Lightening without roots. How to lighten hair roots at home

For the hardworking - a bright light burns through life, for the lazy - a dim candle

Hi all!

A question came from Elena Shokareva:

"Hello. Please tell me my natural hair color is 4/0. I used to dye my hair at the salon with 9/36 dye, but now my roots have grown back and I want to dye them at home with 8/76 dye. How to do this correctly? Do you need different oxygenants for roots and previously colored hair? Or can I use one? Tell me, is 6% enough to later tint the roots with 8/76 paint with a natural base of 4/0? Do I need to add purple corrector?

Elena, we will be happy to answer your questions.

I would like to say, with such a dark natural base, 4/0.

You were painted with 9/36 paint. Natural base 4/0 is quite dark.

You were painted at a salon with 9/36 paint. This is a fairly light paint.

Most likely, you did not get the desired result, so you intuitively wanted to paint with 8/76, darker paint.

Why could this happen?

In general, the lightening power of paints is not strong enough to lift so many tones.

There are bleaching products available to take you from level 4 to a light blonde.

Most often, in order to obtain a 9/36 color on such a dark base, bleaching products are needed, that is, powder, removal of unwanted pigment and subsequent toning.

Since you were directly painted with such paint, and the lightening power of paints is up to a maximum of 3 tones, then most likely you did not get the desired color.

The color turned out to be warmer. In other words, you didn't have enough brightening power to achieve the desired result.

How can I help you in this matter?

Since you want the color to be 8/76, if you compare it to your natural base, it will be four shades lighter than your natural shade.

Since paints can raise a maximum of 3 tones, you will most likely be able to get a maximum color of 7/76.

It will be a cooler color, a little darker, but accordingly closer to your desire.

How to lighten dark hair roots?

Indeed, you mentioned in the question whether it is necessary to use a purple corrector. Purple corrector, of course, will need to be used.

Because when lightening by 3 tone levels, the natural hair color will become warmer, and the lightening background will appear.

Here you will need to add, of course, purple and blue corrector to the paint.

To lighten your natural roots at tone level 4, you will need to use 9% oxygen mixed with 7/76 dye.

For a color corrector to neutralize the warm highlights, you will need to use either the 0/11 corrector plus the 0/66 corrector.

Or it’s much easier to use 7/16 paint, which contains both ash and violet.

They will neutralize that warm background of lightening that will appear on your hair.

I suggest you mix 7/16 paint and 7/76 paint together and add 9% oxygen to it in a one to one ratio.

Apply this mixture to the roots. The result will be a lighter, cooler shade.

For previously colored lengths, such a cocktail will no longer be suitable. Since the hair has already been dyed, it needs a weaker oxygen agent.

In this case, 1.5% will do.

You can take the paint already 7/76.

If your hair is very warm in length, then it is also advisable to add a little 7/16, cold dye to the length.

In order to remove this unwanted warm nuance.

If the hair is too light and pleasant in color, then you can use 7/76 dye in its pure form.

But you need to mix it with a 1.5% activator in a one-to-one ratio in order to thicken this topic.

Of course, if you take 8/76 paint as you planned, then most likely you will not achieve such a result, since the brightening ability of the paint is simply not enough.

That's what bleaching products are for. Therefore, Elena, I recommend that you use 7/76 paint with different oxygenants.

I repeat, 9% for the roots and 1.5% for the length. Instead of color corrector, add 7/16 paint.

See you soon!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Such is a girl’s nature - to constantly search for herself, experiment with her appearance, change what is given by nature. Changes also affect our hair: a brunette wants to have snow-white hair, a blonde tries to become red or black, a brown-haired woman tries to dye her hair wine color, and so on ad infinitum. But many women dream of blonde hair, looking at photos of blondes, and wonder how to bleach their hair at home?

How to lighten hair effectively and quickly - instructions

The most effective method for obtaining a light head of hair is to use peroxide or a special lightening paint. Whatever remedy you choose, you need clear, practical instructions for action. After all, it is important not only to get what you want, but also to protect your hair as much as possible from the negative effects of the product.

Before bleaching, you should not wash your hair for about two or three days - this is an important condition. What is this for? During this period, a natural layer of fat is formed, protecting each hair. The selected bleaching agent is applied with a synthetic bristle brush or a wooden stick with a cotton layer wrapped around it. You should start from the back of the head, moving forward strand by strand. Another condition is to lubricate the forehead at the roots of the hair with greasy cream or Vaseline. This will protect the skin from chemical burns.

To prevent the lightening composition from splashing or dripping from your hair, add a little liquid soap to it, but not shampoo, otherwise the lightening process will slow down. The hair roots will lighten the fastest due to the heat released from the scalp. Therefore, take this into account when applying and start from the ends, distributing the product along the length. Then wait until you get the desired color, moisten the strands again and apply a lightening composition to the roots. This way you can achieve an even color.

When the strands have reached the desired color, gently rinse them with water at a comfortable temperature for your head. While washing, lightly massage your head with your fingertips. It is better not to use shampoo, replacing it with soap without alkali. When your hair is washed, make a rinse from water with lemon juice or vinegar and apply to your hair. This will slightly restore the curls and also neutralize the hydrogen peroxide.

How to lighten dark, light brown and highlighted hair

How to bleach hair at home, what to use for this? The following means are traditionally used:

  • White henna or supra;
  • Folk remedies;
  • Store-bought paint;
  • Hydroperite;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.


An elementary method of bleaching hair by several tones, which does not require special expenses.

  • Method of preparation: you need to crush two tablets of hydroperite with a teaspoon. Dilute the resulting powder in a ceramic or glass container with two ampoules of ammonia and a tablespoon of shampoo.
  • Application: Apply the resulting product to your hair and leave for five minutes. After the specified time, thoroughly rinse your hair with warm water. Remember that you won’t be able to achieve snow-white strands right away. At first, the hair will look yellow, so you need to do the procedure again.


Using peroxide is an effective bleaching method. It is important to follow some rules here:

For hard and thick strands, 8-12% peroxide is used, for thin strands - 5%, and for curls of medium thickness - 6% composition;

To enhance the reaction, if the concentration is low, ammonia or ammonium bicarbonate is added. This opens the hair scales and activates the release of hydrogen peroxide.

The composition itself must be diluted in an enamel, porcelain or plastic bowl, and applied with a synthetic brush or plastic comb. Before the procedure itself, it is advisable not to wash your hair so that natural oils protect the hair from burns. The solution is prepared from 60 g of peroxide, 50 g of water, 40 g of shampoo, three teaspoons of ammonia or ammonium bicarbonate.

Before you start, lubricate your forehead with a rich cream, protect your hands with gloves and do a test on the skin behind your ear to make sure there is no allergic reaction. Apply the composition to the entire length of the hair: for those with fair hair, once is enough, but for brown-haired women, the procedure must be repeated after some time (2-3 weeks). Afterwards, the head is washed with a care product and rinsed with acidified water to stop the lightening and smooth out the scales.


Supra or white henna is a chemical hair bleaching agent. It contains magnesium peroxide, ammonium salt, and magnesium oxide.

Method of preparation: to carry out the procedure, supra is poured into a container not made of metal and filled with an activator, which is usually sold as a kit. The result should be a composition with the consistency of sour cream. If there is no activator, then use 3% or 6% peroxide for dilution. The container should be heated over a candle.

Application: the composition is applied to the hair, left for half an hour and washed off without using shampoo. Next, the hair must be dried and rinsed with acidified water.

Folk remedies for hair bleaching

All chemical bleaching methods injure the hair structure and dry out the curls. The coloring pigment penetrates deeper by washing away natural fats and loosening the cuticle. To minimize the damage, home remedies for discoloration come to the rescue.


Lemon juice has a lightening effect due to the incomplete destruction of pigment by the acid that is part of the fruit. Direct sunlight enhances the effect. Pure lemon juice only bleaches individual strands of hair, not all of your hair. Since citric acid has a pronounced keratolytic property, flaking and dandruff may appear after using citrus.

Method of preparation: dilute the juice of half a lemon with water in a ratio of one to three, add chamomile infusion at the rate of half a pack per glass of boiling water and two tablespoons of castor or olive oil. This recipe will help not only lighten your curls, but also soften the effect of the acid and prevent overdrying.

Application: the mask remains on the head for two hours.


Honey works as a clarifying agent due to the natural hydrogen peroxide found in the sweet nectar. And peroxide, as we already know, can bleach hair. The release of this substance occurs due to the iron in honey. But the final result depends on the porosity of the hair and how well it absorbs honey.

Method of preparation: combine honey and olive or coconut oil in a two to one ratio. Add half a banana to the mixture and mix with a mixer so that there are no lumps.

Application: the mass is infused for fifteen minutes to release natural hydrogen and applied to the hair for forty minutes.


Cinnamon is another natural bleaching agent. To use this spice, make the mixture according to the recipe below.

Method of preparation: combine 3 tablespoons of cinnamon with three tablespoons of honey diluted with distilled water in a ratio of two to one, 100 ml of conditioner, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 100 ml of olive oil. Leave the mixture for an hour.

Application: Comb wet hair and apply mixture generously. Pin up your hair and put on a plastic cap. Leave the mixture on your head for three to eight hours and rinse with shampoo.


Chamomile is a common and simple method for getting light golden hair color.

Method of preparation: to do this, pour two tablespoons of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. Place the mixture in a steam bath and hold for fifteen minutes.

Application: cool the broth, strain and rinse your hair after washing with shampoo. To improve the effect, add the same amount of fresh or dried nettle to chamomile flowers.


You can try to lighten your hair a little with kefir masks. This fermented milk product penetrates the hair scales and washes away the pigment. Thanks to this, the paint is partially washed off, or the natural color changes slightly.

Method of preparation: you need to mix an egg, half a glass of kefir, two tablespoons of vodka or cognac, a little shampoo, and the juice of half a lemon.

Application: the resulting mass is applied to the hair, wrapped in polyethylene and a towel and left for two hours or more, up to eight hours. Afterwards, the hair is washed with shampoo and conditioner.

How much does the procedure cost in salons?

Prices for hair bleaching

Beauty salon

Cost of hair bleaching in Moscow beauty salons in rubles.

Short hair

Medium hair

Long hair


Through the Looking Glass

Chantal Esthetician

Note: the information is not advertising or official in nature. Prices may not be current at the time of viewing. The data was obtained based on an analysis of price lists of six Moscow beauty salons to provide general information regarding the cost of the service.

Video: home hair bleaching

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Bleaching your hair at home is not a difficult task provided you use the right technique. How to bleach your hair correctly at home?

There are some things you should keep in mind before you start bleaching your hair. For those who have bleached their hair before, you can repeat the procedure with a break of at least four weeks.

For those who already have colored hair, the hair color needs to be eliminated. Before you start bleaching your hair, think about it: maybe you don't want this? You will not get your own unique color back after bleaching. Once you have decided, you can start preparing.

If you are not happy with the results, do not bleach again before twenty-four hours. During such a period, it is necessary to bleach after two or three times. When the second stage of bleaching does not provide the desired results, it is much better to contact a professional, and if you have dry skin, then you should not bleach your hair often.

Hair bleaching is a chemical process that helps lighten dark hair. It involves removing pigment from the hair. Some people use bleach to condition their hair to give some extra change to the natural shade. Let's find out about the simple technique of bleaching hair at home, but don't forget that there are also natural coloring agents like chamomile for lightening hair at home.

Lightening hair with peroxide

Bleaching hair at home with hydrogen peroxide.

You can bleach your hair with hydrogen peroxide, which is an excellent oxidizing agent. The chemical composition includes melanin, which reaches the core of the hair and changes its composition. This is the same chemical you use on your wounds and cuts.

The benefits of bleaching hair at home with peroxide is that it is not harmful to the skin and the chances of allergies or rashes are less. In addition, this type of antibacterial agent is not very expensive and is easily available. Remember about thermal protection of your hair after coloring. Here are a few steps you can take to bleach your hair at home:

  1. The first stage is preparation for bleaching. To do this, you need to mix a fifty-fifty solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Then transfer the mixture into a spray bottle so that you can apply it easily on your hair. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from discoloration of the solution.
  2. Before applying it to your head, you must perform a special test on your hair. Separate a small section of hair and apply the solution to it. Check the color every two to three minutes. If necessary, reapply the bleach and check the results after a few minutes. This way you can get a preliminary result of how your hair will look after bleaching. You will also get an idea of ​​how long you should keep the bleach on your hair.
  3. You should always apply the bleach solution to damp hair. The bleach spray should be applied to damp hair in a downward direction, starting from one centimeter from the roots. When applying bleach, you should comb your hair so that the bleach is distributed evenly. Cover all hair except the roots as quickly as possible. This will give your hair a doughy appearance. This should take no more than 15 minutes.
  4. If you plan to lighten not all your hair, but only part of it, take a few strands near your face first. Or, you can select several pieces of hair from different parts of the head and highlight them. The bleaching process is the same. It is applied to damp hair and you have to wait for about fifteen minutes or so.
  5. Once you have obtained the appropriate color for your hair, you should rinse the bleach out of your hair thoroughly. Peroxide often tends to make hair dry and can lead to breakage. To prevent this, use good quality hair conditioners. Leave the conditioner on your hair for five to ten minutes and then rinse with water.
  6. There are some types of hair where the bleaching process takes longer to achieve the desired lightening effect. In this case, it is necessary to bleach your hair repeatedly over a period of time before you get a satisfactory result. The hair roots bleach very quickly and you just have to keep the bleach on the roots for a very short time. Therefore, once you are done with bleaching the rest of your hair, you can bleach the roots of your hair too. Hydrogen peroxide is also used to lighten arm hair.
hair bleaching

When bleaching hair with hydrogen peroxide, care should be taken to ensure that the bleach does not come into contact with the mouth, eyes, and nose. Since bleaching is a little harsh on our hair, there should be good hair care after it. It includes using good hair conditioners and regular hair cutting. Hair bleaching with hydrogen peroxide can be done two to three times a week. This will help make your hair actually lighter in weight. However, remember that this can cause damage to your hair.

If peroxide doesn't suit you, then you can use some natural bleaching agents like vinegar, lemon or chamomile juice to bleach your hair at home.

You can place aluminum foil under the hair areas and apply the bleach, spreading it evenly. When you're done applying bleach to all the sections you want to highlight, wrap your head in a plastic cap. Keep the bleach on your hair for at least twenty thirty minutes to get suitable results. If you leave the bleach on for less than a short time, you may not get the desired results.

Remove the aluminum foil from your hair and rinse it first with cool and then warm water and a mild shampoo. Wash your hair. After cleansing your hair, use a hair conditioner that is specially formulated for bleached hair. Then use conditioner and rinse them back completely. Don't dry your hair too often, as this can cause your hair to split, causing it to split quickly.

Home remedies for hair bleaching

Due to the harsh chemicals in hair bleaching products, bleaching can cause some damage. For this reason, many people choose natural hair bleaching techniques to lighten their hair.

How can you bleach your hair with lemon juice?

You can bleach your hair using lemon juice. You will get almost exactly the same hair color that you get after working on your hair in a beauty salon. Moreover, lemon juice does not have any harsh side effects on your hair. For this procedure you need the juice of two lemons and a glass of water. After applying to your hair, you need to sit down during daylight hours and allow sunlight to dry your hair completely. When the hair is dry, look at the result. If you are nevertheless unsatisfied, you can repeat exactly the same procedure. You can lighten dark hair a little with henna

Necessary materials for lightening:

  • Pure lemon juice, one cup;
  • Drinking water, one cup
  • Lavender tea tote, one
  • Ocean of sodium, two teaspoons

After the highlighting process, be sure to shampoo your hair, then again using a good hair conditioner that suits your hair type.

Many people additionally choose the option of squeezing lemon juice on their hair and then drying their hair with the help of daylight. The process is quite simple and, in addition, it successfully functions as an anti-dry skin product. However, there are some things you should do before using lemon juice to bleach your hair. There is also a strategy for dyeing (lightening) the ends of your hair at home.

You should carry out the hair bleaching procedure during the daytime in the sun. Therefore, you may not get adequate results during winter or wet periods. The results of hair bleaching with lemon juice only appear for those who are blonde or have light brown hair color.

Another possible recipe for using lemon juice to lighten hair is to mix two tablespoons of fruit juice with about six tablespoons of water and apply directly to your dry hair.

Whitening with tea

Lavender tea.

For blondes or people with light hair, lavender tea is an excellent bleaching ingredient. All you need to do is brew a powerful lavender tea. Apply as a spray into your hair. Once completed, expose your hair to the sun and then rinse with water.


For this method you need: three tablespoons of sugar, cinnamon powder, one spoon of honey and three tablespoons of olive oil. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and make it into a paste. Apply the paste to your hair and cover it. Keep it for about one hour, make sure that this paste does not aggravate your skin. Wash your hair thoroughly. This honey and cinnamon hair mask is very effective.

You should use these effective home remedies for hair whitening. However, if you want to use bleaching products, make sure you get a known element and be sure to test for allergic reactions. The best, and in most cases the safest way to get the right hair color is to find a professional to do the job.

Bleaching dark hair

There are many ways to get a certain hair color. One of them is actually lightening.

Hair color is a fundamental part of the program when carrying out cosmetic procedures. Of course, blondes have a much easier time in this matter. What should brunettes do? Dark hair itself offers more colors, which can make hair tougher to absorb hair dye. However, bleaching dark hair can be a difficult and dangerous job. Women with dark hair need to go through a few more methods to get their hair to lighten.

How can brunettes bleach their hair white?

The hair bleaching process must be done with extreme caution because it is a procedure that can cause serious damage to the hair. Initially, your hair runs the risk of turning orange or yellow in color, and you will have to go through a series of bleaching treatments to turn your hair white.

An additional disadvantage to bleaching dark hair is that you may not be able to return to your natural hair color. Therefore, it is usually easier to bleach your hair white with the help of a professional to prevent such problems.

Or, this can be done at home, using bleaching products specifically designed for hair, but very carefully.

Dyeing your hair blonde 2. Lightening hair roots at home with tinting

You need to prepare for bleaching your hair at least two days before you decide to do it. If your hair has already been colored, remove other colors before bleaching. Also use high quality hair conditioners to reduce hair damage. You should use plastic hair containers and gloves. The bleach must be of excellent high quality, specifically designed for hair. When you're ready, use the bleach by dividing your hair into small sections and begin applying the mixture using a plastic brush.

You need to start at the back of your head because the hair in this area is actually darker. Heat can elevate the bleaching process. The last step is to apply bleach around the roots of the hair, because this will help possibly reduce damage. You need to comb them using a wide-tooth comb to avoid any knots.

The most important thing to remember is that whatever method you choose to lighten your hair, make sure you take good care of it after bleaching and use natural products to keep your hair healthy.

How to lighten hair at home

Do you want to highlight your natural blonde or lighten your dark hair? Lightening your hair at home will be an inexpensive and healthy alternative to salon treatments.

Lightening with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is the cheapest and most accessible hair lightening product. But you cannot use it on an ongoing basis - even a diluted mixture can completely destroy the follicles and lead to hair loss.

For lightening you need:

  • Peroxide 3% (no more!) – 1 fl.;
  • Comb;
  • A spray bottle (clean and dry) or cotton swabs;
  • Crabs or clamps;
  • Gloves;
  • Old clothes;
  • Shampoo and conditioner.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. We wash our hair with shampoo and comb it well, otherwise the color of the hair in the knots will be very different. Blot excess moisture with a towel.
  2. We wear old clothes, as the product spoils the fabric. We protect our hands with gloves.
  3. Fill the bottle with hydrogen peroxide. It can be diluted with water (1:1) or used neat. It is better to test the product on one thin strand, and then proceed to the rest of the hair.
  4. To lighten the entire head, divide the hair into sections, securing with crabs. Alternately spray peroxide onto the strands from roots to ends or wipe them with a damp cotton sponge. If you want to lighten part of your hair, treat only the desired strands with the product.
  5. Leave the peroxide for 40-60 minutes - the darker the hair, the longer it will take. After about half an hour, wash off the mixture from several strands and check the result. If unpleasant sensations arise during the procedure, immediately soap the tin generously and wash off the composition.
  6. Rinse the peroxide off your hair with warm water. Apply the balm to them for at least 30 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide does not lighten the skin overnight, you may need several treatments. Repeat the session every other day or daily, depending on the condition of the strands. By the way, the thermal effect will speed up your results, so you can use a hairdryer or sit in the sun. In the first case, the strands are collected in a bun and hidden under a foil cap. While heating the foil with a hairdryer, move it from side to side for 15 minutes. In the second, just comb your hair with a comb.

Lightening with hydrogen peroxide (before and after)

Lemon is the best lightening agent

Another effective remedy that allows you to become lighter without harming your hair. Citric acid lightens pigment and gives hair shine.

Folk cosmetology offers two recipes:

Recipe No. 1 – for dry type:

  • Conditioner – ¼ cup;
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 4 pieces) – 1 glass.

Recipe No. 2 – for normal type

  • Warm water – ¼ cup;
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 glass.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Pour lemon juice into a spray bottle or clean bowl. Add water or conditioner and shake. Set aside the mixture for 15 minutes.
  2. Apply the composition to the hair using cotton sponges, a sprayer or a dye brush (ideal for conditioner).
  3. After processing all the strands, sit somewhere in the sun for as long as 2 hours.
  4. Wash your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner.
  5. Repeated lightening (another 30 minutes) can be done immediately or the next day. The result will appear only after 2-4 weeks.

Lightening with medicinal chamomile

How to lighten your hair so as not only to spoil your favorite hair, but also to benefit it? Of course, chamomile! We offer you several effective and harmless recipes.

Classic composition

What is needed:

  • Chamomile – 30 gr.;
  • Juice of 0.5 lemon – if desired;
  • Water – 250 ml.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Pour boiled water over the chamomile, let the infusion cool and filter through cheesecloth.
  2. Wash your hair.
  3. Rinse your hair with chamomile infusion and let it dry.

Concentrated infusion

For lightening you need:

  • Chamomile – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – 6 tbsp. l.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Place chamomile in a thermos.
  2. Pour boiled water over the flowers.
  3. Let it sit for 4-5 hours.
  4. Filter through gauze.
  5. Soak your hair in the infusion, wrap your head in film and leave for 60 minutes.
  6. Rinse with clean water.

Chamomile with glycerin - for dry type

You will need:

  • Chamomile – 2 hours l.;
  • Glycerin – 60 gr.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Pour boiled water over the chamomile and set aside for a couple of hours.
  2. Add glycerin to the cooled and filtered infusion.
  3. Apply to the entire length, wrap the head with film and wait 45 minutes.
  4. Rinse your head with clean water.

Chamomile, saffron and essential oil

For lightening you need:

  • Chamomile – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • A pinch of saffron;
  • Water – 200 ml;
  • Juice of 1 lemon;
  • Lavender essential oil – 3-4 drops.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Pour boiled water over chamomile and saffron.
  2. Let them brew for about half an hour.
  3. Pour essential oil and lemon juice into the filtered broth.
  4. Soak your hair in this mixture for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse with clean water.

Chamomile, lemon, turmeric

You will need:

  • Chamomile – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Turmeric – 1 tsp;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Mix chamomile with turmeric.
  2. Add finely chopped lemon peel.
  3. Pour boiling water over it.
  4. After a couple of hours, strain the mixture.
  5. It can be applied daily to clean strands. Store leftovers in the refrigerator.

This is the effect you can achieve:

Kefir for hair lightening

Lightening hair at home using kefir has been known for a long time. This fermented milk drink accelerates the growth of strands, restores their structure, nourishes and moisturizes. Kefir is used both solo and in combination with other ingredients. The only drawback is that this mask is difficult to wash off.

Now let's take a look at the recipe.

Classic way

Apply kefir to dry strands, wrap your head with film, insulate it with a towel and wait 2-2.5 hours.

Kefir with cognac

You will need:

  • Kefir – 50 ml;
  • Juice of 0.5 lemon;
  • Hair balm – 1 tsp;
  • Cognac – 2 tbsp. l.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Mix the whole composition.
  2. Lubricate the strands.
  3. We put on an insulating cap.
  4. Keep the brightening mask on for at least 8 hours, but it is better to leave it overnight.
  5. Wash off with water.
  6. Apply conditioner.

Brightening Cinnamon

Delicious, healthy, aromatic cinnamon can brighten even a hot brunette! Of course, the result will not come immediately, so be patient and use one of our recipes.

Cinnamon and olive oil

For lightening you need:

  • Cinnamon – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Distilled water – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Conditioner – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Mix honey with water.
  2. Add cinnamon powder. If using sticks, put them through a coffee grinder.
  3. Add conditioner and olive oil.
  4. Lubricate your hair for 2-3 hours.
  5. If desired, you can add lemon juice (2 tbsp) to the mask.

Classic recipe

For lightening you need:

  • Distilled water – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Cinnamon – 3 tbsp. l.

Let's move on to the procedure:

  1. Mix the whole composition.
  2. We heat it in a water bath.
  3. Apply warm to strands.
Lighten your hair two tones with cinnamon - Everything will be fine - Issue 73 - 11/05/2012 - Everything will be fine How to lighten your hair without damaging it ☀ at home. Lighten your hair with cinnamon at home

Preparing hair for home lightening

Now you know how to lighten your hair at home in a variety of ways. And so that the result does not disappoint you, listen to our advice:

  • Do not dye your hair for several weeks before and after the procedure;
  • Use masks and balms regularly, preferably homemade ones;
  • Do not overheat your head with a hairdryer, iron, or curlers;
  • Avoid varnishes and gels;
  • Don't wash your hair daily. If necessary, replace traditional shampoo with dry shampoo.

How to lighten hair at home?


Daniil Kirp


Yunus Asanov

mask with honey

Olesya Tikhonova

Go to the master

Paranoia Syndrome

Folk hair lightening remedies
To give a golden tone to your hair, to lighten dark hair, without spoiling it, is the cherished desire of many ladies. To do this, we first use hair dye, tint balms and shampoos. After the chemicals in these dyes damage the skin and hair, we begin to treat them, and as soon as we fix the hair, it is time to lighten it again.
How to lighten hair without using chemicals? There are several ways to lighten dark hair without dye. Simple homemade masks for lightening will not only not spoil your hair, but will also improve its condition. Not only will you get a lighter hair shade, but you will also save your hair from harsh and expensive chemical treatments. Homemade lightening hair masks do not work as instantly as peroxide. To lighten the mask, you need to repeat it several times. And, although you won't achieve blonde hair instantly, your hair will not be damaged, and may even improve its condition, as a result of natural lightening.
Lightening hair with chamomile decoction
Chamomile flowers are a wonderful way to add a golden tone to your hair. Field chamomile is excellent for bleaching hair. For high-quality lightening, it is important to properly prepare the decoction. To prepare a decoction of chamomile, pour half a glass of flowers with two glasses of boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for half an hour, strain. Rinse your hair with chamomile decoction and leave the decoction on your hair for half an hour, making a bath. After half an hour, wash your hair as usual. You can also rinse your hair with chamomile decoction after washing without rinsing it off. Chamomile decoction will lighten your hair if you repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.
Lightening hair with lemon
Lemon is a great natural way to lighten your hair. Thanks to its natural lightening properties, lemon not only perfectly refreshes the skin and gets rid of freckles, but also perfectly lightens the hair. To lighten, it is enough to regularly wash your hair in lemon water. To make lemon water, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons into a container and dilute with warm water. To enhance hair bleaching, you can use the sun's rays: let the sun caress your hair, helping the lightening process, but do not overdo it: it is better to lighten your hair again than to dry your hair out in the sun. After 3 hours, the hair should be washed with shampoo. Lemon rinse should be done 3 times a week to achieve hair lightening naturally.
You can lighten not only your hair with lemon, but also your skin: How to lighten your skin at home
Honey and Cinnamon Lightening Hair Mask
Honey and cinnamon are not only delicious, but also a wonderful natural way to lighten hair. Homemade honey mask with cinnamon not only brightens, but also moisturizes and nourishes hair, making it strong and shiny. You can learn more about the benefits of honey for hair from the article: Beneficial properties of honey
To prepare a homemade brightening mask, you need to mix 4 tablespoons of cinnamon and one glass of honey. To enhance the nutritional effect, if you have dry hair, you can add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to the mask. Mix the ingredients and dilute them with a glass of warm water. Apply the mask to your hair. The combination of honey and cinnamon in this recipe causes natural hair lightening. And olive oil moisturizes and protects hair. Leave the honey mask on your hair for at least 4 hours, then rinse it off. The honey-olive mixture will lighten your hair and improve the health of your hair roots.

How to bleach hair roots at home? And what paint is better to buy?


Yulia Lucky

in Estela there is such a thing as HeK. In general, it is better to always use it (you will find instructions everywhere). For any experiments with hair, I recommend it - a mega product. It protects hair well from chemical exposure to dyes or oxidizing agents. But regarding hair dye, I really liked Garnier Olia. (oil based) . It applies wonderfully, evenly and the smell is just great!!!


Burn your hair

Amenhotep III

Highlighting powder and oxidizing agent 6%


buy clarifier from prof. store and that's it. The roots have been lightened, now paint on top. to tint. but paint without ammonia! and care masks!) lighteners - londa, estelle, keune, kapus... and so on and so forth. Choose your own casserole) the main thing is without ammonia!)


I don’t recommend it at home! there will still be yellowness and you can be left without hair, I already had such a bad experience, I could barely restore my hair in the salon, it’s better to go to a hairdresser

Achieving an even and perfect blonde is difficult, but the difficulties of “newly made” blondes do not end there. Over time, the hair grows back and the dark roots become more and more visible. They spoil the appearance and require painting. How to lighten hair roots at home, recommendations from experts, and what problems you may encounter, read on.

Choosing paint for lightening

Root lightening for blondes is a regular procedure. Over time, the hair grows back and produces a natural, darker shade. This does not look attractive at all, and requires immediate correction of the situation.

There are several basic bleaching agents:

  • sprays, tinted shampoos and mousses;

Lightening the roots is a difficult and responsible task. There is no need to chase the whiteness of your strands if their health and beauty are at stake. Don’t rush, it’s better to consult with a specialist once again than to thoughtlessly trust your intuition and the advice of your blonde friend.