There is a 20 year difference between a man and a woman. Age difference: probable scenarios for relationship development

“All ages are submissive to love” - no one will argue with this, since not a single person can know when this bright feeling will touch him. This article will not talk about simple love, but about unequal relationships when one of the partners is 20 years older than the other. How good are these marriages? Is it worth agreeing to them or is it better to find someone of the same age?

Of course, when the age difference between a man and a woman is about 20 years, we can say that the marriage was built by different generations. Of course, the lovers themselves must decide whether they are comfortable in this case or not, but it is pointless to deny the fact of simply huge differences. As a rule, in such unequal marriages the man is older, but there are situations exactly the opposite.

Reasons for unequal marriages

There are several reasons why girls (and young boys, although less often) agree to an unequal marriage. Among them:

  • Material interest. Sadly, it is the material interest of the younger partner that becomes the main reason why marriages take place with a difference of 20 years. Mercantile girls and boys are drawn to the money of mature men and women who have already achieved a lot in life and can financially afford much more than young people. Such a union, of course, is more reminiscent of a business contract than a love marriage - the role of each partner is prescribed in advance, from the young partner - youth, from the more mature - material well-being.
  • Experience. Often young people look at partners who are much older than them in a special way because they lacked maternal or paternal love in childhood. Every girl, for example, needs a kind and loving dad who will love her and warm her in his strong arms. If the girl did not have this, then subconsciously she will strive for a more mature partner, trying to make up for the lack of paternal attention. It is unlikely that such feelings can be called true love, since the girl most likely realizes that she still needs a man, and not a father, for her husband.
  • Conflict of interest with peers. It often happens that a young girl or boy is absolutely not interested in being with their peers, they are annoyed by the constant “wind in their head”, the lack of serious plans, and the reluctance to take relationships seriously. Often this is why fate brings young people together with partners who are much more experienced, respectively, with a difference of 20 years or more.
  • Love. Of course, in some situations it is precisely this feeling that connects people with an age difference of several decades. The feelings of lovers are so strong that the age difference of years simply does not matter. This doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. Such marriages are built on love and mutual understanding, and no one can interfere with the happiness of lovers.


It is no secret that society frowns upon this kind of marriage. Although not so long ago, marriages with a difference in age between a man and a woman were not something out of the ordinary for anyone, and even on the contrary, such unions were considered absolutely normal, and by the way, the materialism of the bride did not cause condemnation or contempt. Today the situation has changed, and in such marriages people have begun to notice a lot of negative traits.

The main disadvantage of such unions is the difference in interests. A person’s age and habits change with age, which is not surprising. A mature partner cannot understand a younger partner even for the reason that activity also decreases with age, which cannot but affect habits and lifestyle. The young partner’s energy is simply in full swing; he constantly wants to be on the move. That is why it is difficult for a couple in which one partner is many years older than the other to find the ideal balance of active and passive recreation.

Another disadvantage is the older partner’s worries about age and aging. 20 years is not very noticeable, when one of the partners is 25 and the other is 45 years old, over time the difference will become much more noticeable. The experiences themselves do not bring any trouble to the younger partner, but their consequences - jealousy, groundless nagging, fear of losing a soul mate - all this can disrupt the harmony in the relationship.

The reluctance or inability to have children is another big problem in marriages in which one of the partners is many years older. An adult who already has children is unlikely to want a repeat of sleepless nights and other “charms” of the presence of small children in the house. And if he doesn’t have children until now, then he’s unlikely to want to anymore. The younger partner seeks to realize his parental instinct, which can lead to conflict situations.


However, marriages with a large age difference would not be so common if they had only disadvantages. Of course, there are also advantages.

One of the main advantages of unequal marriages is the significant life experience senior partner. There is no more recklessness, and firm calculation will help the family become successful not only in material terms, but also in terms of relationships. The more mature partner will support the younger one in all difficult situations, from which, as a rule, he will find the only correct way out.

Another plus is the financial independence of a more mature partner. Young couples most often have nothing to their name - neither their own home, nor a car, nor any savings to ensure a normal vacation, and what to hide, there is no special income to afford expensive purchases or a decent vacation. The absence of financial problems is one of the guarantees that there will be fewer scandals and problems in the family.

If a child is born in such a family, then the mature partner will become the best parent in the world, he will appreciate every moment spent with the baby, for him it will be real happiness. But in early marriages it is often the other way around, and a child quite often becomes one of the reasons for the separation of spouses, one of whom cannot cope with responsibility.

They say that all ages are submissive to love, that to meet a truly loved one and loved one possible at 30 or 50 years old. Happy celebrity couples are looking at us from the TV screen, where the husbands are twice or even three times older than their young companions. They all never tire of repeating that their marriages are the happiest and most reliable. But then on the screen, and in real life any girl who decides to connect her life with a man 20 years older than herself is really taking a risk. Will her prince on a white horse turn out to be an ordinary boring old man in about 10-15 years? living together, won't the 20 year age difference seem to her an insurmountable obstacle to a happy life? family life?

Agree that when a seventeen-year-old girl falls in love with a man 20 years older, we all shake our heads and hope that this “wind in the head” will soon pass, that the girl will switch her attention to another object that is more suitable for her age. But when a fully grown, mature woman makes the decision to marry a man twice her age, we secretly “keep our fingers crossed” for her, hoping that she doesn’t commit fatal mistake. 20 years difference is practically different generations, where each spouse has completely different interests and temperaments. Despite this, unequal marriages with large age differences are far from uncommon; moreover, they are becoming very popular.

Why do girls decide to have an unequal marriage?

While you are 25 years old and he is 45, then everything seems to be normal: he is still young, full of strength and desires. Friends look with curiosity and bewilderment at the handsome man gently holding your hand, and you simply glow with love and happiness. But what happens when you turn 40 and he turns 60? It is unlikely that at least one woman who decides to connect her life with a man much older than her does not think about it. But why, despite all the apparent difficulties, do they plunge headlong into this pool, what is the reason?

1 As sad as it may be, most often women and girls agree to marry a man about twenty years older for completely mercantile reasons. Men of advanced age have already achieved certain heights in their careers and received the status of a wealthy person respected by society. Financially, they can afford much more than young people, and this factor is decisive for many ladies. Hundreds of young girls are actively searching for a rich daddy who will solve their financial problems once and for all. Most often, such an alliance resembles a business contract, where the roles of each spouse are prescribed in advance: she gives him her youth and body in exchange for material well-being.

2 Very often, young girls pay attention to men twice their age because they did not have enough fatherly love in childhood. Every little girl needs a smart, kind dad who will take care of her, give advice in difficult situations, and give gifts. If all this did not happen in a girl’s life, then she involuntarily strives to warm her soul next to someone who is almost old enough to be her father. With him, she will finally feel what she so lacked in childhood - reliability, protection, affection. But can these feelings be called true love? Will she not understand over time that she does not need a “father” as a husband, but an ordinary loving man?

3 It has long been a known fact that girls grow up much faster than boys. And now, having reached puberty mature age, the young lady doesn’t even look at her peers, who have only computer toys and cars on their minds - give them an adult, “seen life” boyfriend. It is much more interesting to communicate with him; he is able to see that behind the appearance of an excellent student lies a trembling female soul. Fortunately, such hobbies usually pass quickly, and adult men can soon get tired of relationships with such young girls.

4 There is a category of men who prefer to play the role of a mentor in family life, and there are women who like to act as students. If these two meet and decide to create a union, then it may have every chance of success, despite the age difference. Such girls, as a rule, are not interested in communicating with peers in principle, because in life they need a wise man with rich life experience.

5 Of course, it also happens that two people who are 20 years apart in age simply have real feelings for each other. They love, despite the fact that they are separated “not by years, but by life.” This doesn't happen very often, but these are the people who can be truly happy in marriage. A brilliant example is the famous singer Celine Dion and her husband Rene Angelil. The husband is 26 years older than Celine; their relationship has lasted for a quarter of a century. When Rene fell ill with cancer, the singer immediately stopped her singing career and nursed her husband until he fully recovered. Doesn't this mean that marriages unequal in age can be happy if they are built on love and mutual understanding?

Cons unequal marriage

Why does society have such a negative attitude towards marriages where the age difference between a man and a woman is very large? A couple of hundred years ago, no one would have been surprised by the union of a wealthy elderly nobleman with a young beauty. Moreover, this state of affairs was considered absolutely normal, and mercantile interests on the part of the bride were not considered something shameful. Nowadays, the attitude towards such unions is completely different. It is no secret that as men age, they are drawn to young girls; they are attracted by their freshness, naivety and inexperience. But what is it like for the women themselves who have entered into such a union, what should they expect from such a marriage?

The most serious problem in families where the man is much older than his wife is the difference in interests. With a certain age, a person’s character and habits change, and this is not surprising. Gone are the days when he danced until the morning at discos, when he wanted to go out every day in search of new experiences. Closer to fifty, men prefer to lead a quiet lifestyle, and instead of fun and extravagance, they consider it best to read an interesting book or watch a good TV show in a cozy living room. But what to do if a young woman’s blood still boils, if she wants to enjoy life, meet friends, and lead an active lifestyle? This is where the moment comes when two loving friend people stop understanding each other.

Very often, a man who marries a girl 20 years younger than himself experiences painful aging. He sees that his health and temperament no longer allow him to keep up with his young girlfriend, and this gnaws at him from the inside. Hence - groundless jealousy, nagging, fear of losing a loved one. Not every one married couple can overcome such a barrier, the constant self-criticism of a partner can destroy a marriage.

Let's face it: with age, male potency weakens, which means it becomes more and more difficult for a partner to satisfy a young woman. After a couple of decades of marriage, sexual relations in such a family become very rare. Unless the wife belongs to that rare category of ladies who are completely indifferent to sex, then this problem can become a real disaster for family life. And the point here is not only that the spouse is gradually losing his male strength- older men often lose interest in the process itself and perform their marital duty “for show.” Hence - either infidelity on the female side, or separation from an aged spouse.

Many young ladies married to older men complain that their husbands do not want to have children. What's surprising here? They've already had it all in their lives: sleepless nights, children's crying, diapers, undershirts. Most men with such experience behind them are content with children from previous marriage, they simply do not need these physical and moral problems at their age. Therefore, it often happens that young women are faced with the question: either give up motherhood and continue to live with this person, or look for another life partner.

Sometimes in marriages where the man is much older than his wife, children do not appear for completely different reasons. After 40 years, the reproductive capacity of men declines, and the chance for their female companions to conceive healthy offspring decreases sharply. Of course, there are exceptions, and quite frequent ones, but for the most part this is the situation. If 30 years ago the “culprit” of an infertile marriage was a woman, then in our time everything has changed: now it is men who have problems with childbearing. And, unfortunately, this negative situation only gets worse with age.

Be that as it may, eh Society often condemns marriages where the man is as much as 20 years older than his wife. They look at such a couple askance, talk about them behind their backs, and hurl barbs at them. A girl who chooses a man twice her age as her husband is accused of either commercialism or stupidity. For most women, this situation is quite unpleasant; they are in constant stress, worrying about the attitude of others. And what can we say about the opinion of the parents: it is not at all easy for them to cope with the fact that their daughter’s husband is the same age as the father himself. In short, negativity pours in from all sides, and not all women are able to overcome this stressful situation.

Unfortunately, this is the law of life: women who marry a man 20 years older, outwardly become much older than their years, while their husbands, on the contrary, become younger. This is not surprising, because each spouse adapts to their other half, wanting to match her. Every man of advanced age subconsciously experiences the fear of death, and having found a young, energetic woman as a life partner, he literally adapts to her biological clock. A young wife becomes a kind of donor: the husband becomes younger before his eyes, while she fades outwardly. Those around her quickly notice changes in the appearance of the recent beauty, and their sympathy and pitying glances do not add good mood woman.

Pros of an unequal marriage

If marriage, where men are much older than their women, had only disadvantages, then they would hardly exist at all. There are many married couples in the world who have overcome all the difficulties of living together associated with their age difference. Sometimes such unions turn out to be much stronger and more reliable than those of families where the spouses are the same age. So what are the advantages of such an unequal marriage?

One of the significant advantages of a marriage where the husband is 20 years older than his wife is that the man has rich life experience. He is no longer as reckless as in his youth, and is well aware of what needs to be done to save his family. Unlike young guys, he will carefully protect his family hearth from minor quarrels and troubles that could destroy relationships. He knows what PMS is, he knows what gifts women love and what they expect from a man in bed. In addition, such a husband is an excellent adviser; he is wiser and more prudent than his wife’s peers. Of course, in our time, young people can be surprisingly insightful and intelligent, but they lack patience and flexibility. These are just the qualities that come to people with experience.

As a rule, most men over 40 have already achieved financial stability and are able to provide their young companion with a decent life. There is no longer any need to save for an apartment and a car - by this age, men usually manage to become successful and financially independent. As a result, a woman receives financial stability and can calmly study, pursue a career, or do what she loves without fear that her needs will ruin the family budget.

If a husband is much older than his wife, then he is very proud of his young wife and is afraid of losing her. Hence his constant attentions and attempts to keep his young wife nearby. Such people value relationships more than their peers. And, you see, any woman is very pleased when she is so highly valued and protected.

It is unlikely that a man whose wife is 20 years younger than himself will decide to go “left”, because a beautiful wife is waiting for him at home - young and sexy. And why look for adventures on the side if he has a young, elastic body, full of fire and passion? Of course, there are exceptions, but such “gulens” exist in any marriage, and the age difference has nothing to do with it. In an unequal marriage, where the man is much older than his wife, male infidelity is a very rare phenomenon.

If a man at an advanced age is lucky enough to become a father, then you simply will not find a better dad. Agree that the attitude towards children of young parents and grandparents is quite different. People of the older generation take a much more conscious approach to raising children; their joy from communicating with them is simply enormous. With age comes the understanding that children are a great happiness, a miracle that needs to be loved and protected. Young daddies are not always capable of showing such feelings towards their children. But a man who becomes a father at an advanced age will be an incredibly caring and loving parent.

IN modern world There are many happy married couples with a large age difference. In order for such a relationship to last long, it is necessary that the man and woman have similar psychotypes, common interests, love, in the end. If you are truly in love, then all the problems and difficulties of an unequal marriage can be overcome. But if you have decided to marry a man 20 years older than yourself, then you must understand that sooner or later age will take its toll and your husband will grow old. Someday, from a brutal forty-year-old macho, he will turn into a gray-haired old man, swallowing pills and demanding a hot water bottle. And at this time you will still be young and good-looking, and attractive men will continue to pay attention to you.

Are you ready to become for your adult husband not only loving wife, but also a caring mother rolled into one? If yes, then you can fully count on a happy family union for many, many years. If not, then try to look for your happiness elsewhere - otherwise, in a couple of decades, it will be unbearably hard for you to see next to you an aged copy of the person you once loved.

Everyone knows the phrase “All ages are submissive to love.” Many people believe that you can meet the person of your soul, your heart, both at 20 and at 50 years old. Spouses whose age difference exceeds 10 years look at us from the blue TV screens with happy eyes. But any girl in real life, deciding to connect her life with someone who is twice or three times her age, is really taking a risk. Let’s try to figure out where this risk lies and what the optimal solution should be.

While the girl is 20 and he is 40, it seems that everything is fine: he, just like you, is full of love, desires and strength. But time takes its toll and what will happen when birthday cake will you have 40? And why, regardless of the apparent difficulties, do girls in love plunge headlong into the pool, turning a blind eye to the fact that there is a big age difference in their marriage?

  1. Mercantile reasons are sometimes fundamental in this type of marriage. Thus, a man of mature age is a fairly wealthy person, capable of providing not only for himself, but also for his wife. Often such an alliance is similar to a business contract.
  2. If a girl lacked fatherly love in childhood, then it is possible that it is in a boyfriend of that age that she will see the man of her dreams.
  3. There is a category of men who willingly play the role of mentor in family life, and women, in turn, who are students. Now, if such two people bond themselves with family responsibilities, then it is likely that married life will be successful, despite the fact that the age difference plays an important role in these relationships.
  4. Psychology does not exclude the possibility that two lovers truly experience real feelings for each other and in this case the difference in their ages played a cruel joke.

Best age difference

It is important to note that research conducted by the American Sociological Institute for the Study of Family Relationships in which was attended by about two thousand women and men, showed that, unfortunately, only 1% of respondents believe in living with men who are younger than their wives. 40% noted that for them the optimal age difference is 4 years, and 30% are of the opinion that 5 or 6 years. Experts analyzed all the answers and came to the conclusion that the best age difference is 4.4 years.

So, if you remember star couples, the age difference between whom is 4.5 years, what immediately comes to mind is clear example royal couple Elizabeth II (87 years old) and her husband Philip Mountbatten (92).


Since ancient times, the format of communication between men and women has been reduced to established rules and canons. The girls patiently waited for the grooms who came to woo their parents, seeking the hand and heart of their chosen one. If the future spouse did not receive the approval of relatives, then the wedding became an illusion that lovers could only dream about. After the abolition of the slave system, when wealthy elderly people forcibly brought young beauties to the altar, marriages took place mainly between peers. It is generally accepted that young spouses have more common interests and hobbies.

However, in the 21st century, new formats of relationships are rapidly developing, which were previously embarrassing to even think about. Today there are a number of states in the political arena where same-sex marriage is allowed and encouraged. The phenomenon is inexplicable for most people, but tolerance and democracy, flourishing in developed countries, lead to the inevitable acceptance of such a model of a love union. Civil registry office workers record many marriages between men and women with a large age. In modern society, such relationships are considered the norm, so there is nothing to be surprised about in the current situation.

However, even close relatives of the spouses often doubt the sincerity of such unions. It’s not surprising, because few people imagine the common ground and the nature of mutual understanding between a twenty-year-old girl and forty-year-old man. How durable are marriages of different ages? Are the feelings between spouses sincere? What can lovers regret? What should you be wary of? What are the likely scenarios for the development of relations? Is a child born in such a marriage doomed? Inquisitive people have a lot of questions, which means the time has come to “get to the bottom” of the truth.

Features of love unions between spouses of different ages

In order not to doubt in vain the professional suitability of Cupid, who missed during the next shot, you need to understand the feasibility of such marriages. Initially, it is necessary to consider the union from various angles, making sure that a love relationship can arise between spouses with a large age difference:


Many girls, from the age of 20, are looking for a potential groom who will become a loving father and faithful husband. Among peers it is difficult to find a guy who matches such characteristics, because young men at this age are guided by completely different priorities. In this situation, the young woman’s gaze “falls” on the impressive, accomplished and wise man, on whose temples the first gray hair has already appeared. Falling in love with such a type is an expected and explainable phenomenon, which representatives of the stronger sex know firsthand. Protection and reliability, peace of mind and confidence in the future are the main prospects that attract the young mind of a girl.

Young guys who feel sympathy for older women are guided by other factors. A lady of “Balzac’s” years becomes for a young man a happy “ticket” to the world of sexual pleasures, where there are no prohibitions. Twenty-year-old girls are just beginning to learn the facets of intimate life, so they are afraid of innovations, and mature women, fed up with ordinary sex with their husbands, dream of the unbridled “agility” of young men.

In a relationship where the man is much older than the girl, there is no problem of aging. The young wife satisfies the visual preferences of her husband, so he does not go on adventures into the arms of young ladies. The main thing is that the girl understands the likelihood of an upcoming old age, during which it will be difficult.

Love unions in which the woman is older than the guy do not last long. A girl, whose husband is much younger, visits cosmetologists and even goes under a surgical “knife”, trying to match the image of her husband. However, over time, the lady invariably loses her attractiveness, so the man fulfills his sexual needs in a relationship with his mistress.

Intimate relationships.

Inexplicable, but true - the peaks of sexual activity of men and women occur at different times. Girls reach their peak at 44–50, and guys at 25–35. Thus, a love union in which a representative of the fair half of humanity is 10 years older than her husband is a successful marriage, where the sexual compatibility of the partners fully corresponds to their development and capabilities. In the intimate life of peers, things are much worse, so the result of such marriages is often divorce.

Women who want to get married successfully can be classified into a separate category in the 21st century. They are ready to endure the antics of their spouse, forgetting about moral and moral principles. The girl’s only goal is the inheritance, which she is happily waiting for. Men often know about the intentions of their chosen one, but they are satisfied with this state of affairs. With them in old age there is a sexy and attractive woman next to them.

There are much fewer gigolo guys, but in modern society such boyfriends also exist. They take advantage of the loneliness and dissatisfaction of women of “Balzac’s” age, making women fall in love with their own image. However, the goal of men is the bank card of their chosen one, and not the personal qualities and life experience that she is ready to share.

In this aspect, the advantages of marriage of different ages over a union of the same age are obvious. Guys “ripe” to have a child much later than girls, so a young lady and a mature man are responsible and loving parents raising a long-awaited baby. If a woman is older than her husband, then the lack of paternal care is compensated by the mother's experience. Weddings between peers often happen due to an unexpected pregnancy, so there is no need to talk about the duration of existence of such a social unit.

The influence of age difference on love relationships

The reasons for creating such unions directly depend on the age difference between the spouses. While sexologists and psychologists readily explain the range of 1–10 years, guided by their own observations, the range of 30–40 years remains a mystery even to professionals. Not to be unfounded, the features of marriages between partners of different ages:

The age difference is up to 5 years.

Such relationships are considered by psychologists to be the best option for creating a long-term marriage if the man is 1–5 years older than the girl. A woman subconsciously looks for support and support in her husband, which he is able to provide her. The guy, in turn, understands that the chosen one is younger than him, which means he does not lack sexual attraction to his wife. Due to a small age difference, lovers get carried away common interests, so there is no need to talk about the problem of mutual understanding.

The man is 5–10 years older than the woman.

A common situation in which girls initiate relationships. Support, protection and confidence in the future are factors that awaken a woman’s sympathy for her chosen one. Men like such unions no less, because next to them is a young, spectacular and sexy wife.

The girl is 5–10 years older than the guy.

Such relationships begin after “casual” sex, which both participants are satisfied with. A woman who does not want to play a recessive role in marriage is attracted by the opportunity to control a man. A guy in need of maternal love and affection is attracted to this format of union, where the lady takes care of and looks after him. However, such marriages break up quite often, because over time the spouse goes “to the left.”

The man is 10 years or more older than the woman.

Such unions are a reason for people to doubt the sincerity of the spouses’ feelings, because the age difference is noticeable. Based on statistics, men live less than girls. "Gawkers" assume that a woman's only goal is inheritance. The survey results indicate that only 2.5% of such marriages are not of convenience, 97.5% are due to the desire of the spouse to be included in the list of “selected” people present in the will.

The girl is 10 years or more older than the guy.

This format of relationship is typical only for marriages of convenience. Wealthy women deliberately marry guys who are 10, 20, 30 years younger than them. Men are guided exclusively by the financial side of the issue, which allows them not to work and to ensure their own future. For guys, the visual appearance of the spouse is extremely important, so there is no need to talk about the sincerity of the union. Such a union is doomed to divorce - the only question is the duration of the relationship.

Scenarios of love relationships between spouses of different ages

Having become familiar with the reasons and characteristics of the thinking of people who enter into marriages of different ages, it is necessary to consider scenarios for the development of such relationships. The duration of the union directly depends on the personal qualities and preferences of the spouses. Psychologists traditionally consider 5 options for the development of the situation in such unions:


Signs: equal rights and responsibilities are established between spouses; men and women have the opportunity to realize their own needs; the wife does not strive to maintain comfort in the house, and the husband does not care about the prospect of family happiness.

Difficulties: such relationships over time are based solely on a material basis; In partnerships, decisions are made jointly, so disagreements often arise between spouses.


Signs: the union is invariably based on love, sympathy and sexual attraction of the spouses to each other; lack of dependence on social benefits; apathy towards outside contacts; The goal of marriage is to create a cozy “nest” in which both partners will feel comfortable.

Difficulties: there is a risk of degradation of love relationships to the everyday level; lack of regular communication with strangers – main reason divorce in such marriages; The only option for maintaining harmony in the family is to engage in a common activity, hobby, or business.


Signs: woman is the dominant partner who makes decisions in the family; the girl is distinguished by purposefulness and increased activity, and the man is passive and restrained; The wife's salary is more than the husband's income.

Difficulties: reproaches and criticism of a woman towards a man about lack of initiative - the reason for the husband’s search for a mistress who will see in him an accomplished “male”; the result of excessive control of the wife becomes the chosen one.


Signs: a woman’s purpose is to look after the family hearth and raise children; the man is the head of the house, making decisions that cannot be discussed.

Difficulties: the husband treats his wife as a consumer, does not value housework; there is a high probability of a man having a mistress (exclusively for sexual pleasures).


Signs: the girl inspires her husband to achieve his cherished goals; a man is not interested in social success; The goal of the spouse is to satisfy the needs of the chosen one.

Difficulties: a woman who is praised becomes capricious over time and shows her true character; if a girl stops inspiring a man, then he goes in search of a new wife; the girl regularly maintains her appearance to eliminate the risk of the guy having a mistress.

Heart to heart conversation with a future spouse is not a way out of the situation. To understand the appropriateness of an action, you need to honestly answer a number of questions: How strong are the feelings? Are you ready to spend your old age alone? Is an inheritance worth living with someone you don't love?

Marriages between men and women with a noticeable age difference can be happy or unsuccessful - the result reflects the sincerity of the spouses’ feelings. History knows cases where girls fell in love with gentlemen who were 40 years older than them. “Stigmatizing” such relationships is an inappropriate solution, because marriage becomes a conscious choice of two adults.

1 February 2014, 15:21

Psychologists believe that the ideal age difference between spouses is 3-5 years, while the husbands of our today's heroines are old enough to be their fathers, and sometimes grandfathers. All ages are submissive to love, we were convinced when compiling today’s rating, which included ten star couples with a huge age difference

Photo: Legion-Media

1. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones

Age difference: 25 years

Numerologists will probably say that these two were destined to be together. Famous actors and spouses Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas celebrate their birthday on September 25, only Michael was born 25 years earlier than his beloved.

It is generally accepted that in 2000, when the actors just got married (she was 31 years old, he was 56), Katherine was better known in her native UK than in Hollywood. And although at that time the actress already had quite high-profile projects in her professional treasury, few believed in the sincerity of her feelings.

After Catherine married Douglas, her career really began to develop rapidly, but cold calculation had nothing to do with it. This is confirmed not only by the recognition of Zeta-Jones's acting talent and the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in the musical "Chicago". The stars have been together for 15 years, helping each other overcome difficulties: in 2011, Michael was diagnosed with a malignant tumor, and Katherine admitted that she had been suffering from bipolar personality disorder for many years. Now both actors are in remission, and the actress once said about adversity: “They help you understand who you really are and who your spouse really is.”

2. Celine Dion and Rene Angelil

Age difference: 26 years

Celine Dion, singer of the number one hit about love "My Heart Will Go On", first met her future husband when she was 12 and he was 38. Back then, back in 1980, the famous Canadian singer could not even imagine that musical producer René Angélil would one day become her manager, husband and father of her three children.

They got married in 1994 despite the protests of Celine’s mother, who was frightened by such a large age difference: the artist was three months younger than her stepson Patrick Angelil. There were never discords in the family life of the stars, but there were also some “black streaks”: Dion could not get pregnant for a long time, and Angelil has been fighting cancer for more than 20 years. In 2013, when her husband had a relapse, Celine left the stage for a year. “All that worries me in this life is my family, my beloved husband and children,” the singer admitted.

3. Jeff Goldblum and Emily Livingston

Age difference: 30 years

Last November, twice-divorced 62-year-old actor Jeff Goldblum married for the third time. The chosen one of the star of “Jurassic Park” and “Independence Day” was 31-year-old gymnast Emily Livingston, who took part in the 2000 Olympic Games as a member of the Canadian team.

Before this, they had been dating for about two years, and very soon the happy couple will have a son. Jeff was previously married at different times to actresses Geena Davis and Patricia Gaul. But he will become a father for the first time.

4. Alec and Hilaria Baldwin

Age difference: 26 years

Yoga instructor Hilaria Thomas knew in advance that 54-year-old Alec Baldwin was going to propose to her. But nevertheless, her reaction was more than emotional.

The actor brought his beloved to Montauk, a small isolated area in the east of Long Island, where, on the very shore of the ocean, near an ancient lighthouse built under George Washington, he asked the 28-year-old girl to become his wife. Hilaria's family was living in Spain at the time, and "Montauk was the closest place in the U.S. to Spain that I could bring her to," Baldwin later explained.

Let us remember that the most popular of the Baldwin brothers was previously married to the beautiful Kim Basinger. After his divorce from the famous actress, ten years passed before he found happiness again, this time with Hilaria. In August 2013, the happy couple had a daughter, Carmen.

5. Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn

Age difference: 35 years

The story of this relationship is worthy of a separate story, because the Korean Sun-I was the adopted daughter of the common-law wife of a famous director, actress Mia Farrow. In the life of Allen and Farrow, for the time being, everything was smooth; for more than 12 years they raised a common child, two adopted children and Soon-I, the girl whom Mia adopted with ex-husband, musician Andre Previn. Perhaps this would have continued to this day if in the mid-90s the public had not learned about Allen’s affair with Soon-I.

While the tabloids savored the scandalous details, and Farrow was grieving the family drama, 62-year-old Woody married his 27-year-old stepdaughter. The passions surrounding this story continue to this day, but Woody and Soon-Yi have been peacefully married since 1997.

6. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart

Age difference: 22 years

"Indiana Jones" and "Ally McBeal" met in 2002, at the Golden Globe Awards, when he accidentally spilled on her evening dress glass of wine. The actress was not taken aback and threw the contents of her glass onto the offender’s expensive suit. A funny incident served as the beginning of a romance, which the stars formalized only in 2010. Moreover, at the wedding ceremony, Ford was dressed in faded jeans, and Flockhart was wearing a summer sundress.

Today, the 70-year-old actor and 50-year-old actress are raising their 14-year-old son Liam and say that they do not feel the age difference at all.

7. Bruce Willis and Emma Heming

Age difference: 23 years

After a painful breakup and then divorce from actress Demi Moore, the most famous American action hero for some time changed young girlfriends like gloves. This continued until in 2009 he met actress and producer Emma Heming. “I literally went crazy with love on the first date,” Willis admits.

The actor recently turned 60, and he is still in love with his 36-year-old wife like a teenager. In their marriage, Bruce and Emma had two daughters - Evelyn and Mabel.

8. Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner

Age difference: 20 years

His name was once one of the biggest in Hollywood, and the projects in which he took part brought producers millions. Lately we rarely hear news from the life of Kevin Costner. Most likely because she is quiet and family-oriented.

In 2004, at his ranch in Aspen, Colorado, Costner married 30-year-old model and designer Christine Baumgartner. And after the couple had a third child, the actor almost stopped acting in films. “Family comes first,” he states confidently.

9. Al Pacino and Lucila Sola

Age difference: 40 years

The Godfather star Al Pacino could easily be the grandfather of his young girlfriend, because model Lucila Sola is 40 years younger than the famous Italian actor. And when they started dating in 2013, he was 72 and she was 33 years old.

Even though they are not officially husband and wife, we still included them in our review. More recently, Al Pacino seriously announced his readiness to get married.

10. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Age difference: 23 years

This is not a couple, but the embodiment of the American dream. Brunette and blonde, both recognized sex symbols. And let no one believe that, due to the large age difference, their romance would not last longer than a couple of months. In February of this year, Depp and Heard finally celebrated their long-awaited wedding. “She inspires me like crazy,” the 51-year-old actor says of his 28-year-old wife.

Let us remember that Johnny fell so much in love with Amber on the set of the film “The Rum Diary” in 2013 that he left his common-law wife Vanessa Paradis, with whom he lived happily for 14 years.