Memo for parents "child safety in winter." Memo for parents "child safety in winter" What birds eat


Talk with your child about what time of year it is, and remember what changes have occurred in nature, what happens to animals and plants in winter, how animals in the forest endure cold and hunger, how birds behave in winter;

Remember the names of wintering birds (sparrow, crow, magpie, dove);

Remember how animals spend the winter in the forest (a bear sleeps in a den, a squirrel hides in a hollow, a hare changed its gray coat to a white one, etc.);

Talk with your child about what holiday is coming up and what it means;

If there is already a Christmas tree in the house, look at it, tell what toys are used to decorate the New Year tree;

During a walk, look at the winter sky, the sun, trees (coniferous and deciduous), explain to the child why coniferous trees are called evergreens.

Talk about winter fun for children (sledding, skiing, playing snowballs).

Didactic game “Pick a sign”

Snow (what?) – white, fluffy, ...

Icicle (what?) – long, icy, transparent...

Winter (what?) – snowy, frosty, cold...

Snowflake (what?) – light, white, beautiful...

Christmas tree (what kind?) – green, fluffy, prickly...

Didactic game “Who (what) is on the Christmas tree, who (what) is under the Christmas tree?”

Pine cones - ...on the Christmas tree

Mushrooms - ...under the Christmas tree

Squirrel - ... on the Christmas tree

Hare - ... under the Christmas tree

Bird - ... on the Christmas tree

Hedgehog - ... under the Christmas tree

Didactic game “Name it kindly”

Christmas tree - Christmas tree

Branch - ...twig

Snow - ...snowball

Pine - ...pine

Needle - ...needle

Winter - ...winter

Bump -...bump

To implement educational activities in the family on the topic "Hello, winter - winter" recommended for parents:

First junior group

Accustom your child to dress and undress independently: with a little help from an adult, remove clothes and shoes (unfasten front buttons, Velcro fasteners);

Visit the park with your child, watch the birds, feed the squirrels;

Reading fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems about animals;

Look at illustrations in books;

Fix the name of warm clothing items;

Play outdoor games “Jump like a bunny”, “Walk like a bear cub”.

Second junior group

Observe the way insects endure winter conditions (examine trees with cracks, a plank fence, folded boards), etc.;

Visit the zoo with your children, talk about the animals you saw;

Play didactic games to activate vocabulary(use in speech the names of animals and their cubs in singular and plural forms);

Involve the child in performing simple work tasks at home;

Middle group

Together with your child, make a feeder, add food daily, watch the birds flying to the feeder;

Read with your child at home: (“Little deer” by Yu. Kushak, “Feed the birds in winter” by A. Yashin, “A nimble tit is galloping...” by A. Barto, “In a bearish hour” by G. Tsyferov, “First hunt”, “Forest bun - prickly side”, V. Bianchi, “Winter quarters of animals”, “Sister fox and wolf”, “The Tale of Komar Komarovich”, folk tales about animals and their habits;

Didactic games on the use of adjectives, verbs, adverbs in speech (description of animals, birds);

Involving the child in work in the garden to prepare for winter, explaining what is being done and why (digging the soil, covering plants, etc.);

Prepare food for birds for the winter (rowan berries, seeds, etc.);

In conversations, clarify the child’s ideas about what needs to be done to prevent colds during the cold period.

Senior group

Together with your child, draw up a “memo” (diagram, drawing) “How to prevent colds»;

Take a walk to a park or square (observe, take photographs), tell your child about the rules of behavior in nature, feed the birds, the squirrel;

Read with your child at home: N. Sladkov “Autumn Christmas tree”, “Why is November piebald”, K. Choliev “The trees are sleeping”, G. Skrebitsky “Disappeared for the winter”, Y. Kushak “Fly together, little birds...”, E. Charushin “ Cat Maruska”, “Wolf”, “Magpies”, “Squirrel with Cubs”, “Fox with Cubs”, “Lynx”, etc., help the child understand the text;

Together with your child, pickle the cabbage and create a photo collage “We salt the cabbage, we salt it”;

Observing in the garden how adults prepare plants for winter: covering them, digging up the soil under bushes,

Expand and clarify children’s understanding of the rules of safe and ethical behavior in public places.

Preparatory group for school

Graphically depict the path from home to kindergarten;

Help with the design of the exhibition “Wildlife Writers”;

Prepare for the design of the project “How to behave in the forest”;

Complete work for the art gallery “Migratory and wintering birds”;

Explain and show children the preparations for the winter, what they are made of, draw an algorithm for performing labor actions;

Together with your child, observe the work of people in parks, fields, and vegetable gardens;

Read: “The Magic Ring”, “The Soldier and the Tsar in the Forest”, I. Bunin “The First Snow”, P. Voronko “There is a hut in the forest under the Christmas tree...”, A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come”, “A boring picture!.. ", A. Pushkin "Sad time! The charm of the eyes!..”, A. Tolstoy “Autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling...”, I. Krylov “Dragonfly and Ant”, V. Bianchi “Titmouse Calendar”, S. Kozlov “Hedgehog’s Violin”, K Korovin “Squirrel” ", D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Medvedko", R. Pogodin "Where the clouds come from", Y. Sladkov "Colorful earth", G-H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”, “Wild Swans”, V Dal “The Old Man of the Year”, K. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”, encyclopedias about animals, etc.;

Writing riddles about animals.

Child safety while walking in winter period (memo for parents)

Winter walks always bring great joy to children.

In the fall, many children begin to look forward to the snow so they can go sledding, slide down a slide on an ice rink, throw snowballs and build snow towers and labyrinths.

But winter time mars the joy of children and parents with very common injuries. Simple and seemingly self-evident rules will help you protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of winter walks.

When going for a walk, caring parents are always tormented by the question: how to dress their child so that he does not freeze or overheat?

We must remember the main thing: there is no need to wrap up the child! Overheating is no better than cooling. Find the golden mean!

In addition, clothing should not hinder movement; it should be comfortable, light and warm at the same time.

Winter shoes like any other, it should be comfortable. Even for warm boots that still collect snow, it is better to choose boots that you can tuck your pants into, isolating them from snow.

Make sure that the soles are textured - the child will slip less on snow and ice. To insure against loss of mittens or gloves, sew an elastic band to them.

Winter fun and safety

Each winter fun It also has its own characteristics and safety rules.


Overall, skiing is

the least safe form of winter walking.

However, please note

maybe the slide you are going to ride is too steep, bumpy or icy?

Try to eliminate all possible dangerous situations.

Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in an area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.

1. Skate on specially equipped skating rinks; skating on open water is dangerous.

2. Don't go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating there. The risk of serious injury in this case is extremely high.

3. Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to keep your child dressed in thick clothing.

4. Do not leave your baby even one step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.


on a sled,

ice rinks

For sledding, your child should be dressed warmly.

1. Before your child gets on the sled, check for any malfunctions.

2. It is not advisable to sled down the hill; it is better to go on ice skates.

3. Explain to your child in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide.

4. You need to make sure that the slide is safe for yourself, so check the area carefully before riding. The slope should not go onto the roadway, and it is better to ride kids down small, gentle snow slides, and in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.

5. You should not allow your child to sled while lying on his stomach, as he may damage his teeth or head.

6. You can't sled while standing! It is dangerous to tie sleds to each other.

7. You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tow rope, the child must be removed. It should be noted that sleds travel slowly on a road with little snow and patches of asphalt, so be especially vigilant.

Games around the house

When playing snowballs, tell your child that you should not throw them in the face, and in general you should not throw them with force! And don't let kids build deep snow tunnels that could collapse!

Explain to children that they should not put snow, ice crusts, or icicles in their mouth: they contain a lot of invisible dirt and germs that can cause illness.

Do not allow children to play near the road. Teach children not to run into the roadway.

It is undesirable to lie and play in snowdrifts, which are located, for example, under the windows of houses or near the entrance. And, of course, don’t let them jump into a snowdrift from a height. It is unknown what the fluffy snowball hides in it: under the freshly fallen snow there can be anything: broken bottles, stones, or wire, there may also be garbage that someone didn’t take to the trash can - or anything!

Dangers that await us in winter

Draw the child's attention to the icicles and mountains of snow hanging from the roofs of houses. Tell us why they are dangerous and why such places should be avoided. Explain to your child that under no circumstances should you enter fenced areas.

Be careful, ice!

Teach children that they need to walk on an icy sidewalk in small steps, stepping on the entire sole. Try to avoid slippery areas whenever possible.

You need to be especially careful when crossing the road in winter - a car on a slippery road will not be able to stop right away!

Winter on the pond

Do not go out onto icy bodies of water with your child!

If the ice falls through, you need to loudly call for help and try to get out by crawling or rolling onto the edge! You can't flounder! If you manage to get out, you need to crawl away or roll away from the edge.

Here are the basic rules of safe behavior in the winter season that adults should remember and teach children to follow them .

How and when to teach children safe behavior?

1. It is better to start a “safety course” for a child as early as possible: everything that we learn in early childhood remains in our memory for the rest of our lives;

2. Have regular conversations, but without lectures and endless instructions;

3. It is very important that the child understands why safety rules must be strictly followed.

4. The child must clearly understand what should never be done.

5. Be a role model for your child - don’t make exceptions for yourself.

6. It is better to provide the child with important information in the form of symbols and images, which has a great effect on the subconscious.

7. To teach safety, use all the “means at hand”: fairy tales, poems, illustrations, cartoons; all sorts of cases and examples from life that are convenient for learning.

Dear parents!

Remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process.

Today the child walks everywhere hand in hand with his mother, walks in the yard under the supervision of adults, and tomorrow he will become independent.

Much depends on you.

Training and effort will help them avoid many dangerous childhood troubles.

Memo for parents

Child safety in winter

Child safety while walking in winter

Winter walks always bring great joy to children. In the fall, many children begin to look forward to the snow so they can go sledding, slide down a slide on an ice slide, throw snowballs and build snow towers and labyrinths.

But winter time darkens the joy of children and parents with very common injuries. Simple and seemingly self-evident rules will help you protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of winter walks.

Clothing for a winter walk

When going for a walk, caring parents are always tormented by the question: how to dress their child so that he does not freeze or overheat? We must remember the main thing: there is no need to wrap up the child! Overheating is no better than cooling. Find the golden mean! In addition, clothing should not hinder movement; it should be comfortable, light and warm at the same time. Winter shoes, like any other, should be comfortable. Even for warm boots that still collect snow, it is better to choose boots that you can tuck your pants into, isolating them from snow. Make sure that the soles are textured - the child will slip less on snow and ice. To insure against loss of mittens or gloves, sew an elastic band to them.

Winter fun and safety

Each winter fun has its own characteristics and safety rules.


In general, skiing is the least safe winter activity. However, please note, maybe the slide you are going to ride on is too steep, bumpy or icy? Try to eliminate all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in an area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.


Unlike skiing, skating still involves a certain risk.

Please keep the following in mind:

    Skate on specially equipped skating rinks; skating on open water is dangerous.

    Don't go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating there. The risk of serious injury in this case is extremely high.

    Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to keep your child dressed in thick clothing.

    Do not leave your baby even one step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.

Sledding, ice skating

For sledding, your child should be dressed warmly.

    Before your child gets on the sled, check for any malfunctions.

    It is not advisable to sled down the hill; it is better to go on ice skates.

    Explain to your child in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide.

    You need to make sure that the slide is safe for yourself, so check the area carefully before riding. The slope should not go onto the roadway, and it is better to ride kids down small, gentle snow slides, and in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.

    You should not allow your child to sled while lying on his stomach, as he may damage his teeth or head.

    You can't sled while standing! It is dangerous to tie sleds to each other.

    You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tow rope, the child must be removed. It should be noted that sleds travel slowly on a road with little snow and patches of asphalt, so be especially vigilant.

Games around the house

Do not allow children to play near the road. Teach children not to run into the roadway.

It is undesirable to lie and play in snowdrifts, which are located, for example, under the windows of houses or near the entrance. And, of course, don’t let them jump into a snowdrift from a height. It is unknown what the fluffy snowball hides in it: under the freshly fallen snow there can be anything: broken bottles, stones, or wire, there may also be garbage that someone didn’t take to the trash can - or anything!

Explain to children that they should not put snow, ice crusts, or icicles in their mouth: they contain a lot of invisible dirt and germs that can cause illness.

When playing snowballs, tell your child that you should not throw them in the face, and in general you should not throw them with force! And don't let kids build deep snow tunnels that could collapse!

Dangers that await us in winter

Be careful - snow melting and icicles falling from the roofs of buildings

Heavy snowfalls and warming cause the formation of icicles and snow falling from the roofs of buildings. Being in a danger zone from falling snow, ice and icicles can cause serious injuries.
Therefore, it is necessary to observe safety measures:

1. Do not approach buildings from which snow, ice and icicles may fall, and do not allow children to do this.
2. If you find icicles hanging on the roof of your house, you must contact a service organization.
3. If there is a fence around a dangerous place, do not pass through it.
4. If traces of freshly fallen snow or icy mounds from water dripping from icicles are visible on the sidewalk, then this indicates the danger of this place.
5. If you find an electrical wire broken by snow, do not touch it under any circumstances and stay at a safe distance. Immediately report the break to the unified duty and dispatch service.
Until the emergency team arrives, do not allow passers-by, especially children, to approach the downed wire.

Be careful, ice!

Teach children that they need to walk on an icy sidewalk in small steps, stepping on the entire sole. Try to avoid slippery areas whenever possible.

You need to be especially careful when crossing the road in winter - a car on a slippery road will not be able to stop right away!

Be careful, frost!

Reduce or completely eliminate walks with children on frosty days: there is a high risk of frostbite.

Winter on the pond

Do not go out onto icy bodies of water with your child! If the ice falls through, you need to loudly call for help and try to get out by crawling or rolling onto the edge! You can't flounder! If you manage to get out, you need to crawl away or roll away from the edge.

Here are the basic rules for safe behavior in the winter that adults should remember and teach children to follow.

How and when to teach children safe behavior?

    It is better to start a “safety course” for a child as early as possible: everything that we learn in early childhood remains in our memory for the rest of our lives;

    Have regular conversations, but without lectures and endless instructions;

    It is very important that the child understands why safety rules must be strictly followed.

    The child must clearly understand what should never be done.

    Be a role model for your child - don’t make exceptions for yourself.

    It is better to provide the child with important information in the form of symbols and images, which has a great effect on the subconscious.

    To teach safety, use all the “means at hand”: fairy tales, poems, illustrations, cartoons; all sorts of cases and examples from life that are convenient for learning.

Dear parents! Remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Today the child walks everywhere hand in hand with his mother, walks in the yard under the supervision of adults, and tomorrow he will become independent. Much depends on you.

Training and effort will help them avoid many dangerous childhood troubles.

Memo for parents

"Child safety while walking"

in winter"

Winter walks always bring great joy to children. In the fall, many children begin to look forward to the snow so they can go sledding, slide down a slide on an ice slide, throw snowballs and build snow towers and labyrinths.

But winter time darkens the joy of children and parents with very common injuries. Simple and seemingly self-evident rules will help you protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of winter walks.

Clothing for a winter walk

When going for a walk, caring parents are always tormented by the question: how to dress their child so that he does not freeze or overheat? We must remember the main thing: there is no need to wrap up the child! Overheating is no better than cooling. Find the golden mean! In addition, clothing should not hinder movement; it should be comfortable, light and warm at the same time. Winter shoes, like any other, should be comfortable. Even for warm boots that still collect snow, it is better to choose boots that you can tuck your pants into, isolating them from snow. Make sure that the soles are textured - the child will slip less on snow and ice. To insure against loss of mittens or gloves, sew an elastic band to them.

Winter fun and safety

Each winter fun has its own characteristics and safety rules.


In general, skiing is the least safe winter activity. However, please note, maybe the slide you are going to ride on is too steep, bumpy or icy? Try to eliminate all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in an area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.


Unlike skiing, skating still involves a certain risk. Please keep the following in mind:

    Skate on specially equipped skating rinks; skating on open water is dangerous.

    Don't go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating there. The risk of serious injury in this case is extremely high.

    Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to keep your child dressed in thick clothing.

    Do not leave your baby even one step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.

Sledding, ice skating

For sledding, your child should be dressed warmly.

  1. Before your child gets on the sled, check for any malfunctions.

    It is not advisable to sled down the hill; it is better to go on ice skates.

    Explain to your child in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide.

    You need to make sure that the slide is safe for yourself, so check the area carefully before riding. The slope should not go onto the roadway, and it is better to ride kids down small, gentle snow slides, and in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.

    You should not allow your child to sled while lying on his stomach, as he may damage his teeth or head.

    You can't sled while standing! It is dangerous to tie sleds to each other.

    You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tow rope, the child must be removed. It should be noted that sleds travel slowly on a road with little snow and patches of asphalt, so be especially vigilant.

Games around the house"

Do not allow children to play near the road. Teach children not to run into the roadway.

It is undesirable to lie and play in snowdrifts, which are located, for example, under the windows of houses or near the entrance. And, of course, don’t let them jump into a snowdrift from a height. It is unknown what the fluffy snowball hides in it: under the freshly fallen snow there can be anything: broken bottles, stones, or wire, there may also be garbage that someone didn’t take to the trash can - or anything!

Explain to children that they should not put snow, ice crusts, or icicles in their mouth: they contain a lot of invisible dirt and germs that can cause illness.

When playing snowballs, tell your child that you should not throw them in the face, and in general you should not throw them with force! And don't let kids build deep snow tunnels that could collapse!

Dangers that await us in winter

Draw the child's attention to the icicles and mountains of snow hanging from the roofs of houses. Tell us why they are dangerous and why such places should be avoided. Explain to your child that under no circumstances should you enter fenced areas.

Be careful, ice!

Teach children that they need to walk on an icy sidewalk in small steps, stepping on the entire sole. Try to avoid slippery areas whenever possible.

You need to be especially careful when crossing the road in winter - a car on a slippery road will not be able to stop right away!

Be careful, frost!

Reduce or completely eliminate walks with children on frosty days: there is a high risk of frostbite.

Winter on the pond

Do not go out onto icy bodies of water with your child! If the ice falls through, you need to loudly call for help and try to get out by crawling or rolling onto the edge! You can't flounder! If you manage to get out, you need to crawl away or roll away from the edge.

Here are the basic rules for safe behavior in the winter that adults should remember and teach children to follow.

How and when to teach children safe behavior?

    It is better to start a “safety course” for a child as early as possible: everything that we learn in early childhood remains in our memory for the rest of our lives;

    Have regular conversations, but without lectures and endless instructions;

    It is very important that the child understands why safety rules must be strictly followed.

    The child must clearly understand what should never be done.

    Be a role model for your child - don’t make exceptions for yourself.

    It is better to provide the child with important information in the form of symbols and images, which has a great effect on the subconscious.

    To teach safety, use all the “means at hand”: fairy tales, poems, illustrations, cartoons; all sorts of cases and examples from life that are convenient for learning.

Dear parents! Remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Today the child walks everywhere hand in hand with his mother, walks in the yard under the supervision of adults, and tomorrow he will become independent. Much depends on you.

Training and effort will help them avoid many dangerous childhood troubles.

Consultation for parents “Safety in winter”».


Due to the fact that snow has fallen, children will spend more time on the streets, and as you know, child pedestrians are a special category of participants traffic who sometimes forget about the danger and play games on the road.

Remind children of the traffic rules for pedestrians in winter period. First of all, explain where, when and how you can cross the roadway. Tell us how dangerous it is to play and ride on the slides located next to the road. Explain to your children that winter On the road, the braking distance of a car increases 3 times. Dress children in bright clothes, or even better, have reflectors on them - flickers, remembering that in winter period, when it starts to get dark outside early, drivers may not see the child, as visibility deteriorates by 2 times. You can glue a piece of adhesive plaster to boots with the wrong slippery sole (after washing and drying it, then the sole will not be so slippery. A child getting into a traffic accident is always a tragedy. Even if the child survived and did not receive a serious injury, severe psychological shock can stay for life.


Going for a walk, caring parents always torments question: how to dress a child so that he does not freeze and does not overheat? We must remember The main thing: There is no need to wrap up the child! Overheating is no better than cooling. Find the golden mean! In addition, clothing should not hinder movement; it should be comfortable, light and warm at the same time. Winter shoes, like any other, should be comfortable. Even for warm boots that still collect snow, it is better to choose boots that you can tuck your pants into, isolating them from snow. Make sure that the soles are textured - the child will slip less on snow and ice. To insure against loss of mittens or gloves, sew an elastic band to them.


Each winter fun has its own characteristics, its own rules security.


Overall, skiing is the least safe winter walks. However, please note, maybe the slide you are going to ride on is too steep, bumpy or icy? Try to eliminate all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in an area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.


Unlike skiing, skating still involves a certain risk. Need to keep in mind following:

  1. Skate on specially equipped skating rinks; skating on open water is dangerous.
  2. Don't go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating there. The risk of serious injury in this case is extremely high.
  3. Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to keep your child dressed in thick clothing.
  4. Do not leave your baby even one step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.

Sledding, ice skating

  1. For sledding, your child should be dressed warmly.
  2. Before your child gets on the sled, check for any malfunctions.
  3. It is not advisable to sled down the hill; it is better to go on ice skates.
  4. Explain to your child in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide.
  5. You need to see for yourself safety slides, so check the area carefully before riding. The slope should not go onto the roadway, and it is better to ride kids down small, gentle snow slides, and in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.
  6. You should not allow your child to sled while lying on his stomach, as he may damage his teeth or head.
  7. You can't sled while standing! It is dangerous to tie sleds to each other.

You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tow rope, the child must be removed. It should be noted that sleds travel slowly on a road with little snow and patches of asphalt, so be especially vigilant.

Games around the house

Do not allow children to play near the road. Teach children not to run into the roadway.

It is undesirable to lie and play in snowdrifts, which are located, for example, under the windows of houses or near the entrance. And, of course, don’t let them jump into a snowdrift from a height.

It is unknown what furry hides in him snowball: under the freshly fallen snow there can be anything whatever: broken bottles, stones, or wire, there may be trash there that someone didn’t take to the trash can - whatever!

Explain to children that they should not put snow, ice crusts, icicles: They contain a lot of invisible dirt and germs that can cause illness.

When playing snowballs, tell your child that you should not throw them in the face, and in general you should not throw them with force! And don't let kids build deep snow tunnels that could collapse!


Draw the child's attention to the icicles and mountains of snow hanging from the roofs of houses. Tell us why they are dangerous and why such places should be avoided. Explain to your child that under no circumstances should you enter fenced areas.

Be careful, ice!

Teach children that they need to walk on an icy sidewalk in small steps, stepping on the entire sole. Try to avoid slippery areas whenever possible.

You need to be especially careful when crossing the road in winter - a car on a slippery road will not be able to stop right away!

Be careful, frost!

Reduce or completely eliminate walks with children in frosty weather days: There is a high risk of frostbite.

Winter on the pond

Do not go out onto icy bodies of water with your child! If the ice falls through, you need to loudly call for help and try to get out by crawling or rolling onto the edge! You can't flounder! If you manage to get out, you need to crawl away or roll away from the edge.

Here are the ground rules safe behavior in winter, which adults should remember and teach children to follow.

Dear parents!

Take care of your children!

Remember: life and health of children