We had a class hour for Family Day. Class hour "International Family Day"

Customs and traditions 1. Gathering with the whole family at the parental home on holidays, and also celebrating family holidays. 2. Invite guests and gather a feast. 3. Collect and store family photos. 4. Keep things belonging to relatives, as a memory of relatives and friends. 5. In Rus' there was a tradition: representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity. This is how dynasties of potters, military men, builders, teachers and many others were born.

Who are grandparents? What is the name of mom or dad's sister? Who is this uncle? Explain who a grandson, granddaughter, nephew, niece is? Are there any uncles and aunts among the students in our class? Could it be that an uncle and a niece study in the same class at the same time? Mother-in-law and father-in-law. Who is this?

Proverbs about family A family is a stove: it’s so cold, everyone gathers there. In the family there is love and advice, and there is no need. Away is good, but home is better. There is discord in the family, and I’m not happy at home. It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony. When the family is together, the soul is in its place.

“Secrets of family happiness” Similarity of habits and interests. The ability to concede in an argument, especially if you are wrong. Equal fulfillment of all family responsibilities. Joint care of children and joint education of them. Mutual assistance in any circumstances. Make decisions together.

July 8 - Peter and Fevronia Day An Orthodox and folk holiday. It is believed that the marital union of Peter and Fevronia was an example of a Christian marriage, so Orthodox Christians on this day congratulated the spouses and recalled family traditions. In 2008, Russia decided to announce a new holiday, and this is how the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity appeared. The symbol of the holiday is chamomile.

What could be more valuable than family? Your father's house greets you with warmth, They always wait for you here with love, And see you off on your journey with kindness! Father and mother and children sit together festive table, And together they are not at all bored, but it’s interesting for the five of them. A baby is like a favorite to the elders, Parents are wiser in everything, Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner, And mom is closest to everyone, dearest. Love it! And appreciate happiness! It is born in a family, What could be more precious than it On this fabulous land!

Target: Forming in students a respectful attitude towards family.


  • Educational : expand students' knowledge on the topic of family.
  • Educational: fostering a respectful attitude towards family and family traditions.
  • Developmental: student development creativity, cognitive activity, group work skills.

Type of class: thematic.


  1. Posters for decorating the board (name of the class hour).
  2. Beans (in quantities equal to the number of students in the class).
  3. Landscape sheets (for each student).
  4. Colored pencils, felt-tip pens.
  5. Soft toy.
  6. Family photos.
  7. Handouts with tasks.

Class progress

I. Org. moment, motivation, setting classroom goals

Target: motivate students to actively work in class through communication with life experience students, familiarization with the purpose and objectives of the class hour.

Hello guys.

Our class hour will begin in an unusual way. Please sit down, everyone in a circle. Now I will give each of you one bean. You need to look at yours very carefully and find its differences. (Students look at their beans for one minute.)

Each of you has found how your beans differ from others, although at first glance they are all the same. Now I will collect all the beans, mix them, and you need to find them in this basket. (Students complete the task.)

At first glance, all the beans seemed the same, but it turned out that they were all different in some way. So are you and me. We have features that set us apart, but we also have a lot in common. What do all the students in our class have in common?

(Students offer their options for which of the guys says the word family.)

Indeed, each of us has a family, and our class hour is dedicated to the topic of family.

What do you think is the purpose of class? What will we learn in class?

That's right, we must remember what a family is, think about why a person needs a family, remember our relatives.

For further work, you need to divide into two groups; to do this, remember what month your mother was born. I call the month, those of you whose mothers were born this month come out to me and join hands. (Game being played).

Pay off the first and second numbers in order. The first numbers occupy the table numbered “1”, the second – “2”.

(Students take their seats.)

II. Hosting an event


  • expanding students’ knowledge on the topic of family, fostering a respectful attitude towards family and family traditions;
  • development of children's creative abilities, cognitive activity, and teamwork skills.

- “Family” is a word we hear every day and we get so used to it that sometimes we don’t even think about what this word means. Guys, how do you understand what family is?

(Student answers: relatives, the most precious things in life, a place where they understand me, people who know me well and love me).

Everything you said is correct, family is, indeed, relatives who love, support, and understand us. An unusual guest came to our class hour - Mouse, she doesn’t know you at all, and now you need to introduce yourself to Mouse and talk about your family, using photographs from the family archive.

Can a person live without a family?

Why does a person need a family? Choose three answer options from card No. 1 ( Appendix 1), and explain your choice. (Students complete the task, then voice their options.)

At all times there was a very respectful attitude towards the family, I found a lot of evidence of this in folk art. There are many proverbs and sayings about family. Now we will check how well you know them. Pay attention to card number 2 ( Appendix 1). You need to restore the proverbs. Students complete the task, then read out the correct answers.

Guys, it’s not easy for one person to live. And no matter what they say, family is the main wealth in life.

But I wonder which family is easier and more fun to live in: a large family with many children or being an only child? I ask you to dream a little and make up short story about the girl Masha . Group 1 you need to write a story about a girl who lives in large family, Group 2 should tell about a girl who has no sisters or brothers. (Students complete the task and read out their options.)

I agree with you, it’s better and more fun to live in a big and friendly family. Imagine that your close and distant relatives have come to visit you. Who are they to you: daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, matchmaker, godfather, etc.? Turn over card number 3 ( Appendix 1), read the task. Match the information from the list with the information in the bottom row.

(Students complete the task, then the teacher reads out the correct answers, and the number of correct answers is counted.)

Guys, please remember the names of your closest relatives, they will be useful to you to compile your family tree.
(Students model their own family tree, then talk about their family.)

III. Reflection

Target: summing up the class hour.

Guys, tell me, what place does family occupy in your life?

Can anyone live without a family?

And at the end of our class hour, I suggest you write a letter to your parents, which will begin with the phrase: “Dear mom and dad...”!

Thanks for your work, goodbye!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear children and your relatives! We have gathered today to talk about the people who are dearest and closest to every person - parents. It is no coincidence that today, May 15, marks the kindest, warmest holiday - Family Day, a day of joy and happiness.

Boy: There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and in destiny.

We simply could not live without him,

Enjoy the world, learn and create.

Host: You and I are growing up in a family circle.

The basis of the basics is the parental home.

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you come into life from family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Hello family! Beautiful word. But think about it, what is family? This word is clear to everyone, like the word “bread” and “water”.

Family is a home, it is father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, it is love and care, work and joy, misfortunes and sorrows, habits and traditions.

I'll tell you one legend: In ancient times, there lived one family, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Rumor about this reached the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling or offending each other?” The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised: the same word was written a hundred times on the sheet -

" understanding". A truly happy person is one who has mutual understanding and love in his family, where he is loved and expected, understood and accepted for who he is.

Student: Home is a lot of different concepts,

Home is everyday life

Home is a holiday.

Home is creativity, it’s dreams,

Home is ME, home is YOU!

Let everyone have their own home,

So that he knows in moments of bad weather

They are waiting for him in Tom's house,

Joy, hope and happiness!

(There's a song about home)

Song about home: A river flowed past,

The clouds were floating somewhere.

A man was walking, the road was not easy,

And the man dreamed of

That he will build a house somewhere,

And happiness will settle with him in the house alone.

And when he got tired,

He certainly hummed

song my beloved,

The one that I sing.

The house, as everyone has known for a long time, -

This is not a wall, not a window,

Even the chairs at the table -

This is not a home.

Home is where you are ready

You come back again and again

Happy, sad,

Good, evil,

Barely alive...

Home is where they hope and wait,

Where you forget about the bad -

This is your home.

Leading: For happy family It is very important to have your own home. In the 15th century there was such a book - “Domostroy”, which said that a good house should be placed “near a hill with a forest and a meadow, and so that healthy winds blow through it, so that the house is open to the sunrise: in summer it is cool, and in winter - illuminated by the sun."

There should always be sun in the house so that everyone is warm and comfortable. And if someone feels bad, he will be warmed by the kindness, love and care of his neighbors. This definitely happens in a real family.

(the song “Childhood” plays)

Childhood, childhood, childhood is light and joy,

These are songs, these are friendships and dreams.

Childhood, childhood, childhood are the colors of rainbows,

Childhood, childhood, childhood – it’s ME and YOU.

CHORUS: All people on the big planet

Should always be friends.

Children should always laugh

And live in a peaceful world!

Children should laugh

Children should laugh

Children should laugh

And live in a peaceful world!

Brightly, brightly let only the dawns burn,

On a starry night, let the fields sleep peacefully...

Childhood, childhood is not in vain warmed with kindness,

Childhood, childhood is your tomorrow, Earth!


Childhood, childhood, childhood is a summer evening,

The sail of the sky and the crystal ringing of winter.

Childhood, childhood, childhood - this means children,

Children, children, children – this means WE!


Leading: In ancient times, the family hearth was a symbol of the holiness of the family: its fire was kindled from the fire of the sanctuary. Keeping it was the sacred service of a woman; an extinguished fire was a sign of the greatest misfortune.

Student: Once upon a time, in primitive times,

A primitive tribe lived in the cave.

A primitive fire crackled under the arch.

The cave mothers were having a conversation:

About children's clothes, oh baby food,

But first of all, it’s about education.

And after preparing the mixture and food

They took care of the comfort of the home.

Coming home from primitive work,

The cave dads didn't care:

Smiles, warmth and comfort awaited them

And many happy family moments.

But mom screamed at dad from the doorway:

“Come on, wipe your dirty paws!”

Here you get tired in a day, you get tired in a day,

When will you finally become a man?

Student: And century flew by unnoticed,

And dad eventually became a man.

This happened early spring,

When he returned home with a bouquet.

Leading: There is one more thread that connects all generations - this is mother, mother. What could be more valuable than a mother's name?

Let's light the mysterious candles,

Let's warm up the kind words.

We owe a woman so much

Let's erase at least some of the wrinkles

From her face. There are a lot of worries

Look how much pressure there is on her.

Student: Mother! Close your eyes and listen, and you will hear your mother's voice. He lives inside you, so dear. It cannot be confused with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice.

Leading: Dear mothers! Your children have written wonderful mini-essays about you. Now we will read several excerpts from them. ( I read out the best lines from some of my essays and give them to my mothers.)

Affectionate mother

Lives with me.

He will tell a fairy tale,

He will sing a song.

Mom is the most beloved person in our family. She is very thin, and therefore my dad and I need to protect her. Mom helps me in difficult times with her advice and looks after me. Mommy is kind to me, if I do something wrong, she still forgives me. (Bukaeva Dana)

In November there is new holiday

Dedicated to our mothers.

The whole family and the cat are a prankster

In love with our mommy.

In the morning he will prepare breakfast,

He'll run to work

And when he comes home,

Will please us all again.

Cooks delicious pancakes

My brother and I know for sure.

Even daddy eats it up

Our mom's pancakes.

How does mom manage?

I just can't understand.

He even reads fairy tales

At night, so I can sleep. (Dolganina Anastasia)

We wish our dear mommy with love

Joy, happiness, success, health.

If you offended me, mom, I'm sorry.

And let there be no worries along the way. (Abramov Sergey)

And they also compiled their genealogies, I would like this to become your family tradition, since each family has its own fertile material, so that our children do not grow up “Ivans who do not remember their kinship.” Family honor, traditions, interest in your family - all these are branches of a large tree, whose name is patriotism.

The song “Let there always be sunshine!”

solar circle,

The sky around -

This is a drawing of a boy.

He drew on a piece of paper

And signed in the corner:

CHORUS:“May there always be sunshine!

May there always be heaven!

May there always be a mother!

Let me always be!”

My dear friend,

My good friend,

People want peace so much.

And at thirty-five the heart again

Never tires of repeating:


Hush, soldier,

Do you hear, soldier!

People are scared of explosions

Thousands of eyes look to the sky,

Lips stubbornly repeat:


Against trouble

Against war

Let's stand up for our boys.

Sun forever! Happiness forever -

This is what the man commanded.


Student: I love you, mom

For what, I don’t know

Probably because

That I breathe and dream.

And I rejoice in the sun,

And on a bright day -

For this I am for you,

Dear, I love you.

For the sky, for the wind,

For the air around...

I love you, mom

You are my best friend.

Leading: Dear women! Let me wish you:

Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers!

May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive!

May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!

(Russian folk dance "At the Kalinushka")

Leading: People say that the husband is the head of the family, and the wife is the neck. Wherever the neck turns, the head goes. There is probably some truth here. But there is always work in the house that only men can do. A child in a family needs both female and male attention. The father's reliability, his sensitivity towards the mother - all this passes on to the children: boys are taught to be real men, and girls are encouraged to compare their friends with their father.

Student: Father's hands, father's hands!

They never suffer from boredom!

They have no rest on their day off,

They are familiar with heavy and big things.

Working hands with lumpy calluses,

Working and dazzlingly clean,

They do everything so well and skillfully,

As the saying goes: “It’s up to them to argue”

Student: Our daddies are no worse:

They can cook porridge and cabbage soup.

And for the home, everything you need

Can make it quickly

Student: I'm happy with everything now:

We are a peaceful family.

There were elections yesterday to the point of oblivion.

We counted until the morning

Home ballots.

The speaker is our grandmother,

Mom is the President!

On supply now

Dad is our agent.

He will supply a little

And cabbage and potatoes,

Tomatoes in salad

In general, what is the bazaar rich in?

Song "About Dad"

How many songs are we together?

Sing to your dear mother,

And about dad before this song

There wasn't even one song.

CHORUS: Dad can, dad can


Swim breaststroke, argue bass,

Chopping wood...

Daddy can, daddy can

Be anyone!

Only a mother, only a mother cannot be.

Dad is at home - both home and serviceable,

The gas is burning and the lights are not going out.

Dad is, of course, the boss in the house,

If by chance mom is not there. CHORUS:

Host: Large family! Once upon a time this was not surprising. Today, it is a very rare family that lives up to the name: seven-I. But in our class there are such families: the family of Vera Ivanovna Shatokhina and Vasily Ivanovich,

Peresypkina Olga Dzhumagalievna and Nikolai Vladimirovich,

Solovyova Elena Gennadievna and Viktor Ivanovich .

The ability to help each other, to be friends, to help out in difficult times, to work together and relax together, to help children, to care for them - these qualities will accompany everyone who grows up in such a family.

Words of gratitude and appreciation need to be said to the women of these families. The mother is worried and sad so that her child is fed, healthy, and happy. And these women: Vera Ivanovna, Olga Dzhumagalievna, Elena Gennadievna are worried several times more than other women in our class.

Song “What our world consists of”

1. What does our world consist of?

From an oak tree that stands in the field.

From the high mountains with gray hair.

And more, and more from you with me. CHORUS: Of boys and girls,

From books and ventures,

And most importantly, and most importantly

Of adults and children.

2.What does our world consist of?

From snowdrifts and pyramids.

From gardens blooming in spring.

And more, And more from you with me.

3. What does our world consist of?

From the skating rink, which is open.

From a dream to Mars long.

And more, and more from you with me.

Leading: If we were to now open a “Family Academy” to study the experience of upbringing in a family, then I am simply sure that every family would have something to say and something to boast about. I am also sure that academic degrees would go to the council of elders in your house.

Student: Today is Sunday for us

I won't wake up grandma now.

For breakfast, I think I'll fry some potatoes,

I will bake a pie and flatbreads with jam.

All this is not difficult for me to do alone,

After all, grandma should have a day off.

There is food on the table and bouquets in two vases.

Go, grandma! Grandma, where are you?

I'm in the kitchen! I'll remove it from the floor now:

Salt, oil, potato peels...

Then I have to scrape it off quickly

Dried dough from walls and doors...

There's jam from the window, I'll wash it off the ceiling too

And for breakfast, granddaughter, I’ll sit with you.

Sketch "Grandmothers and grandchildren"

1st: Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

2nd: What are you talking about, I haven’t done my homework yet...

1st: What lessons? Have you relapsed into childhood? It’s been a hundred years since you graduated from school!

2nd: yes? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren.

1 – me: yes, I’ve been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

2nd me: Really? Are you spoiling them?

1 – me: I don’t spoil them! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, and then they’ll completely copy it out of me.

2nd me: Oh, really, strictly.

1 – me: So if you have anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

2 – me: Well, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem. Hm – hm...,” There is a green oak near the Lukomorye; golden chain on oak vol. Both day and night the dog is a scientist..."

1st – me: What dog? What dog?

2 – me: Well, I don’t know what breed he is.

1st: Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!

2 – I: Ah – ah, I understand – I understand! Then I first: “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; both day and night, the scientist cat goes to the grocery store with a string bag.

1st: With what string bag? Which grocery store? Where have you seen this?

2nd: Oh, I still have so many lessons, I got everything mixed up...

1 – I: What do you think, if you and I continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?

2nd me: She’s already been named.

1st: How?

2nd: count! It is given to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do their homework...

Student: A person who has already lived and seen a lot will always give the right, necessary advice. And the longer a person lives, the more he knows and can do. These are our grandparents: they are wise people.

Student: Grandfather's beard grows like this,

That I'm always surprised by her.

“With him,” my mother said, “

You won't be in trouble:

Grandpa has a lot of brains in his beard.”

And, indeed, relatives will ask for advice,

He strokes his beard and says in response.

I sometimes envy my grandfather

I wish my beard would grow sooner.

Student: I went for a walk in the yard.

Climbed over the fence

And left it on the fence

Half a leg - what a disaster!

How am I going to go home now?

Am I so ragged?

Mom will teach

So that I don't climb again.

Dad will say: “Incompetent!”

There’s a hole in my pants now.”

Grandma will lament

But he will patch my pants.

Well, grandfather, my faithful friend,

Will go around me

He will take me out into the yard,

It will jump over the fence itself,

He will teach me -

It's fun to live with grandpa!

Comic song "As planned" old grandfather»

As the old grandfather planned

Another time to get married.

I sat thinking, thinking, thinking:

Another time to get married.

Another time to get married -

This is no good.

I sat thinking, thinking, thinking:

This is no good.

If you take an old woman as your wife,

It won't work.

I sat thinking, thinking, thinking:

It won't work.

Take a young woman as a wife,

She won't love you.

I sat thinking, thinking, thinking:

She won't love you.

And if he loves,

It won't kiss.

I sat thinking, thinking, thinking:

It won't kiss.

As the old grandfather planned

Another time to get married.

Another time to get married -

This is no good.

Leading: Meticulous Americans have calculated that by the age of fifty, a person’s heart has done work equivalent to lifting a load weighing 18 tons to a height of 227 kilometers.

You can get tired! Therefore, pay more attention to the health and well-being of your grandparents. Don't forget to tell them these things simple words like “thank you”, “please”. They can warm the souls of older people. Be attentive and caring.

Song "Friendship"

1. Let's all be friends, let's sing,

Let's run through the puddles

Under the sunny rain.

Let's help the little ones

Let's help the elderly

And let the scarlet flower come to us from a fairy tale.

CHORUS: Friendship is great

Friendship is fun

Friendship is more interesting

Both big and small

Live in your own country.

2. Let's all learn

Don't offend others

And we will succeed,

Of course, at 5.

Let's worry

About everyone and everyone

And we will succeed,

And the laughter will become louder. CHORUS:

Leading: And your family is also the class where you study. We lived together for two years. The period is short, but during this time a lot of joyful and sad, sad and cheerful things happened, and it seems that just yesterday YOU were first-graders, and today you are already adults, overcoming 1 step in your life.

Student: And also my family -

Class! It's clear!

And our teacher -

Our “cool mom”!

Student: We don’t always notice

How many worries do we have?

And patient work

The teacher gives.

Student: With barely noticeable gray hair

On a dark brown strand,

She's standing in front of you

Stacking notebooks.

And you love like him, like me,

Her - and let's say it straight:

She is your second mother,

Who is more valuable than mother?

Song "Path"

A white thin thread curls

Along a carpet of green fields.

This path is from the school gate.

Every day I walk on it. CHORUS: My school path

Fly from the school threshold,

Cross all the lands and seas,

And become a happy road.

Path, path, my school path - 2 times

At the school of joy of first discoveries

I recognize my native land here.

Here comes our beloved teacher

The one who gave us his youth. CHORUS:

Leading: Dear parents and children! I sincerely wish that the flame of the family hearth will always warm and support you in difficult times! Be loved! Only strong love can smooth out those minor misunderstandings that arise when living together.

Student: Our beloved ones,

Grandmothers, grandfathers,

Moms and dads!

We wish you, dear ones, health,

So that there is no reason to be sad.

And in perfect health, of course,

To live to see the wedding of my great-grandchildren.

Leading: They say the older we get, the more necessary the holidays are. And someone else said that adults are very tired children. Is this true or not? So far no one has refuted it. But raising a child is not easy so as not to ruin a little fragile soul with greed, selfishness, envy, and for this we need the inner closeness of people. When it exists, then the “fontanel of heavenly purity” grows

(song "Savushkina")

For some reason, for some reason

I'm always unlucky

For some reason, for some reason

Every now and then I get into trouble.

CHORUS: Bad luck follows me

like a shadow.

Spoils the mood

All day.

Bad luck follows me here and there

He walks and wanders right on his heels.

If I took on something,

This is something that doesn’t work out as luck would have it.

I even lost count

How many times have I been unlucky for some reason? CHORUS:

Failures just keep rolling around.

Trouble is hunting me down.

Who will say: “Well, when will

Bad luck will go away on the day off.” CHORUS:

Leading: Today we were once again convinced of how good it is when everyone is together: children, parents, grandparents. Take care of your families, take care of your loved ones, and may YOUR home fire never go out! Goodbye, see you again!

Song "Waltz of Parting"

1. The moment of farewell has come,

It's time for us to part.

Inexorable time

It always goes so fast.

We worked hard

To make it more fun

This magical meeting

Old and new friends. CHORUS: We will not forget this hour,

We are glad that we see you again,

We are glad that we are singing to you this evening!

But as soon as the concert ends,

A bright light will come on in the hall,

We will wait impatiently

Waiting for a new meeting!

2. Music is gentle and simple

He takes us with him.

Living on earth is very boring,

If the soul doesn't sing.

The piano and guitar will fade away,

The violins will get tired of playing,

But their strings are in our hearts

They will still sound the same! CHORUS:

Municipal educational autonomous institution "Secondary school No. 6"


Kostenko Larisa Valentinovna,

teacher foreign languages highest qualification category;

Krykina Inna Vladimirovna,

teacher primary classes first qualification category.



    Foster feelings of patriotism, love and pride for your family;

    Develop interest in the history of the country and your family, family traditions;

    Encourage thinking about relationships in your own family;

    Contribute to the formation of a moral culture of students, respectful attitude towards parents, mutual understanding and tolerance in relations between adults and children;

    To form the need for communication between adults and children, the need for each other;

    Develop interest and curiosity, openness, positive emotions and feelings.


    Interactive presentation.

    Film about family history " We remember and are proud."(YouTube).

    Multimedia projector, screen, computer.

Cabinet design (photos, drawings, creative works students and teachers, balloons).

Musical arrangement:

Alexander Ermolov's song “My Family”


Third and fifth grade students.

Hello, dear guests!

Guys! Today we have an unusual class hour.

You have already noticed that we have a full class of guests. But not only guests came to us, but also our friends - the 5th grade guys! And we, like hospitable hosts, will greet everyone with a good-natured smile.

Throughout the previous week, you and I have been talking about one of the important events in the history of not only our country, but in the history of all mankind - Victory Day. And about the people who brought this day closer with their heroism. Including your great-grandparents. Today we will learn another story - a story from the archives of the Shageev family. This won't be just a story. This is a film created by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the hero.

Demonstration of the film “We Remember and Are Proud.”

Not only Linara, but also her parents took part in the creation of this film. Dad was a director, mom was a screenwriter.

The victory of the Soviet army would have been impossible without the support of those who stayed at home, who turned shells at the factory, raised bread, raised children, wrote letters, knitted mittens for soldiers, kept the warmth of the hearth and WAITED.

Have you guessed it?

Name the topic of the class hour (About family.)

Why do you think we chose this topic?

Slide 1

What picture pops up before your eyes when you hear the word “family”? How many of you know how and when the word “family” appeared?

Students read poetry.

Slide 2a

When did the word family appear?
Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him -
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding;
– Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
Eve quietly answered: “I am.”

Slide 2b

Who will raise them, my queen?
Eva answered meekly: “I am.”
- Who will cook, oh my joy?
Eva still answered: “I”
- Whoever sews the dress, washes the clothes,
Will he caress me and decorate my home?
“I, I,” Eve said quietly: “I, I,”
She said the famous seven "I"
This is how a family appeared on Earth.

So what two words are hidden in the word “family”?

Slide 3

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, “I” – we understand,
Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,
All you have to do is count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people

– What if there is a dog?
That makes eight “I”s?
- No, if there is a dog,
Out comes Vo! - family.

Slide 4

“What is a family for?” –

I asked myself.

What is a family for?

I must answer you.

Dad makes money

Mom washes and does laundry,

Nearby are daughters, sons,

Did I think right?

And now I’ll say it without jokes.

Yes, any time of the day

Everyone who lives in a family

Happy, doubly joyful.

Everyone will come to your aid,

They will warm you up and save you.

They love, remember, believe, know...

They carry you in their arms!

Slide 5

Tied with a strong rope,

Welded together by one destiny.

That rope - it's called love -

Holds you and me tightly.

And we walk on a tightrope,

We balance sometimes.

We will overcome the abyss

Only by being a family.

Where from grandfather - to son, to grandson

The living covenant will fly.

Let's save our native country,

Only by being a family!

Well, if the enemy comes,

We will stand in a united formation.

And again our people will become

A tightly knit family!

Slide 6

Family is what we share among everyone,
A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

Slide 7

Family is something that is always with you.
Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,
But the walls are dear, your father’s house -
The heart will forever remain in it!


Family is not just people's lives

With children under one roof...

There is no one more dear in the world,

Than those we call family...

Slide 9

It’s impossible for me to live without a family!

The family is with me - the house sparkles with joy.

I will always love life for this,

What a reward for me - their great love!

Slide 10

Even honey can be bitter

But the wind cannot blow away a strong house.

And you need to remember one thing:

Family is life and that’s the essence...

Slide 11

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

Slide 12

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Slide 13

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!

Every person should have a home, a family - a corner where one can find sympathy, warmth, and mutual understanding. Only for yourself to a loved one we can trust our secret, talk about the most intimate, about what worries us.

Each of us wants to live in a friendly, prosperous family, in a family where happiness reigns. Each family has its own secret of happiness, its own key to it.

This magic key is the values ​​that a person values. Remember which ones? (attention, respect, mutual understanding, love, patience, sensitivity...)

I suggest each of you take one key from the table, write on it the most important (in your opinion) value and take your key to the house.

It is customary to give gifts during the holidays. Let's cook for our loved ones greeting cards that will remind them of our feelings.

Children move to tables for creative work.

The teacher explains the procedure for completing the work (see the “Postcard” folder).

Music plays. At the end, an exhibition of postcards is organized

As a gift to all those present, the girls will sing the song “My Family” (see the folder “Song about Family”).

Summing up our class hour, I would like to know that you understand what you will tell your family at home about your family?

That's right. Everything depends on the family.

A family is a tree with strong roots, many branches of leaves and fruits.

Now I suggest you evaluate your work.

If you still have questions, attach a green apple to the tree. If you worked well, understood everything, and you have no questions left, then glue a yellow apple to the tree.

And if you want to tell your family and friends about what you heard today, then attach a ripe red apple to the tree.

Children glue their apple.

This concludes our class hour. Congratulations to everyone on the upcoming holiday. Happiness, love and goodness to you and your loved ones.

Class hour"You and I are growing in a family circle!.."

Goals: show students the role of family in their lives


    help children realize that a family is people connected by a sense of love and responsibility for each other;

    make it clear that each person is individual, but he exists among other people; teach children to see and feel the world in which they live;

    develop communication skills;

    development of students' creative abilities;

    formation of respectful attitude of children towards their parents;

    foster a sense of pride in your family;

    developing in students a sense of gratitude and respect for parents, and strengthening friendly family relationships;

    creating a favorable atmosphere of communication;

    Uniting the team of students and parents.

Class progress

Hello guys! But let's say hello in a different way. When I say: “Hello, boys!” - all the boys will shout “Salute” and wave at me, when I say: “Hello, girls!”, all the girls will smile and shout “Hello!” to me. and wave both hands.

We said hello well
Now let's talk about beauty!

And I want to start our conversation with you with a fairy tale.

A long time ago, many centuries ago, there were not so many stars in the sky as there are now. On a clear night, only one star could be seen, the light of which was either bright or very dim. One day the Moon asked the star: “Star, why is your light so different: sometimes bright, showing the way even at night, sometimes dim and invisible”? The star was silent for a long time, and then, sighing, answered: “My light becomes dim when I am lonely. After all, there is not a single star next to me that looks like me. And I really want to see and hear someone next to me! “And on what nights does your light become bright?” - asked Luna. “My light becomes bright when I see hurrying wanderers. I was always interested to know what attracts them to the road, where they are in such a hurry? “Have you learned the secret of the hurrying wanderers?” asked Luna. “Yes,” answered Star. “Once I asked this question to a wanderer who had been on the road for a long time. He looked exhausted and very tired from a long journey, every step was given to him with great difficulty, but his eyes...” “What were his eyes like?” – Luna asked in bewilderment. “They glowed in the dark with happiness and joy,” the star answered with a heavy sigh and continued. “What are you happy about, wanderer?” And he answered: “Freezing in the snow, starving without a piece of bread, suffocating from the heat, I walked forward, overcoming all obstacles, because I knew: warmth and comfort awaited me at home, the care and cordiality of my family - my wife, children, grandchildren. For the sake of their happy eyes, I am ready to do even the impossible.” The star fell silent, and then answered: “Since that very time, I have been trying to give as much light as possible to those travelers who bring happiness to their home, to their family.” Luna looked at Star and asked: “My little helper! Would you like to have your own family? “Is this possible?” – Star asked hopefully. The moon, without saying another word, waved the sleeve of her golden robe, and at the same moment thousands of new stars shone in the sky, blinking with their unique twinkling light to the little star, as if they were saying: “We are near, we are here, dear, we are now - one Family»!

Why do you think this particular fairy tale was told? What are we going to talk about today? (Children's answers.)

Yes, we will talk about family because:

We are growing together as a family!
The basis of the foundations is the parental home!
All your roots are in the family circle!
And you leave your family in life!

What is family? We will try to find an answer to this question. Guys, here are two hearts in front of you. (Outline of the heart.) Do you think these are kind hearts? (Cold.)

Do you remember which fairy tale hero was there a similar heart? ( Kai. G. H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”.) What actions did Kai do with an icy heart? ( This is rudeness, and betrayal, and envy, and greed...)And we need to try to melt the icy, cold hearts. To do this, you need to remember all the good deeds you have done and fill these hearts with kindness.

(Children go out, talk about their good deed, then stick a small red heart on the big one.)

It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, streams into rivers, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. And only such kind hearts are capable of creating something special, capable of sprouting the most beautiful thing on earth - family. (Two hearts are laid out on the board, a stem is drawn from them, the middle of the flower is laid out - “family”, while communicating with children, petals are laid out - “understanding”, “love”, “hard work”, “traditions”, “health”.)

What is family? What do you remember when this word is said? (children's answers). That's right, family is dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, brothers, sisters. Now I will tell you one legend: In ancient times, there was a family of one hundred people, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Word of this reached the ruler. And he asked the head of the family, “how do you manage to live without ever quarreling or offending each other?” The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised: the same word was written a hundred times on the sheet "understanding". So family is understanding.

And now we will check how you understand other people: your task is to translate the words from children's language:

1) sotik – cell phone;
2) a cross between a tram and a bus - (trolleybus);
3) kompik - computer.

Well done! How does understanding work in your family? (Children's answers.) So, we attach the first petal to our sprout - UNDERSTANDING.

Even in the old days, home and family were spoken of with great respect. This is probably why families in Rus' were large and friendly. Proverbs and sayings confirm this. For example, “The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies”, “Where you were born, you came in handy”, “It’s good when visiting, but it’s better at home.” And we will turn to proverbs of a different nature. But they got confused. You must compose them correctly.

Well done! What are these proverbs about? (Children's answers.) That's right, about work. So, what should a family be like? Hardworking. And we have a petal of HARDWORK.

They play a significant role in families traditions - This is something that is passed on from generation to generation. All families are different and so are family traditions. Do your families have these traditions? Tell us about them (Children talk.) Very good. You must preserve these traditions and increase them. And a new petal appeared on our flower - TRADITIONS.

Now let's play a little and shout. Do you agree? Fine! When I raise my right hand, the first row will unanimously shout “BAR!” when I raise left hand- the second row will also unanimously shout “PASS!”, and when I raise both hands, everyone shout “GOAL!!!” Well done! In our game, you and I scored a goal. In what games are goals scored? That's right, that's sports games. Do you play sports? This means that you want to be healthy, you bring health to your family, since every family should be healthy both physically and spiritually, it’s not for nothing that they say: “In healthy body, healthy mind." And then the HEALTH petal grew.

What a happiness when the whole family is together, even if everyone is busy with their own business, but he is here nearby, maybe dad is watching TV in another room, mom is in the kitchen preparing dinner, and you are busy in your room with something very important. But you are all together, in your cozy and warm home. I invite you to participate in the competition “Portrait of a Family”. I invite you to the photo workshop. We select the participants of the game. Now, imagine that you come to a photo workshop and want to take a family photo. How will you position yourself, what poses will you take? (Several photos, the whole family, mother with children, father with children.) We took family photos of you and your parents. I would like to read Kamol's poems to you.

I will compare the family to a single body:
The father is the head, and the hands are the daughters and sons.
And in the body there is a mother, she is like a heart,
And the whole family depends on her!

Now we’ll talk about mom, because who hears the first cry of their child? Mother! Who picks him up first? Mother! In front of you lie palms cut out of paper. These are mom's hands. What image do you have when you mention the word “mom”? continue the phrase: “My mother...”. Write these words on the fingers of your palm. (They write it down.) And in its center, write the actions with which you offended and upset your mother. (They write it down.) Now trace your palm on paper and cut it out. On this palm, write words that will make your mother forgive you for your bad deeds. (They write it down.) Now let’s glue our palm onto my mother’s. Before us is your child's hand in your mother's hand. Let your hands always be together, feel the love and care of your mom, dad and give them joy yourself. Remember:

A house filled with goods is not yet a home.
And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a home.
And a living flower on the window is not yet a home.
When the evening darkness deepens,
So this truth is clear and simple -
That from the palms to the window the house is filled with your warmth.
(L. Suslova)

Your parents are trying to make sure that everything is fine in the house, and let only love, kindness, and help to your parents come from your little hands. On back side wishes to your parents with this palm.

IN family life We wish everyone happiness!
May your children love you deeply!
May misfortunes pass you by.
And let it be sunny every hour!
We all have happiness, peace and goodness!
May joy always reign in our families!

Today you will give this small souvenir, made by your own hands, to your parents.
So, petals appeared on our flower, which tell us what a family should have: UNDERSTANDING, HARDWORK, TRADITION, HEALTH, LOVE. But I want to place empty petals. Guys, what words can you fill in that express a good, prosperous family? (Children's answers.) Also, find out about this from your parents, because the number of petals of this flower will be different for each family, because all families are different, all families are happy in their own way.

Now let's play a game called "Applause."

Stand up, you guys:
- who looks like mom?
- who looks like dad?
- who misses their parents when they leave home?
- whose family plays sports?
- who doesn’t have secrets from their parents?
- who do friends come to visit?
-Who helps parents around the house?
- who loves his family, values ​​it!

And I think that you are happy children, because “Happy is he who is happy at home.” This is family happiness, prosperity is born when parents and children are connected mutual love, interests and affairs. Your home is the place where you create, reflect, enrich yourself with life experience, and learn all the fundamentals of life. Only family can protect each of us from adversity. Only moral principles passed down from generation to generation, only the care of loved ones makes us richer, purer, kinder. Family is the spring from which we draw strength throughout our lives.

So be kinder and more attentive to your loved ones! And in the end, I would like to note the following: along with all the holidays in the calendar such as October 1 - the Day of the Elderly, November 25 - Mother's Day, March 8 - International Women's Day, the UN proclaimed the International Day of Families on May 15. In Russia, 2008 has been declared the YEAR OF THE FAMILY. In our Republic of Bashkortostan, this is the year social support family. Thank you all very much for your participation. I would like to end the class hour with a poem.

Let the family give a small miracle
On any ordinary day:
The light of the sun, the smile of a friend
Success and joy, a ray of hope,
And a lot of good news,
And a breath of fresh wind,
And life will be beautiful, tender,
Like the most colorful flower.

Class hour

To International Day families

on the topic:

We are growing together as a family.”

Key manager:

Novikova E.I.