Short riddles for 7 8 year olds

The first riddle. For adults: what is the difference between riddles for children 10 years old and? No, not just complexity! The word 10 years has two digits, and 5 has one! Exactly 2 times more. And the number 10 itself is also 2 times larger than 5. And riddles for children 10 years old are exactly 2 times longer than for little ones! 🙂 Just kidding, of course. But there is still some truth in these words, because I couldn’t draw a clear line: these riddles are suitable for 10-year-old children, but these are no longer suitable. In the end, you and I will have to trust my instincts. What has grown has grown. 🙂

Riddles for children 10 years old - students in grades 4-5

There is a robot in our apartment.

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness.

And it buzzes as if “TU”

He willingly swallows dust,

Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.

(Vacuum cleaner)

With one hand he meets you,

With the other hand he sees you off.

Dad, mom! Look -

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there.


There is a palace on a pole,

A singer lives in the palace.


I am like pine trees, like fir trees,

But in winter - without needles.


Like our Allochka

A string on a stick.

Stick in hand

And the thread is in the river.

There's a steeplechase on our roof

Catches news for us.


I silently look at you all.

You're all looking at me.

With the cheerful ones - I see laughter,

With the sad ones, I cry too.

You see the truth bye

I'm at home, on your wall.

An old man will see an old man,

The child is the child in me.


He gnaws painfully, chews finely,

But she doesn’t swallow herself.

He himself is silent,

If they beat him, he screams.


He's always at work

When we talk.

Then he just rests,

When we stop talking.

There's a hot harmonica

In our house under the window.

Doesn't sing or play.

She heats the house.


He walks importantly through the meadow.

It comes out dry from the water.

Wears red shoes.

He will give us all feather dusters.

They knock all the time

They don't tell us to be bored.

They go all the time.

And they won’t budge.

I'll lie under your armpit

I’ll tell you what to do.

I'll put you to bed,

You'll just go for a walk.


She has no tongue

But who will she visit?

He'll have a lot

And he learns a lot of things.

Even though it has no legs and no wings,

But he flies - you won’t catch him. (Time).

And I decorate the house

And I collect all the dust.

And also - people trample underfoot,

And then they even hit me with their boots.

The thorny impatiens lives in the depths of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread.

Everyone tramples me, but I am better.


He wears a bright uniform.

Wears spurs for beauty.

He's a bully all day long.

In the morning it is a clock for us.

Through the field, through the forest,

He was there, and now he is here.

He runs along the wires.

You say it here, but you hear it there.


There is one commander for thirty-two warriors.

(Teeth and tongue).

And not the sea, and not the land.

And you can't walk

And you can't sail on a ship.

If it weren't for him -

I wouldn't say anything.

She has her whole soul wide open.

And although there are buttons, there is no shirt.

Not a turkey, but inflated.

And it’s not a bird, but it’s flooding.


This fat woman has a wooden belly

And an iron belt.

They beat him with a hand and a stick.

Nobody feels sorry for him.

And why are they beating the poor guy?

Yes, for being inflated.

I am related to Moidodyr.

Turn me around!

I'm cold water

I'll wash you well.

The trunk is rubber,

The stomach is made of canvas.

How his engine hums -

It will swallow dust and debris.

(Vacuum cleaner).

It is only given to you,

And people use it.

In this fabric country

Along the sheet river

A hot ship is sailing

Sometimes it’s backwards, sometimes it’s forward.

And behind him is such a smooth surface,

And there are no wrinkles to be seen.

In fire - does not burn.

It doesn't drown in water.

It doesn't rot in the ground.

The house is a glass bubble.

There's a light hidden there.

During the day he sleeps. And when he wakes up -

It will light up with a bright flame.

A piece of paper in the morning

They bring it to us every day.

On one such sheet -

Lots of different news.

On the wall, in a visible place

They will gather to lead together.

And then – its residents

They will fly to all ends.


Asya, Asya - lay down.

If he gets up, he will reach the sky.

Small, round

Walking on the floor.

You can't catch it by the tail.

You open it - it closes you

And if the rain passes, everything will be the other way around.

A warm wave splashes.

Under the wave there is whiteness.

Come on, children, remember

What kind of sea is in the room?

On my finger -

The bucket is upside down.


She dresses the whole world.

She herself doesn’t know clothes.

On my finger -

The bucket is upside down.


Small bird.

Spout - steel,

The tail is linen.

Works - bows.

When he comes home, he will stretch out.

She covers everyone in the world.

What she sews, she does not wear herself.

Itself is made of wood.

The head is iron.


At Uncle Nikon's

The whole bald spot is poked.


I walk on my head

Although - on my feet.

I walk barefoot

Although - and in boots.

(Nail in the boot).

Fluffy, soft, round,

I have a tail, but I'm not a cat,

I often jump elastically,

I'll swing and under the chest of drawers.

The body is wooden, and the head is iron.

(Axe, hammer).

They have teeth, but they don’t know toothache.

These are the mysteries. Do you think this will be just right for 10-year-old children, or should it be more complicated? So we have something more complicated! And quite a lot! Here, for example, . Or for schoolchildren. There are a lot of interesting things! Look in the catalog and choose a collection to your liking!

And at 10 years old, a son or daughter is still a child. Therefore, parents periodically need to show their attention to their child. Riddles for a 10 year old child will help you have fun and immerse yourself in the game. The most important thing is to find suitable problems so that they are varied and on different topics.

Riddles for a 10 year old child about objects in the house

Ten-year-old children are not quite small anymore, but they haven’t grown up yet, so it’s worth asking questions that are fun, rhythmic, and inspiring. There are a lot of things in the house about which you can make riddles for a 10-year-old child, so you should use your imagination and start entertainment program, having previously prepared. As an example, you can take the following options:

It consists of two halves,

If the wind blows, it will save our things.

And if we forget to fasten it,

Clothes will fly off the balcony and cannot be returned.


These patches hide the lights at night,

So that our sleep would not be disturbed.

In the morning the sun is not allowed in,

They are worried about you.

They come in different colors,

What are they called?

From it we understand how to dress.

It got warmer - the column began to rise upward,

And when it’s frosty, it crawls down from the cold.

And he knows exactly which of us is getting sick.


Some are wooden, some are made of plastic,

Their colors are also different, everyone chooses for themselves.

They're wearing a jacket and a dress and a blouse and pants,

There are a lot of them in the closet,

What are they called, tell me?


A piece of wood is a piece of wood, but we need it on the farm.

It is entirely covered with natural fabric.

If the dress and pants are wrinkled,

Everyone immediately turned to her for help.

What do you call it?

(Ironing board)

From this spout you wash your face, brush your teeth, and bathe.

The spout also serves well in the kitchen, we can wash dishes with it,

We'll do the cleaning and cook dinner.

There are countless numbers on it,

But it's good that we have it.

After all, without him we will lose count of the days,

And with him we know for sure all weekend.


Her window is a porthole,

The size of a slab.

He will wash our clothes,

It will give cleanliness and aroma to things.

(Washing machine)

Both boys and girls will definitely like such riddles for a 10-year-old child. Therefore, mothers, fathers, grandparents should definitely take note of them.

Riddles for children 10 years old with answers about products

Both adults and children can solve puzzles about food. Of course, riddles for a 10-year-old child should not be too easy. It is also worth making sure that your daughter or son can understand what the essence of the issue is. For example, you can take into account the following riddles:

They are eaten with cheese and ketchup too,

They look like long sticks when raw.

Children usually love them

Of course this is...


Crispy greens

It's white inside.

At the dacha you collect

You enjoy it.

What kind of vegetable is this, answer me, my friend?

Pot-bellied, red, juicy,

Healthy, very tasty.

It grows in the garden,

Well, it will definitely fit into the salad.


The jam made from this berry is very tasty,

And it’s also very raw.

Pink, for colds for children

And it helps adults, what is the name of the berry?


It is worth including in the program with questions to which the child must answer, funny riddles for children 10 years old. After all, fun will only add to the desire to create and solve problems, so parents should pay attention to this fact.

Riddles for children about toys and technology

At the age of ten, the child still plays with his favorite toys, and also has excellent command of technology. Therefore, riddles about these objects will be interesting and filled with inspiration. As an example, you can take the following ideas:

What kind of box is it, there are a lot of wires in it,

I turned it on with the remote control - and I'm ready for the cartoon.


It has many different functions,

There are also countless games in the open spaces.

Letters can be sent to friends through them.

Sometimes you sit with him for a long time,

This makes mom and dad a little angry.

How do you put it on charge?

Finally, you look into your notebook.

(Mobile phone)

We collect it with the whole family,

The game is very interesting

Made up of small parts,

Then the assembled figurine stands for a long time.


Such riddles are interesting and can be done by a ten year old child.

How to lure a child

Of course, the best motivation is the promise of fulfillment of what the child has long dreamed of. For example, going to an amusement park. Only the promise must be fulfilled so that the daughter or son knows that the parents can

A modern ten-year-old child has a very broad knowledge of the world around him. At this age, children already know how to independently obtain the information they need, using a variety of sources. Therefore, the riddles for them should be quite complex so as not to cause boredom to young scholars.

The riddles from the proposed collection can provide food for the mind of a ten-year-old child. They are not uniform in complexity: some are simpler, others are more complex. This alternation creates a certain rhythm according to the principle of tension and relaxation, which allows you to train your thinking abilities without causing overload.

There is a robot in our apartment.
He has a huge trunk.
The robot loves cleanliness.
And it buzzes as if “TU”
He willingly swallows dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.
(Vacuum cleaner)

* * *
There is a palace on a pole,
A singer lives in the palace.

I am like pine trees, like fir trees,
But in winter - without needles.

* * *
Like our Allochka
A string on a stick.
Stick in hand
And the thread is in the river.
(Fishing rod)

* * *
There's a steeplechase on our roof
Catches news for us.

* * *
The trunk is rubber,
The stomach is made of canvas.
How his engine hums -
It will swallow dust and debris.
(Vacuum cleaner)

* * *
He's always at work
When we talk.
Then he just rests,
When we stop talking.

* * *
There's a hot harmonica
In our house under the window.
Doesn't sing or play.
She heats the house.

* * *
He walks importantly through the meadow.
It comes out dry from the water.
Wears red shoes.
He will give us all feather dusters.
* * *

They knock all the time
They don't tell us to be bored.
They go all the time.
And they won’t budge.

* * *
I'll lie under your armpit
I’ll tell you what to do.
I'll put you to bed,
You'll just go for a walk.

* * *
She has no tongue
But who will she visit?
He'll have a lot
And he learns a lot of things.

* * *
Even though it has no legs and no wings,
But he flies - you won’t catch him.

* * *
And I decorate the house
And I collect all the dust.
And also - people trample underfoot,
And then they even hit me with their boots.

* * *
The thorny impatiens lives in the depths of the forest.
There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread.

* * *
He wears a bright uniform.
Wears spurs for beauty.
He's a bully all day long.
In the morning it is a clock for us.

* * *

Through the field, through the forest,
He was there, and now he is here.
He runs along the wires.
You say it here, but you hear it there.
* * *
Not the sea, not the land.
You can't go on foot
You can't sail on a ship.

* * *
If it weren't for him -
I wouldn't say anything.

* * *
She has her whole soul wide open.
And although there are buttons, there is no shirt.
Not a turkey, but inflated.
And it’s not a bird, but it’s flooding.
* * *
I am related to Moidodyr.
Turn me around!
I'm cold water
I'll wash you well.

* * *
The trunk is rubber,
The stomach is made of canvas.
How his engine hums -
It will swallow dust and debris.
(Vacuum cleaner)

* * *
It is only given to you,
And people use it.

* * *
In this fabric country
Along the sheet river
A hot ship is sailing
Sometimes it’s backwards, sometimes it’s forward.
And behind him is such a smooth surface,
And there are no wrinkles to be seen.

* * *

In fire - does not burn.
It doesn't drown in water.
It doesn't rot in the ground.
(Is it true)

* * *
The house is a glass bubble.
There's a light hidden there.
During the day he sleeps. And when he wakes up -
It will light up with a bright flame.

* * *
A piece of paper in the morning
They bring it to us every day.
On one such sheet -
Lots of different news.

* * *
On the wall, in a visible place
They will gather to lead together.
And then – its residents
They will fly to all ends.

* * *
You open it - it closes you
And if the rain passes, everything will be the other way around.

* * *

A warm wave splashes.
Under the wave there is whiteness.
Come on, children, remember
What kind of sea is in the room?

* * *
On my finger -
The bucket is upside down.

* * *
Small bird.
Spout - steel,
The tail is linen.

* * *
Works - bows.
When he comes home, he will stretch out.

* * *
Fluffy, soft, round,
I have a tail, but I'm not a cat,
I often jump elastically,
I'll swing and under the chest of drawers.

* * *
The body is wooden, and the head is iron.
(Axe, hammer)

* * *
They have teeth, but they don’t know toothache.
* * *
The thread is stretching, but the ball cannot be wound.
* * *
It curls around the nose, but is not easy to handle.