Timing for performing ultrasound during pregnancy. How many times and how are routine ultrasounds of pregnant women performed?

The decision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation determined that every pregnant woman must undergo an examination of the condition of the fetus using ultrasound diagnostics, that is, undergo an ultrasound. The purpose of this order is to prevent the birth of children with severe hereditary diseases. In this case, a woman up to 12 weeks must register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic at her place of residence.

Timing of planned ultrasound examination

The ultrasound examination is carried out as part of triple screening. To get an informative conclusion, a woman should not only get a diagnosis from a doctor, but also take a blood test on the same day. Thus, doctors receive more reliable results, supported by the results of biochemical tests.

At what time to do an ultrasound is established by order No. 457 of December 20, 2000. The study periods correspond to the trimesters of pregnancy, one for each. Each diagnosis has strictly defined goals.

Determination of gestational age

Pay attention to the fact that the so-called obstetric period appears in determining the timing of pregnancy and the conclusions of diagnosticians!

What does this mean? Doctors do not keep track of the actual gestational age; they count from the 1st day of the last menstruation, if only because the woman herself sometimes cannot say as a result of what sexual intercourse she became pregnant. The calculations include a standard menstrual cycle of 28 calendar days. At your first visit to the antenatal clinic, you need to know exactly the date of your last period. With this information, the doctor will calculate the number of weeks of pregnancy.

The actual period is clarified at all ultrasound sessions, especially in the first trimesters. During the diagnostic process, individual parts of the fetal body are measured, their length, circumference and correlated with development tables. The ultrasound method, especially in the early stages, is the most reliable indicator.

It is generally accepted that the difference between the obstetric and actual gestational age is 14 calendar days. But this is true in about 25% of cases, sometimes the difference can be 3 or 1-1.5 weeks. This is due to the peculiarities of the process of fertilization of the egg.

Goals and methods of routine ultrasound during pregnancy

Each ultrasound is done for a specific purpose; it is important that the timing of the examinations is strictly observed. In this case, the information content will be maximum.

The first is done as part of a comprehensive examination, which should identify gross chromosomal, genetic pathologies and defects in the anatomical structure of the fetus. It is performed between 11 and 14 weeks.

What is done as part of the first diagnosis of the condition of the ovum using ultrasound?

  • Reveal normal pregnancy, while excluding ectopic;
  • Determine the gestational age in weeks;
  • Detect gross heart defects of the fetus;
  • Check the presence of internal organs (liver, stomach, abdominal organs);
  • The main musculoskeletal dimensions are measured, such as BPR, KTR;
  • Analyze the placenta insertion site;
  • Measure the length of the cervix;
  • Assess the condition of the umbilical cord;
  • Analyze the risk of placental abruption;
  • Fixed if there is uterine hypertonicity;
  • Calculate the volume amniotic fluid.

To detect chromosomal abnormalities, measure:

  • Thickness of the nuchal space (TN) of the fetus;
  • The length of the child's nasal bone.

First ultrasonography- this is a source of valuable information about how the fertilized egg and the “baby place” were formed, one of the most important examinations of the early period. Information obtained up to 14 weeks based on the first ultrasound, coupled with blood tests, allows you to make decisions about continuing the pregnancy or terminating it.

Ultrasound of the first trimester allows you to avoid the birth of children with organ pathologies, such as Edwards syndrome, Down syndrome, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, as well as malformations of the cardiovascular system, neural tube and other abnormalities.

If any abnormalities in the development of the fetus are suspected based on the results of an ultrasound and blood test, the woman is referred for additional examinations.

In such cases, you need to get advice from a geneticist; it is possible to do research directly on fetal tissue or amniotic fluid, such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy.

  • The second planned ultrasound of the fetus, performed in the period from 22 to 24 weeks, is aimed at obtaining information about the development of the fetus, the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord. What actions does the doctor perform during the second planned ultrasound examination?
  • Specifies the number of fetuses in the uterus;
  • Measures the parameters and functional development of the internal organs of the fetus;
  • Corrects the duration of pregnancy;
  • Determines the gender of the unborn child;
  • Eliminates congenital malformations of the functional systems of the fetus;
  • Makes a conclusion about the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • Determines the baby's height and weight.
Not all malformations can be examined in the early period, therefore, the second ultrasound is no less important than the first. On it, doctors can see signs of diseases that are incompatible with life. In this case, you can have time to make an interruption for medical reasons.

An ultrasound examination is prescribed in the third trimester from 30 to 34 weeks. During the 3rd ultrasound procedure, they look at the same indicators as in the second trimester, only they are guided by other age norms. Considering that the due date is approaching, pay attention to the position of the baby in the uterus. The degree of aging of the placenta and the condition of the cervix are assessed.

At this time, Doppler diagnostics of the condition of the vessels of the umbilical cord, uterus and middle cerebral artery is also mandatory.

It is important to adhere to the specified time frames in weeks and not to delay the ultrasound examination. The periods are determined according to the trimesters of pregnancy, one for each. Each diagnosis has strictly defined goals.

Ultrasound examinations during pregnancy are carried out in two ways: abdominal and transvaginal. Both methods are absolutely painless and do not require special preparation. During the procedure, a superficial transducer examines the abdominal cavity, then the doctor uses another, narrower transducer, which is placed into the vagina. In this way, it is possible to examine even the smallest features of fetal development.

The article substantiates the timing of the first ultrasound during pregnancy, and also provides information about the features of this procedure and the results that can be obtained with its help.

When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy: timing and results

Having learned about pregnancy, a woman directs all her thoughts to the tiny bundle of new life in her womb.

How is he doing? Is everything okay with him? Ultrasound is a common method early diagnosis abnormalities during pregnancy.

But not everyone knows why and when it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination.

Why do an ultrasound during pregnancy?

Ultrasound results help gynecologists track the condition of the embryo in the uterus. The image on the monitor obtained using ultrasound allows you to answer many questions - from determining the timing of conception and the place of placenta attachment, to identifying possible chromosomal abnormalities at an early stage.

When is the best time to do an ultrasound after pregnancy is established?

The ultrasound diagnostic procedure must be performed already in the first trimester of gestation. However, the principle “the sooner the better” does not apply here. It is better to wait until the baby is a little older and can be clearly seen on the monitor.

Should I do it right away?

There is no need to run to the ultrasound diagnostic room immediately after a woman sees two lines on a pregnancy test. Indications for this exist only in a number of specific cases when the health of the mother and child is at risk.

For example, if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy or risk early miscarriage(in patients with a predisposition to this). The detection of a fertilized egg from the time it can be seen serves as indisputable confirmation of the very fact of pregnancy.

What week is the best time to have your first ultrasound?

As part of the first screening, ultrasound is prescribed between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy (on average, 12 weeks). An earlier or later procedure will not allow recording parameters that are key for the initial stage of pregnancy.

Who sets the dates for the first ultrasound?

A pregnant woman is referred to an ultrasound diagnostician free of charge by her attending gynecologist, based on the predetermined timing of pregnancy and current symptoms.

Preparing for the first ultrasound: is it necessary for a full bladder?

During transvaginal examination, on the day of the procedure, you should wash your genitals and empty your bowels naturally. The abdominal procedure requires preliminary adherence to a diet.

Besides, bladder in this case must be filled. Elevation of the uterus allows you to bring it closer to the device and improve the accuracy of the study.

What not to eat before the test

The diet a few days before an abdominal ultrasound should not contain foods that contribute to increased gas formation:

  • milk and products made from it;
  • cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • beans, peas;
  • radish, radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • whole grain bread and boiled cereals (except rice);
  • apples, pears;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • juice, sparkling water.

If other screening tests (blood tests) are performed simultaneously with ultrasound, the list of dietary restrictions will be expanded.

How is the ultrasound procedure performed?

To the sonologist's office expectant mother comes most often by appointment.

Ultrasound diagnostics can be carried out in a clinic, which includes an antenatal clinic, or in a specialized diagnostic center with modern equipment (for example, if there are special indications).

How long does it take

Typically, the research procedure takes up to half an hour. The duration of the process depends not only on the quality of the equipment, but also on the experience of the diagnostician. Sometimes his assistant takes dictation.

How to do it

The first ultrasound is usually performed transvaginally. The specialist inserts the device with a condom on it into the vagina. This method, of course, can cause unpleasant experiences for shy women, but it should be remembered that the child’s health is a priority. The usual method of examination (abdominal), when the device is moved over the pregnant woman’s abdomen, is less effective in the first trimester. Signals from a small fetus are “muffled” by the layers of the uterus and muscles.

What are they watching?

During an ultrasound, the doctor records indicators indicating the condition of the embryo and the conditions of its development. The number of embryos, the presence of the placenta and yolk sac are determined, and the size of the uterus and its appendages is measured. The size of the fetus from the crown to the tailbone and the diameter of the abdomen are recorded.

The bones of the arms and legs are measured and their symmetry is established. Among the internal organs, the heart, stomach and brain are primarily examined - their location and size. Key indicators that are markers of trisomy (cases of excess number of chromosomes) and other pathologies:

  • collar area size;
  • development of the neural tube, its closure;
  • visualization of the nasal bone.

The doctor is required to report in the conclusion about all detected abnormalities, for example, blood clots or detachment of membranes. Some of them are not fatal and can be corrected if doctors are informed in a timely manner.

Some additional information, for example, data on the smoothness of facial contours, indicating Down syndrome, cannot be obtained with outdated equipment.


A gynecologist interprets the ultrasound results, but in case of anxiety and doubt, a pregnant woman can independently compare the parameters indicated in the conclusion with the normative ones (although only a specialist can give an accurate assessment of this information).

The coccygeal-parietal size is designated by the abbreviation KTP. Its normative indicators differ at different times:

  1. At the beginning of the 10th week, the CTE is 3-4 mm.
  2. At week 11 – from 4.2 to 5 mm.
  3. Week 12 – CTE is 5-6 mm.
  4. At week 13 the figure is up to 7.5 mm.

The thickness of the nuchal translucency (TN) also varies depending on the period. At 10 weeks it ranges from 1.5 to 2.2 mm, at 11 weeks it can reach 2.4 mm, at 12 weeks - up to 2.5 mm, and in the middle of the 13th week - up to 2.7 mm.

The presence or absence of a nasal bone is considered one of the most important markers of pathologies, but a pregnant woman should not be alarmed if its size is not indicated - normally, the nasal bone cannot be accurately measured. From 12 weeks the bone size is 3 mm or more.

An important parameter is the heart rate (heart rate), in other words, the pulse of the embryo, which gradually becomes less intense in the first trimester:

  • at 10 weeks – from 161 to 180 beats per minute;
  • at week 11 – from 158 to 170 beats;
  • 12 week – 149-173 beats per minute;
  • at week 13 - from 146 to 170 beats per minute.

At multiple pregnancy Some of these indicators may be lower, which is acceptable.

If the indicators go beyond the specified ranges, it is a reason to prescribe in-depth studies, sometimes with introduction into the placenta. Unfortunately, the consequence of procedures such as amniocentesis (puncture with amniotic fluid collection) can be fetal death or miscarriage.

At what date can a repeat ultrasound be prescribed?

Normally, a second screening ultrasound is prescribed at 17-19 weeks of gestation. If there is a suspicion of fetal pathology or the possibility of an unfavorable course of pregnancy, a return visit to the sonologist will have to be made earlier.

How often can you do it

Although the ultrasound procedure is considered harmless, this is only due to the lack of information about possible harm to the fetus. Ultrasound waves expose the embryo to a certain effect, so experts recommend doing ultrasound as many times as the doctor prescribes (3-4 per pregnancy), and not undergoing the procedure on a whim or desire to get a high-quality image of the unborn child (using three-dimensional ultrasound).

Ultrasound examination in the first trimester is a universal procedure that allows not only to confirm the fact of pregnancy, but also to record the parameters of the fetus and the woman’s internal organs. It allows you to identify violations at an early stage and, if possible, correct them. Ultrasound is a painless and short-term procedure, as a result of which the mother learns the first reliable information about her child, which can have a decisive influence on his future fate.

Useful video

While waiting for a baby, representatives of the fairer sex will have to undergo numerous studies and undergo a lot of tests. So, before each appointment with a gynecologist future mom must donate blood and urine for testing. The results obtained allow us to judge the course of pregnancy and the woman. This article will discuss the timing of ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. You will find out the features of this diagnosis. You can also find out the generally accepted timing of ultrasound during pregnancy.

Ultrasound diagnostics

This type of research has been used for quite a long time. Every year there is an improvement in inspection methods. So, in modern medical clinics you can not only undergo a regular ultrasound, but also do research in several planes (3D and 4D).

Ultrasound diagnostics is carried out as follows. During the examination, the doctor places a special sensor on the patient’s body that sends impulses. This ultrasound is reflected from the organs and displays an image on the screen. The patient and the doctor cannot hear the ultrasound because it has very high frequencies.

It is worth noting that research can be carried out in several ways. At the most early stages embryo development, a transvaginal sensor is selected. The doctor applies a special conductive gel to it and inserts it into the vagina. Later ones allow transabdominal ultrasound. In this case, a slightly different sensor is selected, which is applied to the belly of the expectant mother.

How many times are ultrasounds performed during pregnancy and before its onset?

If a woman is just planning to conceive, the doctor prescribes a course of examinations called folliculometry. This method allows you to track the growth of the follicle and determine as accurately as possible the time when the egg leaves it. Thanks to this method, the likelihood of conception increases several times. During folliculometry, a woman is given one to three

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother must visit the ultrasound room as prescribed by the doctor. How many times is an ultrasound performed in this case? In the normal course of pregnancy, the study is carried out no more than three or four times during the entire period. However, in half of the cases, women are forced to undergo this procedure more often.

Establishing the fact of pregnancy: at what stage?

When can you safely go to determine the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity? At what time is ultrasound performed during pregnancy in this case?

It is possible to establish that conception has taken place starting from the fifth week of pregnancy. However, you will not be able to see the embryo. However, an experienced specialist will detect a formation in the uterine cavity, which will later become your child. At earlier times, there is a possibility of error, since some devices cannot recognize such small point(during this period, the size of the fertilized egg is no more than two millimeters).

At what time is ultrasound performed during pregnancy?

In fact, there is no precisely established generally accepted time frame for diagnosis. It all depends on the number of fetuses, the course of pregnancy, the health and age of the expectant mother. If everything goes smoothly, then the diagnostic timing will be set separately for the first, second and third trimester.

First ultrasound

How long does it take to complete this study? Doctors recommend diagnosis at 11-14 weeks. Such an examination allows you to determine the period as accurately as possible. This is much easier to do with an ultrasound than during a gynecological examination. Diagnosis is most often carried out using a transvaginal device, since the uterine cavity is still located in the pelvic area. However, with the availability of modern equipment, a specialist can choose the transabdominal method for research.

The study can also report on the number of fetuses in the cavity of the reproductive organ. During this period, the child's place, its location, and the presence of detachments are noted. At this time, it is possible to identify possible deviations in the development of the embryo. The size of the unborn child is no longer so small and the main formed organs are quite clearly visible.

Second ultrasound examination

2 Ultrasound period is as follows: from 20 to 22 weeks of embryo development. At this stage, the doctor can already use a transabdominal device. The specialist generously lubricates the expectant mother’s belly with gel and places the device on it.

This diagnosis allows you to examine the uterine cavity in detail and note the condition of the fetus. By this time, the baby has already reached sufficient size, and the doctor can count his fingers. The internal organs of the baby and his face must also be examined. The doctor determines the location and age of the placenta; the blood flow in the umbilical cord is necessarily examined.

Third ultrasound examination

3 Ultrasound period most often has the following: from 32 to 35 weeks of embryo development. For this diagnosis, a transabdominal probe is always used. This study is usually the last one. That is why the specialist pays attention to details that are very important during labor.

So, the doctor notes what period the ultrasound determines for the onset of labor. In most cases, the baby's height and weight are taken into account. The doctor also looks at the presentation of the embryo and the location of the placenta. It is worth noting that in some cases the organ may migrate. The umbilical cord and its position must be examined. If there is entanglement, then this should be taken into account.

Investigation for suspected ectopic pregnancy: at what period?

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that the embryo begins to develop outside the cavity of the reproductive organ. In this case, it most often occurs. Symptoms of this pathology can be pain and bleeding. To make an accurate diagnosis, the woman is sent for an ultrasound examination. In this case, the diagnostic period will range from four to eight weeks of pregnancy.

A study is carried out. During the procedure, the doctor determines the location of the embryo and its age. If a pathology is detected, immediate correction is prescribed.

Diagnosis of the threat of interruption of embryo development

If we are talking about something that has just started, then diagnosis is carried out immediately. In this case, the age of the embryo is completely unimportant. This pathology can occur at 6 and 20 weeks. It is worth noting that most often the woman is sent for inpatient treatment. It is within the walls of a medical institution that diagnostic manipulation is performed. If there are certain problems, then the appropriate correction is prescribed. After this, a repeated diagnosis is carried out using an ultrasound machine.

In what cases is additional research required?

At what time is ultrasound performed during pregnancy if additional diagnostics are needed? It all depends on the individual history of each woman.

  • If a representative of the fairer sex has previously had miscarriages or premature births due to ismic-cervical insufficiency, then the study is carried out at 10, 14 and 16 weeks to monitor the cervix.
  • During previous births by caesarean section Diagnosis is carried out at 30, 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. This is necessary to control the condition of the scar.
  • Ultrasound can be prescribed at 34 and 36 weeks of embryo development. Such a study shows the location of the babies and their parameters. It is worth noting that twins and triplets are usually born several weeks ahead of schedule.
  • If a woman has suffered a viral or bacterial disease, which was accompanied by fever or complications, it is worth performing an unscheduled ultrasound. Such a diagnosis will be able to show whether the pathology has affected the condition of the fetus and its development.
  • An unscheduled ultrasound must be performed if the expectant mother has ceased to feel this. This may indicate acute hypoxia or death of the embryo.

When is an ultrasound performed if a woman does not know the date of her last menstruation?

Surely everyone knows that the gestational age is determined by gynecologists based on the first day of the last menstruation. However, it is not always possible to calculate this date. If a woman has had severe disruptions in her cycle or is breastfeeding, then when should ultrasound examinations be performed?

As soon as a representative of the fair sex receives positive result pregnancy test, the doctor sends her for examination. In this case, what time is indicated by ultrasound. Based on this, subsequent dates for diagnostic procedures are calculated.

How many times is it permissible to do an ultrasound?

There is still debate on this issue, and there is no consensus. Some doctors believe that such studies are completely safe and can be carried out at least every week. Other doctors are of the opinion that such additional manipulations should be avoided. What should women do?


So, you now know how many times an ultrasound is performed during pregnancy and at what stages. Remember that every woman’s body is individual. You shouldn’t look up to your experienced friends and listen to their advice. Get tested only as prescribed by your doctor. Have an easy pregnancy and good health!

Our mothers had to live through 9 months of pregnancy, having a very vague idea of ​​​​how their body was changing and how the baby was developing. Modern medical technologies have made it possible to make the period of waiting for a child more comfortable for a woman, relieving her of many worries.

Ultrasonography - the main method of studying the anatomical and functional state of the fetus throughout pregnancy. Ultrasound allows you to determine the presence and duration of pregnancy, find out the sex of the child, and most importantly, with the help of ultrasound scanning, doctors can monitor the development of the embryo and take timely measures if any trouble is detected.

At MedicCity, patients have the opportunity to undergo ultrasound examinations during pregnancy using premium equipment. The scanner is indispensable for diagnosing fetal development during pregnancy, identifying congenital pathologies and other potential dangers. Our highly professional doctors and candidates of medical sciences with extensive experience in this field, armed with first-class equipment, will do everything possible to ensure that the waiting period for the child proceeds as smoothly as possible!

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

What does ultrasound screening show?

Ultrasound scanning is highly informative, non-invasive and safe way obtaining data on the health of the expectant mother and fetus. The method is based on the analysis of differences in the reflection of ultrasonic waves from structures of unequal density.

The purpose of an ultrasound examination is to assess the condition of a woman and her unborn child, as well as to identify possible deviations from the norm in order to take the necessary measures (ultrasound for fetal pathology).

Ultrasound diagnostics allows you to confirm the fact of pregnancy, obtain data on the formation of the fetus, the structure of the uterus and appendages, as well as the condition of the placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid. The results of ultrasound largely determine the tactics of pregnancy management and preparation for childbirth, as well as the choice of method of delivery.

After confirming the fact of pregnancy, all subsequent ultrasounds are performed according to the schedule drawn up by the attending gynecologist.

The following reasons may be the reason for an unscheduled ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy:

  • discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the norm for the current stage of pregnancy;
  • the woman has bleeding (single or frequent);
  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • suspicion of a “frozen” pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy and other pathologies early pregnancy;
  • the age of one or both future parents exceeding 35 years.

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Timing for fetal ultrasound

At what stage (trimesters) of pregnancy is ultrasound performed? This is one of the main questions of interest to future parents.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation No. 457 of December 28, 2000, the mandatory examination of pregnant women, along with biochemical screening (blood test for the content of specific proteins), includes an ultrasound, which is performed at 11-13 weeks, as well as 2 morphological ultrasounds in the second and third trimesters. A total of three screening ultrasound examinations are performed during pregnancy.

Routine fetal ultrasound by week of pregnancy is done at the following times:

  • 1st trimester screening - at 11-13 weeks;
  • 2nd trimester screening - at 20-24 weeks;
  • 3rd trimester screening - at 32-34 weeks.

Additional (unscheduled) ultrasound examinations can be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor at any stage of pregnancy. This should not frighten the patient, since ultrasound does not have a harmful effect on the body. Repeated procedures may be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis or, if a particular pregnancy pathology is detected, to take the necessary measures to improve the health of the woman and fetus.

First fetal ultrasound helps to establish the exact duration of pregnancy, obtain data on the size and number of embryos, hear the fetal heartbeat, assess the degree of its development, and detect possible abnormalities.

Heart rate, formation of the nasal bone, thickness of the nuchal region and coccygeal-parietal size (CPR) are extremely important parameters by which the formation of the fetus is judged. Significant deviations from the norm, coupled with the corresponding laboratory test results, will indicate the presence of pregnancy pathology.

Important! The screening should be deciphered by a professional. This is the only way you can be sure that no pregnancy pathology has gone unnoticed. Attempts to independently evaluate the results of an ultrasound will not provide an objective picture of what is happening and will only add anxiety to an already emotionally difficult period for future parents.

At the second ultrasound during pregnancy checks whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the current stage of pregnancy. The length of the child’s limbs, the size of his head, internal organs, the volume of the chest and abdomen, etc. are assessed. It is equally important during this period to monitor whether the internal organs, spine, and cardiovascular system are developing normally.

Also, during ultrasound screening of the 2nd trimester, the condition of the walls and cervix, appendages, location, thickness and structure of the placenta, and the number of vessels in the umbilical cord are assessed.

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound

Third fetal ultrasound - key. At this stage, the doctor carefully analyzes the compliance of the anatomical and functional state of the fetus with screening standards for a given period of pregnancy. It is extremely important to identify late developmental defects.

If the results of the 3rd trimester screening show some delay in fetal development, the patient is prescribed additional diagnostics (assessment of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, embryo and umbilical cord). The doctor also analyzes the state of the “uterus-placenta-fetus” system. Close attention in this case, the focus is on the placenta - its attachment zone, degree of maturity and thickness.

Determining the sex of a child during the third planned screening reaches 90% accuracy.

More information about prenatal screenings you can read.

Unscheduled ultrasounds during pregnancy are performed if:

  • the patient experiences pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suffered an infectious disease;
  • does not feel fetal movement after the 20th week;
  • has bloody or other discharge;
  • premature labor activity;
  • contractions appeared at 36-40 weeks;
  • there are other complications of pregnancy.

Ultrasound protocol during pregnancy

Deciphering ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy reveals the parameters of fetal development in the womb different dates. Ultrasound indicators by week of pregnancy include the following data:

  • H.C. - the circumference of the child’s head;
  • FL - length of the thigh bone;
  • BPD - size between the temples (biparietal diameter);
  • CRL - the length of the embryo from the crown to the coccyx (this parameter makes it possible to determine the gestational age by ultrasound).

When deciphering an ultrasound by week of pregnancy, the following fetal malformations can be identified:

  • spinal cord herniation that threatens normal development spinal cord and brain;
  • heart disease;
  • accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull;
  • absence of the brain (this defect can lead to termination of pregnancy);
  • fusion of the duodenum;
  • delay mental development child (Down syndrome).

Photo of the fetus at 11 weeks

Photo of the fetus at 27 weeks

Photo of the fetus at 28 weeks

Types of fetal ultrasound

Familiar to everyone ultrasound image - a black and white flat image with spots and dots understandable only to a specialist - this is the result of an ultrasound examination carried out in two dimensions: width and height ( 2D ultrasound ). Today almost every antenatal clinic is equipped with such a device.

Three-dimensional ultrasound of the fetus or 3D ultrasound during pregnancy - more informative and modern method diagnostics, providing a high-quality image of the fetus in volume and color. The image obtained with a 3D ultrasound is practically a photo of the fetus, in which you can see the child’s facial features and even his facial expressions.

Today, many paid medical centers offer the 3D ultrasound service. When choosing a clinic, you should pay attention to the qualifications of the doctor, because competent interpretation of the results is the most important stage of screening. At MedicCity, ultrasound diagnostics are performed only by highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience.

3D ultrasound during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life, full of both joyful expectations and worries. Without a doubt, seek help from specialists - our highly professional doctors will help you in solving all medical issues!

Sometimes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs helps to understand whether a woman is pregnant. It is in the small pelvis that the uterus is located, where the chorion is fixed, as well as its appendages. Ultrasound can detect both normal and ectopic pregnancy.

This ultrasound is performed after 1-2 weeks of missed period. Pregnancy can be detected not only by the detection of a fertilized egg, but also by an increase in the thickness of the endometrium to 25 mm, as well as a large corpus luteum.

During a normal pregnancy, 3 scheduled ultrasounds are performed: at 10-12, 20-22 and 30-36 weeks. If a violation is suspected or to confirm the diagnosis, additional studies may be prescribed.

The most accurate results in in this case gives transvaginal ultrasound. During the procedure, a special thin sensor is used, which is inserted into the vagina. A condom is first put on it. The sensor is very thin, pain and discomfort are excluded. It is located at a minimum distance from the uterus. It is completely safe and does not cause any threat of miscarriage or cause any discomfort.

The advantages of ultrasound in diagnosing pregnancy are the most accurate determination of timing. You can set the gestation time to the nearest day. This also allows you to accurately calculate your due date. Studies at 10-12, 20-22, 30-36 weeks do not have such accuracy due to the fact that each child develops individually in the womb.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

At 10-12 weeks it is necessary to evaluate:

  • The condition of the umbilical cord and make sure that there are two arteries in it;
  • Cervix - measure the length;
  • Place of attachment of the chorion in the uterus;
  • Fruit size.

At this stage, the gestational age is clarified and possible pathologies: Edwards syndrome, Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, abnormalities of the brain and other organs.

How is an ultrasound performed at 10-12 weeks?

The examination method is chosen by the treating gynecologist. Most often, the study is performed transabdominally - through the abdominal wall. The procedure algorithm is simple:

  • The woman sits or lies down on the couch;
  • A doctor or nurse applies a sound-conducting gel to the woman's abdomen;
  • The doctor places the sensor on the abdomen and slowly moves it over the surface;
  • The image is displayed on the monitor.

The procedure lasts a few minutes, after which the pregnant woman can immediately return to her usual activities. An ultrasound scan during pregnancy does not require any special preparation; it can be done at any time of the day.

For special indications, ultrasound is performed transvaginally. This is necessary when:

  • Attachment of the chorion or placenta at a low level;
  • The position of the fetus is difficult for measuring the collar area or other parts of the body;
  • The need to assess the degree of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Diagnosis of inflammation of the appendages or neoplasms in a pregnant woman.

Ultrasound at 21-22 weeks

The second ultrasound shows the size of the fetal body parts, its anatomy, and internal organs. Allows you to again clarify the duration of pregnancy, identify developmental delays, and find pathologies of the placenta, uterus, cervix, and umbilical cord. The maturity of the placenta is determined, premature aging is determined, and the amount of water is determined. At this time, the sex of the child is most often determined.

The second ultrasound is performed only transabdominally - transvaginal examination is not prescribed until after birth. The procedure is similar to the first ultrasound.

When is the last time an ultrasound is performed during pregnancy?

An ultrasound scan at the third screening is done at 30-31 weeks. As in the second study, the third ultrasound evaluates the condition of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, waters and the fetus itself. In addition, it is necessary to determine the presentation of the embryo - the position inside the uterus. Normally, it is cephalic, that is, the fetus lies head down, with the top of the head towards the exit. It is important to establish the position of the placenta, the length of the cervical canal, and check the quality of the placenta.

The course of the third study does not differ from the course of the previous ones. An ultrasound is performed only on the abdominal wall.

Ultrasound before birth

Some women have an ultrasound scan upon admission to the maternity hospital. This is necessary to assess the condition of the woman and fetus and plan childbirth. The position of the embryo, height and weight, the condition of the cervix (maturity and degree of dilatation), the child’s heart rate, and blood flow in the vessels of the mother and fetus are taken into account. The study is also carried out only transabdominally.

Which ultrasound is better during pregnancy - 3D or simple?

The difference between 3D ultrasound during pregnancy and a regular one is only in the resulting image. During a normal examination, it is understandable only to the doctor, but the patient, as a rule, has difficulty examining the picture. Three-dimensional ultrasound allows you to see a clear three-dimensional image in color. High contrast and clarity allow you to examine the embryo in detail even at the earliest stages. If desired, a woman can get the first photo of the child printed on a printer from the doctor.