Pension if there are two children. Supplement to pension for minor children of pensioners

Life sometimes develops in such a way that a pensioner ends up having a dependent child - a minor citizen. And this is by no means always a blood grandson. But one way or another, the state understands the instability of the financial situation of such a cell of society, and therefore provides for the payment of a premium. Will pensioners need it in Moscow to process payments for minors? We’ll figure it out in this article.

What are these payments?

Legislatively provided additional payments for a citizen who is a dependent pensioner are payments for his maintenance. First of all, you should immediately forget that they are prescribed for life. They are provided exclusively for the period of the child’s minority, or until the dependent has completed full-time education.

In fact, such an allowance is a subsidy designed to partially relieve the family budget. After all, based on the size of the average pension, it is financially difficult for a pensioner to support a growing child. Such a family is recognized as needy and is entitled to other benefits.

The concept of a dependent in terms of payments

The state supplement to the pension for a dependent is due, as the name suggests, only to those who actually support a minor citizen (full-time student). But not every person will be officially recognized as a dependent. Thus, the legislation includes in this category:

  • relatives and adopted children of the pensioner;
  • brothers, sisters, provided that their legal parent is no longer alive or has gone missing;
  • grandchildren in the absence of parents or deprivation of them parental rights;
  • other dependents transferred by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to the care of the pensioner.

The main (and main) condition for assigning additional payment is that the dependent has not reached the age of 18 years. But even if the age limit is passed, the citizen will still be considered a dependent if:

  • undergoes full-time training;
  • studies at a university or secondary educational institution in the Russian Federation;
  • studying in a foreign educational institution under a partnership agreement between countries;
  • under 23 years of age.

An additional payment to the pension for minor children is made even after the dependent reaches the age limit of 18 years. But payments are made only to children recognized as disabled since childhood.

To whom is the additional payment made?

Pensioners who have a dependent under their care can apply for additional payment. For example, if retired spouses live together and have a dependent minor (full-time student under 23 years of age), they can both receive an additional payment.

The following factors are not an obstacle to receiving a subsidy:

  • both pensioners work;
  • one pensioner works;
  • one of the guardians is working, the second is retired.

Based on this, the right to receive additional payment arises after guardianship is officially formalized.

Citizen L. turned to the Moscow legal office with a request for the help of a lawyer. In 2017, he and his wife took in their dependent grandson, whose parents died in a car accident. In 2018, the man retired and did not know whether he could apply for a dependent subsidy.
The lawyer, having familiarized himself with the case, drew the pensioner’s attention to the fact that he needed to personally visit the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submit a package of documents to the specialist.

How is an additional payment to pension for a dependent for pensioners made?

Payments are not assigned automatically. To receive a subsidy you will have to go through a simple application procedure. To do this you need:

  • take a certificate from the guardianship service about the presence of a dependent minor (or a full-time student under the age of 23, or a disabled person since childhood);
  • obtain a standard certificate of family composition;
  • request and receive an extract from your place of residence.

Actual confirmation of dependency can be made not only with the documents listed above, but also in judicial procedure. At trial, witness testimony and documents on payments in favor of the dependent (checks for clothing, food, accommodation, education, etc.) are used as evidence. The resulting court order replaces evidence of actual dependency, since this fact was established by the court during the trial.

The package of documents is supplemented by the applicant’s passport, SNILS and an application in the Pension Fund form. All papers are handed over to a PF customer service specialist in Moscow. The period for consideration of the application is 14 days. Payments are made from the 1st day of the month following the day of application.

Important! If the dependent is a full-time student or disabled since childhood, other documents are provided to the PF client service. You can find out the contents of the package from Pension Fund specialists.

Supplement amount

Unfortunately, the amount of the subsidy is depressingly small and is unlikely to cover the actual expenses of a pensioner for the maintenance of a minor child (disabled since childhood, full-time student).

A Moscow couple of pensioners turned to a lawyer for help. Elderly people were interested in what additional payment to their pension for a minor child they were entitled to. The lawyer, in accordance with the current legislation for 2018, explained that the amount of the allowance for 1 dependent is 1/3 of the fixed payment to each applicant. In total, for 2 pensioners, the subsidy amount will be 3,321.94 rubles.

In general, Russian legislation establishes the following amount of payment:

  • for 1 dependent – ​​1/3 of the fixed pension payment (FP), which is 1,660.97 rubles;
  • for 2 dependents - 2/3 of the FV, which is 3,321.93 rubles;
  • for 3 dependents - 3/3 of the FV, which is 4,982.90 rubles.

Consequently, even receiving 100% of the PV does not significantly improve the economic situation in the social unit. On the other hand, it's better than nothing.

Every year, the size of the FI is indexed by an amount that corresponds to or exceeds the inflation rate. From 2019, a significant indexation of the amount of fixed payments is expected. And as a result, the pension for pensioners with dependents for minor dependents (full-time students, disabled people from childhood) will be increased by the amount of indexation.

Do you have questions related to pensions and subsidies? Ask them to the site’s lawyer online or by phone. Consultative assistance is provided free of charge.

Effective 2015 federal law No. 400 led to a change in the existing procedure for calculating length of service taken into account when assigning pensions. A wave of rumors in the summer of 2017 was based on the possibility of an increase in pensions for children, especially those born before 1990. This review will examine the need for recalculation, the procedure and features of assigning additional payments in various cases.

In reality, there are two completely different surcharges that apply when:

  • unaccounted maternity leave in case of retirement before 2015. By recalculating, you can gain a certain number of points in the pension coefficient, which increases sharply in the case when three or four children were born and raised. A further increase will not be possible, since clause 3, part 1, article 12 of Federal Law No. 400 limited the duration of the non-insurance period taken into account to six years;
  • maintenance of dependent children by a pensioner. The appointment is carried out within the framework of federal and regional programs.

How much will the increase be for a pensioner with children?

Not at all if the registration was carried out since 2015, because Pension Fund employees have already taken into account innovations in the legislation. As for pensioners who previously started receiving social payment, then they should not rush to contact the district office of the Pension Fund for recalculation. The game may not only turn out to be worth the candle, but in most cases, recalculation for a pensioner who has raised one or two children while going on maternity leave for some time can lead to a reduction in the amount of the benefit.

Since returning to previous conditions is not allowed, it is better to hurry, take your time, and make preliminary calculations of how much money raising children can bring. The fact is that the reduction must be taken into account when recalculating length of service, including preferential length, for a period depending on the length of stay on leave related to caring for infants. Therefore, a pensioner should make a preliminary rough calculation on his own or in the client department of the district office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before refusing the previously assigned assistance. For Pension Fund employees, the full accrual procedure involves a considerable amount of work and review of the payment file.

Pension Fund employees note that no more than 20-30% of pensioners, who, as a rule, received a small benefit, can expect to receive some kind of increase.

Pensioners are not allowed to apply for recalculation in order to receive additional accrual for children:

  • stopped labor activity, having taken early retirement;
  • receiving benefits assigned in a fixed amount or for the loss of a breadwinner.

How many points are given for each child when recalculating?

Pension coefficient points are calculated (per year of maternity leave) as follows:

  • when caring for the first baby - 1.8, i.e., in a year and a half it will accumulate 2.7;
  • for the second - 3.6, which in a year and a half will give 5.5;
  • for the third and fourth – 5.4 each.

A basic calculation shows that a pensioner should not count on additional payments for children if there were no more than one or two of them.

Recalculation of women's pensions for children in 2018: table

To calculate what the increase will be, you need to take into account the current cost of one IPC point - 78.58 rubles. Let's try to present in the form of a table what a pensioner who has taken advantage of maternity leave lasting one and a half years can expect.

Number of one and a half year maternity leaves for inclusion in the insurance period

Accrual of IPC points

Amount of supplement for children (in rubles)




1 273


1 909,50

Additional payment to women's pensions for children

It makes sense to apply for recalculation when the additional payment brings the pensioner at least some noticeable increase in the amount of social assistance. Cases that are suitable for women to contact the district office of the Pension Fund of Russia to recalculate and give an increase will be cases when:

  • the length of stay on leave related to caring for two children was one and a half years or more;
  • twins or triplets were born;
  • three or more children were raised;
  • time maternity leave occurred during a period of unemployment and lack of wages, which affected the reduction in the size of the pension;
  • wages were low or (until 2002) did not exceed the national average by more than 20%;
  • The size of the pension benefit is equal to the subsistence minimum.

Mothers of many children

... it makes sense to apply for additional payment, since being on maternity leave provided them with a high IPC. The only exceptions will be cases where a pensioner with many children earned a lot and worked for a long time, which is reflected in the amount of the assigned benefit.

For children born before 1990

There is no special additional charge. But it makes sense for a pensioner who gave birth and raised two or more children to apply for a recalculation, since in Soviet times salaries were relatively low in relation to Russian ones.

What documents are needed to recalculate mothers' pensions?

For a declarative recalculation, use a standard application, the form of which was approved by Order No. 14n of the Ministry of Labor for 2016, attaching to it:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • and (in the absence of the necessary data at the disposal of Pension Fund employees) documents confirming the birth of children and their reaching the age of one and a half years).

Procedure for applying for a pension supplement for children

Federal Law No. 166 develops a procedure for establishing pension provision and additions to it are attributed to the powers of the government. In accordance with this norm, in 2016, an order of the Ministry of Labor No. 14n was developed, which requires the procedure to be completed as follows:

  1. A pensioner applying for a bonus submits a corresponding application, accompanied by documents confirming his right to receive such payments.
  2. Authorized representatives of the Pension Fund consider the submitted application with the attached documents.
  3. Upon review, a decision is made to refuse the increase or provide additional payments.

It is advisable to collect documents in advance, fortunately, there is no deadline for circulation, after which you can use one of available ways submitting an application:

  • by personally contacting the local Pension Fund office;
  • through the MFC, of ​​course, if it is available in the locality and maintaining interdepartmental communication with the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • on the government services portal;
  • by sending a registered letter with notarized copies of documents.

The recalculation will be done next month.

By place of residence

The PFR client service strongly recommends taking advantage of the opportunity to make an appointment in advance so as not to waste time and nerves in line. This is done on the Pension Fund website; you don’t even need to register on it.

Through the State Services website

Registration through the website is associated with two important features:

  1. You need to get a confirmed account in the Unified Identification and Logistics System so that the system can identify and authenticate the applicant.
  2. After submitting an electronic application, within the next five days you will need to provide the district PFR office with documents that are not in the payment file.

Without an account in the ESIA, a pensioner will not be able to submit an application. A delay in transferring documents to the local branch of the Pension Fund will lead to the fact that the application will not be accepted for consideration, so you will have to re-register.

How is the pension increase for children calculated?

A pensioner whose dependents include minor children or full-time students (up to 23 years of age) has the right to make an additional payment in one of two ways:

  • through recalculation of IPC points;
  • increasing benefits by a fixed percentage.
  • The definition of a dependent includes children of a pensioner who:
  • are fully supported by him;
  • receive help from him as the main source of their own income.

Federal supplements are assigned to each family member who meets the definition of a dependent, including the grandchildren of a pensioner who have lost their parents, as well as his sisters and brothers. The basis for increasing payments is the disability of the pensioner, regardless of the age of his children.

Supplements established by municipal authorities of individual subjects of the federation within the framework of local programs social support pensioners are calculated individually. A pensioner who intends to receive such an increase in payments must, as usual, meet certain requirements. He needs:

  • take out age insurance;
  • officially prove that employment has been terminated;
  • have at least three children.

When calculating an increase for a pensioner, several factors will be taken into account:

  • his age and presence/absence of disability. The difference even with one dependent can be quite significant. In the standard case, the amount of the benefit will be set at 3,416 rubles, but if the guardian is over 80 - 5,970, if he has a disability of the 1st group - 11,200;
  • presence of a special status (military, former athlete, pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.);
  • number and age of persons under guardianship;
  • living in the Far North and equivalent territories where regional coefficients apply.

For allowances for pensioners with dependent children, there is a division depending on which category the recipient belongs to:

  • insurance coverage;
  • social benefits;
  • military or athletes.

When establishing a supplement, which should provide children with normal living conditions, retroactive effect decision made does not have. Therefore, additional payments will begin to accrue only from the moment you apply for it, and not from the moment you become eligible to receive help.

Recipient of an insurance pension

The amount that will be added to your old age or disability insurance benefit will be affected by your continued employment. The factor determining the possibility of assigning an additional payment for children to pensioners classified in this category is the absence of other social additional payments.

Recipient of social benefits

Persons who retired early due to disability or having earned the necessary length of service for appointment in the Far North may be given a regional social increase to support disabled members of the family. The amount will be affected by:

  • terms of the local program;
  • IPC and the income level of a pensioner.

For a dependent student

The premium will be calculated in a fixed amount. A pensioner who is dependent on a full-time student (under 23 years of age) is entitled to an additional charge of 1,601.70 rubles. If there are two or three such dependents, then the premium will be higher.

For a minor child

A pensioner caring for a minor will receive an increase of 32%, which should be, as noted above, 3,416 rubles. For two wards – 4,270, for larger number – 5 124.

If the pensioner has reached the age of 80, the amount of allowances for the maintenance of dependents will increase:

  • for one – 5,970;
  • for two – 6,832;
  • for three or more – 7,680.

The granting of an increase to a pensioner-guardian will also be affected by the presence of a disability. Depending on the disability group, the additional payment is as follows (in rubles per dependent):

  • III – 4,000;
  • II – 6,440;
  • I – 7 200.

How can a military retiree be helped?

tBased on Federal Law No. 4468-I, a military pensioner who has to support dependents may receive a percentage increase to the previously assigned pension. For one child it will be 32%, for two – it is set twice as high, and for three or more children – 100%.

Working pensioner

A pensioner who continues to work and is in the care of minor children or students receiving full-time education, or other dependents, receives a pension supplement in the same way as a former military man.

Women with one or more children who were born during Soviet times or a little later than the 90s can count on an increase in their pension payment.

Let's consider who can receive a cash supplement in 2018, in what amount and who is involved in the recalculation.

Who is entitled to recalculate the pension for children, and is it worth recalculating the pension taking into account additional payments for children born before 1980, 1990 and later?

The main condition for women who want to make a recalculation and receive the required funds is prescribed in the legislation - the woman must retire before January 1, 2015. If a citizen meets this requirement, then she can count on receiving pension points.

In addition, the following requirements and circumstances are taken into account:

  1. The increase can only be accrued for periods spent caring for children before they turn 1.5 years old.
  2. Maternity leave or a break from work must be issued. For example, if a citizen did not work officially, but studied in educational institution, this period will be counted up to 1.5 years and no more.
  3. Points cannot be awarded for five or more children. By law, points are awarded only for four children.
  4. The amount of wages directly affects the increase. The citizen was supposed to receive a salary at the time of maternity leave, but until 2002, not exceeding the average monthly payments to working citizens of the Russian Federation. Or another option - the salary should not exceed the statistical salary by 20%.
  5. The period of work when a woman was on maternity leave can be replaced by a “non-insurance period”. In this case, the size of the point increase will be higher.

Judging by the situation at the end of 2017, we can conclude that pensioners do not receive huge amounts of money, even with an increase. Pension payments amount to approximately 10-11 thousand rubles, taking into account the registered bonus. This amount is slightly above the subsistence level.

Experts assure that if a woman has good reasons for filing a recalculation - not one, but several children - then contacting the Pension Fund can be beneficial.

If a pensioner has not one child, but several, then the number of points awarded will be higher - not for one, but for several adult children at once.

As you understand, the size of the increase is also affected by the citizen’s income that she had during maternity leave. Experts usually rely on it when making a decision.

It makes no sense to count on an increase in pension for children for the following pensioners:

  1. For those receiving early retirement . Usually they belong to preferential categories of citizens who have not yet reached general retirement age, but no longer working. The applicant must have the status of a working pensioner. If he decides to replace the period of work with pension points, he may lose his status as an early retiree.
  2. Those who receive state pension payments set at a certain amount. This category also includes citizens who suffered due to the incident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  3. For those receiving survivor benefits. A pension increase cannot be issued to a pensioner if he receives insurance payment for a disabled person who was dependent.

In general, it will be up to the Pension Fund specialist to determine whether a citizen can receive additional points.

As a rule, pensioners actually receive an increase in monthly payments for children born before 1990 or before 1980.

The size of the pension increase for women with children is an example of recalculating pensions for children born during the USSR period and later

The size of the point increase, which will then be recalculated into cash equivalent, is influenced by the individual factors of the applicant.

The calculation depends on:

1.Number of children

Please note that point bonuses can only be accrued for 6 years, that is, for four children, and no more.

Let us list the number of points that can be awarded, in accordance with Article 15 of Federal Law No. 400, approved on December 28, 2013.

2. Total work experience of the pensioner

3. Income for that period of time

The salary that the citizen received greatly influences the amount of the bonus.

The calculation is made purely individually:

  1. Points are awarded for the period when the pensioner did not work, was not officially employed and was on maternity leave for up to 1.5 years.
  2. The period when a citizen was employed can be counted and converted into points for child care or points for work, length of service. The law does not offer any other options.

Here are examples of calculating the pension supplement for children

Example 1. Citizen Ivanova gave birth to one child during Soviet times, in 1988. When she retired in 2014, she asked for a point increase. According to the table above, it can be seen that for 1.5 years of caring for a child, Ivanova is entitled to 2.7 points. We multiply this amount by the cost of 1 point - 78.58 rubles - and get an increase of 212.16 rubles.

Example 2. Citizen Selevanova applied for a recalculation of her pension and asked to take into account that before 1990 she gave birth to five children. She was in general child care for 6 years. She looked after the first three children for 4.5 years (up to 1.5 years), and the last two for 2 years (for one a year, for the other half a year is not included in the calculation).

The increase will be calculated as follows: (2.7 + 5.4 + 8.1 + 5.4) x 78.58 rubles. = 1697.32 rub.

In case of high income at the time of maternity leave and replacement of work experience with points, the increase can be reduced in proportion to the points received.

In fact, it turns out that women receive much less than they should according to established formulas and calculations.

A complete list of documents for recalculating pensions for women for children - where to go to apply for an increase?

Request a recalculation pension payments should be done personally by the pensioner himself. The citizen must send a personal application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, its branch.

This form is approved by law, so you can print it, fill it out, sign it, and send it to the Pension Fund.

In addition, along with the application, you should send a documentation package, which includes:

  1. Copy of passport.
  2. Copy of SNILS.
  3. Copies of children's birth certificates.
  4. Papers confirming that the child is 1.5 years old. This could be a copy of an education diploma, a copy of a passport.

You can submit your application and documents at any time. This can be done in person by visiting the government services portal or using the services of the Russian Post.

Is there an additional payment to the pension for children born before 1990 or before 1980?

The increase is calculated for children who were born earlier than the specified years.

The calculation will not be beneficial for all pensioners, but only for those who:

  1. Didn't have an official job.
  2. Had little income or wages.

There is no point in applying for recalculation in the following cases:

  1. Retirement occurred in 2015-2018. This calculation option is not economically feasible. The size of the increase is zero or even goes into minus.
  2. The pensioner has one child. What happens to the points awarded for one child? They decrease proportionally due to a reduction in length of service and income/salary receipt.
  3. The calculation of pension payments was made taking into account the maximum earnings, which were established before 2002.

Under other circumstances, it is possible to receive an increase in pension for children born before 1990 or before 1980.

Recipients of a disability or old-age insurance pension have the right to claim increased security if they have dependent minor children. Additional payment is also accrued to former military personnel who retired due to length of service or disability.

Who is entitled to the supplement for minor children?

An additional payment to the pension for minor children in 2019 is due every month:

  • Citizens who have reached retirement age and receive insurance coverage for old age or disability. Both pensioner parents can apply for the supplement for each dependent.
  • Persons from among former military personnel receiving a pension for long service or disability. If there are several non-working pensioners in a family who are dependent on the same child, the bonus is accrued to only one parent.

Please note that the above categories of applicants have the right to claim monthly increases not only for their own children, but also for other minor citizens in their care:

  • brothers;
  • sisters;
  • grandchildren.

An important condition is that dependents should not receive insurance or social benefits.

An additional payment is charged if the family has a dependent student studying full-time at an educational institution until he reaches the age of 23.

Conditions of appointment

Payments are processed through the body that calculates the pension, subject to the following conditions:

  • availability of documentary evidence family ties;
  • confirmation that the minor is a dependent;
  • the child is not paid insurance or social Security;
  • parents are recipients of pensions regardless of whether they are employed or not.

How is it calculated

Supplements for minor children for recipients of insurance pensions depend on the amount of the fixed payment (FP). Its size is reviewed annually on February 1 and is established by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. From April 1, additional indexation may be carried out taking into account income growth Pension Fund(PFR). In recent years, due to the budget deficit of the Pension Fund of Russia, this practice has been absent.

In 2019, the amount will be indexed from February 1 to the percentage of inflation that developed based on the results of the previous calendar period. Please note that the conversion factor may be different, as well as the date of increase. For example, in 2019, the EF increased by 3.7% from January 1. This value exceeded official inflation data.

Important: the law defines criteria and indicators that affect the size of the increase calculated on the basis of the established PV:

  • type of pension (disability, regular insurance, military pension);
  • number of dependent minor children;
  • age of the pensioner;
  • region of residence;
  • length of experience.

Amount of pension supplement for dependents in 2019

For recipients of old-age insurance, the following amounts of increases to the fixed payment are legally established depending on the number of minors:

For disabled pensioners

Applicants assigned to disability group 2 or 3 receive an additional payment in the following amount:

Applicants with group 1, regardless of age, are entitled to the following pension benefits:

Residents of the Far North and equivalent territories

Additional payments from the federal budget for citizens living in the regions of the Far North (RKS) and equivalent areas (ELA) increase by the corresponding regional coefficient. For applicants with northern experience, regardless of place of residence, the supplement is currently calculated based on the size of the financial allowance established for these categories of persons:

  • PV(RKS) = PV + 50%;
  • PV(PKS) = PV + 30%.

To receive increased payments, several conditions must be met:

  • general work experience for men – 25 years;
  • total work experience for women is 20 years;
  • RKS experience – 15 years;
  • PKS experience – 20 years.

Increases will depend on age and the presence of group 1 disability. It is calculated based on the fixed amount established for a specific category of applicants. For those who worked at RKS:

For those who worked at PKS:

Military pensioners and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Additional payments to pensioners from among former military personnel are calculated based on the estimated pension amount (RRP). It is equal to the minimum social pension. In this regard, the increase in the increase will occur in 2019 from April 1 (until this point the RRP is 5,180.24 rubles). The supplement is expressed as a percentage and depends on the number of dependents:

  • for one – 32% RRP;
  • two – 64% RRP;
  • three or more – 100% RRP.

Registration procedure

Please note that the additional payment is of a declarative nature.

To calculate you should:

  1. Prepare the necessary package of documents.
  2. Contact the authority responsible for calculating collateral. Recipients of military pensions turn to law enforcement agencies. All the rest are in the Pension Fund.
  3. Fill out an application for additional payment, attaching the prepared papers to it.
  4. Wait for the decision.

For ordinary citizens, there are several options for filing an application:

  • during a personal visit to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund or the Multifunctional Center;
  • transfer through a legal representative (if he has a power of attorney);
  • through the State Services portal;
  • through your personal account on the fund’s website;
  • send by registered mail.

What documents are required

To receive an additional payment, you need to prepare a certain package of documents:

  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • the child's birth certificate or passport;
  • documentary evidence that the minor is dependent on the applicant (certificate of family composition, cohabitation etc.).


In July 2017 regional branches The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) began to provide in open sources (meaning numerous publications in the media and on the official website of the PFR) long-awaited explanations regarding the excitement that has developed in many regions of the country around the so-called “increase in pensions for children of pensioners.”

According to previously circulated rumors, retired women, by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of Russia, can receive supplement to pension for children born before 1990(or generally in Soviet times until 1991 - including for adult children born before 1980), the amount of which for each child can reach up to several hundred rubles(Accordingly, the more children a pensioner mother has, the larger the supplement will be).


Many women who independently addressed the Pension Fund on this issue, really got it a permanent supplement to the pension for children, which caused an unprecedented stir among other pensioners. This led to the formation of huge queues at Pension Fund client services in 2017 and forced their employees to provide detailed explanations.

What payments are pensioners entitled to for children?

Let us immediately note that we are not talking about some kind of independent payment! An increase in pension for children is obtained as a result of recalculation due to the fact that according to the new law, the calculation rules have changed since January 1, 2015 labor pension(assigned both for old age upon reaching retirement age and for disability), and now its size, in addition to periods of work, is also affected by "non-insurance periods"- in particular, one of the parents (usually the mother) cares for each child until he reaches 1.5 years of age (Article 12 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

To avoid any additional misconceptions in the future, you can immediately highlight for yourself most important points regarding receiving this increase:

  1. For those pensioners who retired after January 1, 2015, no need to apply for recalculation, since the most profitable option has already been calculated and assigned for payment. Recalculation is due only if the woman has non-insurance periods that are not taken into account when a pension is assigned before January 1, 2015 or taken into account according to the old rules, for which pension points are now awarded in accordance with the new law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.
  2. Deadline for submitting an application for recalculation of pensions for women for children not limited in time- in other words, you can apply at any time, not only by personally contacting your branch of the Pension Fund, but also:

    • through multifunctional MFC centers- this opportunity is already available in most regions or will be available in the near future;
    • submitting an application remotely- via the Internet through a single portal of government services or by mail.
  3. Obtained as a result of recalculation pension supplement for children is individual and is not guaranteed for all pensioners, since replacing work experience with a period of child care will not always be beneficial.

    According to statistics, only in 20-30% of cases the amount of pension benefits paid can be increased, and the amount of the increase can range from several rubles to several hundred or, in some cases, even exceed a thousand rubles.

  4. If the recalculation turns out to be “with a minus sign”, then the current pension amount will not decrease(since the deterioration of pension provision is not allowed by current law), and the employees of the Pension Fund will make a decision on refusal.

Who is entitled to an additional payment to the pension for children?

Let us immediately note that The year of birth of children has no determining significance- they can be born before 1990, and at any time after this period.

The misconception that additional payment is due only for children born before 1990 (1991) arose due to the fact that the new procedure for accounting for pension rights introduced in 2015 gives a noticeable increase in pensions for adult children to those pensioners who have predominantly “ Soviet" experience, which now has little effect on the size of the pension and which can be taken into account on more favorable terms for the pensioner in the form of pension points. It is recommended that they carry out such recalculation first. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of such mothers retired before January 1, 2015 (and they may already be at a very advanced age - they may be 70, 80 years old, or even older).

However, this is by no means doesn't mean that if children are born after the collapse of the USSR, the woman will automatically lose the right to such a recalculation! Just, as a rule, it may not be beneficial for them for some other reasons (for example, if a woman’s work experience was formed mainly after the beginning of the 1990s according to newer Russian pension laws).

It is necessary to understand that periods of child care in themselves do not imply an automatic increase in the pension, since often the periods of work already taken into account when assigning it make a higher contribution to the amount of the payment than replacing them with 1.5 years of care for each of the children. In practice, there are a large number of special cases in which it may or may not be profitable to make such a recalculation (see table).

In what cases can recalculation be beneficial? When is recalculation most likely not going to give any increase?
  • If a woman gave birth to 2 or more children and cared for them until they were 1.5 years old
  • If there were several children in one pregnancy (for example, twins or triplets were born)
  • If during the period of childcare the mother was not employed (for example, she was studying or simply was not in an official labor relationship)
  • If she retired with minimal work experience
  • If the mother’s pension was set based on low earnings (below the national average)
  • If, taking into account all the above circumstances, a woman’s pension is paid in an amount close to living wage(now this is the minimum pension)
  • If the pensioner has an only child
  • If she has a long work history, including giving birth to children
  • If the pension was initially calculated from a high salary (however, a salary exceeding the national average by 20% was not taken into account when assigning a pension until 2002 - i.e. the earnings ratio for this period in most cases does not exceed 1.2, but this is usually sufficient so that recalculation of the pension for children based on “non-insurance” points does not give any gain in comparison with the previously assigned option)

Thus, first of all, pensioners with 2 or more children who had low earnings and (or) low work experience can count on receiving a bonus for children as a result of recalculation of pensions.


Recalculation is contraindicated for pensioners whose pensions were assigned on preferential terms. Recipients early pensions who have not reached retirement age, as a result of replacing the working period with “non-insurance” 1.5 years of child care, the preferential length of service is lost, which may lead to loss of the right to early retirement.

How many points are given for each child when recalculating?

Since 2015, the main indicator influencing the size of the pension paid is the number of so-called “pension points”(in fact, according to the law it is called "individual pension coefficient"- IPK), registered in the Pension Fund of Russia on the individual personal account of the pensioner. This parameter reflects not in rubles, as was done before, but in relative units the amount of a citizen’s pension rights to an insurance (labor) pension.

Pension points on a personal account are formed in two main ways:

  • paid by the employer mandatory insurance contributions(in 2019 they account for 22% of the employee’s wage fund, of which 6% goes to the formation of a fixed payment, and 16% is taken into account in an individual personal account in the form of pension points);
  • by taking into account in points the so-called “non-insurance periods” of carrying out socially significant activities, when the future pensioner does not work and contributions for him are not deducted, but pension rights are formed at the expense of the state (full list such periods are listed in Art. 12 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ - this is, in particular, the transit time military service by conscription for men, carried out by one of the parents care for each child up to 1.5 years etc.)


If, as a result of the calculations carried out the increase will be negative, then it will not be profitable for the pensioner to make such a replacement, and the Pension Fund employees will refuse to formalize the recalculation (that is, the amount of the pension in any case it will not decrease).

What documents are needed for recalculation?

Only those pensioners (one of the parents who cared for a child under 1.5 years old) who was appointed until 2015. Recipients of old-age or disability insurance pensions can do this. Recalculation is made only at the request of a pensioner, which must be submitted to the branch of the Pension Fund that pays the pension (since it is there that the pensioner’s payment file is stored, on the basis of which the calculation will be made additional payment for children born).

Since we are talking about regular application recalculation of pension, a standard application is used for it, the form of which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2016 No. 14n (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the provision public services on the establishment of pensions).

Along with the completed application, it is mandatory to accept personal storage documents:

  • ID card of a pensioner (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS).


Also, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 23 laws “About insurance pensions” an application for recalculation is accepted subject to the provision by the pensioner documents necessary for its implementation.

First of all, the presence of non-insurance periods is confirmed on the basis of documents already in the pensioner’s payment file, as well as personalized accounting information available to Pension Fund employees. If information about the periods of child care until they reach 1.5 years is missing or is incomplete, then the applicant confirms its availability additional documents:

  • birth certificates of all children (if they are missing, you can order a child’s birth certificate from the civil registry office);
  • documents confirming that children have reached the age of one and a half years - this can be any official document issued to the child by government authorities at a later age (child’s passport, certificate or diploma of education, military ID, etc.).


If the birth certificate contains a stamp indicating that the child received a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation after he reaches the age of 14, then Only a birth certificate will be enough with the appropriate mark!

How to apply for a supplement to the pension for children

Submit an application to your Pension Fund branch and necessary documents To carry out recalculation, you can at any time convenient for the pensioner - application period is not limited. If a positive decision is made (if, as a result of recalculation, the pension amount changes upward), the pension will be assigned taking into account the increase only from 1st next month . Additional payment to pensions for children for pensioners for the previous period (missed since the new law came into force on January 1, 2015) not produced.

You can apply for recalculation in one of four ways:


Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414