Scenario of the matinee "A Gift for the Little Penguins" educational and methodological material (middle group) on the topic. Scenario for the New Year: “Animal Matinee Invitations to a winter birthday

Duration of the holiday
3 hours
black, blue, purple, yellow, white, cyan
house and yard
wreath on the door, balloons, garlands, colored curtain, paper snowflakes, menu, personalized light bulbs, soft toys
almond gingerbread, cake, jelly, “chocolate penguins”, chocolate marshmallows, cakes, hot sandwiches, children’s fish rolls
Themed entertainment
penguin bowling, dancing with penguins, fishing, penguin breakfast, active games outdoors

Are there cuter and more harmless creatures in the world than penguins? And are there more ridiculous birds in the world, in which everything contradicts the standard laws of existence? Birds that emerge from eggs have wings, but cannot fly! Birds that swim well underwater, dive and feed exclusively on fish! Birds whose bodies are not covered with feathers, but with beautiful fur! Children are exactly the same: sweet, spontaneous, and unnatural in their extraordinary thinking, desires, and actions. Precisely because they have so much in common, a children's birthday in the style of penguins will be a great success!

Preparing for a winter birthday

Winter Birthday Invitations

Of course, the basis of the invitation card, its “face” should be the penguin! When my daughter and I discussed this issue, we (almost for the first time!) had no disagreements. That’s why we offer you several options for invitation cards in the style of penguins!

Option 1. For the lazy

Now on the Internet there is a lot of various printed materials, bright printing, samples of which can be obtained for a completely insignificant amount. Invitations for the “Penguin Party” are also there! Take advantage of the offer, and in just a few minutes you will be sending cards to your little guests!

Option 2. For creative people

Although, in order to understand and delve deeper into the essence and meaning of the upcoming holiday, you need to make an invitation card with your own hands! For the background (the base of the postcard), you should take blue cardboard (as a symbol of snow, ice, and winter itself). You will also need: black, red, orange and white cardboard - we will cut out the baby penguin parts from it. Also have scissors and glue ready.

Advice: if you plan to make several identical cards, it is better to prepare patterns for all the details in advance. It will be easier to guess the size, and you will be able to finish the job faster! You will need blanks: eyes, nose, scarf, black “fur coat” and white “belly” of a baby penguin. Once all the pieces are glued together, you can decorate the card with a cute foil snowflake sticker.

And on reverse side postcards we put the text:

“Dear _______ (guest’s name)! The Ice Age is approaching and it's dangerous! But there is an island of salvation! Go straight to northern lights, which you will see __ (date, place and time)__. Only here will it be truly fun! By the way, only penguins are allowed to enter the island! If you are not a penguin, disguise yourself!”

My daughter and I were proud of our postcards, it was even a pity to send them! But it’s time to start preparing the promised “northern lights”! The holiday is quickly approaching and there is very little time left!

Decor and decorations for "Penguin Party"

What are they like, the northern lights? A magical bright light that looks like a rainbow from a distance! We found beautiful picture on the Internet, and decided to bring it to life! And this is what we got!

Northern lights curtains

I made a curtain from bright nylon, and then my daughter and I decorated it with a large paper snowflake(this decor will always be relevant, even if you someday decide to organize a penguin party in the middle of summer!).

Garlands with penguins

Cute pink penguins walked along our wall holding their paws! Pink - because we, after all, were celebrating a girl’s birthday, and tried to emphasize this fact in every possible way. Also, our daughter really loves the cartoon about a dancing penguin (and he’s pink!).

And we decorated the ceiling with a garland of felt penguins (felt would work too).

Door wreath and balloons with penguins

We decorated the front door with a cute wreath of white, blue and red ribbons, and scattered penguin balloons all over the yard (just the day before a fresh snow fell!) All passers-by were touched by such a pretty sight!

Soft winter toys

As decor for the Penguin Party, you can use anything that is directly or indirectly related to snow, winter, and cold. If you have cute New Year's snowmen, Snow Maidens, and any other winter paraphernalia, hang them around the house! It will be beautiful! Mom: Our little birthday girl has a whole collection of cute “snow” creatures. She sleeps and plays with them. But now there is an opportunity to show your favorite soft toys to your friends!

Eskimo house - igloo for "Penguin party"

Of course, real Eskimos make their igloos out of snow and ice. And we built a paper prototype for our “northern residents”.

And one more very interesting idea came to my mind when I was coming up with decor for the holiday. What if you made your own little penguin for each guest?

My daughter and I painted with gouache old light bulbs that were not suitable for their intended purpose to look like penguins, gave each of them the name of the guest and put on knitted warm hats. Later I came up with the idea of ​​using these light bulbs as magic wands. With their help, my children and I flew to the North Pole!

Festive table decor for "Penguin Party"

We decorated the table in blue and cold blue colors, decorated it with candles, spruce branches and such a very cute composition! In the center of the table we placed glasses with blue jelly - this is what fishing in the harsh northern sea sometimes looks like for penguins! For this themed centerpiece you will need: a glass, colorful jelly fish, gelatin and blue food coloring. Prepare the jelly, pour it into a glass (after spreading the fish throughout the glass), let it harden. Make a paper penguin with a fishing rod and attach it (with glue or tape) to the glass. In principle, this fishing can even be eaten later (although it is not advisable, since it contains a lot of completely unnecessary components).

You can also place a “northern” menu near the table (or at the entrance to the dining room, if you are treating the children there) as in the 3rd photo. We made it from boards and decorated it with aerosol snow.

Costumes for an unusual winter birthday

Our party was supposed to be themed, so I asked all the mothers to prepare penguin costumes. Cute velor onesies will be just right! You can either buy or rent them in a specialized store.

Although, our birthday girl herself at the last moment refused to wear such a costume (she said that it would be uncomfortable to dance in it). Therefore, we bought a cute dress for her with the attributes of our future holiday.

Poems about penguins

A. Weiner

Where ice floes climb into the sea,
Having fun penguins:
They have competitions
Slipped - and crashed!

We pushed off, rolled -
We immediately found ourselves in the sea!
Antarctic penguin -
Very important gentleman.

S. Ostrovsky

Cancer Vraki spreads,
That all penguins are assholes.
He's a gentleman - for a reason
Penguin has been dressed in a tailcoat all his life!

S. Mikhailov

There in the harsh lands
On cold ice floes
Walking in the cold
Proud penguins.

F. Polak

Among the hummocks,
among thick eternal ice floes
Walking important
emperor penguin.
And they love it very much in cold weather
warm up little penguins
On daddy's stomach
under a large fold.

I. Fink

Quarantine at the zoo
Baby got sick penguin.
Maybe he ate too much fish?
No, it overheated in the sun.

J. Millis

Important, important, black and white,
He walks boldly through the snow.
The snow crunches under your paws,
But penguin runs forward.
Everything faster, picking up speed,
Splash - from a running start straight into the water!
Jump - the penguin flies back,
The fish in its beak shines.
It’s important, it’s important, like a cat,
He brings the catch home
To your little children,
Little naughty penguins.

T. Lavrova

In Antarctica - a miracle bird,
That he is not afraid of frost.
Until what Penguin good,
Very similar to a musician!
Walks with an important waddle
He's out for winter fishing.
Ready to dive all day
To have a big catch.

E. Aerova

Grew among ice floes and snow,
He is not afraid of frost.
How to soar over the ocean
Gulls, terns and cormorants!
A penguin, although a bird,
Not suitable for flying
But he’s an excellent swimmer, -
That's how unusual he is!
He makes friends with whales
And with sea elephants.
I shoot a fish like an arrow
Catching up underwater.
And, stomping loudly on the ice,
Treats little penguin.

E. Shalamonova

U penguin name day -
Name day in New Year.
Penguins live far away
Who will come to their holiday?
Who will give them gifts?
Ball, gingerbread, confetti,
Christmas tree with bright, bright beads,
Who would want to come to them?
We'd all go to the penguins
But there is a snowstorm in Antarctica,
There are penguins - back to back,
Paws and sides are warm.
No, they are not expecting gifts,
They don't invite guys over.
The penguins are hot from their troubles -
They are babysitting penguins.

Yu. Polyakov

Penguin winters among ice floes.
And on a cold ice floe
He doesn't need aspirin
Like people with a sore throat.

E. Goncharova

Penguins they stand on the ice floes and sigh.
Tired, cold and not resting.
Their paws are like ice, and their beaks are like icicles.
Baby penguins, granny penguins.
They pressed their shoulders together and stood motionless.
They could use a cup of tea!
My mother gives me a ruble for breakfast:
I will buy a lot of tea bags.
With a huge package: - Penguins, meet! -
I'll send rescue tea to the Pole.
Melted ice floes into boiling water,
Penguins are getting warmer: - Thank you, brother!
We got drunk on tea and teased the walruses,
They've already forgotten how to laugh!

A. Eroshin

From heavenly heights
The seagull shouted penguin:
"They say, penguin, that you -
Only half bird.
It's not good for a bird to run,
After all, she must fly!
The bird is proud of its wings
She’s worthless without wings.”
And the penguin has little grief,
Answers that seagull:
"Our sky is the sea,
We're flying underwater!

G. Ryaskina

U penguin house ice floe
I felt sorry for the penguin
Dives into the water for food
He can do it in any bad weather.
The poor man walks barefoot
Snow and ocean all around.
There is neither a bush nor a hummock,
You can't sit on a stump...
I decided to pack my backpack
Tomorrow I'll get up at five sharp
And I'll go to Antarctica
I'm saving a penguin.
I'll take his coat to him,
A hat, warm pants,
Down scarf, more than one,
Let the penguin warm up.
I just don’t know, brothers,
How to get to Antarctica,
I was told that there
Trains don't arrive.
Tell me, someone,
There's a shorter way to a friend!

E. Frantsuzova

Who walks among the ice floes
Not alone day and night?
That's not Santa Claus, but a bird,
Antarctic penguin.
Gathering on an ice floe
The entire penguin community,
So it seems - just about there
The flock will take flight!
Just to fly
The penguin's body needs ice,
You have to really want it
Lose a lot of weight!
So that the fairy tale becomes reality,
And the penguin took off on wings,
In the Antarctic distance,
You need three meters of wings!
But nature decided so
Or forgot about the wings,
So that he can walk in the ice,
And not fly through the sky!
Deftly jumping from the ice floe,
Penguins swim dashingly
And in the water, like fins,
Controlled by wings!
Live in Antarctica
But always in full dress,
On the hunt, even in a fight,
But always in a concert tailcoat!
All year round, winter and summer,
Only fish diet
They will have to comply
And don’t break it!
All penguins are fishermen
Always ready to dive
To get food,
To accumulate fat!
To become a prominent penguin,
You need to be solid in body,
To float them everywhere
In Antarctic water!
Worried about prestige
people conquer the pole,
Where the ice alone drifts,
Yes penguins, yes whales!
For penguins for guys
There is a penguin kindergarten,
Penguin teachers
Penguins teach life!

I. Rodionov

At the South Pole, among many ice floes
A clumsy feathered one lives - penguin.
He is a bird, really, very funny:
Dives and swims, but does not fly!
Waddles, wings spread,
There is a huge flock of penguins all over the ice.
They don't build nests - it's too cold - ice floes!
But how do penguins hatch babies?
It’s not easy to sit children on a pole -
The frost there is about ninety degrees!
They managed it! Penguin dads
The egg and chick are carried on top of the paws,
Hid from the cold under folds of fat.
There's enough heat there for his “passenger”!

N. Batsanova

Important, like a master
There is a penguin in Antarctica.
Wears a black tailcoat -
He's a master at wearing it!
Snow-white shirtfront
Not considered surplus!
For fish from the ice floe
Penguins are jumping into the sea.
Why is this bird
Never having fun?
And sad, as if from longing.
Penguin lost his socks?
I'll knit his socks
I'll dress up the Penguin in them!
It’s strange, barefoot on an ice floe!
There is no fear of a sore throat!
Apparently, they have been tempered since childhood,
And they weren’t afraid to splash!
They say penguins are birds...
How can you not be surprised?!
Where are their flocks of penguins?
And when did they fly?
I guessed it! There at any time of the year
Bad weather awaits the penguins!

On the cold shore
In the Antarctic snow
little penguin appeared
During the New Year's blizzard.
He is very happy today -
They brought him to kindergarten,
There for the penguin guys
Neither the beast nor the hail are scary.
Gather in a tight circle
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend,
They will immediately feel warmer
Gray down warms better.
Papa-Pin and Pina-Mama
Catching fish in the ocean
Feeding a baby penguin delicious food
Ocean gifts.
The penguin will grow up soon
Conqueror of the depths,
He will learn to fish
In the ocean among the ice floes.

Goal: Creating a festive magical atmosphere and mood in children.


  • To form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the New Year as a fun and good holiday, as the beginning of the calendar year;
  • Develop the ability to bring joy to loved ones and thank them for New Year's surprises and gifts
  • To evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday, to involve children in the national fun.

Progress of the event:

Children enter the hall in pairs. They stand around the tree facing each other.

Host: Again, guys, the Christmas tree has invited us to visit. Let's dance near the Christmas tree.

Performed "Polka" in pairs.

Children stand in a circle in front of the tree.


Look what happened?
The fairy tale came to the hall again.
Christmas tree in festive attire,
With golden thread in strands.

Everything shines silver
Confetti lies like a carpet.
We are waiting for friends from fairy tales,
The holiday is more fun with them.

Guys, what kind of holiday are we having today?

Children's answer.

Let's sing a song about the New Year.

A song is being performed “Our Christmas tree is beautiful”

Stand with the children in front of the Christmas tree.

Presenter: New Year is a holiday of children's joy. Many miracles happen in the New Year. Who comes to visit us?

Children's answer.

That's right, guys. Grandfather Frost comes to visit. And the guys dress up in festive outfits.

Snowman (sighs): oh-ho-ho-ho!

Leading (surprised): Guys, who is that groaning?

Children point to the snowman.

Host: They say correctly that New Year is a magical time of year. Even the Snowman came to life. Let's go up to him and ask what happened?

The children and the presenter approach the Snowman.

(to the snowman) Are you really alive?


At the Snowman site
I'm used to snow and cold.
Waves twigs
And it's like he's dancing.

Scarf, bucket and carrot
The children cleverly attached it.

Leading (joyfully): Good morning, Snowman!

Snowman: How good is it?

Host: Well, what about: today is the New Year. The guys gathered for happy holiday. We will sing songs, dance and play games.

Snowman: But I’m not in the mood for a holiday. My friends, the penguins from Antarctica, sent a letter, but I just can’t fulfill their request.

Host: What kind of request? Maybe we can help you?

Snowman: Here is a letter. (Hands out a letter to the presenter)

Children sit on chairs.

Leading (reads):

"Big hello penguins
They are sending it to you from a huge ice floe.
We, penguins, want
See the New Year:

Garlands and firecrackers,
There are toys on the Christmas tree,
So that Santa Claus is cheerful
He brought us gifts.


Everything is clear. (Children) Where do penguins live?

Children's answer.

Host: That's right, guys, in Antarctica, where there is only ice and snow. No trees grow there, including Christmas trees, so the penguins don’t know what New Year is. Snowman, why are you sad? You need to take Christmas tree decorations, garlands and silver rain and send them to your penguin friends.

Snowman: That's what I wanted to do, but I don't have toys, tinsel or silver rain.

Leading (children): Guys, it’s true that the Snowman doesn’t have Christmas tree decorations, because we made him on the site. What should we do?

Children's answer.

Well done guys, your proposal is correct! Snowman, we need to call Grandfather Frost and he will help us.

Snowman: Santa Claus?

Host: Yes. (Children) Guys, what should we call him?

Children's answer.

All in chorus: Santa Claus! Father Frost!

Music sounds and Santa Claus enters the hall with a large box in silver paper and places it against the wall.

Santa Claus: Well, are you prepared for New Year's holiday. What a beautiful Christmas tree you have. She's just kind of sad.

Host: Why, Grandfather Frost?

Santa Claus: Why, the lights don’t light up! Guys, shall we light them?

Children's answer.

Children stand near the Christmas tree.

Game with Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: Let's all together:

Clap, clap, talk

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

(The lights come on).

Santa Claus: We'll start a round dance.

After all, today is New Year!

A song is performed in front of the Christmas tree “White, white, in December, in December...” .

Santa Claus game "Mitten" .

Santa Claus game "Locomotive" .

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, you are probably tired, sit down, rest, and the guys will tell you poems.

Children read poetry.

Host: Grandfather Frost, what is this box in our hall?

The snowman takes the box and puts it next to the tree.

Snowman: Yes, yes, Grandfather Frost, what’s in this box?

Santa Claus: Ah, this is a gift for you. Christmas tree decorations that I want to give you for the New Year holiday.

Host: Christmas tree decorations? Snowman, these are the ones we need.

Santa Claus: Of course, Christmas tree decorations are needed to decorate the Christmas tree.

Snowman: Grandfather Frost, show them to us, please.

Santa Claus: Guys, do you want to watch?

The toy children run behind the tree and line up one after another, holding hands.

Santa Claus: Today is magical holiday is new year, so our toys will appear to all of us.

Santa Claus tilts the box and children's toys to the music "New Year is Coming" They come out from behind the box by the hands and make a circle.

The dance of toys is performed.

The toy children stand in a line and read poems about themselves.


I am a beautiful doll

You know me.

I teach Pinocchio

Write from "A" to "I" .

I'm the naughty Pippi

And all the people know

What do I wear on my feet?

Just one stocking.

New Year's ball.

I am a New Year's ball,

Brilliant, painted.

And penguins on the Christmas tree,

I'll please myself.

Gilded cone.

I am not a simple cone at all,

Glass and gold.

My festive outfit shines,

My sides are burning with fire.


And I’m an icicle, so slim,

I have to become a top model.

They covered me with silver,

And they put it in a box.

The toy children sit down with the rest of the children.

Snowman: Guys, look at what beautiful toys Did Santa Claus bring you? They decorate our holiday, even the hall has become even more elegant and colorful. Is it true? It’s even a pity to send them to the penguins.

Santa Claus: Where to send? What penguins?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, the penguins sent the snowman a letter that they would like to celebrate the New Year too, but they don’t have New Year’s toys.

Santa Claus: Oh, that's what's the matter? And you don’t mind sending my toys? Hey guys! Well done! I am glad that children are not greedy at all and are ready to help their friends when they ask for help.

If the guys are ready to please their friends, then I will please them too. (Children) Here are some ringing New Year's rattles. Let's play.

Children stand around Santa Claus.

Game with rattles.

Children sit down on chairs.

Snowman: We played well. Grandfather Frost, what else is in your magic bag?

Santa Claus: Guys, I have a lot of stuff in my bag. I did not come to you empty-handed, but brought you telegrams from various fairy tales.

Host: From whom?

Santa Claus: Guess for yourself.

Santa Claus takes out envelopes with pictures from his bag. Whose picture is on the envelope, Santa Claus is reading a riddle about him.

Mysteries of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Guys guessed everyone, well done!

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, New Year is coming, and the penguins are without toys. Let's quickly collect the parcel and send it with a snowman?

Santa Claus: I agree.

He approaches the box and tilts it.

  • Don't waste your time

You toys, all of you, get up

Yes, get into the box.

To the music, the toy children join hands in a chain and go behind the box and quietly hide behind the tree.

Santa Claus: Snowman, here's a package for the penguins.

Snowman: Thank you guys, thank you Grandfather Frost. I'll run to the post office and send the parcel.

The snowman takes the box backstage and will return at the game with a bell.

Santa Claus: And our holiday continues.

Come out and dance

Show off your prowess.

Dance being performed "Where are the girls, where are the boys..." .

Santa Claus: Oh, I’m tired, I want to drink some water.

Presenter: We will give you tea, as it should be according to Russian custom.

Game "Tea Party" .

Santa Claus is served a cup with a finely cut napkin in it. He blows into the cup and the napkins fly in different directions.

Host: This is how Grandfather Frost froze our tea, and this is how the snowflakes fly away.

Santa Claus: Thank you for your concern, the iced tea was good!

Snowman game with bell.

The snowman behind the tree takes a bell. It looks out from the right side and rings a bell. Santa Claus is listening. A snowman peeks out from the left side and rings his bell. Santa Claus begins to look for where the bell rings.

Santa Claus: Is it probably ringing in my ears? No, it's probably my parents' phone ringing? etc.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost! Only you can cheer the guys up like this, thank you.

Santa Claus: So I played with you and forgot that other children were waiting for me. Thank you for a fun holiday!

Host: Grandfather Frost, are you going to leave like that?

Santa Claus: What?

Host: You forgot about the gifts!

Santa Claus: Well, that's not a problem. Snowman, where is the ball? (snowball) who showed me the way to kindergarten?

Snowman gives a ball (snowball).

I’ll throw a snowball now, and he’ll find the gifts himself.

Santa Claus throws a snowball towards the first snowdrift.

The snowman takes out his felt boots.

Santa Claus throws a snowball in the other direction, towards the second snowdrift.

The snowman takes out his coat.

Santa Claus throws a snowball to the tree, the third snowdrift and it turns out to be a bag of gifts.

Santa Claus distributes gifts to children.

Santa Claus: I wish you to grow and not get bored

Don’t upset your teachers

And always ask for forgiveness

For any disappointments.

Well, next year

I'll definitely come.

Snowman: The hour is coming, the hour of parting,

Let the Christmas tree live in your memory!

Let's say to each other: "Goodbye!"

See you again, new year!

MADOU Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 15 "Solnyshko"


New Year's party for a group of general developmental orientation 4-5 years old


Adults: Leading. Brown bear. Father Frost. Snow Maiden.

Attributes: a letter from the little penguins, a bag, a wide satin ribbon, an envelope with riddles,

Knitted 10 scarves, gifts (according to the number of children).

Children dressed as doll toys.

Children enter the hall to New Year's music, in pairs and stand in a circle. Children perform a couple dance

Dance near the Christmas tree by L. Olifirov “The Christmas tree sparkles with lights”

An even number of children participate in the dance

Leading: Look what happened?

The fairy tale came to the hall again.

Christmas tree in festive attire

With golden thread in strands.

Everything shines silver

Confetti lies like a carpet.

We are waiting for friends from fairy tales,

The holiday is more fun with them.

Guys, what kind of holiday are we having today? The children answer.

Do you know songs about the New Year?(Yes)

Let's sing a song about the New Year.

SONG "HAPPY NEW YEAR"sl. M. Lapisova, music by E. Zharkovsky

Children perform a song (sit on chairs)

Leading: You are right when you sing, guys, that the New Year is a holiday of children's joy.

Many miracles happen on New Year's Day.

Who comes to visit us? ( Children's answers)

That's right, guys. Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden come to visit.

And the guys dress up in festive outfits.

Sighs are heard behind the Christmas tree Bear (sighs). Oh-ho-ho-ho!

Host: (surprised). Guys, who is that moaning? Maybe someone got sick?

A brown bear comes out. Children point to the bear.

Leading: Do you think it's a bear groaning? They say correctly that New Year is a magical time of year. Let's invite him to our party and ask him what happened?

Ved: Good morning, Mishenka!

Snowman: But how good is it?

Ved: Well, of course: today is the New Year. The guys gathered for a fun holiday. We will

Sing songs, dance, and play games.

Bear: But I’m not in the mood for a holiday. My friends, the penguins from Antarctica, sent a letter, and I

I just can’t fulfill their request.

Ved: What kind of request? Maybe we can help you?

Bear: Here is the letter (hands the letter to the presenter)

Presenter: (reads)

"Big hello penguins

They are sending it to you from a huge ice floe.

We, penguins, want

See New Year:

Garlands and firecrackers,

Toys on the Christmas tree

So that Santa Claus is cheerful

He brought us gifts.


Everything is clear. Guys, where do penguins live?(children's answers)

That's right, in Antarctica, where there are only ice floes and snow. Trees don't grow there, including

Christmas trees, so penguins don’t know what New Year is. Misha, why are you sad?

All you need to do is take the Christmas tree decorations, garlands and silver rain and send them off

To my friends - penguins.

Bear: I wanted to do just that, but I don’t have toys, tinsel or silver rain.

Leading: Guys, it’s true that Bear doesn’t have New Year’s Christmas decorations, because he lives in the forest.

What should we do?(Children's answers, maybe I should call Del Moroz?)

Well done guys, your proposal is correct! Misha, we need to call Grandfather Frost,

And he will help us.

Bear: Santa Claus? Can I call him?

Father Frost! Aw! Awww!

Do you hear? I'm calling you!

Leading: No, you're screaming too weakly!

Come on, let's all come together, guys.

Let's call him seriously

Let's shout: "Grandfather Frost!"

All in chorus: Grandfather Frost! Grandfather Frost!

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden and Father Frost enter the hall. Santa Claus in his hands big box in silver paper.

Father Frost: How many small children:

Here are Angelina and Alexey,

Ksyushenka and Mishenka,

Anechka and Nikita.

Did you all recognize me?

Children: Grandfather Frost!

Father Frost: Hello guys, hello dear guests. I came not alone, but with mine

Granddaughter Snegurochka.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys!

Father Frost: You are well prepared for the New Year holiday. What a beautiful Christmas tree you have,

Dressy. She's just kind of sad.

Leading: Why, Grandfather Frost?

Father Frost: Why, the lights don’t light up! Guys, we need to come up with something to make our beauty shine

Multi-colored lights.


Father Frost: Let's all together:

Clap, clap - speak,

Come on, the Christmas tree, burn!The lights come on

Now let's stomp our feet,

Let's stamp our heels

And the lights will go outThe lights are turned off, the game is played 2 - 3 times

Father Frost: How beautiful it became in the hall,

We'll start a round dance.

After all, today is New Year!

SONG “You have Santa Claus”

(children remain standing near the Christmas tree)

Leading: Grandfather Frost, what is this box in our hall?

Father Frost: Ahhhh, this is a gift for you.

Bear: What's in this box?

Father Frost: Christmas tree decorations that I want to give to the guys for the New Year holiday.

Leading: Christmas tree decorations? Mishenka, these are the ones we need.

Father Frost: Certainly, Christmas decorations needed to decorate the Christmas tree.

Bear : Grandfather Frost, please show us them.

Father Frost . Guys, do you want to watch?

Children in costumes New Year's toys stand behind the tree. The lights in the hall turn off. The mirror ball turns on. Magic music sounds.

Grandfather Frost places the box on the floor near the tree sideways so that the box opens towards spectators and children. The Snow Maiden helps Santa Claus.


("On the night of New Year" music and lyrics by P Ermolaev)

Children-toys stand in a line in front of the audience and each read poetry about their fairy-tale character.

Malvina: I am a beautiful doll

You know me.

I'm teaching Pinocchio

Write from A to Z

Bear: Guys, look what beautiful toys Grandfather Frost brought you? They

They are decorating our holiday, even the hall has become even more elegant and colorful. Is it true? Even

It's a shame to send them to the little penguins.

Father Frost: Where should I send it? Which penguins?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, the penguins sent Mishka a letter that they would like to too

Celebrate New Year, but they don't have New Year's toys.

Father Frost . Ah, what's the matter? And you don’t mind sending my toys? Hey guys!

Well done! I am glad that the children are not greedy at all and are ready to help

Friends when they ask for help.

Snow Maiden . Grandfather Frost, what about the guys?

Father Frost. You're right, Snow Maiden, if the guys are ready to please their friends, then I will too

Their . (To children.) Here are the New Year's snowballs. Mishenka, invite the guys to play.


Teams of girls and boys of 5-6 people each line up opposite each other. Each team receives “Snowballs”, 2 snowballs for each team member. The task is to throw snowballs into your basket (bucket), placed 2-3 meters from the team. The game is played 2-3 times. Children sit on chairs

Bear: Well we played. Grandfather Frost, what else is in your magic box?

Father Frost. Guys, I have a lot of stuff in my bag. I didn't come to you empty

With my hands, I brought you telegrams from various fairy tales.

Leading. From whom?

Father Frost. Guess it yourself.

Children sit on chairs. Santa Claus takes out envelopes with pictures from his bag. Whose picture is on the envelope, Santa Claus is reading the riddle about him.
Riddles of Santa Claus (from fairy tales)

I went to visit my grandmother, We waited for my mother with milk,

I brought the pies to her. And they let a wolf into the house...

The gray wolf was watching her, Who were these

Deceived and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood) Little children? (seven kids)


Mixed with sour cream, What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,

It’s cold on the window, Mouse, and another dog, Bug.

Round side, ruddy side Grandfather and grandmother helped,

Rolled... (gingerbread man) Did you collect root vegetables? (turnip)

********* *******

The house is small, I bought a samovar,

But it is roomy. And the mosquito saved her (fly - clatter)

You can fit in it ********

To a wide variety of residents. And the little hare and the she-wolf -

There is no lock on it. Everyone runs to him for treatment (aibolit)

This house is ..... (teremok)


Accordion in hands

On top of the head is a cap,

And next to him it’s important

Cheburashka sitting (crocodile Gena)

Father Frost. The guys guessed everyone, well done.

Leading. Grandfather Frost, New Year is coming, and the penguins are without toys. Let's hurry up

Shall we collect the parcel and send it with a bear?

Father Frost. I agree. (He approaches the box and opens it.)

Santa Claus takes the box, puts it on the table and ties it with a large satin ribbon.

Father Frost. Bear, here's a package for the penguins.

Bear. Thank you guys, thank you, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. I'll run faster

I'll mail and send the parcel.

The children say goodbye to the Bear and leaves.

Father Frost: And our holiday continues.

Come out and dance

Show off your prowess.

Musical game “A steam locomotive is coming”

Performed according to the show of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost. Oh, I’m tired, I want to rest.

Leading. Sit down, Grandfather Frost, relax, and our guys have also prepared gifts for you.

Children read poetry. Santa Claus thanks the children for their poems.


The Snow Maiden goes behind the tree and takes the bell. It looks out from the right side and rings a bell. Santa Claus is listening. The Snow Maiden looks out from the left side and rings her bell. Santa Claus gets up and starts looking for where the bell is ringing.

Father Frost. This must be the ringing in my ears?!The game is played 2 times.

Father Frost. What's happened? I'm tired of this ringing. You need to wipe yourself with a handkerchief.

Trick with handkerchiefs:pulls out handkerchiefs from his sleeve, tied at the ends to each other.

Leading. What a magician you are, Santa Claus! Only you can cheer the guys up like this, thanks to you and Snegurochka.

Father Frost. So I started playing with you and forgot that other kids were waiting for me. Thank you for a fun holiday!

Leading. Grandfather Frost, are you going to leave like this?

Father Frost. And what?

Leading. You forgot about the gifts!

Father Frost: Well, dear friends, for you

I have a miracle in store.

The gifts I prepared for you,

Now, guys, I'll give it to you.

(looks for a bag)

Where is my bag? Here's the secret...

No on the right... And no on the left...

Isn’t it on the Christmas tree?

And not under the tree?

At this time, the Snow Maiden quietly pulls out a bag of gifts from behind the door.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost! Hooray!

I found your bag!

Santa Claus approaches the bag and praises the Snow Maiden. He wants to untie the bag, but he can’t do anything.

Father Frost: That's the knot... Uh-huh!

I can't untie it!

Snow Maiden. Well, let's all clap together!

Let's stomp our feet!

Father Frost (pulls the bow)

The knots are all untied

And we got gifts

Get to your places quickly

I will give gifts to everyone

Cheerful music is playing. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are distributing gifts.

Father Frost Here comes the New Year holiday. It's time for us to finish! Goodbye!

The snowmen walk one after another, the first one holds Umka’s hand. Everyone goes behind the tree.
Presenter. Well, that's good. Now the Snowmen will help Umka and bring him to the children for the Christmas tree. And while we are waiting for Santa Claus, we will sing a New Year’s song at the tree.
Children sing the song “Beauty Christmas Tree”

Children sit on chairs. At this time, to the side of the tree, so that he can be barely visible, Santa Claus puts the toys in a large bag and hums into his beard “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” (1st verse).

Father Frost
Trum-pum, pum1 Trum-pum-pum!
A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest...
So! He put the doll down, Helen asked for the hare - he put it down. Artemka wanted the car and put it away. Well, that's all, it's time to go to kindergarten! (Throws the bag behind his back, takes it, staff)
Hey, my horses are fast,
My horses are fast!
Stand in front of me.
My snowy beard!

Three Horses appear near Santa Claus. They hold in front of them a hoop decorated with tinsel, white ribbons, a bell and rain. Santa Claus takes the reins and says: “Let's go!” Everyone “circles” two circles in front of the tree, then Santa Claus remains in the center, puts the bag under the tree, and the Horses take the hoop behind the tree and sit down.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Hello all the kids:
Both girls and boys!
Come to your kindergarten
Guys, I'm very happy. (Looks around.)
Your green tree is nice.
Here are the toys and beads on it.
Only there are no colorful lights,
There are no Christmas lights on it. (Knocks with staff.)
Light up, our beautiful Christmas tree.
We will gather everyone for the holiday.
To the very, to the top needles
Sparkle with colorful fire.

The Christmas tree is lit, the children dance in a circle with Santa Claus (to the music of the song “Good Beetle”, movements at the discretion of the music director).
Okay, guys, let's celebrate the New Year together. Only my beloved granddaughter is missing. We need to call her.
Oh, I hear someone coming, maybe she?

The music of the “Snowman Dance” sounds, they lead Umka and stand in front of the Christmas tree in a semicircle.
Snowmen (in chorus)
Oh, we're tired, we're tired.
Finally we got to you.
1st snowman
Little bear, stay!
Look, don't get lost! (They shake a finger at him)

I really wanted to make it in time
Look at the miracle tree. (Approaches Santa Claus)
Santa Claus (stroking him).
Yes, yes! So small, and you’re traveling alone! No good! That's it, my friend, stay with us during the holiday, just don't run away. Mom will definitely find you. And you, friends Snowmen, stay, don’t be shy. And you guys, show respect and read some poems. (Sits on a chair in front of the Christmas tree.)
Children read poetry.

Thank you, you made me happy. Why is it that my granddaughter isn’t coming, because she promised to go with me, but I called and called and didn’t
called. She probably ran far from home. I started playing with my friends, Snowflakes, what a fidget! Maybe we can call you? He will hear right away.
Children (in chorus). Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The “Snow Maiden” (Baba Yaga in disguise) appears (to any Russian folk tune), dancing.
Baba Yaga.
I'm coming! I'm coming! Hello, my killer whales! Happy New Year! I started playing in a clearing in the forest, and was almost late for your holiday! Oh, what a beauty! Well, the Christmas tree is a sight for sore eyes. And here is Grandfather Morozushko. Why are you looking so unfriendly or have you not recognized your little blood granddaughter?

Baba Yaga, continuing to dance, involves Father Frost in the dance. They dance to the Russian folk melody “Barynya”. After the dance, Baba Yaga fans herself with a handkerchief. Santa Claus walks around her, looking at her.
Santa Claus (peering intently).
Wait, wait! It seems to me that you don’t look exactly like my granddaughter and that you talk somehow differently. Somehow I doubt: Are you the Snow Maiden?
Baba Yaga.
How is this not the Snow Maiden? And look carefully: the Snow Maiden’s hat? Snow Maiden mittens? Snow Maiden's fur coat? So why am I not your granddaughter? (Starts whining.) He didn’t recognize his own granddaughter...

Santa Claus (looks at her feet and sees bast shoes).
What is this? Bast shoes? How could I not have guessed it right away! Oh, you liar! Well, quickly bring my granddaughter to me, otherwise it will be bad. Because of your deception, I won’t let you come to our holiday anymore. Where is the Snow Maiden?
Baba Yaga (scared).
Yes now, now! You can't even joke. They immediately scare me and drive me away. I’m leaving, I’m leaving, I won’t come again... (Leaves.)

Santa Claus (threatens after her). Look! Guys, she's gone. Baba Yaga left for the Snow Maiden, I’ll listen to your poems again, you tell them very well, with soul, with expression.
Children read poetry.

Well, where is my granddaughter? Guys, let's call loudly again, she will hear right away.
Children (in chorus). Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

To the introduction of the song “Round Dance with the Snow Maiden,” the Snow Maiden enters. She strokes the children and kisses Santa Claus. He takes her hand and admires her.
Father Frost.
This is my real Snow Maiden, my beloved granddaughter!

Children perform the song “Round Dance with the Snow Maiden”
Snow Maiden.
Grandfather Frost, you spent the whole year collecting gifts for the children. Where is your bag?
Father Frost.
Here, here. Snow Maiden, I put it under the Christmas tree. Here it is, now I’ll untie it and show it.

In advance, a penguin is placed in a bag without a bottom and lightly tied with a bow. They quietly replace Santa Claus's bag with it. Santa Claus unties the bag, the edges fall down, and everyone sees the Penguin. In his hands he has fish for an attraction.
What kind of toy is this, how did you get here? I put other gifts in the bag. What miracles!

I jumped from ice floe to ice floe
Yes, I dived for fish.
I didn’t have time to give them to Umka,
I came running to the holiday myself!

Snow Maiden. Thank you, good little Penguin, the guys and I will play “Fishing”.
Attraction "Fishing"
The fish are cut out of cardboard and painted. Number of fish according to the number of participants. Each has a braid wound around it, the edge of which is attached to a stick. Holding the stick by the edges with both hands, you need to quickly twist it - then the braid from the fish is rewound onto the stick and the fish ends up near the Christmas tree. Who's faster?

Suddenly a cell phone rings.
Father Frost. Snow Maiden! Can you hear? Sounds like a phone ringing...
Snow Maiden. I hear it very well, but I don’t understand where it comes from!

The Snow Maiden and Father Frost walk around the entire room: behind the Christmas tree, to the window. Suddenly the Snow Maiden stops near the bag and points at it in fear.
Father Frost. From the bag? Strange! What an amazing bag? Santa Claus collected toys there, and surprises appear. Slowly he unties the bag, the edges fall down, and Baba Yaga appears with a cell phone.

Baba Yaga (joyfully). Father Frost! Call for you!
Father Frost. Me? Who could it be? Yes, yes, I'm listening. Hello, Madam Bear. Yes, it's me - Santa Claus. Don't worry, he's at our party safe and sound. Come join us for a holiday! Oh, don’t you know the way? Now we will ask the respected Baba Yaga to help you, she knows all the roads and paths.
Baba Yaga (gets out of the bag). Oh, I’ll get that straight away. It's always nice to do a good deed. Where is my super speed broom? Eh, I flew off like a rocket. (Runs away on a broom)

Father Frost. I think this time there will be no tricks! Oh, I think it’s already here.
Baba Yaga runs in and leads the Bear by the hand.
Baba Yaga Wow! Have you seen it? How kind and good I am, I quickly brought the Bear to you, and you scold and drive everyone away... (Wipes her eyes with a handkerchief)
Father Frost. Not really! No! For this I praise and thank you! Stay with us for the holiday!

Ursa. Where is my son? Umka?
Umka runs up to her, they hug, and sit down among the children. The Bear leaves the bucket to the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden While mom was looking for Umka, the water had already turned into ice. We'll play with them now. Who will collect the most? Let's find out!
Attraction "Who will collect the most icicles"
Two people are participating. The icicles are cut out of foil, with a hole in the top in the middle. You need to take one icicle from the bucket and string it on a stick. Who is bigger and faster?

Snow Maiden Santa Claus, because the guys are waiting for the most important surprise - gifts. Where is your magic?
Father Frost. Yes, everything is fine, granddaughter, the magic is in my staff. Just help me. Place all the icicles in a bucket and cover them with a magic handkerchief.
Baba Ya g a. Both I and I will help. How can you not help? I have become kind and responsive!
Father Frost. Then take a bucket and go around the Christmas tree, but just don’t look into it. Clear?

Baba Yaga walks with a bucket around the Christmas tree, where she is exchanged for the same one, but with gifts, and covered with the same scarf.

Santa Claus knocks with his staff:
On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale.
All miracles come true
And ice cubes
They turn into gifts.

Baba Yaga (indifferently) Well, what happened? The bucket remained as it was, not even the scarf had changed. Just as there were no gifts, there are no gifts.
Father Frost. Come on now. Snow Maiden, look! Is this true?

The Snow Maiden takes out gifts. Everyone claps their hands. The bucket is placed on a low table.
Guys, come to me and receive gifts.

Children approach Santa Claus and take gifts. Baba Yaga and Snow Maiden help to quietly change buckets of gifts. Then everyone walks around the Christmas tree together, it blinks with lights. Children in kindergarten say goodbye to Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, and the Bear.
New Year's party is over