Notes for applications in kindergarten from cereals. Crafts from cereals - the best ideas for children and adults

IN senior group Kindergarten children have all the necessary skills to create applications using various techniques. They have good scissor skills. The application in the older group is distinguished by compositions with interesting storylines. Such classes will help not only consolidate acquired skills, but also develop eye contact and teach how to beautifully arrange details on a sheet of paper.

To work with children for all applications you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Scissor stand;
  • Glue brush;
  • Napkins;
  • Colored paper;
  • Plasticine;
  • Cereals;
  • Buttons;
  • Natural material;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Markers.

Autumn mushrooms

Autumn is a time of beautiful landscapes. If classes fall at this time of year, you can perform a mushroom composition with the guys. You can also make fruit using this technique.

This will be an application made from cereals, so for it you will need:

  • Semolina and buckwheat;
  • Sheets of green colored paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Grass and mushrooms patterns.

To complete the application, children will need:

  1. Trace the patterns of mushrooms on the background;
  2. Cut the grass;
  3. Apply glue to the cap;
  4. Fill it with buckwheat;
  5. Shake off loose residues;
  6. Also coat the leg with glue;
  7. Cover with semolina;
  8. Glue the grass.

The application is ready!

Golden spikelet

On the theme of bread, you can invite the children to make a modular application using the origami technique. Lesson notes on this topic will greatly help the teacher in the learning process. This way you can make an autumn carpet. For the application the children will need:

  • Sheets of paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Adhesive paper.

Work progress:

  1. Take a sheet of yellow paper, which will later become a spikelet, cut it into 20 squares with sides of 5. Cut the remaining piece into long pieces. This is the future stem.

  1. Place one of the squares in the shape of a diamond and bend it to form a triangle. After that, bend it again, open it and return to its previous shape. Thus, we only outlined the fold lines.

  1. Fold the corners of the triangle as shown in the photo.

  1. Fold the lower ends of the figure. You should get a shape similar to a heart.

Each spikelet consists of three such modules. The upper module is obtained by folding the original one in half. The lower one is done by simply bending the tip. Attach the stem to the base of the spikelet.

Collect the remaining spikelets. They can be either part of the composition or an independent fake.

Teddy bear

Using yarn, you can make an applique of a wonderful bear in the senior group of kindergarten.

For this you will need:

  • Bear stencil;
  • Cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Brown and gray paper;
  • Glue;
  • Brushes;
  • Gouache.

The children must independently choose a suitable background, draw or trace a stencil of a bear on it, fill in the areas with parts made of colored paper, and draw the missing elements.


On the theme of domestic animals, you can make an applique of sheep grazing in a pasture.

For this you will need:

  • Procurement of rams and sheep;
  • Vata;
  • Napkins;
  • Natural material;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Glue brush.

On a sheet of white paper, children should trace animal patterns. Color them. Cut.

Small dense balls are rolled out of cotton wool.

The dried leaves are crushed.

Brown napkins are used to make trunks for autumn trees.

Then they are glued to the base.

The crushed leaves are used to make tree crowns—clothing for plants.

You can make grass from spruce or pine needles.

Clouds made of cotton wool.

This is what the final product looks like:

Video on the topic of the article

On an A4 sheet of paper there is some large drawing. Age-appropriate coloring books are ideal for this. Also suitable for mothers and children. To begin with, you need to use only the most simple contours: sun, vase, fish, snowman, bee, flower, hedgehog, house, tree, mushroom, etc. For work you will need: PVA glue, cardboard the size of a landscape leaf, a saucer, wet wipes and types of cereals suitable for the composition.

Rice, buckwheat, barley, sunflower, squash, watermelon and pumpkin seeds, beans, lentils, pearl barley, peas, semolina, corn, etc. are suitable. To make the applications look more vibrant, the cereal can be painted. The best way- This is to pour the cereal into water with diluted gouache. After some time, the water must be drained and the grains dried on paper or oilcloth. Rice usually colors well. Multi-colored cereals can be stored in baby food jars.

Creative crafts are more elegant if you use colored cardboard. You can immediately apply a drawing on it. Or in order for a printed drawing to be printed on colored cardboard, it must be placed on the cardboard in advance and traced, pressing firmly on the pencil. Then you can print it on cardboard. This method is suitable for those mothers who doubt their artistic abilities.
Next, you need to prepare your workspace: spread out oilcloth or newspaper. The printed or drawn drawing must be glued to the cardboard with PVA glue in advance. Then take the cereal of one color for now and pour it into a small container or saucer. For example, millet is suitable for chicken, because it is yellow.

Cereal application for children 1.5-3 years old

It is advisable to take on each lesson with finger games. This will help stretch your fingers in advance. If the baby is still small, then the mother can spread PVA glue inside the chicken mold herself using a brush or finger. But now we need to allow the little one to pour the millet with her hands directly onto the drawing. Here you need to teach him to shake off the excess grain into a bowl. Thus, the child will already receive a successful result of his work. It’s worth rejoicing with your child and hanging the work in the most visible place in a frame.

Small details can be decorated in advance with a felt-tip pen: beak, eyes. Children early age They just love children's folklore. They need to be taught using rhythmic counting rhymes, rhymes and nursery rhymes. For example, “The woman was sowing peas, and the woman said, “Oh.” Mom can teach such poems in advance in order to use them in time in creative classes.

Further applications can be complicated using a combination of various cereals and pasta. In this case, the child already glues some of the parts himself, placing them in the right place. As the child grows up, he will be able to apply glue with his finger.

Cereal applications for children 4-7 years old

By the age of 4-5, when children have already mastered the technology of gluing, the task can be complicated. Mom can prepare a sheet by smearing it with a thin layer of plasticine of the required background and pressing a design on it. And the child himself will take the cereal and paste over the outline and fill it from the inside. Here the child will need much more patience. In order not to discourage your child, you should not force him to finish the work right away, because preschoolers can hold their attention for a short time. The duration of classes is 15-20 minutes - this is normal.

In addition, applications can be combined with the study of the surrounding world and letters. For example, when making an elephant, you can emphasize that the word “Elephant” begins with the letter “C”. Also tell where elephants live, what sounds they make, what color they are, etc. In addition, the child masters the concepts geometric shapes, colors, symmetry, etc. At the same time, you need to introduce the baby to various techniques for laying out a pattern: chain, mosaic to the center, mosaic - “whirlwind”, “herringbone”.

In senior preschool age At 6-7 years old, the child will be able to make a background himself using plasticine and completely fill it with cereal to create a composition. Also, complicated plot-thematic applications are used with the child. For example, “Fish in the Aquarium”, “Flowers on the Lawn”. Volumetric applications- vases, pencil holders will take more time. To do this, you need to take a suitable jar or box and suggest first coating it with plasticine on top. And then the child himself fantasizes what patterns and designs to decorate the object with.

Schoolchildren and adults can also become interested in this type of creativity. Gradually from simple to complex it is possible to master artistic methods of moving from color to color in order to create beautiful paintings and crafts.

Lesson summary on DPI using unconventional technology performing an application for children 5-6 years old on the theme: “Tabby cat.”

Place of work: MBU DOLC "Raduga", Nizhny Tagil.

I used the image of a tabby cat, since the name of the studio is “Tabby Cat”, and this cat is also the logo of the studio.

Target: making a cat from buckwheat and millet groats

Educational objectives: teach children unconventional ways execution of the application; learn to navigate on a plane.

Developmental tasks: develop fine motor skills of the hands, creative imagination, study of the properties of various materials, tactile sensations, develop a sense of confidence, endurance;

Educational tasks: cultivate a caring attitude towards animals and nature.


- white paper A4

- red paper A4

- PVA glue

- scissors

- black felt-tip pen

- brush (for glue)

- buckwheat

- millet cereal

- container for cereals

- hairspray (for fixing)
Progress of the lesson: You can start the lesson by doing 2 riddles about a cat.

He arched his back,

Meowed. Who is this?

Stretched sweetly -

That's the whole mystery.


Even on an iron roof

He walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.

Will go hunting at night

And, like during the day, she sees everything.

Often sleeps, and after sleep

She washes herself.


Then continue finger gymnastics, asking the children to perform movements corresponding to the text:

The cat has four paws - raise and lower 4 fingers on both hands.

Claws can scratch - fingers move like claws.

It's not their face, but their muzzle - connect the fingers of both hands, forming a ball, separate the fingers in turn, lowering them down.

Tail, mustache, and wet nose - wave-like movements with the hand, “draw” a mustache, circular movements with the finger along the tip of the nose.

And, of course, ears - rub your ears with your palms.

Only at the top - massage two points on the crown of the head.

Teacher: guys, before you start the task, you have to guess what we have in two jars on the table? (Children should guess by touch what kind of cereal is there).

Teacher: What kind of seeds are these?

Children: Buckwheat and millet

Teacher: Where do they grow?

Children: In the fields.

Teacher: What is made from buckwheat and millet?

Children: Delicious porridge.

Teacher: And today we will make a cat from cereals.

Let's see how the technique of making a cat from cereals is performed! Children watch the teacher and repeat step by step with him.

Stages of work:

Step 1. Take a drawing (blank) of a cat.

Step 2. We prepare the necessary cereals (buckwheat and millet). Every child should have a jar of buckwheat and millet.

Step 3. We begin to gradually fill the contour with PVA glue quite thickly so that the cereal sticks well.

Step 4. We fill everything that the cat has with white with yellow cereal.

Step 5. We fill with black grain (buckwheat) everything that is black on our cat (eyes, mouth, nose, ears, stripes)

Step 6. After the glue has dried, carefully brush off the excess grain.

Step 7 Take the cut out mouth and glue it to the cat

Step 8 When all layers are dry, spray with hairspray to seal.

Teacher: Now guys, look how many cats we have, how beautiful and different they turned out. What can we do with our cats?

Children: Place it in a frame and decorate your room at home, give it to a friend for his birthday, or for the New Year.

Teacher: And now they will become friends and play together. Let's play too. We will now turn into cats and say: MEOW, MEOW, MEOW!!!

Teacher: Well done everyone today!

Finished works are displayed at the exhibition to be shown to parents.

Student work

Creative hour:

Application of cereals is an interesting and exciting activity. You can do such fun things not only in class, but also at home with the whole family. The created works can be given as a gift or left at home to complement the interior.



MSI "Krasnoyaruzhsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors"

Social rehabilitation


means of application from cereals

"Colorful grains"

Creative hour

Prepared by: teacher

Denisenko Alla Valentinovna

Krasnaya Yaruga village

Social rehabilitation of children with applications from cereals “Multi-colored grains”

Master class motto:“If you have patience, skill will come”

Creative hour:

Application of cereals is an interesting and exciting activity. You can do these fun activities not only in class, but also at home with the whole family. The created works can be given as a gift or left at home to complement the interior.

Purpose : can be used to decorate the interior of a children's room, as a gift to friends and acquaintances.


Conduct an experiment with cereals with children, introduce them to unconventional technology applications using various cereals.Create a work from seeds, buckwheat and millet groats.

Educational objectives:

Teach children unconventional methods of making appliqué, teach them to navigate on a plane.

Developmental tasks:

R develop fine motor skills, creative imagination, study the properties of various materials, tactile sensations, develop a sense of confidence, endurance.Develop accuracy in working with glue.

Educational tasks:

To instill in children the desire to create beautiful compositions from various cereals and seeds, combining a variety of materials.

Foster a caring attitude towards animals and nature.

Materials for work:

- Jars for cereals, cardboard, PVA glue, brushes, “eye and beak” blanks for additionaldecoration works.

Buckwheat, millet groats, seeds, red beans.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment

Hello girls and boys. I am glad to see you visiting us. Today we have gathered for a creative hour. Before we start creating, let's get to know each other and wish each other good luck in today's lesson.

I suggest you game "Magic Ball"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher passes a ball of thread to any child and says: “My name is A.V., I wish you good luck in today’s lesson,” then the child says his name, repeats the same words and passes it on to the next one, until the ball will not be in everyone's hands.

  1. Subject message.

Do you guys like to be creative, fantasize, invent, create?(children's answers)

I am sure that you are all brave dreamers, but some of you simply do not realize this.

Today I will introduce you to an unconventional appliqué technique.

IN artistic creativity You can use materials such as leaves, shells, threads, various cereals and much more.

Working with such objects develops imagination well. These activities are fun and interesting.

Our creative activity is called “Colorful grains”.

I want to give you a little excursion so you can see what beautiful work the guys and I have already done.

3. Exhibition of children's works.

Show the children the completed work. Children examine and discuss the technique of making the work.

Then the children go to the activity room. Sit down in the prepared places. The tables have everything you need for work. Calm nature music sounds.

  1. Making work.

Nature is a real storehouse of ideas for creativity, where every person who is not indifferent to beauty will find something to do to their liking. What could be more pleasant and noble natural material. When we come into contact with nature, we become kinder. And this kindness helps us create, giving space to imagination and creativity.

Guys, I suggest you guess the riddle about the forest bird, and then you will find out who we are talking about.

I'm sitting on a tree

I keep an eye on the spoils.

And if I see it, I’ll fly.

I'll definitely grab it.

There is a big head.

Do you recognize? I am... (Owl)

That's right, p There are many fairy tales, poems, and songs written about owls.

The teacher shows the children a presentation orillustration of an owl.Accompanied by a story.

The owl has a large head, which it can turn in all directions; there is almost no neck, or rather, it is not visible due to the lush motley plumage, which saves the owl from the winter cold.

Rounded wings and a wide short tail help it fly silently.

The owl is a predator that hunts only at night. Nature has awarded this bird with one feature: the owl’s eyes do not like bright daylight, and if it is pulled out of the nest during the day, it will be helpless, since in the light it big eyes They practically don’t see. Therefore, during the day she sleeps and does not crawl out of her hollow, and at night she sees perfectly in the dark.

“At night, an owl silently flies over the night clearing. A mouse will dart, rustle the leaves, the owl will catch it and return to the hollow again.”

Guys, today we are togetherlet's depict this amazing birdfrom various cereals.

But first, I suggest you listen to one interesting and amazing story that will tell you about cereal application:

“One day, seemingly unrelated objects gathered on the table: glue, brushes, paints, pencils, colored and white cardboard, colored paper, scissors.

“The workers are friendly - these things are necessary.” They all lay there and looked at each other with interest. But suddenly a thin rustling voice was heard, which was dissatisfied with something. It was semolina.

You are all such necessary and important things! You help people do serious work. And I – I’m only needed so that they can make porridge out of me, eat me and forget about me. How annoying and offensive this is! Indignation was also heard from other packages: buckwheat and rice, millet and even sunflower seeds, also expressed their dissatisfaction in an offended voice.

How do you think. What could a creative person do?

Certainly. He intervened in the conversation and tried to explain to them how good and healthy they are, and not only in porridge. That with the help of various cereals you can make drawings, beautiful, unforgettable appliqué!

Before we get started, let’s play with you a little and prepare our hands for work.

Finger gymnastics:

Oh, you Sovushka - an owl,

You're a big head!(form your hands into a ball)

You were sitting on a tree, (spread your fingers, showing the tree)

She kept turning her head.(fold your hands into a ball and rotate)

Fell into the grass(put your hands on your knees)

She rolled into a hole.(twist your hands)

  1. Practical part

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that everyone has plates with various cereals on their table, offers to examine them to see what they feel like, and clarifies the name.

- Guys, before we start the task, let's see what kind of cereals you have on your plates on the table?

(Children should guess by touch what kind of cereal is there).

Touch the buckwheat(millet, seeds)?

- Where do they grow?(In the margins)

- What is made from buckwheat, millet and seeds?(Delicious porridge, sunflower oil)

- Today we will make an Owl from cereals and seeds and decorate it with red beans.

I will now show you the technique of making an Owl from cereals.

Children watch the teacher and repeat step by step with him. The teacher offers to depict this amazing bird and, together with the younger children, discusses, based on the illustration, the features of the owl’s appearance: the body along with the head oval shape, large round eyes with black pupils, triangular beak, rounded wings, motley plumage.

Stages of work:

During the application I carry out individual work, I remind you of the next step of work.

Step 1. Take a drawing (blank) of an Owl.

Step 2. We prepare the necessary cereals (buckwheat, millet, sunflower seeds, red beans).

Each child should have a plate with buckwheat, millet, and seeds.

Step 3. We begin to gradually fill the contour with glue PVA, apply the glue quite thickly,so that the cereal sticks well.

We use the “Sprinkling” technique, take a pinch of millet (another grain) and sprinkle this surface. For convenience, you can take a match and use it to adjust the grain along the contour.

Step 4. We fill the cheeks and eyes of the Owl with yellow grain (millet).

Step 5. Fill with cereal brown(buckwheat) feathers on the head, wings.

Step 6. We fill the Owl’s tummy, the forelock on its head, and the feathers on its wings with seeds.

Step 7 Glue red beans onto the paws - claws.

Step 8 After the glue has dried, carefully pour the excess cereal into a plate.

Step 9 We take the pre-prepared “eyes and beak” and glue it on top of the rump on the Owl’s head.

Step10. When all layers are dry, spray with hairspray to seal.

6. Summary of the lesson

After all the children have completed the work, once again clarify what kind of bird we made, what cereals we used in the work.

Paying attention to the jars of cereals.

Look how happy the cereals were and how they started smiling! They understood their importance and necessity. They promised never to grumble or complain again! I would like to end this amazing story on such a good note.

The teacher looks at the resulting pictures together with the children. Finds out why the work was done.

(Place in a frame and decorate a room at home, give to a friend for his birthday, etc.)

Finished works are displayed at the exhibition to be shown to parents.


Game "Magic Ball"

Children stand in a circle, with a ball in the hands of the teacher. The children are given a ball in turn and told what they learned to do, what they liked, what they remembered, what difficulties did you encounter while doing this work?

This concludes our creative hour.Well done everyone today!

Bring joy by making various crafts not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. And you will also enjoy it!

Making crafts from cereals with your own hands is much easier than it seems at first glance; it is interesting for both children and adults. The main advantage of crafts made from cereals is originality, because even adults will examine the finished work, peering into the details. Not everyone will be able to guess what material was used, especially when viewed from afar. If a picture made in grains hangs on the same row with standard drawings, it will look brighter and more memorable.

Advantages of the idea

Originality is not the only reason to teach a child to make such crafts. Today, many parents teach their children to use gadgets from childhood, so that they quickly master the technology, but suffer mental development, which directly depends on fine motor skills hands Simply put, children are not accustomed to working with small parts, because of this their ability to learn and develop rapidly decreases.

Such problems arise especially often in families living in apartments; in such conditions, children may not even have the opportunity to play in the sand. Caring parents understand how important it is to take care of the child’s development, so the idea of ​​​​making crafts from cereals attracts them. A pleasant advantage of this activity is that the finished work is great option for gifts to grandparents and other relatives, so that the child learns from childhood to please others.

Psychologists say that children with whom parents do needlework with early years, in the future they tend to learn new things faster, perceive information, and develop. Even in adult life They will be helped by perseverance, hard work and diligence acquired from childhood.

Where to start?

First, you need to make sure that the child is at an age when such an activity will be not only useful for him, but also interesting. Forcing children at a very young age to do something together is dangerous, as this may discourage them from spending time with their parents in the future.

There are no specific age restrictions. Every child has a moment when he begins to take an active interest in drawing: a pack of blank paper can last for a day, and the young “artist’s” marks appear on the wallpaper and other furniture in the house. This is the time to channel your child’s energy into creative development.

At the same time, children going to kindergarten and primary school, there is also a need to develop fine motor skills and perseverance. It happens that a child seems to be an uncreative person - nothing related to drawing arouses his interest. Then the parents have to invent something, original idea and there will be crafts made from cereals.

The first thing you need to start with is choosing the right cereal. It is better not to be guided by the principle of “why don’t you mind”, but to think about how it will be more convenient for the child to work.

The main rule for choosing material is the smaller the better.

Using just one grain will be boring, so after coming up with an idea for a design, you need to choose different options. You can paint the selected material in different colors, some people like to dye semolina. You also need to prepare a flat surface, it can be part of the table or a tray, dish, or other flat vessel.


Preparing the template is the task of the parents, because the child cannot cope with it. Finite appearance The finished work will depend on the selected and drawn template. It is important that the drawing consists of large parts; it is necessary to calculate that there are no more of them than there are variations of different grains available.


The easiest way is to pick up a design from coloring books or children's books than to come up with it yourself. Most coloring books designed for childhood up to 3 years old, contain just simple pictures with large parts, they can simply be redrawn.

Along with choosing a template, you need to prepare a basis, it can be anything:

Of course, the more complex the base, the more difficult it is to apply the design, so if you are practicing the craft for the first time, it is best to use thick cardboard. For this base you will need PVA glue and a brush for applying it.

An alternative to gluing the cereal is to press it into the plasticine. This technique also looks bright and original, but for the first time it is better to stick to it and then experiment.

How to do it?

Let's look at an example of how to implement applique ideas based on a template. The entire process of making crafts consists of several stages:

Select and print the template. This method of preparing a template is the easiest; on the Internet you can find many simple drawings with large details and print them. You can use other methods - redraw, and if you have artistic inclinations, even draw by hand, but it is important to try to ensure that the contours and lines are as smooth as possible.

Blow off any remaining cereal that accidentally gets into the drawing and leave it to dry.. This may take about 10 minutes, if a lot of glue was applied, then more.

After this, you can use paints; this should be done if you did not initially paint the cereal, but there is such a need. It is also convenient to paint small details with paints.:

  • eyes;
  • buttons.

It is best to use acrylic paints.

After the work has completely dried, it can be hung in a frame or used as decor in a child’s room.


The easiest cereal to use is semolina. It is easy to paint, it is easy to apply, and holds well in a child’s little fingers.

From cereals and pasta

Pasta is an excellent crafting tool. Many people use them for various decorative purposes, for example, decorating a Christmas tree, making candlesticks and many other crafts. And all because the variety of pasta shapes allows you to do this.

Such crafts are made according to the same principle as those made simply from cereals. To begin with, a template is selected, then the parent determines which parts of the drawing will be made with cereals and which with pasta. Then, using glue and a brush, first large, then small parts are painted one by one, and the prepared material is glued.

However, some types of pasta are difficult to glue due to their weight, so the material chosen for the base of such an applique must be durable; ordinary paper will definitely not work, and if you choose cardboard, it will be hard. If you can’t glue the product, you can sew it on. Pasta in the shape of wheels and spirals looks beautiful; you can simply grab them with a few stitches of a needle and thread.

Of course, this part of the process is carried out by parents, especially if the children are very young. If the child is already entering school, then performing such a craft may be a suitable reason to teach the child how to use a needle. Usually the pasta is attached to the finished drawing at the very end of the work.

The advantage of pasta is that it is easy to paint it in the desired color. Therefore, when making crafts from cereals, think about what you can decorate in it and try using pasta for this.

If you've chosen a puppy template, why not add a leash with a wheel-shaped spaghetti 'icon' on it, or why not use them for the snowman's buttons.


Many stores sell multi-colored pasta - they look great in crafts.

Crafts for hair decorations made from pasta

Pasta can be used not only with cereals, but also as the main material for work. Manufacturers of pasta seem to be specially developing beautiful designs so that craftsmen can use them not only for cooking.

Hair decorations with pasta look especially original. Few people will guess how they were made, but no child will definitely have the same accessory. There are several options for using pasta to make jewelry:

1 Hoop. All you need is to buy a plain headband, it should not be too thin so that the pattern can fit on it. Pasta in the form of spikelets glued along its entire length looks beautiful, especially if they are pre-painted silver or gold.

2 Crown. Using the same plain headband you can make a crown for a little princess. To do this, you need to select several types of pasta; it is convenient to use wheels of different sizes. You need to design the shape in advance, and then glue them in rows.

3 Small hairpins. A suitable pasta shape for this is bows; they can be decorated in any colors, even with patterns. After this, the bow is attached with glue to a bobby pin or small hairpin so that it is not visible.

You can prepare several hairpins for different outfits. Under a blue dress with white polka dots, make a bow of that color, under a striped one - striped, and so on. The young fashionista will be delighted with such an abundance of jewelry.

Pasta accessories

Pasta can be used to make more than just hair decorations. Everything that girls love to wear, beads, bracelets, earrings, can be made from this material. How much joy a child will have if parents don’t just buy jewelry in a store, but take the time to make it themselves with their children.

The easiest way to make beads is from pasta in a shape that is strung on a thread. Can be used different types, painting them in different colors. It is important that the thread is strong; if it is thick and looks ugly from under the “beads”, you need to match it to the color or simply paint it.

Beads with pasta in the form of bows look beautiful. It is impossible to string them on a thread, so this work is more painstaking and takes more time.


Each bow must be tied in the middle with a thread, secured to a knot, then move on to the next one.

You can make beads and bracelets by combining pasta with regular beads. You can design not just one thing, but a whole set, complementing it with a hairpin in the same style. Such sets " jewelry"look stylish and original.

New Year's crafts

The easiest way to use cereal for New Year's crafts- do New Year cards together with the child, which he can give on his behalf to relatives and friends. To do this, you need to choose a simple New Year-themed drawing template, print it, transfer it to cardboard, and decorate it with cereals.

A common idea is christmas tree. You can draw it yourself without using a template. The selected small grains must be pre-painted in green, let dry and use for drawing, in this case it consists of one large piece. You can decorate the Christmas tree with beautifully shaped pasta, such as bows.

Small crafts that can be hung on a wall, window, or Christmas tree look original. To do this, you need to cut out New Year's figures from cardboard. There's a lot you can do different options and hang them together like a continuous garland. Good options would be:

It’s easy to draw and cut out all these shapes along the contour, and you can decorate them with grains in different ways, because each of them is one continuous piece. For example, the “fur” of a mitten can be made from rice, and the rest from any other cereal. If there are many children in the family, this idea will be especially good options, because every child can show creativity, sometimes parents themselves are surprised at how many things little dreamers can come up with.

Christmas tree toys made from cereals

Typical glass Christmas tree decorations are a thing of the past; many creative ideas, which can be used. One of the popular ones is the use of cereals. For many, it is surprising that you can not only decorate a finished ball with it, but make it from scratch.

This craft won’t take much time; if at first glance the idea seems complicated, just try it. Manufacturing takes place in several stages:

  • We take a newspaper and roll it into a ball. How much material to take depends on the size of the expected toy. If you are doing it for the first time, you shouldn’t make a big one right away, but you don’t need to make it very small either - it will be awkward to hold in your hands.
  • We give the ball the correct round shape using threads. To do this, you just need to start winding them in a circle, periodically changing direction, as if rolling them into a ball. When the shape is smooth, secure the ends of the thread by making a small knot.
  • We prepare the cereal that we will use for decoration, pour it into a plate. Buckwheat toys look elegant.
  • Spread PVA glue on top of the threads using a brush, envelop it in a plate. If there are empty spaces to which the grains are not attached, lubricate them with glue and add them using tweezers.
  • We take spray paint, preferably gold in color, spray it on the toy, and leave it to dry. It is advisable to match the color of the spray to the color of the cereal used; gold looks good on buckwheat, silver on rice and semolina.

You can choose any animal, imagine what kind of cereal or pasta of a certain shape can be used to make it. All you need to do is turn on your imagination, look at a picture of the animal, think about what its fur, body shape, and other features look like. Let's consider, for example, a hedgehog based on puff pastry, but using this idea, you can come up with your own options:

  • Cooking salt dough: for 2 cups of flour take 1 cup of salt and 250 water at room temperature. Knead the dough, give it the desired shape. This is easy to do, since the softened salt dough is similar to plasticine.
  • For needles, oblong-shaped pasta is best suited - let's take spiral pasta. Let's paint them silver using spray paint. When they dry, you can make needles.
  • Visually draw a line that separates the muzzle from the body, lubricate the edges of the pasta with glue, place a “needle”, and press down lightly. We start moving from the muzzle, because if the last row turns out to be uneven, it should not be visible.
  • We paint the rest of the dough with silver spray paint, make eyes, a nose, and a mouth. To do this, you can also take pasta - star crayons; if you don’t paint them, they will stand out well. You can also take beads and place them on glue.

You can decorate such a hedgehog in any way you like: make it a bow out of pasta, put some small craft on its needles, or simply make it colorful.