Do “silver” cosmetics work or are cosmetologists lying again? Indications for the use of wound healing ointments.

For hypersensitive dry skin. Suitable for youthful problem skin, as well as additional care for various cosmetic imperfections of hypersensitive dry skin. Natural oils and plant extracts nourish and moisturize the skin. Colloidal silver has long been known for its active positive effect on the skin restoration process. And in combination with zinc it protects and soothes it. The skin becomes smoother and velvety. In Germany, Silver Cream No. 33 is used as therapeutic care for neurodermatitis.

Controlled natural cosmetics(in accordance with BDIH requirements). Does not contain preservatives, flavors, dyes, PEG, paraffin oils.

Brief description of indications for use of individual components of the formulation:

Sunflower oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, has a regenerating effect.

Jojoba oil- we are not talking about fatty oil, as is the case with other vegetable oils, but about wax, which becomes liquid at room temperature. This high-quality vegetable wax contains provitamin A and vitamin E, intensively cares for the skin thanks to its unique fatty acid composition and is suitable for all skin types. It protects it from drying out without forming a protective film on the skin (since we are not talking about oil), it has a mild anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, and its smell is very weak.

Glycerol moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Colloidal silver - a modern active ingredient with traditional roots. It is obtained by a purely physical method: silver is micronized to form a highly porous structure with a very large surface area. In this case, the particles have sizes from 5 to 20 microns, i.e. approximately 1000 times larger than nanoparticles, so they do not penetrate the skin. This method provides uniform distribution mass, which is necessary for uniform implementation. Oxygen-free processing also ensures the highest activity of silver. Thanks to the processing of pure silver, there is also no impurity or coloration, and a uniform release of silver ions is achieved. The antimicrobial effect of silver has long been known. In addition, its positive effect has been proven when used in the form of auxiliary skin care products. Silver relieves the body's immune system and actively has a positive effect on the skin restoration process. In the literature, positive properties are attributed to silver for: problem skin and sweating. A skin test to the product used did not demonstrate any allergic, toxic or irritant skin reactions, which confirms the particularly good tolerance of the skin care product.

Zinc oxide- traditional wound healing agent. It is used only externally in the form of powders, ointments and pastes; has a weak astringent and antiseptic effect.

Amorphophallus powder- cognac-mannan- moisturizer: heteropolysaccharide from Amorphophallus species native to Southeast Asia. The root contains 60-80% cognac flour; this fine powder swells upon contact with water and produces a high-molecular, water-soluble glucomannan, for which the name “cognac-mannan” has taken root. The protective film formed by konjac-mannan on the skin is multi-active and has the functions of a free radical scavenger, a moisturizer and possibly a skin stimulant.

Vitamin E- a powerful antioxidant, cares for the skin, smoothes it, strengthens connective tissue, promotes cell renewal. Reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, protecting the skin from the formation of free radicals, participates in immune defense and important processes of cellular metabolism, and activates tissue respiration.

Oryzanol- oil extract from rice bran. Stimulates the formation of new cells, promotes skin regeneration, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin and hair, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects, regulates the level of moisture in the skin and hair.

When scientists studied the properties of silver, they were surprised to discover that if pathogenic bacteria are placed on a silver plate, they die! Even such strong bacteria as typhoid, staphylococcus, diphtheria and others are dangerous not only to health, but also to human life. It’s not for nothing that silver skin cream is considered a panacea for many skin diseases.

Editorial staff of PhotoElf magazine " Facial skin care"I couldn't pass by so much amazing fact and prepared for you an article about the miraculous effects of silver on facial skin.

By the way! If you don’t already have silver shot glasses or silver cutlery at home, be sure to purchase them! - because water placed in a silver vessel becomes healing. And silver spoons should definitely be present in the arsenal of every zealous housewife.

The fact is that a silver spoon placed in a container of water gives it active silver ions, making the water useful.

Cosmetologists also did not ignore such unique qualities of silver. Here, for example, is a luxurious anti-aging face cream developed in the laboratory of S.A. Correction for problematic and capricious skin.

1. Cream with silver for skin S.A. Amendment

Popravko cream contains natural silver microparticles in its composition, mattifies the skin well, tightens pores, eliminates greasy shine and has many other advantages that are very useful for the epidermis.

IMPORTANT! The shelf life of this miracle cream is only six months, since it contains natural ingredients, and it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Despite the fairly decent price:

  • a 15 ml jar costs around 1300 rubles
  • jar 30 ml - approximately 2400 rub.

The cream is used very sparingly; the Facial Skin Care magazine recommends its use.

2. Mask with colloidal silver Planet Spa Altai

Also great cosmetic product Russian-made, carefully caring for facial skin. Mask - cream with silver for Planet Spa Altai skin cleanses contaminated pores well at a deep cellular level, removes toxins, gives the skin a matte shine and tightens the facial oval well.

3. Cream with silver Bioturm

Bioturm cream was created by a German manufacturer and contains the ideal proportion:

  • silver in combination with zinc, amorphophallus powder, jojoba oil (high-quality vegetable wax) and some other natural ingredients.

This cream with silver for the skin has an excellent healing effect, rejuvenates and refreshes the face. Ideal for problematic teenage skin.

Chic homemade cream with silver

Contains vegetables that are always on hand and silver water:

  • squeeze juice from any vegetable you have on hand: carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, so that you get 200 ml of juice
  • add 20 ml silver water
  • a teaspoon of wax, previously melted in a water bath
  • 20 ml honey
  • on the tip of the knife - propolis.

Mix everything thoroughly, put it in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and put it in the refrigerator. Use as a mask 2-3 times a week until the cream runs out. Repeat if necessary in a month (not earlier).

Silver ions contained in creams and masks for the skin penetrate deeply into the epidermis and actively interfere with the life of various microbes, massively destroying them and starting the process of natural rejuvenation.

Any damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches, wounds) become conductors into the body. To prevent infection, they need to be treated with special means. What kind of ointment for wound healing is needed in this or that situation?

For faster wound healing, use special ointments

Indications for the use of wound healing ointments

Pharmacies have a large selection of ointments that promote rapid healing of skin injuries.

Depending on the main action and indications, they are divided into groups:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Used for closed bruises (without rupture of soft tissue), muscle sprains, and joint diseases.
  2. Disinfecting ointments. Helps with abrasions, cracks, scratches, and is effective for cuts. They disinfect injured areas and create a barrier for infection to enter the body.
  3. Antibiotic ointments. Prescribed for postoperative sutures, cracks that bleed heavily. Such remedies heal ulcers and erosive lesions on the skin.
  4. Regenerating ointments. Used to treat open wounds, abrasions, trophic ulcers, frostbite of varying severity.
  5. Drying. Used for weeping wounds, purulent cracks on the arms or legs.

The best ointments for healing wounds, cracks and abrasions

Every first aid kit should contain a drug that will help with violation of the integrity of the skin and provide reliable protection against infection.

The drug belongs to the class of disinfecting ointments. The substance has an antibacterial effect on the wound and actively prevents suppuration.


  • abrasions, scratches, minor wounds;
  • deep cracks in the arms and legs;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli in wounds are the causative agents of purulent discharge.

Levomekol helps people with weak immune system and the body copes poorly with bacteria, which slows down wound healing.

Levomekol has disinfecting properties

Directions for use:

  • a small amount of cream using a napkin or cotton swab Apply to problem areas and leave until completely absorbed;
  • in case of suppuration, the ointment is injected with a syringe into the lesion.

Treatment is carried out until the wounded surfaces are completely healed.

The healing ointment has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

The price of the ointment is 135 rubles. for 40 ml.

Solcoseryl is the best regenerating and drying ointment. The product stimulates the production of new cells and collagen fibers, prevents the formation of fluid, which makes the damage on the skin “wet”.

How to treat sore spots:

  • lubricate wounds 1–2 times a day;
  • You can use the medicine when applying semi-closed dressings.

Solcoseryl helps to heal wounds faster

The course of treatment is at least 15 days.

Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the active substance.

Prices for Solcoseryl range from 200 rubles. for 20 g of ointment.


A product based on two antibiotics helps fight bacterial infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the throat, nose, and genitourinary system. Available in ointment and powder form.

The main indications include:

  • purulent inflammation of the skin (boils, ulcers, paronychia);
  • secondary infections in eczema, ulcerative processes;
  • postoperative sutures in obstetrics and gynecology;
  • diaper dermatitis in children, umbilical infection in infants;
  • mastitis (inflammation of the milk ducts) in women.

Treatment with bactericidal powder or ointment is recommended only after identifying the infectious agent in the wound surfaces.

How to use:

  • ointment - 2-3 times a day, preferably under a bandage, to enhance the therapeutic effect;
  • powder - 3-4 applications per day, and for burns on more than 20% of the body surface - no more than 1 time per day.

Baneocin should be used for no more than 10 days, and for the purpose of prevention, the number of treatments and dose are halved.

The cost of the drug is up to 400 rubles.

An antiseptic gel (and solution) based on iodine produces a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and healing effect on wound surfaces. The substance penetrates deep into the lesion and promotes rapid restoration of the skin without the formation of scars.

The main indication is burns of varying degrees, fungal and bacterial infections. In addition, the substance is good in treating abrasions, scratches, insect bites, acne on the face, lips, injuries in the mouth and intimate area. The product cleanses the skin and mucous membranes, removes toxic substances.

Povidone-iodine relieves itching, burning, inflammation and pain at the site of injury.


  • ointment – ​​rub a small amount of the substance with slow movements into the wound areas, rinse off after 10–15 minutes;
  • solution - for washing the mucous membranes of the throat, nose, genitals - 1 measuring spoon of solution is diluted in ½ tbsp. water, 3 times a day.

The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the injury and its severity.

Antiseptic gel Povidone-iodine

Before using the product, you need to pay attention to the contraindications:

  • kidney disease (nephritis);
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • allergy to iodine;
  • heart failure;
  • children under 6 years of age.

During breastfeeding or pregnancy, the use of the drug must be agreed with a doctor.

The cost of iodine-based medicine is quite high - around 600 rubles.

The drug is a highly effective regenerating medicine with a wide spectrum of action. Available in the form of gel, cream and ointment. To increase the therapeutic effect, it can be prescribed in the form of tablets or injection solution.

Cream shown:

  • for weeping ulcers, bedsores;
  • for skin burns (solar, thermal, radiation);
  • in case of inflammation of the skin due to damage (abrasions, wounds, scrapes, cuts);
  • for treating areas to be transplanted.

Actovegin - ointment with regenerating properties

The healing agent is used not only in the treatment of violations of the integrity of the skin. Gel (ointment, cream) helps well in the prevention of bedsores and varicose ulcers.

Directions for use: for burns, purulent wounds, bedsores, lubricate the area well with gel and apply a bandage on top, which needs to be changed 3-4 times a day.

Cream and ointment are used to enhance regenerative processes in the skin and increase the therapeutic effect of treatment with Actovegin in the form of a gel.

Price – from 890 rub.


Healing ointment with silver ions has an antibacterial effect. The active components inhibit the division and growth of bacterial infection, relieve pain and promote rapid restoration of the skin.


  • burns (chemical, solar, radiation, thermal);
  • frostbite;
  • domestic injuries (abrasions, cuts, scratches);
  • purulent inflammation on the skin;
  • dermatitis of infectious origin;
  • trophic ulcers on the leg (in the lower leg area), provoked by chronic venous insufficiency or angiopathy in diabetes.

Cream with silver produces a quick effect on injured areas of the skin, relieves itching, burning, and pain. It can simply be rubbed into wound surfaces or applied as a bandage.

How to use:

  • treat the wound with an antiseptic (peroxide, furatsilin), dry;
  • Apply a thin layer of cream to the entire surface of the wound, let it absorb on its own or apply a bandage.
Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the main component and infancy(up to 3 months).

The drug based on silver ions costs 316 rubles. for 15 g of cream and 465 rub. for 40 years

The product has quick effect, in a short time stimulates the restoration of epidermal cells, strengthens collagen fibers and normalizes metabolic processes in affected tissues.

The ointment is indicated in the following cases:

  • household scratches, cuts, abrasions;
  • burns, frostbite;
  • inflammatory processes due to mechanical damage to the skin.

D-Panthenol restores epidermal cells

The principle of using this product is simple: treat problem areas with cream several times a day until the skin is restored.

The medicine is well tolerated by patients and has no contraindications, except for high sensitivity to the active components.

The drug is a fairly cheap, quick-acting healing ointment. Its price is 195 rubles.

The ointment is a powerful antibacterial substance. Quickly disinfects, relieves pain and regenerates damaged areas.

  • for the treatment of cuts, scratches, cracks;
  • for burns and frostbite of varying degrees;
  • for deep wounds and purulent ulcers.

Antibacterial ointment Eplan

The ointment should not be applied to open wounds that bleed heavily, as the medicine helps reduce blood clotting. In other cases, the product is safe and can be used in the treatment of skin lesions in pregnant women and children.

Directions for use: treat wound areas with a small amount of cream several times a day.

The ointment is good and inexpensive - from 118 to 370 rubles.

The anti-inflammatory and wound-healing medicine comes from a cheap but effective series. The drug soothes irritated and injured epidermis, stimulates the restoration of damaged cells.


  • cracks, abrasions, burns;
  • diaper rash, diaper dermatitis;
  • sores on the nipples during lactation.

The ointment is ideal for dry and flaky skin that has suffered due to hypothermia or chapping.

Dexpan Plus - affordable, but effective remedy for wound healing

How to use: rub a small amount of cream into injured areas 2-3 times a day.

Price – from 117 rub.

Wound healing ointments promote rapid regeneration of epidermal cells. Many remedies relieve swelling, inflammation, pain, itching and burning. Which drug is needed in a particular case is determined solely by the doctor based on examination of the wound surfaces and determination of their severity. Medicines alone are not enough - you need to take vitamins and... It is important not to self-medicate, otherwise you can provoke slow healing of wounds, suppuration, scarring, and in severe cases, sepsis.

Firming capillary protector cream with chestnut and honey grass extract used to prevent rosacea and eliminate facial skin irritation. The complex of plant components penetrates all layers of the epidermis and acts for 24 hours.

The main advantages of the cream:

  • natural composition;
  • function of a day cream with pronounced protective properties;
  • recommended for facial skin, including the area around the eyes;
  • Suitable for day and night care, quickly absorbed.

Main indications for use

  • Cuperosis is a common skin disease, expressed in the formation of spider veins and dilation of blood vessels.
  • Problematic skin, irritation and inflammation, uneven complexion.
  • Spots and redness, increased pigmentation on the wings of the nose, chin and cheeks.
  • Dryness and lack of elasticity of the skin, hypersensitivity and tendency to severe allergic reactions.

Healing properties of capillary protector cream for the face

  • Significantly strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation and, as a result, eliminates rosacea.
  • Intense hydration, increased firmness and elasticity, protection of the skin's hydro-lipid mantle from damage.

Cream composition

Cosmetic foundation "ERILEM NORD +" promotes deep hydration of the skin and also significantly accelerates metabolism at the cellular level.

Complex of hazelnut, alder, corn and cottonseed oils softens the epidermis, restores the lipid barrier, juice plantain and aloe soothe the skin and relieve irritation. Rice bran oil acts directly on the walls of blood vessels, eliminating the manifestations of rosacea.

Hyaluronic water prevents excessive moisture loss. Melon pulp and rowan juice contain vitamins and microelements necessary for youthful skin and healthy blood vessels.

Culture medium saturates the epidermis with amino acids, increases resistance to various mechanical damage. Infusion St. John's wort and extract horse chestnut enhance protective properties and promote cell regeneration. Cloudberry extract has a tonic effect.

Directions for use

Apply a small amount of capillary protector cream clean face and skin around the eyes. Leave for a few minutes until completely absorbed. To enhance effectiveness, cosmetologists recommend using the products 2 times a day.


Individual intolerance.

Where to buy

We suggest you buy a firming capillary protector cream for the face in the Russian Roots online store or contact to our herbal pharmacies. The assortment includes exclusively original products, delivery is carried out by courier in Moscow and the Moscow region or by mail throughout Russia.

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