Scenario for the autumn holiday “You are beautiful, autumn time! Polka dance "Don't joke."

Marina Kidyaeva
Scenario autumn holiday"You are beautiful, autumn time

Goals: development of creative and children's stage abilities.


Educational: to consolidate the ability to expressively and clearly perform songs and dances, the ability to expressively perform roles, and read poetry with expression.

Developmental: develop singing skills, sense of rhythm, ear for music. the ability to coordinate movements with music. Develop creativity.

Educational: Cultivate friendly relations towards each other, a sense of mutual assistance and compassion.

Preliminary work: Learning musical and dance material, learning poetry and skits. Production of scenery and costumes.

Equipment and materials: audio recordings of Chopin" Autumn Waltz", K. Derr" Autumn Waltz"(backing track, sounds of forest, rain; umbrella; costumes or hats - headbands: hare, bear, fox, sparrow, ant (2 pieces, boletus mushroom, two birch trees; toy mushroom; basket with vegetables and fruits (dummies); basket with apples (treat);

Celebration progress:

Children with autumn leaves enter the hall and listen to music (audio recordings of Chopin" Autumn Waltz") They walk calmly in a free formation. The music stops, the children stand in their pre-designated places.

Leading: Hello, dear guests, guys! It’s great that we met with you again in our cozy room.

Karina O.

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains -

This time of year - what is it called?

Children: Autumn!

Ksenia K. Aromas of ripe apples,

Flocks of birds noise and din,

The smell of overripe leaves,

Frost in the grass in the morning...

Kirill S. The summer has flown away -

He's gone! Look for fistulas!

The sun got lost somewhere -

Get the raincoats out of the closets!

KatyaK. What a miracle, what a autumn,

Golden leaves!

Like silk braids

The maiden has dismissed!

Ilya S. Autumn visits invisible

She entered quietly

And a magical palette

She brought it with her to the city.

Katya B. Painting red rowan

Decorated in the gardens

Splashes of scarlet viburnum

Scattered it on the bushes.

Lena G. Zheltoy will paint autumn

Poplars, alders, birches.

The rain is pouring like gray paint

The sun laughs goldenly.

Lisa D. Maple orange stands

And it’s as if he’s saying:

"Look around -

Everything changed suddenly!”

Polina D. Let go autumn brushes,

And looks around

Bright, kind, colorful

Gave us a holiday!

A song is being performed « Autumn, dear rustling"

Appear autumn sisters, dancing a waltz.

Leading: Once in a free moment

The sisters started an argument in earnest.

September: I, guys, September,

Cobweb - silver

I paint the leaves bright colors

There are no better colors in the world.

I love to keep up with the fruits,

Harvest good ladies

I am more important than my sisters

And my words are not nonsense.

Oktyabrinka: Don't rush my sister

No doubt you are a craftswoman

Only your days will pass

And I will come to replace you.

I'm Oktyabrinka, guys.

Gold and rain

It's time for the leaves to fall,

It's time for the birds to fly away.

Well, I will work

To work around the house,

I'll check the bunnies' fur coat,

I'll cook them some bark

And I’ll try with leaves

Cover the hole warmer.

Noyabrinka: Eka ne vidal, sister

I'm dying of laughter now,

A very difficult task

Cover the hole with leaves.

I am the most important person in the world

Both healthier and more necessary.

I'm Noyabrinka, guys,

Chill and snowflake.

The forest and glades fell asleep,

Fogs lay over the meadows,

Both the bee and the bug are sleeping,

The cricket fell silent in the corner.

Only a cheerful tit

Suddenly she flies up - she can’t sit,

Let's not forget the birds

They will have to spend the winter.

Stock for nests

Berries and grains.

Presenter: A bunny ran past, a bunny to the sisters said:

Bunny: What is there to argue and guess,

To be offended, to quarrel

To have a nice winter

We need to prepare.

Every month in turn

He bears his gifts for us.

Each is important and useful

In due time and due time.

Come out forest people

IN friendly autumn round dance!

Song "Where are you, honey? autumn

It turns out Autumn, girls surround her, they dance the waltz to K. Derr" Autumn Waltz".

Autumn: Everyone calls me - Autumn is golden,

I walked through fields and forests.

Greetings from everyone Congratulations on the autumn holiday!

How good, how fun we all have!

Song- staging"Hello Autumn»

Children: Hello Autumn, Hello Autumn.

It's good that you came.

You have us autumn we'll ask

What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: Here (pointing to the basket) quite a few vegetables

Both for soup and cabbage soup!

Autumn: I brought you some buckwheat,

Children: There will be porridge in the stove.

Autumn: I brought you flour

Children: So there will be pies.

Autumn: Well, apples are like honey

Children: For jam, for compote.

Children: Hello Autumn, Hello Autumn

It's good that you came

And you give us good weather Autumn is in store?

Autumn: Are you happy about the rain?

Children: We don’t want to, we don’t need to!

The children run to their places.

Child: Thank you, Autumn that now you are with us

We love you Autumn, we glorify with songs and poems.

Dasha B: Walking autumn along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light,

The sun got lost somewhere.

Maxim B: Walking autumn, wanders autumn,

The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.

New rug underfoot

Yellow-pink maple.

Autumn: Guys, do you like riddles? Try to guess my riddles!


He is golden and mustachioed,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets! (Ear) (takes the answer out of the basket)

Grew from a seed

Golden sun. (Sunflower)

The girl is sitting in prison,

And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

Thirty-three clothes

All without clasp.

Who undresses them -

Tears are shed. (Onion)

And green and thick

A bush grew in the garden bed.

Dig a little:

Under a bush. (Potato)

Round side, yellow side,

A bun is sitting on a garden bed.

Rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this? (turnip)

Autumn: What we carry over our heads,

What if it's pouring rain? (Umbrella)

I'll give you an umbrella

And we are not afraid of rain!


(Music sounds (audio recording of the sounds of rain, the Hare comes out into the middle of the hall)

Hare: It's getting colder every day,

It's very chilly in the rain.

I'm shaking all over, I'm all wet,

Like an aspen leaf.

I would like a house, but a drier one -

I would warm my paws and ears there.

(The girl comes out and opens her umbrella)

Dasha: Here he revealed himself very opportunely

Our Dasha has an umbrella in her hands.

Get under the umbrella baby

If you warm your paws, you will run away.

(Fox runs in)

Fox: Your umbrella is so wonderful!

Won't it be cramped for the three of us?

Dasha: Come to us, Chanterelle, hurry up,

Dry the fluffy tail.

(Bear enters)

Bear: Good afternoon to you!

All: Hello, Mishka!

Bear: Treating you all to a cone!

All: Thank you!

Bear: Can I get under the umbrella?

Warm your nose and ears?

Fox: Oh-oh-oh! Your height is very great!

Do you remember my bushy tail!

Dasha: Enough space under the umbrella.

The four of us are not crowded!

(Sparrow flies)

Sparrow (complaining): I flew in the rain,

I looked everywhere for grains,

The wings have become heavy,

I can barely fly!

Dasha: Fly to us, Little Sparrow!

Enough room for all five!

(Two Ants enter)

Ant 1: Hurrying ants,

Not lazy, not stupid,

One after another along the path

They drag grains and crumbs.

Need to work in the fall -

Everything will come in handy in winter.

Ant 2: An ant cannot be lazy,

The ant lives by work.

And a bug and a caterpillar,

Drags you to your underground home!

How can you see that he is in a hurry

He's on his way,

Don't hurt him

Don't touch him!

(Rain soundtrack sounds)

Dasha: The rain has stopped!

(Closes umbrella)

Hare: Well, then I galloped!

Fox: Goodbye! To me it's time!

My hole is waiting for me!

Bear: Well, me too it's time to hit the road,

I'll go to my den to sleep!

Sparrow: Then I flew too,

Goodbye, friends!

Ant2: Then I ran too,

My family is waiting for me!

(calls the second Ant)

Hey, friend, Ant,

The rain has stopped! Hooray!

We have to hurry with you it's time!

Dasha: Goodbye, animals!

I’ll run to the guys too.

We will We are celebrating autumn,

Songs to sing and dance

Song "It has arrived autumn»

Mini- scene"Just a boletus"

Leading: Two beautiful birch trees

The branches were braided,

We chatted about the weather

About autumn-winter fashion....

The wind kept making noise and getting angry,

I was fiddling with leaves.

Suddenly at the very roots

A mushroom grew on a hummock.

1 birch: We should cover it

A small napkin.

2 birch: I don’t have a napkin.

1 birch: So cover it with a branch!

1 and 2 birch trees: We don’t want it to end up in the box

Someone threw our mushroom.

We won't give it up!

It will be boring without him!

Leading: The birch trees unbraided their braids,

Some of the leaves were dropped

And a colored blanket

They threw it on the fungus.

And the fungus kept growing and growing...

Mushroom: Wow, how hot it is for me here!

Leading: He waved his hat,

Stretched sweetly.

Mushroom: I am neither small nor tall,

Boletus is a fungus.

Eat whoever finds me

I don't feel sorry for myself.

I'll be there for the mushroom picker

A delicious gift!

Mushroom dance

Autumn: You guys have fun

I didn't just come

The harvest was rich:

I brought a lot of apples

And that's why now

I'll treat you, friends!

(Gives a basket of treats to the presenter)

Autumn: Well, friends, I’ll tell you right,

I had a blast!

I walked around your entire kindergarten,

I didn't find any clutter!

Meet the winter-winter,

Well, what about me? it's time.... Farewell!

Children thank Autumn for the treat and say goodbye to her.

Song « Golden holiday»

KSU "Silantievskaya secondary school of the education department of the akimat of the Altynsarinsky district"

Autumn holiday scenario
"Autumn Sisters"
(for preschool class)

Educator: Kongratbaeva I.O.

Autumn holiday scenario
"Autumn Sisters"
(for pre-school children)
Goal: to create a festive atmosphere and good mood, promoting the unity of the children's team.
vegetables, fruits, leaves, riddle cards, a scarf, a basket of apples.
(Children enter the hall to “Waltz” by A. Griboyedov).
Hello to you, my native land,
With your dark forests,
With your great river,
And endless fields!
Hello to you, dear people,
Tireless hero of labor,
In the middle of winter and in the summer heat!
Hello to you, my native land!
(S. Drozhzhin)
Trio song “Autumn - golden leaf fall”
1 child:
Altyn tuske boyalyp
Keldi, mini, altyn kuz
Zhemister pisti bakshada,
Dukenge tusti kokoniz.
2nd child:
Altyn tuske boyalyp
Shөpter, gulder, zhapyrak,
Bastaldy sabak mektepte,
Bіlim alu qiyn ak!
3rd child:
Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.
Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows.
It's just turning green
Winter in the fields.
4 child: A cloud covers the sky,
The sun doesn't shine.
The wind howls in the field,
The rain is drizzling.
The waters began to rustle
Fast stream.
The birds have flown away
To warm regions.

Child 5: Here the bins are full of bread,
There are apples and horses here,
Here a camel wanders across the steppe
And the children sing merrily.
Children sing the song “Autumn has come” (S. Nesaulenko)
(Autumn enters and dances to the music of P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons,” fragment).
Autumn: Who can accurately name the autumn months for me?
(Children name the months)
A month goes by quickly
and the days fly by,
Nature gradually
Changes his outfit.
There are a lot of worries and things to do,
I have daughters
And every assistant
I'm calling for help.
Get acquainted, friends,
Do you want to go with them?
September runs in wearing a wreath of fruits and vegetables, wearing an apron with leaves and mushrooms, and holding a basket.
I'm September, guys,
Silver cobweb.
I paint the leaves in bright colors,
There are no better colors in the world.
I command the fruits to ripen,
Good harvest ladies.
Do you want to know about him?
I ask you to guess the riddles.
(Children come out with hidden pictures behind their backs and ask riddles; if they guess right, they show the answer)

In golden husk
I really like him.
It's worth peeling off the husks,
I'll start shedding tears. (Onion).
Round, rosy,
Juicy and sweet
Very fragrant,
Bulk, smooth,
Heavy, big,
What is it? (Apple).
Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
Salt it a little,
After all, the truth is delicious... (Potato).

Dance - Dance of vegetables.

Autumn: Do you know what vegetables and fruits taste like?
The game “Guess the Taste” is played.
Oktyabrinka runs in, dancing with a light golden scarf or with leaves (dance improvisation) to P. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz".
It's time for the leaves to fall,
It's time for the birds to fly away.
I'm Oktyabrinka, guys.
Gold and rain.
I have a lot to do too:
I'll check the bunnies' fur coat,
I'll cook them some bark
And I’ll try with leaves
Cover the hole warmer.
Children read poems about autumn.

A. Pleshcheev
Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain keeps pouring down
Puddles by the porch
Stunted rowan
Gets wet under the window;
Looks at the village
A gray spot.
Why are you visiting early?
Has autumn come to us?
The heart still asks
Light and warmth!
Autumn has come
A. Erikeev
Autumn has come
Our garden has turned yellow.
Leaves on a birch
They burn with gold.
Don't hear the funny ones
Songs of the nightingale.
The birds have flown away
To distant lands.
Autumn in the park
I. Vinokurov
Autumn is coming in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Pink apron - aspen,
Red beads - rowan,
Yellow umbrella for poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.
K. Balmont
Lingonberries are ripening,
The days have become colder,
And from the bird's cry
It only makes my heart sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea,
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress.
The sun laughs less often.
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And he will cry sleepily.

The song “Autumn has come knocking on us with golden rain...” is performed.
The game "Who is faster" is played (with leaves)
In the middle of the hall there are two drivers with leaves in their hands. The teams are lined up behind each other's heads, facing the drivers. During the first part of the music, the first of the teams approach the driver, bow and take a leaf from the driver. Then the baton is passed on to the second participants, and so on, until the drivers have no leaves left. The team that collects the bouquet first wins.
Rain, fall on the fields,
The ground will become wet,
And in the spring rye and wheat
They will spike again.
They perform the song “Rain” (M. Partskhaladze)
Game - relay race "Who can fill a glass with water faster."
Two teams use a spoon to pour water from a bowl, pouring it into an empty glass that stands next to the bowl. The team that fills their glass with water the fastest wins.
Noyabrinka comes out, holding shiny plumes in her hands, and on her head a crown with dried leaves.
I'm Noyabrinka, guys,
Chill and snowflake.
The forest and glades fell asleep,
Fogs fell on the meadows.
Both the bee and the bug are sleeping,
The cricket fell silent in the corner.
Only a cheerful tit
Suddenly she flutters up - she can’t sit still!
Let's not forget the birds
They will have to spend the winter.
They need so little food -
Hang up a piece of bacon!
The game "Magic Scarf" is played.
Cheerful, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall and perform various dance movements. Suddenly the music stops. Children squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn, straightening large scarf, accompanied by light music, goes around the guys and covers one of them with a scarf.
Once! Two! Three!
Who was hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn!
Answer quickly!
Children say the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, the handkerchief is raised. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to cheerful music, and everyone else claps for him. Playing for the last time, Autumn covers a basket of apples, quietly brought into the hall, with a scarf. The presenter speaks her words again. Children call the name of the child who, in their opinion, is hidden under the scarf.
No! All the guys are here! Who was hiding under the handkerchief then?
We raise our handkerchief
Now we’ll find out what’s underneath it!
What is this? Basket!
(Pushes aside the leaves covering the apples.)
And in the basket...
Children: Apples!
Cheerful music is playing. Autumn and her sisters treat the children to apples.
Farewell to autumn
We let go of the golden autumn,
Let him retire
Before next winter!
And now the ball is over,
Who called us here.
We thank
Golden autumn,
Her we are in colors
Let's draw autumn ones.
Creative work.
Autumn is quietly leaving. Children are given album sheets to draw illustrations on the theme “Golden Autumn”. Then there is an exhibition.
Organized exchange of children's opinions about illustrations.

Ved. : Dear guys, dear parents, guests! We have gathered today for a holiday that comes to us every year - the Autumn holiday.

Today we were invited to autumn forest for your birthday!

And whose birthday it is, you will find out later.

The leaves were filled with sunshine,

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Filled up, heavy

And they flew with the wind,

They rustled through the bushes...

You can see them here and there.

The wind swirls like gold,

It makes noise like golden rain.

All the leaves on an autumn day

So beautiful.

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves.

Song “Yellow leaf...”


Yellow leaf, yellow leaf
will fall on the path
This means, this means
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Here are the leaves, rain, rain
It will fall on your palm
This means, this means
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Come, beauty, golden autumn!
The kids really like it, golden autumn!

Autumn:-Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

I came to your party

Sing and have fun.

I want to be with everyone here

Make strong friends.

Ved. : Autumn is knocking on us

Gloomy cloud and rain

And it won't come back

Summer with sunbeam. Let's go get the umbrellas


Mom bought me an umbrella

An adult, a real one.

Hot pink, beautiful,

With a shiny handle.

If it rains again,

I'll go for a walk under an umbrella!

Ved. :- Guys, let's sing a song about rain.


Song "Rain"

Drip-drip, knock-knock-knock
There was a knock on the glass.
It's raining in the morning
Woke up all the kids.

Drip-drip, don-dong-dong
The drops began to ring.
If you go out for a walk
Don't forget to take an umbrella.

Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip
The rain has a cheerful disposition.
Tomorrow morning we will again
Let's go for a walk in the rain.

Ved. - They harvest fruits in the fall.

There is a lot of joy for people after all their hard work.

And we greet you with a rich harvest.


And now it’s time to harvest... Who is the most dexterous?

^ Ved: We need to collect potatoes!

We put on crowns

(Vegetable children appear: Carrots, Turnips, Peas, Cucumber, Beets;

CarrotI am a carrot, a red tail.
Come visit more often.
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks turn red,
Eat carrots, drink my juice,
You will only be healthier!

CucumberI am both fresh and salty.
All pimply and green.
Don't forget me, my friend,
Stock up on your health for future use

. Beet I'm round and strong, dark red sides,

Young beets are so sweet!

I'm good for lunch in both borscht and vinaigrette!
. turnip I look like the sun, I grew up in the garden too,

Sweet and strong, I call it a turnip.

I have a special taste, take it, my friend, try it!

:Polka dots I'm such a pretty, green boy!

If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas!

in unison
We are tasty and juicy
Let's feed all the children!

(Vegetable children appear: Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Orange;

AppleI am strong, crispy,
The miracle is real.
Yellow and red -
The skin is satin.
The apple is ruddy
All the best for children!

PearThey call me a pear.
I'll tell you, and you listen:
Love me, children!
I am more useful than anyone in the world.

PlumWhat kind of tree is in bloom?
Fruit, not fruit, but a miracle!
I’ll tell you, kids,
The plum is ripening.

PeachPeach – round and fragrant,
Warm, tender, golden,

Very similar to the moon
Sometimes for chicken

And with his little fluff -
Like a Persian cat.

Orange Hello, I'm a juicy orange,

Everyone's favorite gentleman.

Do you have a juicer?

I don’t mind juice for my friends!

in unison
And we are even more elegant!
And we are even juicier!

Don't argue, dears!
Nothing tastes better
Wonderful, ripe fruit
And fresh vegetables!

Hello, golden Autumn,
Hello, generous time!
Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!
It's time to start our holiday!

What is your holiday today?

We are all invited to Russula's birthday.

Where will this holiday be?

In the forest, in the clearing. All the mushrooms will gather there.

What gifts will there be?

Poems and riddles.

Smart guesses.

Songs and jokes.

Funny moments!

(Mushrooms appear:)

Happy birthday
Russula from the heart!
She has both pink and yellow,
All outfits are good.
Do you guys know why russulas come in different colors?

I'm alone under the Christmas tree,
Another one under the oak tree,
Well, if the forest is mixed,
That's who I am!

ALL(in chorus, singing)
Happy birthday! (4 times).

FLY AKOMOR (listening)
Oh guys! Save yourself, who can! Mushroom pickers are coming!

(The mushrooms hide in all directions. The fly agaric remains.)

Why aren't you hiding?

I'm not afraid of mushroom pickers
That's why I'm staying!
I am amazing to everyone!
Let everyone admire!

(Mushroom pickers appear: Boy and Girl.)

Where have all the mushrooms hidden!? Look, fly agaric! How disgusting!

He is not nasty, but useful. Many forest animals They are treated with fly agarics.

GIRL (seeing Fruits and Vegetables)
Oh, what is this!? Carrot, cucumber, orange... in the forest!? Behold, miracles! Am I dreaming about this!?

VEGETABLES and FRUITS (in chorus)
No, I’m not dreaming, it’s us
There are only guests here.
We are invited to a feast.
We invite you to join us for the holiday!

Thank you. What are you celebrating?

Russula's birthday.

Ah, that's it! Where is she herself?

(The mushrooms appear again. The boy and the girl hide their baskets.)

BOY and GIRL (in chorus)
Please accept my apologies,
And our assurances
That we won't disturb you.
We congratulate you too!

EVERYONE (singing in chorus)
Happy birthday! (4 times).

GIRL (to boy)
Still, it’s a pity that summer has flown by.
We will no longer be able to see the dawn in the forest!

And, you know, I'm still not very
I regret the summer time.
Look how beautiful autumn is
Today in our yard!


And now we are announcing a parade of autumn costumes!

VED :--- Come on, fruits and vegetables, stand in a row!

This is our wonderful garden!

Oh, the costumes are good

Moms tried their best

With all my heart!

Let's all tell them together

(to everyone)
Well, then, poems and riddles
It seems we have been promised here!
Let's have your dances too,
So that our guests don't get bored!----------

^ Dance of the fly agaric

Thank you! I really liked it.

AUTUMN (Vegetables)
The mushrooms congratulated you, and now it’s your turn.

Vegetables perform

We chop the cabbage bim, bim, bim.

^ We three, three, three cabbage.

We salt the cabbage, lim, lim,

We press cabbage, press, press!

Presenter: We will now learn from the riddles what autumn is rich in. Guess the riddles.
Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random.

Well, of course... (grape).

Who is this green one?

Delicious, fresh and salty?

Very strong fellow

Who is this? (Cucumber)

The fiery one itself,

And the heart is stone. (Cherry)

Red, juicy.

Delicious, durable.

He grows, does not grieve,

He is friends with cucumbers. ( Tomato)

Lived in our garden

And he was friends with everyone.

The tail is a green hook.

We know this ... (zucchini).

It's big, like a soccer ball.

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What's his name? (Watermelon)

It hung in the spring.

It's been sour all summer.

And it became sweet.

It fell to the ground. ( ^Apple)

Curious red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head.

They just hang out in the garden

Green heels. ( Carrot)

Sweet, fragrant,

Grew up in a shady garden

Consists of small lobes,

Very tasty, juicy, scarlet (Raspberry)

White-sided, round-faced.

Loves to drink plenty of water.

She has leaves with a crunch,

And her name is... (cabbage).

Thank you, thank you!

AUTUMN (Fruits)
How will you congratulate the birthday girl?

FRUIT (after consultation)
And we’ll congratulate you like this: let’s play a game Game “Sort your vegetables and fruits”
Thank you, thank you everyone!
That's a wizard, that's a wizard
Everything around was gilded!
Even the heaviest rain
I haven't washed this paint off!
We ask you to guess the riddle,
Who is this artist?

EVERYTHING (in unison)

Ved. The autumn holiday is over...

I think it lifted your spirits!

I want to sing, always smile...

Children, do you agree with me?

Ved: Autumn has prepared gifts for you as a souvenir!

Characters - Presenter - Cloud - Rain - Autumn - Cat - Mushroom Presenter: Guys, Autumn invites us to visit her, and we will go to her along the forest path. Look where the path has led you and me. This is an autumn forest. How beautiful, bright, and elegant he is. Autumn made him this way. In the hall there is a multi-colored path made of autumn leaves on the carpet. To the music, the presenter brings the children into the hall and leads them along the autumn path. Presenter: What a beautiful Autumn, What a golden dress. And today, guys, the autumn holiday has come to visit us. Today the holiday has come into every home, Because autumn is wandering outside the window. The autumn holiday came to the kindergarten to please both adults and children. Music sounds, Autumn enters the hall, dancing. Autumn: You are talking about me - and here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends! I am Autumn, that’s my name. Everywhere and everywhere they will recognize. We haven't seen each other for a whole year. After summer it's my turn. Are you glad to meet me? Do you like the forest outfit? Presenter: Autumn is beautiful! Everyone loves your outfit! Guys, let's sing our song for Autumn. Children sing the song "Autumn". Autumn: You guys are great, real singers! And I want to give you my autumn leaves. Take the leaves and dance with me. Children perform a dance with leaves. When the dance ends, the children hide behind the leaves. Autumn: Where are the guys? Do I only see colorful leaves here? Leaves, leaves, have you seen our children? - No. Leaves, leaves, whose legs are these? - Ours. Leaves, leaves, where are your pens? - Here they are. Guys, let's make an autumn fireworks display from leaves. Children throw leaves up. Autumn: And now the kids. It's time to play. Quickly, amicably, don't yawn. Collect all the leaves! Children collect leaves in baskets and sit on chairs. Host: How beautiful is the autumn bouquet! How bright and good he is! And He looks a little like the golden sun. Host: Autumn! We were not only waiting for you, but also preparing for your arrival! We have prepared poems for you! Child What season is it? The rain is drizzling. It's just autumn. He's in a hurry to go to kindergarten. Child Autumn, autumn outside the window: The rain is falling like peas, The leaves are falling, rustling... How good are you, Autumn! Child The sun smiles, sparkling with gold. We all really like golden autumn. Autumn: Oh, guys, be quiet, be quiet... I think I hear something! The sun hid somewhere... It's raining, guys Rain (singing). Kapkap, dondondon! The drops began to ring. It's the rain again that won't let you go for a walk! Autumn: Rain, rain all day Drumming on the glass. The whole earth, the whole earth was wet from the rain. Child The leaves are spinning in the sky, the rain is dripping. We run through puddles, along a forest path. Child We are not afraid of the rain. We sing and have fun. Let's take umbrellas together Let's start a dance together A dance is performed with umbrellas Rain: The rain dripped on the grass, on the trees and foliage. I didn’t catch up with your kids, I got angry..... stopped. You are wonderful guys, I’ll tell you honestly, it was very interesting to have fun with you! Well, it’s time for me to go home, And I say goodbye to you, goodbye! Music sounds, Dozhdinka runs away from the hall. Autumn: Oh, guys, look, we tried, we weren’t lazy, we worked hard. They washed everything, watered everything, watered the earth everywhere. A mushroom grew in a dense forest. Mushroom: Oh! How fun it is all around! There are a lot of guys here, they are looking at me. Host: They look at you, And they want to dance with you! Mushroom: Nuka, my mushroom squad. Come out and line up! Let's start dancing, have fun, don't lag behind! The dance “Mushrooms” is being performed in Autumn: How wonderfully we danced and didn’t get tired at all! Presenter: The sun is shining in the sky, the sun warms the earth. Both on the hill and by the hummock - mushrooms grew everywhere! There will be music - mushrooms need to be collected. The music will stop, friends, you can't pick mushrooms! Well, who will go to the woods and pick mushrooms? Game: “Who Can Pick More Mushrooms” Mushroom: We had a good walk in the forest, And now it’s time to part ways, kids. Have fun, don't be bored, celebrate the holiday with joy! Mushroom runs away to the sound of cheerful music. The presenter runs away. They are knocking on our door, we will open the door and greet our guests joyfully! Cat: Meow! Meow! Here I am! Meow! Meow! I came to the garden! I am happy to congratulate all the guys! Autumn: Children, this is little kitty Murysenka. Nursery rhyme “KisonkaMurysonka” - Kisonka – Murysonka, Where was she? - At the mill. - Kisonka - Murysonka, What was she doing there? - I ground flour. - Kisonka - Murysonka, What kind of flour did you bake with? - Gingerbread cookies. - Kitty Murysonka, - Who did you eat with? - One! - Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone! Educator: Murka, the children even know the song about you! The song “Pussy came to the kids...” Cat: You guys are good, You sang the song from the heart! But the time has come to say goodbye, And I have to return home! Autumn: Each season has its own joys, its own colors. Autumn pleases us with its generosity and rich harvest. This is probably how it is in human life. Youth is always full of hope and love. Mature years are the time for the blossoming of creative powers, the time for achievements, caring for children and grandchildren. On this day we want to congratulate all the people dear to our hearts - the older, wise generation. Life does not stand still, and it doesn’t matter that gray hair has turned silver on your temples, and cobwebs of wrinkles have formed near your eyes. The main thing is that you are always young at heart. And let a good song make you feel warmer. Happy holiday, our dears, and all the best to you! Presenter: At the edge of the forest, As if in a picture, Girlfriends gathered together, Bright rowan trees. The girls dressed up, They also became red and became like rowan trees. They all look alike. Child Autumn walks along the path With the rain, Maples and rowan trees Quietly undresses the Child The rowan berries flashed with lights. Golden Autumn Again with us Child Various birds have flown away, Their ringing chorus has ceased. And the rowan tree celebrates autumn, wearing red beads. Autumn: Rowan berries, don’t get bored, start your dance! Dance of the girls “Rowan” Autumn - While I was visiting you, this is the scarf I found. Multi-colored, painted, unusual, challenging! I suggest you, friends, to play with a handkerchief! Do you want it? Then come out! The game "Magic Scarf" is played. Cheerful, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall and perform various dance movements. Suddenly the music changes to a quieter, calmer sound. Children squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn, straightening out a large scarf, goes around the children to the accompaniment of light music and covers one of them with a scarf. Autumn Time! Two! Three! Who was hiding inside? Don't yawn, don't yawn! Answer quickly! Autumn: We raise the handkerchief, Who is underneath it now? (Hide the children one at a time) Host: No! All the guys are here. Autumn: We raise the handkerchief, What is underneath it now we recognize. What is this? Basket! And in the basket... apples! Here are apples for you, like honey, for jam and compote. Eat them and get better, gain vitamins. Presenter: Guys, Autumn gives you this basket of apples. Sweet autumn is generous and beautiful. Let's say autumn together... Children: THANK YOU! Autumn brainring. Entertainment for older children preparatory group with parents. Autumn brain - ring. Joint entertainment for children 5-7 years old with their parents Purpose: B game form develop children's speech and cognitive activity. Objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky and elementary concepts about the orchestra. Foster a sense of collectivism. Attributes: 2 autumn leaves for each child, autumn leaves for the jury, emblems of rowan and raspberry on ribbons according to the number of children, for the game: maple, birch, oak and rowan leaves, 2 cords, 2 balls, letters of thanks, fruit basket Hod entertainment. Children with emblems (rowan, raspberry) enter the hall and perform a composition with leaves /at the discretion of the music director/, at the end they stand scattered and read the poem “ Golden autumn» V. Semernina. 1 child The last yellow leaf circles and covers the earth, And the city will soon become clean - The wind sweeps everything away. 2 child After all, autumn is coming to visit us, followed by gray winter. It brings us rain and cold, But it always happens! 3 child Let the rain fall and the wind whistle - The passerby is bundled up! The last yellow leaf is circling, looking like gold. Song about Autumn /at the discretion of the music director/ Children sit on chairs Presenter There are no sad faces in our cozy hall today, How great it is that we are all gathered here today! Do you hear the music playing? /phonogram/ Queen Autumn is in a hurry to come to us for the holiday! Autumn enters. Says hello (bows in all directions) Autumn I know, guys, you love to sing and dance, and now it’s time to play. I invite the kids to fun game, which is called “Autumn Brain Ring”. You will compete in 2 teams, the theme of our game is “Autumn and Music” (children will be seated on both sides: on the right is the Malinka team, on the left is the Ryabinka team) And our children will be helped in the game by their parents / 5 people each in each team/, please take a seat next to your children. Thus, 2 teams participate in our game: “Rowanka” and “Malinka”. The game will be evaluated by a jury consisting of: the head..., a teacher - psychologist..., as well as respected parents /we choose 2 parents/. For each correct answer, the team receives an autumn leaf. So, I see that our players have a fighting spirit and a desire to win. Are the teams ready to play? /team responses/ Autumn. Then I announce the first round! The children answer the questions first. /a) – questions for the “Rowanka” team, b) – questions for the “Malinka” team/ 1. a) Who composes the music? b) Which composer wrote “Children's Album”? 2. a) What pieces are in Tchaikovsky’s “Children’s Album”? b) Name three pillars of music? 3. a) What is an orchestra? b) Who is the most important musician in the orchestra? Autumn And now the parents answer the questions. 1. Whose team will name more composers? 2. Musical riddles: To the “Rowanka” team: Here are the keys, like on a piano, But for them to play, For the song to be good You need to stretch the bellows (accordion) To the “Malinka” team: Three strings, plays loudly The instrument is the “cocked hat”. Quick guessing game. What is this? (balalaika) Autumn Well done, you completed the tasks quickly. And your parents tried too. Now we ask the jury to sum up the results of round 1. Presenter While the jury is summing up the results of Round 1, our children will perform a dance. Dance /chosen by the music director/Jury assessment Autumn Well, let's start round 2! “Tarara! Tarara, the game continues! I’ll hand out the leaflets to everyone, and then I’ll give them assignments! (distributes autumn leaves: children - maple and oak; adults - birch and aspen) Who has maple leaf, that artist is a tightrope walker! He can perform in the circus and hold a ball in his hand. (children with maple leaves, one from each team, walk along a cord lying on the floor, holding the ball in the palm of their hand). Autumn He who has a birch leaf is a mimic artist: he says nothing... he can depict everything with his facial expression and hand movements. Parents do the tasks. Team “Rowanka” (eat sour lemon, pretend to ride a horse). Team “Malinka” (eat sweet candy, pretend to be ice skating). Autumn An oak leaf will tell a can say a saying or a proverb (children do it) Autumn Whoever has an aspen leaf - say without hesitation: 1st command: “Karl stole corals from Clara.” Team 2: “Greco was driving across the river” / performed by parents / So round 2 is over. Let the jury sum up the results. Presenter While the jury is counting the points, I announce a musical break! Noise orchestra /chosen by the music director/ Word of the jury Autumn So, let's start round 3. I suggest you play and show off your dexterity. Game “Turnip” Description of the game: two teams of 7 people each participate. 3 adults and 4 children. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child or an adult wearing a Turnip hat. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the “turnip” and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a “turnip” clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins. Presenter While the jury is counting the points, we have a musical break again! Round dance “On Goreto Kalina” /Russian folk song/ Autumn invites the jury to announce the overall result. The jury announces the winner and presents certificates of gratitude. Autumn gives the children a fruit basket, says goodbye and leaves. Presenter Our brainring has ended. Children scatter: 1 child We sang and danced, and read poems to you, Come to us more often, we are always glad to have guests! 2 child As a farewell gift, we give you a little song, Our wonderful little song! “The song is wonderful” / lyrics. A. Kondratieva, music. M. Protasova / Children go to the group Entertainment "Autumn Festival" for older preschoolers in kindergarten AUTUMN HOLIDAY in senior group . Scenario Children are ready for the holiday. Suddenly a spider descends on the door, a maple leaf in its paws. Educator: Guys, look, I think adventures and miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit autumn. (The spider jumps) Educator: What? Don't you want to miss us? Strange. What do you want? So that we can read what is written on the piece of paper? Fine! (we read, the spider disappears). Educator: (reads) - Dear guys, I can’t come to your holiday. An evil spirit has bewitched me. If you are friendly and brave, resourceful and cheerful, then go to a fairy tale. And colorful leaves will show you the way. I'm really looking forward to seeing you. Autumn. (children with a teacher go into the hall.) 1 child Cobwebs are flying by With spiders in the middle And cranes are flying high from the ground Everything is flying, this must be Our summer is flying by. 2 child A drop of rain fell on the bunches of rowan trees, A maple leaf circles above the ground Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise And again you put on your golden outfit. 3 child You bring with you a sad violin So that a sad tune sounds over the fields But we, autumn, greet you with a smile And we invite everyone to our festive hall. 4 child And where is Autumn, we don’t understand, Why doesn’t she come to us? Probably with the rain together, everything brings beauty. 5 child She wanted to gild the birches, lindens, maples. To avoid missing anything, paint over the color green. Educator: The trees are all so beautiful on an autumn day! Let's sing a song about golden leaves. Song "Falling Leaves" lyrics. E. Avdienko. music T. Popatenko. Lyrics of the song: 1. Clouds are spinning in the sky Every step is a puddle, Every step is a puddle. 2. The autumn day is gloomy, Leaves are falling on the street, Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, Leaves are falling on the street. 3. A Yellow Snowstorm, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow Snowstorm is creeping along the road. Educator: Well, guys, let's go help Autumn out of trouble? Then let's go. (We walk around the hall and sit down.) Baba Yaga runs in. Baba Yaga: Profit, iris! I've been waiting for you! (laughs evilly) Educator: Don’t scare us! Baba Yaga: My profession is to scare and question everyone! It doesn't take long to go wild from such work. At least they would cheer me up. Look, you would become kinder. Educator: If you want, we will cheer you up, just help us first. Baba Yaga: Me? To you? I haven't helped anyone in my life. What if you deceive me? First fulfill my condition, amuse me, old lady, amuse Yagusya. Educator: Do you agree, guys? Just do it, Baba Yaga, everything with us. Dance “Cucaracha” Baba Yaga: Wow, little fir-trees! I liked your dance. Wow, you amused me greatly, only something else is missing for complete happiness! Educator: Baba Yaga, our guys know beautiful poems and can read them to you, would you like it? Baba Yaga: Of course I love poetry! Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow. The leaves on the birch tree are burning golden. You can’t hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale, The birds have flown away to distant lands. The sun is shining brightly The wind is catching up with the cloud Cloud, cloud float away Don’t cover the sun. It suddenly became twice as bright, the yard was as if in the sun’s rays. This golden dress was on the birch tree’s shoulders. The leaves began to swirl, A colorful round dance The first, thin ice sparkled in the puddles. The rain was jumping, so fast, so fast. Long-legged raindrops, drip and drip, like drip and drip. Educator: We fulfilled your condition. Now can we count on your help? Baba Yaga. You can, as long as I'm kind. Educator: The guys and I are looking for Autumn to invite her to the holiday. Aren't you hiding it in your place? Baba Yaga: Me? No! I have enough worries without her. I'll tell you where it might be. I really liked you, killer whales. Leshy has it, he doesn’t like Autumn. Therefore, he turned it into a stump and kept this stump in his thicket. And I don’t know anything else. Educator: Well, guys, shall we go to Leshy? Baba Yaga: Aren’t you afraid of him, the accursed one? Children: No! Baba Yaga: Well, brave men! Well, go ahead, if so. Don't forget Yagusenka! Educator: Thank you, Baba Yaga, for your help. Now it's time for us to go. (children walk around the hall, forest music sounds, approach the chairs, and sit down.) Guys, look, you and I are in the forest. How beautiful it is here! But it seems to me that everything is so mysterious here. This makes us wary. Leshy: Who was it that disturbed the silence of my forest? Who disturbed me, the owner of the forest? Children say hello. Educator: This is us, preschool children from kindergarten . And they came to you with a request. Leshy: That's what I knew, no one comes to me just like that. Everyone needs something from me. And then they are even offended that Leshy is angry and gloomy. Tell me why you came? Educator: We came for Autumn. Her holiday has come, and you are keeping her with you. Don't you feel sorry for such beauty? Leshy: That’s why I hide it because she’s too beautiful, everyone loves her, admires her, invites her to their place. What about me? Who remembers me? He doesn’t want to amuse me, he doesn’t want to solve my riddles. Educator: The guys and I will have some fun and solve your riddles. Really, guys? Now listen to Leshy, our guys have prepared poems for you! The leaves of the maples have turned yellow, the vegetable gardens are empty, the puddles have spilled in the beams, the birds have gathered in flocks! The starling says to his neighbor Let's fly to this environment We're flying far to the south, We don't want to freeze here! What about the skvorushka, fly! Be careful on the way! Don't lag behind your friends, don't forget your native land! I will be glad if again in the summer, you will be my neighbor! Educator: It’s raining outside the window, Wet paths. We can't go for a walk. We'll get our feet wet. Now the guys will sing their favorite song. Lyrics of the song AUTUMN: At this time of year, the weather is gloomy. And the leaves change their usual color. At this time of year, nature gives a sign that Autumn will not dawn. Chorus: Mischievous autumn, You have come again. And with a red flame, it burned the foliage. And so that the wind does not play with fire, She sheds cold rain. Here comes the Indian summer, It was ringing somewhere. And you can no longer hear Songs in the Moonlight. Taking one last look, autumn will smile. And he will rush off into the blue on a dashing horse. Chorus: Mischievous autumn, You have come again. And with a red flame, it burned the foliage. And so that the winds would not play with fire, She shed cold rain. Naughty autumn, you have come again. And with a red flame, it burned the foliage. And so that the winds would not play with fire, She shed cold rain, DADA She shed cold rain, WOW She shed cold rain. Educator: The kids and I love to solve riddles, don’t we guys? Goblin: If you guess it, I’ll give you Autumn, no, Autumn will stay with me. 1. They fly, circle and lie down on us. They don’t get up from the ground. And then they disappear. (leaves) 2. There is a flatbread on one leg. Anyone who passes by should bow. (mushroom) 3. The scarlet itself, sugar, green caftan, velvet. (watermelon) 4. I look like the sun, and I love the sun. Behind the sun I turn my head. (sunflower.) 5. You dig a little under the bush It will look into the light... (Potatoes.) 6. Is the garden empty, If there growing... (Cabbage.) 7. You can pull it out by the tops, like a rope... . (Carrots.) 8. Don’t be alarmed if suddenly it makes you shed tears... (Onions.) 9. Well done Greens are growing in the garden... (Cucumbers.) Leshy: You guessed all the riddles, I praise you for that! Educator: Will you give us Autumn, as you promised? Goblin: It’s a pity for me to part with such beauty, but I’ll have to give it away. I am the master of my word. Educator: Don’t be sad, Leshy, you better stay at our holiday. And you’re not at all angry and gloomy, we even really liked you. Really, guys? Leshy: Thank you for your kind words, and thanks for the invitation too. But if I don’t leave my forest, there will be no order. You can’t be in the forest without a master. You go. Autumn has already been waiting for you, I cast a spell on it. And I give you these autumn leaves for your courage and kindness. Educator: Thank you, Leshy. Goodbye! Well, guys, let's play with these beautiful autumn leaves. An outdoor game with leaves “Find a pair.” (Autumn enters) Autumn: I’m so glad to see you guys! For your friendship and resourcefulness, for your kindness and ingenuity, I give you the most beautiful holiday. Educator: We are glad that you came to us for the holiday, dear Autumn. After all, we were preparing to meet you. And for you, beautiful Autumn, we will sing a song. Song “Oh, what an Autumn” (after the song the children sit down) Educator: Dear Autumn, our children have prepared poems for you. Autumn is spinning in the sky, Above the fields, arable lands, The Sun has decorated it with a bright fairy-tale firebird. She flew into a distant forest, illuminated the lake, and the water in it sparkled with pink mother-of-pearl. And the bird dropped its feathers Over the bright clearing, The semi-precious leaves sparkled on the trees. Autumn met summer at the heavenly pier. Autumn with suitcases filled with fog, With a fine sieve for rain, And with umbrellas for people. And summer, and summer, has no baskets or bags - Everything is left in the meadows, on the cheerful shores. At the heavenly pier, Autumn grumbled to summer: “Your song, summer, is sung. What do you say to this? Summer, standing at the pier, smiled and remained silent. And the clouds floated like ships, And they took the summer away beyond the dense forest! Why are you visiting us early, Autumn? The heart still asks for Light and warmth! Autumn: Thank you, dear guys! I praise you, you are great. Educator: Dear Autumn, every year you give us a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. We are happy to collect it. And now our guys will show how they can distinguish between fruits and vegetables Game: “Harvest the harvest” Autumn: And now it’s time to dance, show yourself in dance. Russian folk game “Sun” Children stand around “Sun” and sing: “Sunny Bucket”, Holding hands, the children walk in a circle. Look out the window, the “Sun” is spinning in the center. Shine a little light! The sun began to sparkle, they stopped and showed flashlights. The children were told: “Sunny” does a “spring”. - And play in the field, the words “sun”. Jump free. Children and “Sunny” jump scattered around the hall (free jumps - on two legs, on one leg, hops, etc.). The presenter says loudly: “Tuchka!” Children should quickly stand in a circle near the “Sun”. Autumn: And you are a master at dancing. But it's time for us to part. I'm having a good time at the holiday, guys. But the time has come to say goodbye. I have business waiting for me, I’ve been locked up at Leshy’s. Educator: Golden, sorceress autumn, Wait, wait, go away Well, please, we ask you, Wait, don’t rush, watch our fairy tale SKETCH “TURNIP”. Grandfather Danil: - Oh, I'm old enough to sleep, it's time to pull the turnip. I've grown up a little, I see. Oh, yes, the turnip is born! I never dreamed of such a thing. I’ll go to the market through the forest, sell turnips, and buy a Mercedes. Presenter: - Danila began to pull, but it didn’t work out, Well, there’s just no strength. He needed to look for help, he began to call Grandma Dusya, Grandfather Danila: - Evdokia, come! Help me pull the turnip! (They pull.) The old woman is of little use. Granddaughter, where are you? Ugh, gone! Grandma: - Hey, Lyudmila, come, help me pull the turnip! (Granddaughter comes out.) Granddaughter: - They won’t let you play. (The three of them pull.) Maybe we should call Zhuchka? Three: - Bug, Zhuchenka, here! Bug: - What happened? Three: - Trouble! Bug: - If you buy me “Chappie”, I will help your trouble. Three of them wave their hands - okay, let's buy it, four of us pull. Baba: - Maybe we should look for the cat? Toska the cat, hurry up and help me pull the turnip! Cat: - Yes, I don’t have time now, I have vocals for an hour, I’m practicing, singing. Meow, meow, meow, meow! If you buy me Whiskas, I will help your trouble! Everyone waves their hands - okay, they pull the turnip. Presenter: - They started to pull in the secret, but it didn’t work out that way. Apparently, the turnip was stuck in the ground firmly, very firmly! Granddaughter: - Maybe I should quit, don’t care? Grandfather: - What a shame to disappear Grandma: - Here's Danila, the old miser, he won't leave until the morning! Cat: - I see a mouse at the window. Don't be afraid of me, baby! Run to us quickly, help us pull the turnip! Mouse: - How strong is the Mouse? I've never carried a turnip in my life. Presenter: They pull, they pull. Grandfather Danil: - That’s the end of the fairy tale. Ay, well done mouse! Grandmother: - That’s how it’s been done since ancient times - nothing comes without difficulty! Granddaughter: - The mouse may not have a lot of strength, but the spool is small, but expensive. Mouse: - It’s simple, what one person can’t do is easy for the whole team! Cat: - As everyone lay down together, a turnip came out of the ground! Bug: - Net weight of forty pounds! The mouse’s work is not lost, you know! Autumn: Thank you, my friends, I will still be with you. I’ll stay and as a souvenir I’ll give you some delicious apples. (Autumn distributes apples to children.)

Zhumobaeva Aigul Lukpankhakimovna
Educational institution: East Kazakhstan region Katonkaragai district KSU "Solonovskaya secondary school"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-04 Scenarios for an autumn matinee in a preschool class Zhumobaeva Aigul Lukpankhakimovna East Kazakhstan region Katonkaragai district KSU "Solonovskaya secondary school" Creating a festive mood in children. Develop creativity and dance skills.

Scenarios for an autumn matinee in a preschool class

Target:creating a cheerful, festive mood as part of the holiday dedicated to Autumn.


1. Develop children's creative abilities: artistic expression, songwriting, dancing skills;

2. To develop theatrical skills and the ability to take on roles and present them on stage;

3. Contribute to the development of children’s creative activity, the ability to work in a team and successfully interact with each other in the context of the holiday theme.

Children enter the hall in pairs to the music, stand in a semicircle,

Host: Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall! There are so many colorful leaves all around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Of course, a holiday of autumn!

1 child: Autumn is golden

Came to visit us

Yellow leaves fall in the morning

2nd child: Scarlet and yellow

The wind tears the leaves.

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance!

3rd child:The sun will just come out -

He will hide again.

Long summer red

Let's remember!

4th child:– Loves autumn yellow color

Dawn with yellow rain,

Yellowed grass

And fallen leaves

Leaves of yellow pages,

When the birds fly away.

Likes to be sad in the morning

Autumn is a yellow time.

5th child:Autumn walks along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light.

Summer is lost somewhere.

6th child:- Yellow leaf, red leaf

We'll collect on the road,

Hello autumn! Hello autumn!

Come, we are waiting for you.

Song "Leaves Are Falling"

Leading:Guys, look how many beautiful people there are around autumn leaves let's dance.

Dance: “We are leaves.”

Presenter:Guys, now I’ll tell you a riddle and you think and tell me what the riddle is about.

The sun cannot warm the earth

The leaves turned yellow and began to fall off.

Often the rain pours, the birds fly away,

The harvest in the garden and the field are being harvested.

Guess, children, when does this happen?

Children: In autumn.

Presenter:Right in the fall .

Presenter:Maple leaf on the palm

Slowly it will fall
This is golden autumn

He's coming down the path towards us!

Autumn is coming to the music “Autumn has come to us”

Song "Autumn".

Leading:Dear autumn, you delight us with your gifts, your colors, the beauty around us. That’s why we want to please you with our poems.

1 child:A drop of rain fell on the rowan bunches,

A maple leaf circles above the ground

Ah, autumn again you took us by surprise

And again she put on the gold outfit.

2nd child:Yellow coins fall from a branch,

There's a whole treasure underfoot!

This golden autumn gives leaves, not counting,

Golden gives leaves to you and to us, and to everyone in a row.

Leading:Now, autumn, let's play a game "Harvest"(children are divided into two teams, hoops are laid out in two rows

Children take turns planting, watering, and collecting vegetables prepared in advance. Whose team does it faster wins).

Autumn:Well done, guys! And look at the handkerchief I have! Multi-colored, painted, unusual, challenging! Inviting you, friends, to play with a handkerchief, I!

Game "Magic Handkerchief"

(Music sounds, children move in a circle, perform movements; when the music becomes slower, the children crouch and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn covers someone with a scarf).

One, two, three! Who was hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn! Run away quickly!

(Children call the name; while playing for the last time, autumn says the words, the children guess).

Leading:No, it’s autumn, all the kids are here! Who was hiding under the handkerchief then?

Autumn:We pick up the handkerchief, which we now recognize underneath. What is this?

Children: Basket!

Autumn:This is a basket of apples - a treat for the kids!

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye!

I'm sorry to part with you,

But winter is coming

I'll come to you guys again!

You can expect me in a year!


Children in chorus: Goodbye!

Leading:This, dear guests, is where our holiday ends! Thanks everyone for your attention! See you again!

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