Riddles for 3 year olds with rhyme. Riddles with a rhyming answer. Riddles about vegetables and fruits

IN modern world everything has accelerated so much - changes, new information and new professions, technologies are rolling over humanity in rapid waves. In an effort to make it easier for their child to integrate into this changing world, many parents are passionate about new methods for accelerating the development of their children almost from birth.

Meanwhile, the peoples of the world have accumulated centuries of experience in quite successful raising of children, where the development of speech, logic, and intelligence of the little ones was helped by nursery rhymes, sayings, riddles, fairy tales and proverbs. Interesting 3-4 year olds with the answers that you will find below will help not only entertain kids, but also help them learn something new about the world around them.

Unlike direct questions, which strain the child, who already understands that this is how his knowledge is being tested, a riddle is always a game, and therefore he willingly joins in this game. Moreover, they are so different - funny, cool, with a trick, in rhyme and so difficult that even mom can’t figure it out. When kids have already mastered solving riddles a little, this can be a good family entertainment, or a competition in the form of a quiz between children, for example, at a birthday party.

Proverbs and sayings in a short and expressive form convey to children knowledge about nature, human relationships, morality, and introduce them to the images of animals accepted in folklore. They convey their message directly and clearly to the listener.

A riddle, on the contrary, is always a statement with a trick, where it is necessary to identify the internal connection or external similarity between objects and phenomena in order to find the answer. This requires logic, sufficiently developed speech and an already accumulated, albeit minimal, store of knowledge. Therefore, children begin to learn how to solve riddles no earlier than 3 years old, when the child is already ready to master this difficult art.

Don't start with folklore riddles. Among them there are many that are full of images that are not yet clear to the baby. Often they describe things and animals that a modern urban child has not yet encountered at that age. It is worth first simply explaining to a 3-4 year old child what a riddle is, how it differs from a simple question, and showing that it contains both a trick question and a hint.

Maybe it’s worth making one together with him a simple riddle about something he knows well, for example, about an apple. “Round, but not a ball, green, but not a cucumber. What is this?". If they turn out funny, then it will be really great, because children love fun so much.

  • You need to start with simple poetic riddles, where hearing the rhyme, the child will more easily find the answer.
  • At the age of 3-4 years, abstract thinking is still poorly developed in children, so questions should be specific and even contain a hint.
  • When we first introduce a child to riddles on some topic, for example, about fish, animals or professions, it is worth giving answers with picture clues. Then the children’s answers will be associated not just with an abstract word, but with a specific visible image of a profession, animal or fish, which will be remembered much more strongly. And the logic of the riddle will be clearer to him.
  • It is better to alternate funny and difficult, serious questions so that the game is not monotonous and is more interesting for children.

When kids master the ability to find answers to funny, serious, rhyming, etc. questions, you can move on to more complex forms games. For older preschoolers or children 7-8 years old, you can already prepare quizzes where they will compete to find answers to funny questions and simple logical tasks. Such entertaining and educational quizzes would also be appropriate in the classroom. kindergarten or elementary school, and for a child’s birthday.

Through riddles, you can introduce children to the characteristics of a profession, the behavior of a fish or animal in winter, and various things and tools. Moreover, solving the question forces the child to think and find the answer himself, which makes the acquired knowledge personal experience children, which means it is more firmly remembered than a simple story from an adult.

About animals

Children are interested in riddles about everything in the world, so they are often used to introduce a child to a topic and consolidate acquired knowledge. By the age of 3-4 years, children already know about animals from fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and cartoons. But still, before making riddles about them, it’s worth checking who they’ve already heard of and who they haven’t.

To do this, show them pictures about animals, remember proverbs and sayings about them, ask them to name fairy tales where children met forest animals and clarify who saw domestic animals live. If the pictures are funny and cool, this will add joy and fun to the children. By the way, questions about animals also include those where the heroes are fish or birds.

about animals. 17 cartoon riddles with answers!

About flowers and plants

Flowers and plants surround the child. He has a good idea of ​​what they look like, but it is unlikely that on his own, without the participation of an adult, he will think about what is common and how one tree or one flower differs from another.

Riddles about flowers will attract his attention to the similarity in shape between plants and objects (bell-flowers and bell-shaped objects), help him better remember the names of colors, and pay attention to how flowers change.

Riddles about plants also include questions about fruits and vegetables. When guessing them, do not forget to give along with the answers not only the name of the specific fruit, but also indicate the category to which it belongs - fruits, vegetables, reinforcing these more general concepts in the baby.

Every year, kindergartens and schools hold holidays dedicated to autumn and the harvest. They teach children proverbs and sayings about this time of year, and prepare riddles about vegetables and fruits. Riddles about flowers are heard in classes and holidays dedicated to spring and summer. We hope that the questions given here will help in their preparation.

About nature

Sayings and proverbs about nature, poems and pictures about this are prepared by kindergarten teachers when, by virtue of their profession, they intend to introduce preschool children to this topic. It’s enough for parents to simply talk about it with their child while walking or looking out the window. But in order for the child to remember all this well, it would be better to tell him funny, funny, or serious riddles about day, night, stream, stars, wind, etc.

About the seasons

A preschooler is just getting acquainted with concepts such as seasons, and riddles about spring, winter, summer and autumn will help to reinforce them. This topic includes not only those that directly ask about winter or summer, but also those where the answers will be natural phenomena inherent to them. For example, riddles about winter include those where the answers are snow, ice, frost, blizzard, etc. Particularly useful are those that draw attention to the changes that occur, for example, when winter gives way to spring, or autumn to summer.

In verse

Riddles in verse, where the answers are words in rhyme, are one of the first that preschoolers begin to guess. They remain loved by them for a long time. It’s so fun to shout the answer out loud together, to feel smart and knowledgeable, because the words in rhyme are remembered so easily! Parents love them too. After all, children easily and willingly learn them so that they can later wish on their friends, developing their memory and consolidating their knowledge.

Then funny poems with a trick appear, where the answers will not be those words in rhyme that just beg to be spoken, but completely different ones, breaking the structure of the verse. These funny poems not only make the game fun, but also develop attention and teach you to think before giving an answer.

Among the riddle poems there are on almost any topic - about vegetables and fruits, a round apple and a two-color ball, about different professions and seasons, about toys and things, fish and animals. Choose what you need and make a wish for the children.

Riddles for children with answers about fruits. for children

Typically for children under 3-4 summer age It is better to make riddles with a demonstration of a picture of the answer. This is due to the fact that their thinking is still visual and effective. By demonstrating answers and asking them riddles, you will develop visual-figurative thinking and create good mood to your children.

On the blue tablecloth
Yegorka is swimming -
Linen shirt,
Wooden shoes. (Boat)

Gray neck,
yellow sock,
Swims in the river
Like a float. (Duck)

Blinks his eyes
The brakes squeak. (Car)

Here the kittens are acrobats,
There are also kitten clowns.
Over the head - somersault,
So there's a cat here... (circus)

If I get covered in soot -
It will tell me about it. (Mirror)

If they beat him, he doesn’t cry,
It's just more fun when he jumps. (Ball)

Round legs
Running along the road:
One leg, two leg, three leg
There are horns ahead. (Bike)

I'll take her by the hand
I’ll bring a bunch of mushrooms in it. (Basket)

He has records
Sound like ice,
It's made of metal
Call him... (Glockenspiel)

The stick is thin,
And the song in it is ringing. (Pipe)

Amazing child!
Just got out of diapers,
Can swim and dive
Like his own mother.

He sits in a cage all day,
And he repeats under his breath,
But when I heard the door creak,
He shouts "Philip-Philip"
Give Kesha a drink quickly,
Who is this - (parrot)

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not just one thread.

Tick-tweet! Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy! Who is this?

Who's on the Christmas tree?
Keeps counting: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo?

Who sings so loudly
about the sun rising?

They beat him with a hand and a stick -
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated.

Every day at six in the morning
I'm shouting: it's time to get up!

He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums,
He swallows both dust and rubbish.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Five brothers -
Equal for years, different in height.

Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out.
Foams with white foam,
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.

At little Katyusha's
Perched on top of my head
Not a moth, not a bird -
Holds two braids.

Two sisters next to each other
They run lap after lap.
Shorty - just once
The one above is every hour.
(Clock hands)

This eye is a special eye.
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.

What is it with Galochka?
A thread on a stick
Stick in hand
And a thread in the river.
(Fishing rod)

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for battle near regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

He reveals himself, he closes you,
As soon as the rain passes, it will do the opposite.

twelve brothers
They wander after each other,
They don't bypass each other.

I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,
I warm the rivers, “swim!” - I invite you.
And you all love me for this, I...

You just say: “Guess the riddle?”, and the child is already full of delight and anticipation! Do not deny him this pleasure and offer this entertainment as often as possible. We've made a special selection - it's time to try it out!

Riddles promote the development of attention, speech, imagination, logical and figurative thinking in a child. So many useful things in a small poem!

For children 3-4 years old, ask riddles in which the answer is a rhyme to the previous line. This will make it easier to guess them at first. Then add riddles about objects, animals and natural phenomena familiar to the child.

Later, with the help of riddles, you can also introduce your baby to the colors, shapes, sizes and properties of objects.

Riddles with a rhyming answer

1. So that Lyuba does not freeze in the cold,

Mom bought her... (a fur coat)

2. You frogs, where do you live?

They croaked: (“In the swamp!”)

3. The hare was timid and timid.

White snow and a bunny... (White)

4. We washed the floor and walls,

And wash the window... (Forgot)

5. Little horses are walking,

We just call them... (Pony)

Riddles about animals

6. Teremok is crawling,

He's carrying him

The hostess is rich

Rich, horned. (Snail)

7. Touchy, covered in needles,

I live in a hole, under a Christmas tree.

Even though the doors are wide open,

But no animals come to me. (Hedgehog)

8. Thick-skinned, thick-lipped,

And there are four teeth in the mouth.

If he opens his mouth,

You might faint! (Hippopotamus)

9. He's tall, he's huge,

It looks like a crane. (Giraffe)

10. All my life I’ve been wearing a vest -

But without shoes and shirt. (Zebra)

Riddles about plants

11. Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg.

Where the sun is, that’s where he looks. (Sunflower)

12. I am a drop of summer on a thin leg.

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bow down.

And the name was given to me by my native land. (Strawberry)

13. Low and prickly,

Sweet, not smelly.

You pick the berries -

you'll rip off your whole hand. (Gooseberry)

14. What kind of daredevil is there that brings only tears? (Onion)

15. A hundred clothes, but all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Riddles about natural phenomena

16. They can’t wait for me,

And when they see it, they will run away. (Rain)

17. Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,

The blizzard is walking.

When does this happen? (Winter)

18. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life.

The day is coming.

When does this happen? (Spring)

19. The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming.

When does rye ripen? (Summer)

20. I bring in the harvests, I re-sow the fields,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees. (Autumn)

Riddles about household items

21. A toothy animal gnaws at an oak tree with a squeal. (Saw)

22. Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

23. Four brothers under one hat. (Table)

24. I'm friends with hair,

I'll put them in order

I'm grateful for my hairstyle

And my name is... (Comb)

25. There are a lot of windows in it.

We live in it. This is... (House)

Riddles about clothes

26. I am protection from the sun

That's what it's made for. (Panama)

27. It’s not a tie, it’s not a collar,

And I’m used to hugging necks.

He always helps us

When the cold comes. (Scarf)

28. They gave the brothers a warm home,

For five of us to live,

Big brother didn't agree

And he settled separately. (Mittens)

29. Two brothers

Can't separate:

In the morning - on the road,

At night - on the threshold. (Boots)

30. As soon as it is sent

She goes for a walk in winter,

Residents move into houses

Riddles for the little ones

1.Shaggy, mustachioed,
Does he drink milk and sing songs? (Cat)

2.Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,
Flapping its wings loudly, loudly,
The faithful shepherd chicken, what is his name? (rooster).

3. He sits very obediently,
He doesn't want to bark at all
He is overgrown with a lot of fur,
Well, of course it is (dog).

4. She walks in the rain,
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams, It's all a joke,
Well, of course it's a (duck).

5. I have a question for you - Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day?
Grunting and swimming with fat,
Tell me friends - What is her name - (pig).

6. Every evening, so easy,
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - (cow).

7. At night he doesn’t sleep at all,
Keeps the house safe from mice,
Drinks milk from a bowl
Well, of course it’s (cat).

8. He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course it is (goose).

9.Sits in a cage all day,
And he repeats under his breath,
But when I heard the door creak,
He shouts "Philip-Philip"
Give Kesha a drink quickly,
Who is this (parrot).

10.He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What is his name - (bear).

11. I decided to marry Thumbelina,
Only a bird saved the girl,
He stuffs his mouth with grain,
Well, of course it is - (mole).

12. She buzzes over a flower,
It flies so quickly towards the hive,
I gave my honey to the honeycomb,
What is her name - (bee).

13. The rope is crawling along the ground,
Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone,
Because I am (snake).

14. All the time he prowls through the forest,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes,
Who says this - (wolf).

15.Loves red carrots
He gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who say he is - (hare).

16.He is gray, big,
On four pillars
Look at him
And you just say, ah!
The trunk lifts up,
The fountain waters everyone,
Tell me, who is he?
Well, of course it is (elephant).

17. Along the path in the forest,
I'm carrying a big apple
I look like needles
Of course my name is (hedgehog).

18.The king of beasts roars loudly,
He is in a hurry to collect all the animals,
Sitting gracefully on a stone,
Tell me who it is - (lion).

19. She sits on a branch in the forest,
She repeats one "kuckoo"
She counts the years for all of us,
She loses her chicks.
"Peek-a-boo" here and there,
What is this bird's name? - (cuckoo).

20. Oranges and bananas are very fond of... (monkeys)

21. My sock disappeared, it was stolen... (puppy)

22. There are a lot of windows in it.
We live in it. This is... (house)

23. I’m not afraid of the word “scatter” - I’m a forest cat... (lynx)

24. Gets up at dawn, sings in the yard, has a comb on his head.
Who is this?.. (cockerel)

25. Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

26.The beautiful maiden sits in prison, and the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

27. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

28. Yellow Antoshka is spinning on his leg.
Where the sun is, that’s where he looks. (Sunflower)

29. They are waiting for me - they won’t wait,
and when they see it, they will run away. (Rain)

30. A toothy animal gnaws an oak tree with a squeal. (Saw)

31. Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

32. Four brothers under one hat. (Table)

33. I'm friends with hair
I'll put them in order.
I'm grateful for my hairstyle
And my name is... (Comb)

34. I dig in the ground with my little snout,
I'll take a swim in a dirty puddle. (Pig)

Oranges and bananas are very popular... (monkeys)

I lost my sock, it was dragged away... (puppy)

There are a lot of windows in it. We live in it. This is... (house)

I’m not afraid of the word “scatter” - I’m a forest cat... (lynx)

He gets up at dawn, sings in the yard, has a comb on his head. Who is this.. (cockerel)

I dig in the ground with my little snout, I take a swim in a dirty puddle. (Pig)

Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs. (Cat)

Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,
Flapping its wings loudly, loudly,
A faithful shepherd of chickens,
What is his name (rooster).

He sits very obediently,
He doesn't want to bark at all
He is overgrown with a lot of fur,
Well, of course it is (dog).

She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams
It's all a joke
Well, of course it's a (duck).

I have a question for you -
Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day
Grunting and swimming with fat,
Tell me friends -
What is her name - (pig).

Every evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - (cow).

He doesn't sleep at all at night,
Keeps the house safe from mice,
Drinks milk from a bowl
Well, of course it’s (cat).

He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended Where When
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course it is (goose).

He sits in a cage all day,
And he repeats under his breath,
But when I heard the door creak,
He shouts "Philip-Philip"
Give Kesha a drink quickly,
Who is this (parrot).

He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What is his name - (bear).

I decided to marry Thumbelina,
Only a bird saved the girl,
He stuffs his mouth with grain,
Well, of course it is - (mole).

She buzzes over the flower,
It flies so quickly towards the hive,
I gave my honey to the honeycomb,
What is her name - (bee).

The rope crawls along the ground,
Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone,
Because I am (snake).

He roams the forest all the time,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes,
Who says this - (wolf).

Loves red carrots
He gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who say he is - (hare).

He is gray, big,
On four pillars
Look at him
And you just say, ah!
The trunk lifts up,
The fountain waters everyone,
Tell me who he is
Well, of course it is (elephant).

Along the path in the forest,
I'm carrying a big apple
I look like needles
Of course my name is (hedgehog).

The king of beasts roars loudly,
He is in a hurry to collect all the animals,
Sitting gracefully on a stone,
Tell me who it is - (lion).

She sits on a branch in the forest,
She repeats one "kuckoo"
She counts the years for all of us,
She loses her chicks.
"Peek-a-boo" here and there,
What is the name of this bird - (cuckoo).

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

The beautiful maiden sits in prison, and the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg. Where the sun is, that’s where he looks. (Sunflower)

They are waiting for me - they won’t wait, and when they see me, they will run away. (Rain)

A toothy animal gnaws at an oak tree with a squeal. (Saw)

Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

Four brothers under one hat. (Table)

I'm friends with hair
I'll put them in order.
I'm grateful for my hairstyle
And my name is... (Comb)


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*** ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly, flaps his wings loudly, loudly, a faithful shepherd of the chickens, as his name is (rooster). he sits very obedient, he barks