Moldovan national holiday March 1st. How is Martisor celebrated in Moldova? Legends of Fat-Frumos and Snowdrop

History of the holiday

The tradition of Martisor goes deep into the past and, according to historians, its age is at least eight thousand years. "Merz" in Romanian means the month of March, and "March", accordingly, comes from the Latin name of the god Mars.
The holiday is based on several beautiful legends: One legend is about a fragile flower with snow-white petals named Giochel, who survived the confrontation with an evil whirlwind named Krivets. The flower was saved by the kind intercessor Spring, who sprinkled Giochel’s petals with her scarlet blood. In another version, this is a snowdrop that survived the evil attacks of the old woman Winter and announced her arrival to the whole world. Another legend where the Sun descended to earth in the form of a beautiful girl, but the evil Serpent stole her and locked her in his palace. After this, the birds stopped singing, the children forgot what fun and laughter were, and the whole world plunged into darkness and sadness. And only one brave young man decided to save the Sun. For a whole year he searched for the evil Snake, and when he found it, he challenged him to a fight. In an unequal battle, the Serpent died, but managed to wound the young man. And so, the Sun returned to the sky, illuminating the whole world with its rays, and spring came. But the young man did not have time to see spring. His wound turned out to be fatal and where the warm scarlet blood of the young man flowed onto the ground, the snow melted and white flowers grew - snowdrops, harbingers of spring. Since then, in honor of the liberator of the world from darkness and sadness, people have woven two cords with white and red flowers. Red symbolizes love, beauty and memory of the deceased young man, and white symbolizes the health and purity of the snowdrop, the first spring flower.

Holiday traditions

On this day, the first of March, people give each other red and white talismans with words of love and joy, saying: “Live and bloom like apple trees and pears in the heart of spring.”
Martisors are worn on the chest throughout March, and in early April they are hung on a fruit tree and made a wish that must certainly come true. And Moldavian National Museum Nature and Ethnography has been collecting and exhibiting entire exhibitions of these wonderful symbols of spring and love, made with folk skill and imagination, for several years now. These include crocheted openwork flowers, solid poppy boxes, two-color lanterns, and fur animals.
In addition to Moldova, the arrival of spring is celebrated in a similar way in Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece and Albania.

This wonderful holiday is accompanied by the international music festival “Martisor”, which is being held in Moldova for the forty-first time. The festival includes all musical genres, from jazz to classical. A huge number of guests come to this holiday. Residents of Moldova are delighted with their art by performers and ensembles of academic, pop, folk, and jazz music from Australia, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine and other countries. .

Come to Moldova for the Martisor Festival and you will never forget the hospitality and friendliness of the Moldovan people!


On a personal note, this is my favorite holiday! There is still snow on the streets of Chisinau, the sun is shining but not warming, we are wrapping ourselves in our warm clothes, but the city is replete with the bright colors of the holiday and it is already felt that spring has come. There are smiles on their faces and everyone has a flower pinned to their chest, a symbol of spring!

I drink Cahors spring days
(the days have become a little warmer),
I give Moldovan martisor
And hugs to all my friends!

If in some countries it is customary to say goodbye to winter, then in Moldova it is customary to welcome spring. Every year on March 1st the Moldovan national holiday “Martisor” is celebrated. The tradition of celebrating “Martisor” was established by the distant ancestors of the Moldovans, who New Year celebrated with the arrival of spring. On this day, people give each other martisor (a symbol of clarity and happiness), this is a miniature red and white decoration in the form of all kinds of flowers, bells, beads, men, and hearts.

Martisor is also a source of pride for every Moldovan, pride that this symbol of spring, fertility, happiness and prosperity has settled in his homeland. Any resident of Moldova talks with admiration about the history of its appearance and the signs associated with it. Martisors are worn on clothes all month, and in April, red and white talismans need to be tied to a fruit tree and make a wish that will certainly come true. And if the tree on which you attached the martisor gives a rich harvest, it means that you will not miss happiness and love this year.

This beautiful tradition was born by legend. The legend about Martisor is passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. Interpretations of this beautiful and good fairy tale various.

There are a great many interpretations of this legend. Here are two of them:
“Long ago, in time immemorial, a fragile flower with snow-white petals named Giochel - Snowdrop appeared on earth. It grew on a bare cogosor when the sun first pierced the gray snow clouds with the golden arrows of its rays. Little Giochel was protected from the cold by the beautiful and kind sorceress Spring. The evil whirlwind-night owl Krivets heard about the brave flower. He flew out of his icy home with the intention of freezing the brave man who dared to cross the harsh law of his icy kingdom. The ferocious Krivets tore out the thorny rose hips from the ground and threw it out of frustration into the bright Spring, pricking her little finger. hot scarlet blood fell to the ground and stained the white petals of Giochel. Each hot drop brought this delicate and fragile flower back to life. When Giochel’s strength returned, he joyfully announced the coming of Spring.”
According to another legend, the Sun descended to earth in the form of a beautiful girl. But the evil Serpent stole him and locked him in his palace. After this, the birds stopped singing, the children forgot what fun and laughter were, and the whole world plunged into sadness. One brave young man decided to save the Sun. For a whole year he searched for the Serpent's palace, and when he found it, he challenged him to a fight. They fought for a long time, and in the end the young man defeated the Snake. He released the beautiful Sun. It rose into the sky and illuminated the whole world. Spring came, nature came to life, people remembered what joy is, but the brave young man did not have time to see spring. His warm blood flowed onto the snow. The last drop of blood fell and he died from his wounds. Where the snow melted, white flowers grew - snowdrops, the harbingers of spring. Since then, in honor of the liberator of the world from darkness and sadness, people have been weaving two laces with white and red flowers. The red color symbolizes the love of beauty and the memory of the blood of the deceased young man, and the white color symbolizes the health and purity of the snowdrop, the first spring flower.

Perhaps not everyone knows what Martisor is, and therefore I will tell you about this holiday.

A long time ago, the Moldovan people had a tradition: on the first day of spring, they gave each other Martisor.
The lucky owner of this gift wears it on his clothes throughout the month of March - on the left side of the chest, near the heart.
Where did this tradition come from?
Legends of Fat-Frumos and Snowdrop

One old legend says that in ancient times there lived a young handsome guy among the Getae and Dacians. His name was Fat-Frumos, which translated into Russian means Well done, Handsome, Good Well done.
Fat-Frumos was cheerful and kind, in love with nature native land. And then one day on the first day of spring at sunrise he galloped into the forest. In a sunny clearing, the young man saw a wonderful flower named “Giochel” - a snowdrop.

Who are you? - the guy asked the flower.
- I am Giochel, the messenger of Spring! I notify everyone about the end of winter and the arrival of spring! If I appeared, it means that the end of the cold, fierce blizzards and blizzards has come. My opened flower attracts warmth and bright sun, calling migratory birds to its native land!

But there’s still snow all around, won’t you freeze? - the young man became worried.

No, I'm not afraid of the cold! - answered Giochel.

Then the fierce Blizzard-Frost walked past a forest clearing and heard the words of Giochel. Blizzard-Frost was angry that such a fragile flower was not afraid of him and notified everyone about the passing of winter and the beginning of spring. Blizzard-Frost became angry and furious, and sent all his cold power to Giochel. Then the spring flower began to turn pale and freeze, lowering its delicate white head down.

Don't die, Giochel! – Fat-Frumos shouted to him and rushed to stop the raging cold storm.
But the young man was unable to overcome the sharp Blizzard-Frost. Then, falling to his knees from his wounds, Fat-Frumos managed to get to the dying Giochel and covered the flower with his chest from the cold. Drops of hot blood that came straight from the heart fell to the ground next to the freezing flower.
With his blood and his last breath, Fat-Frumos warmed Giochel, and the white flower survived! It bloomed further and notified everyone about the arrival of Spring!
And the dying Fat-Frumos turned into another beautiful flower.
This is how the legend about a beautiful flower and the holiday of the arrival of spring - Martisor - was born.

In different villages we tell this legend in their own way.
For example, there is another legend that in a forest clearing a young man met a beautiful forest fairy who came to notify the world of the coming of Spring. The young people liked each other. But the insidious Blizzard-Frost let the cold fall on the Fairy, and then in the struggle mortally wounded the young man. Fat Frumos tried to warm the freezing Fairy with his hot blood from his wounds, but they both died. The first spring flower grew at this place - the white Snowdrop. And Fat-Frumos turned into a beautiful flower Bujor (forest or foreign Peony).

Since then, people have been telling these legends to their children, making and giving Martisors to each other, rejoicing at the arrival of spring.
Spring gift Martisor

What is this gift - Martisor?
Martisors are varied in design, there are a great many forms. But they are all made strictly in two colors: white - the color of Snowdrop, and red - the color of Fat-Frumos' blood.

Ordinary Martisors are balls or circles. Or is it a white flower head (in the form of a snowdrop cap) and the same red one. They are knitted from threads and then fastened together. A bow is made at the ends of the threads.
The finished Martisor is sewn onto clothing or fastened with a badge on the left side of the chest near the heart. The gift is worn from the first day of March until the end of the month.

On the last day of March, Martisor is taken off and tied to a branch of some plant (tree or perennial flower). This suggests that a person takes patronage for the whole year, until next spring, to look after and care for this plant.
And Martisor attached to a plant indicates that this plant is occupied. The bright red and white coloring of Mărtisor reminds people of their obligation to care for their plants.
Of course, this is also from a legend, but many people follow this tradition, providing further care for the plant. This tradition is especially revered in villages.

Although everyone ties their martisor to a branch of a plant, not everyone can regularly care for their tree; This is especially difficult in the bustle of the city.
However, these legends are still alive, and the traditional Spring Festival is celebrated joyfully!

For 43 years in a row, within the framework of this spring holiday In the period from March 1 to March 10, an International Cultural Festival is held in Moldova, which is called “Martisor”.

So in March everyone celebrates Martisor, wears gifts on their chests and rejoices at the coming spring.

Congratulations to everyone on the coming of Spring, on the Martisor holiday!

Martisor (Mold. Mărţişor, Martisor, Mărţiguş, Roman. Mărţişor, Arum. M`arţu from Moldovan martie, martie “March”) is a traditional holiday to welcome spring in Moldova and Romania. Celebrated on March 1st. On this day, people give each other small boutonnieres in the form of flowers made from white and red threads. This decoration, just like the holiday, is called martisor.

In Bulgaria there is a similar holiday called Baba Marta, and on this day it is customary to give martenitsa or, as they are also called, Martenitsa.

Legends of origin

According to one legend, on the first day of March, the beautiful Spring came out to the edge of the forest, looked around and saw a snowdrop emerging from under the snow in a thawed patch of thorns. She decided to help him and began to clear the ground around him, freeing him from the thorny branches. Winter saw this and became furious. She waved her hands and summoned a cold wind with snow to destroy the primrose. The weak flower wilted under the cruel wind. But Spring covered the sprout with her hands and pricked herself with a thorn. A drop of hot blood fell from her wounded hand, and the flower came to life. So Spring defeated Winter. The colors of Martisor symbolize her red blood on the white snow.

According to another legend, the Sun descended to earth in the form of a beautiful girl. But the evil Serpent stole him and locked him in his palace. After this, the birds stopped singing, the children forgot what fun and laughter were, and the whole world plunged into sadness. One brave young man decided to save the Sun. For a whole year he searched for the Serpent's palace, and when he found it, he challenged him to a fight. They fought for a long time, and in the end the young man defeated the Snake. He released the beautiful Sun. It rose into the sky and illuminated the whole world. Spring came, nature came to life, people remembered what joy is, but the brave young man did not have time to see spring. His warm blood flowed onto the snow. The last drop of blood fell and he died from his wounds. Where the snow melted, white flowers grew - snowdrops, the harbingers of spring. Since then, in honor of the liberator of the world from darkness and sadness, people have been weaving two laces with white and red flowers. The red color symbolizes the love of beauty and the memory of the blood of the deceased young man, and the white color symbolizes the health and purity of the snowdrop, the first spring flower.


The historical roots of Martisor remain a mystery, but it is generally believed that the holiday originated during the Roman Empire, when the New Year was celebrated on March 1, the month of the god Mars. Mars was not only the god of war, but also the god of agriculture, promoting the revival of nature. This duality is reflected in Martisor, where white and red can be understood as symbols of peace and war.

Archaeological excavations in Romania prove that amulets, like the modern martisor, existed about 8 thousand years ago. Then they were made in the form of small stones, painted white and red, worn around the neck. Martisor was first mentioned by Iordache Golescu. Folklorist Simon Florea Marian wrote that in Moldova and Bukovina, martisor consisted of a gold or silver coin on a red and white thread, which children wore around their necks. Girls also wore martisor around their necks for the first 12 days of spring, and then wove it into their hair until the storks arrived or until the first trees bloomed. Then a red and white thread was tied to a tree, and kash (a type of sheep cheese) was bought with a coin.


Martisors are worn on clothes all month, and on March 31 they are removed and hung on flowering fruit trees. It is believed that thanks to this people will be successful throughout the next year. According to legend, if you make a wish while hanging martisor on a tree, it will definitely come true. At the beginning of April, in many cities and villages of Moldova you can see trees hung with martisors.

In Moldova, the Martisor music festival begins on March 1 of each year. This festival was first held in 1967.

In some areas of Romania, martisors are not worn throughout March, but only for the first two weeks. It is believed to bring health and prosperity. In Transylvanian villages, martisors are tied to doors, windows, and the horns of domestic animals, as it is believed that they drive away evil spirits and give vitality. In Bihor County there is a belief that you should wash your face with rainwater collected on March 1st in order to become more beautiful and healthy. In Banat, girls collect water or snow from strawberry leaves and wash themselves to be loved. In Dobruja, martisor is worn until the storks arrive, and then they are thrown into the sky so that happiness is “big and winged.”

There is a wonderful holiday in Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria to celebrate Spring, giving the symbol of Martisor: red and white pompoms, or flowers and other patterns.

They hang them on other friends’ clothes with wishes of happiness, people make wishes and wear martisors throughout March, and when April comes, they hang them on a branch flowering tree. And then the wish will certainly come true!

Romanians and Moldovans celebrate Martisor, and among the Bulgarians this holiday is called Martenitsa(or Baba Martha). On these holidays, national cuisine is prepared and everyone pins a red and white decoration on their clothes, which is called the same name for the holiday - martisor, or martenitsa.

Here's how it is for the Bulgarians:

It is customary to wear martenitsa until you see a stork, a swallow or a flowering fruit tree. Seeing a stork, a swallow or a flowering tree, everyone took off their martenitsa. Some people put it under a stone, and after nine days they looked at what appeared under it. If ants settled there, then the year would be rich in sheep, but if there were other, larger insects there, then the year would be rich in cows and other cattle. Therefore, in some places the martenitsa received the name “fortune teller”. Others tied martenitsa to a blooming plum tree, apple tree, or rose bush in order to be white, red, beautiful and healthy throughout the year. Still others threw martenitsa into the water so that their life would walk on the water and so that all bad things would disappear. In other places they threw the martenitsa towards the sun, saying: “Here is the red one, give me the white one.”
The first martenitsas were made of only two threads: red and white. But subsequently, the people's sense of beauty created an original work called martenitsa. They began to add beads, depict various figures from threads, and various additions to them appeared: the unique “Pizho and Penda” dolls.

The white color of the amulet symbolizes masculinity, strength, the sun, then rethought as the color of virginity and purity; red is the color of blood, femininity, health, birth.

And here’s how it is with Moldovans and Romanians:

The historical roots of Martisor remain a mystery, but it is generally believed that this holiday originated during the Roman Empire, when the New Year was celebrated on March 1, the month of the god Mars. Mars was not only the god of war, but also the god of agriculture, promoting the revival of nature. This duality is reflected in Martisor, where white and red can be understood as symbols of peace and war.
Archaeological excavations in Romania prove that amulets, like the modern martisor, existed about 8 thousand years ago. Then they were made in the form of small stones, painted white and red, worn around the neck. Martisor was first mentioned by Iordache Golescu. Folklorist Simon Florea Marian wrote that in Moldova and Bukovina, martisor consisted of a gold or silver coin on a red and white thread, which children wore around their necks. Girls also wore martisor around their necks for the first 12 days of spring, and then wove it into their hair until the storks arrived or until the first trees bloomed. Then a red and white thread was tied to a tree, and kash (a type of sheep cheese) was bought with a coin.

Martisors are worn on clothes all month, and on March 31 they are removed and hung on flowering fruit trees. It is believed that thanks to this people will be successful throughout the next year. According to legend, if you make a wish while hanging martisor on a tree, it will definitely come true. At the beginning of April, in many cities and villages of Moldova you can see trees hung with martisors.
In Moldova, the Martisor music festival begins on March 1 of each year. This festival was first held in 1967.
In some areas of Romania, martisors are not worn throughout March, but only for the first two weeks. It is believed to bring health and prosperity. In Transylvanian villages, martisors are tied to doors, windows, and the horns of domestic animals, as it is believed that they drive away evil spirits and give vitality. In Bihor County there is a belief that you should wash your face with rainwater collected on March 1 in order to become more beautiful and healthy. In Banat, girls collect water or snow from strawberry leaves and wash themselves to be loved. In Dobruja, martisor is worn until the storks arrive, and then they are thrown into the sky so that happiness is “big and winged”

In Moldova, the Martisor music festival begins on March 1 of each year. This festival was first held in 1967.

I remember at school every year we drew a wall newspaper with a story about the legend of Martisor. There are several variations. There are variations in what white means - either a snowflake, or Giochel - a snowdrop. And red is the scarlet blood of Spring, which winter, not wanting to leave, wounds in frustration with a piece of ice.

According to one legend, on the first day of March, the beautiful Spring came out to the edge of the forest, looked around and saw a snowdrop emerging from under the snow in a thawed patch of thorns. She decided to help him and began to clear the ground around him, freeing him from the thorny branches. Winter saw this and became furious. She waved her hands and summoned a cold wind with snow to destroy the primrose. The weak flower wilted under the cruel wind. But Spring covered the sprout with her hands and pricked herself with a thorn. A drop of hot blood fell from her wounded hand, and the flower came to life. So Spring defeated Winter. The colors of Martisor symbolize her red blood on the white snow.

According to another legend, the Sun descended to earth in the form of a beautiful girl. But the evil Serpent stole him and locked him in his palace. After this, the birds stopped singing, the children forgot what fun and laughter were, and the whole world plunged into sadness. One brave young man decided to save the Sun. For a whole year he searched for the Serpent's palace, and when he found it, he challenged him to a fight. They fought for a long time, and in the end the young man defeated the Snake. He released the beautiful Sun. It rose into the sky and illuminated the whole world. Spring came, nature came to life, people remembered what joy is, but the brave young man did not have time to see spring. His warm blood flowed onto the snow. The last drop of blood fell and he died from his wounds. Where the snow melted, white flowers grew - snowdrops, the harbingers of spring. Since then, in honor of the liberator of the world from darkness and sadness, people have been weaving two laces with white and red flowers. The red color symbolizes the love of beauty and the memory of the blood of the deceased young man, and the white color symbolizes the health and purity of the snowdrop, the first spring flower.

Another legend, in its essence, is closer to Moldavian folklore. A long time ago, from time immemorial, a fragile flower with snow-white petals named Giochel (snowdrop) appeared on earth. The flower appeared when the sun first pierced the gray snow clouds with the golden arrows of its rays. Small and fragile Geochel was protected from the cold by the caring and kind sorceress Spring. About small flower Krivets heard the evil whirlwind, he tore out a thorny rose hip from the ground and threw it with annoyance at Vesna, pricking her little finger. Hot blood splashed onto the ground and stained the delicate and white petals of Giochel. Bringing this fragile flower back to life with every drop of blood. At that moment, the flower announced to everyone the arrival of spring.

Beautiful legends...I still love them!

Pentru Tine!!! (For you)

Congratulations to all flower growers and gardeners on the arrival of spring!
And on this occasion, I want to give all readers of the Gardenia website (at least visually) Martisor!

Perhaps not everyone knows what Martisor is, and therefore I will tell you about this holiday.

A long time ago, the Moldovan people had a tradition: on the first day of spring, they gave each other Martisor.
The lucky owner of this gift wears it on his clothes throughout the month of March - on the left side of the chest, near the heart.
Where did this tradition come from?

Legends of Fat-Frumos and Snowdrop

One old legend says that in ancient times there lived a young handsome guy among the Getae and Dacians. His name was Fat-Frumos, which translated into Russian means Well done, Handsome, Good Well done.
Fat-Frumos was cheerful and kind, in love with the nature of his native land. And then one day on the first day of spring at sunrise he galloped into the forest. In a sunny clearing, the young man saw a wonderful flower named “Giochel” - a snowdrop.

Who are you? - the guy asked the flower.
- I am Giochel, the messenger of Spring! I notify everyone about the end of winter and the arrival of spring! If I appeared, it means that the end of the cold, fierce blizzards and blizzards has come. My opened flower attracts warmth and bright sun, calling migratory birds to its native land!

But there’s still snow all around, won’t you freeze? - the young man became worried.

No, I'm not afraid of the cold! - answered Giochel.

Then the fierce Blizzard-Frost walked past a forest clearing and heard the words of Giochel. Blizzard-Frost was angry that such a fragile flower was not afraid of him and notified everyone about the passing of winter and the beginning of spring. Blizzard-Frost became angry and furious, and sent all his cold power to Giochel. Then the spring flower began to turn pale and freeze, lowering its delicate white head down.

Don't die, Giochel! – Fat-Frumos shouted to him and rushed to stop the raging cold storm.
But the young man was unable to overcome the sharp Blizzard-Frost. Then, falling to his knees from his wounds, Fat-Frumos managed to get to the dying Giochel and covered the flower with his chest from the cold. Drops of hot blood that came straight from the heart fell to the ground next to the freezing flower.
With his blood and his last breath, Fat-Frumos warmed Giochel, and the white flower survived! It bloomed further and notified everyone about the arrival of Spring!
And the dying Fat-Frumos turned into another beautiful flower.
This is how the legend about a beautiful flower and the holiday of the arrival of spring - Martisor - was born.

In different villages we tell this legend in their own way.
For example, there is another legend that in a forest clearing a young man met a beautiful forest fairy who came to notify the world of the coming of Spring. The young people liked each other. But the insidious Blizzard-Frost let the cold fall on the Fairy, and then in the struggle mortally wounded the young man. Fat Frumos tried to warm the freezing Fairy with his hot blood from his wounds, but they both died. The first spring flower grew at this place - the white Snowdrop. And Fat-Frumos turned into a beautiful flower Bujor (forest or foreign Peony).

Since then, people have been telling these legends to their children, making and giving Martisors to each other, rejoicing at the arrival of spring.

Spring gift Martisor

What is this gift - Martisor?
Martisors are varied in design, there are a great many forms. But they are all made strictly in two colors: white - the color of Snowdrop, and red - the color of Fat-Frumos' blood.

Ordinary Martisors are balls or circles. Or is it a white flower head (in the form of a snowdrop cap) and the same red one. They are knitted from threads and then fastened together. A bow is made at the ends of the threads.
The finished Martisor is sewn onto clothing or fastened with a badge on the left side of the chest near the heart. The gift is worn from the first day of March until the end of the month.

On the last day of March, Martisor is taken off and tied to a branch of some plant (tree or perennial flower). This suggests that a person takes patronage for the whole year, until next spring, to look after and care for this plant.
And Martisor attached to a plant indicates that this plant is occupied. The bright red and white coloring of Mărtisor reminds people of their obligation to care for their plants.
Of course, this is also from a legend, but many people follow this tradition, providing further care for the plant. This tradition is especially revered in villages.

Although everyone ties their martisor to a branch of a plant, not everyone can regularly care for their tree; This is especially difficult in the bustle of the city.
However, these legends are still alive, and the traditional Spring Festival is celebrated joyfully!

For 43 years in a row, as part of this spring holiday, in the period from March 1 to March 10, an International Cultural Festival has been held in Moldova, which is called “Martisor”.

So in March everyone celebrates Martisor, wears gifts on their chests and rejoices at the coming spring.

Congratulations to everyone on the coming of Spring, on the Martisor holiday!

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