Russian folk riddles from the stove-maker's grandfather. Riddles are a type of Russian folklore. From the experience of working as a teacher

Small folklore genres include works that are small in volume: proverbs, sayings, signs, riddles, jokes, proverbs, tongue twisters, puns. These genres in scientific literature are called proverbs(from Greek paroimia - parable 1).

Riddles- one of the artistic manifestations of oral folk poetry. V.I. Dahl wrote that a riddle is

“allegory or hints, roundabout speech, circumlocution, a brief allegorical description of an object offered for the solution.” 2

Folklorists define the riddle as

“an allegorical image of objects or phenomena of reality, which is proposed to be guessed.” 3

There are allegory riddles, description riddles, question riddles, task riddles.

A riddle usually consists of two parts: a riddle (question) and a riddle (answer), which are interconnected. Their topics are varied and closely related to the life and work of the people: nature, the world of animals and plants, labor activity, tools. They change as life changes.

Back in the 19th century D.N. Sadovnikov in the collection “Riddles of the Russian People” presented riddles on the topics: housing, household, yard, vegetable garden, garden, agricultural work, forest, earth and sky, etc. 4 They give an idea of ​​life and labor activity Russian person.

A riddle as an artistic phenomenon presupposes a kind of dialogue (one riddles, the other guesses). The riddle contains an allegory (“without arms, without legs, and the gate opens” - the wind). It can be constructed in the form of a question (“what is visible only at night?” - stars). Riddles can be based on dialogues: - Is it black? - No, red. - Why white? - Because it’s green (red currants). The guessed item may contain an element of negation:

Round, not a month, Yellow, not butter, With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)

Riddles use different means and techniques. artistic expression: comparisons ("black as a beetle, green as an onion, spinning like a demon, turning into the forest" - magpie), metaphors ("five sheep eat up a stack, five sheep run away" - hands), hyperbole ("mother has twenty children, all the children are the same year" - a hen with chicks).

Riddles can be simple or complex. IN simple riddles one image is drawn (“climbs the wall without arms, without legs” - dough). IN difficult riddles some action or event is depicted, so their composition contains a descriptive part, maybe a monologue or dialogue (“the violin creaks, the queen rides, asks to spend the night: “I can’t live forever, I can spend the night for one night: the pickers will come, they will lay out my bones, my body in they will throw the shaft, and steal the soul to heaven" - threshing bread) 5. Objects in the dialogues are depicted allegorically: ("Black cinder, where did you go?" - "Be silent, twist, spin, you'll be there!" - conversation between the grip and the broom).

In riddles, depicting the world, poetizing it, teaching to see the unusual in the ordinary, poetry in everyday life, the people created examples of unsurpassed folk art of the word.


* * *
The golden one is gone
the silver one has arrived.
(Sun and month)

* * *
I walked around the world
She dropped a tear;
I saw the month
The sun has disappeared.

* * *
The bird waved its wing,
Covered the whole world with one feather.

* * *
The golden grain scattered by night,
We looked in the morning - there was nothing.
(Stars in the sky)

* * *
White sheet
I walked all over the earth.

* * *
The eagle is flying
Across the blue sky.
Wings spread out
The sun was covered up.

* * *
Silver threads
They sew together the earth and the sky.

* * *
Golden rocker
It hung over the river.

* * *
I'm swimming under the bridge -
And I wag my tail.
I don't walk on the ground
I have a mouth, but I don’t speak
I have eyes - I don’t blink,
I have wings, but I don’t fly.

* * *
The guest was visiting
The Golden Bridge was paved -
Without a knife, without an ax,
Without iron chisel.

* * *
There is no one stronger in the world,
There is no one in the world more violent than her.
You can't hold her in your hands -
And you can't overtake on horseback.

* * *
I answer every call,
But there is neither soul nor body.

* * *
Not a blacksmith, but with tongs,
With a long mustache.
When it's black -
Bold and perky.
But he will only blush,
So he will calm down.

* * *
The tower is crawling,
He's carrying him
The hostess is rich
Rich, horned.

* * *
Who plows the land first?

* * *
Two horns are not a bull
Six legs without hooves
It flies and howls so much,
He sits down and digs the ground.

* * *
The paws are soft,
And the claws are sharp.

* * *
Gray little Denis
Hanging on a rope.

* * *
The mansions are white, the supports are red.

* * *
Born in water
And he is afraid of water.

* * *
Silent during the day
Screams at night
Flying through the forest
It scares passersby.

* * *
The trunk stands
There is a stake on the trunk,
The palace is on stake,
There is a singer in the palace.

* * *
Who has never taken a step?

* * *
White as snow
Like soot black.
Fidgety like a demon
Turned around and into the forest

* * *
Shaking his beard
Bast is tearing up,
But he doesn’t weave bast shoes.

* * *
Lies - silent,
If you come up, he will grumble.
Who goes to the owner
She lets you know.

* * *
The cat is sitting on the window,
And a tail like a cat's
And a nose like a cat's
And ears like a cat's
Not a cat.

* * *
White on white
Wrote white.
The redhead will go
He will find White.
(Fox and hare)

* * *
Lying under the fir trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying, lying
Yes, she ran.

* * *
Beautiful maiden
Heart of stone.

* * *
Ermachki are standing,
Red caps.
Whoever passes
Everyone bows to them.

* * *
Grew up in a field house
Full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On a gold pillar.

* * *
Little, remote,
passed through the ground
I found little red riding hood.

* * *
He's thin, his head is about as big as a pound.

* * *
There was a child -
Didn't know diapers
Became an old man -
A hundred diapers on him.

* * *
And green and thick -
A bush grew in the garden bed.
They started pinching -
They began to cry and sob.
(Green onions)

* * *
Yellow Antoshka
Spins on its leg.
Where the sun stands
That's where he looks.

* * *
Titus stands in the garden,
Says nothing
He doesn’t take it from the garden beds himself.
And he doesn’t give it to the crows.

* * *
I'll look out the window:
Antoshka lies there for a long time.
If only he stood up -
Reached to the sky;
Doesn't walk on his own
And he leads others.

* * *
He doesn’t see it himself
And he points to someone else.

* * *
They're going, they're going,
And they won’t budge.

* * *
Little Erofake
Drowned to the neck.

* * *
In the new wall
In the round window
During the day the glass is broken,
Installed overnight.
(Ice hole)

* * *
There is no warmth in winter,
Summer doesn't get any colder.
(Oven and cellar)

* * *
Mother is fat
The daughter is red
Son is a demon
Flew to the skies
(Oven, fire, smoke)

* * *
There's a pillar on the street,
In the hut there is a tablecloth.

* * *
Gorenka Nova,
The head is black
The cap is gilded.

* * *
There is a bathhouse in the belly,
There is a sieve in the nose,
There is a navel on the head
Just one hand
And the one on the back.

* * *
Contorts into a cat
It will stretch into a path.

* * *
Who's horned in the hut?

* * *
Black horse
Jumps into the fire.

* * *
Four brothers
Standing under the same hat
Tied with one sash.

* * *
Crawling on the floor
He doesn't hurt himself.
Ran around the whole tower
And again he stood in the corner.

* * *
The fat guy is standing
With your barrel akimbo,
Hisses and boils
He orders everyone to drink tea.

* * *
Three brothers
Let's go swimming.
Two are swimming
The third one is lying on the shore.
We went out
On the third they hung.
(Yoke, buckets)

* * *
Smart Ivashka,
red shirt,
Where it passes, it will touch,
The trace remains there.

* * *
They read books
But they don’t know how to read and write.
There are no eyes
And light helps you see.

* * *
She eats quickly, chews finely, does not eat herself, and does not give it to others.

* * *
He bows, bows, when he comes home he will stretch out.

* * *
Two bellies, four ears.

* * *
No arms, no legs, but wears a shirt.

* * *
Two ends, two rings, a nail in the middle.

* * *
Little Erofeyka, with a short belt,
I hopped around the floor, hopped around the benches and sat down in the corner.

* * *
Small, round, but you can’t catch it by the tail.

* * *
Three farm laborers came together and one said: “It’s hard for me in the summer!”
another: “It’s hard for me in winter!”, the third: “It’s always hard for me!”
(Cart, sleigh, horse)

One says: “Let’s run, let’s run,” the other says: “Wait, let’s stand,”
the third says: “We’ll stagger, we’ll stagger.”
(River, bank and grass)

* * *
He himself is naked, and his shirt is in his bosom; he himself is white, and the children are red.

* * *
Seventy clothes, all without fasteners.


* * *
We rarely see him on the road.
He walks without a stick, eyeless and legless.
He is not afraid of dogs, not cats, not cows,
And chickens and roosters.

* * *
I got it in the forest
He sat down and began to look.
The more I looked,
The less I liked her.
And since I didn't find her,
I brought it home with me.
(Thorn in the foot)

* * *
Thin girl
White skirt
Red nose.
The longer the nights
The shorter it is
From burning tears.


Elizabeth, Lizzie,
Betsy and Bass
In spring with a basket
We went to the forest.
In a nest on a birch tree,
Where there were no birds
They found five
Pinkish eggs.
All four of them
Got it in the testicles
And yet four
Left in place.


At least different
Names are named here
(Elizabeth, Lizzie,
Betsy, Bass),
But that's what it was called
The girl is alone.
She went
With a basket into the forest.

Question and answer

A voice asked me
In the wild desert:
- Is there a lot of sea
Are strawberries growing?
- The same as
Salted herring
Grows on birch trees
And green fir trees.

Riddles as a small genre of folklore.
One of the small genres of children's folklore are riddles. Riddles are a hobby for children. They develop intelligence. Previously, they were composed by adults, and they were responsible for them, since often a person’s life depended on the riddles. In many fairy tales, the hero is given a riddle, and his life or fate will depend on this answer. IN Ancient Greece there is a city of Thebes, in one of the legends the terrible monster Sphinx lived there, and he asked a riddle, and whoever could not guess, he ate and only one hero guessed.
– Try to guess this riddle too.
What walks in the morning on 4 legs,
At noon - on 2 legs, and in the evening on 3 legs? Answer: Man.
Why do you think so?
The morning is compared to a baby who cannot walk. The afternoon is with a person who walks well, and the evening is compared with an elderly person.
Knowledge of riddles brought happiness. Riddles use allegorical speech, i.e. this is a comparison, in other words a phenomenon is described. Riddlers try to hide the answer.
– How are riddles created?
– Who creates riddles?
And people with poetic talent create riddles. Look at what kind of imagination a person needs to have in order to see in a burning splinter “a red cockerel running along a perch,” or look at an ordinary radish and compare it with a girl languishing in prison:
"The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street."
Many of the images in the riddle are surprising and colorful. A riddle usually indicates special characteristics of properties that are unique to the object being riddled. It is not for nothing that they say about a riddle that it is “without a face in a mask.” The real face of the riddle is hidden under the “mask”, and you and I need to guess, expose what is hidden and hidden in the image and quality.

How the riddle is “made.”

“The girl is standing in the hut, and her scythe is in the yard.”
Who should we expose?
A girl with a braid.
The image of a girl with a braid allegorically tells us about some object.
What is this item? Bake.
How did this riddle come about?
One of our ancestors looked at the stove and likened it to a girl, and compared the smoke with a long scythe, and it turned out to be a riddle.
Each riddle has main words.
What words should you pay attention to when guessing?
"Grey, little Denis
Hanging on a rope. (Spider.)
The person's name confuses us (this name is taken for rhyme). Guys, it can be quite difficult to guess the riddle. A riddle is a very cleverly posed question. Now I will tell you a riddle, and you will try to imagine it as poetic images and intone these images in movements.
“Above the standing forest, Below the walking cloud, There is a cornerless house, Without doors, without windows.” (Mountain.)

Riddles come in various types.
1. Where the various signs are listed:
My caftan is green, And my heart is like calico. It tastes like sweet sugar, But it itself looks like a ball. (Watermelon.)
2. Brief description subject:
The blue sheet covers the whole world. (Sky.)
(Here is a sign of the subject and a comparison.)
3. Comparison. Negative comparison.
Silver threads stitch together the earth and sky. (Rain.)
It flies, not a bird, Howls, not a beast. (Wind.)
4. Metaphor – the properties of a living being are transferred to a non-living one.
Four brothers live under one roof (table, chair).
Guessing riddles and determining their themes.

Making up riddles.

Here we are on the island of mysteries.
From the page of a book I came to visit you, so that you, friends, could unravel me,
I was in a hurry, and it happened that it broke into pieces and could not be put back together.
Help, help!
Put me together from pieces, And then you will remember me, you will recognize me
And of course you will figure it out.
On each student’s desk there are sets of scattered riddles in colored envelopes.
- Make a riddle from scattered words.
1) Yes, she was lying, with needles, under the fir trees, she ran, a pillow, she was lying, she was lying.
Lying under the fir trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying, lying
Yes, and I ran. (Hedgehog.)
2) I hide, in spring, in summer, I appear, I sleep, I go to bed, in autumn, in winter, I have fun, again.
In winter I hide
I appear in the spring
I have fun in the summer
In the fall I go to bed again. (River.)
3) Gnawing, frolicking, living, and, nuts, not a mouse, on, trees, in, a forest, not, a bird. Not a mouse, not a bird,
frolicking in the forest,
lives in trees
And he gnaws nuts. (Squirrel.)