Creatine eyelash lifting: specifics and results of the procedure. Keratin lifting is a safe way to get perfect eyelashes. Care after the procedure.

– one of the most popular procedures in modern cosmetology. After it, the eyelashes become darker, longer and thicker, and their loss is reduced. Moreover, this is the case when beauty requires almost no sacrifice - special care and correction are not needed.

Description of technology

– care and wellness procedure. It involves applying nourishing and strengthening compounds to the eyelashes, which make them elastic, dense and strong. Additionally, the eyelashes are curled and colored - this gives the look a special expressiveness.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. It is advisable to come to the specialist without makeup to reduce the time for cleansing your eyes.
  2. The procedure can be done while wearing the lenses, however, it will be more convenient to remove them. During work, the client's eyes are closed, so lenses are not needed.
  3. It is recommended to take with you sunglasses, – after the procedure they will protect the eyelashes from dust adhesion.

Technique, stages and duration of the procedure

The procedure takes from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

  • Using a special product, the master cleanses and degreases the eyelashes - removing makeup residues and removing impurities that may interfere with the fixation of the laminating composition.
  • A softening cream that smoothes out fine wrinkles is applied to the eyelids and skin around the eyes.
  • A protective tape is applied to the lower eyelashes to prevent them from sticking together.
  • A curling roller is attached above the upper eyelashes, the eyelashes are separated and distributed along it - the final curl depends on how the artist lays them out.
  • A nourishing composition is applied to the eyelashes, making them more elastic and soft.
  • Each hair is treated with a serum that lifts the eyelashes and fixes them in the desired position.
  • Eyelashes are painted in the shade agreed upon with the client.
  • A laminating composition with keratin is applied to each hair individually.

Effect of the procedure

After the procedure, the eyelashes become soft, fluffy, elastic and strong. Their length and volume increase. Since the hairs are additionally tinted and curled, the eyes widen and the look acquires special expressiveness. There is no need to use a curling iron and mascara every day - your eyelashes will look beautiful for several months without any effort.

A girl who regularly does eyelash lifting talks about how it is done, what advantages she sees for herself, and what the result is. The video shows the procedure from start to finish.


  • Naturalness and beauty– condition improves natural eyelashes, they become fluffy and soft, curling gives the effect of open eyes.
  • Safety - keratin lifting does not damage eyelashes; on the contrary, they become healthier and stronger.
  • Efficiency - the first changes are noticeable immediately after the procedure, the maximum result can be seen on the second day; it lasts until the eyelashes are completely renewed.
  • Protection – keratin coating protects eyelashes from exposure unfavorable factors environment.
  • No composition correction or removal required– there is no need to visit the specialist again.
  • Special care is also not required.


  • The effect may be minimal or absent altogether if the eyelashes are naturally too short.
  • As eyelashes grow, a creasing effect may appear in the place from which the eyelashes were curled.
  • During the procedure, a burning sensation is felt, and the eyes may become very watery.
  • The first day, before washing, the eyelashes look glued and oily.
  • The lower eyelashes are not laminated - if they are light, they must be dyed, otherwise there will be a noticeable difference in color compared to the upper ones.

Indications for use

Keratin lifting suits almost everyone. It can significantly improve the condition of natural eyelashes. Those with straight eyelashes get a very beautiful and expressive curl - without the need to constantly use a curling iron.


The procedure has a minimum of contraindications. Since several different chemical compounds are applied to the area around the eyes, you should avoid keratin lifting in the following cases:

  • eye diseases– conjunctivitis, barley, any inflammation;
  • recently transferred eye surgeries;
  • increased sensitivity, tendency to allergic reactions.

Keratin lifting is not done on eyelash extensions.

The procedure may be useless in case of liver diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation - the laminating composition will not work and there will be no effect.

Is there any harm to your eyelashes?

The procedure is harmless to eyelashes.

Post-procedure care

After keratin lifting, no special eyelash care is required. The only limitation is within 24 hours After the procedure, you need to protect them from water and do not wash your face.

After the first day has passed, you can conduct normal lifestyle- sleep in any position, rub your eyes, play sports, go to the pool, use cosmetics, wear contact lenses.

How often can the procedure be done?

The procedure can be done 2-3 times a year.

Can it be done at home?

Keratin lifting can be done at home, but before doing this it is advisable to take courses. The effect of the procedure is lasting,– if something goes wrong, it will be difficult to correct the situation. The process is the same as in the salon, with the exception of one point - first one eye is treated, then the second; while the master in the salon works on them simultaneously.

Tools and materials for the procedure

For keratin lifting you need three main compositions:

  • composition for the first stage of lamination - cleanses and degreases eyelashes, opens their scales;
  • composition for the second stage - gives volume to the eyelashes and fixes the bend;
  • nutritional composition for the third stage - closes the scales, lengthens the eyelashes.

Additional tools and materials:

  • glue and silicone eyelash curlers;
  • materials for coloring - paint, container for diluting it, brush, developer, oxidizer;
  • combs and brushes for separating eyelashes;
  • protective tape.

There are currently kits from several manufacturers on the market:

  • LVL Lashes. A British brand used in many salons. Starter set designed for 8 procedures, standard - for 24 procedures. The set includes 3 products, silicone curlers, microbrushes and combs, transparent glue, paints of 5 colors and the necessary tools and additional materials for coloring.
  • Yumi Lashes. Manufacturer from Switzerland. The set is designed for 30 procedures, it includes 3 products, black paint, reed glue, and special silicone pads for fixing eyelashes.
  • Novel Lash Up. The standard set of this brand includes the necessary compounds and tools, paint (one color) and soft glue. The set is designed for 20-25 procedures.
  • Luxe Lashes. The set includes 3 compositions, glue and curling molds in sizes S, M and L.

The compositions of drugs and the specifics of their use vary from company to company; this issue should be given attention if there is a tendency to allergic reactions.

Duration of effect and subsequent correction

The effect of the procedure lasts up to 3 months - the period depends on the individual eyelash renewal rate. No correction required.

Where is it better to do it: in a salon, with a private master or on your own at home?

An unsatisfactory result after keratin eyelash lifting is almost always the result of negligence or error by the performer of the work. Therefore, it is very important that the procedure be performed a true master of his craft. It is not recommended to do it yourself. The best option You will contact the salon, where you will receive all guarantees of the quality of work.

How to choose a good master?

Keratin lifting is a procedure that requires a certificate. You need to make sure that the master has this document, as well as certificates for all the compounds used.

Since the result very much depends on the qualifications and taste of the person performing the procedure, it is recommended to carefully study the reviews and portfolio of the master.

Approximate cost in salons / private masters.

The average cost in Moscow salons is 3,500 rubles.

Calling a private master to your home will cost 1300 – 1500 rubles. You can find offers for 800 rubles. – but there is a risk that low-quality materials will be used.

Keratin lifting – effective way make eyelashes beautiful and healthy, and your eyes expressive. You will no longer have to waste time curling and tinting your eyelashes - they will already look great and at the same time natural. The procedure has virtually no contraindications and is absolutely safe – if performed by a professional.

Keratin eyelash lifting is a procedure that helps make hairs thicker and longer, and eyes more expressive. This procedure is a complete analogue of keratin hair restoration, but in this case it is only carried out on eyelashes - they become much darker, thicker and longer to the maximum.

Eyelash keratation: the effect of the procedure

This procedure is a convenient and modern alternative to expensive eyelash extensions, as well as special products for active hair growth that are not always available. After keratin lifting, eyelash care becomes much easier and faster. This technique is a little reminiscent of a bioperm: a small roller is attached and the eyelashes are curled slightly upward, a little keratin, protein, curling composition is applied to them, as well as a slightly special pigment, which gives each eyelash a brighter and more expressive color.

Stages of lifting

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

Well-combed eyelashes are placed on a silicone pad, after which they are carefully and extremely carefully treated with a preparation that has a lifting effect - it raises the eyelashes. Remember that keratin for eyelashes must be of excellent quality, so contact only professional experts.

Each hair is filled with the required amount of pigment - different shades. This gives the look a natural and attractive expressiveness.

The last healing stage: a special formula of a vitamin and protein complex is applied to each eyelash, which ensures their maximum strengthening and healing.

A day after the procedure, you should not wash your face or allow direct contact of the eyelashes with liquid. Follow this fairly simple rule - and the effect will pleasantly surprise you. Thanks to the saturation with keratin and protein, the hairs become much thicker and denser.

In general, the result of keratin lifting can be called beyond all expectations: due to lengthening and a strong increase in volume, the eyes become much more expressive, larger, and the look changes its charm and attractiveness. One additional effect also appears - the acquisition of a more interesting and playful curve. In addition to its special decorative function, lifting also performs therapeutic actions - the restoration of each damaged eyelash.

The results of the procedure are pleasing for approximately three months without the need for additional correction.

Keratin eyelashes: who should get them?

The procedure helps out everyone who is dissatisfied with the thickness, length and, of course, the color of their eyelashes. Keratin lifting is certainly carried out for the purpose of significantly facilitating hair care and eye makeup - in cases where your own eyelashes are too straight or incorrectly curved.


Keratin lifting is absolutely safe for your health. The only contraindication to this procedure is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, which is directly related to allergies or infections: you should wait for a complete recovery, and then do the long-awaited lifting.

Keratin eyelash lifting Yumi Lashes

This technique was developed by the British brand back in 2008. The composition of the product is hypoallergenic and does not even have a smell. A master who is ready to undertake the procedure must have a special patented certificate.

The key difference between lifting and the well-known artificial eyelash extension is comfort and complete safety: you can safely wash your face with any cosmetic product and warm water, sleep with your face in the pillow, because the eyelashes will not fall off, break or bend. You are also allowed to swim and dive freely, even in a chlorinated pool. It is strictly forbidden to paint eyelashes with mascara!

Alternative eyelash care

You can choose a serum with a thoughtful, powerful blend of peptides that significantly help lengthen and strengthen hair.

The product increases the density of the hairs, nourishes the follicles, and also prevents eyelash fragility as much as possible and provides the right conditions for their healthy and active growth. You can do this in between lifting procedures.

All women want to look attractive, regardless of age or social status. However, over the years, maintaining beauty becomes more difficult. Then lifting comes to the rescue.

All modern ladies know what lifting is; it is a skin tightening procedure. Although not entirely true, in our time the word “lifting” has a broader meaning: now it means not only skin tightening, but also various methods of rejuvenation.

For example, with the help of lifting makeup, you can correct facial imperfections and hide wrinkles, while the skin will not be subjected to any influences such as surgery or laser. Another interesting procedure that is only remotely related to the skin is keratin eyelash lifting.

What is a keratin eyelash lift?

Long fluffy eyelashes, like those of fairy-tale princesses, are the dream of every woman. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex have been blessed by nature with thick and curled eyelashes like Malvina’s. The women decided that this was unfair and found many ways to correct nature’s blunder.

They started applying mascara every day, curling their eyelashes with eyelash curlers, and even decided to glue on artificial buns so as not to bother with daily makeup. Some of them, the bravest ones, dared to perm and color their eyelashes with permanent compounds.

All these procedures negatively affect the condition of the eyelashes; they begin to fall out, lighten and only become thinner. As an alternative to these methods, the keratin eyelash lifting procedure appeared.

According to the statements of the inventors of the procedure, keratin lifting is not only a safe way to get beautiful long “fans”, but also even useful. Due to the fact that the product for the procedure includes keratin, which is the main component of hair, the eyelashes are not damaged, but on the contrary, they fill in and become denser and thicker.

The keratin lifting procedure itself consists of several stages:

  • Cleaning eyelashes and degreasing them;
  • Application preparatory staff, which softens and smoothes the skin, and also prepares eyelashes for fixation;
  • Attaching the silicone projector and fixing the eyelashes upward;
  • Applying serum to consolidate the result: vitamin serum fills the hairs, making them thicker and stronger. In addition, the product serves as a basis for filling eyelashes with pigment;
  • Application of pigment. You can choose from several shades: black, brown, blue, graphite;
  • Filling with keratin.

The procedure lasts on average one and a half hours. This is quite a long time, the same amount of time it takes, for example, a check-lift - a surgical operation to tighten the tissues of the middle third of the face. However, in order to become more beautiful and amaze others with your beautiful eyes, you can be patient.

In addition, eyelash lifting is not an unpleasant procedure at all; most women note that it is quite comfortable.

After keratin lifting, you should not wash your face for 24 hours so that water does not get on your eyelashes. At this time, the eyelashes will look stuck together, but after they are washed, they will fluff up. The effect lasts for 2.5 months, without the need to make any corrections. Eyelashes will look darker, thicker, longer and curled.

Naturally, the result of the procedure directly depends on the initial data; the thicker and longer the eyelashes were before lifting, the more impressive they will look after it. This is the same as with a breast lift, if before the operation the bust was small, then a breast lift will not make it larger, it will simply raise the mammary glands and they will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Who needs an eyelash lift?

Unlike other eyelash enhancement procedures, keratin lifting has many advantages:

  • With new beautiful eyelashes you can sleep with your face in the pillow, and they won’t fall off like extensions;
  • It is permissible to wash by any means;
  • you can go to the bathhouse, sauna, swim in the sea;
  • apply mascara;
  • There is no need to change lenses for glasses;
  • it is allowed to apply any cream around the eyes;
  • the eyelashes look natural, completely natural.

It is worth noting that there are several contraindications here too. It should not be done during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or for any eye diseases.

Secrets of lifting makeup

If suddenly eyelash lifting is contraindicated, do not despair; eye lifting makeup will help you become more beautiful and fresh. In general, it is intended to make the face younger. Its effect is based on the play of light and shadow; with the help of “light correction” you can smooth out deep wrinkles, disguise small ones, correct the contour of the face, hide bags and bruises under the eyes.

If you only need to emphasize your eyes and visually enlarge your eyelashes, it is enough to use several lifting makeup techniques.

To make your eyelashes look thicker and fluffier, you should blend your eyeliner line. It is important to shade at the very edge of the upper eyelid along the line of eyelash growth, while moving from bottom to top. To highlight the eyes, to focus on them, it is better to apply light shadows to the moving eyelid, and darker ones to the fixed eyelid.

It is recommended to draw the arrows with a brown or gray-blue pencil, depending on the hair color. If your hair has a cool undertone, then the eyeliner should be gray; if your hair has a warm undertone, you should choose a brown eyeliner. The lower eyelashes are not painted over.

Thanks to eye lifting makeup, you can visually increase the volume of eyelashes without special procedures. However, makeup lasts only one day; keratin lifting, in contrast, lasts much longer, up to three months.

For those who want to have fluffy thick eyelashes without spending hours every day on makeup, keratin lifting is a win-win option!

The most complete article on the topic: “keratin eyelash lifting procedure” for people from professionals.

There are now many treatments available to improve the condition of eyelashes. Keratin eyelash lifting will help increase the length of hairs and strengthen them without extensions. After it, the eyelashes not only become thicker and longer externally, but also strengthen from the inside, as their follicles are gradually deeply nourished useful substances, which are received during the procedure.

Features of the procedure and what does it give?

Keratin is a type of highly durable protein found in human nails and hairs, and if there is not enough of it, problems arise with their condition. After keratin lamination, the eyelashes are saturated with the necessary protein, their volume increases, they get a beautiful bend without using perm.

The procedure is most often carried out using a Swiss product called Yumi Lashes, the effect of which becomes noticeable immediately after lamination, and the duration of the effect is long. The technique has become popular in Europe and Russia, thanks to it many girls have become the owners of thick and long eyelashes. Photos before and after using Yumi Lashes can be found in sufficient quantities on the Internet. During the lamination process, natural pigments are introduced into the eyelashes, which visually create the effect of “open eyes”.

The lifting procedure is performed in 1.5 hours, and after it the eyelashes look amazing for 8 weeks, sometimes the result lasts up to 12. You can start visiting workouts, solariums and swimming pools after two days, unlike with eyelash extensions, after which this is strictly forbidden.

Keratin lamination can be done in the summer, and then there is no need to buy waterproof mascara or UV protection for eyelashes; all this will replace lifting.

Algorithm for the procedure

Before you trust a certain master, you need to study reviews about him and ask your friends. Keratin lifting is not easy and it is difficult to do it yourself at home; it includes several stages:

  • Eye makeup remover. It is better to cleanse your entire face. Degreasing the eyelashes will help the applied nutrients penetrate deep inside the hairs.
  • Application of a special composition. It is distributed under the eyes and on the eyelids; this product protects the skin in these areas and softens them.
  • Attaching the protector to the upper eyelashes. It is a silicone roller that is fixed to the hairs with a special glue, with the help of which the eyelash maker can give the eyelashes the desired bend.
  • Primary processing. It is performed with a special nutritional composition that holds the scales on the hairs together and fills the eyelashes from the inside with nutrients. The composition of the product can be colorless or any natural shade.
  • Secure the lower eyelashes with adhesive tape. This is necessary so that they do not curl in the wrong direction and interfere with the process.
  • Forming a bend. The eyelashes are fixed to the roller with a special serum.
  • Pigmentation stage. While the hair scales are in a closed state, a pigment is applied to them, which in this state of the hairs easily penetrates into their depths and is sealed. You can dye your hair in any shade, choosing it to match your natural or black.
  • Filling eyelashes with keratin. At the final stage, a nourishing composition is applied to the hairs, which fills all the voids in the structure of the hairs, smoothes each eyelash and consolidates the coloring effect.

After keratin lifting, eyelashes are unrecognizable; they immediately become strong and look well-groomed. But don’t be upset if in the first 24 hours after the procedure, the hairs don’t look very nice, as if they were glued together with something greasy, but the next day everything will pass and the hairs will take on a normal appearance, only becoming thicker.

After the procedure, no additional care is needed; for 1.5 months you can simply enjoy their appearance; correction after keratin lamination is also not carried out. Over time, as the hairs grow back, the effect will disappear.

In the following video you can familiarize yourself with the technique of performing the keratin eyelash lifting procedure:

Benefits of eyelash lifting

The main advantage of this method of caring for and adding volume to eyelashes is that it is a safe and effective alternative to eyelash extensions.

Keratin restoration has the following advantages:

  • The appearance of lashes that have undergone lamination does not change after interaction with chlorinated water, so you can use them in swimming pools, baths and saunas.
  • No correction needed.
  • You can sleep on either side and rub your eyelashes on the pillow; this will not affect their condition and structure.
  • It is allowed to use care products, especially moisturizers are recommended.
  • Lifting affects “dormant” follicles, encouraging them to grow new hairs.
  • The eyelashes look natural and acquire a beautiful natural curve.
  • The length and strength of the hairs increases, they become noticeably more voluminous.

Keratin lifting is not a panacea for all the troubles that can happen to eyelashes; it cannot change their inherent characteristics, but it can temporarily improve the appearance of hairs and transform them. According to reviews of girls who have undergone this procedure, if it is performed on short eyelashes, the effect of curling and length is practically invisible.

Read also! All about the eyelash biolamination procedure


Keratin lamination is not allowed in cases where:

  • an allergic reaction occurs to one of its components;
  • during pregnancy or while breastfeeding;
  • have recently undergone eye surgery;
  • eyelashes that are too short, curving them may look unsightly;
  • Inflammatory processes occur in the eyes.

This procedure is not carried out before extensions, since its products use many oil components, which then affect the fixation of the glue for artificial eyelashes.

To prolong the lifting effect, experienced professionals recommend treating eyelids and eyelashes with strengthening oils; they have a positive effect on the hair structure.

Keratin lifting will help make thin, thinning eyelashes more voluminous, making them look fuller and separated. The look after such a procedure will be transformed. It can be performed without fear for the condition of the eyelashes, unlike the method of eyelash extensions.

This is interesting! Homemade recipe for eyelash lamination using gelatin


Tatyana, 33 years old:

I once read on one of the forums how a girl advised never to do keratin eyelash lifting. I was surprised, entered into a correspondence with her to find out the reason for this statement, it turned out that she herself carried it out for herself, and also used Chinese drugs ordered online. If you don’t feel sorry for your eyelashes, then maybe it’s worth trying, but I’m not one of those people; I would never do lamination without the help of a specialist, so I’ve already tested this technique on my eyelashes several times, and the result has always been amazing.

Maria, 24 years old:

My friend has had a lift twice already and was absolutely delighted with it. I also turned to her specialist and went through the procedure. An hour and a half flew by unnoticed, I especially liked the complete relaxation after putting a warm, slightly damp towel on my face. On the second day, my eyelashes really began to look amazing, I didn’t even use mascara for them.

Svetlana, 30 years old:

I can say that after undergoing eyelash extensions, keratin lamination seemed like a fairy tale to me. After it, there is no heaviness on the eyes from artificial hairs, you can lead an active life, visit the pool and sleep as you want. Now I don’t even want to hear about extension techniques, I just restored my eyelashes after them.

Polina, 22 years old:

I have beautiful long black eyelashes, but they are sparse and don’t curl, which sometimes makes me look “whiny.” My friend and I recently underwent a keratin lifting procedure and now I have beautifully curled eyelashes, and I also changed the color of my hairs a little and they became darker, which also suits me very well.

Elvira, 39 years old:

Getting up every day, preparing breakfast for the whole family and running to work is not conducive to morning “beauty” procedures. I come to work with my eyes always without makeup, and during breaks I touch them up. In general, after thinking a little, I went for a keratin eyelash lift, spent 2 hours, but now every morning I have clear eyes framed by fluffy black eyelashes and no worries about not looking well-groomed.

See also: How to do keratin eyelash lamination (video)

Many representatives of the fair sex dream of thick, long eyelashes with a graceful curve. Decorative cosmetics – mascara, curling irons, as well as salon procedures, such as extensions – help to achieve this effect. However, eyelashes suffer from each of them, so it is important to strengthen them. Keratin eyelash lifting, reviews of which appeared on the Internet not long ago, is a technique aimed at improving the health of weakened, sparse eyelashes. From the article you will learn what the essence of the procedure is, what effect is achieved when it is carried out and how it is carried out.

Features of the keratin lifting procedure

Keratin lifting effect

Keratin lifting is recommended for anyone who wants to improve the condition of their eyelashes, accelerate their growth and make them thick. After the procedure, eyelashes stop falling out, volume and length are achieved, which were lacking before. The procedure can be visited after extensions, when the eyelashes are especially weak.

Keratin eyelash lifting is based on the action of keratin, which gives them density and elasticity. In addition to strengthening, you can color your eyelashes and give them a curl. The action lasts about 3 months. During this time, you may not use mascara.

Today, masters in salons use the Swiss unique product Yumi Lashes, which shows good results when used.

does not create discomfort and does not damage eyelashes

Advantages of the procedure

In addition to the fact that as a result of the procedure, the eyelashes will become elastic and strong, there are some other advantages of its implementation:

  1. eyelashes are not damaged;
  2. there are no unpleasant sensations during the procedure except a slight burning sensation;
  3. the procedure is safe thanks to the natural components of the composition, which is confirmed by certificates;
  4. the result is visible immediately, and the maximum effect is the next day;
  5. the procedure lasts only 40 minutes;
  6. There is no need to remove or adjust eyelashes, the effect occurs naturally;
  7. there are no restrictions after the procedure (you can put on lenses, apply cream on your eyelids, etc.), except for washing your face within 24 hours;
  8. affordable price - 3.5 thousand rubles on average.

Contraindications to the procedure

Keratin lifting has a minimum of contraindications. Among them:

  1. presence of eye diseases;
  2. increased eye sensitivity;
  3. pregnancy and lactation.

is carried out with safe proven means and gives quick effect the next day

Stages of the keratin lifting procedure

Eyelash lifting is not a very complicated procedure, however, it can only be performed by a specialist who has undergone special training. Otherwise, the result may not be what you expected, and your eye safety may be at risk.

The procedure does not last too long - about 40 minutes and consists of several stages:

  1. cleaning eyelashes from cosmetics, dirt, degreasing;
  2. treatment with a special composition that makes eyelashes soft and amenable to further action;
  3. a silicone mold is attached to the eyelashes, which gives them shape;
  4. eyelashes are treated with a serum that fixes their shape;
  5. eyelash dyeing;
  6. exposure to keratin, color fixation.

after a 40-minute session there is no need to adjust or remove treated eyelashes

Reviews about the keratin eyelash lifting procedure

Before any new salon procedure Each of the representatives of the fair sex tries to collect as much information about her as possible. You can get it from the Internet, compare opinions and look at photos. Keratin eyelash lifting is a popular topic of discussion on forums and beauty blogs.

Alena, 26 years old, housewife, Moscow

Summer is a reason to minimize the use of cosmetics. Especially if you relax on the beach, swim, sunbathe. Eyelash lifting is the second procedure for me after extensions. It took only 50 minutes. I didn’t experience any unpleasant sensations, just a pleasant cold or warmth. After the procedure, the eyelashes do not get in the way, the eyes do not water, and they feel soft to the touch. I'm glad that I don't have to give up contact lenses. A month after the lifting I can say that the effect is not lost.

Olesya, 23 years old, entrepreneur, St. Petersburg

The procedure was gifted to me in the form of a coupon. Before visiting the salon, I was a little afraid that the technician would be inexperienced or would be careless with my eyelashes. In fact, everything turned out to be quite quick - about an hour and painless. I was pleased with the effect, especially on the second day after the procedure. Important tip– It is best to wear sunglasses when leaving the salon to prevent dust from getting into your eyes. Visually, the difference between what the eyelashes were and how elastic and strong they have become is very noticeable to me. The technician did the coloring in the salon with high quality; there are no unpainted areas on my light eyelashes.

Irina, 31 years old, housewife, Yaroslavl

I want to say right away that the effect is amazing, the eyelashes have acquired a new quality, I don’t even want to remember about mascara. The process turned out to be a little complicated, the silicone holders came off, the eyelashes did not give in at all. I couldn’t relax because I was afraid that the composition would get into my eyes. They combed the eyelashes carefully, and then applied a terrible-smelling oil. I took the mirror in my hands with fear, but the effect exceeded my expectations. After 3 weeks, the colored eyelashes began to fall out, but gradually and imperceptibly. I decided to repeat the procedure because after it my eyelashes look healthy, strong, and there is no need for mascara.

Alina, 26 years old, accountant, Gomel (Belarus)

I would never recommend an eyelash lift to anyone. Perhaps a terrible allergy is an individual thing, but the eyelashes that began to fall out the next day, and look as if I unsuccessfully curled them with curling irons, are an objective reality. It is difficult to say what caused this effect, most likely the lack of staff of the specialist or the poor quality of the composition of the active substance. I can only advise a thorough check of certificates before the procedure in order to get into a similar situation. Now I will be restoring my eyelashes for a long time.

an affordable procedure costs about 3-4 thousand rubles and does not affect daily care - you can apply the cream to your eyelids or use lenses

Negative reviews are united by a common theme - eyelash loss after the Cratin lifting procedure. At the same time, the eyes look in the best possible way, because not enough time has passed for new eyelashes to grow. The emphasis is also on the quality of work of the craftsmen, who are mostly suspected of incompetence.

At the same time, after analyzing several forums and review sites, we can conclude that positive reviews information about the procedure prevails, as well as advice to do keratin lifting.

All girls dream of beautiful and lush eyelashes, but many do not like the extension procedure due to artificiality and fragility. This has been replaced by a new keratin lamination procedure; in some salons it is called “keratin lifting”. Keratin is a highly durable protein that strengthens hairs and stimulates their growth. This is absolutely natural remedy, which does not harm the eyelashes, but nourishes them.

Keratin lifting products give hair the desired bend and shape, increase volume and provide long-term strengthening. However, like all procedures, there are pros and cons.


The naturalness of the composition of cosmetics for lamination allows us to note numerous advantages in the procedure:

  • You can forget about cosmetics, mascara and eye shadow. You will feel beautiful under any circumstances, since the lamination does not wear off, does not spread in the wind and rain, and lasts all day. After the procedure, the eyelashes take on a well-groomed appearance, as if you had just done makeup in the salon. You can even cry with happiness or grief, because the eyelashes will not fall off - like false eyelashes, for example.
  • This procedure will not take much time, but the effect will last for a long time.
  • Lamination will not cause discomfort, you will be able to wear glasses or contact lenses as before. The risk of allergy to keratin is very low.
  • The eyelashes do not appear “doll-like” or artificial. They look feminine, graceful and natural.
  • Kerat treatment has been approved by many dermatologists. The ingredients of keratin lamination products are completely harmless.
  • You can visit the solarium, sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool within 24 hours after the procedure.
  • There is no need to remove the applied coating; it will disappear on its own over time. Typically, straightening and bending last for about two months.

Any cosmetic service has its downsides. There are many advantages to keratin lamination, but this procedure is no exception:

  • It is not recommended to do this procedure during pregnancy and lactation.
  • If you are intolerant to some of the components of the product, an unhealthy reaction of the body may occur - for example, an allergy. Be sure to test the product on the crook of your elbow and check the components included in the product with a cosmetologist. If you notice an allergy, consult your doctor.
  • Inflammatory elements on the delicate skin around the eyes and the mucous membrane of the eye (for example, stye) are also contraindications.
  • It is not recommended to try the procedure on very short eyelashes, as after lamination they will become very curled.
  • An undoubted disadvantage is the cost of the procedure, which varies from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. In this case, you can enjoy the result for about 2 months.

Composition of the product

A cosmetologist performs keratinization using a specialized product - a product based on keratin. The product usually contains only natural ingredients, which provide such a weightless coating for eyelashes:

  • the main element is keratin;
  • peptides;
  • additional vitamins.

Carefully selected filling of the composition ensures even coverage of each eyelash with a protective microfilm that evens out and nourishes the hair. The better the ingredients, the longer the lamination will last. Today, the undoubted leaders in the market are the following brands:

  • Yumi Lashes;
  • DP Lumi;
  • LashRelax.

Stages of the procedure

The procedure takes about an hour, depending on the experience of the specialist. Lamination has no preparatory or recovery periods, so after the cosmetologist performs the procedure, you can safely go about your business. One rule is not to wash your face during the day, so as not to wash off the composition covering the eyelashes. The following main stages can be distinguished:

  • First, the hairs are prepared for application of the product. Using a cotton swab or a napkin with an antibacterial and degreasing agent, the specialist removes shadows, mascara and eyeliner from the eyes, and prepares the skin for applying the products.
  • Then you need to properly comb your eyelashes with a special brush and apply a care product to the skin of your eyelids that will protect them from the lamination solution. A special pad is glued under the eyes. This is how the cosmetologist protects the delicate skin around the eyes from the aggressive effects of a potent drug.
  • The cosmetologist puts so-called curlers on the eyelashes, which fix the desired shape and hold it until the laminating composition is applied. Curlers are selected depending on the length of the eyelashes.
  • A product is applied that fixes the desired curve of the eyelashes. To prevent the drug from hardening, it is applied quickly enough, after which the excess is carefully removed.
  • A special composition is applied to the base of the eyelashes.
  • Next you need to create a thermal effect. To do this, an airtight film is placed over the eyes. You also need a thick towel.
  • Then the eyelashes are colored desired color. There are currently five shades on the Russian market: graphite, black, light brown, dark brown, dark blue.
  • A keratin product is applied to the eyelashes, which will consolidate the result and nourish the hair with the necessary vitamins and microelements. After 7 minutes, the cosmetologist removes excess keratin product.

For more information about the process of keratin eyelash lamination, watch the following video:

Kerating at home

It is advisable to carry out the lamination procedure in a certified beauty salon, but many people prefer to take care of themselves at home and do not trust their face to strangers. In this case, you can try to carry out the keratinization procedure at home. There's nothing complicated about it. To carry out keratin lamination, you should purchase a set with professional products from Yumi Lashes or other brands at a cosmetic store. You should not choose cheap products; fake ones can harm the delicate hairs of the eyelashes and the mucous membrane of the eye.

If you can’t find the kit you need, you should try making a laminating agent from improvised materials. You will need gelatin, which is diluted in hot water in a ratio of 1:3. Then the resulting solution is applied to the eyelashes. Don't expect gelatin to have the same effect as professional products, however, he can nourish the eyelashes a little, make them shiny and thick.

If you nevertheless purchased professional products, consider the following instructions for laminating eyelashes at home:

  • Wipe eyelashes and eyelid skin with a degreasing solution. Then apply a thick layer of moisturizer or serum to the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Curl your eyelashes using special curlers or simply cotton swab, paint them over.
  • Then fix the bend with a professional serum.
  • Cover all eyelashes with a keratin lamination product.

Nothing speaks louder than reviews. Many girls try this procedure and describe their impressions. In many ways, the comments refer to the master who performed the procedure. Often they also refer to the brand of the product with which the master performed keratin lamination.

The reviews are quite varied. Someone was very pleased with the procedure and noted a long-lasting effect - about three months. Well, some girls are disappointed and believe that this is a completely useless pampering, and the keratin composition only makes their eyelashes worse. It happens that the procedure leaves a neutral impression - for example, the effect of fluffiness and curling turned out to be insufficient, but nourishment and moisture are felt.

We can conclude that the main thing in keratin eyelash lifting is to find good master.

If you don’t want to go to the salon, but you can’t carry out the procedure yourself, find a trusted specialist who works from home. Usually, so-called word of mouth helps to find a good cosmetologist.

Keratin lamination is one of the most popular procedures in modern cosmetology; every woman can become the owner of luxurious, thick and healthy eyelashes.

  1. Description
  2. Benefits of lamination and contraindications
  3. Reviews and opinions

How to make eyelashes beautiful?

On the Internet you can find many before and after photos, forums are full of rave reviews. Keratin is a type of highly durable protein that is found in eyelashes and nails. With its deficiency, the condition worsens and appearance skin and hair. Lifting allows you to nourish them with the necessary protein, which has a beneficial effect on the volume, length and thickness of hairs. It gives the desired bend without perm, they become strong, receive nutrients in the required quantities (about another method of strengthening, see the article Botox Lashes for beautiful eyelashes). Swiss products Yumi Lashes are most often used for the procedure.

Keratin restoration activates dormant bulbs, which leads to accelerated growth new strong hairs. The lifting effect is noticeable the very next day and lasts for about a month.

Procedure steps:

1. Cleansing and complete degreasing - this allows nutrients to penetrate deep into the hairs.

2. Applying a protective composition to the eyelids and under the eyes, it softens and smoothes the delicate skin in this area.

3. Fastening the silicone protector, along which the master bends, gives the desired shape.

4. Treatment of each hair with a special nourishing serum to give length and thickness. This composition can be of any shade or colorless.

5. Keratin saturation of each eyelash individually - as a result, they become voluminous, strong, and healthy.

The duration of the procedure is 1–1.5 hours. You can’t wash your face, rub your eyes, or sleep with your face on the pillow for 24 hours. During the first 24 hours, the eyelashes do not look very attractive - they are stuck together and seem to be covered with something greasy. In the future, no special care is needed; keratinization does not need correction. The effect disappears as the hair grows.

Keratin lamination – benefit or harm?

After keratin lifting, you can lead your usual lifestyle - wear lenses, swim, apply cosmetics and decorative cosmetics, sleep in any comfortable position. According to many girls, after keratin lamination you can avoid using mascara for several months - even without it, your eyelashes are fluffy and long, it allows you to forget about curlers forever. The procedure is ideal for summer holiday– you don’t have to look for a good waterproof mascara, your eyelashes are protected from exposure to salt water and sunlight. It does not create the impression of a foreign body on the eyes; you don’t have to be afraid that the cosmetics will start to flow and crumble at the most inopportune moment. An additional plus is keratin against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, frosty and dirty air.

Contraindications for keratin eyelash lifting:

  • intolerance to the components of the nutritional composition - allergic reactions may occur;
  • recent ophthalmic surgery;
  • inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the eyes, barley;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • very short eyelashes - after the procedure, such hairs will look like curls.

It is not recommended to do lifting using keratin immediately before extensions. The nourishing serum contains a lot of oils - the glue will not adhere well to an oily base. Disadvantages include the high cost (about 4,000 rubles) and the difficulty of applying keratin yourself. What should you be wary of? A bad master can lift and curl eyelashes poorly - the effect will not be noticeable, money and time will be wasted.

After the procedure, no special care is needed and you can lead your normal lifestyle. The only drawback– the result will be noticeable only after a day.

Reviews are almost always positive; negative reactions from girls are most often caused by non-compliance with the rules of care, or if the procedure was carried out without taking into account contraindications.

“I learned about keratin lamination from a friend - she told me about all the advantages and recommended a good specialist. I have been doing eyelash extensions for several years, but keratinization is much better. There is no heaviness from artificial hairs, I got up in the morning, combed my hairs, I don’t even wear makeup. I’m very pleased with the result, thanks to my friend.”

Ksenia, St. Petersburg.

“I’ve been meaning to get a lift for a long time, and now I’ve decided to do it. The whole procedure took about 2 hours, there were no unpleasant sensations during the treatment. After finishing, I went to the mirror and almost burst into tears - instead of eyelashes, oily tufts were sticking out. The master reassured me and said that everything would pass in a day. The next day the eyelashes became fluffy and had a beautiful natural shade. Now I don’t even use mascara, and everything is fine.”

Elena, Moscow.

“I can’t say that my eyelashes are so bad - dark, long, but they clearly lacked volume and a beautiful curve. I had to struggle with curling irons and curl them all the time. I read a lot good reviews about lifting, I decided to try it - I’m very pleased. The eyelashes have become thick, dark, and curl beautifully. And now even in the morning I look great.”

Margarita, Ufa.

“I’m a natural blonde, without minimal makeup I look like a plain mouse. Thanks to keratin treatment, I got gorgeous dark eyelashes. An additional plus is that after the birth of the child they fell out a lot, after keratin the hairs stopped falling off and look healthy and fluffy.”

Olga, Volgograd.

“I’ve already treated my eyelashes with keratin several times – the result is always impressive and pleasing. My eyelashes are dark and long, but absolutely straight. The only negative is that due to the strong bend after the procedure, it is not very convenient to use the eyeliner, but the price, of course, is a little depressing.”

Tamara, Krasnoyarsk.

There are now many treatments available to improve the condition of eyelashes. Keratin eyelash lifting will help increase the length of hairs and strengthen them without extensions. After it, the eyelashes not only become thicker and longer externally, but also strengthen from the inside, as their follicles are gradually deeply nourished with useful substances that come in during the procedure.

Features of the procedure and what does it give?

Keratin is a type of highly durable protein found in human nails and hairs, and if there is not enough of it, problems arise with their condition. After keratin lamination, the eyelashes are saturated with the necessary protein, their volume increases, and they receive a beautiful bend without the use of a chemical perm.

The procedure is most often carried out using a Swiss product called Yumi Lashes, the effect of which becomes noticeable immediately after lamination, and the duration of the effect is long. The technique has become popular in Europe and Russia, thanks to it many girls have become the owners of thick and long eyelashes. Photos before and after using Yumi Lashes can be found in sufficient quantities on the Internet. During the lamination process, natural pigments are introduced into the eyelashes, which visually create the effect of “open eyes”.

The lifting procedure is performed in 1.5 hours, and after it the eyelashes look amazing for 8 weeks, sometimes the result lasts up to 12. You can start visiting workouts, solariums and swimming pools after two days, unlike with eyelash extensions, after which this is strictly forbidden.

Keratin lamination can be done in the summer, and then there is no need to buy waterproof mascara or UV protection for eyelashes; all this will replace lifting.

Algorithm for the procedure

Before you trust a certain master, you need to study reviews about him and ask your friends. Keratin lifting is not easy and it is difficult to do it yourself at home; it includes several stages:

  • Eye makeup remover. It is better to cleanse your entire face. Degreasing the eyelashes will help the applied nutrients penetrate deep inside the hairs.

  • Application of a special composition. It is distributed under the eyes and on the eyelids; this product protects the skin in these areas and softens them.
  • Securing the tread on the upper eyelashes. It is a silicone roller that is fixed to the hairs with a special glue, with the help of which the eyelash maker can give the eyelashes the desired bend.

  • Primary processing. It is performed with a special nutritional composition that holds the scales on the hairs together and fills the eyelashes from the inside with nutrients. The composition of the product can be colorless or any natural shade.
  • Attaching lower lashes adhesive plaster. This is necessary so that they do not curl in the wrong direction and interfere with the process.

  • Forming a bend. The eyelashes are fixed to the roller with a special serum.

  • Pigmentation stage. While the hair scales are in a closed state, a pigment is applied to them, which in this state of the hairs easily penetrates into their depths and is sealed. You can dye your hair in any shade, choosing it to match your natural or black.

  • Filling eyelashes with keratin. At the final stage, a nourishing composition is applied to the hairs, which fills all the voids in the structure of the hairs, smoothes each eyelash and consolidates the coloring effect.

After keratin lifting, eyelashes are unrecognizable; they immediately become strong and look well-groomed. But don’t be upset if in the first 24 hours after the procedure, the hairs don’t look very nice, as if they were glued together with something greasy, but the next day everything will pass and the hairs will take on a normal appearance, only becoming thicker.

After the procedure, no additional care is needed; for 1.5 months you can simply enjoy their appearance; correction after keratin lamination is also not carried out. Over time, as the hairs grow back, the effect will disappear.

In the following video you can familiarize yourself with the technique of performing the keratin eyelash lifting procedure:

Benefits of eyelash lifting

The main advantage of this method of caring for and adding volume to eyelashes is that it is a safe and effective alternative to eyelash extensions.

Keratin restoration has the following advantages:

  • The appearance of lashes that have undergone lamination does not change after interaction with chlorinated water, so you can use them in swimming pools, baths and saunas.
  • No correction needed.
  • You can sleep on either side and rub your eyelashes on the pillow; this will not affect their condition and structure.
  • It is allowed to use care products, especially moisturizers are recommended.
  • Lifting affects “dormant” follicles, encouraging them to grow new hairs.
  • The eyelashes look natural and acquire a beautiful natural curve.
  • The length and strength of the hairs increases, they become noticeably more voluminous.

Keratin lifting is not a panacea for all the troubles that can happen to eyelashes; it cannot change their inherent characteristics, but it can temporarily improve the appearance of hairs and transform them. According to reviews of girls who have undergone this procedure, if it is performed on short eyelashes, the effect of curling and length is practically invisible.


Keratin lamination is not allowed in cases where:

  • an allergic reaction occurs to one of its components;
  • during pregnancy or while breastfeeding;
  • have recently undergone eye surgery;
  • eyelashes that are too short, curving them may look unsightly;
  • Inflammatory processes occur in the eyes.

This procedure is not carried out before extensions, since its products use many oil components, which then affect the fixation of the glue for artificial eyelashes.

To prolong the lifting effect, experienced professionals recommend treating eyelids and eyelashes with strengthening oils; they have a positive effect on the hair structure.

Keratin lifting will help make thin, thinning eyelashes more voluminous, making them look fuller and separated. The look after such a procedure will be transformed. It can be performed without fear for the condition of the eyelashes, unlike the method of eyelash extensions.