Colored eyelash extensions: features, interesting ideas and recommendations. Eyelash extensions - how to make, care for, remove at home Beautiful eyelash extensions see pictures

Perhaps every woman dreams of long and lush eyelashes. This can be achieved through an extension procedure. This cosmetology service has gained enormous popularity over the years. But before you turn to it, you should understand the pros and cons of the procedure itself, and also become familiar with the features of further care for artificial eyelashes.

Photos before and after


TO positive aspects Eyelash extensions include:

  • creating beautiful, thick and long eyelashes in a few hours.
  • correct and skillful extensions can create a visual correction of the shape of the eyes;
  • long lasting effect of the procedure. Eyelash extensions look very impressive for 2-4 weeks, but this directly depends on the skill of the specialist and the quality of the selected material;
  • further saving of time and money on daily makeup;
  • you can forget about eyelash curlers;
  • no need to constantly check and correct makeup.


However, the procedure also has disadvantages that should be taken into account before resorting to it:

  • the need for regular correction every 3-4 weeks;
  • weakening of your own eyelashes, because the extensions are held on to them;
  • refusal to visit the sauna and bathhouse;
  • Do not rub your eyes with your hands or actively wipe them with a towel;
  • when washing, you will have to avoid using soap and gels;
  • Sleeping on the stomach and face in the pillow is contraindicated;
  • the risk of allergies to the materials or glue used;
  • inconvenience, especially after the first extension;
  • difficulties with daily installation of contact lenses;
  • artificial eyelashes require constant care and control;
  • Eyelash extensions are contraindicated for people who often suffer from conjunctivitis.

How to care

The procedure is not cheap, so the desire to preserve the effect for as long as possible is quite reasonable. Proper care eyelash extensions will help prolong the life of a beautiful and expressive look. To do this, follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not wet eyelashes for 2-3 hours after extensions.
  • Touch your eyes with your hands as little as possible.
  • It is advisable not to cry.
  • Every morning after washing your face, comb your eyelashes with a clean mascara brush. At the same time, it is important not to touch the place where the hairs are attached with the brush, this can lead to eyelash loss.
  • There is no need to dye or curl your eyelash extensions.
  • It is better to sleep on your back or side, without touching your pillow with your eyelashes.
  • Avoid the use of cosmetics based on fatty oil bases; they can weaken the effect of the adhesive composition.
  • You should wash off decorative makeup carefully, without touching your eyelashes.
  • Timely go for correction to a trusted specialist who works only with high-quality materials.
  • Do not pull out eyelashes or remove them yourself.


Materials for creating eyelash extensions are divided into:

  • Natural: mink, sable, kolinsky, silk. The main disadvantage of natural materials is the high risk of allergies.
  • Artificial: rubber, silicone. They are popular due to their practicality and average price.

No less important for high-quality extensions is glue. Experts recommend glue based on special carbon black. This composition is dark blue in color, is highly adhesive, dries quickly, does not clump, does not irritate mucous membranes, there is practically no evaporation from it, and it has a long shelf life even when opened.


The extension procedure itself involves gluing artificial hairs to the base. natural eyelashes. It is performed in two ways: piecewise and bundled.


This technique involves gluing each artificial eyelash separately. She creates more natural look and lasts for at least three weeks.


This is a faster and easier method of extensions, as it is done by gluing eyelashes in ready-made bundles. This option is ideal for evening makeup and requires more frequent correction, since the beams are quite heavy and can fall off under their own weight.


Eyelash extensions can be classified into types depending on length, thickness, color, curl and purpose of use.


In this category, eyelashes are divided into sizes from 4 to 22 mm. The most popular sizes are 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm, the length of which is almost the same as natural. Longer ones are usually used for avant-garde looks and competitive extensions.


There are 8 types of thickness of artificial eyelashes from 0.07 to 0.3 mm.

  • 0.07 mm - ultra-thin;
  • 0.10-0.12 mm - natural, elastic and soft;
  • 0.15 mm - thickened, look like your own painted eyelashes;
  • 0.18-0.20 mm - thick and quite rigid and used to create a bright image;
  • 0.25-0.30 mm - ultra thick, look provocative and suitable for special occasions, are short-lived.


The seven standard types of eyelash extension curls are designated by letters:


The color options for eyelash extensions have a very wide range. The standard and most common color is black; it is most suitable for dark-haired girls.

Redheads and blondes should be given preference brown shades, they look more gentle and soften facial features.

You can create an original look by using eyelashes of different bright colors for extensions.

Goal of expansion

According to the purposes of use, eyelash extensions can be divided into the following types:

  • For everyday wear (classic). For this option, choose eyelashes that are closest to natural, that is, medium-sized hairs and natural color. The upper eyelid is formed only in the outer corners of the eyes, thus the look becomes more expressive and the eyes visually enlarge. Eyelashes on the lower eyelid are not extended.
  • For special occasions. Choose long eyelashes of brighter colors, which decorate the entire upper eyelid. On the lower eyelid, eyelashes are extended depending on the image and desire of the client.
  • For stage images. Usually the longest hairs with bright colors are used. In this case, the eyelashes can be complemented with rhinestones, feathers or gold plating.
  • At sea. For such cases, the most resistant glue and materials are used that do not lose quality under the influence of ultraviolet rays and when in contact with salt water.


Taking into account personal preferences, extension technology, thickness, curl and length of the selected eyelashes, as a result of the procedure you can achieve different effects:


Our own eyelashes are completely replaced in 60-90 days. Extended eyelashes and glue make natural eyelashes heavier and they begin to fall out more often, so it is aesthetically correct to make corrections once a month.

The correction procedure is that the master adds eyelashes in places where there are gaps or, at the client’s request, can change the effect. If the eyelash extensions were tinted with mascara while being worn, they all need to be completely changed.

Before proceeding with the correction, the specialist must inquire about the inconvenience and sensations during the period of wearing artificial eyelashes. Then you should discuss the upcoming correction and, if desired, make adjustments to the design.

First, the master combs the eyelashes and removes those that may fall out in the near future. Then it degreases and cleans the eyelashes well, and after that it begins to form a new design.

The correction procedure lasts about an hour.

While wearing artificial eyelashes, your own eyelashes weaken a little and require special care. Therefore, at your own request or if it is not possible to get a correction, you can take a short break.

Within 2 months, natural eyelashes will be renewed, and artificial eyelashes will completely fall out. During this time, rubbing castor oil will help strengthen your natural eyelashes.

One fine day you decided that your natural eyelashes are currently not as good as you would like, that you need to do something about it and, perhaps, it is better to “enrich” your image with additional extensions.

However, in order to finally decide on further actions, you need to know what eyelash extensions are, their types and the effect after extensions.

In this article:

Types and effects

The artificially extended eyelash frame of the eyes, although it bears the names of fur animals - mink, sable, is of synthetic origin. There is a considerable advantage to this: at least the hairs will not cause allergies (this can only occur with low-quality glue).

Important characteristics include their length, thickness, bend and color. The most optimal length is considered to be 7 - 12 mm. To be specific, the “sable” fibers for this procedure are 1 cm long, mink fibers are 1.5 cm long, and the longest silk fibers are 2 cm long. It is clear that too long, “flying up” eyelashes are more popular among fashion models, used in filming.

When choosing a length, feel free to literally try them on in front of the mirror.

And no matter how much you would like to lengthen all your eyelashes, it is better to follow the rule that the longest hairs are not suitable for extensions at the outer corners of the eyes. Having sagged, they will make the look heavier, and this will not at all decorate the overall appearance. The best option is eyelashes of maximum length should be located under the highest point of the eyebrows.

The thickness of the hair is also of great importance for creating a natural look. The minimum thickness is 0.25 mm, and those with a painted effect are even less - 0.15 mm.

The main colors for synthetic eyelash “edging” are brown and black. It should be remembered that brown preferable for light and red-haired women, due to which facial features are softened. Brunettes and dark blonds opt for black.

Hair extensions also come in different colors. At the same time, you need to stick to the golden mean, not to overdo it with an unusual combination.

Green-eyed girls can afford about 1/3 green eyelashes for the bulk of black ones. This is the perfect proportion. You can highlight a specific area around the eyes with a different color, let's say their outer corners. “Colored” types of eyelash extensions in pictures look very convincing and bright.

Types of bends

It’s worth talking in more detail about the curves of artificial eyelashes. There are as many as six of them, and all of them are designated by letter indices.

When choosing the types of curls for eyelash extensions, you need to take into account not only and not so much your own desire, but the anatomical structure of the eye.

  • If the shape of your eye is not far from ideal and does not need additional visual correction, then curve B with a minimum angle of inclination can be recommended.
  • Category C curl is the most popular, especially among those who are used to using mascara that has a curling effect.
  • For those who have deep-set eyes or drooping eyelids, the D curve will help to visually “open” their eyes.
  • Looking for puppet image? Then Category U is for you, offering wide-open eyes. Eyelashes with such a curve are well suited if you use complex pencil techniques in your makeup.

Warning ! Age-related makeup is a contraindication for this category of curvature. Also, under no circumstances should eyelashes with such a “figure” be used by people with bulging eyes or the raised outer corner of the eye.

  • The bend marked J is most suitable for women with Asian eye shape, deep-set eyes and those wearing glasses.
  • The L bend has a smoother slope compared to the previous one. It is suitable for drooping eyelids. Photos before and after the procedure perfectly demonstrate all types of eyelash extensions.

Images and effects

By choosing a certain bend of artificial hairs, you can easily achieve the desired look.

  • If fibers of equal length are glued along the entire length of the eyelash line, this will create a truly natural effect.
  • By extending identical, but maximally long hairs, the effect of a doll's look is achieved.
  • The fox effect has a special charm. It can be achieved by gradually reducing the length of the eyelashes while moving towards the inner corner of the eye from the outer one. However, we must remember that it will absolutely not suit narrow-eyed girls, but it will add charm to those with round and large eyes.

The fox effect is very suitable for owners of narrow-set eyes. To do this, long, voluminous hairs are grown in the outer corner of the eye.

Options for eyelash extensions, photos of which can be found on many websites, will give a clear idea of ​​what might be best for you.

Types of extensions

Depending on the technique of gluing artificial hairs, there are two technologies - beam and eyelash, the so-called “Hollywood” and “Japanese”.

The very name of the first one suggests: the hairs are glued in bunches. That is 5-7 thin, thin synthetic eyelashes are attached to one living natural eyelash.

This technology has more disadvantages than advantages. In addition to the fact that this is a large load on your own eyelashes, “bundles” more often need correction, since If one bunch falls out, a noticeable bald spot will form on the eyelid.

Beam technology has several names - depending on the scale: 4D...8D, velvet, luxurious, mega-volume. Bright, weightless and fluffy eyelashes really give the look a mysterious velvety quality. The velvet effect is striking, but short-lived.

The most modern is the Japanese extension technique. It can even be called classic. This option is incredibly painstaking and requires scrupulous execution, but it is more effective (and impressive) in terms of naturalness. He, in turn, has several variations.

Effects for celebrations and stage images

Varieties of eyelash extensions can be demonstrated not only in everyday wear, but also in extraordinary situations. What's the difference?

Having a general understanding of eyelash extensions, you can ask the specialist in the salon to show all their types with explanations in order to more confidently navigate the variety, effects, eyelashes and understand which of all this may be most suitable for you.

Useful video

Review of eyelash extensions.

Every woman dreams of beautiful big eyes framed by thick and long eyelashes. And if nature did not give her such eyelashes, then she has to look for ways to make her thin eyelashes “Hollywood”.

Therefore, when the eyelash extension technique was created, which is done step by step in any cosmetology salon, fashionistas perked up and decided to quickly make themselves such “Hollywood” eyelashes.

Step-by-step instructions for eyelash extensions

The extension technology itself consists of gluing several single or bunches of artificial eyelashes to the base of a woman's own eyelashes. Previously it was believed that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences It is better to carry out such a procedure with the help of a professional master exclusively in a beauty salon.

One of the types of eyelash extensions is beam

But due to the high cost of such a procedure, many women have learned to do extensions themselves at home.

Equipment includes preparatory stage and main. The step-by-step extension process is simple and if you approach it with maximum attention and responsibility, you can grow eyelashes even at home.

Let's first consider the classification of types and methods of extension.

There are two main types of extensions:

  • eyelash - with this method, eyelashes look natural and last longer;
  • bunch (a bunch of artificial ones is attached to one of your eyelashes) - the look becomes more expressive, but the bunches won’t last long.

Eyelash extensions vary:

  • by length: short, medium and long;
  • by color: the most commonly used are black and brown, there are also other colors;
  • by material: natural or artificial.

There are also various extension methods:

  • partial extension - when synthetic eyelashes are glued only in the corners or at a certain interval (usually they are longer than their own);
  • complete - when the eyelashes are glued along the entire line, with each artificial one attached to its own;
  • 3D extension - 2 synthetic ones are glued to each of them, creating a three-dimensional effect;
  • creative extensions (eyelashes different colors with sparkles or rhinestones).

The duration of wearing artificial eyelash extensions is usually 2 weeks., after which they will gradually begin to fall out. This process is usually invisible to others.

When choosing eyelashes for extensions, you need to take into account their length, thickness, hair stiffness and curl.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account the length, thickness, stiffness of the hairs and their bend when purchasing. Most often this is indicated on the packaging. You can master the technique of the process yourself step by step, following the recommendations in this article.

When applying individual eyelash extensions, you must first select the right type of eyelashes.

There are 4 types of eyelashes based on the type of material:

  • silk eyelashes are quite voluminous, slightly shiny, they will sufficiently lengthen and add volume to your eyelashes ( evening option, but not everyday);
  • mink eyelashes are light and thin, suitable for everyday wear, but have a drawback (they can cause an allergic reaction);
  • sable eyelashes are heavier, so they do not stick to your very thin eyelashes, although they look very impressive;
  • artificial eyelashes - they are glued very simply (15 minutes), but last 1-2 evenings.

The thickness of the hairs that will stick to the eyelashes should be no more than 0.15 mm, because thicker ones (from 0.2 mm) give a “doll-like” effect and are used for very catchy evening makeup.

It is better to select the length of the hairs in the range of 10-18 mm. When purchasing, it is optimal to choose a set with hairs of different lengths, then longer ones are suitable for the outer corners of the eyes, shorter hairs for the inner corners.

Effects to create an image

There are also various effects used to create a specific eye look:

  1. Natural- the look gains expressiveness without the use of cosmetics.
  2. Fox effect- eyelashes are used different lengths(usually 3), while the outer corner of the eye visually lengthens.
  3. Squirrel- synthetic eyelashes are glued to different lengths, short ones are closer to inside, long - to the outside of the eye, creating an effect of mystery.
  4. Puppet- eyelashes 12-15 mm long are selected, giving the look a doll-like and coquetry look.

The main rule

The classic method of eyelash extensions is the basis of the lash industry. This extension technique is popular because... eyelashes are lengthened gradually in a natural way by gluing artificial eyelashes or thickening your own eyelashes.

This type of extension is widespread in Europe and supports the idea of ​​“naturalness” in makeup, when the eyes look impressive without signs of excessive makeup.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

The main rule for classic extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

There are several basic recommendations for this procedure:

  1. The distance from the base of your eyelash to the beginning of the artificial one is 0.5-1 mm.
  2. The artificial eyelash should stick to its own in the direction from the base to the middle, and it is at the base that the eyelash is glued more tightly.
  3. The autonomy of each individual eyelash must be respected. If they stick together, then later, when there is a difference in the growth of different eyelashes, the woman will feel discomfort.
  4. When gluing the entire row of eyelashes, it is necessary to set them in one direction so that there is no “disheveled effect.”

Required tools and materials

For step-by-step home eyelash extensions, you need to prepare a set of special tools, without which it is impossible to do it correctly and painlessly. The entire technique and the process itself occur directly in contact with the eyes, so getting an infection into the eyes is completely unacceptable.

List of required tools:

  • high-quality hypoallergenic glue (usually black);
  • several toothpicks;
  • packaging of cotton pads;
  • small tweezers, preferably two;
  • container for glue (preferably made of plastic) or glass;
  • spray degreaser for eyelashes;


To prepare for the extension procedure you need:

  • Prepare your hands(wash thoroughly with soap) and face (remove makeup).
  • Glue your lower eyelashes to the skin. For this, special silicone pads or simply paper tape are usually used. You need to stick it on, starting from the corner, so that all the lower eyelashes are covered and do not interfere with work.

Carefully! When gluing, you need to make sure that the eye is closed. It is important that the glue and its fumes do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise it will chemical burn, “tears will flow.”

  • Degreasing the eyelashes to be applied with extensions using a degreaser spray. On cotton swab Spray a little liquid from the spray and carefully run along all the upper eyelashes, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

The preparatory process is completed. Now, in order to master the technique of eyelash extensions, we will consider step by step how this is done.

Extension of individual eyelashes step by step

After all the tools have been prepared and a set of eyelashes has been purchased, we will begin the extension process.

Pay attention! If you are doing extensions for the first time in your life, then it is best to invite a friend or a more experienced person to help you so that they can objectively evaluate the result when gluing each individual eyelash.

Most Popular classic way extensions involve gluing one artificial hair onto one eyelash.

During eyelash extensions, each eyelash is taken with tweezers.

For eyelash extensions, you need 80-120 artificial eyelashes for each eye:

  1. The glue is squeezed onto the glass.
  2. Each eyelash is taken with tweezers and the blunt tip is lowered into the glue to the middle.
  3. Then the eyelash is glued, retreating 0.5-1 mm from the eyelid, to each individual eyelash separately. In this case, short eyelashes are glued to the inner corners of the eye, and the longest ones are glued to the outer corners. This creates a “cat's eye” effect.
  4. Professional experts advise doing several gluing procedures on each eye - 25-30 pieces for the first approach, then move on to the other eye. And so on one by one.
  5. During the last approach, the empty spaces are closed, and then both eyes are visually aligned by the number of cilia.

Bundle extensions step by step

The bun look is also called the “Hollywood” look because it is considered a formal style. The bundles last for a maximum of 2-3 weeks.

Bundles with eyelashes come in knotless and knotted types. A nodule is a ball at the point where several artificial eyelashes meet. If there is a knot, the bundle is easier to apply, but it will be visible on the eyelashes after the procedure is completed.

Usually 15-20 bundles are glued to each eye

Knotless bundles (without balls) have a flat attachment and are glued to the skin of the eyelids.

Bunches also vary in length and density. Often in beauty salons For originality, rhinestones are also glued on.

Usually 15-20 bunches are glued to each eye.

Step-by-step gluing of beams:

  • drop glue onto the prepared glass;
  • a bunch of eyelashes is taken with long tweezers, the tip should be lightly dipped in glue;
  • your own eyelashes are moved apart in the right place using another tweezers, then the bundle is glued into this gap between the eyelashes either to the base of your own eyelash or to the eyelid itself;
  • the direction of gluing is from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, the beams must be distributed evenly along the eyelid to avoid gaps.

Eyelash extension using Japanese technology

The most popular and efficient technique today is the Japanese technology of eyelash extensions for each eyelash separately. By using step-by-step instructions With this technique, any woman can do it at home.

Japanese technique (step-by-step implementation):

  1. Pour the hairs onto white paper or a towel and select the ones you need, sorting them according to length or other parameters.
  2. Prepare the glue - pour it into a small container.
  3. Degrease tweezers using a special solution.
  4. Using a degreaser, treat the area around the eyes and your eyelashes; place damp cotton pads (halves) under the lower eyelids to protect the skin from glue.
  5. Your own eyelashes need to be combed and separated with a brush.
  6. Each artificial eyelash is taken by the tip with tweezers, the base is briefly dipped into the glue, and then applied to its own eyelash near the base. To avoid disturbing the rest of your eyelashes, you need to push them away with a toothpick. For high-quality attachment of the artificial hair, it needs to be lightly pressed onto the eyelash.
  7. The direction of gluing is from the outer to the inner edge of the eye.
  8. All eyelashes should be laid in the same direction.
  9. After finishing the procedure, you need to lie down and wait with your eyes closed for a few minutes for the hairs to stick properly.

Correction of individual eyelash extensions

Typically eyelash extensions last about 3-4 weeks. As a rule, corrections need to be made once a month. For oily skin, correction is done more often.

If a woman used additional tinting of mascara on her eyelash extensions, then she will have to completely redo the whole job: remove the eyelashes, because the mascara gets stuck in the roots of the eyelashes and it is impossible to remove it from there. In this case, gluing the eyelashes is done again.

Caring for eyelash extensions after correction

There are several rules for caring for eyelash extensions:

  • You can wet your eyelashes only 2-3 hours after the extension procedure so that the glue has time to set well;
  • You can’t sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • do not rub your eyes;
  • The washing process is carried out very carefully, because getting wet reduces the lifespan of eyelashes;
  • It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna due to the possibility of straightening artificial eyelashes at high temperatures (approx. 100º);
  • you should not cry, it is also better to refrain from sea swimming (salt water does not have a very positive effect on glued eyelashes);
  • To remove makeup, it would be optimal to use a toner rather than a greasy cream (fat helps dissolve eyelash glue), and you should also not use cosmetics with alcohol, this can greatly dry out the skin on the eyelids;
  • To remove makeup, it is best to use a cotton swab and do this without touching your eyelashes.

It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna for the time being.

Removing eyelash extensions

Used to remove artificial eyelashes special remedy- cream paste for removing eyelash extensions. The paste should be rubbed into the base of the roots of the eyelashes and left for 15 minutes. Then the artificial eyelashes are carefully removed, the remaining excess cream is removed, everything is washed with warm soapy water.

Important to know! When you take off the artificial eyelashes, yours will seem terrible - sparse and short. Don't be scared! This is not because your own ones fell out, but because you are visually accustomed to synthetic, thick and beautiful ones.

Contraindications to the extension procedure:

  • cold or ARVI;
  • tendency to conjunctivitis or blepharitis;
  • allergy to glue or synthetic eyelashes;
  • Very oily skin faces or eyelids;
  • very weak and thin natural eyelashes cannot support the weight of artificial ones;
  • high eye sensitivity and tearfulness.
  1. Sterilization of instruments is the main rule that cannot be avoided.
  2. When using eyelash extensions, which is a more complex procedure, you need to make sure that the glued eyelashes “look in one direction.”
  3. The lifespan of natural eyelashes is about a month, so when applying extensions it is better to choose shorter eyelashes that will grow longer.
  4. It is very important to prevent eyelashes from sticking together during the extension process.

Common mistakes made by newbies:

  • incorrect gluing of artificial eyelashes along the entire length - it is best to fix the eyelash from the base to the middle of your own eyelash;
  • incorrect interval between the eyelid and the glued eyelash (should be 0.5-1 mm) - when the eyelash is glued to the skin of the eyelid, the woman experiences a feeling of tight skin and discomfort when wearing;
  • if the eyelash is glued far from the base, then an extra free edge is formed, the eyelash “dangles”, which reduces the wearing time of such eyelashes;
  • Sticking several eyelashes together prevents them from growing normally, which accelerates the loss of your eyelashes.

After reading this article, a woman who wants to have “Hollywood” eyelashes will understand that the main thing is enthusiasm and experience. Told in this article correct technique for eyelash extensions will help you follow all the steps step by step, gain experience and get an impressive result - beautiful thick eyelashes.

A master class on eyelash extensions is taught by E. Lange:

See how eyelash extensions are performed here:

The beam extension technique is shown in detail here:

“Why do men need such gorgeous eyelashes?” - many representatives of the fair sex are perplexed. Most of them dream of having a memorable and expressive look. Various makeup techniques are used for this, but there is nothing more memorable than a gentle look from under fluffy eyelashes. However, such beauty is not given to everyone. For some it is due to genetics, for others it is due to health. That is why many standards of modern beauty strongly suggest

This procedure not only gives a luxurious look, but also significantly reduces the time spent on morning makeup. Hair extensions are always lush, perfectly curved and will not turn a woman into a panda bear after visiting a sauna or swimming pool.

The latest fashion trend is the extension of colored eyelashes - be it the full length, just individual hairs or their ends.

About materials

Colored eyelash extensions are done using a special resin glue. It can be of different quality. This, by the way, also affects the price of the product. Those who want to wear eyelashes happily ever after prefer ultra-resistant glue.

The eyelashes themselves can be natural or synthetic. If we talk about the latter, they are very similar to the real ones, except that they are more rigid and glassy.

Natural eyelashes are animal hairs. For example, sable or pony. There are even mink wool and human hair. Eyelashes made from sable fur are considered the most beautiful.

Colored eyelash extensions are made from special silk threads. They have the same attractive curve and reach a length of up to 1.5 centimeters. Each eyelash is thin - only 0.5 millimeters.


At the moment, the two most popular extension methods are traditional and Japanese. Those who have done colored eyelash extensions using the traditional method note that the visual effect is very beautiful. But there are also nuances. The main disadvantage is that such eyelashes are very impractical to wear. This method is called a beam method - two or three cilia are connected together and glued to the native one. Such hairs require special care. Therefore, beam extensions are not recommended:

  • visit the sauna;
  • rub your eyes or touch your eyelashes frequently;
  • sleep with your face in the pillow (some do not even recommend sleeping on your side).

Traditionally, eyelash extensions are not worn for long - a week, no more. They are made for parties, holidays and photo shoots. In order not to cause harm to your natural eyelashes, extensions are removed exclusively by masters of their craft.

The Japanese technique is divided into two types - 2D and 3D. The first one makes eyelashes that look close to natural. While the latter differ in thickness and length.

In 2D eyelashes, eyelashes are extended for every second natural one, and in 3D - for every one. Not only pomp, but also the look depends on this.

Nevertheless, the beauty of the look depends not only on the chosen technique, but also on the color of the hairs.


It’s curious, but most women don’t consider such eyelashes to be colored, although they should. They are not classically black, but more natural. This is an ideal option for blondes or red-haired girls.

If we talk about what eye color brown eyelashes will suit, then the answer is clear - anyone. Although, of course, they become more expressive brown eyes.

and purple

Such shades are not only used for full eyelash extensions. Colored corners in these tones make the eyes more foxy and create a certain mystery in the look. But, unfortunately, they are not suitable for everyone.

Blue eyelashes will make light eyes - blue, gray, gray-blue - fade. If you really want it, then such girls are recommended only eyelash extensions with colored inserts in the form of several blue threads.


How wonderful green looks with red hair or light eyes is known from fairy tales that many people read in childhood: most forest beauties had emerald eyelashes.

This color cannot be called everyday. A bright look and contrasting makeup are perfect for it. If you really want to pamper yourself with this spring color, we recommend eyelash extensions with colored tips.


Again, not an option for everyday wear. However, if your lifestyle and work do not impose any restrictions, then why not? Especially when you consider that this color has no restrictions and will suit almost every girl.

Red and its shades

This color is often associated with passion. However, with red eyelashes everything is not so simple. This shade can either turn a girl into a star with a mysterious look that excites the imagination, or make her face look more tired.

White or silver

Winter colors that are used exclusively for photo shoots and parties. You should not go to work or study with them, so as not to leave others in shock.

Color combination

Many people like the combination of blue and purple. There are also those who take more than two colors. In any case, it is important to turn to professionals.


Another eyelash design is rhinestones. Colored eyelashes are quite shocking and often bright; not every girl can afford such a liberty. However, rhinestones are a very delicate and cute option, especially if there are only a few stones.

Of course, here it’s also worth choosing a color scheme, but a mistake will not have as bad an effect on the image as, say, the wrong tone of red eyelashes.


From the above it becomes obvious that in order to add paints to daily life You can do colored eyelash extensions. The features of such a solution should be carefully studied.

First of all, colored eyelash extensions are no different from classic ones. This is a painless procedure that lasts up to three hours. It is very difficult not to fall asleep during it. If you feel even the slightest burning sensation, this is a reason to worry and immediately inform the master, who is called a “lash maker”.

Like any other, even colored eyelashes need correction. The peculiarities of this event are that if makeup was regularly done, even when it was just arrows, a thorough cleaning of the roots is needed. Often, in order to avoid troubles or short-lived wear, hairdressers simply remove old eyelashes and make new ones. The frequency of corrections is at least once a month.

Hygiene and infections

If you contact a specialist for eyelash extensions, there will be no problems with care or infections. The only problem that can occur is an allergy to lint or glue. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to endure for the sake of beauty. Lack of smell, redness and bags have never made anyone more attractive.

Otherwise, you can wash your face with eyelashes without using aggressive toners and other “washes”. You should be careful with greasy makeup removers - they destroy the glue. It is better to use micellar water, foam or gel.

Eyelash care: combing with a brush. And this is mostly not for the sake of health, but for beauty.


Some people believe that wearing colored eyelash extensions for a long time tires their family. There are those who actively demand a break from time to time. To be honest, there is no point in resting something that does not get tired.

The only case when such “fatigue” can occur is when wearing heavy eyelashes, that is, too long. This problem arises when, in the pursuit of beauty, one does not think about practicality and health. In this case, everything needs to be removed and rubbed into the family burdock oil, which can easily be found in any pharmacy. Treatment will take about a month.

However, if you decide to take a break from simply unnatural material, do not tear off your eyelashes, but contact a professional who will remove them, or wait until they all fall off on their own.

Hi all. There is a saying - the eyes are the mirror of the soul, we will not discuss how true it is, but there is some truth in these words, and even if the conversation turns to women's eyes, then there’s not even anything to argue about. Probably all the ladies will agree with me that the eyes on a woman’s face are the most important, brightest organ that determines the overall image. Proper makeup, of course, can correct some imperfections in shapes and emphasize beautiful lines, but if you have naturally weak eyelashes, then makeup is powerless. But you shouldn’t be upset about this, since today you have a great opportunity to correct a natural defect and make fashionable eyelash extensions 2018 photos.

Fashionable eyelash extensions are a very popular procedure in beauty salons today, modern technologies allow us to create lush, bright and expressive eyelashes that will delight you and the people around you with their beautiful appearance. There are often skeptics who criticize fashionable eyelash extensions, claiming that this procedure harms natural eyelashes and the general condition of the eyes. There are, of course, some contraindications, which specialists in beauty salons will tell you about, but well-executed fashionable hair extensions do not pose any harm to the health of your eyes and eyelashes.

Modern eyelash extensions are made using natural or artificial fibers that are as identical as possible to natural hair. Adhesive gels, black or clear, are virtually harmless to the eyes. And if you do not have any eye diseases, then you can safely use this method of decorating your eyelashes. The procedure lasts an average of two hours, after which contact with water is not recommended for about a day, and for two or three weeks you will see real beauty before your eyes, long thick eyelashes that look simply fabulous.

Do you know how important it is for any woman to be beautiful and like herself, first of all? After all, your whole life depends on this, when a lady realizes her beauty and attractiveness, her wings simply grow. Self-confidence appears, a wonderful mood appears, well-being and general health improve, the woman begins to live brightly, feel all the charm of life, it is simply impossible not to fall in love with such a lady. And you shouldn’t listen to the droning skeptics, let them continue to be in their usual bad mood.

Dear ladies, decorate yourself, get fashionable eyelash extensions, work on your hair, eyebrows, create a new stylish makeup and all these expenses will return to you in a wonderful mood, health and joy of life. Everything is in your hands, at any age and under any circumstances, a woman simply must take care of herself and be beautiful, stylish, elegant and happy. Because beauty is the most important and significant thing in the life of any lady, beautiful woman You simply cannot be unhappy, this is already an unwritten law of life. Now let's see the most interesting photos, let's admire the fashionable eyelash extensions of 2018 and create the same beauty for yourself on your beautiful eyes. We wish you to create your own unique image that will delight you and your loved ones. With love, website

fashionable eyelash extensions photo 2018 fashionable eyelash extensions


Lash eyelash extensions. Video

Bundle eyelash extensions. Video