On the handle of the Louis Vuitton bag is the inscription mai. Louis Vuitton bags: the difference between the original and the fake

About what pisses us off on the streets of Moscow (and not only). Many agreed that they do not like Louis Vuitton bags (and many other popular brands) because they are the most counterfeit, many are fake good quality and it’s quite difficult to distinguish from the real one, so you don’t even want to buy the original one, or if you already have one, wear it. What I think about this is that you need to buy what you really like. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s Louis Vuitton or Mango, Zara, Furla, etc. If you want Louis Vuitton, buy it without paying attention to anyone, because it is you, and not the people around you, who will receive satisfaction from the purchase. And I will try to help you figure out how not to be deceived and buy a fake. I’ll say right away that we won’t discuss rough fakes, with uneven seams, protruding threads and glue, we’ll talk about high-quality fakes and how to spot them. Let's go))) 1. Where to buy. In addition to France, Louis Vuitton is also produced in the USA, Spain, Germany and Italy. To be authentic, it is not enough to have a patch with the inscription "Made in France" Patches can be from all countries where Louis Vuitton bags are produced. Try to buy bags and products at the Louis Vuitton brand store. You cannot buy it in a multi-brand store, but in a Louis Vuitton boutique.
2. Louis Vuitton NEVER discounts! Remember, Louis Vuitton NEVER has sales! And he never sells large quantities at a discount, some claim that they bought a large number of bags from them, so they got a big discount and now they sell them cheaper than in the store - blatant lie! Go to their corporate website and see if there is such a model and how much it costs. The entire model range is presented there, and if the price of a bag on the website is $3000, then it cannot possibly cost $850, for example. Difference from the prices posted on the website in different countries not significant, from 5-40 Euro maximum. The cheap price should also alert you; this is a rather expensive brand with a high pricing policy.
Conclusion: Louis Vuitton will never be sold cheaply or at a discount. 3. Product packaging. Plastic bag- it's always dark brown; made of dense material, slightly rough to the touch, with wicker handles (the weaving resembles a spiral). The Louis Vuitton package must have written: “LOUIS VUITTON – Maison Fonde’e en 1854 – Paris.” Only in this order. Today, counterfeits are often sold with a bag, but the bag usually only says Louis Vuitton. The brand name Louis Vuitton has its own distinctive font, in which the letter Oh very round, however, manufacturers of fakes have learned to fake the font. Wallets, many bags, belts, etc. packed in boxes. Manufacturers of counterfeits have succeeded in this too, but, as you know, brands like Louis Vuitton pay great attention to the little things that are forgotten in counterfeit products. Louis Vuitton boxes – dark brown on the outside with a beige sliding part. Typically, the boxes are tied with rope made of a rubber material that resembles leather. Each box has a special “tongue”, helping to open the box.
The product is wrapped in white paper and sealed with stickers with the inscription “Louis Vuitton” if the sticker is rectangular, or with the LV logo if the sticker is round.
Cases Louis Vuitton, which come complete with all products - light yellow or deeper “mustard” color(depending on the country of manufacture), pleasant to the touch, with the inscription “Louis Vuitton”. Fake cases are usually made of synthetic material, which rolls up, spreads and is unpleasant to the touch. Louis Vuitton never covers metal parts of new products with cloth or cellophane. 4. Individual code. I'll tell you about it in great detail. Each Louis Vuitton bag has a product code. It can be on a separate strap or simply stamped on some part of the bag.

Early 80s: LV used a three or four digit number to indicate the month and year of manufacture.
IN in this case, the number 831 tells us that the bag was made in January 1983; if the bag had been made in December, the number would have been four-digit: 8312. Late 80s: letters began to be added to the number to indicate the manufacturing factory.
The code 884ET means that the wallet was made in France, in April 88. On Speedy series bags, the code is divided into two parts and written on the “things” from the handle.
Here the code 892 FC meant that the bag was made in February 89 in the USA -90s: LV changed the codes, now in four digit number the first and third digits meant the month, the second and fourth - the year. This coding was used until 2006. Inside the Mini Ponchette series bag:
And this is a limited edition Mini Ponchette. The code for bags in this series (even if it is limited) is still in the same place.
The code is embossed on the D-ring on the Cabas Piano series bags:
- January 2007: LV changed the system, 1 and 3 digits are the week number in the year, 2 and 4 are the year itself. Now, if you see SD code 0077, then the bag was manufactured in 2007, week 7, which would be around mid to late February 2007. All existing country codes: France: A0, A1, A2, AA, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, CT, DU, ET, FL, MB, MI, NO, RA, RI, SD, SL, SN, SP , SR, TH, VI USA: FC, FH, LA, OS, SD Spain: CA, LO, LB, LM, LW Italy: CE, SA Germany: LP 5. LV does not attach tags to handles. Usually, they put them in a pocket or in a special envelope. It happens that in some models the tag is attached to the ring near the handle and placed inside.
The tags cannot be found on the outside of a real LV bag. And there cannot be any samples of leather from a real LV bag! These are tips to follow when buying a bag. How can you visually determine whether a bag is real or fake? 1. Study the line. The stitching of the bag is always very neat. Identical elements of the bag should have same number of stitches. For example, on this bag the handles are stitched with five stitches.

If you are stitching a part that is stitched on both sides, the length and number of stitches on both sides of this part should be the same.
The stitches are repeated even on different handles of the bag. Moreover, the leather insert for attaching the handles on Louis bags is usually stitched on five sides - on top too! 2. Placement of monograms on the bag. The LV monogram itself and its placement on the leather of the bag can be one of the most important clues in determining the authenticity of the product. Namely, their symmetry. The designs must be symmetrical on all sides, on all parts of the product!
The placement of LV monograms usually (with the exception of some vintage models) runs symmetrically across the fabric of the bag in a horizontal line (in traditional models, Multicolore, Cerises, Mini-mono, Vernis, etc.). Moreover, this rule applies to the sides of the bag and its base.

Inverted monograms are also not always a sign of fake. Some models, such as Papillon or Speedy, are made from a single piece of leather without a seam in the middle of the bottom, so LV “upside down” is acceptable in them.

3. Almost no modern bag has blotches on the front (outer) part. Fake.
Some vintage bags may have one, but only to engrave the owner's name. Vintage bag.
In modern models, the credo is usually located inside the bag.
4. Brand fonts. Louis Vuitton uses a very specific typeface. Look at the photos below and remember what the Louis font looks like: very round "O"– one of the distinctive features of the Louis Vuitton font. 4. Material Material – canvas, from which Louis Vuitton makes most of its luggage, bags, wallets and accessories, is unique and almost impossible to counterfeit. Today, other houses have patented analogues, for example, Burberry or Etro, but everyone has their own technology and keeps it strictly secret. Louis Vuitton's monogrammed pieces primarily use calfskin. True, Louis Vuitton produces products from various skins. For example, bags from the Suhali line, which use goat leather; Lockit and Alma bags, which are also available in alligator leather; bags released in 2009, which contain python leather elements; as well as the Galliera bag, which, in addition to the classic canvas models, also comes in python leather. On classic bags, the leather elements are light caramel in color, the edges are painted red and stitched with yellow threads. ATTENTION: The leather in the original bag will become darker with use. honey shade(this effect does not occur in fakes). I'm talking about leather parts. When purchased, they are light beige in color; from humidity and sun they will gradually TAN (darken).
5. Lining. What does the inner fabric (lining) of the bag look like? For example, brown Louis Vuitton bags from the Monogram line usually have brown inner fabric. The most important thing in brown lining is that the fabric must be made from cotton canvas (suede-like)! Even in vintage series. Most white bags from the Multicolore line have a red lining, while black bags have a grey-beige lining. The Neverfull bag, made in the classic monogram, has a beige cotton lining with brown stripes, if this bag is from the Damier line, then the lining will be red with brown stripes. The Speedy or Batignolles bags with the classic monogram have a cotton lining and are ALWAYS brown, the Speedy Damier Azur line has a beige lining, and the Speedy Damier Ebony has a red lining.

In some official photos of Louis Vuitton bags, the brown inner fabric may look like suede, but it is still cotton. So if you see a brown lining that is not made of cotton, it is a fake, as, for example, in the photo below:
6 . All metal parts the originals are marked Louis Vuitton or LV. On the triangle with the key, the inscription is located at the bottom close to the edge, and the hole for the key itself should be deep and have a metal pin inside in the middle. There should be a Louis Vuitton engraving underneath the hole. Absolutely all parts must be marked!
I hope I have described to you in detail and clearly how to distinguish a real Louis Vuitton bag from a high-quality fake one. For me, a real Mango bag is better than a fake LV one. Sources. 8. Personal experience and the experience of my beloved friends.

According to statistics, Louis Vuitton is the most counterfeited brand in the world. To avoid buying a fake, we will tell you how to distinguish the original from the replica.

1. Product packaging

The package is always dark brown; made of dense material, slightly rough to the touch, with wicker handles (the weaving resembles a spiral). The Louis Vuitton package must have the following written on it: “LOUIS VUITTON – MaisonFonde’een 1854 – Paris”. Only in this order. Today, counterfeits are often sold with a bag, but the bag usually only says Louis Vuitton. The brand name Louis Vuitton has its own distinctive font, in which the letter O is very round, but counterfeit manufacturers have learned to fake the font.
- Wallets, many bags, belts, etc. packed in boxes. Manufacturers of counterfeits have succeeded in this too, but, as you know, brands like Louis Vuitton pay great attention to the little things that are forgotten in counterfeit products. Louis Vuitton boxes are dark brown on the outside with a beige drawer. Typically, the boxes are tied with rope made of a rubber material that resembles leather. Each box has a special “tab” to help you open the box.
- The product is wrapped in white paper and sealed with stickers with the inscription “Louis Vuitton” if the sticker is rectangular, or with the LV logo if the sticker is round.
- Louis Vuitton cases, which come with all products, are light yellow or a richer “mustard” color (depending on the country of manufacture), pleasant to the touch, with the inscription “Louis Vuitton”. Fake cases are usually made of synthetic material, which rolls up, spreads and is unpleasant to the touch. Louis Vuitton never covers the metal parts of new products with fabric or cellophane.

2. Individual code

Each Louis Vuitton bag has a product code. It can be on a separate strap or simply stamped on some part of the bag.
- Early 80s: LV used a three or four digit number to indicate the month and year of production.
- A number, for example 831, tells us that the bag was made in January 1983; if the bag was made in December, the number would be four-digit: 8312. Late 80s: letters began to be added to the number, which indicated the manufacturing factory .
- A code, for example, 884ET means that the wallet was made in France, in April 88. On Speedy series bags, the code is divided into two parts and written on the “things” from the handle.
- Codes like 892 FC meant that the bag was made in February 89 in the USA -90s: LV changed the codes, now in a four-digit number the first and third digits meant the month, the second and fourth - the year. This coding was used until 2006.
- The code for limited edition bags is still in the same place.
- The code is embossed on the D-ring on CabasPiano series bags.
- January 2007: LV changed the system, 1 and 3 digits are the number of the week in the year, 2 and 4 are the year itself. Now, if you see SD code 0077, then the bag was manufactured in 2007, week 7, which would be around mid to late February 2007. All existing country codes: France: A0, A1, A2, AA, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, CT, DU, ET, FL, MB, MI, NO, RA, RI, SD, SL, SN, SP , SR, TH, VI USA: FC, FH, LA, OS, SD Spain: CA, LO, LB, LM, LW Italy: CE, SA Germany: LP 5. LV does not attach tags to handles. Usually, they put them in a pocket or in a special envelope. It happens that in some models the tag is attached to the ring near the handle and placed inside.

3. Lightning

The tags cannot be found on the outside of a real LV bag. And there cannot be any samples of leather from a real LV bag!
- Study the line. The stitching of the bag is always very neat. Identical elements of the bag should have the same number of stitches.
- If you are stitching a part that is stitched on both sides, the length and number of stitches on both sides of this part must be the same.
- The stitches are repeated even on different handles of the bag. Moreover, the leather insert for attaching the handles on Louis bags is usually stitched on five sides - on the top too!

4. Placement of monograms on the bag

The LV monogram itself and its placement on the leather of the bag can be one of the most important clues in determining the authenticity of the product. Namely, their symmetry. The designs must be symmetrical on all sides, on all parts of the product!
- The placement of LV monograms usually (with the exception of some vintage models) goes symmetrically across the fabric of the bag along a horizontal line (in traditional models, Multicolore, Cerises, Mini-mono, Vernis, etc.). Moreover, this rule applies to the sides of the bag and its base.
- Inverted monograms are also not always a sign of fake. Some models, such as Papillon or Speedy, are made from a single piece of leather without a seam in the middle of the bottom, so the LV “upside down” is acceptable in them.

5. Brand fonts

Louis Vuitton uses a very specific typeface. Look at the photos below and remember what the Louis font looks like: a very round "O"
– one of the distinctive features of the Louis Vuitton font.

6. Material

The canvas material from which Louis Vuitton makes most of its luggage, bags, wallets and accessories is unique and almost impossible to counterfeit. Today, other houses have patented analogues, for example, Burberry or Etro, but everyone has their own technology and keeps it strictly secret. Louis Vuitton's monogrammed pieces primarily use calfskin. True, Louis Vuitton produces products from various leathers. For example, bags from the Suhali line, which use goat leather; Lockit and Alma bags, which are also available in alligator leather; bags released in 2009, which contain python leather elements; as well as the Galliera bag, which, in addition to the classic canvas models, also comes in python leather. On classic bags, the leather elements are light caramel in color, the edges are painted red and stitched with yellow threads.
– In the original bag, during use, the leather will acquire a darker honey shade (in fakes this effect does not occur. When purchased, they are light beige in color, from humidity and the sun they will gradually TAN (darken).

7. Lining

What does the inner fabric (lining) of the bag look like? For example, brown Louis Vuitton bags from the Monogram line usually have brown inner fabric. The most important thing in brown lining is that the fabric must be made of cotton canvas (reminiscent of suede)! Even in vintage series. Most white bags from the Multicolore line have a red lining, while black bags have a grey-beige lining. The Neverfull bag, made in the classic monogram, has a beige cotton lining with brown stripes, if this bag is from the Damier line, then the lining will be red with brown stripes. Speedy or Batignolles bags with the classic monogram have a cotton lining and ALWAYS brown, Speedy from the DamierAzur line has a beige lining, and SpeedyDamierEbony has a red lining.
- In some official photos of Louis Vuitton bags, the brown inner fabric may look like suede, but it is still cotton. So if you see a brown laning that is not made of cotton, it is a fake.

8. Accessories

All metal parts on the originals are marked Louis Vuitton or LV. On the triangle with the key, the inscription is located at the bottom close to the edge, and the hole for the key itself should be deep and have a metal pin inside in the middle. There should be a Louis Vuitton engraving underneath the hole. Absolutely all parts must be marked!

In the Minsk shopping center, fake Christian Louboutin shoes, a now popular Louis Vuitton backpack, and at the same time they grabbed a men's LV wallet. Then they took similar originals and compared it all in detail. The girls really helped me with their trained eye. So uncover your deposits of #brandtrends. Let's start practicing recognizing an awl by sight, smell and taste.

As you understand, the topic of fakes is really fat - so I decided not to limit myself to the blog, but prepared it for the Belarusian portal onliner.by. The text has already been released, so it’s important to imagine what’s going on there now in the comments. First, I’ll give a link to the original source: you can read it. But I also want to blog about this topic, so I’m just copying it below. For those who have already read it on the online site, you can immediately go to the last paragraph - I have a sensible question there on the topic of fakes for discussion.

But first, about the bag and shoes... “We intend to test the main desire of all Belarusian beauties - those same sworn Christian Louboutin shoes with red soles.

And the task is more difficult - we want to compare the copy and the original of the most counterfeit bag in the world - Louis Vuitton. By the way, many girls walk along the streets of Minsk with fake Loius Vuitton and Chanel, without even realizing that they are fakes. Copies can be very decent, but can you doubt the sincerity of a gift from your beloved wealthy fan? In general, girls, let’s not let our guard down.

Well, so as not to get up twice, we decided to dilute our female experiment with a truly masculine attribute - an indestructible and eternally stylish Louis Vuitton wallet. All trade counters are also littered with their fakes.

Let's start with this as a warm-up. We easily bought our copy in a shopping center for 55 rubles (about 20 euros), while the price of original Louis Vuitton wallets on the official website varies from €300 to €500, depending on the features of the model. And as you know, the pricing policy of this capricious brand is not discussed: LV is not satisfied with sales and promotions on principle, preferring to burn what is not sold.

Original - on the right

Original - on top

But the seller’s ironclad argument was the presence of a branded box, which always has a special tongue for convenient opening of the package. Indeed, the original wallet also turned out to be in similar packaging.

Original - below

“Often a fake item can be detected already at the stage of examining the box,” let’s compare the two packages closer. - Here [box on the left - approx. Onliner.by] used thinner, cheaper cardboard, and therefore it has already had time to bend. The original box is thick, plus the opening tab is obviously longer.

And the producers of the fake, as often happens, forgot about the boot - a pouch for storing the wallet. It was only found in the original box.

Now let's deal with the papers. Firstly, the purchase receipt itself looks like a full-fledged document, and not a tear-off coupon, as is the case with a fake. And the large number of inserts that we found in the box with the fake serve rather as distracting tinsel.

All that matters to us in the case of Louis Vuitton products is to find two pieces of paper in the package: one with brown font indicates the composition of the product, the other with the model number. Moreover, two identical wallets different colors will have different numbers. And any model can be “checked” on the company’s official website.

This is what happened with the original: under the number N62663 we found exactly such a wallet made of graphite-colored canvas.

We didn’t find the counterfeit numbers at all, which wasn’t the least bit surprising. Because the Chinese origin of the wallet was confirmed by the product itself: the material was too oak to the touch, the obvious smell of glue, the inscription inside was unclear and too large, and the coin holder was crooked.

Fake - on top

By the way, a similar model with a coin holder was found in the official catalog - it costs €425. But finding such an original in Minsk for comparison is still problematic: we only started needing coin holders a couple of weeks ago, so almost all LV wallets in Belarusian hands do not have a compartment for coins. But to complete the experiment, this will be enough for us. Because the most important element for comparison is the famous Louis Vuitton canvas, which, according to the stated idea, should be the same in both wallets.

Left - fake, right - original

— The famous rough checkered material or with the LV monogram is a canvas patented by the house of Louis Vuitton, the composition of which is kept secret — immediately shows discrepancies in the information on Inna’s inserts. “That’s why in the original it’s called coated fabric.” The copy states that the wallet is made of cowhide. LV has models from different materials, but when it comes to this recognizable outline, you need to look for it in the description of the material.

The original liner is on the bottom. In addition to the correct composition, also pay attention to the corporate font and brown text color

In a word, we gave the fake wallet a weak C and started studying Louis Vuitton bags. We have the main fashion fetish of this season - Palm Springs backpack from, again, the most counterfeited version of the canvas with the LV monogram.

The original backpack is on the right, the fake is on the left

The original of this size sells for €1350, but we made our own fake genuine leather Bought at the mall for $180. The seller did not even try to convince of originality, but noted: the bags are popular and he constantly brings them to order.

We must admit that it is really difficult to distinguish a fake from a meter distance. The only thing that gives away the copy is the label on the plastic eyelet: such “decorations” on LV bags are not even serious.

“Shoals” begin to emerge upon closer examination: pay attention to too dark shade canvas and distinctive features Chinese fakes - very large letters on the branded tongue and unclear embossing.

Original - right

To the touch it’s the same story as with the wallet. The fake material is very hard, while the original Louis Vuitton canvas bags have earned their popularity due to the combination of softness and indestructibility: the bag can be crumpled with one hand, but it will straighten out just as easily.

We are again not interested in the extra “garbage” inside, although there was even an excess of it in the fake bag.

Our main task is much more specific - we need to find a small tag with a magic code inside the bag. But bags, unlike wallets, protect against counterfeiting in a much more sophisticated way. Since 2008, the original code on bags consists of two letters and four numbers: the letters indicate the country of production, and the numbers indicate the time of production. The sum of the first and third digits in the code gives the number of the week in the year in which the bag was made, and the sum of the second and fourth digits gives the year itself.

We didn't find any code on the fake bag at all. And while you check the reality of the birth of your Louis Vuitton, we sniff the light chemical smell our fake and compare the details. The straps also turn out to be too hard to the touch, and the decorative tab at the bottom of the backpack is again very large.

The originals are on the right

But the drawing was done almost correctly. In original bags it will always be symmetrical and fit exactly at the seams. In our fake, the symmetry is well observed, but above the front pocket the pattern does not meet at the seam. In general, we give the fake a B minus for a good attempt. But it’s still very expensive, don’t you think?

And for dessert we have the main desire of any fashionista - iconic Christian Louboutin pumps nude shade on a 12-centimeter stiletto heel. After LV bags, this is perhaps the second most fake brand item.

The original is on the right (the sticker with size 37 is pasted temporarily for convenience)

The sexiest of the line, the So Kate model (the designer dedicated these shoes to model Kate Moss) now costs €515 on the official website, but we found our replica in a Minsk shopping center for 259 rubles (2,590,000), which is very expensive for such a fake. And now you will understand why.

In both photos the original is on the left

Contrary to popular belief, Christian Louboutin shoes do not have any documentary support: they do not put any quality certificates in the box, but only put a sticker on it with the name and color of the model, as well as a barcode. But you can also look at the packaging itself. On the original box (she is on the right in the photo) the inscription is a little voluminous and glossy, while on the fake one it was simply printed in white paint.

So we will closely study the content directly. Every child already knows that all Christian Louboutin shoes have a signature red sole. Therefore, it is clear that the presence of this feature is no guarantee of originality. But often a fake item is given away by an overt chemical smell, so the first thing you need to do is smell the shoes.

But you can easily spot a fake by appearance soles. In original shoes (left) the sole is only bright scarlet and always glossy. Other shades of red or matte finish are clear signs of a fake.

Plus, real shoes are made entirely of genuine leather, including the sole. This can be checked by the markings on the shoes or by touch: the leather sole is a little soft, you can leave a mark on it with your fingernail, while the fake plastic is downright hard.

The heels in Christian Louboutin shoes are made to match the color of the shoe. On copy (right) Even if the shade matches, the heel is often betrayed by cheap plastic.

A distinctive feature of the original boats is a beautiful, even curve. Or at least note that the original model (pictured left) very heavily carved on the sides. Plus, the heel often gives away the fake: the original So Kate has a very thin heel, the heel is even and the fastening at the base is very neat. A fake is a dirty job.

Original - on the right

Another nuance is the position of the spout. In the original model (left) it only rises slightly from the floor, and in copies the nose is very often openly raised.

By the way, it’s also not always possible to call the execution of the original flawless: “Louboutins” sometimes suffer from protruding glue. But the seams around the perimeter are neat, small, exactly the same tone as the skin and are located very close to the edge. The fake shoes are frankly rudely made.

Another sure sign fakes - the insole is too wide. Christian Louboutin shoes are well known for their elegance, so the central part of the shoes and, accordingly, the insoles are frankly narrow to make the pumps look more beautiful. So a feeling of convenience is also not an indicator of authenticity in this case. And by the way, a little-known observation for our latitudes: the original Christian Louboutin runs small in relation to our size markings. Therefore, for your 37th you need to look for a model with the designation 38.

And also about love for details. Branded shoes are equipped with a duster not only for shoes, but also for spare heels. Manufacturers of counterfeits often save on this.

However, they have already learned to copy the boot itself, so when purchasing, you can pay attention to the softness of the fabric (it feels like a thin flannel without a hint of hardness) and the correspondence of the fonts on the boot, the box and the shoes themselves.

Original - on the right


Founder of luxury clothing marketplace Luxxy.com

The famous Canva Monogram was created in 1896 by Georges Vuitton as a defense against the creators of counterfeits, who were already attracted by the status of the brand. Louis Vuitton is still one of the most popular and most counterfeited brands in the world. And one of the most desirable!

Whatever your motivation - searching for a rare vintage model on eBay or simply doubting the authenticity of a colleague's bag, with our tips you can independently try to distinguish an original Louis Vuitton from a fake.


Look at everything in detail

The first thing you should do before purchasing is to ask the seller to send additional photos of the product. Refusal is a sure sign that you are being offered a replica.

If you are new to a brand or a specific model of bag, find original photos on the official Louis Vuitton website. As a rule, scammers are too lazy to completely copy exactly even the external design.

Let's say the seller sent a photo of the bag from different angles. Carefully read the common differences and compare them with the images sent.

Check the quality of workmanship

A question of quality. The brand’s craftsmen never sew a bag so that the “LV” monogram on the ornament goes into the seams. Other details - yes, monogram - never.

All joints, seams, material, finishing at Louis Vuitton are perfect. Always. The number of stitches is symmetrical on all sides, there are no overly pressed inscriptions, the fonts are barely noticeable, the cut of the belt is made lengthwise and is almost invisible to the eye. Zippers and seams do not violate the unity of the pattern of the fabric from which the bag is made; the details of the pattern are always symmetrical.

Look inside

Lining. The color scheme of the interior trim of the pocket, straps with rings for keys and wallets, as well as other details of the interior decoration must fully match the color scheme of the handles and leather trim of the product.

You can compare the interior design of the bag with images from the official website.

Pay attention to the fittings

The bag fittings are made of brass and cannot be made of plastic. On the zipper tongues there is an LV engraving, made in a characteristic font: the left edge of the letters will be slightly thicker compared to the right, where they are thin. Manufacturers of counterfeits have not yet learned how to engrave the immortal emblem correctly and do it in a regular font with the same width of letters.

Check the stamps

Some models have the letters LV pressed into the front. If you have chosen just such a model, carefully examine the pin - it should be inconspicuous, the style of the monogram letters should be the same as those located on the fittings.

All Louis Vuitton bags have a stamp on the leather tag of the product. It indicates the country of production (there are only five options: France, Italy, Spain, USA, Germany). Each bag also has a special code - two letters and four numbers. The letters are another pointer to the place of manufacture (which in fakes often does not coincide with what is written on the external element), the first and third numbers are the week (until 2007 - the month), the second and fourth are the year the product was created. The code allows you to calculate how long the bag was in use and whether this period corresponds to its condition.

Analyze the price

The last marker is the price. You should understand the pricing policy of the Louis Vuitton brand and soberly assess the size of the discount offered. The brand never organizes sales of its bag collections. If the reason for setting a too attractive price is “purchasing a large quantity of goods at a low price,” stop the correspondence immediately. For example, a discontinued bag in perfect condition cannot cost 20,000 rubles.

A Louis Vuitton bag is the ultimate dream for many fashion fans. This accessory is considered ideal for almost any outfit and is appropriate in any situation. The owner of an LV bag is simultaneously aware of the latest trends and fashion history, has good taste and respects high quality. But, unfortunately, Louis Vuitton is too famous and popular: The history of counterfeit brand accessories begins in the 19th century and, almost without changes in quantity, moves into the 20th and then into the 21st. According to Forbes, LV bags are one of the 8 most counterfeited items in the world, along with Ugg boots, Rolex watches and even 50 euro bills. But if in the first years of the brand’s existence it was difficult to distinguish the so-called “fakes” from genuine products, now this problem can be solved in many ways, common in which is knowledge of the nuances of production and the history of the most counterfeited fashion brand in the world.

1. There are NO discounts on Louis Vuitton.

The cost of an authentic Louis Vuitton bag starts from 300 euros. Prices for wallets and other accessories start from 150 euros. Louis Vuitton is a brand that never has sales or discounted items. Also, the brand's products cannot be sold wholesale.

ADVICE: The official website louisvuitton.com contains a list of boutiques where you will be offered genuine brand products without discounts, but with registration in the brand database, a lifetime guarantee and other documents.

2. Louis Vuitton is NOT sold in multi-brand boutiques.

Louis Vuitton bags are sold only in LV branded boutiques. Multi-brand boutiques and online stores offer fakes. It is also almost impossible to purchase an original at online auctions.

ADVICE: Genuine Louis Vuitton bags should only be purchased in branded boutiques, preferably abroad. In this case, you get a product that will last for many years, and if any defects occur, specialists will properly eliminate them. Also in the Louis Vuitton boutique they can put your initials on the bag using the “hot stamping” technology.

3. Louis Vuitton does not release each bag series in all colors and materials of the brand.

Each series of the Louis Vuitton brand has specific shapes, colors and is made from specific materials. For example, the Multicolor series, which has been produced since 2003, does not include the Backpack, Ellipse and Papillon models. The Cherry Blossom series, developed in 2004, does not include Alma, Speedy, Pegase or Cabas. Most Louis Vuitton bags are made from a unique canvas material that cannot be duplicated. Monogram models are predominantly made from calfskin, the Suhali line uses goat leather, and the Lockit and Alma bags are made from alligator leather. In 2009, models with python leather elements were released, and Galliera bags can be made from either this leather or canvas. Leather elements on classic models When purchased, Louis Vuitton should have a light caramel shade, which becomes darker and honey-like as it wears. A fake can also give itself away by the color and material of the lining. U original models Speedy and Batignolles with the classic LV monogram always have a brown cotton canvas lining. Speedy Damier Azur has beige color linings, and Speedy Damier Ebony is red. The lining in the white bags of the Multicolor line is red, in the black ones it is gray-beige.

ADVICE: To purchase an original Louis Vuitton, you need to know the history of the brand. Therefore, before choosing a bag, study the site louisvuitton.com. Look at the model you are interested in, study its shape, color and details. In the boutique, please note that real bags are sold with handles wrapped in cellophane, but in the sales area they are displayed without it.

4. Modern Louis Vuitton does NOT have labels or patches with the brand name or material samples on the outside of the bag.

Modern Louis Vuitton bags have brand name patches on them. inside bags. On vintage models, the owner's name patch may be located on the outside. The labels on Louis Vuitton bags are located in the pocket or inside the bag. The price tag can also be packed in an envelope. Authentic products may not contain samples of the material from which they are made.

ADVICE: Check the code on your LV bag. All models released since 1995 have a code consisting of two letters and four numbers. It must be identical on every part of the bag, including the included wallet.

5. Elements of each type of Louis Vuitton monogram may NOT look different.

The classic Monogram Toile canvas bags have been in production since 1966. From now on the monogram Not has changed. Logos in traditional models, as well as in products from the Multicolore, Cerises, Vernis and other series, are located horizontally symmetrically with respect to the handles, center and sides of the bag. Monograms can be reversed on one side of the item if it is made from a single piece of leather without a seam on the bottom (like the Keepall, Papillon and Speedy models).

ADVICE: logo is an iconic element of the Louis Vuitton fashion house, so when purchasing, please close attention on the location of the monograms. Each bag is designed with logos and designs in mind, so branding cannot be cut, stitched or placed unevenly. An inverted monogram is only allowed on bags not made in France, as they are not made from a single piece of leather there. There are no red symbols in real Multicolore bags , and logos of the same color cannot be located next to each other. A total of 33 colors are used in the monogram of this series: 24 for flowers and 9 for LV logos.

6. A Louis Vuitton bag may NOT have any manufacturing defects.

Louis Vuitton bags are always sewn symmetrically and neatly. Low-quality fakes are eliminated at the stage of determining the price, but expensive fakes often have imperfections that cannot be found in the originals. So, all metal parts on the originals are marked Louis Vuitton or LV. On the triangle with the key, the inscription is located at the bottom close to the edge, and the hole for the key itself should be deep and have a metal pin inside in the middle. There should be a Louis Vuitton engraving underneath the hole.

ADVICE: Before purchasing a Louis Vuitton bag, examine its seams. They should be small and perfectly even. On identical elements of the bag, the stitching consists of the same number of stitches. There should always be 10 of them on the corner, and 5 on the loop connecting the handles to the base. On the back of the leather triangle of the Speedy bag, the size is indicated - 30, 45 or 55.


Most Louis Vuitton bags are made in France. But the originals can also be produced in Spain, Germany, Italy or the USA. Modern “Made in USA” bags can only be sold in the USA.

ADVICE: Carefully study the markings on the bag. The original must have the registered trademark “R” at the top, followed by the brand name “Louis Vuitton”, followed by the word “Paris”. The lowest inscription is the country of origin in the “Made in...” format. If there is a metal tablet on the outside, the information on it must be indicated in the following form: “Depose En France Et A L’etranger Louis Vuitton – Inventeur – 101, Avenue Des Champs Elysees, Paris.”

8. A Louis Vuitton bag can NOT be packaged in multiple ways.

The original Louis Vuitton packaging also has a number of features. Metal parts new bag are not covered with cloth or cellophane. Upon purchase, the product is wrapped in white paper and sealed with a sticker - rectangular with the Louis Vuitton inscription or round with the LV logo. Next, the product is placed in a branded case of light yellow or mustard color (depending on the country of origin). The bag in the case is placed in a dark brown box with a beige pull-out part. The box has a special tongue for easy opening and is tied at the top with a rubber rope with a texture similar to leather. The bag in which the packed bag is placed is made of dense, slightly rough material of a dark brown color and has wicker handles.

ADVICE: check the inscription on the package in which the product you purchased is placed. The original package is marked “LOUIS VUITTON – Maison Fonde’e en 1854 – Paris”, and the presence of all the words and their order are decisive. Also, genuine products have two labels, one of which contains the names of the line and material of the bag, and the other has a barcode, model name in French and date number. Labels are not attached to the bag.


Even world celebrities are not immune from Louis Vuitton fakes. At one of the social events Victoria Beckham was spotted with a counterfeit brand. After this embarrassment, Marc Jacobs, creative director of LV, sent the star an original bag with a note “Darling, keep your mark.”