On which hand does a man wear a wedding ring? On which hand and finger should the wedding ring be put, what do traditions say about this? Silver wedding rings

Wedding rings are symbols of marriage. Loving people They give them to each other and wear them as a sign of sincerity of intentions and devotion. According to historians, this tradition originated with the ancient Greeks. According to another version - in Ancient Egypt. In those days, finger decoration was symbolic and not valuable. Such decorations were made from hemp or reed. In the Middle Ages, European rulers and even counts and dukes issued decrees about which finger the ring should be placed on.

This tradition was different in each country. For example, in England at the end of the seventeenth century it was customary to wear a ring on the little finger, and in Germany knights wore it on the little finger. At the same time ordinary people there were no strict rules regarding which finger the wedding ring was placed on. Over time, the material used to make rings has changed. They began to be decorated with carvings, inlaid with precious stones, and combining different

So, which finger is currently worn on? Now the tradition of exchanging rings has not lost its original meaning. The shape of the decoration, which has neither end nor beginning, represents endless love. Valuable metals that are used for manufacturing jewelry, are considered a symbol of purity and nobility of intentions. The appearance and design of jewelry is strikingly diverse. If previously ordinary smooth rings were considered traditional wedding rings, nowadays jewelry with complex construction and design is increasingly being chosen.

A fashionable trend is the inlay of other types of metal or a combination of several types of them (for example, yellow and also “chaotic” scattering precious stones. Although gold traditionally symbolizes the purity and purity of a girl.

Currently, there are differences in which finger the wedding ring is placed on. So, for example, Orthodox Christians put it on their right hand, because this hand is considered the “correct” one, more important. This tradition is followed in Central and Eastern Europe (countries of the former USSR), as well as in Germany, Spain, Norway, Austria, Greece, Georgia, India, Chile, and Venezuela. In Armenia, Turkey, France, Ireland, Great Britain, Croatia, Slovenia, USA, Mexico, Canada, Sweden, Korea, Japan, Syria, Cuba, the ring is worn on the ring finger, but on the left hand. In these countries, they adhere to the following belief: which finger the wedding ring is placed on is closest to the heart.

However, not everyone shares this opinion. According to Jewish custom, the bride wears a symbol of devoted love on the Ancient Rus' did the same. Gypsies, according to their customs, put the ring on a chain and wear it around the neck. Widowers are known to wear the jewelry on the finger of their other hand. In other words, if married people wear a ring on their right hand, then widows and widowers wear a ring on their left hand. The situation is more complicated when the person is divorced. Many people do not wear a “reminder” of marriage at all (in the literal sense of the word), and some put a ring on their left hand after a divorce. There are no clear rules here.

We in Russia prefer to wear a wedding ring on the right hand, and many foreigners prefer to wear it on the left. What is the difference if both couples love each other?

According to legend, ring finger is directly related to the heart, but the choice of hand differs from country to country.

As in any other country, Russian weddings can be different. Some happy couples organize a luxurious banquet, inviting all distant relatives from different corners countries. At such celebrations, the drinking usually flows like a river and the dancing continues until the morning. Others spend this important day in a small company of their closest people. Some people get married in a church, while others prefer a civil ceremony.

However, there is a ritual that is unchanged at all Russian weddings: the bride and groom exchange wedding rings and put them on each other’s ring finger. This tradition is widespread throughout the world, but in different countries This is a finger of either the left or right hand. Why do Russians prefer the right?

From Rome to Moscow

The custom of wearing wedding rings dates back to very ancient times. The Greek historian Plutarch, who lived in 46-120 AD, noted in his writings that the Egyptians wore wedding rings on the fourth finger of their left hand. The ancients believed that special vein connects this finger to the heart, which means it symbolizes love and fidelity.

So the Greeks and Romans probably borrowed this tradition from their Egyptian neighbors. But what about the hand? Some researchers believe that the Romans wore a wedding ring on their right hand, since the left was considered bad and unreliable.

The Orthodox Christian Church adopted this custom from the Romans through Byzantium, and then, during the baptism of Rus', it came to the territory of modern Russia. That is, in a sense, we can say that the Russians inherited the custom of putting wedding rings on the right hand from Caesar and Cicero.

Different hands, same essence

At the same time, religious differences do not clearly determine the answer to the question of which hand is more suitable for a wedding ring. More precisely, the choice of hand depends not only on religious beliefs, but also on the customs of the country. For example, in Catholic Poland, married people wear rings on their right hands, as in Orthodox Greece.

As for Western European countries and the United States, most residents prefer the left hand, because... it is believed to be closer to the heart. It also happens that a couple puts on one ring during engagement and another during marriage. These rings can be worn on different hands.

In general, it is not so important which hand you wear the ring on; what is much more important is what it symbolizes, namely the purity and constancy of the feelings of two loving people.

On which hand is a wedding ring worn: traditions of different countries

There are many legends telling about the traditions and customs of wearing wedding jewelry on the ring finger in Russia. One of them says that it is on this finger that there is a blood vessel leading straight to the heart.

This romantic story says that the ring finger is the most protected from otherworldly forces, so the family amulet is worn exclusively on it.

Ring on the right hand

Orthodox Russians put a ring on their right hand, specifically on the fourth or, as it is also called, ring finger.

According to legend, a wedding ring on the right hand protects the family from illnesses, envious people, and strengthens spiritual strength. It is with the right hand that Orthodox Christians make the sign of the cross.

Ring on the left hand

In Russia, divorced spouses often wear rings on their left hands, and widowers do the same.

In the Roman Empire, newlyweds put rings on their left hand, mainly on the middle finger; the same tradition was traced in England. Muslims purchase rings exclusively for women; men consider wearing gold jewelry on their fingers to be a bad omen. Gypsy customs allow the ring to be hung on a chain and worn around the neck.

On which hand do women wear a wedding ring? There are no special requirements for representatives of the fair sex; it is enough to observe the traditions of the society where a woman builds a family.

It is believed that an engagement ring should not be given to try on, even to close relatives.

Precious metals have a certain memory and absorb the energy of another person, which can ultimately bring negativity to the owner of the ring

But such traditions did not always exist. Some sources say that the finger, called the index finger, was considered ideal for wearing the treasured ring. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it was the woman who had long been the keeper of the family hearth and indicated the direction of the love boat so that it would not break in everyday life.

Wedding and engagement rings- one of the most important symbols in a person’s life. Both of them mark the beginning of a new stage in the relationship between lovers. An engagement ring indicates the seriousness of intentions, and a wedding ring confirms these intentions and makes them come true.

Getting engaged means you can now officially be called the bride and groom. You have taken the first and main step towards marriage. As proof of love, the future husband gives his beloved a engagement ring. Which finger should I wear it on?

The groom puts the ring on the ring finger of the bride's right hand on the day of the engagement. This ring is considered a symbol of eternal love, the way it originated in hearts and was at the very beginning of a relationship: ardent, hot and passionate. The bride wears this jewelry until the wedding day or registration at the registry office.

An engagement ring is usually put away in a box and not worn, and sometimes it is simply worn as a decoration on any finger, but this is after the wedding.

The place where the wedding ring is worn largely depends on the circumstances and religion. Generally in Russian Federation husband and wife wear their wedding rings on the ring finger of their right hand, that is, in the same place as the engagement ring.

Sometimes brides do not want to part with their engagement ring and wear it along with their wedding ring, that is, two rings on one finger. But in this case, you should make sure in advance that the rings fit well with each other, are made of the same metal, or, if they are gold, of gold of the same color. Rings that are similar in style will harmonize well on one finger.

In Russia, a wedding ring can also be worn on the left hand, but only widows and widowers do this. Divorced people, of course, don't wear wedding rings at all. Many European countries profess Catholicism, with their own rituals, traditions and patterns. It so happened that Catholics wear wedding rings on the ring finger of their left hand, and Orthodox Christians wear wedding rings on the same finger of their right hand.

Traditions of wearing wedding rings among different peoples of the world

The ring finger of the right hand seems to us the most suitable place for wedding and engagement rings. But we are simply accustomed to this, while for many other nations things are completely different. European women wear an engagement ring on their left hand, believing that she is closer to the heart. On the day of the marriage ceremony, it “moves” to the right hand, and after the wedding, both rings are often worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

Jewish ladies generally ignore the importance of the ring finger, preferring the index finger instead, and gypsies do not want to wear jewelry on their hands at all, but hang it on a chain and put it around their neck.

Oddly enough, Catholics very often violate their own traditions of wearing wedding rings. For example, in Austria, Spain and Norway, where the majority of residents are Catholics, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand no matter what.

We continue to be interested in the seemingly ordinary traditions that surround us, but upon careful consideration, many surprising things are revealed.

The tradition of exchanging rings during a marriage ceremony has been known since ancient times. The first mention of this custom dates back to the era of the Old Kingdom, that is, 4 millennia BC. At that time, the presentation and acceptance of a wedding ring or bracelet (usually made of hemp or sedge) meant that the woman became the property of the man, and he was obliged to protect her.

Men began wearing wedding rings (bracelets) about 1,500 years later. And then it became a symbol of the unification of two halves into a single whole. During the times of Ancient Rome, rings began to be made of iron or bronze. Everyone knows gold ring appeared only in the III-IV centuries.

So, the ring, which is a closed circle, has long been a symbol of the infinity of feelings of two lovers and is magically designed to strengthen the earthly and heavenly connection between them. The noble metal from which the rings are made is a symbol of purity and purity. Initially, wedding rings were extremely simple and did not have any decorations.

Nowadays, in Russia, another equally important ritual is not always observed - engagement, the so-called betrothal, which implies preliminary consent on the part of the beloved woman to a marriage proposal from her lover. For European countries, such a ritual is mandatory. On the day of engagement, the newlyweds receive approval for the official marriage from relatives, and the groom presents the bride with an engagement ring, which symbolizes tender feelings and is a guarantee of the seriousness of intentions. Such rings can be family jewels, passed down from generation to generation. In Orthodox Russia, the engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the bride's right hand, who wears it without removing it until the day of the official wedding. Subsequently, it can be worn over the wedding band or kept as a family heirloom.

Historians and archaeologists cannot answer the question of which hand the ancient Egyptians wore rings on. The only thing they are unanimous about is that it was worn on the ring finger. According to legend, the artery of love (vena amoris) passed through it. In the Middle Ages, almost every European ruler, and sometimes even counts and dukes, issued their own decrees on which finger to wear the ring on - it could be absolutely any finger of both hands. Thus, in England at the end of the 17th century, it was customary to wear a wedding ring on the thumb, and in German lands, among knighthood, the custom of decorating the little finger with it was very widespread. IN modern world It is customary to wear a ring on the ring finger of the right hand among Orthodox Christians, in the countries of Central-Eastern Europe, among Catholics in Austria, as well as in Serbia, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Chile, Norway, Germany, Greece, Spain, India, Venezuela and others countries. The Orthodox clergy explains this by saying that “right” is synonymous with correct, faithful, and is associated with strength and reliability. Catholics wear wedding rings on the left hand, as well as in countries such as Turkey, Armenia, Cuba, Brazil, France, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, USA, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Korea, Syria.

This is what a “wedding ring” looks like, a sign of marriage for men in Iran. Source ( http://loginov-lip.livejournal.com/396446.html)

The Nuremberg Museum houses a 13th-century ring found during excavations. It has a simple triangular profile and the inscription “Loyalty is in me.” Then there were inscriptions like “Love to the grave”, “As long as I love, I hope” - or, on the contrary, more pathetic - “United together by God, cannot be separated by man.” The number “3” was considered a symbol of hope, faith and love, and “7” was simply lucky. Half rings were very popular back then. They were worn separately by husband and wife, but only when joined together, these halves made up a whole ring on which some saying could be read.

The Catholic Church emphasizes that left hand is closer to the heart, so the vein of love (the same one from the legend) passes through it. According to Jewish traditions, the bride places a ring on her index finger. The same tradition existed in ancient times in Rus'. In Islam, men are not allowed to wear wedding rings. If worn, it is made of silver or other metals. According to Islam they are not allowed to wear gold.

In some European countries, a wedding ring is also an engagement ring and changes its status when it is engraved with an inscription and begins to be worn on the other hand. If you are using something other than an engagement ring for your wedding, and the question arises as to whether it should be worn during the wedding ceremony, then several options are possible. The bride can place the engagement ring on the ring finger of her left hand, and the groom places her wedding ring on the same finger. Or the bride can wear an engagement ring on the ring finger of her right hand. After the wedding, the bride can still wear both rings on different hands, thereby protecting them from scratches. Another option is that the engagement ring is kept by the bride's witness in a special bag, on a plate, etc. After the ceremony, the ring can be put back on either the right or left hand.

Ancient Roman jewelry

Post-wedding customs

In some Western cultures (USA, UK, Italy, France, Sweden), wedding rings are worn on the left hand. The tradition of wearing a ring on the ring finger dates back to very ancient times, when it was believed that the “vein of love” (vena amoris) passes through this finger of the left hand, and a married couple, putting rings on the ring finger, symbolically declared their eternal love for each other . Currently, this custom has become a tradition and standard of etiquette in these countries.

In other countries such as Greece, Germany, Russia, Spain, India, Colombia, Venezuela and Chile, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. Orthodox Christians and Eastern Europeans also wear a wedding ring on their right hand. Jews wear it on the left hand, despite the fact that during the wedding ceremony the ring is worn on the right hand. In Holland, Catholics wear a ring on their left hand, everyone else wears it on their right; In Austria, Catholics wear a ring on their right hand. In Belgium, the choice of hand depends on the region. Greeks, many of whom are Orthodox, wear a wedding ring on their right hand in accordance with Greek tradition.

The reason for this lies in the Roman custom of wearing a wedding ring on the right hand, because... in Latin the word for "left" is "sinister", which is English means "evil, sinister." In Latin, "right" is "dexter", from which in English the word "dexterity" comes from, which means "agility, dexterity, skill." Therefore, the left hand is associated with negative feelings, and the right hand with positive feelings.

In general, the ancient Romans, when performing a betrothal ceremony, gave the bride's parents a simple metal ring as a symbol of commitment and ability to support the bride. Marriage was not always a “union of two hearts”; from ancient times, even cave times, and until very recently, the purpose of marriage was profit (money, position in society, etc.). In ancient Rome, it was believed that the metal in a wedding ring reflected the inviolability of the marriage bond. The man gave his chosen one, who could be less than 10 years old, an iron ring before the wedding. Then, when the girl grew up, the man officially took her as his wife. After that, he gave her a gold ring. Wedding rings in Rome they were worn only by women. Roman women wore up to 16 (!) rings on each hand. In winter they are heavy and wide, and in summer they are thin, light and graceful. Mostly gold and silver jewelry without stones. Moreover, in everyday life, rings indicated social status residents: the upper classes had the right to wear gold rings, townspeople - silver, and slaves - metal. The engagement and then betrothal that preceded the marriage (at all these ceremonies the bride was supposed to be given a ring) were actually the guarantees of the upcoming marriage transaction and the firmness of the groom’s intentions. Initially, the betrothal ceremony was more important than the wedding itself, which was considered only a simple completion of a successful engagement.

Traditions associated with the funeral ceremony

Although according to the law and norms adopted in many religions, a marriage ends with the death of one of the spouses, the customs and symbolism of wearing wedding rings in this case vary greatly: the widower or widow continues to wear his wedding ring, but on the other hand; some remove their wedding ring and put on and wear the ring of their deceased spouse. In many cultures, the duration of wearing and the custom of how to wear a ring depend not on the norms accepted in society, but on family traditions and from the choice of the spouse himself. Sometimes a widow or widower adds the deceased spouse's ring to hers and wears two rings on the same finger.

Modern traditions abroad

In the UK and US, it was a common belief among older people that wedding rings should mostly be worn by women. Nowadays, it is common for both spouses to wear rings, but may remove them from time to time for reasons related to the nature of the job, comfort or safety. Some people don't like the idea of ​​using precious metals or they do not want to declare their legal status through decoration. There are people who prefer to wear their wedding ring on a chain around their neck.

The tradition of using two rings, i.e. for both spouses, is relatively young. Its origin is unclear and it was never widespread. In the late 19th century, the American jewelry industry began a marketing campaign to encourage the use of two rings. This tradition was not widespread at that time, although an etiquette book published in 1937 recommended that both spouses wear rings. The lessons of the 1920s, the changing economic situation and the impact of World War II led to a second, more successful marketing campaign, and as a result, by the end of the 1940s. The “two rings” tradition was used by 80% of those getting married, compared to 15% before the Great Depression.

There are many interpretations of ways to wear rings. Thus, it is argued that a woman should wear her wedding ring lower than her engagement ring, thereby placing it closer to her heart. Other rules require that the wedding ring be placed above the engagement ring to maintain an engaged atmosphere in the marriage. Some people believe that you should only wear your wedding ring. In the US, you can see a set of three rings in stores: a man's wedding band, a woman's engagement ring and a thin ring that is attached to the engagement ring before the wedding and turns it into a permanent wedding ring.

Materials for making rings

Many religions allow the use of rings of any material during a marriage ceremony as a symbol of the marriage vow, and in unusual circumstances even the use of unusual substitute rings.

Jewelers mainly make wedding rings from a precious yellow alloy of gold, copper, tin and bismuth. Platinum and white gold alloys are also used, although the previously used light yellow white gold alloys are now increasingly being replaced by cheaper nickel-gold alloys, coated with a thin layer of rhodium, which must be reapplied after a few years. Titanium has recently become very popular as a material for engagement rings due to its durability, availability and gray, associated with weapon material. Tungsten carbide was also used, often with gold or platinum inlays. The cheapest material for wedding rings is nickel-plated silver - for those who prefer this metal over others for its appearance or cost. Increasingly, couples are buying rings made of stainless steel, which is as durable as platinum and titanium, and its polishing is of a higher quality than that of the latter. Silver, copper, brass and other cheaper metals are not often used because... they are susceptible to corrosion over time and thus cannot symbolize permanence. Aluminum or toxic metals are never used.
Contrary to popular legend, titanium rings can be easily removed using a special jewelry tool and ring pliers.

Styles and fashion trends

Jewish wedding ring from the 14th century.

The sleek gold ring is the most popular design. People associated with medicine often wear such rings because... they are easy to wash. Women usually wear narrow rings, men - wider ones.

In France and French-speaking countries, the most common ring consists of three rings intertwined. They symbolize Christian virtues: faith, hope, love, where “love” is equated to a special type of beautiful sublime love, denoted by the ancient Greek word “agape”. However, such rings are used less and less, because they fall on top of each other.

Women in Greek, Italian and Anatolian cultures sometimes receive and wear so-called puzzle rings - a set of interlocking metal rings that must be joined together to form one ring. Men give such rings as a witty test of their women's monogamy: even if a woman can easily solve the puzzle, she still cannot quickly remove and replace the ring.

In North America and some European countries, many married women wear two rings on the same finger: an engagement ring and a wedding ring. Couples often buy a set of two rings - one for the groom and one for the bride - where the ring designs complement each other. In addition, some women who have been married for many years wear three rings on their finger (from palm to fingertip): a wedding ring, an engagement ring, and an eternity ring. This three-ring combination is especially common in the UK.

In the United States, the tradition of engraving rings is becoming increasingly popular.

In the USA, Canada and other English-speaking countries, the Celtic style has become popular among people of Irish and Scottish descent. Rings of this style are distinguished by the presence of an engraving or embossing of the Celtic Knot on the ring, symbolizing unity and continuity. The Claddagh design is sometimes used to symbolize fidelity.

In Ukraine now, too, everyone strives