Family holidays project on orxe (4th grade) on the topic. Lesson summary on orxe "family holidays and traditions" When did the holidays appear?

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Project lesson for the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” for the module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” Project lesson for the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” for the module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”

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Purpose of the lesson: to promote understanding of the importance of family holidays Objectives: To clarify the concepts of “holiday”, “ritual”, “gift” To consolidate the ability to work in groups To develop skills for independent work with sources of information (the ability to obtain and systematize information)

3 slide

There are many holidays in the world. Adults and children love them. They draw cards, prepare gifts. Holidays make family life brighter!

4 slide

5 slide

You will learn: When and how holidays appeared What is the significance of holidays What is a gift and how to choose it And answer the question: What is special about a family holiday?

6 slide

Ancient people had to work very hard. To make their work easier, they asked for support, help and protection from various forces of nature. This is how holidays arose to celebrate various events. Each holiday had its own ritual.

7 slide

What forces of nature did ancient people turn to? How did they do it? What were the holidays celebrated? What modern ritual preserves the ancient tradition of offering gifts to deities? What requirements must a holiday gift meet? What is a holiday? What significance do holidays have for people? What is a ritual?

8 slide

Conclusion 1 To make their work easier, people turned for help to the heavenly bodies (sun, stars), the elements (wind, rivers, oceans), spirits, and later to the gods. They brought them gifts, sang, danced and spoke words of praise. This is how the holidays arose. Holidays celebrated everything new: the onset of spring, the new year, the birth of a new life, weddings

Slide 9

Conclusion 2 Now a holiday is fun, a celebration that is held for some reason. Holidays remind people of all the good things that happened to them before. The holidays reflect the life history of every person, nation and state. Holidays are the historical memory of humanity. Each holiday has its own order - ritual

10 slide

Conclusion 3 The oldest tradition of offering gifts to deities has been preserved in our time in the form of holiday gifts. A beautifully packaged gift given from the heart speaks of attention, friendship and love. When choosing a gift, you need to take into account the character, hobbies and tastes of the person for whom it is intended.

Lesson topic:"Family Holidays"

Lesson type: explanation of new material

Objective of the lesson: create conditions for realizing the significance of family holidays in a person’s life.


Subject: familiarize students with state, folk, religious and calendar-ceremonial holidays; teach culture of behavior when visiting; develop the ability to communicate with family members and acquaintances; cultivate interest in folk traditions; create conditions for improving the ability to work in groups; develop search skills.

Personal: contribute to the education of a moral attitude towards family values, the formation of a positive image of the family; instill feelings of love and pride for your family, respect for parents; develop interest in the history of your family, family traditions and pedigree; create conditions for uniting the class team, students and parents, uniting families

Metasubject: develop skills of independent work with sources of information (the ability to obtain and systematize information); ability to express judgments; develop communication and collaboration skills in group work

Types of activities: conversation, commented reading, oral history, work with illustrative material, independent work with sources of information, preparation of creative work with family members.

Required equipment: computer, projector, presentation, printed handouts, colorful balloons, letters.

Internet resources:





1 min.

Getting into the business rhythm. Oral message from the teacher.

(slide 2)

Good afternoon Please stand up! Hold hands.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

Everyone, good afternoon everyone

And we are not too lazy to work.

Preparing the class for work.

Children hold hands and smile at each other.



Updating knowledge and motivation.

5 min.

Reveals the level of knowledge. Guides in determining the purpose of the lesson. Statement of the problem.

1. From the poem, guess what the lesson will be about? (slide 3)

2.How did the word “family” appear? (slide 4)

3.The importance of family

Is it necessary to say why a person has a family? I think everyone will answer in their own way, but one simple and true thought will probably be heard - for happiness.

Yes, human happiness is hardly possible without family. Neither the most exciting job nor friends can give what family can give.

Where, if not in the family, does a person get what he strives for at any age: the feeling of being needed by loved ones, the awareness that you are loved or loved by yourself, the belief that there is a place on earth where you are expected and loved.

Where, if not in the family, does a person receive a charge of love and vigor, creative and spiritual strength, without which he cannot live and work normally.

1 student reads a poem

Children's answers.

Children's guesses.

2 student reads a poem

Children's answers.

(slide 5)

3 student reads a poem

(slide 6)




Listen and understand others;


Setting up educational


3 min.

1.Offers a video sequence to the attention of children

Tell me in one word what all these photographs have in common? (slide 7)

2. Offers to make a word out of balloons


3.Speak about the topic of our lesson.(slide 8)

Children look and answer: holiday

The balls are hung on the board, and the word holiday is written.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Regulatory : goal setting;Communicative:

asking questions;Cognitive: general education -

independent selection - formulation of a cognitive goal;logical - problem formulation

Building a project for getting out of a problem. Children's discovery of new knowledge.

8 min.

1. Creates conditions for learning new material. A holiday is an event! Which? Choose adjectives for each letter of this word.

2.Try to explain the concept of “holiday” yourself?

3. Let's look at the definition of the word "holiday" in the textbook on page 58 and compare it with your answers Read.

4. But this definition is given in the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov.(slide 10)

5.Organizes work in pairs. There are many holidays and they are different. Work in pairs: write down what holidays you know. (slide 11)

6. Organizes work in groups. Discuss in a group and imagine on what basis most holidays can be divided into groups. Which?(slide 12)

Choose adjectives for each letter of the word

(slide 9)

Children give their explanation of the word “holiday”.

Children work with the textbook and read out the explanation of the word.

Children read the definition.

Children give their answers.

Children work in groups and present their answers (national, state, family).


Extract information from text;

Construct a speech utterance in oral form;


Listen and understand others;



10 min.

1. We will talk about public and state holidays later, but today we will talk about those holidays that are especially close and familiar to each of us - family holidays

Once, a long time ago, I heard an interesting expression: if you don’t have family traditions, you don’t have a family. And this is not a Christmas tree for the New Year, not an Easter cake - but our own, unique traditions.

Each holiday should have its own face, there should be holidays in the family, and it is imperative to prepare for them. Create your own family traditions and treasure them carefully! Whether it’s difficult-to-perform home performances, a special New Year’s dish, or “your” family song performed at the holiday table or under the Christmas tree is not so important. The main thing is that after many, many years, your now grown-up child remembers the family New Year with joy and hidden sadness and wants to revive the traditions of his parents’ home in his own family

2. Discuss in pairs and say: What are family holidays? Family holiday traditions? (slide 13)

3.Let's think in groups:(slide 14)

Group 1: what can ruin the holiday;

Group 2: draw up rules of behavior at the holiday.

4. How many of you like to receive gifts? What gifts were given to you, and for what reason?

The oldest tradition of offering gifts to deities is preserved in gifts. Pay attention to the textbook illustration on page 58. What should the gift be? (slide 15)

Work in pairs and present the results of their work.

They answer and give reasons for their answer.

Working with textbook illustrations and children’s answers


Extract information from text;

Draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;



Listen and understand others;

Construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks;

Express your thoughts orally and in writing;

Agree on the rules of communication and behavior, cooperate in jointly solving a problem, performing different roles in the group;


Compare positive and negative actions of people.

2 min.

The most precious thing in a person’s life is family. During family holidays, loved ones feel the care and love of each other. Unfortunately, in everyday life we ​​rarely say words of love to loved ones, and family holidays give us an extra opportunity to remind our family how dear they are to us. Be attentive to each other and appreciate every day spent with your family (slide

What did you find important?

Children's answers.


Construct a speech utterance in oral form;


Listen and understand others;

Construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks;

Express your thoughts orally and in writing;

1 min.

Attention! (slide 16)

The festival of congratulations opens!

*poems of my own composition


*handmade gifts

Recording homework. Listening to the teacher's recommendations on how to complete homework correctly and successfully.

Discussion of elective assignments.





Poem about family

1.Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer,

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending,

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

2. How did the word “family” appear?

Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him...

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions;

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eva quietly answered “I”,

Who will raise them, my queen?

And Eva briefly answered “I”

Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?

And Eve still answered “I”

Who will sew the dress?

Washing clothes?

Will he caress me?

Decorate your home?

Answer the questions, my friend!”

I”, “I”...Eva said quietly - “I”, “I”...

She said the famous seven “I”s

This is how a family appeared on earth.

3. You and I are growing in a family circle.

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you come into life from family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.


Self-determination for activity.



The goal that must be achieved by students at this stage of the lesson: emotional mood for learning activities;

Goals and objectives that the teacher wants to achieve at this stage of the lesson: to ensure motivational readiness and a positive emotional attitude of students for the upcoming joint activity, the personal significance of the educational material in the lives of students,


Development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness;


Understand the purpose of the actions performed;

Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.

The updating of knowledge began with the creation of a problem situation, which led the children to the goal and objectives of the lesson. During the question-and-answer conversation, the children became involved in collective activities.

Using a visual and demonstrative teaching method, children had the opportunity to express their opinions, listen to their friends, show cognitive activity, and draw conclusions. Leading questions allow students to move in the right direction and approach the discovery of new knowledge.


Determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned task;


Extract information from text;

Construct a speech utterance in oral form;

Draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;


Listen and understand others;

Construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks;

Express your thoughts orally and in writing;


Identify and express the simplest rules common to all people, draw conclusions

Setting up educational


Goal: to generalize and expand students’ knowledge on the topic “holidays”, to identify the distinctive features of family holidays.

Regulatory: goal setting; Communicative:

asking questions; Cognitive: general educational-

independent selection - formulation of a cognitive goal; logical - problem formulation

Building a project for getting out of a problem.

In the discovery of new knowledge from the creation of a problem situation, the main work began to achieve the objectives of the lesson.

At the “discovery of new knowledge” stage, partially exploratory and practical teaching methods were used. During collective activities, children learned to analyze, compare, generalize and draw conclusions.

Goals and objectives: to familiarize students with state, folk, religious and calendar-ceremonial holidays; create conditions for realizing the importance of family holidays in a person’s life, cultivate interest in folk traditions.

Basic concepts of the lesson: holiday, state, public, family holidays, ritual, gift.


Extract information from text;

Construct a speech utterance in oral form;

Draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

Carry out synthesis, make a whole from parts;


Listen and understand others;

Construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks;

Express your thoughts orally and in writing;

Agree on the rules of communication and behavior, cooperate in jointly solving a problem, performing different roles in the group;



At the “Primary Consolidation” stage, children worked according to the model, having the opportunity to independently control the completion of the task.

Goal: to find out to what extent the students have mastered the concepts they have learned, how to apply the rules of behavior when visiting, and how to choose a gift.

Goals and objectives of the teacher: develop the ability to analyze and evaluate the results of work.


Extract information from text;

Construct a speech utterance in oral form;

Draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

Carry out synthesis, make a whole from parts;

Use the basics of semantic reading of literary and educational texts, highlight essential information from texts of different types;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;


Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned task;


Listen and understand others;

Construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks;

Express your thoughts orally and in writing;

Agree on the rules of communication and behavior, cooperate in jointly solving a problem, performing different roles in the group;


Identify and express the simplest rules common to all people, draw conclusions;

Analyze your own and others’ actions from the point of view of universal human norms;

Compare positive and negative actions of people

Reflection on activity (lesson summary).

At the reflection stage, children applied the acquired knowledge in the lesson.


Construct a speech utterance in oral form;


Listen and understand others;

Construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks;

Express your thoughts orally and in writing;

Homework (variability)

The purpose of students’ independent work: during homework, students must compose and make gifts with their own hands

Teacher's goal: to reveal the creative abilities of students

Criteria for successfully completing homework: correct completion of homework, accuracy, compliance with the content of the lesson


Ethical orientation that ensures personal choice.




This lesson occupies a special place in the “ORKSE” course and allows you to expand your understanding of the concepts of “Family Holidays”

Contributes to the formation of children's self-esteem, improvement of practical skills, development of independent thinking and cognitive interest.

Collective work allows students to receive emotional and meaningful support, creates the involvement of each child in the overall work,

A lesson with multimedia support helps to make the lesson emotionally rich and complete, the most visual, strengthens the positive motivation for learning and activates the cognitive activity of students, allows not only to expand and consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, but also significantly increases the creative and intellectual potential of students.

Family holidays.

Nazarova T.N., primary school teacher

MAOU "Secondary School No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects named after. I.A.Kuratova"

City of Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Relevance of the problem:

The most important thing in the life of any child is his family. It is there that he receives his first lessons of love, trust, and understanding. After all, the family is an environment for the formation of personality and the most important institution of education. The main factor in family education is the emotional character, based on related feelings and love for children. In a family where people truly value, respect, and love each other, life together is interesting. I want to give gifts to loved ones and organize holidays. But nowadays, parents are rarely at home with their children. Most often, children are left to their own devices. They have little interest in their family, the history of its creation, and do not know about family values ​​and traditions. As a result of this, children will not be able to grow up as worthy, successful, respected people. Therefore, there was a need to create a project that would be aimed at introducing children to universal human values ​​and love for their family through family holidays. This project will enrich children and their parents with the experience of emotional communication and joint creative activity.

Project goal:

Formation of students’ value attitude towards the significance of family holidays in a person’s life.

Project objectives:

  • introduce students to the classification and rules of holidays
  • to develop in children an interest in learning about their family history;
  • promote the development of creative and communication abilities
  • promote a caring attitude towards family traditions
  • develop group work skills

Project type:

  • practice-oriented
  • informational
  • creative

Project participants:

4th grade students, parents, teachers.

Implementation deadlines:

Fourth quarter of IV grade.

Project plan:

Preparatory stage

Main stage

Final stage

organization of goal setting for children

Conducting classes on the following topics:

“Seven Me”, “Family History. Memorable dates", "Happy is he who is happy at home"

protection of mini projects “My Family”, “Family Holidays”, “Favorite Holiday”, “Family Traditions””,

writing an oral history about a family’s favorite holiday

holding a parent meeting “Family values, holidays, traditions”

poetry competition "my family"

preparing drawings on the theme “My family’s favorite holiday”

conducting a ORKSE lesson on the topic “Family Holidays”

creating a class-wide presentation “Our class’s favorite holidays”

creation of a photo exhibition “Family Holidays”

watching family videos

celebration of students and parents of the class “our friendly family”

creation of mini projects on the topics: “My Family”, “Family Holidays”, “Favorite Holiday”, “Family Traditions”

watching and discussing feature films

summing up the project

Preparing for the poetry competition “My Family”.

Planned results:

  • Obtained initial ideas about holidays, rules for celebrating holidays in the family
  • joint family projects have been developed;
  • parents of students are involved in active participation in projects
  • gained experience working with various sources of information, experience in creative activity, reflective activity and positive interaction of all project participants, as well as joint experience of emotional and value experiences of children and parents
  • an exhibition of creative works on the theme “Family Holidays” was organized

List of used literature:

  1. Danilyuk A.Ya. Fundamentals of secular ethics. M: Education, 2012. 63 p.
  2. Derekleeva N.I. Parent meetings. Primary school. M.: VAKO, 2005. 258 p.
  3. Derekleeva N.I. New parent meetings: grades 1-4. M.: VAKO, 2007. 312 p.
  4. Kasatkina N.A. Forms of interaction between teachers and parents in elementary school. Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. 122 p.
  5. Salyakhova L.I. Parent meetings. Scenarios, recommendations, materials for conducting. 1-4 grades. M: Globus, 2007. 315.
  6. Scenarios for holidays, classes, games, entertainment for elementary school / L. Arkharova, L. Grebenkina, S. Demidov. M: Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2004. 160 p.
  7. Extracurricular activities: 4th grade / O. Zhirenko, L. Yarovaya, L. Barylkina, T. Tsybina. M: Vako, 2007.272 p.
  8. Class hours for grades 1-4 / N. Ustsova, D. Dyuldenko, O. Poletaeva and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. 283 p.

Lesson summary + presentation on ORK SE on the topic: "Family holidays"

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"lesson summary"

Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics
Module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”

"Family Holidays"

Developed by: Valentina Ivanovna Konkina, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, Bogoroditsk


Item: ORKSE (Fundamentals of Secular Ethics)

Lesson topic:"Family Holidays"

Lesson type: A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge


    Formation of moral culture of children.

    Uniting the class team, students and parents.

    Fostering feelings of love and pride for your family, respect for parents, and family traditions.


Educational: introduce the classification of holidays, consolidate students’ knowledge about family traditions.

Educational: developing group work skills; ability to prove your opinion.

Educational: nurturing feelings of love, pride in one’s family, respect for parents and relatives; developing interest in the history of one’s family and family traditions.

Formation of UUD:

Planned lesson results:personal(development of ethical feelings as regulators of moral behavior, acceptance and mastery of the student’s social role, development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom; fostering goodwill and responsiveness; developing skills of cooperation with adults and peers in various social situations; meta-subject(mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation; developing the skills to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts; work on the ability to adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others; subject(formation of initial ideas about secular ethics, understanding the importance of secular morality in building constructive relationships in the family and society)

Equipment: textbook “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics//A.Ya. Danilyuk // Fundamentals of secular ethics. 4-5 grades //M,: Education, 2012; multimedia projector; screen; computer; presentation on the topic: “Family holidays”; handouts, writing materials.

Lesson progress:

    Organizational and motivational block.

    Organizational moment

Slide 2 - The school bell is ringing,
An interesting and useful lesson awaits you.
May you be in a good mood,
Teaching is easy for us today.

    Updating knowledge.

What etiquette rules should everyone know?

We very often go to visit or receive guests. - Do you think it is necessary to follow the rules of etiquette when visiting? When do we receive guests?

Slide 3 - Let's remember the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh. Did he follow the rules of etiquette when visiting the Rabbit?

    Setting a learning task.

Guys, on what days do we visit most often?

Slide 4. - Guys, look at the slide with photographs. What unites them? (Children’s answers: These are holidays)

Do you love holidays? Let's see if you know them well .

Slide 5. Riddles.

I have gifts in my bag

Caramels, chocolates

Round dance around the Christmas tree

What kind of holiday? (New Year)

Good holiday, school holiday, glorious -

We praise all teachers.

Let's bring them gifts

And we'll give you a bouquet of flowers.

We praise teachers.

What day is it, tell me quickly? (Teacher's Day)

On this day we read poetry,

We drink tea and cookies in class,

Congratulations to all the boys,

We give them gifts.

Satchels, bows flash,

Each one carries his own bouquet,

School doors open

It's a new school year for us. (Knowledge Day)

A holiday of love, chocolate, attention,

A holiday of “hearts” and hugs.

Boys give candy to girls

The boys write poems and sonnets.

Girls give boys hearts,

They write words about love endlessly.

This holiday is just a reason

Confess your love. It's... (Valentine's day)

At school they bake pancakes,

They will give them to us for lunch,

And during the big break

Near the school for sure

We'll burn the effigy of winter

And we will invite spring to us.

On this holiday all week

We ate pancakes for lunch. (Carnival)

We are performing today

We read sad poems

In memory of those who died,

The whole hall will stand silently.

A sad and happy holiday,

I don't know any others like this...

Beautiful fireworks in the evening

Notifies: “Happy 9th... (May!”)

We are giving a concert for mothers:

We dance and sing songs to them.

There's a newspaper hanging on the wall,

Nearby are portraits of our mothers.

There is noise and commotion in the classroom,

After all, today is Mother's Day. (Mother's Day)

This holiday is celebrated

Those who conquer space.

We drew at school,

Like rockets soaring into the air.

They learned about Gagarin.

What kind of holiday, did you guess? (Cosmonautics Day)

Today is not an easy day,

With the girls on such a day

Let's stop fighting

This holiday is on Sunday.

There will be a treat at home,

We're at school early

Let's do our best.

There will be painted eggs,

The temple domes are golden.

We glue, sculpt, cut out,

Congratulations to your loved ones at home.

There is light, kindness and affection in the souls

On this clear holiday... (Easter)

In our class the children

Today is a holiday, they say.

Not for everyone, but only for Tanka.

We will give her a mosaic.

Tanya is with a treat today.

What kind of holiday? (Birthday)

Well done!

What do you think we will talk about in class today? (About holidays)

What do you think a holiday is?

What do you think we are going to learn in class? (What kinds of holidays are there, how to behave during the holiday, how to present gifts correctly, how to choose a gift?)

    Statement of the problem.

Group work.

You and I have guessed riddles about the holidays, and now unite in groups, take the sheets with tables that are on your tables, and distribute the holidays that we talked about into groups.





    Information and analytical block

    Joint “discovery” of new knowledge.

Discussion - frontal survey.

What public holidays do you know? Why are they called government?

What professional holidays do you know?

What religious holidays are you familiar with?

What family holidays do you know?

How and why do you think the tradition of celebrating arose?

The textbook will help you answer these questions (pp. 58-59). Read the text yourself.

What do we know about the origin of the tradition of celebrating?

He will tell you more about this...

Slide 6 - Holidays appeared a long time ago, and people have always created them themselves. Even in ancient times, holidays were not only entertainment - they educated, awakened in people a sense of beauty, allowed them to relax and feel free. As we know from history, organizing holidays was one of the favorite activities of the Slavs.

Slide 7 - And the word “holiday” in Slavic languages ​​is as ancient as the holidays themselves. Today it is difficult to accurately determine the origins of the holidays - it probably all started with ancient pagan rituals. After all, here in Russia, some pagan holidays are still widely celebrated - for example, Maslenitsa - although many people have already forgotten about its real roots.

Slide 8 - The first mention of Moscow appeared in chronicles precisely thanks to the holiday organized by Yuri Dolgoruky.

Slide 9 -What is a holiday in our time?

Nowadays, people perceive the holiday as something unusual and wonderful, completely separate from everyday reality.

Holidays are an integral part of our culture, which helps us better understand each other.

How can we celebrate holidays now?

And what holidays combine both?

Sly10 - Did you know that there is an All-Russian holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which has been celebrated in our country since 2008.

This holiday in Russia was established on the initiative of deputies of the State Duma.

The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among residents of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, are buried, whose memory is celebrated on July 8.

The new family holiday already has a medal, which is awarded on July 8, and a very gentle symbol - a daisy.

Slide 11 – Also in our city, a holiday is held in honor of this day, where the creation of new families and families that have lived a long family life are celebrated.

Let each of you draw a daisy on a piece of paper. The center of the chamomile is “I”. And in the petals write the names of your family members.

What can you tell us about your family holidays?

    Phys. just a minute.

On Monday we did the laundry

The floor was swept on Tuesday.

On Wednesday we baked kalach.

We played ball all Thursday.

On Friday we washed cups,

And on Saturday we bought a cake.

And of course on Sunday

Everyone was invited to the birthday party.

They sang, jumped, danced,

The days of the week have been counted.

    Information and analytical block (continued)


Work in pairs.

You have leaves on your tables, look at them. What does it say? Connect the parts of the proverbs with arrows.

Family - stove:

if there is harmony in the family.

In the family there is love and advice,

It’s so cold, everyone is going to her.

There is no need for a treasure,

and the heart is in the right place.

When the family is together

when there is only one roof over it.

Family is strong

so there is no need.

How do you understand these proverbs?

- Guys, what is especially nice for us to receive for the holidays? (gifts)

To ensure that the holiday leaves only pleasant impressions and everyone is happy, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Slide 12 - How can you invite guests?

You can invite guests by phone, by email, or by postcard invitation. The main thing is that you should invite in person and in advance, accurately indicating the place and time of the holiday.

Slide 13 - How do you think gifts are received?

Accept a gift while standing, not sitting;

They smile at the donor and thank him for the gift;

It is advisable to consider the gift;

Any gift is accepted with joy; if you didn’t like it or were given two identical gifts, think about how they wanted to please you, thank you for your attention and love, which is more important than any gift.

Slide 14 -How to choose the right gift (continue the sentence):

When choosing a gift, think about whether it will...

A homemade gift should be...

Gifts should be...

- “Living” gifts are being discussed...

The gift is presented with a smile and good wishes to…

Slide 15 -Tell me, how should you behave at the table during the holiday?

You need to sit upright at the table.

You cannot lean your elbows on the table, swing on a chair, or play around.

Never put a knife in your mouth.

Don't pick your teeth with a fork.

The knife should be in the right hand and the fork in the left.

You cannot take food from shared plates with your fork or hands.

You need to eat calmly, without rushing.

V . Homework

VI . Evaluative-reflective block

Express your impressions of the lesson

Today I found out...

It was interesting...

I realized that...

I learned...

I was surprised...

I wanted...


1. textbook “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics//A.Ya. Danilyuk // Fundamentals of secular ethics. 4-5 grades //M,: Education, 2012
Internet resources:
2. festival .1september .ru

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"Family Holidays"

Completed by: Valentina Ivanovna Konkina, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, Bogoroditsk

GOU DPO TO "IPK and PPRO TO" Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics Module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”

Subject "Family Holidays"

4th grade

When did the holidays appear?


Etiquette rules (how to invite guests)

*You can invite guests by phone

*by email

*using a postcard invitation.

The main thing is that you should invite in person and in advance, accurately indicating the place and time of the holiday.

Etiquette rules (for the recipient of the gift)

*accept a gift while standing, not sitting;

*smiles at the giver and thanks for the gift;

*it is advisable to consider the gift;

*any gift is accepted with joy;

*if you didn’t like it or were given two identical gifts, think about how they wanted to please you, thank you for your attention and love, which is more important than any gift.

Rules for choosing a gift

*When choosing a gift, think about whether it will...

*A homemade gift must be...

*Gifts must be...

*"Living" gifts are discussed...

*The gift is presented with a smile and good wishes to...

Etiquette rules (at the table)

*You need to sit upright at the table.

*You cannot lean your elbows on the table, rock on a chair, or play around.

*Never put a knife in your mouth.

*Don't pick your teeth with a fork.

*The knife should be in the right hand and the fork in the left.

*You cannot take food from shared plates with your fork or hands.

*You need to eat calmly, without rushing.

References: 1. “Fundamentals of secular ethics. 4-5 grades": M,: Education, 2012. Internet resources: 1. http: // 2. 3.

Lesson objectives:

1. Formation of the moral culture of children. Acquaintance with the most widespread traditions of the Russian people.

2. Developing interest in the history of your family and family traditions. Uniting the class team, students and parents.

3. Fostering feelings of love and pride for one’s family, respect for parents and family traditions. Development of communication skills, kindness and mutual understanding in students' families.


Educational: introduce the classification of holidays, consolidate students’ knowledge about family traditions;

Educational: developing group work skills; ability to prove your opinion;

Educational: nurturing feelings of love, pride in one’s family, respect for parents and relatives; developing interest in the history of one’s family and family traditions.

Basic concepts: family, holidays, custom, tradition.





Lesson on the topic:

"Family Holidays"

4th grade

ORKSE course, module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”

Compiled by: primary school teacher

Ogneva Irina Yakovlevna

P. Aikhal, 2016

Lesson objectives:

1. Formation of moral culture of children. Acquaintance with the most widespread traditions of the Russian people.

2. Developing interest in the history of your family and family traditions.Uniting the class team, students and parents.

3. Fostering feelings of love and pride for one’s family, respect for parents and family traditions. Development of communication skills, kindness and mutual understanding in students' families.


Educational: introduce the classification of holidays, consolidate students’ knowledge of family traditions;

Developmental: developing group work skills; ability to prove your opinion;

Educational: nurturing feelings of love, pride in one’s family, respect for parents and relatives; developing interest in the history of one’s family and family traditions.

Basic concepts: family, holidays, custom, tradition.


  1. Tutorial
  2. Multimedia installation
  3. Presentation on the topic of the lesson
  4. Handouts
  5. Illustrative material

Working methods and techniques:

1. Conversation

2. Working with the textbook

3. Encouraging dialogue

4. Working with illustrative material

5. Working with audio and video sources

6. Vocabulary work

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

2. Updating knowledge.

Slide 2

Do you love holidays? Let's solve the crossword puzzle and see if you know them well. There are pieces of paper on your desks; we will be working on them today. (Crossword app).


1. In our class the boys

Today is a holiday, they say.

Not for everyone, but only for Tanka.

We will give her a mosaic.

Tanya is with a treat today.

What kind of holiday? (Birthday)

2 We are giving a concert for mothers:

We dance and sing songs to them.

There's a newspaper hanging on the wall,

Nearby are portraits of our mothers.

There is noise and commotion in the classroom,

After all, today is Mother's Day. (Mother's Day

3. Satchels, bows flash,

Each one carries his own bouquet,

School doors open

It's a new school year for us. (Knowledge Day)

4. I have gifts in my bag

Caramels, chocolates

Round dance around the Christmas tree

What kind of holiday? (New Year)

5. At school they bake pancakes,

They will give them to us for lunch,

And during the big break

Near the school for sure

We'll burn the effigy of winter

And we will invite spring to us.

On this holiday all week

We ate pancakes for lunch. (Carnival)

6. A good, school, glorious holiday -

We praise all teachers.

Let's bring them gifts

And we'll give you a bouquet of flowers.

We praise teachers.

What day is it, tell me quickly? (Teacher's Day)

7.This holiday is celebrated

Those who conquer space.

We drew at school,

Like rockets soaring into the air.

They learned about Gagarin.

What kind of holiday, did you guess? (Cosmonautics Day)

8. This holiday is on Sunday.

There will be a treat at home,

We're at school early

Let's do our best.

There will be painted eggs,

The temple domes are golden.

We glue, sculpt, cut out,

Congratulations to your loved ones at home.

There is light, kindness and affection in the souls

On this clear holiday... (Easter)

Assimilation of new knowledge.

What word is in the highlighted column? What do you think we will talk about in class? (about holidays)

There are many holidays in the world!

Adults love them, and children love them too.

They dance on holiday, they sing on holiday,

Everyone is waiting for magical surprises on this holiday!


What in the world can’t adults and children live without? Who will support you, friends? Your friendly…..(family)

Which holidays will we pay attention to? (Family)

Slide 3 Lesson topic? What do you think you will learn? We opened our notebooks and wrote down the date and topic.

Slide 4.

Let's think about what a “holiday” is. Who will answer? (Children's answers)

How can you find out if your reasoning is correct? (Look in the dictionary.) Ozhegov's Dictionary

What is the definition given in Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary. (Student reads from the dictionary)

Working with the textbook.

Let's look at the definition of the word "holiday" in the textbook on page 58 (2nd and 3rd paragraph). Read it. (Reading out loud)

When did they appear? Are you interested?

In the textbook on page 58, read the 1st paragraph. (Read aloud)

What did you read about in the 1st paragraph? (people asked nature for help, brought gifts to the gods, did not work on certain days - this is how holidays appeared)

Slide 5 - Holidays appeared a long time ago, and people have always created them themselves. Even in ancient times, holidays were not only entertainment - they educated, awakened in people a sense of beauty, allowed them to relax and feel free. As we know from history, organizing holidays was one of the favorite activities of the Slavs.

Slide 6 The word “holiday” in Slavic languages ​​is as ancient as the holidays themselves. Today it is difficult to accurately determine the origins of the holidays - it probably all started with ancient pagan rituals. After all, here in Russia, some pagan holidays are still widely celebrated - for example, Maslenitsa - although many people have already forgotten about its real roots.

What is a holiday in our time? (children's answers)

Nowadays, people perceive the holiday as something unusual and wonderful, completely separate from everyday reality.

Slide 7

Holidays are an integral part of our culture, which helps us better understand each other.

Write down on your piece of paper what do you think a holiday is?

What do you think holidays are for?

Let's do a little DIY work. You need to read the sentences on the card and underline those sentences with which you agree. The number of offers can be any – from 0 to6. I will help you answer this question.

Students are given cards with the following entries on each:

“Holidays help us remember historical events and better understand them.

Holidays help keep generations connected.

Holidays help you learn the traditions of your people.

Holidays teach us to respect other people's cultures.

Holidays give us the opportunity to experience pride in our family, our city, our people, our country.

Holidays allow us to remember people who did something very important for the family, city, and country.”

6. Students complete the task.

Checking the progress of the work.

The teacher asks the children who underlined the 1st sentence to raise their hands, then the 2nd sentence, etc. The number of raised hands is recorded on the board.

Formulating a conclusion after independent work.

You have emphasized many sentences, but among them there is no sentence that a holiday is needed only to relax.

So, do you agree that holidays have another role besides relaxation? Let’s try to replace all the sentences you have chosen with one that can convey their meaning.”

The guys try to complete this task and offer their own options.

Write it down in your notebooks, starting with the words “The holiday is needed for .....”

Let's remember the most common holidays (New Year, March 8, birthday, victory day, housewarming, wedding, Defender of the Fatherland Day, May 1, Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day)

There are many holidays and they are different. All holidays can be divided into groups: state, public, family.

Read the 2nd paragraph in the textbook (page 59)

What types of holidays are there?

State Public Family

Work in groups (each group is given an A3 sheet with a list of different holidays, glue, scissors)

Guys, you must organize work in your group and present your product of activity. From the list of holidays, you select the one you need, cut it out and paste it onto a sheet of paper.

Protection of group work.

Today we will take a closer look at family holidays.

What is family? (children's answers)

Working with the text “How did the family appear?” while reading.

The teacher organizes a commented reading of the text.

In the distant past, even before families appeared, people lived in childbirth. These unions of relatives (Is it clear that this is more than a family?) remembered their origin from one ancestor. But they were united not only by kinship (I wonder, what else?), but also by helping each other (Pay attention!) in the struggle for life in the wild. In many ways they were like packs of animals. However, in human tribal unions there were moral rules that explained to everyone what was possible and what was not, what was good and what was bad. A male hunter could not hide the food he caught from his relatives. (Has this rule survived in the modern world?) Children were cared for together, by the whole family, and they all lived together in one cave or large hut, warming themselves around a common fire.

Over time, people learned to better provide themselves with food - they began to grow plants and animals, rather than looking for them in the wild. To survive, it was no longer necessary to combine the efforts of many people. The large hut was replaced by several small ones, and families appeared inside the birth. The man and woman who liked each other no longer parted, but lived together, earning their own food. But the main thing in the family is the birth of children, who are raised by mom and dad. Between them arises the strongest of all human feelings - a feeling of love, based on strong affection, the inability to live without each other and the desire to do only good things for each other. This feeling connects everyone who lives in the same family. This can be not only parents and children, but also other close relatives (grandparents), if they live in the same house, manage the household together and take care of each other.

Thus, from ancient clans, families inherited the main value of any human society - the willingness to help each other and support their loved ones.

Working with the text “How did the family appear?” after reading.

– What do clans and families have in common? – What allowed people to live not in one large clan, but in small groups?? (A family is a group of close relatives living together. An association of people united by common interests.)

Slide 8 - Did you know that there is an All-Russian holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which has been celebrated in our country since 2008.

The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among residents of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, are buried, whose memory is celebrated on July 8.

The new family holiday already has a medal, which is awarded on July 8, and a very gentle symbol - a daisy.

What are your favorite family holidays? (children's answers)

Each holiday has its own order. Read paragraph 3-4 on page 59.

What did you read about?

The oldest tradition of offering gifts to deities is preserved in gifts. A beautifully packaged gift bought from the heart speaks of attention, friendship and love. When choosing a gift, you need to take into account the hobbies and tastes of the person to whom you want to give it.

Work in pairs. Rules for choosing a gift(continue sentence):

When choosing a gift, think about whether it will be... (needed by the birthday boy, appropriate, etc.)

A homemade gift should be... (neat, safe, not fragile)

Gifts should be... (beautifully decorated, pleasant, etc.)

- “Living” gifts are being discussed...

The gift is presented with a smile and good wishes to the one... (whom we want to please)

Let's play a little. Game

Select from the list of items that you would donate

1. Grandma for her anniversary

2. For a friend’s birthday

3. Auntie’s name day

6. To my sister for the New Year

Slide 15 - And now I will read you an excerpt from A. Milne’s book “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” “Eeyore’s Birthday”. (Reading passage.)

“Eeyore, an old gray donkey, once stood on the bank of a stream and looked dejectedly into the water at his reflection.

“It’s a heartbreaking sight,” he said finally. “That’s what it’s called: a heartbreaking spectacle.”

He turned and walked along the bank downstream. After walking about twenty meters, he forded the stream and just as slowly walked back along the other bank. Opposite the place where he first stood, Eeyore stopped and looked into the water again.

“I thought so,” he sighed. - From this side it’s no better. But no one cares. Nobody cares. A heartbreaking sight - that's what it's called!

Then behind him, in the alder forest, a crash was heard. And "Winnie the Pooh" appeared.

- Good morning Eeyore! - said Pooh.

“Good morning, Pooh Bear,” Eeyore answered sadly.

- If it's good morning. Which I personally doubt.

- Why? What's happened?

- Nothing, Pooh Bear, nothing special. Still they can’t. And some don't have to. There's nothing you can do about it.

– What can’t everyone do? - Pooh asked, rubbing his nose.

“Happy birthday to you,” said Piglet, coming closer in the meantime. Eeyore looked up from what he was doing and stared at Piglet.

“Repeat, repeat,” he said.

- Congratulations...

- Just a minute...

Having difficulty standing on three legs, Eeyore began to carefully raise his fourth leg to his ear.

“I learned this yesterday,” he explained, falling for the third time. – It’s very simple, and most importantly, I hear better this way. Well, everything is fine. “Just as you said, repeat it,” he said, using his hoof to point his ear forward.

“Happy birthday,” repeated Piglet.

- Are you me?

- Of course, Eeyore.

– Happy birthday?

- Yes.

– So it’s my real birthday?

- Of course, Eeyore, and I brought you a gift. Eeyore slowly lowered his right leg and, with considerable difficulty, raised his left.

“I want to listen with another ear,” he explained.

- Now speak.

- Present! Piglet repeated very loudly.

- To me?

- Yes.

- For your birthday?

- Certainly!

– So, it turns out I’m having a real birthday?

- Certainly! And I brought you a balloon."

Let's remember the gifts Eeyore gave on his birthday.

Was he happy with all the gifts? (children's answers)

Did he show it with his appearance? (children's answers)

Whose gift was the most needed? (children's answers)

Slide 9 Look, there are several rules for accepting gifts.

Accept a gift while standing, not sitting;

They smile at the donor and thank him for the gift;

It is advisable to consider the gift;

Any gift is accepted with joy; if you didn’t like it or were given two identical gifts, think about how they wanted to please you, thank you for your attention and love, which is more important than any gift.

If we organize the holiday ourselves, what do we need to know? (Children’s answers) I suggest you listen to useful advice:

1. Design invitations beautifully

2. Decorate the house

3.Think over the menu

4. Think about games and entertainment.

What games would you play at your birthday party? (Folding puzzles, karaoke, board games, etc.)

Read the last paragraph and answer the question “What can ruin a holiday?” (If there is time left) - Now let’s remember the rules that must be followed to make the holiday a success and draw up a reminder on our pieces of paper.

Lesson summary . Guys, I want to tell you that the most precious thing in a person’s life is family. During family holidays, loved ones feel the care and love of each other. Be attentive to each other and appreciate every day spent with your family.

Were you interested in working in class?

– Do you think we found out what we planned to find out? Is the work we have done important to us?

And now I want you to evaluate your work in the lesson and put a mark on the “Reflective Target” in the sector that most closely corresponded to your behavior in the lesson. Everyone has this mark on their desk.


If desired, make a photo report “Holidays of my family”