​the human body (m?), Weight is the mass (kg) of the human body, Height is the length (height, cm) of the human body. You need to calculate the surface area of ​​your body. To obtain the mass of required fat in grams, you need to multiply the resulting body surface area in square centimeters by the thickness of the fat layer (30 cm) and the density of fat, which is 0.92. Thus, a person weighing 80 kg and height 1.80 m theoretically needs to gain 552 kg of fat in order not to be afraid of bullets.

Why are tongue twisters so difficult to speak? Is it just a matter of language?
In language - last of all. Tongue twisters are difficult not only to pronounce, but also to write. It takes the average person 1.5 times longer to deduce Sasha was walking down the highway than to write a regular phrase with the same number of letters. It's all to blame, as usual, on the brain. The alternation of similar sounds does not cause a physical failure of the speech apparatus, but a cognitive one. Simply put, a person thinks about what sounds he should make. Because of their similarity, the brain seems to get confused, and the neurons transmit incorrect impulses. Therefore, by the way, it is impossible, having mastered one tongue twister, to pronounce another one, even if similar in composition, without hesitation: neural connections have to be re-established each time. Although after regular training you can make significant progress in this creativity.